GOS :: Volume #11

#1062: Ghost jellyfish

In the impression of Shi Yan, Ring Spirit little all makes much ado about nothing, this time so is unexpectedly unusual, his heart sinks, suddenly realized that the situation is quite not possibly wonderful. 石岩的印象中,戒灵很少全大惊小怪,这次居然如此反常,他心一沉,忽然意识到情况可能极为不妙。 This gadget is extremely difficult to deal with, whole body is violently poisonous, it may be said that the source of toxin, takes swallowing various violently poisonous thing as to live, is in the universe the most fearful life.” The consciousness of Ring Spirit is dignified, said: Do not provoke it, by your Realm power, at is not the match.” “这玩意极难应付,浑身皆是剧毒,可谓毒之源头,以吞食各类剧毒之物为生,是宇宙中一种最为可怕的生灵。”戒灵的意识非常凝重,道:“你别招惹它,以你的境界力量,根本不是对手。” Ring Spirit makes Shi Yan give up unexpectedly from the beginning. 戒灵居然一开始就让石岩放弃。 Is the partner the thing?” The Shi Yan complexion changes, persists in inquiring. “到底是伴么东西?”石岩脸色微变,还是坚持询问。 It called the ghost jellyfish, was in the universe a special life form, not having the skeleton, the body latticework on a carriage to stick, was quite huge, the body has holes, can emit the toxic smoke unceasingly, these toxic smokes were containing various types of toxin.” “它叫亡魂水母,是宇宙中一种特殊的生命形态,没有骨骼,皮肉轱糊,极为庞大,身上有着一个个孔,能不断地放射着毒烟,那些毒烟蕴藏着各种毒素。” Ring Spirit explained slowly: Ghost jellyfish, if appears in the star territory, star territory quick life extinguish, all lives will be killed by poison. Before this thing, has appeared, making two star territories both turn into deathly silence, a life cannot survive.” 戒灵缓缓解释:“亡魂水母如果在星域出现,一个星域会很快生灵涂炭,所有生灵都会被毒死。这东西以前出现过,让两个星域都变成死寂,没有一个生灵可以存活。” It generally is in extremely cold sea, the escape will not come out, but it has released the toxic smoke. These toxic smokes volatilize, so long as the life moves slightly, will be killed by poison.” “它一般处在极寒海洋内,不会从中飞逸出来,但它会一直释放毒烟。那些毒烟挥发出来,生灵只要稍稍碰触,都会被毒死。” „Doesn't it have the weakness?” Shi Yan with amazement, achieves Origin God Boundary Expert, doesn't have the means to contend with it?” “难道它就没有弱点?”石岩骇然,“达到始神境强者,也没办法抗衡它?” This must look to achieve existence of Origin God, what cultivation was any deep meaning.” Ring Spirit sighed, you, if achieves Origin God Boundary, may cope with it actually, but can also obtain the greatest advantage. But others, even if achieves Origin God, is also at wit's end.” “这要看达到始神的存在,修炼的是什么奥义了。”戒灵叹了一口气,“你如果达到始神境界,倒是有可能对付它,还能得到莫大好处。但别人,即便达到始神,对它也无计可施。” Said?” “怎么说?” Must fuses the Essence flame, fuses Heavenly Flame Expert, after breakthrough to Origin God Boundary, “必须是融合本源火焰,也就是融合天火强者,突破始神境 Can refine it. Must refine it, must to burning down urge to send the side cold sea that it hides first then can injure to its body. ” 才能炼化它。要炼化它,必须要先将它藏身的极寒海洋给焚烧催发这才可以伤害到它的身体。” Doesn't have other method except for the flame?” “除了火焰就没有别的方法?” Ghost jellyfish God Body situated in liquid and solid state, body ripped fragmentation, can agglutinate rapidly, is almost the body of Immortal. The attack of any physics, is very difficult to be effective on it, its toxin can also invade in Soul Altar, moreover its soul is also strange, is combines by the different soul consciousness, a soul was routed, can duplicate also only then achieves Origin God has Essence flame “亡魂水母神体介于液态和固态之间,肢体被撕裂成碎片,也可以迅速粘合起来,几乎是不死之身。任何物理的攻击,在它身上都很难奏效,它的毒素还能侵入灵魂祭台内,而且它的灵魂也非常怪异,是由不同的魂魄意识组合起来的,一个魂魄被击溃了,又可以重新复制出来也只有达到始神的拥有本源火焰者 Is capable of building up directly. ” 才有能力直接炼化掉。” Can breed to produce the Essence flame, has Ancient Continent, however in the vast star territory, Ancient Continent is quite scarce rarely. Can obtain the Essence flame, and fuses the soul thoroughly, was scarcer, achieves beginning Divine level other, almost not obvious. Could not find this kind of character, do not want to start to the ghost jellyfish, that will only bring upon oneself dully “能孕育产生本源火焰的,只有古大陆,然而浩淼星域中,古大陆却极为稀少罕见。能够得到本源火焰,并且彻底融合灵魂的,就更加稀少了,达到始神级别的,几乎不可见。找不到这类人物,就别想对亡魂水母下手,那只会自找没趣 Ends up to turn out the relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish fate. ” 落得个形神俱灭的下场。” cultivation Space Deep Meaning, achieves other beginning Divine level existence, can cope with it?” Shi Yan gave to narrate clearly a point the situation. 修炼空间奥义,达到始神级别的存在,能否对付它?”石岩将情况又给讲述清楚了一分。 „Did some people cut the space to throw the entering the sea ocean floor your friend?” Ring Spirit has gawked, said: cultivation Space Deep Meaning, can achieve Origin God Expert, refining up the ghost jellyfish, has the strength of self-preservation. If you can also find to achieve Origin God Space Deep Meaning, could use the similar method, rescues from under space them, actually cannot massacre the ghost jellyfish. However, cultivation Space Deep Meaning, can breakthrough Origin God, fuse the Essence flame Origin God Expert to be possible scarcely compared with these, this person was more difficult to seek.” “有人切割了空间将你朋友丢入海洋底?”戒灵愣了一下,说道:“修炼空间奥义,能够达到始神强者,炼化不掉亡魂水母,却有自保之力。如果你也能够找到达到始神空间奥义者,或许可以利用同样的方法,将他们从底下空间解救出来,却不能杀掉亡魂水母。但是,修炼空间奥义,又能突破始神的,比那些融合本源火焰的始神强者可能还要稀少,这种人更难寻找了。” , Ring Spirit also said: Enemy is this kind of Expert, similarly existence of rank, not necessarily can the space that he cuts transferring, this road is more difficult, I look invalid.” 顿了一下,戒灵又说道:“敌人就是这类强者,同样级别的存在,不一定就可以将他切割的空间给挪移出来,这条路更加艰难,我看行不通。” The Shi Yan annoyed intent was dry, listening to Ring Spirit saying that this not good that was also improper, was gradually impatient, you seriously did not have means.” 石岩心烦意燥,听戒灵说这也不行那也不妥,渐渐不耐烦起来,“你难道就当真没有一点办法。” Means may also the opportunity be uncertain, but must think you.” Ring Spirit is thinking over, the secret ponder, the good half sound to give one news that makes the Shi Yan facial expression shake. “办法也有一个可机会渺茫,还要看你自己。”戒灵掂量着,暗暗思考,好半响才给出一个让石岩神情一震的消息。 How to do specifically?” “具体怎么做?” Must look to achieve Origin God, fuses the Essence flame Expert. The average men must seek them, countless sufferings and hardships, but is sought by you, is a little possible......” “还是要找达到始神的,融合本源火焰的强者。常人要寻他们,千难万难,但由你来寻找,还是有点可能的……” How does seek for the law?” “怎么个寻找法?” Goes to the deep meaning source. Fuses Essence flame, the soul can move into the deep meaning source, wanders the words that in inside, if your luck is good, could meet Origin God Expert of other star territory, if you can find, the opposite party also knows that the mystery of ghost jellyfish, should surmount the star territory to walk. I have said that exists to these, the ghost jellyfish makes them palpitate with excitement sufficiently. “去奥义源头吧。融合本源火焰者,灵魂可以入驻奥义源头,在里面游荡的话,你运气如果好,或许能够碰见别的星域的始神强者,如果你能找到,对方也知道亡魂水母的奥妙,应该会跨越星域走一趟。我说过,对那些存在来说,亡魂水母足以让他们怦然心动。 Has the advantage to them?” “对他们有好处?” Advantage is enormous, they will certainly move, the premise is, they know wonderful of ghost jellyfish.” “好处极大,他们一定会动心,前提是,他们知道亡魂水母的神妙。” Good, I attempt.” “好吧,我尝试尝试。” Goes to the deep meaning source, seeks in the most turbulent flame deep meaning area, other mysterious regions do not go to manage.” “去奥义源头,在最汹涌的火焰奥义区寻找,其余奥头区域不要去管。” understood.” 知道了。” With the exchange conclusion of Ring Spirit, in that extremely cold sea hesitant for a long time, he is pulling Zuo Shi, suddenly is far away from this rapidly, returns according to the old route. 戒灵的交流结束,在那极寒海洋犹豫了许久,他牵着左诗的后,忽然迅速远离这一块,按照原路返回。 You why? Gave up?” Zuo Shi is astonished however puzzled, the small hand made an effort to work loose, stubborn say|way: I also want to save them.” “你干吗?放弃了?”左诗讶然不解,小手用力挣脱了一下,倔强道:“我还想救他们呢。” This place non- night stays for a long time, perhaps some direction has the informer under that Space Deep Meaning arrange, our whereabouts has exposed, will find the way the opportunity to be recorded 1 to seize continually. ” Does not attend to Zuo Shi struggling, the Shi Yan big hand tightened, drags Zuo Shi to leave stiffly, leaves here to try to find the solution again, I am naturally impossible to sit by and do nothing.” 此地不宵久留,说不定某个方向有那名空间奥义者布下的眼线,我们行踪暴露了,连想办法的机会都会被录1夺。”不顾左诗挣扎,石岩大手紧了紧,硬生生拖着左诗离开,“离开这里再想办法,我自然不可能坐视不管。” Gave him such a saying, Zuo Shi is obedient was peaceful. 给他这么一说,左诗才听话的安静下来。 They return discovered that Saint Beast Black Tortoise that flying meteor, stays again in the meteor, Shi Yan deeply inspires, said to Zuo Shi: I must rack one's brains some time, here, you do not disturb me.” 两人又重返发现圣兽玄武的那颗飞逝流星,重新在流星内部停留下来,石岩深吸一口气,对左诗道:“我要苦思一段时间,就在这儿,你别打搅我。” Zuo Shi looks at he, what do you have to plan?” 左诗怔怔的看着他,“你是不是有什么打算?” Un, the plan, opportunity is a little uncertain, but must try.” Shi Yan nods. “嗯,有点计划,机会很渺茫,可总要试试。”石岩点头。 Zuo Shi has not said at once anything, sits silently before his body, clever has not moved heedlessly. 左诗旋即没有多说什么,在他身前默默坐下来,乖巧的没有乱动。 The next quarter, she then discovered that Shi Yan God Body shakes slightly, the beautiful pupil has shone suddenly, flickers looks to Shi Yan that does not move, amazed is covering the mouth, did not call out in alarm by oneself makes noise. 下一刻,她便发现石岩神体微微一震,美眸霍然亮了起来,一瞬不移的看向石岩,惊诧的掩着口,不让自己惊叫出声。 She discovered after Shi Yan God Body shakes loudly, the soul as if left the hole, in her present Shi Yan, as if only remains a body, did not have a wee bit soul fluctuations, this discovery made Zuo Shi with amazement surprised, being perplexed of beautiful pupil delay. 她发现石岩神体轰然一震过后,灵魂仿佛出窍了,在她眼前的石岩,似乎只剩一具躯壳,没有了一丁点的灵魂波动,这个发现让左诗骇然惊奇,美眸呆滞的不明所以。 Zuo Shi his instruction, does not dare to make noise to disturb sincerely, has not made other movement, such lost looks to her, is careful secretly. 左诗谨记他的吩咐,不敢出声打搅,也没有做别的动作,就这么出神的看向她,暗暗小心着。 Although why she not clear Shi Yan appears so unusually, but she knows that this moment Shi Yan is not at the defended condition, if there is a outside world person to attack, he does not have the means resistance, Zuo Shi understands at heart that Shi Yan is trusts her absolutely, such optional enters this strange condition. 她虽然不清楚石岩为何出现如此异常,但她知道,这一刻的石岩处于不设防状态,如果有外界人攻击,他根本就没办法抵御,左诗心里明白,石岩是对她绝对的信任,才会这么随意的进入这个诡异状态。 Zuo Shi is moved is terrified, sets firm resolve secretly, when Shi Yan is at this condition, must protect him fully, making him not be disturbed. 左诗又是感动又是惶恐,暗暗下定决心,在石岩处于这状态的时候,要全力守护他,让他不受打搅。 Marvelous deep meaning source, two groups of spooky Ghost Flame souls is fluttering, this is the Shi Yan main soul and vice- soul. 奇妙的奥义源头,两团幽幽鬼火般的灵魂飘荡着,这是石岩的主魂、副魂。 He enters this marvelous space each time, in the specific region, does not have a displacement, before his Realm in Source God, the region that two groups of souls can touch is limited, but after breakthrough to Void God, his soul energy achieves the enormous promotion, the range that can move greatly is strengthened. 他每次进入这奇妙的空间,都在特定的区域,没有一次偏移,以前他境界源神,两团灵魂可以触及的区域有限,但突破虚神以后,他的灵魂能量达到极大提升,可以活动的范围大大增强。 He starts toward not the familiar strange territory exploration. 他开始往不熟悉的陌生领地探索。 He has been thinking the matter of ghost jellyfish, more wants to be restless, according to terrifying of ghost jellyfish Ring Spirit said that relates position that the ghost jellyfish is, he caught Mirage Clan and God Clan intention faintly. 他一直在想亡魂水母的事,越想越是不安,按照戒灵所说的亡魂水母的恐怖,联系起亡魂水母所在的位置,他隐隐捕捉到幽影族神族的意图了。 The ghost jellyfish in void passage, the Agate Star Field birthplace links passage of God Clan Ancient God star territory at this time, by the characteristics of ghost jellyfish, once arrives at a star territory, is the biggest nightmare of entire star territory. 亡魂水母此时在虚空通道,玛琊星域贯连神族古神星域的通道,以亡魂水母的特性,一旦降临一个星域,便是整个星域的最大噩梦。 God Clan and Mirage Clan make the ghost jellyfish, actually wants to make anything, he understood gradually. 神族幽影族将亡魂水母弄来,到底想做什么,他渐渐明了了。 Sees things in others'shoes, if he is God Clan and Mirage Clan clansman, can wrest away Agate Star Field, and race and influence of relaxed captive entire star territory, this naturally is the most ideal result. 换位思考,如果他是神族幽影族的族人,能够将玛琊星域霸占,并且轻松俘虏整个星域的种族和势力,这自然是最理想的结果。 But if were revolted by the force, suffered frustration, takes God Clan and Mirage Clan huge damage as the price, can the gain does not equal the loss? 但要是遭受强力的反抗,遭受了挫败,以神族幽影族巨大损伤为代价,会不会得不偿失? Has better means? 有没有更好的办法? If the motion is not smooth, by God Clan and Mirage Clan method and ruthless severe, sends into exile Agate Star Field the ghost jellyfish, what role will play? 要是行动不顺利,以神族幽影族的手段和狠厉,将亡魂水母放逐到玛琊星域,会起到什么样的作用? He spills over the absolutely terrified feeling suddenly. 他忽然泛出毛骨悚然的感觉。 Puts in Agate Star Field the ghost jellyfish, the ghost jellyfish is releasing the toxic smoke unceasingly, enables an entire Agate Star Field life not to survive Agate Star Field major race all parties influence life killing by poison gradually, then ghost jellyfish transferring, that Agate Star Field has become God Clan and Mirage Clan is in sole possession of the region? Can't not have any restraint mining mine, general territory all commodities wresting away? 将亡魂水母放入玛琊星域,亡魂水母不断释放着毒烟,渐渐将玛琊星域各大种族各方势力生灵毒死使得整个玛琊星域没有一个生灵存活,然后再将亡魂水母给挪移走,那玛琊星域岂不是就成了神族幽影族的独有区域?不是可以没有任何束缚的开采矿场,将星域一切物资给霸占? Thinks that he catches God Clan and Mirage Clan accurate intention immediately, a heart sinks to the valley. 这么一想,他立即捕捉到神族幽影族的准确意图,一颗心不由地沉入谷底。 Quite ruthless! 好狠! In order to obtain a star territory, does not hesitate to slaughter the entire star territory race influence life completely, trillion lives all dissipate, this method is simply heartless, wants compared with the worst cruel person fearfully evil and cruel. 为了得到一处星域,不惜将整个星域种族势力生灵全部屠杀,亿万生灵都全部消散,这种手段简直丧尽天良,比最邪恶暴戾的人还要可怕歹毒。 He knows finally why God Clan encountered universe other reason of star territory life continuously contradiction. 他终于知道为什么神族遭到宇宙别的星域生灵一直抵触的原因了。 He understands that he must solve ghost jellyfish, otherwise Agate Star Field will certainly life extinguish, anybody unable to recall. 他明白他必须解决亡魂水母,不然玛琊星域必将生灵涂炭,没有任何人能够挽回。 He is gradually urgent. 他渐渐急迫。 In the marvelous deep meaning source, he patrols for a long time, had still not seen that exists with his similar soul, the boundless universe has numerous star territories, has does not know many hundred million life Expert, but can enter this place is quite scarce. 在奇妙的奥义源头,他游弋许久,依然未曾见到一个和他类似的灵魂存在,无垠宇宙有众多星域,有不知道多少亿的生灵强者,但能进入此地的却极为稀少。 He knows that must look at the luck, but he is anxious now, impatient must seek for other beginning Divine level fusion Essence flame. 他知道要看运气,可他如今非常急切,心急如火的要寻找始神级别的融合本源火焰者。 He starts to try to fly, two groups of souls such as two meteors are paddling, seeks for the flame deep meaning crowded region by Soul Consciousness. 他开始尽全力飞逝,两团灵魂如两条流星划动着,以灵魂意识找寻火焰奥义密集的区域。 After a long time, his soul moves suddenly, suddenly realized that a flame deep meaning connection the sector, Divine Soul reacted, closes up hurriedly fast. 不知道过了多久,他灵魂骤然一动,忽然察觉到一处火焰奥义交汇的区间,神魂震动,急忙快速靠拢过去。
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