GOS :: Volume #11

#1061: Poisonous sea

Drop of dark red Immortal Devil Blood seethes with excitement for the smog, dodges to pass in void, does not know that flows to where. 一滴殷红的不死魔血沸腾为烟雾,在虚空中一闪而逝,不知道流向何处。 Zuo Shi frowns, curious looks at Shi Yan, the bright eyes glisten. 左诗皱着眉头,好奇的看着石岩,明眸闪亮。 Shi Yan is narrowing the eye slightly, is relying on the mysterious induction of Devil Blood, Devil Blood is mysterious, he in Lie Yan Star Field, can use the life fluctuation of Devil Blood sensation to Grace Mainland on the past family member, now his Realm achieves Void God, is more profound to the Devil Blood cognition, regardless of Blood Devil they went to where, at his perception area, can catch the clues. 石岩微微眯着眼睛,凭借着魔血的奥妙感应,魔血非常神奇,他当年在烈焰星域的时候,可以用魔血感知到神恩大陆上亲人的生命波动,如今他境界达到虚神,对魔血的认知更加深刻,不论血魔他们去了何处,以他的感知范围,都可以捕捉到蛛丝马迹。 After a while, his eye glistens, sinking sound track: Found.” 过了一会儿,他眼睛闪亮起来,沉声道:“找到了。” Is actuating War Chariot, he and Zuo Shi speed along toward the front, the speed is extremely fast. 驱动着战车,他和左诗朝着前方飞驰,速度极快。 After half double-hour, he arrives at Shadow Ghost Prison to be most mysterious the mysterious place, these are interweaving Outer Territory stream ray, space slit of tearing. 半个时辰后,他来到暗影鬼狱最为神奇玄奥的地方,那些交织着域外流光,有一道道撕裂的空间缝隙。 This is Agate Star Field to other star territory entrance, that space slit, can connect outside world. 这是玛琊星域通往别的星域入口,那一个个空间缝隙,很多可以连通外界 Naturally, most space passage, are in the shape of jamming, in some passage is even containing the terrifying bad risk, that if perplexed worms one's way into, perhaps compared with facing the high Realm enemy dies also quick. 当然,其中大多数的空间通道,都处于堵塞的形态,有的通道内甚至蕴藏着恐怖的凶险,如果不明所以的一头钻进去,或许比面对高境界者敌人死的还快。 In void passage, has all sorts of marvelousness, is not cultivation Space Deep Meaning, often does not dare to move easily, in order to avoid ends up to turn out the divine soul entirely extinguished fate. 虚空通道内,有着种种奇妙,不是修炼空间奥义者,往往不敢轻易碰触,以免落得个神魂俱灭的下场。 Many space slits.” A Zuo Shi face was curious and we initially Grace Mainland the sea was a little similar.” “好多空间缝隙。”左诗一脸好奇“和我们当初神恩大陆的界海有点相似呀。” Shi Yan nodded among heaven and earth has marvelousness, a lot of space star territory intercommunication, to Expert, if Realm power is enough, can shuttle back and forth in the different star territories using space passage. It is said before early extremely early, the major star territory communications is extremely close. Trade, in resources by own star territory, will receive in exchange the cultivation material of other star territory.” 石岩点了点头天地间有奇妙,很多空间星域互通,对强者来说,如果境界力量足够,能够利用空间通道在不同星域穿梭。据说在极早极早以前,各大星域来往非常密切。相互间会进行贸易,以自己星域内的资源,来换取别的星域的修炼材料。” Now isn't this?” Zuo Shi is astonished however. “现在难道不是这样么?”左诗讶然。 The Shi Yan forced smile, shakes the head saying: Was not this.” 石岩苦笑,摇头说道:“不是这样了。” Why?” “为什么?” Because any life cannot get rid greedily **?” “因为任何生灵都摆脱不了贪婪**?” Said?” “怎么说?” „Before extremely early extremely early, the major races take breakthrough oneself as the most important goal, many races peace-loving. Will not encroach upon others on own initiative. But afterward, some races rose slowly, power influence gradual great strength, gradually no longer law-abiding, they will invade other star territory.” “极早极早之前,各大种族都以突破自身为首要目的,很多种族爱好和平。不会主动侵犯别人。但后来,一些种族慢慢崛起,力量势力逐渐的强大,渐渐不再安分,他们会侵略别的星域。” . Shi Yan continues to explain: „The different star territories have the different races, there are different Warrior influences, for example the high Level star territory, Warrior overall Realm power is often higher than plans. If had discovered to them new star territory, that star territory is low Level. Warrior overall power is somewhat low. The take care of these people of their good intention, instead will not slaughter, plunder resources.” 顿了一下。石岩继续解释:“不同的星域有不同的种族,有不同的武者势力,譬如高等级星域,武者的整体境界力量往往高出一筹。如果给他们发现了新的星域,那星域又是低等级的。武者整体力量偏低。他们不会好心的照顾那些人,反而会大开杀戒,掠夺资源。” Zuo Shi was not stupid, gives him such a saying, immediately understood. 左诗并不笨,给他这么一说,马上明白了过来。 Is just like our Grace Mainland, if makes Agate Star Field Expert enter through void passage. You should know that what Grace Mainland will suffer?” Shi Yan sighed one „the best situation. Also was given captive by the strong presence, but might also be exterminated the life directly.” “好比我们神恩大陆,如果让玛琊星域强者通过虚空通道进驻。你应该知道神恩大陆会遭受什么?”石岩叹了一口“最好的情况。也是被强大势力给俘虏,还有可能被直接灭绝了生灵。” He continues to explain: Also is so., All star territory no longer communicated gradually. Some star territories unilaterally will even connect outside void passage to stop up to live the destruction, places the fierce star territory to invade. Especially, after God Clan this powerful influence is getting stronger and stronger, simply is the nightmares of major star territories.” 他继续解释:“也是如此。渐渐地,各方星域相互间不再来往。有的星域甚至单方面将连接外面的虚空通道堵住活着破坏,放在有厉害的星域侵入。尤其是,当神族这个强悍势力越来越强大以后,简直便是各大星域的噩梦。” That here void is passage, majority is destroyed stops up?” Zuo Shi inquired. “那这里的虚空通道,是不是大多数都是被破坏堵住的?”左诗询问。 Shi Yan nodded good, although Agate Star Field is also the high Level star territory, but compared with God Clan, is still in the weak trend. They do not hope that by other powerful race invasion, on own initiative will then be sealed up to destroy these star territories, in the past Xinyan can come , because our Grace Mainland is the low Level star territory, possibly Agate Star Field Expert, our star territory at all impossible to pose the threat to them, even regards latent Marauder our Grace Mainland, therefore was not destroyed.” 石岩点了点头“不错,玛琊星域虽然也是高等级星域,但与神族相比,依然处于弱势。他们不希望被别的强悍种族入侵,便会主动封闭破坏那些星域,当年心妍能够过来,是因为我们神恩大陆为低等级星域,可能在玛琊星域强者来看,我们星域根本不可能对他们产生威胁,甚至将我们神恩大陆当成潜在的掠夺者,所以才不被破坏。” Experienced that many matters, he already no longer pure, was getting more and more profound to the humane understanding, knows the fearfulness of humane evil surface. 经历了那么多事,他早已不再单纯,对人性的认识愈来愈深刻了,知道人性邪恶面的可怕。 Old man they where?” Zuo Shi also asked. “那老头他们在什么地方?”左诗又问。 Shi Yan aims at tearing the space slit, said: In inside.” 石岩指向一处撕裂的空间缝隙,道:“在里面。” „Can we go in?” “我们要不要进去?” Naturally wants.” “当然要。” War Chariot is howling, such as speeding away lightning, invests in that void passage instantaneously. 战车呼啸着,如疾驰闪电,瞬间投入那虚空通道内。 Brilliant multi- color strange light is passing, they as if enter in the Space-Time tunnel, shuttled back and forth for a long time, War Chariot stopped suddenly. 绚烂多彩的奇光流逝着,他俩仿佛进入时空隧道内,穿梭了许久,战车突地停了下来。 Quite cold!” Zuo Shi trembled, suddenly surprised looks to front „, how to have the sea, in void passage can exist?” “好冷!”左诗哆嗦了一声,忽然惊奇的看向前面“咦,怎会有海洋,虚空通道内能够存在呢?” Front, murmur the river water is flowing, on the sea water has ice sparkling stone snow flower, in the sea level has the colorful smoke cloud, peripheral full is fleeing in all directions Outer Territory strange light, as if colored ribbons. 前方,潺潺河水流淌着,海水上有着冰莹的雪huā,海面上有着五颜六色的烟云,周边满是流窜的域外奇光,仿佛一条条彩带。 Without heaven and earth energy, does not see Sun and Moon Stars, seems at the world of isolation, the sensation does not arrive at the trend of any life, this is deathly silence bleak void passage, has the marvelous sea water, the sea water is fluctuating, as if in slowly is fluctuating the mystery. 没有天地能量,不见日月星辰,仿佛处在隔绝的世界,感知不到任何生灵的动向,这是死寂荒凉的虚空通道,却有奇妙的海水,海水浮动着,仿佛在慢慢的变幻着奥妙。 War Chariot above sea water, breakthrough to Shi Yan of Void God boundary, thought that extremely cold incomparable, could not bear hit to tremble. 战车处在海水上方,突破虚神境的石岩,也觉得极寒无比,忍不住打了个寒颤。 Extremely cold aura came from the sea level, but in sea level only then fragmentary snow flower, the sea water has not iced up, the intermittent bitter cold cold wind, sways from the distant place, making the person bone as if probably crack as a result of freezing general. 极寒气息来自于海面,可海面上只有零星雪huā,海水也没有结冰,阵阵酷寒的阴风,从远处吹拂过来,让人骨头都似乎要冻裂一般。 Zuo Shi breakthrough to Source God shortly, by this kind of Realm power, actually also the small face turns green, obviously Cold Qi in these sea levels had multiple. 左诗突破源神不久,以这类境界力量,竟然也小脸发青,可见那些海面上的寒气有多重了。 In the sea level, is drifting in the air the green, purple, blue and blood-red smoke cloud, bunches, with sea water same fluctuation continuous. 海面上,浮荡着绿色、紫色、蓝色、血红色的烟云,一簇簇的,和海水一样浮动不休。 Bunch of green boundless smoke cloud, leisure, arrives at their War Chariot direction gradually. 一簇绿茫茫的烟云,慢悠悠的,渐渐来到他们战车的方向。 Hard iron stone War Chariot, after that green boundless smog covers, War Chariot such as is dissolved, drops out the molten iron. 坚硬的铁石战车,被那绿茫茫的烟雾覆盖后,战车如被溶解了,滴出铁水来。 The Shi Yan complexion suddenly changes, shouted to clear the way: Virulent! Violently poisonous!” 石岩脸色骤然一变,喝道:“有毒!剧毒!” He had a scare, pulls taut Zuo Shi, transfers to another direction instantaneously, dignified looks to these green boundless smog, deeply inspires smog to contain the fierce toxin, even/including Jintie can corrode, we also erratically can endure.” 他吓了一跳,一把扯住左诗,瞬间挪移到另外一个方向,神情凝重的看向那些绿茫茫的烟雾,深吸一口气“烟雾蕴藏着剧烈的毒素,连金铁都可以腐蚀,我们也不定吃得消。” Is so fierce?” Zuo Shi changed the complexion. “这么厉害?”左诗变了脸色。 Has not replied, deeply frowns, Shi Yan lets loose Divine Sense, is loafing in the colorful smog in sea level. 没有答话,深深皱着眉头,石岩神识放开,在海面上的五颜六色烟雾内游荡着。 Half sound, his complexion is even more ugly, these types of color smog actually contain violently poisonously, that purple smog, a little cannot endure including his Divine Sense, the toxin as if can enter his Soul Altar following Divine Sense, as if there is function to Soul Altar. 半响,他脸色愈发难看,那些各种色彩的烟雾竟然都蕴藏剧毒,其中那紫色的烟雾,连他神识都有点吃不消,毒素仿佛可以顺着神识进入他灵魂祭台,似乎对灵魂祭台都有作用。 He revolves hurriedly the vice- soul, takes Heavenly Flame to form the flame wall barrier as Essence, this will resists is invading the violent poisonousness of Soul Altar. 他急忙运转副魂,以天火本源形成火焰壁障,这才堪堪抵御着入侵灵魂祭台的剧毒。 These five colors smog, curl to rise from the sea, as if the sea deep place has extremely fearful existence, is releasing the violent poisonousness of various terrifying. 那些五彩的烟雾,是从海洋内部袅袅升出来的,仿佛海洋深处有着极为可怕的存在,在释放着各种恐怖的剧毒。 His Devil Blood the position of sensation, in the sea, this made his mood even more heavily restless. 魔血所感知的位置,也在海洋内部,这让他心情愈发沉重不安了。 He can affirm that Blood Devil and the others should under the sea, at this time not know is suffering anything, but wants to come the situation not to be wonderful. 他可以肯定,血魔等人应该都在海洋底下,此时不知道遭受着什么,但想来处境也不会妙。 Don't by the Divine Sense sensation!” He drinks suddenly greatly. “别以神识感知!”他突然大喝。 Zuo Shi such as the frightened person trembled, the small face is pale, timid say|way: Can't endure including Divine Sense?” 左诗如惊弓之鸟抖颤了一下,小脸苍白,怯怯道:“连神识都吃不消?” Shi Yan gloomy the face, the sea under looks at body, the brow is wrinkling was even more fierce. 石岩阴沉着脸,看着身下的海洋,眉头皱的愈发厉害了。 In void passage, really has sea, for him is also the novel experience, he does not know that sea is the natural formation, artificial comes out precise, a little can affirm that the seabed interior decides however has the big bad risk, otherwise Blood Devil and the others will not be stranded in middle. 虚空通道内,竟然有海洋,对他来说也是新奇的经历,他不知道那海洋是天然形成,还是人为凝炼出来,有一点可以肯定,海底内部定然有着大凶险,不然血魔等人不会被困在当中。 Now what to do?” Zuo Shi asked. “现在怎么办?”左诗问。 Shi Yan silent did not say, let loose Divine Sense, this time he does not dare to provoke these toxic smokes, but submerged the sea. 石岩沉默不言,又将神识放开,这次他不敢去招惹那些毒烟,而是潜入海洋。 Hissing!” “嘶!” He held breath suddenly cold air, the face whiten a point, is out of control to call: Sea water ices extremely coldly, my Divine Sense cannot endure, motherfucker, what damned place is this?!” 他忽然倒吸一口凉气,脸色苍白了一分,禁不住叫了起来:“海水极为冰寒,我神识都吃不消,妈的,这是什么鬼地方?!” Zuo Shi sees him to call out in alarm, small face is very unattractive, does not dare to emit Divine Sense to enter the seabed, is only restless looks at he, said: How I thought that here what doesn't suit?” 左诗见他惊叫,小脸也很不好看,不敢放出神识进入海底,只是不安的看着他,道:“我怎么觉得这里什么都不对劲呀?” Does not suit.” Before Shi Yan sighed could not find the method, do not act unreasonably, Divine Sense was also let loose, is far away from all strange things, the sea water and five colors smog, evades distant, can want the human life the fearful foreign matter, Blood Devil they to be transferred to this place, it seems like that the opposite party has enormously self-confident, thinks that this place can make Blood Devil they unable to work loose, even must wither away again this.” “是不太对劲。”石岩叹了一口气“找不到方法前,万万不要乱来,神识也被放开,远离一切怪异的东西,海水、五彩的烟雾,都避的远远的,都是能够要人命的可怕异物,血魔他们被挪移到此地,看来对方是有着极大自信,认为此地能够让血魔他们都挣脱不出,甚至要消亡再此。” He wants to understand suddenly. 他忽然想明白了。 Blood Devil they are in Origin God Boundary, the opposite party transfer them, obviously is thinks that this place is extremely difficult to deal with including Origin God, no wonder he arrived here, will be everywhere restrained, a method could not display. 血魔他们处于始神境,对方将他们挪移过来,显然是认为此地连始神都极难应付,也难怪他来到这儿,会处处受制,一身手段都施展不开了。 Like Blood Devil, ties up formidable now under the sea, he must be able relaxed optional nosing all, not quite to be instead normal. 强大如血魔,如今还被捆缚在海洋底下,他要能够轻松随意的查探一切,反而不太正常了。 Cannot penetrate the sea water Divine Sense, if our God Body gets down, can die without doubt?” Zuo Shi sticks out one's tongue, tender gruff appearance that has a lingering fear „can old man die?” “连神识都不能深入海水,我们神体要是下去,岂不是必死无疑?”左诗吐着舌头,一副心有余悸的娇憨模样“老头会不会已经死了?” Does not know.” Shi Yan is a little also at a loss, deeply frowns temporarily do not act rashly, allowing me to understand the situation first, we peripheral wander, has a look to have any entrance and so on......” “不知道。”石岩也有点六神无主,深深皱着眉头“暂时别轻举妄动,让我先了解了解情况,我们把周边都游荡一圈,看看有没有什么入口之类的……” During the speech, he holds the Zuo Shi tender small hand, above that sea cautiously is swaying, is avoiding these five colors smog discretely, for fear that was stained. 讲话间,他牵住左诗柔嫩小手,在那海洋上方小心翼翼的晃荡着,谨慎的躲避着那些五彩的烟雾,生怕被沾上一点。 Wanders around around the sea, he discovered that the sea is quite vast, patrolled half double-hour, he has not gone out of the area coverage of sea, has not found any entrance and so on. 绕着海洋四处游荡着,他发现海洋极为辽阔,游弋了半个时辰,他也没有走出海洋的区域范围,更加没有瞧见什么入口之类的。 He was at a loss seriously. 他当真是束手无策了。 Racks one's brains for a long time, he discovered that the means do not have, finally set firm resolve, must seek help Blood Vein Ring Ring Spirit, wants to know whether it knows mysteriously. 苦思许久,他发现一点办法没有,最终下定了决心,要去求助血纹戒戒灵,想知道它是否知晓其中奥妙。 He communicates Ring Spirit at once, explained the condition, making Ring Spirit point out a bright road. 他旋即沟通戒灵,说明了状况,让戒灵来指出一条明路。 Well!” Does Ring Spirit transmit panic-stricken incomparable soul fluctuation here to appear? Really also has this thing to exist?!” “咦!”戒灵传来惊骇无比的灵魂波动“怎么会在这里出现?竟然还有这东西存在?!”
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