GOS :: Volume #11

#1060: Cutting space

Shi Yan spirit hundred times of awaking turn around, the facial expression is joyous. 石岩精神百倍的醒转过来,神情欢悦。 Although he does not understand that emerges the Void Realm universe remnant energy through the vice- soul, has what interesting part to his Void Realm, but he can affirm that these can surely not have the harm to him remnantly, because he felt that Void Realm as if quietly is having the marvelous change. 虽然他搞不明白通过副魂涌入虚界的宇宙残能,对他的虚界到底有何妙处,但他可以肯定,那些残能对他肯定没有害处,因为他感觉到虚界仿佛在悄悄发生着奇妙的变化。 The meteor, the ground is piling up the five colors gem, these gems are quite precious in the mortal world, to Shi Yan this kind of cultivation heaven and earth power, actually has no merit to speak. 流星内部,地上堆积着五彩宝石,那些宝石在凡人世界中极为珍贵,对石岩这类修炼天地力量者来说,却一无是处。 These gems do not contain heaven and earth energy, is not Divine Crystal. 那些宝石并不蕴藏天地能量,不是神晶 Saint Beast Black Tortoise remains, thorough vanished, integrates the Zuo Shi god[ body]. 圣兽玄武的遗骸,彻底的消失了,都融入左诗的神〖体〗内。 Zuo Shi sits cross-legged to sit well in everywhere the gem, the manner is serene, the corners of the mouth are holding the light happy expression. 左诗在满地宝石盘膝端坐着,神态安详,嘴角噙着淡淡的笑意。 Shi Yan stared at her to look at one, the eye slightly one brightly, has smiled. 石岩盯着她看了一眼,眼睛微微一亮,微微笑了起来。 Zuo Shi already breakthrough to Source God Realm! 左诗突破源神境 That Saint Beast Black Tortoise remains, to having Zuo Shi of Black Tortoise bloodlines, definitely has many wonderful, otherwise her not that quick breakthrough to Source God Realm. 圣兽玄武的遗骸,对拥有玄武血脉的左诗来说,肯定有着诸多神妙,不然她不会那么快突破源神境 Zuo Shi cultivation enters the step the speed, him, is extremely astonishing, he initially sees Zuo Shi time, medicinal pills that Zuo Shi only then God King Second Sky, grants through Medicine Refining Pavilion Fu Wei, relaxed breakthrough to God King Third Sky, goes a step further now again. 左诗修炼进阶的速度,就算在他来看,也是极为惊人的,他初见左诗的时候,左诗只有神王二重天,通过药器阁芙薇赠与的丹药,轻轻松松突破神王三重天,如今更是再进一步了。 He pours does not worry, is looking at carefully Zuo Shi in one side silently. 他倒也不着急,在一旁默默端详着左诗 Zuo Shi of pure white dress, sits cross-legged the appearance that sits well to be quite moving, the long eyelash, tender may gruffly the small face of person, is sits the physique quite to be also slender exquisitely, making the person arise spontaneously to love tenderly. 一身素白裙装的左诗,盘膝端坐的模样颇为动人,长长的睫毛,一张娇憨可人的小脸,便是坐着身姿也颇为修长优美,让人油然而生怜爱。 To Zuo Shi, he always very much has the favorable impression, in place of Tianyun City quiet cloud time, he is on good terms with Zuo Shi, according to the relations of Shi Family and Zuo Family, he and Zuo Shi also has the engagement, because another Shi Yan does not repair the martial arts instead to use the lifetime energy on the study old book and ancient relics, makes Zuo Family be greatly disappointed, has renounced the engagement unilaterally. 左诗,他向来很有好感,远在幽云之地天陨城的时候,他就和左诗交好,按照石家左家的关系,他和左诗本来还有着婚约,因为另外一个“石岩”不修武道反而将毕生精力用在钻研古籍、古迹上,才使得左家大失所望,单方面解除了婚约。 When moves into to his soul, after the extremely quick speed is budding, Zuo Xu greatly regretted that once mentioned again this matter to Shi Jian. 待到他灵魂入驻,以极快速度崭露头角后,左虚大为后悔,曾向石坚重提此事。 At that time, he went to Endless Sea with Xia Xinyan, let it go with the Zuo Shi matter 那时候,他已经和夏心妍去了无尽海,与左诗的事情也不了了之 The later hundred years, he goes on an expedition, the moment has not stopped, has not continued in the place of activity quiet cloud. 之后的百年,他一路征战,没有一刻消停,也没有继续在幽云之地活动。 , Zuo Xu also has cancelled gradually the thought that no longer forced. 渐渐地,左虚也打消了念头,不再勉强了。 Sometimes, Shi Yan thinks, if he has not entered Endless Sea 有时候,石岩想如果他没有进入无尽海 By the relations of Zuo Family and Shi Family, he possibly unified with Zuo Shi, may have one marriage that makes the person admire. 左家石家的关系,他可能和左诗结合了,或许会有一段让人艳羡的婚姻。 What a pity the plan cannot keep up with the change, his not law-abiding individuality, is very difficult to make him spend one's last years in a place. 可惜计划赶不上变化,他那不安分的个性,很难让他在一个地方终老。 He is thinking, After a long time, he he the chuckle gets up suddenly. 他独自一人想着,也不知道过了多久,忽然呵呵轻笑起来。 Zuo Shi opens eyes suddenly, eyes is limpid 左诗忽然睁眼,双眸清澈干净 Not complex plans pure tender gruff, her looks at Shi Yan, the sweet and delicate voice happy said with a smile suddenly: My breakthrough Source God.” 没有复杂的心机单纯娇憨,她看着石岩,忽然娇声欢笑道:“我突破源神了。” Perhaps extremely excited, the Zuo Shi long body, the exquisite physique plunders lightly, arrives in front of Shi Yan directly, the excited link Shi Yan neck, was saying loudly: Too happy, breakthrough a Realm grandfather definitely was then joyful.” 或许太过〖兴〗奋,左诗长身而起,优美身姿翩然掠动,径直来到石岩面前,〖兴〗奋的环着石岩脖颈,放声说道:“太高兴了,又突破了一个境界这下爷爷肯定非常欣喜。” Zuo Shi God Body is lithe, the tender body is fragrant and mellow, is similar to the good wine plunges the will of the people, the small face is in high spirits, is quite moving. 左诗神体轻盈,娇躯醇香诱人,如同美酒般浸入人心,小脸神采飞扬,极为动人。 By the place tight link neck, Shi Yan is also out of control to palpitate with excitement, was hearing her delicate fragrance Shi Yan breath quietly is sturdy, girls tender gruff grace and bearing, making his big feeling unable to endure. 被地紧紧环着脖颈,石岩也禁不住怦然心动,闻着她身上的清香石岩呼吸都悄悄粗壮起来,少女的娇憨风情,让他大感吃不消。 Stone Elder Brother Yan is also very bad.” Zuo Shi as if perceives anything, the beautiful pupil has rotated an instant turning round “石岩哥哥也很坏呀。”左诗仿佛觉察到什么,美眸滴溜溜转动了一霎 Shot a look at a Shi Yan lower abdomen place unintentionally, immediately loosens the hand animated is standing, has dragged the exquisite physique, covers the pink smooth lip saying: Very bad is very bad.” 有意无意的瞥了一眼石岩的小腹处,马上松开手俏生生的站着,摇曳了一下优美身姿,捂着粉润嘴唇道:“很坏很坏。” The Shi Yan whole face is awkward, smiles embarrasedly, serious saying: If according to the agreement of Zuo Family and Shi Family, your I betroths children before they are born, Hehe, you are also my wife.” 石岩满脸尴尬,讪讪笑笑,一本正经的说道:“如果按照左家石家的约定,你我指腹为婚,嘿嘿,你还算是我老婆呢。” Bah!” Zuo Shi adorable spitting tongue I should not be your wife, your flower heart, when your wife is definitely unhappy, I am your younger sister. He He, I like by the feeling that you protect, does not like all your kinds appearance.” “呸!”左诗可爱的吐了吐舌头“我才不要做你老婆呢,你那么huā心,当你老婆肯定不幸福,我还是做你小妹吧。呵呵,我喜欢被你呵护的感觉,不喜欢你色色的样子。” Flexure scratching the head, Shi Yan did not continue to tease her, said: You, if has been all right, us.” 挠了挠头,石岩也不继续调侃她,道:“你要是没事了,我们出发吧。” He was worried Blood Devil these people of worried, will turn head to seek him from the front, this matter concerns Agate Star Field and God Clan invasion, he does not dare to be careless, must have as soon as possible[ answered] case. 他担心血魔那些人等的着急了,会从前方回头过来寻他,此事关乎玛琊星域神族入侵,他不敢马虎,要尽快有个〖答〗案。 Good.” The Zuo Shi smiling face like flower my breakthrough to Source God, I thought in any case I can also continue breakthrough to get down.” “好呀。”左诗笑颜如huā“我反正突破源神了,我觉得我还可以继续突破下去。” That Saint Beast Black Tortoise remains...... Is how a matter?” Shi Yan changes countenance to say. “那圣兽玄武的遗骸……是怎么一回事?”石岩动容道。 Integrated in my soul, has become a Black Tortoise illusion mark, as if has become part of my soul.” Zuo Shi does not have any protection to him, the explanation understands clearly: Temporarily but how I have not known use, I think that......” also needs gradually to adapt to the experience some time. “融入我灵魂中了,成了一个玄武幻象印记,仿佛成了我灵魂的一部分。”左诗对他没有任何防备,解释的清楚明了:“但我暂时还不知道如何使用,我想……”还需要一段时间慢慢适应体会。 Shi Yan stunned, has gawked, said: „ Congratulates you, I think that you should obtain Saint Beast Black Tortoise to inherit officially, in the future the future will be limitless. 石岩愕然,愣了一下,才说道:“恭喜你,我想你应该正式得到圣兽玄武传承了,将来前途不可限量。 That is natural.” Zuo Shi the full milk-white bosom, such as the proud swan self-confidently said. “那是当然。”左诗挺了挺饱满酥胸,如骄傲的天鹅般自信说道。 Their laughter was discussing, departed from meteor, falls War Chariot that anchored to the distant place, at once actuates War Chariot to return according to the old route. 两人笑声谈论着,从流星内飞出,落向远处停泊的战车,旋即驱动战车按照原路返回。 Some little time, a Shi Yan brow wrinkle, complexion gloomy gets down suddenly gradually. 好一会儿,石岩眉头骤然一皱,脸色渐渐阴沉下来。 A Zuo Shi face is also astonished however does not suit, can't induce their life trend?” 左诗也一脸讶然“不对劲啊,感应不出他们的生命动向?” Achieves Source God Realm Zuo Shi, soul has the essence transformation, Realm is lower than her person, based on this, she can grasp to the life trend accurately. 达到源神境界的左诗,灵魂发生实质的蜕变,境界低于她的人,在一定范围内,她能准确的把握到生命动向。 But Zuo Shi just emitted the Divine Sense sensation, what has not realized, her facial expression surprised looked „you have to induce them to Shi Yan? According to the distance, should they not be far in front? They will not have waited for us, alone first moved?” 左诗刚刚放出神识感知,什么都没有察觉到,她神情惊奇的看向石岩“你有没有感应到他们?按照距离来看,他们应该在前面不远啊?他们不会没有等候我们,独自先行动了吧?” The Shi Yan calm face is impossible.” 石岩沉着脸“不可能。” He obtained the faith of Blood Devil, Ba Si, Gu Te and Feng Yan, but waits for several day time, especially he beforehand will also explain the condition, Blood Devil and the others will definitely not link a patience not to have. 他已经得到血魔巴斯古特风言的信赖,只是等候几日的功夫,尤其他还事先说明状况,血魔等人肯定不会连那么点耐心都没有。 His Realm is higher than Zuo Shi, after breakthrough to Void God, he who knows the life deep meaning, to perceiving of life trend, originally extremely keen. 境界高出左诗,突破虚神后,知晓生命奥义的他,对生命动向的觉察,本来就极为的敏锐。 However, he and Zuo Shi sensation is consistent, has not realized Blood Devil and the others the trends. 然而,他和左诗的感知一致,也没有察觉到血魔等人的动向。 The trivial how many day of scenes, Blood Devil these people are impossible to abandon him to leave, actually did that have what? 只是区区几天光景,血魔那些人不可能弃他离开,那究竟发生了什么? War Chariot howls suddenly, as if one bunch of light arrows, extremely quick arriving should anchor the regions of thousand battleships. 战车骤然呼啸起来,仿佛一束光箭,极快的来到本该停泊千艘战舰的区域。 His complexion suddenly changed, space of looks at that place collapse, manner extraordinary dignity. 他脸色霍然变了,看着那处塌陷的空间,神态出奇的凝重。 That space, the deep collapse, the border has close space slits, is pasting the five colors Outer Territory gloss, cultivation Space Deep Meaning he, but shot a look at one, then loudly shakes. 那一处空间,深深的塌陷,边沿有着一道道细密的空间缝隙,流转着五彩域外光泽,修炼空间奥义的他,只是瞥了一眼,便轰然一震。 He knows that what that space did have? ”...... 他知道那处空间发生了什么?”…… That piece of space, was cut stiffly, was transferred directly! 那片空间,被硬生生切割,被直接挪移走了! This method, he cannot achieve by far, similarly cultivation Space Deep Meaning Zha Shi does not have such ability, only if...... Achieves other beginning Divine level Space Deep Meaning! 这种手段,他远远达不到,同样修炼空间奥义扎锋也没有如此能力,除非……达到始神级别的空间奥义者! Is looking at carefully these collapse space borders carefully, emits the Divine Sense secret sensation, his complexion is even more dignified, eyes gloss glittering is uncertain. 仔细端详着那些塌陷空间边沿,放出神识暗暗感知,他脸色愈发凝重,双眸光泽闪烁不定。 For a long time, he deeply inspires, said: cultivation Space Deep Meaning Expert, by the big Divine Ability big supernatural power, Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Medicine Refining Pavilion and space of Fighting Union accumulation, after directly cutting, transferred!” 许久,他深吸一口气,道:“有一名修炼空间奥义强者,以大神通大法力,将妖族魔族药器阁战盟聚集的空间,直接切割后挪移走了!” Zuo Shi with amazement, trembles with fear saying: Is so fierce?” 左诗骇然,惊颤道:“这么厉害?” Smiled bitterly, Shi Yan said: cultivation base achieves other beginning Divine level Space Deep Meaning, is such powerful, cuts the space, transfers the space, is hard to imagine to the average man simply, but they have this big supernatural power.” 苦笑了一下,石岩道:“修为达到始神级别的空间奥义者,就是如此的强悍,切割空间,挪移空间,对常人来说简直难以想象,可他们就是有这种大法力。” We what to do?” Zuo Shi puts on a long face Xuan Ming that old man also in them, although the old man is very harsh to me, is good for me, I do not think that he has an accident.” “那我们怎么办?”左诗哭丧着脸“玄冥那老头还在他们中呢,那老头虽然对我很苛刻,也是为我好呀,我不想他出事。” I do not think that they have an accident.” “我也不想他们出事。” Shi Yan deeply frowns. 石岩深深皱着眉头。 His also cultivation Space Deep Meaning, after particularly enters into Void God Realm, he profoundly understands Space Deep Meaning Expert terrifying. 他也修炼空间奥义,尤其是迈入虚神境界后,他深刻的认识到空间奥义强者恐怖 Space Deep Meaning must strike to kill the enemy, the method is many, may not strike by big power directly crazily. 空间奥义者要击杀敌人,手段繁多,不一定需要直接以大力量狂击。 For example he, if with battles with Level Expert, can definitely tear a space, the enemy pulling into, draws support from the deathly silence space chaotic basin, little nibbling opposite party energy, making the opposite party the power failure perish finally 0 譬如他,如果与同等级强者交战,完全可以撕裂一处空间,将敌人给扯入其中,借助于死寂的空间乱流域,一点点的蚕食对方能量,让对方最终力量衰竭而亡0 The space chaotic basin hides in the space crevices, most is extremely the bad risks, only if same cultivation Space Deep Meaning, seeks the space entrance, otherwise is extremely difficult to work loose. 空间乱流域藏匿在一个个空间夹缝内,大多数当中都是极为凶险的,除非同样修炼空间奥义者,寻到空间入口,否则极难挣脱出来。 That has the ability spatial cutting Expert, utilizes its similar method, should exquisite fearful, if the opposite party the spaces gives to move Blood Devil and the others, introduces some type certainly, even if Blood Devil they achieves Origin God Boundary, breaks extremely difficultly. 那一名有能力将空间切割的强者,运用其类似的手段来,应该更加的精妙可怕,要是对方将血魔等人的空间给挪动,引入某种绝地,就算是血魔他们达到始神境,也极难从中勒破出来。 In them has Xia Xinyan, has Blood Devil, has Fei Lan and Anna, Ka Tuo Ben Ni, there are person who many he cares about, clearly know by his Realm power, even if seeks them possibly unable to add on is too busy, Shi Yan must seek vigorously. 他们中有夏心妍,有血魔,有费兰、lì安娜、卡托本尼,有许多他在乎的人,明知道以他的境界力量,即便寻着他们可能也帮不上太多忙,石岩也必须要极力找寻。 How should we look for them?” Red that in the Zuo Shi heart anxious, small face rises why will have Space Deep Meaning Expert, suddenly starts to them?” “那我们该怎么找他们?”左诗心中焦急,小脸涨的通红“为什么会有空间奥义强者,突然对他们下手?” Shi Yan silent a while, suddenly said: Should be Mirage Clan.” 石岩沉默了一会儿,忽然道:“应该是幽影族。” Why said?” “为什么这么说?” Mirage Clan in development void passage, is the God Clan invasion clears away the barrier, must pass through void passage thoroughly, definitely has cultivation Space Deep Meaning Expert to assume personal command. This point, I had already thought that what I have not thought is...... Opposite party so powerful, unexpectedly left breakthrough to beginning Divine level unexpectedly, the one had only known, I so will not be definitely harebrained.” 幽影族在拓展虚空通道,为神族入侵扫清障碍,要将虚空通道彻底贯穿,肯定有修炼空间奥义强者坐镇。这一点,我早就想到了,但我没有想到的是……对方竟然如此强悍,竟突破到了始神级别,早知如此,我肯定不会这么冒失。” cultivation Space Deep Meaning, and achieves Origin God, in Agate Star Field not strongest Zha Shi, is only Void God Third Sky. 修炼空间奥义者,并且达到始神的,在玛琊星域没有一个最强的扎释,也只是虚神三重天 Because knows this kind of Expert breakthrough how difficultly, he subconscious believing, that in Space Deep Meaning of Mirage Clan activity, merely is only the Void God boundary. 正是因为知道这类强者突破多么的艰难,他才下意识的认为,那名在幽影族活动的空间奥义者,也仅仅只是虚神境。 This is only his taking for granted. 这只是他的想当然。 Now, Mirage Clan Space Deep Meaning Expert, has flung a he resounding ear and area around it with the fact. 如今,幽影族空间奥义强者,已经用事实来甩了他一个响亮的耳光。 Yeah, was I have taken a rash step, I forgot that Mirage Clan was not the Agate Star Field race, they who attached to the universe strongest race, moved in various place star territories, does not know that strong prestige many years, can have breakthrough to Origin God Space Deep Meaning, poured by no means are impossible.” “哎,是我失策了,我忘记幽影族并非玛琊星域的种族了,依附宇宙最强种族的他们,在各处星域活动,也不知道强威了多少年,能够有突破始神空间奥义者,倒也并非不可能。” „Can you find them?” Outside the Zuo Shi worry chong asked. “那你能找到他们么?”左诗忧心外忡问。 Should.” “应该可以。”
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