GOS :: Volume #11

#1059: Vice- soul change

Shi Yan has not been helping Zuo Shi gather the Saint Beast Black Tortoise remains anxiously immediately, although this local territory relatively steady many, may still have meteor glittering to fluctuate, thousand battleships anchor here, is unsafe. 石岩没有急着立即帮左诗收取圣兽玄武遗骸,此地区域虽然相对平稳不少,可依然有流星闪烁变幻着,千艘战舰停泊在此,也不安全。 Officially informed Zuo Shi one, Shi Yan has hung the eye still to send the order, to thousand battleship direction correct pilot's sailing directions. 知会了左诗一句,石岩垂目依然在发号着命令,给千艘战舰指引正确的航行方向。 After the half day, when peripheral meteor vanished gradually, Shi Yan relaxed. 半日后,当周边的流星渐渐消失了,石岩才松了一口气。 Blood Devil and the others gather, the whole face is gratified, shows the smile to him. 血魔等人纷纷聚集过来,满脸欣慰,对他露出微笑。 All people are well aware, this , if no Shi Yan, they are impossible such easily to pass through the region of meteor riot. 所有人都心知肚明,这趟如果没有石岩,他们不可能这么轻易穿过流星暴乱的区域。 Including always has Zha Shi of prejudice to Shi Yan, the sincerity said thanks, if not Shi Yan, they must rush forcefully, the Medicine Refining Pavilion possible final battleship not to save. 连对石岩向来颇有成见的扎锋,都真心道了一声谢谢,因为如果不是石岩,他们要强行闯过去,药器阁可能最终一艘战舰不存。 Feng Yan one line of relax obviously, at once is high-spirited, must enter the Mirage Clan guard void passage. 风言一行人显然都放松下来,旋即意气风发,要进入幽影族把守的虚空通道 I, I must return on the several th.” Shi Yan said suddenly. “等我几日,我还要返回一趟。”石岩忽然说道。 The people all are puzzled, what do you also go back to make?” Blood Devil is astonished however inquires. 众人皆是不解,“你还回去做什么?”血魔讶然询问道。 In the rear meteor riot region, a little thing...... Is very important to me.” Shi Yan has not explained that gives me War Chariot, does not need too for a long time, when I process, immediately comes to seek you.” “在后方的流星暴乱区域,有点东西……对我很重要。”石岩没有说明白,“给我一艘战车,不需要太长时间的,等我处理好,立即过来寻你们。” Wants my as you like same place?” Blood Devil wants to shoulder the responsibility on own initiative. “要不要我随你一起?”血魔想要主动承担责任。 Doesn't use. “不用不用。 Blood Devil nodded, had not said that lets their careful words, in the Blood Devil eye, bad risk numerous places of that piece to the average man, should unable to stump him. 血魔点了点头,也没有说让他们小心的话,在血魔眼中,那片对常人来说凶险重重的地方,应该难不住他。 He arranges War Chariot at once. 他旋即安排一艘战车 Shi Yan on light War Chariot, beckons to Zuo Shi, then in the vision of people, returns toward behind ominous Danger Zone. 石岩轻飘飘上了战车,冲左诗招了招手,然后在众人的目光中,又朝着身后的凶险地返回。 Has not separated too for a long time, War Chariot arrives at the region that the meteor interweaves, Shi Yan lets loose the Divine Sense capture trend, is actuating War Chariot by the mind, slowly is moving, evaded with ease that such as the fire drills generally to the meteor of flying. 没隔太久,战车来到流星交织的区域,石岩放开神识捕捉动向,以心神驱动着战车,慢慢的挪动着,轻松避过那如火钻一般冲飞的流星。 long time, the Shi Yan facial expression does not move, said with a smile: Found.” 多时,石岩神情一动,微笑道:“找到了。” Zuo Shi inspired laughed heartily. 左诗振奋的欢笑起来。 War Chariot changes into one bunch of gloss, suddenly falls gently to that gigantic meteor, the meteor surface as if there is hot juice, the surface scarlet-red like the iron, under all day long the continuous wild impact, the flame rock magma that this meteor such as seethes with excitement, extreme burning hot. 战车化为一束光泽,突然飘落向那一颗硕大的流星上,流星表面仿佛有火汁,地表赤红如烙铁,在终日不休的狂暴冲击下,这流星如沸腾的火焰岩浆,极为的炙热。 That War Chariot, even a little cannot withstand the meteor the high temperature, has indication that must dissolve. 战车,甚至都有点承受不住流星的高温,有要溶解的征兆。 Shi Yan had a scare, threw War Chariot hurriedly died, revolution power, with Can 1 Can star light precise light cover, wrapped him and Zuo Shi God Body. 石岩吓了一跳,急忙将战车抛卒,运转力量,以灿1灿星光凝炼光罩,将他和左诗神体包裹住。 The dazzling light covers, Shi Yan and Zuo Shi descend slowly to the meteor surface, the surface layer is similar the rivers that the hot juice congeal, braves the flame light wave, is blazing hot, some stars light cover distortions of roasting. 炫目的光罩中,石岩左诗缓缓降落向流星地表,表层仿佛有一条条火汁凝结的河流,冒着火焰光波,炙热难耐,烘烤的星辰光罩都有些扭曲。 Quite hot.” The Zuo Shi adorable spitting tongue, under the white sleeveless jacket luck, will reveal the bright moon arm, a tender gruff moving small face is ruddy, as if red apple. “好烫啊。”左诗可爱的吐了吐舌头,将洁白的坎肩福下,露出皓月般的臂膀,一张娇憨动人的小脸红扑扑的,仿佛红苹果。 Shi Yan gives a calm smile, the mind moves, said: Must add a thing.” 石岩淡然一笑,心神一动,说道:“要加点东西。” forehead, he revolves power of vice- soul, strips Profound Ice Cold Flame side cold aura, quickly, overflows from him ice-cold severely cold aura, in these aura converge the stars light to cover slowly, making the light cover such as is smudged the First Level ice sparkling stone. 一点眉心,他运转副魂的力量,从中剥离玄冰寒焰的极寒气息,倏地,从他身上流溢出冰冷严寒的气息,那些气息慢慢汇入星辰光罩内,让光罩如被涂抹一层冰莹。 Outside burning hot aura, by the barrier hindrance of these ice sparkling stones, was conflicted the fog misty water vapor. 外面的炎热气息,被那些冰莹的结界阻碍,冲突出雾蒙蒙的水汽。 The burning hot was relieved suddenly. 炙热骤然被解除了。 Zuo Shi suddenly feels whole body to be cool, the happiness that could not say, is out of control to his smiling face like the flower, to thank the Shi Yan elder brother.” 左诗顿觉浑身清凉,说不出的舒畅,禁不住对他笑颜如花,“谢谢石岩哥。” Shi Yan has not spoken, the brow moves slightly, the meteor under lost looks at body, in the eye rays of light flashes. 石岩没有讲话,眉头微动,出神的看着身下的流星,眼睛内光芒闪动。 After breakthrough to Void God, he had nosed the vice- soul, the vice- soul as if had the marvelous change, but that change very difficult spoken language, as if the structure to have the transformation, all sorts of Heavenly Flame and aura of Essence fusion, agreed with his soul perfectly. 突破虚神后,他曾经查探过副魂,副魂仿佛有了奇妙的变化,但那变化很难言语,仿佛结构发生了转变,种种天火本源融合的气息,与他灵魂更加完美的契合了。 Indistinct, he knew vice- soul possible transformation, but the special details were unknown. 隐隐约约中,他知道副魂可能蜕变了,但具体情况不明。 However, arrives to this meteor on, his vice- soul actually transmits the marvelous fluctuation, in some type of trend with meteor echoes secretly, takes to him a novel experience. 然而,降临到这流星上,他副魂却传来奇妙的波动,和流星内部的某样动向暗暗呼应,带给他一种新奇的体会。 As if, in the meteor, has some type of thing to attract the vice- soul similarly, is similar to should merge into one organic whole with the vice- soul, likely is some type of important thing that the vice- soul loses. 仿佛,在流星内部,同样有着某样东西吸引着副魂,如同本该和副魂融为一体,像是副魂遗失的某样重要事物。 Zuo Shi is puzzled, looks at he, inquired low voice: What's wrong?” 左诗不解,怔怔看着他,小声询问道:“怎么啦?” Shook the head, has not replied immediately, actuating the light cover, Shi Yan to bring Zuo Shi such as the volcano crack place bottom to sew across one, slowly flutters to the meteor. 摇了摇头,没有立即答话,驱动着光罩,石岩带着左诗穿过一条如火山裂缝的地底缝口,慢慢飘荡向流星内部。 long time, First Level is not similar to the water curtain energy material, kept off in him and Zuo Shi front, Shi Yan by the light cover that the stars extremely cold strength came out precise, cannot enter unexpectedly. 多时,一层如同水幕般的能量物质,挡在了他和左诗的前面,石岩以星辰极寒之力凝炼出来的光罩,竟然不能进入。 The knitting the brows head, he lets loose wisp of Divine Sense, during tries to break. 皱了皱眉头,他放开一缕神识,试着冲入当中。 Jump! 迸! If hits on the rubber ball, his wisp of Divine Sense was shot, did not penetrate actually. 如撞击在皮球上,他那一缕神识被弹了回来,硬是穿透不了。 Oh?!” 咦?!” He came the interest, vision bright looks at that matter by barrier that special energy comes out precise, lets loose the mind, appreciates carefully. 他来了兴致,目光熠熠看着那层以特殊能量凝炼出来的结界,放开心神,细细体味。 After several breath, his eye suddenly one bright, could not bear startled called out: Really has Essence aura!” 数个呼吸后,他眼睛骤然一亮,忍不住惊叫道:“竟然有本源气息!” Each Ancient Continent conceals Essence, actually Essence is what, he has not ravelled, but he is a little clear, any Ancient Continent, Essence has the most basic wonderful interesting part, can adsorb vast Star Sea Z. industry X3 每一个古大陆都暗藏本源,本源究竟为何物,他至今没有弄明白,但有一点他很清楚,任何一个古大陆,本源都有着最根本的奇妙处,能够吸附浩淼星海的Z.业X3 X. mouth, hole energy. X.口,窍能量 The big starry sky, in the boundless universe, in the spaces, sand and all sorts of mystical regions, have energy, da Yang of these energy floats in universe, everywhere. 偌大星空,无垠宇宙中,空间、沙粒、种种神秘区域内,都存在着能量,那些能量漂浮在宇宙中龘央,无处不在。 Normal Warrior, is very difficult to collect these energy, cannot affect for oneself. 正常武者,很难收集那些能量,也不能为自己作用。 Only then these marvelous Ancient Continent, can adsorb these energy, can gather in Ancient Continent da Yang, transforms heaven and earth to be able the resort, then congealment Divine Crystal, even can breed the life. 只有那些奇妙的古大陆,可以吸附那些能量,能够聚集在古大陆中龘央,转变成天地能墅,进而凝结神晶,甚至可以孕育出生命来。 It can be said that Spiritual Qi, Devil Qi, Dark Qi, Corpse Qi and Yin Qi that heaven and earth energy of star of life, Divine Crystal power, Warrior cultivation derives, including the Strength of Stars, Sun and bright moonlight strength, can through that everywhere energy transformation. 可以说,生命之星的天地能量,神晶力量,武者修炼汲取的灵气魔气冥气尸气阴气,包括星辰之力、太阳、明月之力,都可以通过那种无处不在的能量转变。 These energy flood in void universe each corner, is similar to sea that cannot see, in world all sorts of energy through its change. 那些能量充斥在虚空宇宙每一个角落,如同看不见的海洋,世间种种能量都是通过其变化而成。 Has Essence Ancient Continent, can gather these energy, the further transformation, entrusts with Ancient Continent marvelously all sorts. 拥有本源古大陆,就可以聚集那些能量,进一步的转变,赋予古大陆种种奇妙。 In the following meteor, in that First Level water curtain, is containing Grace Mainland Essence aura, is very weak, is well below his vice- soul Essence to be rich, but through with the conjunction of deep meaning of water, enabling the water curtain to have the exquisite defensive power, as if extremely difficult explaining. 在下面的流星内部,那一层水幕内,蕴藏着神恩大陆本源气息,很微弱,远远不及他副魂的本源浓郁,但通过和水之奥义的契合,使得水幕有着精妙的防御力,似乎极难的破解。 Naturally, this is to the average man. 当然,这是对常人来说。 The Shi Yan vice- soul is Grace Mainland Essence is basic, following Essence aura, with his a common origin of the same clan, the source leaves lineage/vein. 石岩的副魂为神恩大陆本源根本,下面的一丝本源气息,和他同宗同源,源出一脉。 When he calms the mind, tries to establish the relation little time, the vice- soul is rotating quietly, transmits a marvelous attracting customer interest unexpectedly, will converge weak Essence of water curtain leading stiffly, instead converges in his vice- soul. 当他静下心来,试着一点点建立联系的时候,副魂悄然转动着,竟然传来一股奇妙的吸扯力,硬生生将汇入水幕的微弱本源给带动出来,反而汇入他副魂内。 Did not have that weak Essence, the water curtain marvelous defensive power seems explained that has not waited for Shi Yan to respond that Zuo Shi cheerful yelling, put out a hand a stroke, gave direct tearing the water curtain. 没了那一丝微弱本源,水幕奇妙的防御力似乎被破解,还没有等石岩反应过来,左诗一声欢快的叫喊,伸手一划,将水幕给直接撕裂。 They take advantage of opportunity to break in the meteor. 两人顺势冲入流星内部。 In a five colors riotous radiant gem space, is lying down a several kilometers huge Immemorial life body human bone, the snake first turtle body, does not have the body, only then clear such as the skeleton of jade, in these skeletons, is roaming murmur the water fluid, has marvelous aura to exist. 一处五彩缤纷的璀璨宝石空间内,躺着一具数千米庞大的太古生命躯骸,蛇首龟身,却没有皮肉,只有晶莹如玉的骨骼,那些骨骼内,流荡着潺潺水液,有着奇妙的气息存在。 Shi Yan is aerosol, looks at lies down in overspreading gem the Saint Beast Black Tortoise remains on brilliant stony soil, spontaneously becomes an awe. 石岩悬浮虚空,看着躺在铺满宝石的绚烂石地上的圣兽玄武遗骸,油然而成一种敬畏。 Black Tortoise body human bone several kilometers, sees the most magnificent battleship also to want huge terrifying compared with him, this is the condition that the body does not save, if this Immemorial ominous thing survival, is hovering void, does not know the imposing manner how fearsome. 玄武躯骸数千米长,比他所见最壮观的战舰还要巨大恐怖,这还是皮肉不存的状况,如果这太古凶物存活着,在虚空游动,不知道气势多么的可怖。 When he praised without cease, the Zuo Shi eye spilled over the clear tears, the sound sobs. 在他赞叹不已的时候,左诗眼睛泛出晶莹的泪花,声音哽咽。 Her tears like the diamond drill bit, turning round tumbling, the gem fall on the body of Saint Beast Black Tortoise. 她泪花如水钻,滴溜溜的滚落,宝石般坠在圣兽玄武的躯体上。 An inexplicable fluctuation, swiftly Saint Beast Black Tortoise ripples by Zuo Shi and on, the next quarter, the body of that Saint Beast Black Tortoise such as a gloss, became extremely flash eye, the substantive body, is similar to is transformed, just liked huge illusion, floated suddenly, followed the Zuo Shi crown little escape to come in suddenly. 一种莫名的波动,倏然由左诗圣兽玄武身上荡漾出来,下一刻,那圣兽玄武的躯体如成了点点光泽,变得极为耀目,实质的躯体,如同被幻化出来,犹如成了一个巨大的幻象,骤然漂浮出来,霍然顺着左诗天灵盖一点点飞逸进来。 Zuo Shi shakes loudly, has tarried all of a sudden, at once sits cross-legged to be well-grounded, revolution power is exquisite, is guiding Saint Beast Black Tortoise illusion, its little being hidden to God Body. 左诗轰然一震,一下子呆住了,旋即盘膝着地,运转力量精妙,导引着圣兽玄武幻象,将其一点点的隐没向神体 Several kilometers Black Tortoise illusion, terrifying is peerless, is actually hidden, in Zuo Shi that may be called in tiny gentle and charming God Body da, slowly vanishes does not see. 数千米的玄武幻象,恐怖绝伦,却隐没在左诗那堪称渺小的娇柔神体龘内,慢慢消失不见。 Shi Yan eyes revealed that the surprised gloss, flickers looks to Zuo Shi that does not move, a face is astonished. 石岩双眸亮出惊奇的光泽,一瞬不移的看向左诗,一脸惊愕。 Sees only on the Zuo Shi exposed arm and clear fragrant shoulder, appears gradually Tattoo, is similar to the mystical totem, the faintly visible Saint Beast Black Tortoise illusion trace, that Tattoo totem initial is quite clear, actually gradually fades, finally as if thorough dissipation in the Zuo Shi flesh and blood. 只见左诗裸露的臂膀和圆润香肩上,渐渐浮现出纹身,如同神秘的图腾,隐隐可见正是圣兽玄武幻象痕迹,那纹身图腾初始极为清晰,却渐渐消褪,最终仿佛彻底消散在左诗血肉内。 In Zuo Shi body da hears murmur the running water sound, is delightful, making the person mind tranquil. 左诗体龘内传来潺潺流水声,非常悦耳,让人心神宁静。 Shi Yan listens to the delightful running water sound that in her body da is hearing, the heart to calm down instantaneously, soul Ethereal, the consciousness flutters, as if activates some vice- soul mystery. 石岩听着她体龘内传来的悦耳流水声,心瞬间静了下来,灵魂空灵,意识飘飘荡荡,仿佛激活副魂某种奥妙。 He shakes suddenly loudly, eyes spills over the inconceivable strange gloss, the whole face is pleasantly surprised. 他忽然轰然一震,双眸泛出不可思议的奇异光泽,满脸惊喜。 The vice- soul is gathering vast starry sky disintegration energy unexpectedly slowly, is universe remnant energy that Ancient Continent can derive, these energy little well up following the vice- soul, after guiding of vice- soul, passed unexpectedly to him just congealed soon Void Realm. 副魂竟然在迟缓的聚集着浩淼星空的散碎能量,是那种只有古大陆才可以汲取的宇宙残能,那些能量一点点顺着副魂涌来,经过副魂的导引,竟然流逝向他刚凝结不久的虚界 In this moment, his vice- soul, as if had the Ancient Continent core to be exquisite, can from the boundless universe, adsorb these everywhere remnant energies. 在这一刻,他的副魂,仿佛有了古大陆的核心精妙,能从苍茫宇宙内,吸附那些无处不在的残能。 Although slow, although is quite scarce, but actually really exists, he can realize keenly. 虽然缓慢,虽然极为稀少,但却真实存在着,他能敏锐的察觉。 He knows that these universes can be the heaven and earth energy initial shapes remnantly, although is not pure, contains marvelously, Origin Energy, Dark Qi, Devil Qi, Yin Qi wait / etc. pure power, precise concentrates to come through this, but he does not know these energy true values. 他知道那些宇宙残能为天地能量的最初形态,虽然并不精纯,却蕴藏奇妙,元气冥气魔气阴气等等精纯力量,都是通过此凝炼浓缩而来,但他不知道这些能量的真正价值。 The remnant energies of these universes, flow in his Void Realm, let his Void Realm as if the real universe even more approached, that dazzling was evolved the stars that by the galaxy, just like has become Ancient Continent, was gathering the universe remnant energy that emerged from the real world, seemed evolving toward some mystical domain. 那些宇宙的残能,流入他虚界,让他虚界仿佛和真实的宇宙愈发接近了,那一颗璀璨夺目的由星河衍变的星辰,俨然成了古大陆般,在聚集着从真实世界涌入的宇宙残能,仿佛朝着某个神秘的领域衍变着。
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