GOS :: Volume #11

#1058: Saint Beast remains

Proceeds forgiving again quickly!” “往前谅度再快一点!” ` Stops!” “停下来!” Full speed advance!” “全速前进!” Slow! Is slow!” “慢!直即慢下来!” Shi Yan stands on most battleship, is narrowing the eye slightly, as if the meteor merges into one organic whole, sends unceasingly the order. 石岩站在最前的战舰上,微微眯着眼睛,仿佛和流星融为一体,不断地发号着命令。 The peripheral everywhere meteor is speeding along, as if crowded meteor shower crashes, energy fluctuation surging forward, thousand Devil Clan, Monster Clan, Fighting Union and Medicine Refining Pavilion battleships, as if are the straight lances, now fast and now slow, in these meteors are crowded advance. 周边无处不在的流星飞驰着,仿佛密集的流星雨坠落,能量波动汹涌澎湃,千艘魔族妖族战盟药器阁的战舰,仿佛是笔直的长矛,忽快忽慢,在那些流星密集内突进。 Whenever a Shi Yan order sends out, will transmit immediately to the battleship head and tail, the entire battleship group, listens to his instruction to fluctuate the speed. 每当石岩一个命令发出,会立即传递向战舰首尾,整个战舰群,都听着他的吩咐变幻着速度。 Blood Devil, Ba Si, Gu Te and Feng Yan four Origin God, separately are at the battleship front and rear end, along with preparing to deal. 血魔巴斯古特风言四名始神,分别处在战舰前方和后侧,随着准备应对。 Shi Yan will often interweave the crowded region to march forward toward the meteor, time from the beginning, the people extremely did not understand, even thought that he directs carelessly. 石岩往往会往流星交织密集的区域行进,一开始的时候,众人都极为不理解,甚至觉得他胡乱指挥。 However, these meteors are not deathly silence are motionless, on the contrary, but also fast is speeding along, obviously meteor compact district, when their battleship clashes, as if disperses spontaneously, will open wide long and narrow passage, will can hold them to enter J. 然而,那些流星并非死寂不动,相反,还都在快速飞驰着,明明流星密集区,等他们战舰冲过来,仿佛自发散开,都会敞开一条狭长通道,堪堪可以容纳他们进J、。 Several times, people mind Dading, felt a heartfelt admiration to the judgment of Shi Yan, nobody had the objection again. 数次后,众人心神大定,都对石岩的判断心悦诚服了,没有一个人再有异议。 Shi Yan has become the Dinghai god needle of people, under his command and adjustment, battleship group, although surges continuous, has not occurred with the collision of meteor all the way seriously, calm and steady. 石岩成了众人的定海神针,在他的指挥调度下,战舰群虽然波荡不休,一路上当真没有发生和流星的碰撞,安安稳稳。 Zha Shi and Fu Wei look from afar to fighting Shi Yan of bow unit, the manner is complex. 扎释芙薇远远看向战舰首部的石岩,神态复杂。 In their hearts understands, if no Shi Yan, these thousand battleships must run out of the front 他们心里面明白,如果没有石岩,这千艘战舰要冲出前方 Medicine Refining Pavilion does not know that must suffer the big heavy losses. 药器阁不知道要遭受多大的重创。 They do not have Origin God to assume personal command, once crisis arrives, suffers a loss bad luck can be their Medicine Refining Pavilion, a while ago the smashing of ten Medicine Refining Pavilion battleships, had proven this point. 他们没有始神坐镇,一旦危机降临,吃亏倒霉的都会是他们药器阁,前段时间十来艘药器阁战舰的粉碎,已经证明了这一点。 Now, they march forward in a more dangerous region difficultly, but the Medicine Refining Pavilion battleship safe and sound again did not lose. 现在,他们在更加危险的区域艰难行进,可药器阁战舰一路安然无恙再没有损失。 Although Zha Shi actually has to acknowledge to some Shi Yan still prejudices that their Medicine Refining Pavilion this has owed a Shi Yan big favour. 扎释虽然对石岩依然有成见却不得不承认,他们药器阁这趟算是欠了石岩一个大大的人情。 This child mystical not measured seriously that the potential is infinite.” Zha Shi sighed low voice darklyafter this, he will definitely obtain the favor of Devil Clan, Monster Clan and Fighting Union “此子当真神秘莫测,潜力无穷啊。”扎释小声暗叹“经过这一遭,他肯定会得到魔族妖族战盟的青睐 In the future must be unimpeded in Agate Star Field. ” 将来在玛琊星域内必会一路畅通。” Fu Wei lowers the head to nodhis Realm breakthrough to be extremely quick, according to present speed 芙薇垂首点头“他的境界突破极快,按照如今的速度 Perhaps in hundred years then can enter the step to arrive at Origin God Boundary, in Agate Star Field, definitely will have when the time comes his small space, rays of light is eye-catching, can become the new legend. ” 或许百年内便可以进阶到始神境,到时候在玛琊星域内,必然会有他一席之地,光芒夺目,能成为新的传说。” The Zha Shi forced smile I indeed underestimated him.” 扎释苦笑“我的确小看了他。” Is good because of...... He and our side relations are good, if he and Great Elder left Mai arrives together, was our nightmares.” Fu Wei said spookily. “好在……他和我们这一方关系不错,如果他和大长老左麦走到一块儿,就是我们的噩梦了。”芙薇幽幽说道。 Un, your vision is quite accurate, I am inferior to you.” But Zha Shi acknowledged that you early have established the friendly relations with him fortunately, previous time in the star of ninth life, without him, we whether can be cut to kill by Mirage Clan and Ghost Mark clan?” Zha Shi gaze as if a torch looks to Fu Wei. “嗯,你眼光极为精准,我不如你。”扎锋无奈承认“还好你早早和他建立了友好的关系,上次在第九生命之星,没有他,我们是否都要被幽影族鬼纹族斩杀?”扎锋目光如炬的看向芙薇 Is such.” Fu Wei small sound track. “是那样。”芙薇小声道。 That early morning “那晨 ...... Should have the secret facts? That Origin God Third Sky Realm does, come because of him? ” Zha Shi asked again. ……应该另有隐情吧?那名始神三重天境界者,是不是因他而来?”扎锋再问。 Fu Wei silent for a long time, slight bow. 芙薇沉默许久,微微点头。 The Zha Shi eye emits rays of light slightly, deep looks at Fu Wei, the good half sound, in a soft voice saying: Is a pity Medicine Refining Pavilion Pavilion's Master, life-long cannot the marriage, otherwise...... You and he unify, might as well be happy fine deeds.” 扎锋眼睛微微放出光芒,深深看着芙薇,好半响,才轻声说道:“可惜药器阁阁主,终生不能婚嫁,若不然……你和他结合,未尝不是件皆大欢喜的美事。” Fu Wei cheek swiftly flood red, sighed in a soft voice: I do not have that good fortune, various others Xia Xinyan aspects surpass me, do not think.” 芙薇脸蛋倏然泛红,轻声叹息道:“我没那个福分,人家夏心妍各方面都超过我,你们就别多想了。” Yeah.” Zha Shi sighed lightly, shakes the head has not said anything. “哎。”扎锋轻叹,摇头没有多说什么。 You and his actually what relates?” Battleship another corner/horn, Feng Yan frowns, questioned in a soft voice. “你和他究竟什么关系?”战舰另外一角,风言皱着眉头,轻声问话。 Xia Xinyan was startled, turned head strangely looked at her one eyes, was astonished however said: What meaning?” 夏心妍一怔,回头怪异的看了她一眼,讶然道:“什么意思?” I meant “我是说 ...... You and did Shi Yan, which step develop? ” Feng Yan earnest say|way. ……你和石岩,到底发展到了哪一步?”风言认真道。 Shows a faint smile, Xia Xinyan had not replied that instead inquired: Feng Yan Senior how care my private affair?” 微微一笑,夏心妍没有回答,反而询问道:“风言前辈怎的关心起我的私事了?” Your private affair, our Union Master, is the important matter!” Feng Yan light shout, hesitates for a long time, said suddenly: I approve of your matters.” “你的私事,在我们的盟主来看,乃是大事!”风言轻喝一声,沉吟许久,突然道:“我赞同你们俩的事情。” beautiful pupil one bright, Xia Xinyan came the interest, said with a smile: You have not believed that I should use more energy on cultivation? In Fighting Union, you also helped me keep off many pursuers, strongly opposed my chaotic heart in front of Union Master, today...... How to say?” 美眸一亮,夏心妍来了兴致,含笑说道:“您不是一直认为,我应该将更多精力用在修炼上么?在战盟,你还帮我挡了很多追求者,在盟主面前极力反对我乱心,今天……怎么会这么说?” „The boy is very good.” Feng Yan looks from afar to Shi Yan, suddenly gentle has smiled getting up also only then he, could can be joined to you, I had been also young, has experienced the emotion dispute, a woman, if the life does not have one in old age the love that is worth recalling, is very pitiful, I do not think your old and alone person life.” “那小子很不错。”风言远远看向石岩,忽然慈祥的笑了起来“也只有他,或许能配得上你,我也曾经年轻过,也经历过情感纠葛,一个女人,如果一生没有一段老来值得回忆的爱情,是非常可悲的,我也不想你孤老一生。” He will not agree.” Xia Xinyan has thought a while, helpless bitter Wu „his person, is very indeed old-fashioned biased. „ The Feng Yan complexion is also serious ’ „ he, when your blood younger sister regards, is so. He thought that affects your cultivation factor, should be strangled. Must convince him, as if indeed not easy ` if that boy fiercely to enough degree, making Union Master resort to the method unable to strangle, wants to come among you matter then to be able eventually to achieve.” “他不会同意的。”夏心妍想了一会儿,无奈的苦芜“他那人,的确很古板偏执。“风言也脸色沉重起来’“他当你亲妹妹看待,一直都是如此。他觉得影响你修炼的因素,都应该被扼杀掉。要说服他,似乎的确不容易‘不过如果那小子厉害到足够的程度,让盟主动用手段也扼杀不了,想来你们间的事情便能最终达成了。” You thought that he can reach that altitude?” The Xia Xinyan whole face is joyful. “那您觉得,他能达到那个高度么?”夏心妍满脸欣喜。 Feng Yan is considering earnestly, after a while, nods says with a smile: I think...... He can.” 风言认真思量着,过了一会儿,才点头微笑道:“我想……他可以的。” Xia Xinyan is hilarious, cannot bear low smile tenderly, the mind is joyous. 夏心妍喜不自禁,忍不住低低娇笑起来,心神欢悦。 Your old fogy luck is good, is fishing such a fierce kin person to you unexpectedly, no wonder you for him, do not hesitate to wage a war must break in Shadow Ghost Prison.” Ba Si looks at Blood Devil, said: I did not understand before very much, does not know that you send any insanity, but now, I really thought your this old fogy matter opposed.” “你个老家伙运气不错,竟然给你捞着这么一个厉害的同族人,难怪你为了他,不惜大动干戈非要冲入暗影鬼狱。”巴斯看着血魔,道:“我之前很不理解,也不知道你发什么疯,但现在,我真的觉得你这老家伙这件事作对了。” Gu Te also took a stand: Stone Yan boy is indeed uncommon, in our Agate Star Field, in addition does not have the so outstanding junior, he and your kin, is your Blood Devil assigns.” 古特也表态:“石岩小子的确不凡,我们玛琊星域内,尚且没有如此出众的小辈,他和你同族,算是你血魔命好。” Blood Devil laughs, narrows the eye to be in high spirits, said repeatedly: Must!” 血魔哈哈大笑,眯着眼睛神采飞扬,连声道:“必须的!” In Devil Blood Star, Shi Yan grants him the Death Deep Meaning inheritance, making his Realm have the breakthrough sign faintly, from that time, he knows that Shi Yan is far from the pond the thing, regards as important to this kin person extremely. 魔血星的时候,石岩赠与他死亡奥义传承,让他境界隐隐有突破的迹象,从那时候起,他就知道石岩绝非池中之物,对这个同族人极为看重。 Also is so, when Shi Yan transmits message, explained possibly suffers the sorrow of life time, he enters Shadow Ghost Prison reckless, must protect Shi Yan to be safe and sound. 也是如此,当石岩传来讯息,说明可能遭受性命之忧的时候,他不顾一切进入暗影鬼狱,要力保石岩安然无恙。 Facts showed that his feeling is absolutely correct! 事实证明,他的感觉完全正确! Shi Yan catches Mirage Clan and God Clan heaven shaking plot unexpectedly, by own charisma and infinite potential, obtained Monster Clan Ba Si and Gu Te approval. 石岩竟然捕捉到幽影族神族惊天阴谋,以自己的人格魅力和无限潜能,得到了妖族巴斯古特认可。 Blood Devil knows, starting today, Ba Si and Gu Te will regard No. 1 character Shi Yan, does not dare to look down upon him. 血魔知道,从今天起,巴斯古特都会将石岩当成一号人物,不会敢小视他。 This Mirage Clan void passage one line, the Shi Yan reputation will also increase to a new altitude, becomes the character of all influence key attention in Agate Star Field. 这趟幽影族虚空通道一行,石岩的名声也会攀升到一个新的高度,在玛琊星域成为各方势力重点关注的人物。 So-called soaring, refers to was Shi Yan this situation. 所谓的一飞冲天,指的便是石岩这种情况了。 Blood Devil chuckles to oneself secretly, smiling face roasting on face even more fiercely. 血魔暗暗窃喜,脸上的笑容愈发的炙烈了。 Shi Yan does not know Fighting Union Feng Yan and Medicine Refining Pavilion Zha Shi Fu Wei, Monster Clan and Devil Clan three Expert to his appraisal secretly, does not know that after this matter, his first time reaches these great person discernment, does not know that he formally enters the Shadow Ghost Prison big stage. 石岩并不知道战盟风言药器阁扎锋芙薇妖族魔族三名强者对他的暗自评价,也不知道经过这次事情,他第一次荣登那些大人物法眼,更加不知道他正式进入暗影鬼狱的大舞台。 His mental consciousness, still flutters in the front, infers these meteors in attentive the rules, then unceasing spreading order. 他的精神意识,依然飘荡在前方,在用心来推断那些流星的规律,进而不断的传出命令。 Also After a long time, he thinks spirit to be exhausted gradually, then earnest understands clearly the peripheral meteor direction, suddenly relaxed quietly. 不知道过了多久,他渐渐觉得精神疲惫,然后认真的洞悉周边的流星方向,忽然悄悄松了一口气。 His clear induction, they crossed the most difficult distance, the front must with ease too be relatively many. 他清晰的感应到,他们已经渡过最为艰难的一段路程,前方要相对轻松太多。 Inspired, he has not continued more energy releases, however takes back part of consciousness, sat silently. 吸了一口气,他没有继续将更多精力释放,然而收回一部分意识,默默坐了下来。 After the quarter, suddenly two silhouette facial expression excited coming. 一刻钟后,忽然两道身影神情激动的过来。 Opens eyes, a Shi Yan face is astonished however, said: What's wrong?” 睁开眼,石岩一脸讶然,道:“怎么啦?” Comes the person is should in battleship interior rest Zuo Shi and Xuan Ming, at this time on two faces has not normal excited, the eye is shining, excited is pointing at a direction. 来人是本该在战舰内部休息的左诗玄冥,此时两人脸上有着不正常的〖兴〗奋,眼睛明晃晃的,激动的指着一个方向。 I induced, induced, had Saint ancestor's remains aura!” Zuo Shi dances with joy, white temporarily small hand point to the meteor that front flies slowly, the small face is red, wild with joy saying: In that meteor, there!” “我感应到了,真的感应到了,有圣祖的遗骸气息!”左诗手舞足蹈,白暂小手点向前方一处缓慢飞逝的流星,小脸通红,狂喜的说道:“就在那流星内部,就在那儿!” The Xuan Ming eye is hot and damp, shouted repeatedly lowly: „The Saint ancestor's remains were discovered finally, unexpectedly really in Shadow Ghost Prison!” 玄冥眼睛湿热,连声低呼道:“圣祖的遗骸终于被发现了,竟然真的就在暗影鬼狱!” Shi Yan facial expression slightly shakes. 石岩神情微震。 He is knows that Zuo Shi and Xuan Ming enter the Shadow Ghost Prison goal, for the Grace Mainland four Saint Beast Black Tortoise remains, the ancient life that great ancient era is born, very early time then breaks in boundless Star Sea, does not know that drifted many years. 他是知道左诗玄冥进入暗影鬼狱目的的,为了神恩大陆圣兽玄武的遗骸,太古时代诞生的古老生灵,很早的时候便冲入无垠星海,不知道漂泊了多少年。 Black Tortoise can swim the different races life, it is said from newborn then knows the exquisiteness of water, the gods who makes the water, not measured formidable, great ancient era that has, falls the God Clan life seed is remote. 玄武会水之异类生灵,据说从初生便知晓水之精妙,弄水的神明,强大莫测,存在的太古时代,比神族生命种子落下的时候还要久远。 Four Saint Beast have the bloodlines inheritance, in the bloodlines of Zuo Shi then has the Saint Beast Black Tortoise inheritance mark, but the mark after is only the mark, does not have load bearing Saint Beast Black Tortoise several thousand years of Realm to realize from experience the essence. 圣兽有血脉传承,左诗的血脉中便有圣兽玄武的传承印记,但印记毕竟只是印记,并没有承载圣兽玄武数万年的境界体悟精华。 According to Zuo Shi and Xuan Ming, in the Saint ancestor Black Tortoise remains, then had ancestor the mystery of fine soul of water, once made Zuo Shi obtain, immediately then can obtain the change of being reborn. 按照左诗玄冥所言,在圣祖玄武的遗骸内,便有先祖的水之奥妙精魄,一旦让左诗得到,立即便能得到脱胎换骨的变化。 Has not thought that in the region that this marvelous not measures, Zuo Shi induces Saint Beast Black Tortoise aura. 没想到,在这处奇妙莫测的区域,左诗真的感应到了圣兽玄武气息 Following her direction, Shi Yan wisp of Divine Sense moves fast, little survey in that meteor, discovered that the meteor as if there is sea to be ordinary, the moisture is very rich, his Divine Sense such as had been hindered by the blister, cannot in the meteor all scenes responding unexpectedly. 顺着她的指向,石岩一缕神识飘忽过去,在那流星内部一点点的探测,发现流星内部仿佛有海洋一般,湿气很浓郁,他神识如被水泡阻碍了,竟不能在流星内部将一切场景给反应出来。 He realized immediately that in that meteor Center, should indeed have the marvelous place, if the Zuo Shi sensation is good, Saint Beast Black Tortoise remains, possibly really then. 他立即意识到,在那颗流星〖中〗央,应该的确有奇妙的地方,如果左诗感知不错,圣兽玄武的遗骸,可能真的便在其中。 Stone Elder Brother Yan, you must help me.” Zuo Shi eager looks to him. “石岩哥哥,你要帮我呀。”左诗眼巴巴的看向他。 Un, relax, I help you obtain it.” “嗯,放心,我帮你得到它。”
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