GOS :: Volume #11

#1073: Battlefield

Shi Yan is aerosol, the showdowns of static looks at six Origin God Boundary, do not mix a meaning of foot. 石岩悬浮虚空,静静看着六名始神境界者的对决,没有要搀和一脚的意思。 This is doomed to write down the fight of Agate Star Field annals, is not this rank Realm can change, temporarily, he does not have that ability. 这场注定要载入玛琊星域史册的战斗,不是他这个级别境界者可以改变的,暂时,他没有那个能力。 He records that person of words sincerely: Cannot achieve Origin God Boundary try not to expose the status. 他谨记那人的一番话:达不到始神境界尽量不要暴露身份。 Mirage Clan and God Clan relate closely, initially may the card be able to guess that his leading share, head of the clan Bei Luo and may reach naturally also to be able through the revolution of his power deep meaning affirming, stretches across chasing down of star territory through God Clan to Ben Ni, he knows that God Clan has not given up hunting to Bloodthirsty lineage/vein. 幽影族神族关系密切,当初可卡能够猜测出他的导份,族长贝洛和可达自然也能通过他力量奥义的运转给肯定下来,通过神族本尼横跨星域的追杀,他知道神族嗜血一脉从来没有放弃过猎捕。 He is inheritance of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein master...... 他是嗜血一脉主人的传承者…… Once this status exposes, may bring in God Clan not to hesitate all Deelen's encircling, even solely does not limit Ascot Family! 一旦这个身份暴露出来,可能会引来神族不惜一切代伦的围剿,甚至不单单局限阿斯科特家族! He knows power that now has not contended with, temporary concealing one's abilities is necessary vaguely, he must maintain his diving hidden, in order to avoid annoys the counter-attack that is hard to imagine. 他知道如今没有抗衡的力量,暂时的韬光隐晦很有必要,他必须要保持自己的潜隐,以免惹来难以想象的反击。 This war, as if not need his power...... 这一战,似乎也不需要他那一份力量…… After hundred years, the exquisite assurance of Xia Xinyan to war makes him exclaim, Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Fighting Union and Medicine Refining Pavilion Warrior under her command and adjustment, gets rid methodically, four influences are taking turn, in Jing dazzling power spout. 时隔百年,夏心妍对战局的精妙把握让他惊叹不已,妖族魔族战盟药器阁武者在她指挥调度下,有条不紊出手,四股势力交替着,荆中种炫目的力量喷涌出来。 In thousand Expert wanton bombing, may reach god pervert bei, cannot bring the threat to Blood Devil and Feng Yan. 在千名强者狂轰滥炸中,可达神色狼狈,不能对血魔风言带来威胁。 Blood Devil and Feng Yan as if liberate, so long as ensure may reach unable to conflict, arrives at Xia Xinyan them to have no more worries. 血魔风言仿佛都解放出来,只要确保可达不能冲突出去,来到夏心妍他们这边便可高枕无忧。 When afterward, may reach power to consume greatly, God Body competes however seeps the perspiration mark, this explained that his Origin God Second Sky Realm deals with the so continuous offensive, same is utterly exhausted. 待到后来,可达一身力量耗费巨大,神体竞然沁出汗迹,这说明他始神二重天境界应对如此连绵不绝的攻势,也一样疲惫不堪。 Shi Yan was even more relaxed. 石岩愈发轻松了。 According to his instruction, Fei Lan, Lianna, Ka Tuo and Ben Ni four people of also silent motionless, distant looks at six Origin God peak showdowns. 按照他的指示,费兰莉安娜卡托本尼四人也都静默不动,远远看着六名始神巅峰对决。 This war, can fortunately observer the income that is doomed to yield unable to imagine, particularly Shi Yan...... 这一战,能够有幸旁观者注定会获得想象不到的收益,尤其是石岩…… Yu Shan by marvelous controlling fire accurate, but also is carrying on to refine to the ghost jellyfish, that azure quiet flame, seems the gatherer of her soul, the caper is continuously uncertain, as if bunches of clever lives, rely on her thought consciousness to combine many marvelously. 郁珊以奇妙的控火精准度,还在对亡魂水母进行炼化,那一缕缕青幽的火苗,仿佛乃她魂魄的聚集物,跳跃不定,仿佛一簇簇灵巧的生灵,依循她的念头意识组合成诸多奇妙。 Burning hot turbulent flame, contains heaven and earth Essence to be marvelous, agreeing without consultation in world flame true meaning. 炙热汹涌的火焰,蕴藏着天地本源奇妙,暗合世间火焰真谛。 Blood Devil is pasting the life deep meaning, within the body Devil Blood is seething with excitement, ten blood shade as if Blood Devil true body fluctuate, likely has his become power, moves fast is grazing, gives a reality the Eight Pole region that may reach, lets be possible to reach unable to work loose. 血魔流转着生命奥义,体内魔血沸腾着,十来道血影都仿佛血魔真身变幻而成,都像是有着他一成力量,飘忽飞掠着,把可达的八极区域都给堵实,让可达不能挣脱掉。 Life deep meaning, is he needs young small hole to realize from experience entirely, the Blood Devil marvelous method as if opens a leafed door to him, making the soul that he looks at drag. 生命奥义,也是他需要仔细洞悉体悟的,血魔的奇妙手段仿佛给他打开一扇门,令他看的灵魂摇曳。 Mirage Clan head of the clan Bei Luo, in world extremely rare breakthrough Origin God Space Deep Meaning, his thought fluctuates, the glass of void as if disruption, splits slits, these slits can bring the life threat power to disappear to him in invisible. 幽影族的族长贝洛,世间极其罕见的突破始神空间奥义者,他念头变幻间,虚空仿佛碎裂的玻璃,绽出一道道缝隙,那些缝隙能够将许多给他带来生命威胁的力量消于无形。 The cognition of Bei Luo to Space Deep Meaning, achieves the inconceivable region, he imprisons the space from time to time, from time to time tears the space, from time to time shuttle An Jian, to the utilization of space exquisite to the extreme. 贝洛空间奥义的认知,达到不可思议的境地,他时而禁锢空间,时而撕裂空间,时而穿梭安间,对空间的运用精妙到了极点。 The flame, lives and space three deep meanings, he knows well, but does not have a deep meaning to achieve Yu Shan, Blood Devil and Bei Luo Realm level, looks at carefully to the fight of Expert, particularly and is consistent to the Expert deep meaning, to Shi Yan this observer, feared that is in world most marvelous circumstances. 火焰、生命、空间三种奥义,都他所熟识的,但没有一种奥义可以达到郁珊血魔贝洛境界层次,端详至强者的战斗,尤其是至强者奥义和自己一致,对石岩这个旁观者来说,怕是世间最奇妙的境遇。 He naturally cannot miss easily. 他自然不会轻易错过。 If can through six people of battles, make oneself obtain through the release of their Realm clearly becomes aware, then to his income, compared with absorbing a Origin God essence may greatly. 如果能通过六人的交战,通过他们境界的释放让自身获得明悟,那对他的收益,要比吸收一个始神的精气可能还要巨大。 He does not enter the war, such calm looks at familiar three deep meanings, by wonderful were evolved to stimulate to movement to the mysterious way of summit by three Origin God, multiplies the innumerable changes, most mysterious one of the deep meaning responding, the facial expression changes countenance, indulges is unable to extricate oneself. 他不参战,就这么冷静看着熟悉的三种奥义,被三个始神以妙至毫巅的玄奥方式衍变催动出来,滋生无数变化,将奥义的最神奇一幕给反应出来,神情动容,沉溺其中无法自拔。 He realized finally his Realm level, has the far distance to Origin God, first time knows that the flame, life and Space Deep Meaning can achieve the how marvelous change. 他终于意识到他的境界层次,离始神有多远的距离,也第一次知道火焰、生命、空间奥义可以达到多么奇妙的变化。 He is realizing from experience secretly, the eye flickers does not move, by the Divine Sense sense of touch, Soul Altar gyrates attentively quietly, the deep meaning sector in sacrificial altar, seems having the subtle change, is simulating these deep meanings to display to evolve all sorts of mysterious...... 他暗暗体悟着,眼睛一瞬不移,全神贯注地以神识触觉,灵魂祭台悄悄旋动,祭台内的奥义区间,仿佛在发生着微妙的变化,在模拟那些奥义施展衍变出来的种种神奇…… This is an ingenious sublimation of soul Realm. 这是一种灵魂境界的巧妙升华。 Monster Clan Gu Te and Ba Si, in the monster body shape to the war, ought to do Bei Luo with joint forces. 妖族古特巴斯,以妖身形态对战,合力应行贝洛 Bei Luo Origin God Second Sky, finishes Space Deep Meaning, however in the confrontation of Gu Te and in Ba Si, as if cannot get the winning side. 贝洛始神二重天,精修空间奥义,然而在和古特巴斯的交锋中,似乎并不能占据上风。 Monster Clan repairs the soul, but their fleshly body powerful degree recognition in world peak, their monster body as if hardest material, even cannot tear Space Cutting Blade instantaneously, leaves behind the wound in their dragon body at most, but Dragon Breath that they spit, making that Bei Luo not feel better extremely, the complexion is even more stern. 妖族不着重修魂,但他们的肉身强悍程度公认世间巅峰,他们妖身仿佛最坚硬的物质,甚至连空间利刃都不能瞬间撕裂,至多在他们龙身留下伤口,而他们吐出来的龙息,让那贝洛也极为不好受,脸色愈发严峻。 May reach by key take care of, reveals the weary condition gradually, gradually aura subduction. 可达被重点照顾,渐渐显露疲态,渐渐气息消减。 The Blood Devil initial main body is motionless, after a while, he no longer meets the enemy by the blood shade finally, the powerful demon body transmits the turbulent verve fluctuation, such as the stars avalanche, the fleshly body explosive, Blood Qi soars to the heavens loudly. 血魔初始本体不动,过了一会儿,他终于不再只是以血影迎敌,强悍魔体传来汹涌刚猛的波动,如星辰崩塌,肉身轰然爆响,血气冲天。 He changes into a life fluctuation of strong full, with the beginning fusion is one, such as the life sea was in flood, immediately toward may reach submerges. 他化为一股浓烈充盈的生命波动,和始界融合为一,如生命海洋泛滥了,顿时往可达淹没。 You trade individual take care of.” “你们换个人照顾吧。” The Blood Devil sound conveys suddenly, he by the life sea that beginning evolves, may reach for binding directly that matter level rich Gan command fluctuates, contains heaven and earth to be exquisite, including 血魔的声音忽然传来,他以始界衍化的生命海洋,直接将那可达给裹住了,那层层浓郁的甘命波动,蕴藏着天地精妙,连 The phoenix word cannot meddle. 凤言都不能插手了。 Xia Xinyan nods with a smile, free putting out a hand, said safely: Makes us look upon with favor the Mirage Clan head of the clan much.” 夏心妍含笑点头,安然自若的伸手一点,道:“让我们多多垂青幽影族的族长。” Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Fighting Union and Medicine Refining Pavilion Warrior acknowledged loudly that is listening to her order, once in a while gets rid, reverses space, creates the pressure to Mirage Clan head of the clan Bei Luo. 妖族魔族战盟药器阁武者轰然应诺,都听着她的命令,间或出手,去扭转空间,给幽影族的族长贝洛带来压力。 Shi Yan does not dare to look down on community power. 石岩再也不敢小瞧群体力量 He believes that energy that thousand Expert collaborate to jointly attack, utilizes the exquisite place, strangles to death Origin God sufficiently! 他相信,千名强者联手合击的能量,运用到精妙处,足以绞杀始神 Origin God, by no means absolute invincibility, although instantaneous instant kill Realm meanness, may work as the meanness quantity to be a terrifying degree, and brings together gets rid methodically, the headache that Origin God must be stirred wants to crack. 始神,并非绝对的无敌,虽然瞬间秒杀境界低微者,可当低微者数量达到一个恐怖的程度,并且抱成一团有条不紊出手,始神也要被搅的头疼欲裂。 Bei Luo is burning with impatience, the crazy attack of Gu Te and Ba Si, has brought very big obstuction to him, now is shelled by thousand Expert, seriously is irritable even more. 贝洛心急如焚,古特巴斯的疯狂攻击,已经给他带来很大的阻扰,如今又被千名强者轰击,当真是愈发的急躁。 That ghost jellyfish aura weak slowly, eye looks at then must be built up by the burning hot Essence flame by Yu Shan, his giving birth is hard to the urgency that Ascot Family confesses, wants to collude the void rope way continuously, withdraws from here. 那亡魂水母气息慢慢的虚弱,眼看着便要被郁珊以炙热本源火焰炼化,他生出难以向阿斯科特家族交代的紧迫,连续想要勾连虚空索道,从这儿脱身出去。 However, must let the slit that the ghost jellyfish leaves in the void passage tearing energy, he needs the complete spirit to be centralized, cannot outside world power disturb. 然而,要在虚空通道撕裂能让亡魂水母离开的缝隙,他需要全部精神集中,不能有一丝外界力量打搅。 Now Gu Te and Ba Si have not given him the time, was dispatched thousand Warrior to bomb by Xia Xinyan, possibility that he has not realized. 现在古特巴斯没有给他时间,又被夏心妍调度千名武者轰炸,他更加没有实现的可能。 First by not gasping for breath Medicine Refining Pavilion, Fighting Union, Monster Clan and Devil Clan that Warrior the Origin God reputation presses, looks at two Origin God under their crowded offensive, power is consuming rapidly, reveals the happy expression, even more female of admiring that mapping out strategic plans in an army tent, is encouraged for her wisdom and method. 最先被始神名头压的喘不过气来的药器阁战盟妖族魔族武者,看着两名始神在他们密集攻势下,力量迅速消耗着,都露出喜色,愈发敬佩那名运筹帷幄的女子,为她的智慧和手段振奋。 Them, this fought them to win obviously, but they, competed however are main achievement factors. 在他们来看,这一战他们明显要获胜了,而他们,竞然就是最主要的获胜因素。 This lets they secret excited wild with joy, going all out, power that the deep meaning, Void Realm, power and rare treasure connection expedites, simply such as stars raindrop, continuous, accurate, smashing that Bei Luo many Space Cutting Blade stir, changes into the stream ray splash. 这让他们暗暗激动狂喜,更加的卖力,奥义、虚界力量、秘宝交汇催生的力量,简直如星辰雨点,连绵不绝,又精准非常,将那贝洛的许多空间利刃搅的粉碎,化为流光飞溅。 The people think that the general situation has decided that lights up with pleasure. 众人以为大局已定,喜笑颜开。 But in Mirage Clan two Expert are slowly weak, the mutation breaks out, small dish shape battleships appear slowly from distant place stream ray glittering void passage, several hundred battleships appear, small dish shape War Chariot that innumerable Mirage Clan are in sole possession of howls, the butterfly that as if dances in the air plunders lightly. 可就在幽影族两名强者慢慢不支之时,异变突起,一艘艘碟形战舰从远处流光闪烁的虚空通道缓缓显现出来,数百艘战舰一显现出来,无数幽影族独有的碟形战车呼啸出来,仿佛飞舞的蝴蝶翩然掠来。 The Xia Xinyan elegant face changes, courageously said: Rush!” 夏心妍俏脸微变,当机立断道:“冲杀!” Storm Battalion good War Chariot such as to combine the incisive shape, her silhouette dodges, drops down in the battlefield front, that battlefield is similar to a handle pointed knife, front Leeson is cold, inserts stiffly to Mirage Clan comes the person. 疾风战部战车如组合成尖锐形态,她身影一闪,直直落在战阵前方,那战阵如同一柄尖刀,锋利森寒,硬生生插向幽影族的来人。 Fighting Union Storm Battalion by fast is well-known, bird War Chariot nimble and resourceful like electricity, sharp such as row, Fighting Union Warrior of that battlefield earth has own continuing, the prolonged fight urges the grinding, the cultivation gold/metal, ice, electricity and other sharp deep meaning, gathers is responsible for the storm charge state-of-art, the cultivation water and wind, and other deep meaning, then disperses behind the battlefield, precise barrier, forms for and Fang people layer on layer defends, the aggressor and defender perform its own functions, has the explicit goal, coreferences acts in harmony without a gap. 战盟疾风战部以迅捷闻名,飞鸟战车灵动如电,又锋利如列,那战阵土的战盟武者都有着自己的持续,经久战斗催磨,修炼金、冰、电等锋锐奥义者,都聚集尖端负责强攻冲锋,修炼水、风、地等奥义者,则是分散在战阵后侧,凝炼结界,为并方人形成重重防御,攻击者和防御者各司其责,都有着明确的目标,相互见配合默契无间。 Shadow Ghost Prison moves the star territory most fight intense place for Ma, Fighting Union is the outstanding person, regarding the immerse utilization of battlefield, is Agate Star Field is absolutely top. 暗影鬼狱为玛挪星域最为战斗激烈之地,战盟又是其中佼佼者,对于战阵的浸没运用,绝对是玛琊星域顶尖。 Their this Storm Battalion Warrior, only then trivial several hundred people, but after precise battlefield, actually the just liking whole, competes however unable to look at the obvious flaw, the cutting edge is seriously incomparable. 他们这一支疾风战部武者,只有区区数百人,可凝炼战阵之后却浑如整体,竞然瞧不出明显破绽,当真锋刃无匹。 Mirage Clan comes the person noisy crowd to attack, is similar to together the spread arrange group, competes however is Storm Battalion of head is torn an corner/horn by Xia Xinyan stiffly, pushes directly into center that jabs into the Mirage Clan Expert accumulation. 幽影族的来人一窝蜂冲击过来,如同一块扩散的布团,竞然硬生生被夏心妍为首的疾风战部被撕裂一角,长驱直入的刺进幽影族强者聚集的中央点。 Sharp battlefield that Shi Yan looks at Storm Battalion forms, in mind, only then described the words and expressions: Destroy the hardest defenses! 石岩看着疾风战部形成的锋利战阵,脑海中只有一个形容词语:无坚不摧! That makings elegant magnificent and expensive female, is the soul of battlefield, such as advantage row of acmes, make a great show of one's talents. 那气质典雅华贵的女子,便是战阵的灵魂,如利列的尖端,锋芒毕露。 Kills!” “杀!” The lotus shades drinks tenderly, complexion woods are cold, actuates Medicine Refining Pavilion Warrior to join the war. 芙蔽娇喝,脸色森寒,也驱动药器阁武者加入战局。 Monster Clan and Devil Clan Expert moves loudly, the Mirage Clan clansman who such as three mighty currents rush, the frigid fights of several thousand various clan Expert, hence officially begin. 妖族魔族强者轰然行动,如三股洪流涌向过来的幽影族族人,数千名各族强者的惨烈战斗,至此才正式拉开序幕。 Shi Yan expression is indifferent, Paute is still motionless, the look in Mirage Clan and Fighting Union, Medicine Refining Pavilion, Devil Clan and Monster Clan these slaughter in the crowd to sway, he can look, Devil Clan and Monster Clan single battle efficiency, compared with Storm Battalion powerful many, encounter one-on-one, Devil Clan and Monster Clan can exceed Storm Battalion absolutely. 石岩神色冷漠,依然保特不动,眼神在幽影族战盟药器阁魔族妖族的那些厮杀人群中晃荡着,他看得出来,魔族妖族单个的战斗力,要比疾风战部强悍许多,单对单交锋,魔族妖族绝对能胜过疾风战部 However, carries on association fight, he suddenly discovered that Devil Clan and Monster Clan are obviously inferior much, among them the coordination appears extremely jerky, let alone has compared with Storm Battalion of Xia Xinyan dispatch, competes however even/including Fubi to hold imperial Medicine Refining Pavilion Warrior to be inferior. 然而,真的进行团体战斗,他忽然发现魔族妖族明显逊色不少,他们双方间的配合显得极为生涩,别说和夏心妍调度的疾风战部相比了,竞然连芙蔽掌御的药器阁武者都不如。 This is the war, is not the fights of several Expert, in this war, understood that utilization battlefield display team exquisiteness, compared with the disorderly rush of noisy crowd, not know the might wants powerful many. 这是战争,不是数名强者的战斗,在这种战争中,懂得运用战阵发挥团队精妙者,要比一窝蜂的无序冲杀,不知道威力要强悍多少。 He deeply frowns, the first discovery in this several thousand people of fight, individual power is quite actually tiny, only if Realm powerful to the certain extent, can disregard the rush of battlefield, he also really realizes that can dispatch the battlefield Xia Xinyan that team power displays completely, the ability is how precious. 他深深皱着眉头,第一次发现在这种数千人的战斗中,个人力量其实颇为渺小除非境界强悍到一定程度,能无视战阵的冲杀,他也真的认识到,能够调度战阵将团队力量全部发挥出来的夏心妍,能力是多么的弥足珍贵。 ps: Asked the monthly ticket quietly ps:悄声求月票
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