GOS :: Volume #11

#1055: Void Realm

Void Realm is evolving of deep meaning, is the miniature of spirit rose.” 虚界是奥义的衍变,是灵瑰的缩影。” Void Realm is Warrior takes the deep meaning as the basis, is based on the power precise illusory world.” 虚界武者以奥义为根本,以力量为基础凝炼的虚幻世界。” Void Realm has the infinite change, attaches to Warrior Soul Altar to live , is not quite same as sacrificial altar, is interlinked with the soul.” 虚界有无限变化,依附武者灵魂祭台而生,却又和祭台不太一样,和灵魂相通。” Void Realm can unceasing extending, be able throughout the continuous development.” 虚界能不断的延伸,能始终不休的拓展。” „......” “……” Blood Devil, Fei Lan, Xia Xinyan, Fu Wei and the others had Void Realm, respectively spreads out turns into own Void Realm, they by their realizing from experience, have given the definition of Void Realm. 血魔费兰夏心妍芙薇等人拥有虚界者,也都分别衍变成自己的虚界,他们都以自己的体悟,给出了虚界的定义。 Each breakthrough Void God boundary, first step is precise own Void Realm, Void Realm is inadequate, means that Void Realm First Sky is not thorough, only then Void Realm appears, has the space that further breakthrough grows. 每一个突破虚神境者,第一步便是凝炼自己的虚界,虚界不成,意味着虚界一重天还不算彻底,也只有虚界出现,才有进一步突破成长的空间。 Void Realm can utilize, in fight and power deep meaning should with, strengthen Warrior power mutually, ever changing of Void Realm, can take to the Warrior brand-new power application. 虚界能够运用出来,在战斗中和力量奥义相互应和,增强武者力量,虚界的千变万化,能够带给武者全新的力量运用方式。 It can be said that achieves Void God Realm, must rely on Void Realm to fight, power, deep meaning and God Body, must with the Void Realm vertical, be able to show the might maximum degree. 可以说,达到虚神境界者,必须依赖虚界而战,力量、奥义和神体,必须和虚界沟通联系,才可以将威力最大程度展现。 Shi Yan enters step Void God Realm now officially, most important does, is precise own Void Realm. 石岩如今正式进阶虚神境界,首要做的,便是凝炼自己的虚界 In secret room that the battleship, a vault opens wide, Shi Yan looks up to darkly void, frowns with hardship, has the feeling that plants not to cross the threshold. 战舰内部,一间穹顶敞开的密室内,石岩仰望幽暗虚空,苦苦皱着眉头,有种不得入门的感觉。 To any breakthrough Void God Warrior, evolves precise own Void Realm, is not the difficult problem that can realize easily. Has many Warrior, in this checkpoint stay for a long time, possibly for several years, possible ten years, then some day a miraculous glow present time, suddenly clearly becomes aware to realize anything, then success broken threshold. 对任何一名突破虚神武者来说,凝炼衍变自己的虚界,都不是一件可以轻易实现的难题。有很多武者,在这个关卡停留许久,可能数年,也可能十来年,然后才会某天灵光一现的时候,忽然明悟意识到什么,进而成功勒破门槛。 Blood Devil and the others description of related Void Realm, is different, their cultivation deep meaning, is not quite same as Shi Yan, cannot give him too many references. 血魔等人有关虚界的描述,皆是不同,他们修炼的奥义,也和石岩不太一样,不能给他太多的参考。 According to the power deep meaning, Warrior is different, some precise mode of formation slight detections of Void Realm, In general, cultivation same power deep meaning, Void Realm will be different, the precise Void Realm way, ten thousand types fluctuate. 根据力量奥义不同,武者不同,虚界的凝炼形成方式都有细微察觉,一般来说,修炼同样力量奥义者,虚界也不会一样,凝炼虚界的方式,更是有万种变幻。 Only then found to suit own access method, evolves according to own power differently, can make Void Realm form. 只有找到适合自己的门径方法,根据自身力量不同衍变,才能让虚界形成。 His deep meaning heterogeneous, has the space, life and stars, has Devouring Deep Meaning that cannot comprehend, several deep meaning collections in one, when must evolve forms Void Realm, is living too many issues, making him simply not have the clue, throughout cannot seek for the direction. 他奥义驳杂,有空间、生命、星辰,更有至今不能领悟的吞噬奥义,数种奥义集于一身,当要衍变形成虚界的时候,便着生太多的问题,让他根本没有头绪,始终找寻不到方向。 Is looking up at vault piece of dark nothingness, cannot find star light, Shi Yan with a worried look. 仰视着穹顶一片幽暗虚无,瞧不见一点星光,石岩愁眉不展。 Also After a long time, he puts behind temporarily puzzle of Void Realm, is serenely silent the soul, tries not to be too many, but will focus on Soul Altar. 不知道过了多久,他暂时忘却虚界的困扰,将灵魂安详寂静下来,试着不想太多,只是将注意力放在灵魂祭台内。 Soul Altar is divided into Third Level, Sea of Consciousness and deep meaning area and Lord soul, when today, the consciousness moves fast, he had the new discovery. 灵魂祭台分为三层,识海、奥义区、主魂,但今天,意识飘忽之时,他有了新的发现。 Above deep meaning area, main soul Center, as if many thing...... 在奥义区上方,主魂〖中〗央,仿佛多了点东西…… Holds the breath with rapt attention, all agitated little drove out from the mind puzzled, his soul is gradually spatial, does not dye a chaos, the thought wanders in that region. 屏息凝神,一切烦躁困惑被一点点从脑海驱除,他渐渐灵魂空明,不染一丝纷乱,念头都游荡在那一片区域。 Consciousness touch, a piece boundless boundless, chaos, as if the universe has not become the beforehand miniature...... 意识触感,一片苍茫无际,一片混沌,仿佛宇宙未成之前的缩影…… Just likes a white paper, can rely on the deep meaning, thought and power constantly to change, for its packing color, outlined the bright design picture scroll, to the imagination of his powerful and unconstrained style, entrusted with its different kind splendor. 犹如一张白纸,可以依循奥义、念头、力量不断变化,为其填充色彩,勾勒出鲜活的图案画卷,任由他天马行空的想象,赋予其别样的精彩。 He consciousness to move fast looks at fixedly, is patrolling in that boundless chaos place, are not many thinks that seems only the mystery in pure enjoyment soul, unexpectedly unprecedented relaxes peacefully. 他意识飘忽凝注,就在那苍茫混沌处游弋着,也不多想,似乎只是单纯的享受灵魂内的奥妙,竟前所未有的放松安静。 Vast Star Sea, the star territory is boundless, all sorts of stars such as the desert sand, the number by trillion ideas, does not know that the space is vast boundlessly, does not know that evolves many race lives, does not know that once many Warrior fell from the sky, turning over to the ruins to dissipate to does not leave a trace. 浩瀚星海,星域无边无数,种种星辰如大漠沙粒,数以亿万计,不知空间多么辽阔无垠,不知衍变多少种族生灵,不知曾经有多少武者陨灭,归墟消散到不留一丝痕迹。 In boundless boundless Star Sea, is containing among heaven and earth most mystical miracle, has numerous ancient formidable lives, has splendor that too he wants unable to imagine. 无边无垠的星海内,蕴藏着天地间最神秘的奇迹,有着众多古老强大生命,有着太多他想都想象不到的精彩。 He indulges in his soul world, the mind blows off, thought that oneself incomparably slowly thought tiny one as if have become the universe slight dust, soul glittering is uncertain, the Divine Sense look, the deep meaning level is fluctuating quietly...... 他沉溺在自己的灵魂世界,心灵放空,觉得自身无比渺小又慢慢觉得自己仿佛成了宇宙的细微尘埃,灵魂闪烁不定,神识眼神,奥义层悄悄变幻着…… He indulges in profound realizing from experience of Stars Deep Meaning first, fantasized one are one in boundless Star Sea small, such as the void grit, such as common stars, ups and downs for trillion years in dark green ancient vast Star Sea, by being in sole possession of the way displays own existence intent early morning...... 他最先沉溺在星辰奥义的深刻体悟,幻想自己乃无边星海内的一颗微小点,如虚空沙石,如一颗不起眼的繁星,在苍古浩淼星海内沉浮亿万年,一直在以独有的方式来表现自己的存在意晨…… , He has a marvelous feeling gradually: One as if have become the vast void part, has become a Star Sea point at the first luminous spot, has become stars...... 渐渐地,他生出一种奇妙的感觉:自己仿佛成了浩淼虚空的一部分,成了星海的一点起初光点,成了一颗星辰…… When this feeling multiplies, his still ignorant, indulges when own energetic soul world, mixes does not know when he consciousness is fuzzy, his dantian cyclone Center, that is similar to the energy source of stars miniature, leisurely from floats to live, little moving fast to his Soul Altar. 这个感觉滋生之时,他依然浑浑噩噩,沉溺在自己的精神灵魂世界,混不知就在他意识模糊之时,他丹田气旋〖中〗央,那如同星辰缩影的能量源头,慢悠悠从其中浮生出来,一点点的飘忽向他灵魂祭台 That is his cultivation Stars Deep Meaning, in[ body] power source that in forms, that is piece of boundless Star Sea, middle a little selects the star light of breaking into pieces, uses the star nucleus as the solid state material of basis, is similar to Star Sea radiant stars. 那是他修炼星辰奥义,在〖体〗内形成的力量源头,那是一片苍茫星海,当中有点点碎散的星光,还有一颗以星核为根本的固态物质,如同星海内一颗璀璨星辰。 Consciousness to drift from place to place in him, indulges to the soul exploration of galaxy, should in his dantian cyclone illusory Star Sea, well up quietly, enters his Sea of Consciousness slowly leisurely, across the deep meaning level, submerges his boundless chaos the unknown space. 在他意识飘忽不定,沉溺在对星河的灵魂探索之时,本该在他丹田气旋的虚幻星海,悄悄涌出来,缓缓逸入他识海,穿过奥义层,没入他那一片苍茫混沌的未知空间。 Such as a white paper was dyed by dregs seriously outlined the marvelous picture scroll, that boundless chaos change suddenly, was similar to is activated the new world by the mysterious paint brush. 当真如一张白纸被渣染勾勒了奇妙画卷,那片苍茫混沌骤然发生变化,如同被神奇画笔激活了新世界。 The boundless chaos area that the original bareness does not have, multiplies the change slowly, is similar to has the huge explosion luminous spot to disperse violently continuous, how long the everywhere large explosion continued not to know, gradually evolved, a little selected the broken star, the dazzling stars, the broken star was gyrating around that bright drill stars, path as if made by Heaven, relied on the Star Sea highest good, just liked evolving of some principle. 本来空无一无的苍茫混沌区,慢慢滋生变化,如同发生巨大爆炸般光点激散不休,无处不在的大爆炸持续了不知多久,逐渐衍变,有点点碎星,有一颗璀璨夺目的星辰,碎星围绕那明钻般的星辰旋动着,轨迹天成,依循星海至理,犹如某种法则的衍变。 The region of boundless chaos, had that micro galaxy to fluctuate, was suddenly splendid. 苍茫混沌的区域,有了那微缩的星河变幻,霍然精彩起来。 Gradually, when his thought soul rotates, in these tiny such as firefly gloss breaking to pieces star, as if had the space node to reappear, the biggest stars as if instantaneously enlarged, above can find a thing faintly, in that boundless region, had the spatial concept likely gradually. 渐渐地,在他念头灵魂转动之时,在那些渺小如萤火虫光泽的碎星中间,仿佛有了空间节点浮现出来,最大的星辰仿佛瞬间放大,其上隐隐能瞧见点事物,那苍茫的区域内,像是渐渐有了空间概念。 The vast Star Sea miniature, has the space node, has space definition that the development has extended, He/She however such as universe miniature...... 浩淼的星海缩影,有空间的节点,有了拓展延伸的空间定义,伊然如宇宙的缩影…… He does not know fluctuation of Soul Altar quite the same as, has put behind first goal, the mind indulges, is witnessing the birth of some miracle, arises spontaneously to be moved. 他浑然不知灵魂祭台的变幻,也忘却了最先的目的,心灵沉溺其中,见证着某种奇迹的诞生,油然而生感动。 Is moved for the starry sky vastly beautifully, for space fluctuates to be moved mysteriously, is moved for the marvelous fluctuation of that radiant stars. 为星空辽阔美丽感动,为空间的神奇变幻感动,为那一颗璀璨星辰的奇妙波动感动。 As if, he has become that piece of reduction universe master, he can appreciate Star Sea alone ancient, can feel the stars does not have the helplessness of soul, can understand clearly in world average man really you who from the space is hard to move...... 仿佛,他成了那片缩小宇宙的主人,他能体味星海的孤寂亘古,能感受星辰的没有灵魂的无奈,能从空间内洞悉世间常人难以触碰的真你…… Blurry, he thought suddenly this world has lacked anything...... 迷迷糊糊中,他忽然觉得这世界缺少了点什么…… Lacking life, lacks evolving of life, lacks the normal birth and death. 缺少生灵,缺少生命的衍变,缺少正常的生老病死。 This thought multiplies, his deep meaning area changes again, Life and Death Deep Meaning is welled up spontaneously, melts with the consciousness soul for all at once, pours into that mysterious heaven and earth, flows in does not calculate in Star Sea that vast actually truly has. 这个念头一滋生出来,他奥义区再次发生变化,生死奥义自发被涌出来,和意识灵魂融为一股气,注入那神奇天地内,流入不算辽阔却确实存在的星海内。 , His one continuously consciousness gradually as if entrusts with life force by the starry sky, he is similar to the deity bends down the free time that biggest stars, thought that stars bright. 渐渐地,他的一缕缕意识仿佛被星空赋予生机,他如同天神俯暇着那最大的星辰,觉得那星辰鲜活了过来。 At once, above that stars, as if relies on his thought change, relies on him consciousness facilitation of blood, seems breeding the life. 旋即,在那星辰之上,仿佛依循他念头变化,依循他意识鲜血的促成,似乎在孕育着生灵。 The sea that a latticework on a carriage sticks, as if the Sea of Consciousness miniature, is having the change, adsorbs him consciousness energetic, as if evolves in middle a bright world, is good to seem to be that the life appears and...... 一处轱糊的海洋,仿佛识海的缩影,在发生着变化,吸附他精神意识,在当中仿佛衍变出一个鲜活世界,好似有生灵浮现出和…… These life faces are fuzzy, has his aura, seems created by his power deep meaning, is similar to the mirror in the flower water the moon/month, gives him one type not[ really] solid feeling, has to think exists actually, empty illusory is imaginary, the genuine and fake, are hard to distinguish. 那些生灵面孔模糊,都有着他的气息,似乎由他的力量奥义创造出来,如同镜中huā水中月,给他一种不〖真〗实的感觉,却有觉得实际存在着,虚虚幻幻,真真假假,难以分辨。 These such as the illusory image fuzzy life, is born in inside, at inside battle, died in inside, seems only pure energy, newborn precise heaven and earth power, the death will dissipate precise power, returns among heaven and earth. 那些如幻影的模糊生灵,在里面诞生,在里面争斗,在里面死亡,都仿佛只是单纯的能量,初生会凝炼天地力量,死亡会将凝炼的力量消散掉,重归天地间。 The life and death, in that some type by the way that can find, the time are having, never-ending. 生命和死亡,在那里面以某种可以瞧见的方式,时刻都在发生着,永无休止。 Reappearing Star Sea, space of development, evolving life and death illusion, in that is similar to micro another universe that is created by him, is having the change quietly. 浮现的星海,拓展的空间,衍变的生死幻象,在那如同微缩的另外一个由他创造的宇宙中,悄然发生着变化。 But he, seems middle the only gods, the intention moves, middle stars, space and birth and death will have the great change, he can transfers the stars, can develop the space, can create the life, can make the life converge nothingness instantaneously. 而他,仿佛是当中唯一的神明,心念动,当中的星辰、空间、生老病死都会发生巨变,他能在其中挪移星辰,能拓展空间,能创造生命,也能让生命瞬间归为虚无 In inside, he is omnipotent, can heartily will imagine becomes the reality. 在里面,他无所不能,可以尽情的将想象变成现实。 However, that so-called reality, as if also not[ really] reality, still illusory, all attach to him consciousness, power, soul and deep meaning, as if own his conjecture, will be will never appear in the true world. 然而,那所谓的现实,仿佛也并不〖真〗实,依然虚幻,一切都依附他本人意识、力量、灵魂、奥义,仿佛自身他的臆想,是永不可能在真正世界显现的。 So long as he died the death, he thought all, naturally will then not exist. 只要他陨落死亡,他所想一切,自然便会不复存在。 All of that world, can[ really] solid feeling, but also only then he is only he may the sense of touch sensation, he can handle anything in middle, that world can the infinite display space that he imagines, actually cannot be separated from him. 那世界的一切,都能〖真〗实感受,但也只有他只是他可触觉感知,他在当中能做任何事情,那世界可以给他想象的无限发挥空间,却不能脱离他。 illusory world, Void Realm of saying. 虚幻的世界,谓之虚界 When he understands clearly this point time, Soul Consciousness that his moves fast, as if slowly understood anything. 等他洞悉这一点的时候,他那飘忽的灵魂意识,仿佛才慢慢的明白了什么。 He regains consciousness slowly, as if shuttles back and forth for ten thousand years to return from some world, at once he is startled, the soul touches, discovered that in deep meaning level and soul Center, were many brand-new heaven and earth, as if the reduction universe, the numerous star point points, the starry sky is boundless. 他慢慢苏醒,仿佛从某个世界内穿梭万年返回,旋即他一怔,灵魂触及,发现在奥义层和灵魂〖中〗央,多了一个崭新的天地,仿佛缩小的宇宙,繁星点点,星空无垠。 Similarly is Void Realm, completely is different from Void Realm that he sees, others' Void Realm, is only a piece of space, depends on the main deep meaning to live, for example middle has the mountains, has the sea, has in the wind and rain thunder, is only[ really] a micro projection of solid world corner. 同样是虚界,却和他所见的虚界完全不一样,别人的虚界,只是一片空间,依托主奥义而生,譬如当中有山川,有海洋,有风雨雷中,都只是〖真〗实世界一处角落的微缩投影。 But his Void Realm, as if included entire heaven and earth. 而他的虚界,仿佛囊括了整个天地 Similar to a brand-new universe. 如同一个全新的宇宙。
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