GOS :: Volume #11

#1056: Going out

Has sees Monster Clan and Devil Clan battleship again?” “有没有再见到妖族魔族的战舰?” ` No, as if vanishes to disappear baseless.” “没有,仿佛凭空消失不见了。” „Will they go to where?” “他们会去了何处?” Does not know.” “不知道。” In Shadow Ghost Prison, the leaders of many small influences, have paid close attention to Enchanting Clan and Monster Clan trend, however, one day, this powerful influence, all of a sudden did not have the trend suddenly. 暗影鬼狱中,许多小势力的首领,一直密切关注着魔族妖族动向,然而,突然有一天,这一股强悍之极的势力,一下子就没了动向。 Medicine Refining Pavilion and Fighting Union remain silent, does not express the opinion to this matter, has not exchanged with these small influences, directing them to handle any matter. 药器阁战盟保持沉默,不对此事发表意见,也没有与那些小势力交流,指引他们做什么事情。 The leaders of many small influences, for fear that Monster Clan and Devil Clan had the big trend, they cannot obtain the news beforehand, the fear implicate oneself, is seeking through the respective way, but a wee bit has not received goods. 许多小势力的首领,都生怕妖族魔族有了大动向,他们不能事先得到消息,害怕连累到自身,都在通过各自途径找寻着,但没有一丁点收货。 On this day, the star of Medicine Refining Pavilion ninth life comes a senile person clan old man, the skin and bones, eye muddy law. 这一天,药器阁第九生命之星过来一名老态龙钟的人族老头,瘦骨嶙峋的,眼睛浑法。 But his arrival, makes a Bettina audiences Medicine Refining Pavilion high level alarm, comes out to greet in abundance. 可他的到来,却让贝蒂娜一众药器阁高层为之惊动,纷纷出来迎接。 This is Origin God, Medicine Refining Pavilion Origin God. 这是一名始神,药器阁始神 Medicine Refining Pavilion as the Agate Star Field aloof influence, naturally has own Origin God, three Medicine Refining Pavilion Origin God, year to year close up cultivation, no matter the business in pavilion, only then in the pavilion has the heaven shaking accident time, they on own initiative will act. 药器阁身为玛琊星域超然的势力,自然有自己的始神,三名药器阁始神,常年闭关修炼,不管阁内的事务,只有阁内发生惊天变故的时候,他们才会主动出面。 Three Origin God, will only take orders from Medicine Refining Pavilion Pavilion's Master, Elder does not have the right dispatcher, does not have the right to make them help itself. 三名始神,只会听命药器阁阁主,长老没有权利调度,也没有权利让他们帮助自己。 Origin God that today comes, has Second Sky Realm, named Timlin, is consecration of Medicine Refining Pavilion. 今天过来的始神,有着二重天境界,名为蒂姆林,为药器阁的供奉。 Three Origin God, are Medicine Refining Pavilion consecrates, depends on Medicine Refining Pavilion huge resources cultivation, is not the heaven and earth material worried bothersomely that all sorts of huge commodities of Medicine Refining Pavilion collection, consecrate the qualifications one step to enjoy first. 三名始神,都是药器阁供奉,依托药器阁庞大资源修炼,不为天地材料烦愁,药器阁筹集的种种庞大物资,供奉有资格先一步享用。 Consecrates, is the Medicine Refining Pavilion full-time goons, is the Medicine Refining Pavilion three handle sharpest pointed knives. 供奉,也是药器阁的全职打手,是药器阁的三柄最锋利尖刀。 Bettina and audiences Medicine Refining Pavilion Expert, wait solemnly and respectfully, bows slightly, is listening respectfully to Timlin's words. 贝蒂娜和一众药器阁强者,肃穆以待,微微躬身,聆听着蒂姆林的话语。 I came by the Pavilion's Master commission.” Timlin is narrowing the eye, the sound is calm, Pavilion's Master, although does not have the energy to wield in the pavilion the business, but he before has not fallen from the sky, still Pavilion's Master. The matter that you handle, Pavilion's Master knew, Pavilion's Master makes me ascertain, actually how matter.” “我受阁主嘱托而来。”蒂姆林眯着眼睛,声音沉稳缓慢,“阁主虽然没有精力执掌阁内事务,但他在未曾陨灭之前,依然还是阁主。你们做的事情,阁主已经知晓了,阁主让我问清楚,究竟怎么一回事。” Great Elder schemes Sacred Scripture, dispatches the Ghost Mark clan and Mirage Clan encroaches to us, we completely were almost struck to kill.” Bettina simple agile explanation. 大长老图谋圣典,派遣鬼纹族和幽影族对我们侵犯,我们差点被全部击杀。”贝蒂娜简单利落说明情况。 Sacred Scripture where?” Timlin light shout. 圣典何在?”蒂姆林轻喝一声。 Bettina hesitant, said: On Fu Wei.” 贝蒂娜犹豫了一下,道:“在芙薇身上。” Fu Wei where?” Timlin continues to inquire. 芙薇何在?”蒂姆林继续询问。 Bettina was silent. 贝蒂娜沉默了。 „? “呢? Timlin look suddenly one cold. ”蒂姆林眼神骤然一寒。 They went to the Mirage Clan region.” Considered a word usage, Bettina explained: They suspected that Great Elder and Mirage Clan collude, must relate God Clan to encroach upon our Agate Star Field, ravelling truth.” “他们去了幽影族的境地。”斟酌了一番用词,贝蒂娜解释道:“他们怀疑大长老幽影族勾结,要联系神族侵犯我们玛琊星域,去弄明白真相。” In the star of this ninth life, actually to have what? Origin God Third Sky who that makes an appearance suddenly, who is?” Timlin continues to ask. “在这第九生命之星,究竟发生了什么?那名突然露面的始神三重天者,到底是何人?”蒂姆林继续问。 „It is not clear.” The Bettina forced smile, his Realm is profound, said according to Fu Wei, this person always hoodwinked in First Level gloomy light barrier, could not find the portrait.” “不清楚。”贝蒂娜苦笑,“他境界高深,按照芙薇所言,此人始终蒙在一层灰暗的光幕中,瞧不见真容。” „Can't you determine the opposite party status? At that time, what were you making?” Timlin disgruntled say|way. “你也不能确定对方身份?当时,你在做什么?”蒂姆林不悦道。 I was given attack by Hammer at that time, does not dare to pay attention elsewhere trend.” “我当时被哈默给攻击,没有敢留心别处的动向。” God Clan invasion? This news who passes on?” 神族入侵?这消息谁传出来的?” Junior who called Shi Yan, he said this possibility first, now Monster Clan and Devil Clan came, Fighting Union was also paying close attention, how the truth, should have the conclusion quickly.” “一个叫石岩的小辈,他最先说出这个可能,如今妖族魔族都来了,战盟也在密切关注,事实真相如何,应该很快有定论。” This matter , if true, Agate Star Field must have the heaven shaking accident, once you had the news, immediately informs me.” “此事如果属实,玛琊星域必会发生惊天变故,你一旦有了消息,立即告知我。” understood.” 知道了。” A Shadow Ghost Prison mystical area. 暗影鬼狱一处神秘区。 Battleships are swaying fiercely, many Expert display power, barrier under battleship outer layer arrange. 一艘艘战舰剧烈摇晃着,许多强者施展力量,在战舰外层布下结界 The meteors of flying, as if shining light beam, is carrying the terrifying impulse, surges in this region in all directions. 一道道飞逝的流星,仿佛明晃晃的光束,携带着恐怖的冲击力,在这片区域四处激荡。 These meteors are the hot tempered meteorites, in the fast revolution, is colliding the space, transmits the dazzling brilliance, the innumerable meteors in region to mingle, rapidly are gyrating, interweaves the crowded meteor light net. 那些流星乃是暴躁的陨石,在快速的运转中,碰撞着空间,传来耀目的光彩,无数流星在一处区域混杂,都在飞速旋动着,交织成密集的流星光网。 Each meteor be more giant than the battleship, the flying speed is also faster than the battleship, relies on rule that some type cannot understand clearly, flies the howling sound and blasting to make the will of the people tremble horizontally. 每一块流星都要比战舰巨大许多,飞逝速度也比战舰快很多,依循着某种不能洞悉的规律,横飞间呼啸声、炸裂声让人心颤。 Extraordinary, that many meteors gather at fly together horizontally, never has the collision unexpectedly mutually. 出奇的,那么多流星聚集在一块儿横飞,竟相互从不发生碰撞。 May break in this place the battleship, will actually navigate extremely difficultly, these meteors huge like mountain, wild march power is extremely fearful, once the battleship were hit, almost will crush directly, Warrior is also very difficult to escape death by a hair's breadth. 可冲入此地的战舰,却会航行极其艰难,那些流星巨大如山,狂暴的行进力量极其可怕,战舰一旦被撞击了,几乎会直接粉碎,其中武者也很难幸免于难。 Nobody can understand clearly rule that the meteor speeds away, can only defend by power, but can make the meteor direction transform, only then trivial several Origin God, Void God boundary from the start helpless. 无人能够洞悉流星疾驰的规律,只能以力量来防御,但可以让流星方向转变的,只有区区几名始神,虚神境着压根无能为力。 Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Storm Battalion and Medicine Refining Pavilion battleship, is navigating in middle, Blood Devil, Ba Si, Gu Te and Feng Yan four Origin God, the branch four directions, are displaying the power deep meaning, is guarding battleship not by the bombardment of meteor. 妖族魔族疾风战部药器阁的战舰,正在当中航行,血魔巴斯古特风言四名始神,分处四个方向,在施展力量奥义,来防备着战舰不受流星的轰击。 Once there is a meteor to speed away, must hit in the battleship, their fire fighting will overtake to make the meteor direction forcefully change by big god reading aloud 一旦有流星疾驰过来,就要撞击在战舰的时候,他们都会救火般赶过去‘以大神诵让流星方向强行变过来’ However, meteor that this place speeds along is countless, interweaves the crowded meteor light net, Medicine Refining Pavilion, Storm Battalion, Monster Clan and Devil Clan battleship over thousand, each battleship likely has the accident, Blood Devil four Origin God beats out a fire in all directions, will accept. 然而,此地飞驰的流星不计其数,交织成密集的流星光网,药器阁疾风战部妖族魔族的战舰又超过千艘,每一艘战舰都可能发生意外,血魔四名始神四处扑火,也会应接不暇。 Already ten battleships, because the recovery is not prompt, by meteor shock smashing. 已经有十来艘战舰,因为补救不及时,被流星撞击粉碎。 Is good on these battleships Warrior, sees the potential not to be wonderful, escapes to the battleship in abundance, by luck survives, falls respectively to other battleship. 好在那些战舰上的武者,见势不妙,纷纷遁离战舰,都侥幸存活下来,分别落向别的战舰。 This is not the means.” Zha Shi frowns, the complexion is unattractive. “这样不是办法啊。”扎锋皱着眉头,脸色并不好看。 That ten crushed battleship, belongs to Medicine Refining Pavilion, he naturally cannot maintain calm. 那十来艘被粉碎的战舰,都属于药器阁,他自然不能保持淡定。 Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Fighting Union and Medicine Refining Pavilion that four directions this coming, only then their Medicine Refining Pavilion does not have Origin God Boundary to assume personal command, the same several battleships suffer the crisis, Blood Devil, Ba Si, Gu Te and Feng Yan four people, naturally first will rescue to be their looking ships. 这趟过来的妖族魔族战盟药器阁四方,只有他们药器阁没有始神境坐镇,同样几艘战舰遭受危机,血魔巴斯古特风言四人,自然会先解救属于他们的找舰。 An unbearably busy time, their Medicine Refining Pavilion battleship will then meet with a disaster, becomes the cannon fodder blasts open. 一忙不过来的的时候,他们药器阁的战舰便会遭殃,成为炮灰炸裂。 This is also the way things should be, Blood Devil, Ba Si, Gu Te and Feng Yan definitely has the selfishness, no matter the battleship of impossible eye looks at one of us, died to put out a hand to aid Medicine Refining Pavilion. 这也是人之常情,血魔巴斯古特风言肯定都有私心,不可能眼看着自家人的战舰不管,卒伸手援助药器阁 Repeatedly , the Medicine Refining Pavilion battleship loses ten, the Zha Shi mood naturally very gets up. 屡次过后,药器阁战舰损失十来艘,扎锋心情自然好不起来。 In the past, did you through this route, enter Shadow Ghost Prison by a space chaotic basin?” Fu Wei has the admiring heart darkly, looks at Xia Xinyan said that in the past you in what Realm, what rides to come?” “当年,你就是通过这条航线,由一处空间乱流域进入暗影鬼狱?”芙薇暗生敬佩心,看着夏心妍说道“当年你们在什么境界,乘坐什么而来?” Graceful elegant Xia Xinyan, original facial expression is calm, gives her such to ask that forehead appears wipes the pain, reveals appearance that finds it unbearable to recall, but deeply sighed, has not replied. 雍容典雅的夏心妍,本来神情淡定,给她这么一问,眉心显出一抹痛楚,露出不堪回首的模样,只是深深叹息一声,并没有答话。 In the past, they by an ice fire secret realm singular space came, the misery average man who had been through repeatedly to want unable to think that these Pure Land and all influence Expert, tagged along after her to enter, actually finally on the way died, person who finally lived, less than ten. 当年,他们由冰火秘境的一处奇异空间而来,历经的苦难常人连想都不敢想,那些净土和各方势力强者,尾随她进入,却最终在途中死亡,最后活下来的人,不足十个。 Her life, without any time met with a disaster, compared with that also wanted bad risk terrifying. 她这一生,没有任何一次遭殃,比那一趟还要凶险恐怖了。 But today, her looks at Blood Devil, Ba Si and the others were dealing with calmly exploded the broken meteor the soul body that they stirred in the past, arose spontaneously a different kind sentiment pistil she to stiffen in a big way, her status and Earth Realm were also no comparison between them, the former home grounds revisit, belonged to Fighting Union Storm Battalion, at this time has not blasted open one, making her know that she was not in that heart filled in the past frightened desperate, thinks no use who momentarily can die. 但今天,她看着血魔巴斯等人在从容应付当年将他们搅的灵魂身体爆碎的流星,油然而生一种别样情蕊她变强大了,她的身份和地位也不可同日而语,故地重游,属于战盟疾风战部,此时还没有炸裂一艘,让她知道她再也不是当年那个心中充满恐惧绝望,以为随时都会死亡的无助者。 Shouted!” “呼!” lightning flashes through together, the Fighting Union Feng Yan diving posture falls, the looks at front relaxed slightly, said: Front has a buffer, we should be able to rest slightly, right?” 一道电光闪过,战盟风言飞身落下,看着前方微微松了一口气,道:“前方有一段缓冲区,我们应该可以稍稍休息一下,对吧?” She looks to Xia Xinyan, because she is knows how Xia Xinyan came in the past, knows that Xia Xinyan regarding this place impression, is more profound than anybody. 她看向夏心妍,因为她是知道夏心妍当年是如何过来的,也知道夏心妍对此地的印象,比任何人都要深刻。 Xia Xinyan nods gently, should have three days of relaxation times, after three days, so long as shuttles back and forth the most bad risk region, then can go to that Mirage Clan activity void passage.” 夏心妍轻轻点头,“应该有三天的休息时间,三天过后,只要穿梭最凶险的一处区域,便能去那幽影族的活动的虚空通道了。” Also quickly endured.” The Feng Yan whole face is exhausted. “也算是快熬过头了。”风言满脸疲惫。 Three days later, difficult many, when the time comes, possibly loss many battleships.” Xia Xinyan has paid attention to four big Origin God trends all the way, has the precise cognition to the ability that they put out a fire, she went to that region, naturally has own inference. “三天后,会艰难的多,到时候,可能损失不少战舰呢。”夏心妍一路上一直关注四大始神的动向,对他们救火的能力有着精确的认知,她又去过那片区域,自然有自己的推断。 The Zha Shi complexion was even more ugly. 扎释脸色愈发难看了。 Each time Medicine Refining Pavilion and Monster Clan, Devil Clan and Fighting Union battleship is also in danger, four big Origin God subconscious rescues mutually, then gets rid of their Medicine Refining Pavilion. 每次药器阁妖族魔族战盟的战舰同时遇险,四大始神都会下意识的互救,进而抛弃他们药器阁 Again and again, is Medicine Refining Pavilion suffers the loss each time, if three days later bad risks are bigger, their Medicine Refining Pavilion can be more pitiful? 三番两次后,每次都是药器阁遭受损失,如果三天后凶险更大,他们药器阁岂不是要更加凄惨? The Zha Shi a little regret should not come. 扎释有点后悔不该过来了。 When they spoke, Blood Devil, Ba Si and Gu Te three people also came from the outside diving posture, this was the Fighting Union battleship, was in the battleship group center, was the people temporary discussing official business point. 在他们讲话的时候,血魔巴斯古特三人也从外面飞身过来,这是战盟的战舰,处于战舰群中央,算是众人临时的议事点。 Damned place also really makes head hurt.” Ba Si was foul-mouthed, raises the sound track: Behind is troublesome a while, we must hurry quickly to restore, that...... Medicine Refining Pavilion has anything to suit Origin God to supplement fast power medicinal pills, should not be mean-spirited, fast gives me several jars, I will pay when the time comes attention, helping your Medicine Refining Pavilion retain several battleships.” “鬼地方还真是让人头疼。”巴斯骂骂咧咧,扬声道:“后面还有一阵子麻烦的,我们要赶紧迅速恢复恢复,那个……药器阁有什么适合始神快速补充力量丹药,别小气,速速给我几瓶子,到时候我会多留神,帮你们药器阁保留几艘战舰。” The Zha Shi complexion ratio died the parents to be ugly, clenches teeth not to reply. 扎释脸色比死了爹娘还难看,咬着牙不答话。 Blood Devil is laughing, prepared to tease two, suddenly perceives anything, the facial expression changes countenance suddenly, looked that is his Devil Clan main battleship to the front. 血魔哈哈大笑着,本来也准备调侃两句,突然觉察到什么,神情忽然动容,看向前方属于他的那一艘魔族主战舰。 Following his surprised vision, people are also suitable for the power and reputation going, at once shakes loudly. 顺着他的惊讶目光,众人也都顺势望去,旋即轰然一震。 silhouette that battleship peak, has a strong constitution together crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the visual front, in eyes as if responded peripheral far meteor, the body gushes out the inexplicable fluctuation. 那首战舰顶端,一道体魄强健的身影负手而立,目视前方,双眸中仿佛反应了周边较远的流星,身上涌出莫名波动。 On him the star light is gradually bright, as if the peripheral meteor achieves the subtle relation, was similar to the member in this strange riot meteor area, on peripheral meteor, even there is wisp of his aura. 他身上渐渐星光熠熠,仿佛和周边的流星达成微妙的联系,如同成了这奇异暴乱流星区的一分子,许多周边的流星上,甚至有了一缕他身上的气息 That person, is Shi Yan. 那人,正是石岩
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