GOS :: Volume #11

#1054: Allied armies

Dies in that on-board, Shi Yan and Blood Devil, Ba Si, Gu Te and other Monster Clan and Devil Clan Expert narrated that great strength of God Clan, means that the discussion deals with. 在那死星上,石岩血魔巴斯古特妖族魔族强者讲述神族的强大,商榷应对的办法。 After several days dates, Fei Lan and Ka Tuo people search, falls the foot on the dead star. 数日后,费兰卡托一众人寻觅过来,也在死星落足。 Also after a period of time, Storm Battalion Feng Yan brings dozens battleships to come, must meet Xia Xinyan to return to Fighting Union, was rejected by Xia Xinyan. 又过了一段时间,疾风战部风言带着数十艘战舰前来,要接夏心妍返回战盟,被夏心妍拒绝。 The people gather at that die on-board, still in the private talk anything, is looking dignified. 众人聚集在那死星上,依然在密谈着什么,一个个神情凝重。 The dead star was not big, after gathering Monster Clan and Devil Clan battleship, soon could not contain, when comes to Storm Battalion, a dead star tabernacle that can only approach. 死星本来就不大,聚集了妖族魔族的战舰后,快要容纳不下了,待到疾风战部过来,只能去临近的一个死星暂居。 Also is several day. 又是几日。 On this day, the Medicine Refining Pavilion bell, is leading several hundred Medicine Refining Pavilion bodyguards, gathers enormously and powerful, prepares to meet the star of ninth life Fu Wei. 这一天,药器阁的扎铎,带着数百名药器阁侍卫,也浩浩荡荡聚集过来,准备将芙薇接回第九生命之星。 After the Zairean bell arrives, looks at anchoring Monster Clan and Devil Clan battleship, facial expression difference. 扎铎到来后,看着一艘艘停泊的妖族魔族战舰,神情异样。 Fu Wei and Shi Yan one and comes to greet, this bell said goodbye Shi Yan, complexion very unnatural, did not have in the past pride again. 芙薇石岩一并过来迎接,这趟扎铎再见石岩,脸色很不自然,再也没有了往昔的骄傲。 He initially penetrated the imaginary mirror to see a clue more or less, knows that the Shi Yan origin is unusual, do not look that Realm is not profound, may if really displays fully, destructive power that can form, simply may be called terrifying. 他当初透过幻镜或多或少看出了点端倪,知道石岩来历不同寻常,别看境界不算高深,可真要是施展出全力,能够形成的破坏力,简直堪称恐怖 Initially Shi Yan when Source God peak, under the violent anger did not have the worry to get rid, almost caused heavy losses to him, was not Xia Xinyan gets rid to protect, he possibly already by violent treachery. 当初石岩源神巅峰的时候,暴怒下没有顾虑出手,差点将他重创,不是夏心妍出手护着,他可能已经遭了毒手。 Has that experience, grips the bell does not dare to look down on Shi Yan, this speech are discrete, for fear that annoys Shi Yan not to be quick. 有过那一段经历,扎铎是一点不敢小瞧石岩,这次讲话都非常谨慎,生怕惹来石岩不快。 Third Elder must call you to go back.” The Zairean bell looks at distant place crowded battleship group, lowers the sound: Third Elder right...... That matter cares very much, must inquire face to face clearly, now Shadow Ghost Prison has spread many news, our Medicine Refining Pavilion. Other influence is also paying attention this.” 三长老要唤你回去。”扎铎看着远处密集的战舰群,压低声音:“三长老对……那事很在意,要当面询问清楚,如今暗影鬼狱流传了许多消息,我们药器阁内部。别的势力也都留意着这一块。” I cannot return to the star of ninth life.” Fu Wei shakes the head firmly, deeply inspires. Looks to side Shi Yan, said earnestly: You came exactly, we can one and confirm that matter.” “我不能返回第九生命之星。”芙薇坚决摇头,深吸一口气。看向身旁石岩,认真道:“你来了恰好,我们可以一并去验证那件事。” What matter?” The Zairean bell is astonished however. “什么事情?”扎铎讶然。 God Clan soon the matter of invasion!” Fu Wei dignified said slowly: We have reached an agreement, with Monster Clan, Devil Clan and Fighting Union person, goes to that place possibly to connect void passage of deity star territory together, it is said...... Mirage Clan is moving in inside, first clarifies the condition, then decides the Medicine Refining Pavilion internal affairs.” 神族即将入侵之事!”芙薇凝重的缓缓说道:“我们商量好了,和妖族魔族战盟的人,一起去那处可能会连通天神星域的虚空通道,据说……幽影族都在里面活动着,先弄清楚状况,然后再决定药器阁的内务。” The Zairean bell facial expression shakes, said seriously: Has this matter really?” 扎铎神情一震,严肃道:“真有此事?” This is your Medicine Refining Pavilion responsibility!” Nearby Shi Yan. Complexion in vain one cold, your Medicine Refining Pavilion Great Elder left Lou Chanhe, Mirage Clan had not feared that does not have that easily to eliminate passage, now that will soon pass through. If cannot early make the protection. When waits for the God Clan army to threaten the border, your Great Elder left Lou Keneng is safe and sound. But you and left Lou Guanxi is bad, is inevitably difficult to run away a tribulation. Mirage Clan and God Clan, must help left Lou Duoqu Medicine Refining Pavilion power, gives to slaughter the enemy opposite party!” “这本来就是你们药器阁的责任!”旁边的石岩。脸色徒然一寒,“没有你们药器阁大长老左娄搀和,幽影族怕是没那么容易将通道肃清,现在那即将贯穿。如果不能早做防备。等神族大军压境之时,你们大长老左娄可能安然无恙。但你们和左娄关系恶劣,必然难逃一劫。幽影族神族,必会助左娄夺取药器阁大权,将敌对方都给屠戮!” The Zairean bell look is dark, deeply looks to him, partly makes a sound speechless. 扎铎眼神幽暗,深深看向他,半响无言。 If there is traded the past, Shi Yan dares such gratefully to speak with him. He must fly into a rage, but now...... The Zairean bell does not dare. 要是换了以往,石岩胆敢这么毫不客气与他讲话。他必会勃然大怒,可现在……扎铎并不敢。 For a long time. Zairean bell slight bow, agreed that „the past took a look well.” 许久。扎铎微微点头,同意了下来,“过去瞧瞧也好。” Shi Yan said one calmly: Your Medicine Refining Pavilion came person to arrive in full on, now you came, we can also.” 石岩平静的说了一句:“就等你们药器阁来人到齐了,现在你过来了,我们也可以出发了。” Fu Wei smiles in a soft voice, said: Monster Clan, Devil Clan and Fighting Union person, one step reached the agreement first, once discovered that Mirage Clan is doing really...... That matter, will collaborate to give the Mirage Clan ruination attack, at the maximum speed destroys that passage!” 芙薇轻声一笑,说道:“妖族魔族战盟的人,已经先一步达成协议,一旦发现幽影族真在做……那件事,会联手给予幽影族毁灭性打击,以最快速度破坏那通道!” The Zairean bell shakes loudly, look strange looks to Shi Yan, sighed gently. 扎铎轰然一震,眼神怪异的看向石岩,轻轻一叹。 He realized finally he underestimated Shi Yan. 他终于意识到他还是小看了石岩 This unknown boy, has facilitated so the important matter unexpectedly, ties up Devil Clan, Monster Clan and Fighting Union in together, he knows that Medicine Refining Pavilion is impossible to stay out, will participate, therefore this matter, if has been confirmed that will concern Agate Star Field all race all influences. 这个名不经传的小子,竟然促成了如此大事,将魔族妖族战盟都绑在一块儿,他知道药器阁也不可能置身事外,也会参与进来,因此此事如果得到证实,会关乎玛琊星域所有种族所有势力。 The clearly know this meeting achievement Shi Yan great reputation, he must comply, is beyond control he to have the idea. 明知道这会成就石岩的盛名,他也必须答应下来,由不得他另有想法。 Blood Devil and Ba Si, Gu Te and Feng Yan are Origin God Boundary Expert, the Agate Star Field honored and popular character, grips the bell, although is Medicine Refining Pavilion ten Elder, was not placed in the eye by them. 血魔巴斯古特风言都是始神境强者,玛琊星域有头有脸的人物,扎铎虽然为药器阁长老,也不被他们放在眼中。 The conversation of Zairean bell and Fu Wei and Shi Yan, they have not made an appearance to persuade anything, when here discussed that Feng Yan came out and grips the bell to meet, but Blood Devil, Ba Si and Gu Te three people, have not made an appearance throughout, but sent out Mai Ji and Gu Mo to come to send regards to one. 扎铎和芙薇石岩的交谈,他们没有露面劝说什么,等这边商谈完毕了,风言才出来和扎铎见面,但血魔巴斯古特三人,始终不曾露面,只是派出麦基古沫前来问候一声。 Very obviously, the Origin God Boundary three people, will not have gripped the bell to regard existence of same level status. 很显然,始神境的三人,没有将扎铎当成同等身份的存在。 ...... …… Shadow Ghost Prison. 暗影鬼狱 Over thousand appearance all kinds grand battleships, are divided into four, is similar to four handle sharp swords, is speeding along in the dark starry sky. 超过千艘模样各样的雄伟战舰,分成四股,如同四柄锋利的剑,在幽暗星空内飞驰着。 On the battleship of that four influence, hangs separately is representing the bright flags of different clique, some Shadow Ghost Prison small influences, sometimes accidentally has met, can the facial expression be panic-stricken, subconscious first an avoidance, so as to avoid annoys the opposite party not to be quick. 那四股势力的战舰上,分别悬着代表不同派系的鲜明旗子,暗影鬼狱一些小势力,有时候偶然碰见了,都会神情惊恐,会下意识的先一步躲避,免得惹来对方不快。 Devil Clan, Monster Clan, Fighting Union and Medicine Refining Pavilion, in Agate Star Field are the outstanding powerful influences, now four influences twist are, simultaneously marches forward in a direction, making them realize that possibly has the momentous change. 魔族妖族战盟药器阁,在玛琊星域都是出类拔萃的强悍势力,如今四股势力拧为一股,同时朝着一个方向行进,让他们意识到可能有大变动。 Wasn't the Medicine Refining Pavilion civil war will lift officially? Devil Clan and Monster Clan never come the Agate Star Field activity, now simultaneously gathers, except for the Medicine Refining Pavilion matter, but why can also come?” “不会是药器阁的内战正式掀开了吧?魔族妖族从来不来玛琊星域活动,如今同时聚集过来,除了药器阁的事情,还能为什么来?” Who knows? A while ago that matter noisy noisy, it is said concerned mystical Origin God Third Sky, can...... Because of him?” “谁知道呢?前段时间那件事闹的沸沸扬扬,据说关乎一名神秘始神三重天者,会不会……因为他?” Also has the possibility.” “也有可能啊。” Shadow Ghost Prison must cloud over, does not know that must toss about to any degree.” 暗影鬼狱要变天了,不知道要折腾到什么程度呢。” You possibly do not know. It is said that other Agate Star Field race influence, starts to pay attention this, was right, I was seeing a while ago also Expert of wooden clan, wooden clan probably also.” “你们可能并不知道。据说,玛琊星域别的种族势力,也开始留意这一块,哦,对了,我前段时间还见着了木族的强者,木族好像也在呢。” Hammer of Ghost Mark clan, before my half a month, was seeing, in our Shadow Ghost Prison.” 鬼纹族的哈默,我半月前也见着了,也在我们暗影鬼狱。” „Did motherfucker, what exactly have? Stirs up that many powerful influences to move into our Shadow Ghost Prison?” 妈的,到底发生了什么?惹得那么多强悍势力入驻我们暗影鬼狱?” Wizard knows.” “鬼才知道。” „......” “……” Similar conversation, is disseminating in the Shadow Ghost Prison all parties region, many people realized that will certainly have the important matter to occur in this place, but actually nobody knows that actually to have what, looks around the good friend to inquire that still cannot feel the access. 类似的交谈,在暗影鬼狱各方区域传播着,很多人意识到在此地一定会有大事发生,但却没有人知道究竟会发生何事,四处找好友询问,依然摸不着门径。 ...... …… On stars of migration. 一颗移动的星辰上。 The Medicine Refining Pavilion Great Elder left Lou Manlian haze, in front imaginary mirror appears the appearance that Mirage Clan may reach, but Darby his complexion is ugly, the eye pupil such as spooky Ghost Flame, the dense skull of waist hears the chilly evil spirit howl. 药器阁大长老左娄满脸阴霾,面前的幻镜中浮现出幽影族可达的模样,可达比他脸色还要难看,眼瞳如幽幽鬼火,腰间的森森头骨传来凄厉鬼啸声。 Person was seeking, but best not to act rashly.” left Lou cold the face, the sinking sound is advising saying: That three junior and Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Fighting Union Expert gathers in together, although you Realm is profound, but also is far from this gang of influence match, at that time had anything specifically, I am still verifying, you continue my news.” “人寻着了,但你最好别轻举妄动。”左娄寒着脸,沉声劝阻道:“那三个小辈和妖族魔族战盟强者聚在一块儿,你虽然境界高深,但也绝非这股势力对手,当时具体发生了什么,我依然在查证,你继续等我消息。” May reach the eye several to want spout the flame, bites the tooth saying: Nearly five months, have you nosed the news speed to be too slow? How long also wants me to wait for?” 可达眼睛几欲喷涌出火焰来,咬着牙齿道:“快五个月了,你查探消息的速度太缓慢了吧?还要我等候多久?” Gives me again two months, I definitely know that actually to have what?” left Lou is also has a headache incomparably, said: In our pavilion was very not recently peaceful, severely wounded critically-ill Pavilion's Master as if also heard my unusual action, probably in summons three Origin God returned to the pavilion, I must subside quite to be also thorny the matter. These days, asking makes me pure, do not stir any matter to come out.” “再给我两个月时间,我一定知道究竟发生了什么?”左娄也是头疼无比,说道:“我们阁内最近也很不太平,重伤垂危的阁主似乎也听说了我的异常举动,好像在传唤三名始神回阁内了,我要将事情平息下来也极为棘手。这段时间,拜托让我清净清净,别搅出什么事情出来。” My younger brother died! Blood brother!” May reach malignant influences over the face to say. “我弟弟死了!亲弟弟!”可达煞气满面道。 Relax, under whose I will ravel hand.” In left Lou Xin agitated, definitely is not that three juniors. Their Realm is highest Void God Second Sky, I heard faintly, said that is Origin God, probably in Third Sky Realm, is specifically unidentified, I also need to verify. In our Agate Star Field, achieves Third Sky Origin God to be few, so long as I determined that is the time, whether that several people in cultivation, then can know who getting rid is.” “放心,我会弄明白谁下的手。”左娄心里面烦躁,“肯定不会是那三个小辈。他们境界最高不过虚神二重天,我已经隐隐听说了,说是一名始神,好像在三重天境界,具体身份不明,我还需要查证。在我们玛琊星域,达到三重天始神屈指可数,我只要确定那是时间段,那几人是否在修炼地不出,便能知道出手者到底是谁。” Gives you again two months.” May reach gloomy the face, said: That side head of the clan has also given you deadline, void passage observation, the influence of our Mirage Clan attachment, soon will be soon impatient. When they put in order the armed forces come, Agate Star Field piece of Chaos, they to your commitment will then not have become invalid, you know their fierce.” “再给你两个月时间。”可达阴沉着脸,又道:“族长那边也给了你期限,虚空通道即将观察,我们幽影族依附的势力,已经快要迫不及待了。如果在他们整军过来之时,玛琊星域没有一片混乱,他们对你的承诺便会作废,你知道他们的厉害。” Such remarks, in left Lou Mou appears wipes alarmed and afraid, is pale face nodded, said: I understand that i will do my best completes matter.” 此言一出,左娄眸中显出一抹惊惧,铁青着脸点了点头,道:“我明白,我会尽力将事情做好。” I and others your news.” May reach has interrupted the relation unilaterally, vanishes from the imaginary mirror does not see. “我等你消息。”可达单方面截断了联系,从幻镜内消失不见。 ...... …… On battleship that a Ferocious Beast skeleton quenchings, Shi Yan, Blood Devil, Ba Si and Gu Te one line are gathering, looks solemn. 一首凶兽骸骨淬炼的战舰上,石岩血魔巴斯古特一行人聚集着,神情肃穆。 Our sound was too big, the following range must cover up, otherwise makes all influence find, must make the attention of Mirage Clan.” Feng Yan deeply frowns, „we past region, the Mirage Clan clansman activity will be frequent immediately, was the Mirage Clan activity kernel range. That together peripheral , the sentries of many small influences, were discovered ahead of time the trend is very troublesome.” “我们动静太大了,下面的航程必须要遮掩起来,否则让各方势力瞧见,必会引得幽影族的注意。”风言深深皱着眉头,“我们马上将过去的区域,幽影族族人活动频繁,算是幽影族活动的核心区了。那一块周边,也有不少小势力的哨兵,被提前发现动向很麻烦。” Feng Yan is Fighting Union Expert, Fighting Union and Mirage Clan in the Shadow Ghost Prison battle many years, knew about the situation of this race very much, most has the right to speak. 风言战盟强者,战盟幽影族暗影鬼狱争斗多年,对这个种族的情况很了解,也最有发言权。 Blood Devil, Ba Si, Gu Te and the others nod, indicated not to have the opinion, continued to listen to the Feng Yan words earnestly. 血魔巴斯古特等人都点头,表示没有意见,继续认真听着风言的话。 I know that a route, can go directly to...... That region.” Feng Yan has hesitated, look different kind looks to Xia Xinyan, explained: Initially, Xinyan then through that route, our Shadow Ghost Prison that arrived.” “我知道一条航线,能够直达……那个区域。”风言沉吟了一下,眼神别样的看向夏心妍,解释道:“当初,心妍便是通过那条航线,来到的我们暗影鬼狱。” Such remarks, the Xia Xinyan complexion slightly changes, in the pupil spills over wipes alarmed and afraid, loses the sound track: Feng Yan Senior, that...... That route may be difficult to walk.” The appearance that her has a lingering fear, the initial bitter experience as if makes her still recall is very fearful and apprehensive, in the past, has several hundreds with the person who I came together, may live finally, less than ten people.” 此言一出,夏心妍脸色微微一变,眸中泛出一抹惊惧,失声道:“风言前辈,那……那条航线可不好走啊。”她一副心有馀悸的模样,当初的遭遇似乎让她至今回忆起来都很心惊胆颤,“当年,与我一道过来的人有数百,可最终活下来的,不足十人。” The people facial expression changes color in abundance. 众人神情纷纷变色。 All right.” Beckoning with the hand that Feng Yan does not care about completely, said: This we have four Origin God, Expert like the forest, must pass that line, should not be difficult.” “没事的。”风言满不在意的摆摆手,说道:“这趟我们有四名始神,强者如林,要通过那条线路,应该不会困难。” Gave her such a saying, Xia Xinyan suddenly calms down, looked at Blood Devil, Ba Si, Gu Te and the others, looked at Shi Yan finally, at once said indifferently: I forgot that we now many, um, should not have the issue.” 给她这么一说,夏心妍忽然冷静下来,瞧了一眼血魔巴斯古特等人,又最后瞄了一眼石岩,旋即淡然说道:“我忘记我们现在有多强了,嗯,应该没问题的。” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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