GOS :: Volume #11

#1053: Gathers the potential

Fu Wei and Xia Xinyan collect instantaneously to that dark profound cave entrance, the probe head are gazing. 芙薇夏心妍瞬间凑向那幽暗深邃洞口,探头注视着。 After a while, the dead star interior energy fluctuation returns to normal gradually, silhouette shoots up to the sky together, is in high spirits, whole body qi and blood rushes. 过了一会儿,死星内部能量波动逐渐平复下来,一道身影冲天而起,神采飞扬,浑身气血澎湃之极。 A jet black war clothing/taking, the strong body and spirit shows with nothing left, the eye such as the star drill, in the pupil seems containing heaven shaking power. 一身漆黑战服,强健体魄展现无遗,眼睛如星似钻,眸中仿佛蕴藏着惊天力量 Did Xia Xinyan relax, smiles you to be all right?” 夏心妍松了一口气,抿嘴一笑“你没事了?” Fu Wei also attention looks to him. 芙薇也关注的看向他。 Condition unprecedented good.” Shi Yan laughs brightly. “状态前所未有的好。”石岩灿然大笑。 The star of that war ninth life, his power almost pulled out completely, caused that Divine Sense arrives from the universe mystical deep place, the instantaneous reverse situation, may the card and Mirage Clan executes, at that time, his God Body was seriously battered, Devil Blood several wanted to exhaust. 第九生命之星那一战,他一身力量几乎被抽尽,引得一股神识从宇宙神秘深处降临,瞬间扭转局势,将可卡和幽影族格杀,那时候,他神体遭受重创,魔血几欲耗尽。 However, but body dying of card caused death essence guiding to his acupoint, has made up for his all losses! 然而,可卡的身死使得一身死亡精气导引向他穴窍,弥补了他所有损耗! energy that Origin God Boundary Expert falls from the sky, simply may be called terrifying, if not his breakthrough to the Void God boundary, feared exactly solely is not only suffers backlash to be so simple, perhaps directly abandons the hole to collapse, God Body also blasts open. 一名始神境强者陨落的能量,简直堪称恐怖,若非他恰恰突破虚神境,怕是不单单只是遭受反噬那么简单,说不定直接弃窍崩溃,神体也炸裂开来。 After three months of difficult digestion, power that but the card death formed, was fused completely, making his Essence Qi old tree develop Void God First Sky peak at one fell swoop, and let him[ body] in Immortal Devil Blood precise about thousand drops, three months ago compared, he not only did not have a loss, instead achieved power peak in history! 历经三个月的艰难消化,可卡死亡形成的力量,已经被全部融合,让他精元古树一举拓展到虚神一重天巅峰,并让他〖体〗内不死魔血凝炼近千滴,和三个月前相比,他不但没有一丝亏损,反而达到有史以来的力量巅峰 Only what is a pity, he has not forced broken Void Realm to be mysterious, otherwise when Realm is stable, he could take advantage of opportunity breakthrough, goes directly to Void God Second Sky Realm. 唯一可惜的是,他尚未勒破虚界奥妙,不然在境界稳固的时候,他或许可以顺势突破,直达虚神二重天境界 Now can say that sudden Ancient Devil God illusion, actually how matter?” Fu Wei hesitant, inquiry of probe. “现在能说说那突然出现的古魔神幻象,究竟怎么一回事了?”芙薇犹豫了一下,试探的询问。 Three months this puzzled paces back and forth to continue in her hearts, makes her curious awfully, she does not know that guessed many possibilities, a discovery not possibility close fact. 三个月来这个困惑在她心间徘徊不止,让她好奇的要命,她不知道猜测了多少种可能,发现没有一种可能接近事实。 Xia Xinyan to the Shi Yan situation, compared with a she many understanding point, Ancient Devil God illusion that but not clear that suddenly appears, where is sacred. 夏心妍石岩的情况,比她较多的了解一点,但还是不清楚那忽然显现出来的古魔神幻象,到底是何方神圣。 Inheritance and God Clan that bloody battle I obtain several thousand years ago in Ancient Devil God that the star of ninth life makes an appearance, was entered the body by my Senior soul, this has such terrifying power.” Shi Yan hesitated, manner said dignifiedly: Matter that „ I have, once were known by Mirage Clan “我获得的传承和神族血战数万年之前在第九生命之星露面的古魔神,被我一名前辈灵魂入体,这才拥有如此恐怖力量。”石岩沉吟了一下,神态凝重道:“我存在的事情,一旦被幽影族得知 I must become the object who God Clan hunts and kills not at any cost. That Senior was worried before my power is insufficient exposes, therefore may the card and Mirage Clan person strikes to kill completely,...... Your people. ” 我必会成为神族不惜一切代价猎杀的对象。那名前辈担心我力量不足前暴露,所以将可卡和幽影族的人全部击杀,连带着……还有你们的人。” Xia Xinyan and Fu Wei neglect one 夏心妍芙薇忽视一眼 Is the whole face is bitter and astringent. 都是满脸苦涩。 In order to prevent the Shi Yan status exposition, that person does not hesitate to execute about ten thousand people unexpectedly 为了防止石岩身份暴露,那人竟然不惜格杀近万人 Their subordinates do not let off, is this what kind savage is cruel? 连她们的麾下都不放过,这是何等的凶残暴戾? But they are also very difficult to blame Shi Yan. 可她们也很难怪罪石岩 When the card comes, has the overwhelming superiority by Origin God Boundary power, if no that Expert suddenly to appear, perhaps, their all people will be struck to kill. 可卡现身之时,以始神境力量占据绝对优势,如果没有那名强者突然出现,或许,她们所有人都将被击杀。 Now they are still living, drags that person of luck, but their actually happy did not have the and 现在她们依然活着,也算是拖那人的福了,可她们却高兴不起和 ...... …… Feng Yan Senior has been trying to contact with me, Fu Wei that...... Zha Shi also separates for several days to spread news to read, unilaterally had been interrupted by us, now, how did you want us to say?” Xia Xinyan has a headache rubbed pure white foreheadthat Senior too to be really big in the sound that the star of ninth life made, now the Shadow Ghost Prison all parties influence is paying attention, we must give a confession. 风言前辈一直在试着联系我,芙薇那过……扎释也隔几天传出讯念,都被我们单方面截断了,现在,你要我们如何说?”夏心妍头疼的揉了揉洁白额头“那位前辈在第九生命之星弄出来的动静实在太大,如今暗影鬼狱各方势力都在关注,我们总要给出一个交代。 Said that Origin God Third Sky Senior, has a grudge with Mirage Clan, suddenly arrives to slaughter.” Shi Yan early has to decide the idea, not slightly hesitant, decisive saying: Said that Senior had discovered Mirage Clan and God Clan plot, must invade Agate Star Field, after he strikes the Mirage Clan person kills, three of us abducts, told us conspiring of Mirage Clan and God Clan, was right, that Medicine Refining Pavilion Great Elder left Mai, said that he wants through our mouths, lets entire Agate Star Field all influence clear this point.” “就说一名始神三重天前辈,和幽影族有仇,突然降临大开杀戒。”石岩早有定计,没有丝毫犹豫,果断的说道:“说那位前辈发现了幽影族神族阴谋,要对玛琊星域进行入侵,他将幽影族的人击杀之后,将我们三人掳走,告诉了我们幽影族神族的密谋,对了,还有那药器阁大长老左麦,就说他想要通过我们的口,让整个玛琊星域的各方势力清楚这一点。” Our Medicine Refining Pavilion and death of Storm Battalion Warrior, how can also say?” Fu Wei sighed one. “我们药器阁疾风战部武者的死亡,又要怎么说?”芙薇叹了一口。 Simple, by Mirage Clan may the Du Lin of card and Ghost Mark clan kills.” Saying that Shi Yan does not care about completely. “简单,都是被幽影族的可卡和鬼纹族的杜林所杀。”石岩满不在意的说道。 Also can only like this.” Xia Xinyan was resigned-looking, stares him my Storm Battalion to lose one-third at once maliciously, you irritated me!” “也只能这样了。”夏心妍一脸无奈,旋即狠狠的瞪了一眼他“我疾风战部损失1,你气死我了!” Fu Wei hear of she mentioned this matter, was a face deeply regretted, hidden bitterness looked to him. 芙薇听她提起此事,也是一脸痛惜,幽怨的看向他。 Shi Yan is awkward, chuckled are not many explains. 石岩尴尬起来,嘿嘿笑着不多做解释。 Now can we contact with other people?” Xia Xinyan said bitterly. “现在我们可以联系其他人了吧?”夏心妍恨恨道。 Does not have the issue, does not have the issue.” Shi Yan hollow laugh. “没问题,没问题。”石岩干笑。 Xia Xinyan and Fu Wei take out Transmission Stone at once. 夏心妍芙薇旋即取出音石 Shi Yan has thought that a brow wrinkle, sits generally with them, closes one's eyes, a finger drop of dark red blood blooms. 石岩想了一下,眉头一皱,也和她俩一般坐下来,闭着眼睛,手指头一滴殷红鲜血绽放出来。 Fighting Union. 战盟 Feng Yan is scolding Storm Battalion Warrior, the whole face bitter cold, suddenly the facial expression moves, beckons with the hand to hint these people to stop speaking, takes out sleeve cuff Transmission Stone, is listening silently. 风言正在呵斥疾风战部武者,满脸酷寒,突然神情一动,摆手示意那些人停止讲话,取出袖口音石,默默听着。 Half sound, Feng Yan eye one bright, fires into hurriedly fights the temple, sees right in front of one Fighting Union Union Master Feng Han. 半响,风言眼睛一亮,急忙冲向战神殿,去面见战盟盟主锋寒 The star of ninth life, Bettina and Zha Shi are accompanying Expert of wooden clan to speak. 第九生命之星,贝蒂娜扎锋正陪着木族的一名强者讲话。 The Great Elder left Lou's hysteria, making Bettina and Zha Shi realize that must strengthen power, three months ago has informed with the wooden clan that they are on good terms, making the wooden clan dispatch Expert to arrive. 大长老左娄的歇斯底里,让贝蒂娜扎释都意识到必须增强力量,三个月前已经通知与他们交好的木族,让木族派遣强者到来。 The star of this time ninth life, some numerous Expert ` do not think again before , the physics was like that exhausted. 此时的第九生命之星,有众多强者‘再地不想之前那般物理疲惫了。 The Zha Shi body shakes, suddenly said: Had the news!” 扎锋身子一震,突然道:“有消息了!” In the dark starry sky, a Shadow Ghost Prison dead star cluster corner/horn, Monster Clan and Devil Clan battleships disperse, in dies on-board is searching. 幽暗星空内,暗影鬼狱死星群一角,一艘艘妖族魔族的战舰分散开来,在一个个死星上搜寻着。 A battleship peak, the Blood Devil mind moves, eyes spills over the extraordinary splendor, suddenly has smiled, called out: Found!” 一艘战舰顶端,血魔心神一动,双眸泛出异彩,突然笑了起来,叫道:“找到了!” Monster Clan and Devil Clan battleship gathers rapidly, toward the fixed direction navigation, spreads. 妖族魔族的战舰迅速聚集,朝着固定的方向航,驰。 On a Shadow Ghost Prison meteorite. 暗影鬼狱一块陨石上。 Fei Lan and Anna, Ka Tuo, Ben Ni, Zuo Shi, Xuan Ming and his party are sitting well silently, the look is gloomy, after three months, the heaven shaking accident that the star of ninth life has, received the message including their these Outer Territory individual tourists, they have been worried about Shi Yan, does not know that Shi Yan this matter is whether safe and sound. 费兰、lì安娜、卡托本尼左诗玄冥一行人默默端坐着,眼神灰暗,时隔三个月,第九生命之星发生的惊天变故,连他们这些域外散客都收到了消息,他们一直担心石岩,不知道石岩此事是否安然无恙。 Ka Tuo has stood suddenly, looks all around, pleasantly surprised calling out: Senior Brother treated calls us!” 卡托突然站了起来,环顾四周,惊喜的叫道:“师兄待唤我们了!” Seven days later. 天后 The death star that Shi Yan, Xia Xinyan and Fu Wei are, welcomed the first wave of guest, that is about thousand Monster Clan and Devil Clan battleships. 石岩夏心妍芙薇所在的死星,迎来了第一波来客,那是近千艘妖族魔族战舰。 Gives a calm smile, the Shi Yan mind relaxes, looks at battleship gradual approaching, the speaker said suddenly 淡然一笑,石岩心神放松,看着战舰逐渐的逼近,突然扬声说道 Senior was laborious.” “各位前辈辛苦了。” At the same time accumulation of Monster Clan and Devil Clan, lets in his heart warm, he initially thinks that will fall into the huge bad risk, harbors the trust Blood Devil, spread a wisp of faith, he did not even determine whether Blood Devil can receive. 妖族魔族的同时聚集,让他心中温暖,他当初以为会陷入巨大凶险中,怀着对血魔的信任,传出了一缕信念,他甚至不确定血魔能否收到。 Him, even if were Blood Devil received the message, will drag in lots of people not necessarily, will arrange Devil Clan Expert to have a look at the condition at most, after definite truth, may the army threaten the border. 在他来看,就算是血魔收到了消息,也不见得会兴师动众,顶多会安排魔族强者过来看看状况,确定真相后,才有可能会大军压境。 Stems from him to anticipate, Blood Devil not only came personally, but also is tying up Monster Clan Ba Si and Gu Te, almost twists Monster Clan and Devil Clan strongest battle efficiency is, because Blood Devil believes him, perhaps said...... Cares about his life and death safety extremely. 出乎他意料,血魔不但亲自过来了,还将妖族巴斯古特捆绑着,几乎将妖族魔族最强的战斗力拧为一股,只是因为血魔相信他,或许说……极其在乎他的生死安危。 From this Agate Star Field on Immortal Devil Clan clansman who only remains, he realized biggest attaching great importance to! 从这个玛琊星域的仅剩的不死魔族族人身上,他体会到了最大的重视! looks at battleships leave, looks at, landing Blood Devil, the Shi Yan innermost feelings overflow wild loudly are moved completely, said: Has not thought really you not only come personally,...... Is bringing subordinates Expert, gave to tie up Monster Clan.” 看着一艘艘战舰开赴过来,看着狂暴而出,轰然降落的血魔,石岩内心溢满感动,道:“真没想到你不但亲自过来,过……带着麾下强者,将妖族也给绑着了。” Blood Devil laughs heroically Ba Si and Gu Te two, is quite all the way discontented with me, your boy helps me give them to explain clearly, so as to avoid they thought that I act unreasonably.” 血魔豪迈大笑“巴斯古特那两人,一路上对我极为不满,你小子帮我给他俩解释清楚,免得他们觉得我乱来。” In the big laughter, Ba Si and Gu Te come, in their behind with Mai Ji, Gu Mo and Ghost Hunter, is the power xiong institute, the Monster Clan overbearing influence shows separately with nothing left. 大笑声中,巴斯古特现身,在他们身后分别跟着麦基古沫鬼獠,皆是力量汹所,妖族的霸道势力展现无遗。 Actually how matter?” Ba Si frowns, the manner does not calculate that friendly your boy spreads a news to read, Blood Devil then wages a war, almost raises a rumpus Monster Clan and Devil Clan, must compel us to dispatch troops, enters Shadow Ghost Prison from our that side, the distance is not short, you said that is related to the matter of Agate Star Field enormous crisis, is true seriously?” “究竟怎么一回事?”巴斯皱着眉头,神态不算友善“你小子传出一个讯念,血魔便大动干戈,差点将妖族魔族闹翻天,非要逼着我们出兵,从我们那边进入暗影鬼狱,路程可不短,你所说事关玛琊星域重大危机之事,当真属实?” „Can everybody know God Clan?” Shi Yan complexion one positive, sinking sound drinks lowly. “各位可知神族?”石岩脸色一正,沉声低喝。 Blood Devil, Ba Si and Gu Te neglect one, complexion heavy nodded. 血魔巴斯古特忽视一眼,都脸色沉重的点了点头 These years, enter Agate Star Field other race clansman from other star territory, have several hundreds fragmentarily. These people, without exception, are their star territory are invaded by this race, unavoidablily emerges Agate Star Field.” Gu Te nodded, said: Through their descriptions, God Clan...... In the universe is an extremely strong race, the battle efficiency may be called the vast starry sky is strongest, the aggressiveness is extremely heavy, has almost been opening up territory to expand the earth, many star territories were wrested away by this race.” “这些年来,从别的星域进入玛琊星域的别的种族族人,零零碎碎也有数百。那些人,无一例外,都是自己的星域被这个种族侵占,不得已才涌入玛琊星域。”古特点了点头,道:“通过他们的描述,神族……在宇宙中是个极为强势的种族,战斗力堪称浩淼星空最强,侵略性极重,几乎一直在开疆扩土,很多星域都被这个种族霸占了。” Shi Yan deeply inspires, simple agile a few words: They stared at Agate Star Field.” 石岩深吸一口气,简单利落一句话:“他们盯上玛琊星域了。” The people shake loudly. 众人轰然一震。 „Is God Clan going to invade?” The Ba Si complexion changed, sound extraordinary heaviness. 神族将要入侵?”巴斯脸色变了,声音出奇的沉重。 Was quick.” Shi Yan nods, explained earnestly: Shadow Ghost Prison will invade the point, Mirage Clan is the God Clan dependency, is responsible for taking the lead, eliminates the space wall to bond restraint. Can affirm that Medicine Refining Pavilion Great Elder left Geng, should in secret and God Clan reaches some agreement, draws support from Medicine Refining Pavilion in fights, must confuse Agate Star Field, is God Clan is official to pave the way.” “快了。”石岩点头,认真解释:“暗影鬼狱这边将会是侵入点,幽影族便是神族附庸,负责打头阵,肃清空间壁障束缚。可以肯定,药器阁大长老左羹,应该暗中和神族达成某种协议了,借助于药器阁的内斗,要搅乱玛琊星域,为神族正式过来铺路。” Such remarks, Monster Clan and Devil Clan Expert is not calm. 此言一出,妖族魔族强者都不淡定了。 Of God Clan, they reveal through these in the Agate Star Field other Star Sea person, have several at heart approximately, but Medicine Refining Pavilion is a Agate Star Field most aloof influence, Great Elder left Maigeng dominates Medicine Refining Pavilion 30% power, they and God Clan, Mirage Clan union, will certainly bring the ruinous accident to Agate Star Field. 神族之强,他们通过那些流露在玛琊星域的别的星海的人,心里大致有数,而药器阁又是玛琊星域最超然的一股势力,大长老左麦更是把持药器阁三成力量,他们和神族幽影族的同盟,必将给玛琊星域带来毁灭性的变故。 God Clan thinks you are more formidable.” Shi Yan sighed, said: Over hundred Origin God Boundary Expert, 12 big God Clan families, any family, has to lord over a strength of star territory. In vast Star Sea, God Clan has almost wrested away near half starry sky, Agate Star Field, since stared, that definitely will make this piece of Star Sea have the heaven shaking big change.” 神族比你们所想的还要强大。”石岩叹了一口气,道:“超过百名始神境强者,12大神族家族,任何一个家族,都有独霸一个星域的实力。在浩淼星海中,神族几乎霸占了近一半星空,玛琊星域既然被盯上,那必然会让这片星海发生惊天大变。” The people listen to him to explain that God Clan strength, is the holding breath one breath cold air/Qi, the look trembles with fear. 众人听他说明神族的实力,都是倒吸一口气冷气,眼神惊颤。
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