GLSAADL :: Volume #7

#625: Li Cha: Only then this god? Insufficiently, by far insufficiently

Chapter 625 Li Cha: Only then this god? Insufficiently, by far insufficiently!! 第625章李察:只有这点神?不够,远远不够!! Soran City. 索兰城 Just likes above the day of gully city wall, puts on the soldiers of heavy/thick armor to attack to want the enemy in broken city crazily. 恍如天壑的城墙之上,穿着厚重盔甲的战士们正在疯狂攻击想要破城的敌人。 These initiate the attack whole body not to have the least bit flesh, is only left over the pale bleached bone, quiet blue soulfire burns in the empty eye pupil crazily. 这些发起进攻者浑身没有半点血肉,只剩下苍白的枯骨,幽蓝色的灵魂之火在空荡的眼眸疯狂燃烧。 The advance body can make creak the sound each time, walked is exuding the rich death aura, making the will of the people tremble. 每次前进身体都会发出咯吱咯吱的声音,行走之间泛着浓郁的死亡气息,让人心颤。 This is came from three big evil places monster —— undead. 这是来自三大邪恶之地的怪物——亡灵 Countless undead! 数之不尽的亡灵 Overlooks from the sky, in the Soran City front land is boundless one piece, cannot see the boundary. 从天空俯瞰而下,索兰城前方的大地上已是茫茫一片,根本看不到边际。 Skeleton Soldier, the white bones archer, the spirit, Zombie, the headless knight, the corpse witch magnanimous monster of composed the mighty current, enormous and powerful charging into city wall. 骷髅战士,白骨弓箭手,幽灵,僵尸,无头骑士,尸巫海量的怪物组成了洪流,浩浩荡荡的冲向城墙。 If personally does not see, the common person is unable to imagine this picture is what kind of terrifying. 如果不是亲眼所见,普通人根本无法想象这幅画面是何等恐怖。 Except for the ground, the sky also has the astounding monster, the bone dragon, quiet agilisaurus, Zombie dragon. Countless high rank undead unit(s) howls unscrupulously. 除了地面,天空同样有着让人惊骇的怪物,骨龙,幽灵龙,僵尸龙.无以计数的高阶死灵兵种肆无忌惮呼啸而过。 Uniform extraordinary unit(s). 清一色的超凡兵种 If the player meets, each can make them regard small boss to treat, even small and weak needs to transfer the territory complete army to encircle. 如果是玩家遇到,每一只都能让他们当成小boss对待,甚至弱小一些的需要调动领地全部军队来围剿。 But at this moment, this strength wells up completely toward Soran City, probably ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) wild waves in impact reef. 但此刻,这股力量全部朝着索兰城涌去,像是万丈骇浪在冲击礁石。 In addition, the attacking a city weapon mixture of huge volume in the undead army. 除此之外,还有海量的攻城武器夹杂在亡灵大军之中。 With the stone car(riage) of white bones manufacture, the attacking a city car(riage) that the flesh wriggles, cloud Che who fills the plague, twisted the strange spirit attacking a city ladder wait/etc to fill the undead characteristics attacking a city weapon, coordinated the army attack the city wall. 用白骨制造的投石车,血肉蠕动的攻城车,弥漫瘟疫的云车,扭曲怪异的幽灵攻城梯等等充满了亡灵特色的攻城武器,配合军队攻击着城墙。 The common city under so the offensive, only feared that wave of Charge wants the destruction. 普通的城市在如此攻势之下,只怕一波冲锋就要覆灭。 Fortunately, here is Soran City, around Death Dessert is grandest the powerful city. 幸而,这里是索兰城,死亡沙漠周围最宏伟强大的城市。 In the city wall resists the undead army to refuse to admit being inferior at this moment, with aggressive stance counter-attack. 城墙上抵御亡灵的军队此刻不甘示弱,用凶悍的姿态回击。 undead and human, attack a city and defend a city, the enormous and powerful war scene gives people the unequalled visual impact, even if the grandest special effect is unable with it placing on a par. 亡灵与人类,攻城与守城,浩荡的战争场面给人无与伦比的视觉冲击,哪怕是最壮丽的特效也无法与之相提并论。 The sound unscrupulous penetration Soran City magic that the battlefield rumble the fire and magic explode protects the shield, roared in the city back and forth. 战场轰隆隆的炮火和魔法爆炸的声音肆无忌惮的穿透索兰城的魔法护盾,在城内来回咆哮。 Originally during situated in the nervous resident, fell into at this moment moved restlessly. 本就处于不安的居民,此刻都陷入了躁动之中。 The fear spreads in everyone heart, even the players fall into inevitably disturbedly. 恐惧在每个人内心蔓延,甚至玩家都不可避免陷入忐忑。 Once Soran City falls to the enemy, no one can guarantee oneself can live under the undead offensive. 索兰城一旦沦陷,没有人能保证自己可以在亡灵的攻势下活下来。 The weak one who these are unable to control the destiny, can only approach the control that oneself believe to pray with the devout stance at this moment, prayed to the Soran City army, praying the opposite party can resist the foreign enemy, prayed oneself will be redeemed. 这些无法掌控自己命运的弱者,此刻只能用虔诚的姿态向自己信仰的主宰祈祷,向索兰城的军队祈祷,祈祷对方能抵御外敌,祈祷自己会被救赎。 Although Li Cha has the greatest influence in Soran City, but the army of entire city by the original Soran City army system direction, he does not have directly to participate. 李察虽然在索兰城拥有莫大的影响力,但整个城市的军队还是由原本的索兰城军队体系指挥,他没有直接参与。 However the military arranges the signalmen immediately, the time reports the military situation to the desert sect. 不过军方还是立刻安排了通信人员,时刻向沙漠教派汇报军情。 After all, outside in the person eyes, he is the True God that deserves! 毕竟,在外人眼中,他是当之无愧的真神! undead is fierce, refers to erratically will have what accident/surprise, but also was counting on he enters the stage suppression. 亡灵凶猛,指不定会出现什么意外,还指望着他出场镇压局面。 Li Cha has not rejected, through the eternal place directs the Dusk City war at the same time , the time is controlling the Soran City situation. 李察没有拒绝,通过永恒之地指挥黄昏之城战争的同时,也时刻掌控着索兰城的情况。 Quick he discovered, sudden appearance of undead, not only made the underlying bed residents in city present the tumult, Spiritual God that these ambushed, started to appear repeatedly. 很快他就发现,亡灵的突然出现,不只让城内的低层居民出现了骚动,那些潜伏进来的神灵,也开始频频露头。 He does not have to act rashly, is observing these appearing Spiritual God movements silently. 他没有冒然动作,默默的观察着那些露头神灵的动作。 Not only he discovered the change in city, the whisker covers the aristocrat influence in Soran City aspects to be able obviously to feel the undercurrent is surging. 不只是他发现了城内的异动,触须覆盖索兰城方方面面的贵族势力能明显感觉到暗流在涌动。 However, under the pressure that in undead attacks a city crazily, these aristocrats also can only bury in the sand, does not dare to make any movement. 但是,在亡灵疯狂攻城的压力之下,这些贵族也只能把头埋在沙子里,不敢做任何动作。 In this anyone, is not they can stir up. 这里面的任何一人,都不是他们能惹得起。 However also therefore, many aristocrats start to come Soran City repeatedly, great support desert sect. The people when the fear, will often want to find the dependence. 不过也因此,不少贵族开始频频前来索兰城,大力支持沙漠教派.人在恐惧之时,往往会想要找到依靠。 Li Cha, played this role at this moment. 李察,此刻扮演了这个角色。 In the ferocious war, the time passes as before fast. 在激烈的战争之中,时间依旧流逝得飞快。 Glorious Era, in 7002, on January 1, the new year approached, the holiday that but in should live it up in those days, did not have many people to care at this moment. 光辉纪元,7002年,1月1号,新的一年来临,但往日里应该热闹的节日,此刻却没多少人在意。 This is the player arrives at the 《Glorious Era》 second year, is Soran City is besieged by the undead army, Dusk City by the third day that the devil regiment attacks. 这是玩家来到《光辉纪元》的第二年,也是索兰城亡灵大军围攻,黄昏之城被魔鬼军团进攻的第三天。 Three days, undead army's attack to the Soran City have not stood still more than half seconds. 三天的时间,亡灵大军对索兰城的进攻没有停歇过半秒。 The terrifying army seems like an ocean waves tide then wave to come, not only has not had the sign that stops understrength, but also has the trend of getting stronger and stronger. 恐怖的军队像是海浪般一潮接着一潮涌来,不仅没有出现兵力不足停止的迹象,而且有愈演愈烈的趋势。 The scary offensive, why making everyone know undead to be called the disaster intuitively, the skeleton sea tactic, why was the nightmare that all race influences are not willing to face. 骇人的攻势,让所有人直观的知晓了亡灵为何被称为天灾,骷海战术,为何是所有种族势力都不愿意面对的噩梦。 Facing that endless, cannot see the boundary, is not aware of fatigue, does not know the fear, does not know enemy who when can stop, even if will be hundred war veteran heart also raising fears. 面对那无休止,看不到边际,不知疲倦,不知恐惧,也不知道什么时候才会停下的敌人,哪怕是百战老兵心底也会升起恐惧。 Even if shouldered pressure at heart with the will, body exhausted is unable to cancel. 哪怕用意志扛住了心里的压力,身体的疲惫也无法抹去。 Has Soran City of rich background, in undead under the attack of limit, will never feel exhausted physically and mentally, the military force consumption, the strategic reserve consumption may be called exaggerating. 拥有丰厚底蕴的索兰城,在亡灵永不止境的攻击之下,身心俱疲,军力消耗,战略储备消耗都堪称夸张。 The will of the people, starts to fluctuate, subtle atmosphere ferments in the city. 人心,开始浮动,一股微妙的气氛在城内发酵。 Reconstructs the later desert church, the follower who comes to pray were more than several times to continue before. 重建之后的沙漠教堂,前来祈祷的信徒比之前多了数倍不止。 Especially in this moment, many followers even day and night continuous pray. 尤其在这种关头,很多信徒甚至日夜不休的祈祷。 Even if the lights of desert church 45 : 00 am can also illuminate the half sky as before. 沙漠教堂的灯火哪怕凌晨45点也依旧能照亮半边天空。 Behind the church lounge, Li Cha feels the strength in within the body fast growing belief, the vision is being spooky. 教堂后方的休息室,李察感受着体内快速增长的信仰之力,目光幽幽。 After the war breaks out, he obtains the speed of strength of belief ordinarily to increase compared with it sharply. 战争爆发后,他获得信仰之力的速度比之平常大幅攀升。 Even was the degree of beforehand several times. 甚至达到了之前数倍的程度。 If were not various gods is eliminated the authority, even he suspected that is the crisis that various Shengao came out, had the authority, in the income of under this crisis yielding is really big. 如果不是诸神都已经被剥夺了权柄,甚至他都怀疑是不是诸神搞出来的这次危机了,拥有权柄,在这种危机之下获得的收益实在是太大了。 The feeling that this sitting strength can rise upward no one can resist. 这种坐着力量就能噌噌噌往上涨的感觉没有人能抵挡。 Bang bang bang ~ 砰砰砰~ The knock interrupted the Li Cha train of thought. 敲门声打断了李察的思绪。 Enters.” “进。” The arched entrance of semicircle was shoved open, a young and good-looking body shadow band in several points of complex look gradually room. 半圆形的拱门被推开,一个青春靓丽的身影带着几分复杂的神色缓步屋内。 Li Cha. Under crown 李察.冕下” Hears the familiar sound, Li Cha has turned the head. 听到熟悉的声音,李察转过头。 What maps at present is a young and good-looking form, age ten 7~8, the makings are nimble and resourceful and lively, among the raising hand pitchers, brings the aristocrat unique gracefulness. 映入眼前的是一个青春靓丽的身影,年岁不过十七八,气质灵动而活泼,举手投手之间,带着贵族特有的优雅。 But this moment opposite party face has the thick fatigue, let this color buckle several points. 但此刻对方脸庞有着浓浓的疲惫感,让这份颜色折损了几分。 Li Cha vision gentle several points. 李察目光柔和了几分。 Your Highness Chris, does not need to be polite with me, sits.” “克莉丝殿下,不用跟我客气,坐吧。” Chris hears that familiar intonation, in the heart disturbed and anxious then diverges several points, takes a step to approach him, the look becomes somewhat complex. 克莉丝听到那熟悉的语调,心中的忐忑和不安这才散去几分,迈步靠近他,眼神变得有些复杂。 Under the Li Cha crown, are you, really the god of desert?” 李察冕下,您,真的是沙漠之神吗?” She is unable to forget, initially when saw the present person, this divine grace Lord that came from the desert deep place, the rank ten levels, the side most powerful guard also has very big disparity from extraordinary. 她无法忘记,当初见到眼前之人时,这个从沙漠深处而来的神恩领主,等级不过十来级,身边最强大的护卫距离超凡都还有很大的差距。 But in an instant, opposite party not only completely entire main plane, is the top great person who everyone must attach great importance. 但转眼之间,对方不仅名满整个主位面,是所有人都要重视的顶级大人物。 Becoming a god, is controlling the desert sect, has millions of followers. 更是成为了一尊神,掌控着沙漠教派,拥有数以百万计的信徒。 Even even/including her father, that Legendary painstakingly member who enjoys a good reputation in Death Dessert when discussing him, during the spoken languages is flooding the respect and. Awe. 甚至连她的父亲,那位享誉死亡沙漠传奇苦修士在谈论他时,言语之间都充斥着尊重和.敬畏。 If personally does not see, she is really hard to accept divine grace Lord to have the so exaggerating transformation in such a short time. 如果不是亲眼所见,她真的难以接受一个神恩领主能在如此短的时间里发生如此夸张的蜕变。 This has gone beyond the category that she has been able to understand. 这已经超出了她能理解的范畴。 Perhaps, is god view can explain all these with the opposite party. 或许,只有用对方原本就是神这个说法才能解释这一切。 Li Cha looks at cautious in girl eyes, said with a smile lightly. 李察看着女孩眼中的小心翼翼,轻笑道。 Whether or not, we as before are the friends, Chris “不论是不是,我们依旧是朋友,克莉丝” Feels its temperate attitude, the innermost feelings anxious and anxious obtains again affably, on the Chris face showed the smile. 感受到其温和的态度,内心的紧张和不安再次得到舒缓,克莉丝脸上重新露出了笑容。 Un, we are the friends.” “恩,我们是朋友。” After the voice falls, as if thought of anything, the complexion enforced. 话音落下后似乎想到了什么,脸色严肃了下来。 Under the Li Cha crown, the undead offensive is too maneating, the pressure that Soran City bears has reached the limit I to need to help.” 李察冕下,亡灵的攻势太凶悍,索兰城承受的压力已经达到了极限我需要帮助。” Li Cha but is actually not accidental/surprised. 李察对此倒也不意外。 Grand Duke Soran is not, Soran City all pressures have not been filled 20 girls to undertake by this. 索兰大公不在,索兰城所有的压力都由这位还未满二十的女孩承担着。 When the lives of ten million person are protected by oneself, that pressure almost can not to gasp for breath. 当千万人的生命由自己守护,那种压力几乎能让人喘不过气。 The opposite party can support now, is somewhat not as he expected. 对方能撑到现在,已经有些出乎他的意料了。 I will make the pastors of desert sect coordinate the army to defend a city.” “我会让沙漠教派的牧师协同军队守城。” The Li Cha vision is profound. 李察目光深邃。 Moreover, you pass on me to order, to let all aristocrats and have divine grace Lord of army, namely the chest cavity kills to feed!? “另外,你传我命令,让所有贵族和拥有军队的神恩领主,即膛杀馈!? „The god and that side the bright goddess Sun, you can go, they will also assign the army to assist, if not willing, telling them is my order.” “太阳之神和光明女神那边,你可以去一趟,他们也会调派军队协助,如果不肯,告诉他们是我的命令。” Was saying the tone became chilling several points. 说着语气变得冷硬了几分。 Wartime must manage severely, Chris, you now are Soran City control, the maximum command, any disobeys the person of order, you have power handling.” “战时一切必须从严管理,克莉丝,你现在是索兰城的掌控者,最高统帅,任何违逆命令之人,你都有权力处置。” Even if, the opposite party is a god!” “哪怕,对方是神!” Person who you could not process, I processed. You issue the order by all means that I support for you.” “你处理不了的人,我来处理.你只管下达命令,我为你撑腰。” Chris hears this light actually overbearing words, the mind trembles, the subconsciousness looks up, immediately from the eye pupil of this martial-looking youth, sees encourages and appreciate. 克莉丝听到这平淡却霸道至极的话语,心神一颤,下意识抬头看去,立刻从这位英武青年的眼眸中,看到了鼓励、赞赏。 In the heart the original haze seems like by one bunch of Sun is illuminated, the whole person was full of the energy. 心中原本的阴霾像是被一束太阳照亮,整个人都充满了能量。 Uneasy all completely diverges, the vision becomes firm and resolute. 忐忑不安皆尽散去,目光变得坚毅。 Probably is responding to Li Cha seems like telling itself, congealing sound said. 像是在回应李察又像是在告诉自己,凝声道。 I am Chris · Soran, the Soran City sole heir, the father am not, I then am Soran City control!” “我是克莉丝·索兰,索兰城的唯一继承人,父亲不在,我便是索兰城的掌控者!” I need to be responsible for my people, needs to be responsible for the Soran family's honor!” “我需要为我的子民负责,需要为索兰家族的荣誉负责!” No one, can break through our city. No one.” “没有人,能攻破我们的城市.没有人。” The firm words made Li Cha see the transformation of girl innermost feelings. 坚定的话语让李察看到了女孩内心的蜕变。 Also without he said anything, Chris then deeply bows, neat turns around to depart. 还没等他说什么,克莉丝便深深鞠躬,干净利落的转身离去。 When the footsteps always vacant, turned forcefully. 脚步从来时的茫然无措,变成了铿锵有力。 In the Li Cha eye reveals several points of gratified, opposite sex, each is so splendid, no one disappoints him. 李察眼中露出几分欣慰,身边的异性,每一个都那么出色,没有一个人让他失望。 Shortly after the girl departs, the body side space ripples slightly, dark female martial God reveals. 女孩离去不久,身侧空间微微荡漾,黑暗女武神显露而出。 This float takeoffs more than ten centimeters, the hand grasps boss of three meters sword, the pale golden eye pupil under mask reveals several points of difference. 这位漂浮离地十多厘米,手握三米长战刀的boss,面具下的淡金色眼眸显露出几分异样。 Master, that Miss Chris's within the body is hiding an extremely fearful strength “主人,那位克莉丝小姐的体内藏着一股极为可怕的力量” Once erupts, perhaps Legendary is hard to resist.” “一旦爆发出来,传奇或许都难以抵挡。” The Li Cha eye narrows the eyes, slow sound said. 李察眼睛微眯,缓声道。 As the Soran City only successor, how that Legendary member also possibly not to have the arrangement whatever painstakingly the opposite party remains.” “作为索兰城唯一的继承者,那位传奇苦修士又怎么可能没有布置就任由对方留守.” Dark female martial Shenwen said that raised slightly slightly, no longer said anything. 黑暗女武神闻言,微微欠身,不再多说什么。 After Li Cha hesitation moment, slow sound said. 李察沉吟片刻后,缓声道。 You return to Dusk City guarding with.” “你跟罗蕾娜回黄昏之城驻守.” These three days, is Soran City sustaining the tremendous pressure incessantly, how could Dusk City relaxed? 这三天,不止索兰城在承担着巨大的压力,黄昏之城又何曾轻松? Attacks their, is the devil regiments from nine prisons, powerful, savage, does not fear the life and death, defends the foreword, if the absolute obey orders devil is not the evil life, they absolutely are one of the the world's most perfect unit(s). 进攻他们的,可是来自九狱的魔鬼军团,强大,凶残,不惧生死,守序,绝对服从命令魔鬼如果不是邪恶生命,他们绝对是这个世界上最完美的兵种之一。 If not more than half a year saves the armament crazily, perhaps Dusk City could not have supported. 如果不是这大半年来疯狂积攒军备,黄昏之城或许早已经撑不下去了。 Dark female martial Shenmeng raising the head, the vision becomes dignified. 黑暗女武神猛的抬起头,目光变得凝重。 You.” “那您.” The words have not said, Li Cha then beckons with the hand to break the opposite party. 话还没说完,李察便摆了摆手打断了对方。 Soran City, my one person am enough.” 索兰城,我一人足够。” Here has the reason that he has to leave behind. 这里有他不得不留下的理由。 He is these hidden in secret the Spiritual God goal, if he returns to Dusk City, then everyone's vision will gather Dusk City. 他是那些隐藏在暗中神灵的目标,他如果回到黄昏之城,那么所有人的目光都将聚集到黄昏之城 When the time comes will have anything, he was also unforeseen. 到时候会发生什么,他也无法预料。 Looks that this has followed also to say anything in boss, the Li Cha tone becomes solemn and respectful. 看着这位一直追随在身边的boss还想说什么,李察语气变得肃穆。 Dusk City has Hero Altar, that is our foundations.” 黄昏之城英雄祭坛,那是我们的根基。” No one can guarantee that in the future will have anything. The death will perhaps arrive momentarily, we needed an escape route.” “没有人能保证未来会发生什么.死亡或许随时会到来,我们需要一条退路。” Regardless has any accident/surprise, Dusk City makes no mistake!” “不论出现任何意外,黄昏之城都不容有失!” Dark female martial God feels Li Cha not to allow the disobedient will to be silent. 黑暗女武神感受到李察不容忤逆的意志不由默然。 Finally deeply inspires, after caressing the chest bows, the form suddenly disappears. 最后深吸口气,抚胸鞠躬后,身影骤然消失。 After the dark female military god loses the trace, Li Cha turned the head slowly, looks to some Soran City direction. 黑暗女武神失去踪影后,李察缓缓转头,看向了索兰城某个方向。 The vision is spooky. 目光幽幽。 Now, he does not have the shackles in Soran City. Should enter the subject. 现在,他在索兰城已经没有了枷锁.该进入正题了。 Nine prisons' control, Lancet Diels, bottomless trench investigation extremely boss, Demon Prince coca, after the spider Ross . That not well-known undead father. 九狱的主宰,阿斯摩蒂尔斯,无底深渊的究极boss,恶魔王子狄摩高根,蛛后罗丝,还有.那个不知名的亡灵大君。 In addition, beastman god department, elf god department, dwarf god department, sea clan god department 除此之外,兽人神系,精灵神系,矮人神系,海族神系 The god of Sun, bright goddess, the god of justice, the god of war. 太阳之神,光明女神,正义之神,战争之神. I have not thought that for several days, sneaks the Soran City Spiritual God, surpassed three figures unexpectedly.” “我没想到,短短几天时间,潜入索兰城的神灵,竟然超过了三位数。” Also is really interesting.” “还真是有趣啊。” As on outwardly control of desert sect, he at this moment is the prey that all Spiritual God peep. 作为明面上沙漠教派的掌控者,他此刻是所有神灵都窥视的猎物。 Hides the terrifying chaser under water surface, countless. 隐藏在水面之下的恐怖狩猎者,无以计数。 But, actually who is the prey, less than at the last minute, who can know? 但,究竟谁才是猎物,不到最后一刻,谁又能知道呢? The Li Cha look is even more profound, the vision is flashing the ray of danger. 李察眼神越发深邃,目光闪动着危险的光芒。 Merely only then this Spiritual God, but also insufficiently, by far insufficiently “仅仅只有这点神灵,还不够,远远不够” Lancet Diels stares at the desert church that not far away is reconstructing, the muddy look does not have the least bit mood to fluctuate, decayed old person who probably soon must be buried. 阿斯摩蒂尔斯凝视着不远处重建起来的沙漠教堂,浑浊的眼神没有半点情绪波动,像是即将要被埋葬的腐朽老人。 „Hadn't that divine grace Lord city, been captured?” “那个神恩领主的城市,还未被攻陷吗?” The light hell blasphemed the language to make the atmosphere in room tighten suddenly. 淡淡的地狱亵渎语让屋内的气氛骤然绷紧。 Nine devil Lord only had six at this moment, comes between that to go forward one step, the sinking sound said. 身后九个魔鬼领主此刻只剩下了六个,居中那位上前一步,沉声道。 „The main plane rule limited us to transfer unit(s) above extraordinary massively, the current offensive, is mainly primarily 15 to arrive at Lv. 19 advanced Demon that divine grace Lord of city defense strength, surpassed our initial estimates.” 主位面的规则限制了我们大规模调动超凡之上的兵种,目前的攻势,主要以15到19级高级恶魔为主那个神恩领主的城市防御力量之强,远超出我们最初的预估。” Particularly their alchemy artilleries, discovered the huge trouble to us, lost the army under fire to surpass 50 regiments!” “尤其是他们的炼金火炮,给我们找出了巨大的麻烦,损失在炮火下的军队超过了五十个军团!” Lancet Diels hears word, has turned the head slowly, the muddy eye pupil is staring at that devil Lord that is taking the human body. 阿斯摩蒂尔斯闻言,缓缓转过头,浑浊的眼眸凝视着那个占用着人类身躯的魔鬼领主 Tranquil opens the mouth. 平静开口。 „Are you finding the excuse?” “你是在找借口?” The instance that the voice drops, that devil Lord heart oratorio trembles, the direct plump kneels down, the head arrives in the ground, with basest and lowest stance trembling sound said. 话音落下的瞬间,那个魔鬼领主心神剧颤,直接扑通一声跪倒在地,头颅抵在地面,用最卑微的姿态颤声道。 On lord.” “主上.” The sound of shivering has the endless fear. 颤抖的声音带着无尽的恐惧。 In the outside world, they are wield unsurpassed existence of some abyss, the Spiritual God dare to hunt and kill, but before the lords of this nine prison. They are only the lowliest servants. 在外界,他们是执掌某一层深渊的无上存在,神灵都敢猎杀,但在这位九狱之主面前.他们只是最卑贱的奴仆。 Lancet Diels tone is invariable. 阿斯摩蒂尔斯语气不变。 Lets Bayer within three days, takes over that city.” “让拜尔三天之内,攻下那座城市。” Was saying dissipates scary aura that keep several devil Lord from estimating. 说着身上逸散出一股让几头魔鬼领主无法揣摩的骇人气息。 He seemed like in several people of eyes by the eraser is deleted from the paper generally, the form became fuzzy. 他在几人眼中像是被橡皮擦从纸上擦去了一般,身影都变得模糊。 Remaining several devil Lord at this moment simultaneous/uniform shuā shuā kneels down, no one dares to raise the head again. 剩下的几个魔鬼领主此刻齐刷刷的跪倒在地,再无一人敢抬头。 Lancet Diels tone is spooky. 阿斯摩蒂尔斯语气幽幽。 I have induced the time that the aura that door of epoch opened, at present.” “我已经感应到了新纪元的气息那扇门开启的时间,就在眼前。” That divine grace Lord city, can be essential one, remember, regardless of pays any price, must seize.” “那个神恩领主的城市,会是其中的关键之一,记住,不论付出任何代价,都必须占领。” I do not want to hear the second idle talk again.” “我不希望再听到第二遍废话。”
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