GLSAADL :: Volume #7

#622: The war of besieged city

Dusk City, the administrative hall, this becomes the center of entire Dusk City even Dusk City domain the construction that one month ago is completed at this moment. 黄昏之城,行政大厅,这座在一个月前竣工的建筑此刻成为了整个黄昏之城甚至黄昏之城版图的中心。 Li Cha, here is not controlling the Dusk City aspects, is center that deserves. 李察不在时,这里掌控着黄昏之城方方面面,是当之无愧的中枢。 In personnel who this works, surpassed 2000. 在此工作的人员,超过了两千。 As administrative hall maximum foreman Crowe, is sitting near the left hand at this moment the first position, is staring in the hall dozens advanced officials. 作为行政大厅最高负责人卡鲁,此刻正坐在左手边第一个位置,凝视着大厅内数十位高级官员。 Regardless of when the seat of honor is the vacancy, has the qualifications to sit above, only then this city's control. 主位不论什么时候都是空缺的,有资格坐在上面的,只有这座城市的主宰。 Wū wū ~ the war bugle of out of the window probably is extremely heavy the heavy giant stone to press in everyone heart. 呜呜呜~窗外的战争号角像是万钧重的巨石压在所有人心头。 The air dies probably general silent. 空气像是死一般寂静。 In the silence, Crowe stands up slowly, both hands support on the desktop, the muddy look is gradually sharp, probably hunting falcon. 在沉默之中,卡鲁缓缓站起身,双手撑在桌面上,浑浊的眼神逐渐锐利,像是正在狩猎的鹰隼。 Everyone's attention by its attraction. 所有人的注意力都被其吸引了。 Officials inexplicable feeling this in room is at this moment gray-haired, the old person who the whole face wrinkle, the stature even several clauses hunchback seems like the giant to be big at this moment. 屋内的官员们此刻莫名的感觉这位头发花白,满脸皱纹,身材甚至有几分句偻的老人此刻像是巨人般高大。 After Crowe takes a fast look around one, with hoarse solemn and respectful tone low and deep say/way. 卡鲁扫视一圈后,用沙哑肃穆的语气低沉道。 Heard?” “听到了吗?” „The bugle of war has resounded,...... our enemies, came.” “战争的号角已经响起,......我们的敌人,来了。” In room everyone subconscious straightened up the physique, slowed down the breath. 屋内所有人下意识的挺直了身板,放慢了呼吸。 „The devils of nine hells.” “九层地狱的魔鬼。” Crowe sinks light Mountain Mass made up one. 卡鲁轻飘飘又沉重如山岳的补了一句。 You should know, these evil lives are powerful, savage, crazy, bloodthirsty......” “你们应该知道,这些邪恶的生命是何等强大,凶残,疯狂,嗜血......” No one, is willing to face them.” “没有人,愿意面对它们。” The words saying instance that body senile Crowe right hand vicious racket on table, bang ~ fierce sound makes everyone courageous was awakened. 话语说完的瞬间,身体衰老的卡鲁右手凶狠的拍在桌子上,砰~剧烈的声音让所有人勐的被惊醒。 The blue vein on this old person neck blows up high, the probably small snake is wriggling, in those days on the tranquil gentle face at this moment became extremely fierce, probably selected wild beast that the person bit. 这位老人脖子上的青筋高高鼓起,像是小蛇在蠕动,往日平静慈祥的脸上此刻变得极度狰狞,像是择人而噬的野兽 Hoarse sound hysteric roaring filial piety. 沙哑的声音歇斯底里的咆孝。 But, we do not have the escape route!” “但是,我们没有退路!” Our are Dusk City!” “我们脚下就是黄昏之城!” This is our families/home, our dependences, we must with sacred place that the life and soul protect!” “这是我们的家,我们的依靠,我们要用生命和灵魂守护的圣地!” Only if we drop down, otherwise no one can step into this city!” “除非我们倒下,不然没有人能踏入这座城市!” Sir is gazing at us!” “大人在注视着我们!” Each Dusk City people are blessing us!” “每一个黄昏之城的子民都在祝福着我们!” These vision...... cannot be disappointed!” “这些目光......不能被辜负!” Dying war!” “死战!” The resounding hoarse tone does not have the fanning strength of skill supplementary, but at this moment under the reverberation of war bugle, everyone mind shock present. 高亢沙哑的语气没有技能附带的扇动力,但此刻在战争号角的回荡之下,在座的所有人心神剧震。 Was the time arrives at them to stand. 是时候到了他们站出来的时候了。 Frontline person courageous stood up the body, pats angrily roars on the table. 最前方一人勐的站起了身,拍在桌子上怒吼。 Dying war!” “死战!” The remaining people have also gotten back one's composure, simultaneous/uniform shuā shuā stands up, fierce roaring filial piety. 剩下的人也回过了神,齐刷刷站起身,狰狞咆孝。 Dying war!” “死战!” The arrogant sound, can depress giant dragon to shout! 高傲的声音,能压下巨龙嘶吼! Wū wū ~ 呜呜呜~ The depressed sound of war bugle just like the vulture at the low cry that the sky circles, each echo represented the death to approach. 战争号角的沉闷声音犹如秃鹫在天空盘旋的低鸣,每一次回响都代表着死亡在临近。 The devils, the countless devil just like the locust to transit, a dense big piece covers the Dusk City front desert completely. 魔鬼,无以计数的魔鬼犹如蝗虫过境,黑压压的一大片把黄昏之城前方的沙漠都全部遮盖。 From the sky, the desert was covered by the blood-color sea, the Massacre dark aura shoots up to the sky, even if separated by field unit dozens kilometers away, at this moment felt anxiety that the soul transmits. 从天空看去,沙漠被血色的海洋覆盖,残暴黑暗的气息冲天而起,哪怕相隔数十公里之外的野外兵种,此刻都感到了灵魂传来的不安。 Different from chaotic evil Demon, the devil defends the foreword evil symbol, severely to the brutal discipline, is they most terrifying point. 不同于混乱邪恶的恶魔,魔鬼是守序邪恶的象征,严苛到残酷的纪律,是它们最恐怖的点。 Even entire defends foreword faction, cannot discover the second order to be able with the race that the devil compares favorably with. 甚至整个守序阵营,都找不出第二个秩序能跟魔鬼媲美的种族。 Any violates the person of penal code, must cut. 任何违反律例之人,必斩。 Even if the footsteps makes a mistake, the devil military governor will execute the person of making mistakes without hesitation. 哪怕是脚步出错,魔鬼督军都会毫不犹豫的处死犯错之人。 The bloody penal code, making the devil not fold the slightest the deference rule, strictly observes the order. 血淋淋的律例,让魔鬼不折分毫的遵守规则,严守秩序。 Also therefore, only has nine plane devils merely, can with having the innumerable evil gods, does not spy on the bottomless trench of boundary to post. 也因此,仅仅只有九层位面的魔鬼,能跟拥有无数邪神,窥探不到边际的无底深渊并列。 The fresh curved sharp corner/horn, the back is growing the tail that is burning the flame, the hand grasps the trident, the body wears the standard armor, the blood-color virgin hole is producing an inverted image the dim world. 头生弯弯的尖角,背后长着燃烧着火焰的尾巴,手握三叉戟,身上穿着制式的盔甲,血色的童孔倒映着昏暗的世界。 Reveals under the helmet of face, is fierce, but face of Massacre, in opened big mouth, wants the sharp innumerable time of teeth compared with the shaving cutter, can easily Lacerate break the steel. 露出面庞的头盔下方,是狰狞而残暴的面庞,张开的大嘴之中,是比剃刀还要锋利无数倍的牙齿,能轻易撕咬断钢铁。 The devil regiment uniform step gives people the enormous visual impact. 魔鬼军团整齐划一的步伐给人极大的视觉冲击。 Looking into the distance, as if the reviewing troops examination, to is neatly doubtable whether is the mechanical divine creative force. 放眼望去,仿佛阅兵检验,整齐到让人怀疑是否是机械造物。 The endless yellow sand, the glistening white hot sun, the main plane ray cannot scatter the darkness that the devil brings at this moment. 漫漫黄沙,皎皎烈日,主位面的光芒此刻驱散不开魔鬼带来的黑暗。 The armies threaten the border. 大军压境。 Facing so the enemy, changes into others, even the strong top player, only feared that at this moment has fallen into despaired and feared. 面对如此敌人,换成其他人,就算再强的顶级玩家,只怕此刻早已陷入了绝望和恐惧。 But Dusk City had not actually been affected slightly, all systematic is revolving. 黄昏之城却没有受到丝毫的影响,一切井然有序的在运转。 Although this city places the desert, the war that but suffers are many, all had the response. 这座城市虽然身处沙漠,但遭受到的战争并不少,一切都有了应对方案。 Stands tall and erect above the firm city wall, the king of imperial guard, the dead statue, the wood is Yin protector, the wood is Yin imperial guard, sandstorm control...... the Dusk City active duty unit has taken place. 高耸坚固的城墙之上,禁军之王,亡者石像,木乃尹守护者,木乃尹禁卫军,沙暴掌控者......黄昏之城现役军队都已经就位。 The dense army is in a high state of combat alertness, ice-cold killing intent covers the front. 黑压压的军队枕戈以待,冰冷的杀意笼罩前方。 The weapon that in the hand grips tightly can erupt the swiftest and fiercest attack momentarily. 手中紧握的武器随时能爆发出最为凌厉的攻击。 The caliber to can make the alchemy artillery muzzle that people crawl supine exaggeratingly, the rear grey dwarf is driving the mechanical puppet in the fast filling shell. 口径夸张到能让人爬进去的炼金火炮炮口已经仰起,后方的灰矮人驾驶着机械傀儡在快速填充炮弹。 Every other distance has the magic tower to tower, these magic towers are releasing the boundless energy, haunched the magic of semicircle to protect the shield in the Dusk City sky, to be cut off thickly all magic damage. 每隔一段距离就有魔法塔耸立,这些魔法塔正释放出磅礴的能量,在黄昏之城天空撑起了半圆形的魔法护盾,厚实到能阻隔一切魔法伤害 In addition, massively extremely eye-catching form mixed in. 除此之外,还有大量极为吸引人眼球的身影混杂其中。 Bodies of these strange unit(s) by alchemy machinery constitution main skeleton, but the body surface did not have the red muscle of skin to cover, these muscles seem like fine laces to wriggle generally, at first sight goes to be bloody and scary, carefully looked that is to make the will of the people bottom send coldly. 这些怪异兵种的身体由炼金机械构成主要骨骼,而体表则被没有皮肤的红色肌肉覆盖,那些肌肉像是一根根细线一般在蠕动,乍一看去血腥而骇人,仔细看去更是让人心底发寒。 These flesh machineries not manned pilot, does not have the escape of magic energy, the careful sensation, can the clear sensation to the soul aura that on these alchemy machineries lends. 这些血肉机械没有人驾驶,也没有魔法能量的逸散,细细感知,能清晰的感知到这些炼金机械身上散发的灵魂气息。 Life. 生命。 These monster not dying thing, but is one after another has the mechanical divine creative force of life. 这些怪物并非死物,而是一个个拥有生命的机械造物。 These terrifying divine creative force, are Andeyr, that studies the crazy demon, conformed with the underground world forging master, constructed the top talent of forging master association, with extraordinary hunting and killing and extinguishing world research of grey dwarf different kind unit(s). 这些恐怖造物,是安黛儿,那位研究狂魔,整合了地下世界锻造师,建造了锻造师协会的顶级天才,用超凡猎杀者和灰矮人的灭世者研究出来的异类兵种 This nearly creates the life the banning technique, six months ago had appeared, after over six months improvement, the magnanimous resources that in addition the Dusk City fast growth provides, finally achieved can the level of lot manufacturing. 这个近乎创造生命的禁术,在半年前就已经出现,经过半年多的完善,加上黄昏之城快速成长提供的海量资源,终于达到了能批量制造的水准。 Flesh machinery, rank: 16 th, potential: Special divine creative force. 血肉机械,等级:16,潜力:特殊造物。 The flesh machinery is not common unit(s), but through the machine shop direct production of grey dwarf, insists, actually belongs to unit(s) of fortress clan. 血肉机械并非普通兵种,而是通过灰矮人的机械工厂直接生产出来的,硬要算起来,其实属于堡垒族的兵种 Under the research of Andeyr, this rank achieves 1 Lv. 6 top unit(s), in the furnace city, has been able the mass production! 安黛儿的研究之下,这个等级达到一6级的顶级兵种,在熔炉城,已经能批量生产了! The fortress clan unit(s) most terrifying point lies in —— wants the resources to be enough, can unlimited rioters! 堡垒族兵种最恐怖的点在于——只要资源足够,就能无限制的暴兵 Even if other races have the resources, still needs to wait for cooling of Military Unit Lair, the fortress clan uses industrial rioters directly. 其他种族就算有资源,也需要等待兵种巢穴的冷却,堡垒族是直接用工业暴兵 In 《Glorious Era》, the fortress clan is can compare favorably with the military with undead only race ——, so long as the resources arrive. 《光辉纪元》中,堡垒族是唯一能跟亡灵媲美兵力的种族——只要资源到位。 But the production top unit(s) technology, even in the fortress clan, is still top-secret that few influences can control. 而生产顶级兵种的技术,就算在堡垒族中,也是极少数势力才能掌控的绝密。 Andeyr by one's effort, was Dusk City provided top unit(s) manpower resources. 安黛儿以一己之力,为黄昏之城提供了一个顶级兵种的兵源。 During the bugle reverberates, the devil army approached the safety line fast. 在号角回荡之中,魔鬼大军快速逼近到了安全线。 The tight atmosphere blasts open suddenly. 紧绷的气氛骤然炸裂。 Army preparation!” “全军准备!” Be responsible for directing the wood of war is Yin Yingxiong Grey, soulfire flashes, the sound that the anger soars to the heavens resounds through the sky. 负责指挥战争的木乃尹英雄-格雷,灵魂之火闪动,怒意冲天的声音响彻天空。 alchemy artillery, launch!” 炼金火炮,发射!” Bang bang ~ bang bang ~ 砰砰~砰砰~ Battle drum suddenly thunder sound. 战鼓骤然雷响。 Next second, rumble ~ nine days of thunder crack. 下一秒,轰隆隆~九天雷霆炸响。 Innumerable luminous eruptions. 无数光亮爆发。 Behind city wall above and city wall, the alchemy artillery blowout scary large flame of packing good shell. 城墙上方和城墙后方,填充好炮弹的炼金火炮喷出骇人的火舌。 The strong recoil made the alchemy machinery that the grey dwarf controlled present staggering in varying degrees. 强大的后坐力让灰矮人操控的炼金机械都出现了不同程度的踉跄。 The speed that the diameter exaggerating ammunition is difficult to see by the naked eye pounds into the crowded devil regiment. 直径夸张的弹药以肉眼难见的速度砸入进密集的魔鬼军团之中。 Bang ~ 砰~ The mushroom this solitary one cloud raises from the ground. 大片大片的蘑孤云从地面升起。 The high temperature of burning hot, splashes the shrapnel of eight sides, the shock-wave of Menglie, the fierce sound...... all mixes, the devil army seems like the wheat to drop down, the stump residual limb fragment dances in the air all over the sky is. 炙热的高温,飞溅八方的弹片,勐烈的冲击波,剧烈的声响......所有的一切混合起来,魔鬼大军像是麦子般倒下,残肢碎片飞舞得满天都是。 The rich smell of blood mixes the gunsmoke aura to flutter sky over the desert, the dust that the thick smog and yellow sand raise almost covered Sun. 浓郁的血腥味混合着硝烟的气息飘荡在沙漠上空,浓浓的烟雾和黄沙扬起的尘埃几乎遮盖了太阳。 The sad and shrill pitiful yell resounds in the thick smoke unceasingly, the voice of devil is incisive, inexplicable fearful. 凄厉的惨叫在浓烟之中不断响起,魔鬼的声音尖锐刺耳,让人莫名的心寒。 But the bonus is the so terrifying fire is unable to prevent the step of devil army, these quantity exaggerating dark lives, after the fire idle time, have not dreaded slightly, continue to surround from the east, south, west, and north four directions. 但饶是如此恐怖的炮火也无法阻止魔鬼大军的步伐,这些数量夸张的黑暗生命,在炮火略微停歇后,没有丝毫畏惧,继续从东南西北四个方向包围了而来。 After the second wave of offensive opens, wū wū ~ is different resounds from the audio singing of Dusk City bugle horn sound, blood-color rays flash from the devil regiment. 第二波攻势开启之后,呜呜~不同于黄昏之城号角声的尖锐声音响起,一道道血色的光芒从魔鬼军团之中闪动而出。 Hell magic. 地狱魔法。 Bang ~ 轰隆~ Has the magic of terrifying fluctuation of energy to protect the shield to have the crashing collision with the Dusk City magic directly. 带着恐怖能量波动的魔法直接跟黄昏之城的魔法护盾发生激烈碰撞。 The magic protects the shield to swing ripples, probably the water surface was thrown down the giant pebble. 魔法护盾荡起一波波涟漪,像是水面被投下了巨型石子。 But protects the shield to be truly strong enough, these magics were shot to fly or melt directly, has not broken guarded. 但护盾确实够强劲,那些魔法直接被弹飞或者消融了,没有破防的。 Some magics from the sky hit the alchemy bomb, both destroy mutually, blooms the sparks of burning hots in the midair. 一些魔法则在空中击中了炼金炸弹,两者相互摧毁,在半空中绽放出一朵朵炙热的火花。 Magic and alchemy to bang. 魔法与炼金科技的对轰。 Outside Dusk City along the desert, three semblance fearsome devil Lord stand above hundred meters stage that the gravel condenses at this moment, looks into the battlefield. 黄昏之城外沿的沙漠,三个外表可怖的魔鬼领主此刻站在沙砾凝聚的百米高台之上,眺望战场。 Their side is uniform Legendary level devil unit(s), even if beyond the kilometer, can feel that shooting up to the sky evil. 他们身边是清一色的传奇级魔鬼兵种,哪怕在千米之外,都能感受到那股冲天而起的邪恶。 What three people are the head is rules the first ruler of nine hells, devil Lord —— Bayer. 三人为首的是统治九层地狱的第一层统治者,魔鬼领主——拜尔。 This burns quite the same as the evil roaring flame, the hand is grasping the sword of flame, the appearance has seven points of similar boss with the flame demon, is manages the hell with the control of abyss endless bloody battle. 这位浑然燃烧着邪恶烈焰,手握火焰之剑,外貌跟炎魔有着七分相似的boss,是主持地狱跟深渊无尽血战的主宰。 Has the greatest reputation, the good firm and resolute knight, faces directly this devil Lord to feel heartfelt fear again. 拥有着莫大的名声,再善良坚毅的骑士,直面这尊魔鬼领主都会感到由衷的畏惧。 Is hoarse the sound to say. 沙哑着声音道。 „The intersection of destiny, one of the epoch outset places...... must seize by us!” “命运的交集点,新纪元的起始地之一......必须由我们占领!” No one can prevent the will on lord!” “没有人能阻挡主上的意志!” Bayer tone is resounding. 拜尔语气高亢。 Intensifies the attack effort, does not need to care about the casualties......, if we are unable to take the favorable position in the big change in situation, that these armies will become will not have the significance.” “加大进攻力度,不需要在意伤亡......如果我们无法在大变局之中抢占先机,那这些军队将变得毫无意义。” With Demon and undead of plane bottomless trench undead, the high-grade devil has no benevolently regarding the low-grade army. 跟无底深渊的恶魔亡灵位面死灵一样,高等级的魔鬼对于低等级的军队没有任何仁慈可言。 In the hell, the only significance that the army has, then realizes the will of higher devil. 在地狱,军队存在的唯一意义,便是实现高等魔鬼的意志。 Brutal and bloody. 残酷而血腥。 The fight of this eruption in desert deep place, had not been known by the outside world, but its intensity, makes anybody look askance sufficiently. 这场爆发在沙漠深处的战斗,并未被外界所知,但其激烈程度,足以让任何人侧目。 But this motherfucker hell! 他娘的可是地狱啊! But unexpectedly, the attack of side hell, does not have smooth of high-rank devil Lord estimate. 但出乎意料的是,方地狱的进攻,并没有上位魔鬼领主预想的顺利。 In their hands can let the army that main plane shivers, kept off in the standing tall and erect city wall front unexpectedly forcefully. 他们手中能让主位面颤抖的军队,竟然被硬生生挡在了高耸的城墙前方。 The invincible army, under the Dusk City point, bogs down. 攻无不克的大军,在黄昏之城的锋芒之下,停滞不前。 The alchemy artillery, the arrow tower, in addition magnanimous high rank unit(s), letting Dusk City becomes the flesh grinding pan, is strangling to death all crazily. 炼金火炮,箭塔,外加海量的高阶兵种,让黄昏之城成为了血肉磨盘,疯狂绞杀着一切。 Attacks the invalid devil army, discovered the place of north wind-drift sand the next day. 进攻无效的魔鬼大军,在第二天发现了北面的流沙之地。 The gates of that several space aroused these devil enormous interests. 那几道空间之门引起了这些魔鬼极大的兴趣。 A large part of military start to extend toward north. 很大一部分兵力开始往北面延伸。 In this desert, the devil army starts the upfront to foster talent to launch with 2 Lv. 2 extraordinary regiment —— to slaughter dark. 在这片沙漠,魔鬼大军开始正面跟二2级超凡军团——黑暗树人展开厮杀。 The build surpasses 30 meters darkness to foster talent when facing the devil army, is similar to the meat grinder to be generally crazy. 体型超过三十米的黑暗树人在面对魔鬼大军之时,就如同绞肉机一般疯狂。 Even if becomes the organization system, has army, may be called the savage devil also before these Berserk jumbos, was pounded torn to pieces. 哪怕成建制,拥有军阵,堪称凶残的魔鬼也在这些狂暴的巨无霸面前,被砸得支离破碎。 The consecutive five hours of attack, cannot advance unexpectedly one step. 连续五个小时的进攻,竟然没能推进一步。 That several devil Lord have not thought, oneself army near the corner Dusk City one cannot take unexpectedly! 那几位魔鬼领主也没想到,自己的军队竟然连黄昏之城的一个边角落都拿不下! Under becomes angry out of shame, invested few extraordinary unit(s) directly. 恼羞成怒之下,直接把为数不多的超凡兵种也投入了进去。 The main plane rule is still limiting the abyss and hell, unit(s) above their extraordinary, is unable to dispatch unscrupulously. 主位面规则还在限制住深渊和地狱,他们超凡之上的兵种,无法肆无忌惮的派遣出来。 But what makes their stunned is, even if the extraordinary army joins, has not obtained to have the effect that. 但更让他们错愕的是,哪怕超凡军队加入,也没有取得该有的效果。 Occupies the place of wind-drift sand darkness to foster talent, looks like mountain that cannot be shaken, blocked all devils outside. 占据流沙之地的黑暗树人,就像是不可撼动的山岳,把所有魔鬼拦在了外面。 Devil Lord does not believe in evil doctrines, investigates personally, later during the stunned discovery, these darkness foster talent, is mixing with dozens extraordinary other heroes unexpectedly......, although these heroes compare normal extraordinary to want weakly many, but the quantity is placed in this, anybody does not dare to disregard. 一个魔鬼领主不信邪,亲自去探查,随后错愕的发现,这些黑暗树人之中,竟然夹杂着数十个超凡级别的英雄......虽然这些英雄比正常的超凡要弱不少,但数量摆在这,任何人都不敢无视。 The war breaks out third day, the devil army has not made the progress as before, three devil Lord have moved the real anger, the military that the opposite party puts was even more abnormal. 战争爆发的第三天,魔鬼大军依旧没有取得进展,三个魔鬼领主已经动了真怒,对方投入的兵力越发变态。 The Dusk City pressure gradually highlights. 黄昏之城的压力逐渐凸显。 Administrative hall, after Crowe hear combat report, grew the tone. 行政大厅,卡鲁听完战报后,长出了口气。 Tomorrow morning, if these damn devils continue to oppress the place of wind-drift sand, carries out the second set to plan —— to give up the place of wind-drift sand directly, destroys the gate of that side space, through eternal place with the underground world and Ell plane exchange.” “明天早上,如果那些该死的魔鬼继续压迫流沙之地,就执行第二套计划——直接放弃流沙之地,摧毁那边的空间之门,通过永恒之地跟地下世界和埃尔位面交流。” We cannot continue to retain the gate of space, once the devil controls, the consequence is dreadful.” “我们不能把空间之门继续保留了,魔鬼一旦掌控,后果不堪设想。” Finishes speaking, a 40 over official stands up, calm say/way. 话音刚落,一位四十出头的官员站起身,沉稳道。 Sir, not necessarily needs to give up the place of wind-drift sand...... here to become our second battlefield, shares the Dusk City pressure.” “大人,未必需要放弃流沙之地......这里可以成为我们的第二战场,分摊黄昏之城的压力。” Without other strengths attracts the devil attention, the pressure that we must sustain will be quite exaggerating.” “如果没有其他力量吸引魔鬼注意力,我们要承担的压力会极为夸张。” But, can only leave behind the eternal place for safety the entrance...... Ell plane and underground world, complete closure.” “但为了安全起见,可以只留下永恒之地的入口......埃尔位面和地下世界,全部关闭。” After Crowe is silent, nods. 卡鲁沉默过后,点了点头。 Ok, but must prepare for gives up this region momentarily.” “可以,但还是要做好随时放弃这片区域的准备。” That official is silent, no matter what who runs into such enemy, must face with the biggest alert. 那位官员默然,任谁遇到这样的敌人,都要用最大的戒备去面对。 Afterward probably thought of anything, said scruple. 随后像是想到了什么,迟疑道。 Sir, although we have the underground world and Ell plane as the support, but devil offensive such courageous, the military supplies combat readiness only feared how long could not support, our also need more reinforcements......” “大人,我们虽然有地下世界和埃尔位面作为支撑,但魔鬼攻势如此之勐,军需战备只怕撑不了多久,我们还需要更多的援军......” The voice has not fallen, the entrance heard the rapid sound of footsteps. 话音还未落下,门口传来了急促的脚步声。 Suddenly, in a young messenger enters pantingly, has not come to a stop then starts to report. 眨眼间,一位年轻的传令兵气喘吁吁的入内,还未站稳便开始汇报。 Sir Crowe, the person in Saint Hall Empire royal family came......” 卡鲁大人,圣堂帝国王室的人来了......” Moreover, the frost wolf family messengers have also arrived......” “另外,霜狼家族信使也已经抵达......” „The representative of Ell player association and Erre Alliance, has arrived in full.” “埃尔玩家协会和埃尔联盟的代表,都已经到齐。” Hears this saying, everyone spirit shakes, are these reinforcements? 听到这话,所有人都精神一震,这些都是援军? In other person of surprised stimulated mood, Crowe stands up slowly, the muddy vision becomes profound. 其他人惊讶亢奋的情绪中,卡鲁缓缓站起身,浑浊的目光变得深邃。 True war, just started.” “真正的战争,才刚刚开始。” Was saying turns the head the position that faces Soran City to be , the eye pupil flashes on and off erratically. 说着转头朝向索兰城所在的位置,眼眸明灭不定。 However the pressure that the Sir must sustain is our ten times of hundred times!” “而大人要承担的压力是我们的十倍百倍!” Dusk City, makes no mistake absolutely.” 黄昏之城,绝对不容有失。” „, Do not disappoint the Sir!” “诸位,别让大人失望!” The loud and clear words, making everyone straighten up the chest, the flame of eye pupil were burning. 掷地有声的话语,让所有人都挺直了胸膛,眼眸的火焰在燃烧。
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