GLSAADL :: Volume #7

#617: Fennas: Masters, my sensation to follower's summon! They called me the god of music!

Rebecca returned to the frost wolf family's same day, Li Cha to receive a magic letter that was transmitted by the frost wolf Grand Duke. 丽贝卡回到霜狼家族的当天,李察就收到了一封由霜狼大公传来的魔法信件。 Content very simple —— Rebecca breaks through Legendary in the frost eternal place, becomes the successor of next frost wolf Grand Duke. 内容很简单——丽贝卡在冰霜永恒之地突破传奇,成为下一任霜狼大公的继承人。 And, the frost wolf Grand Duke decided on December 1, handed over in the frost wolf family the opposite party hand officially. 并且,霜狼大公决定在12月1号,正式把霜狼家族交到对方手中。 This news makes Li Cha quite surprised. 这个消息让李察颇为惊讶。 The girl of that chest conceals lofty and unyielding character, can wield the frost wolf family he is not accidental/surprised, what makes his accidental/surprised is, the opposite party actually in such short time, becomes Legendary! 那个胸藏傲骨的女孩,能执掌霜狼家族他并不意外,让他意外的是,对方竟然在如此之短的时间里,成为了传奇 My goodness, he thinks oneself have walked in front, comes back to discover, the side everyone's growth is very exaggerating. 好家伙,他本以为自己已经走在前头了,回过头来才发现,身边所有人的成长速度都十分夸张。 No is the weak chicken, top. 没有一个是弱鸡,个顶个的强。 Besides informing Rebecca has broken through the matter of Legendary, the frost wolf Grand Duke still mentioned Rebecca in the letter faintly with his wedding. 除了告知丽贝卡已经突破传奇之事,霜狼大公还在信件中隐隐提及了丽贝卡跟他的婚事。 The opposite party told him clearly, so long as he nodded, Rebecca can become his woman, and frost wolf family will get married as Rebecca's dowry together. The descendant who in the future they are born, can wield the frost wolf family directly. 对方明确告诉他,只要他点头,丽贝卡就能成为他的女人,并且霜狼家族将作为丽贝卡的嫁妆一同出嫁.未来他们诞生的后裔,可以直接执掌霜狼家族。 Li Cha is indignant, this is the naked sugar-coated bullet, do you take this to challenge me to drop the soft rib? The old cadres cannot withstand the test. 李察对此愤愤不平,这是赤裸裸的糖衣炮弹啊,你就拿这个来挑战我滴软肋?老干部也经不起考验啊. the second day that the frost wolf Grand Duke receives a letter, a signature Rebecca's magic letter also delivered to the Li Cha hand. 在霜狼大公来信的第二天,一封署名丽贝卡的魔法信件也送到了李察手中。 Rebecca's letter was more implicit than the frost wolf Grand Duke, first expresses gratitude, said faintly several words of missing, the style changed to the frost eternal ground later. 丽贝卡的信件比霜狼大公含蓄了许多,先是表示感谢,隐隐说了几句思念的话,随后画风转到了冰霜永恒之地上。 Rebecca informs him, she obtained the special inheritance to break through Legendary in the frost eternal place. 丽贝卡告知他,她在冰霜永恒之地得到特殊的传承突破了传奇 Now, she has wielded the frost wolf family justifiablily. 现在,她已名正言顺的执掌霜狼家族。 Mother's last wish, she has completed. 母亲的遗愿,她已经完成。 Then, she must carry out a huge plan, this plan needs a lot of ores. 接下来,她要执行一个更加庞大的计划,这个计划需要大量的矿石。 If possible, she hopes that can use in the frost eternal place to be Dusk City that mineral lode. 如果可以的话,她希望能动用冰霜永恒之地中属于黄昏之城的那一份矿脉。 When the frost wolf Grand Duke comes Dusk City visiting once had complied with Li Cha, so long as dispatches troops to assist the frost wolf family to resist the undead army, bestows frost eternal place half of mineral lode with him. 霜狼大公来黄昏之城拜访时曾答应过李察,只要出兵协助霜狼家族抵挡亡灵大军,就把冰霜永恒之地一半的矿脉赠送与他。 Under the accident of sorts, he only used a faith token to make the frost wolf family avoid the crisis. 在机缘巧合之下,他只用了一个信物就让霜狼家族躲过了危机。 Also obtained was his reward. 也得到了属于他的那份报酬。 However he has been busy other matters, has not gone to receive that income. 不过他一直忙着其他事,没有前去领取那份收益。 This matter seems important, Rebecca was mentioning again several. 这件事似乎很重要,丽贝卡着重提了几遍。 Finally in female Grand Duke who ending of letter will soon succeed bold and implicit informs him, she did not oppose that the frost wolf Grand Duke with the proposition that he is related through marriage. 最后在信件的结尾这个即将继任的女大公大胆又含蓄的告知他,她并不反对霜狼大公跟他结亲的提议。 After Li Cha reads the letter, remembered Rebecca to have no fear of great distances to go to Death Dessert initially, the appearance of seeking Fire Dragon-Rabbit rabbit hair, was somewhat sigh with emotion. 李察看完信件之后又想起了当初丽贝卡不远万里前往死亡沙漠,求取火焰龙兔兔毛的模样,也有几分感慨。 That girl must recompense to hope finally. 那个丫头最终还是得偿所愿了。 The frost wolf family, its was controlled eventually. 霜狼家族,终究被其所掌控。 Witnesses others to come true, that feeling is very good. 见证别人梦想成真,那种感觉很不错。 After having gotten back one's composure, that great accomplishment that Rebecca mentioned wants to achieve he regarding the letter , raised several points of curiosity. 回过神后,他对于信件中,丽贝卡提到的想要去做的那件大事,升起了几分好奇。 What matter can make the opposite party so treat a matter seriously, and doesn't hesitate to open the mouth with him to demand the mineral lode? 什么事能让对方如此郑重其事,并且不惜开口跟他索要矿脉? With time that Rebecca contacts, although is not long, but in that chest has the lofty and unyielding character girl, temper that the casual opens the mouth does not ask others for help. 跟丽贝卡接触的时间虽然不算长,但是那个胸中藏有傲骨的女孩,可不是随便开口求人的性子。 Obviously this matter exceptionally important. 显然这件事异常重要。 Thinks, returned to a messenger who directly gives the frost wolf family, making their belt/bring go back. 想了想,直接回了一封交给霜狼家族的信使,让他们自行带回去。 Frost wolf territory. 霜狼领地。 Rebecca received to reply in writing the later mood to be resounding immediately. 丽贝卡收到回信之后心情立刻高亢了起来。 The letter content are not many, only highlights a content. Regardless of you make anything, goes about something with a free hand, if there is needs to help, comes Dusk City momentarily. 信件内容不多,只突出一个内容.不论你做什么,都放手去做,如果有需要帮助的,随时来黄昏之城 Dusk City can be you strongest backing. 黄昏之城会是你最坚强的后盾。 Rebecca took the letter to look repeatedly dozens, finally eye curved held the letter in the chest, the smile on face overflows from the bottom of the heart. 丽贝卡拿着信件反复看了几十遍,最后眼睛弯弯的把信件捧在胸口,脸上的笑容是从心底溢出来的。 Filled joyfully. 充满了喜悦。 She thinks really has not missed, Li Cha your excellency that Li Cha your excellency, never changes to her support. 她想的果然没有差,李察阁下还是那个李察阁下,对她的支持从未改变。 Immediately in the heart strengthened. 随即心中坚定了起来。 She will also make the opposite party know, she has not disappointed this trust! 她也会让对方知道,她没有辜负这份信任! She cannot only place in the vase of room watching! 她可不是只能摆放在房间观赏的花瓶! On December 1, Rebecca under the frost wolf family everyone's testimony, inherited the title of frost wolf Grand Duke, became in the family history, the second female Grand Duke. 12月1号,丽贝卡在霜狼家族所有人的见证下,继承了霜狼大公的爵位,成为家族历史上,第二位女大公。 What is worth mentioning is, the inheritance of Grand Duke title, does not need to apply to the snow and ice empire. 值得一提的是,大公爵位的传承,并不需要向冰雪帝国申请。 Each Grand Duke, is similar the king in small country, has the enormous autonomy. 每一位大公,都类似小国的国王,拥有极大的自主权。 But after inheriting the Grand Duke title, with the assistance of old frost wolf Grand Duke, spent less than one week of time, Rebecca controlled family's all strengths thoroughly. 而继承了大公爵位之后,在老霜狼大公的协助下,花费了不到一周时间,丽贝卡就彻底掌控了家族的所有力量。 On December 10, the conditions were ripe, Rebecca made an action that made the will of the people tremble to send out troops to attack with the frost wolf family had the enmity closely, the territory by cable/search in the Grand Duke. 12月10号,时机成熟,丽贝卡做出了一件让人心颤的举动举兵进攻跟霜狼家族有仇怨,领地紧紧挨着的索内大公。 Under the terrifying offensive, Rebecca only used merely for a week, then commanded the army to break through the Somalian inner city. 在恐怖的攻势之下,丽贝卡仅仅只用了一周,便率军攻破了索内城。 Finally under countless person gazes, killed personally as in the Legendary cable/search the Grand Duke. 最后在无数人注视下,亲手杀死了身为传奇的索内大公。 In cable/search the family destruction, the territory was annexed by the frost wolf family. 索内家族覆灭,领地被霜狼家族吞并。 Rebecca's prestige rises suddenly instantaneously the pinnacle, takes over the Grand Duke position discontented voice to vanish to her instantaneously. 丽贝卡的声望瞬间暴涨到极致,对她接任大公位置不满的声音瞬间消失。 Only has the powerhouse, can be respected. 只有强者,才能受到尊重。 Rebecca's performance, makes anybody shut up sufficiently! 丽贝卡的表现,足以让任何人闭嘴! But this war biggest hero, is Rebecca from the frost eternal place, a whole body that brings by the extraordinary army that the heavy/thick armor covers. 而这场战争最大的功臣,是丽贝卡从冰霜永恒之地中,带出来的一支全身被厚重盔甲覆盖的超凡军队。 Population, over 10 regiments! 人数,超过十个军团! Even also has Legendary unit(s) 甚至其中还有传奇兵种 Takes this as the foundation, the Rebecca's kings toward north snow and ice empire, starts to set out. 以此为根基,丽贝卡朝着北面冰雪帝国的王都,开始进发. Under the chaotic current political situation, few person pays attention to the sound of snow and ice empire, but regarding the aristocrats in snow and ice empire, the frost wolf family's action made them feel the unprecedented fear. 在混乱的时局之下,没有太多人关注冰雪帝国的动静,但对于冰雪帝国的贵族而言,霜狼家族的举动让他们感到了前所未有的恐惧。 Because Rebecca in half a month, captured the territories of two Grand Dukes one after another, his family by direct destruction. 因为丽贝卡在半个月内,接连又攻陷了两个大公的领地,其家族被直接覆灭。 Reads on the military map, rises suddenly by the domain that the frost wolf family totem seizes suddenly, snow and ice empire the new successor in aristocrats frightened discovery this frost wolf family's, not just pure wish expands the wide domain, the opposite party, what wanted is the entire snow and ice empire!! 看着军事地图上,被霜狼家族图腾占领的地盘骤然暴涨,冰雪帝国的贵族们惊悚的发现这位霜狼家族的新任继承人,并非只是单纯的想要扩宽地盘,对方,要的是整个冰雪帝国!! At that moment, under the violent anger of snow and ice empire royal family, the aristocrat starts jointly to dispatch troops, preparing to make Rebecca this new successor know that anything is the powerhouse cannot provoke! 当下,在冰雪帝国王室的暴怒之下,贵族开始联合出兵,准备让丽贝卡这位新继任者知道什么是强者不可挑衅! A war, starts to ferment. 一场大战,开始酝酿。 The war is one of the quickest strong ways. 战争是最快壮大的方式之一。 Rebecca may be called the astronomical figures in the commodity that the war attains, this is the wealth of three Grand Duke territories! 丽贝卡在战争所获的物资堪称天文数字,这可是三个大公领地的财富! These resources transport rear area, immediately transforms as more powerful military power. 这些资源运送到后方,立刻转化为更为强大的军事力量。 Lives off the government, Rebecca who swallows three Grand Duke territories, the strength starts to inflate. 以战养战,吞掉三个大公领地的丽贝卡,实力开始膨胀。 At this moment, the new name starts to spread in the snow and ice empire, Demon warlord, iron hand Grand Duke. Cold blood queen who also or, wants to usurp the throne! 此刻,新的名称开始在冰雪帝国流传,恶魔军阀,铁腕大公.又或者,想要篡位的冷血女王! Li Cha too has not paid attention to the snow and ice empire, the cold north left Death Dessert is too far, will not have the influence degree to the snow and ice empire destruction to Death Dessert even. 李察并没有太多关注冰雪帝国,寒冷的北方离死亡沙漠太远了,远到就算冰雪帝国覆灭也不会对死亡沙漠产生影响的程度。 The time in the turbulence drains fast, suddenly is December 15. 在动荡之中时间快速流失,眨眼便已经是12月15号了。 On this day, a huge good news to make him excited. 就在这天,一个巨大的好消息让他兴奋了起来。 Behind in desert church lounge, Li Cha vision brilliant front looks is growing the dark night elf of sharp ear- Fennas. 沙漠教堂后方的休息室内,李察目光灼灼的看着面前长着尖耳朵的暗夜精灵-菲娜。 The tone has several points of stimulated. 语气带着几分亢奋。 You said, you did feel follower's pray?!” “你是说,你感到了信徒的祈祷?!” Wears a black long gown, Fennas of makings seduction is also choked up with emotions at this moment, exciting nod. 穿着一席黑色长袍,气质诱惑的菲娜此刻也心潮澎湃,激动点头。 Is master, I induce the sound that the follower prayed to reverberate in my mind!” “是的主人,我感应到了信徒祈祷的声音在我脑海中回荡!” Li Cha bears the innermost feelings the pleasant surprise, turns on the property panel of opposite party, vision immediately in a column stopped. 李察忍住内心的惊喜,打开对方的属性面板,目光立刻在其中一栏停了下来。 Lawful right: Music ( 0.1 ) 权柄:音乐 The strength of belief: 100 信仰之力:100 After the confirmation, both hands make a fist ruthlessly, the mood surges upward. 确认之后,双手狠狠握拳,心情高涨。 His idea not wrong, loses the strength when the Spiritual God, the rule scatters the all over the world, really can depend upon the follower to obtain the authority!! 他的想法没有错,在神灵失去力量,规则散落世界各地之际,真的可以依靠信徒获得权柄!! Although weak 0.1, moreover second-rate authority, but this is essential one step, represents his idea to be correct. 虽然只有微弱的0.1,而且还是次等权柄,但这是关键的一步,代表着他的想法是正确的。 After experimenting is successful, then, he can regarding this conduct more layouts. 试验成功之后,接下来,他可以围绕此进行更多的布局。 Also can conduct the depth to do missionary work in the dark old tree sect of underground world. 在地下世界的黑暗古树教派也可以进行深度传教了。 Deeply attracts several tones to return to normal the mood of fluctuating, the vision is staring at the present dark night elf, the sinking sound said. 深吸几口气才平复起伏的情绪,目光凝视着眼前的暗夜精灵,沉声道。 „The strength of belief Fennas, obtains this period of time, do not stay behind, completely counter- supplies follower.” “菲娜,这段时间获得的信仰之力,不要留下,全部反补给信徒。” Now, what you need to do deepens follower's belief.” “现在,你需要做的是加深信徒的信仰。” Fennas as his is the god, will not affect the follower to his belief. 菲娜作为他的属神,并不会影响到信徒对他的信仰。 This is also he dares the reason that Fennas pushes out. 这也是他敢把菲娜推出去的原因。 The followers every so often, will often choose to believe some god are in many Spiritual God, even same faction many Spiritual God. 信徒很多时候,往往会选择信仰某个神系内的多位神灵,甚至同一个阵营的多位神灵。 For example simultaneously believes the harvest goddess, the god of justice, the god of Sun wait/etc, these beliefs actually do not conflict. 比如同时信仰丰收女神,正义之神,太阳之神等等,这些信仰其实并不冲突。 Follower but who believes in many Spiritual God, can only be the shallow follower, when believing in many Spiritual God of some god department, will not affect to believe the depth. 但信仰多个神灵的信徒,只能是浅信徒,只有在信仰某个神系的多位神灵之时,才不会影响信仰深浅。 Fennas should be respectfully. 菲娜恭敬应是。 But as if thought of anything, somewhat said scruple. 但又似乎想到了什么,有些迟疑道。 Master, I felt that according to the present means dissemination belief, was somewhat slow, you had mentioned before. Tours, now could start.” “主人,我感觉按照现在的办法传播信仰,有些慢了,您之前提到过的.巡演,现在或许可以启动了。” Li Cha beams into a smile. 李察欣然一笑。 Good, since you have grasped the authority, that second step was also the time opens you to prepare?” “不错,既然你已经掌握权柄,那第二步也是时候开启了你们准备好了吗?” These months have been preparing for this reason.” “这几个月来一直为此准备着。” That starts.” “那就开始吧。” The Li Cha will is higher than all, next day, on December 16. 李察的意志高于一切,第二天,12月16号。 The god of great desert is the god, the music and dance god of —— Your Highness Fennas, will come before the desert church, the opposite party must sing hymn news to spread over Soran City for the god of great desert. 伟大的沙漠之神属神,音乐与舞蹈之神——菲娜殿下,将会在沙漠教堂前现身,对方要为伟大的沙漠之神献唱圣歌这个消息传遍了索兰城 Attracted the countless follower. 吸引了无以计数的信徒前来。 On the same day, after seeing holy graceful Fennas, the followers were insane, this was the goddess! 当天,见到圣洁优雅的菲娜之后,信徒们都疯了,这可是女神啊! When can their this lifetime see the goddess to sing?! 他们这辈子什么时候能见到女神献唱?! After the dance and song of careful rehearsal perform an art, Fennas leads the follower devotionally to make a prayer, one such as she said general in the demon sound magnetic tape. 经过精心排练的舞蹈和歌曲演艺完毕之后,菲娜带着信徒虔诚的做了一次祷告,一如她在魔音磁带中所言一般。 Prays, Fennas departs quietly. 祷告完毕,菲娜悄然离去。 Only stays behind wallows at the beautiful the followers in physique and singing sound innumerably. 只留下无数沉迷在绝美身姿和歌声中的信徒们。 Entire one week, Fennas has the follower prayer in the desert church front. 整整一周,菲娜都在沙漠教堂前方带着信徒祷告。 Has made the desert church the Soran City liveliest place. 已然让沙漠教堂成为了索兰城最热闹的场所。 With consecutive several days of effort. 在连续几天的努力之下。 Fennas's music authority from 0.1 promoted 0.5, and presented the dance authority, although pitiful 0.1, but the authority was the authority, even if were few, that is also representing this world pinnacle strength. 菲娜的音乐权柄从0.1提升到了0.5,并且出现了舞蹈权柄虽然只有可怜兮兮的0.1,但权柄就是权柄,哪怕再少,那也代表着这个世界极致的力量。 But all these movements of desert sect, went into hiding, in dark goddess in secret looks in the eye. 而沙漠教派的这一切动作,都被隐匿在暗中的黑暗女神莎尔看在眼中。 In that not well-known tavern. 那个不知名的酒馆内。 Who changes into the middle-aged woman is throwing over the grey dark cloak, tranquil sitting in central position. 化为中年妇女的莎尔披着灰暗色的披风,平静的坐在最中心的位置。 All around original five forms had turned into seven at this moment. 四周原本的五个身影此刻已经变成了七个。 Looks at the angle of view of common person, these seven people of slurred, definitely are unable to distinguish to undergo from the semblance, the race, the sex, the age knows nothing. 普通人的视角看去,这七人模糊不清,完全无法从外表辨别出来历,种族,性别,年龄一无所知。 However anyone, to positioned between has the deep awe. 但是不论是谁,都对居中的莎尔有着深深的敬畏。 A leftmost fuzzy form is a successor, at this moment standing up slow sound said. 最左边的一位模糊身影是后来者,此刻站起身缓声道。 Dark night madam. The trace of key is getting more and more obvious.” “暗夜女士.钥匙的痕迹已经越来越明显。” We whether should take action?” “我们是否该采取行动了?” Turned the head to look at person of one eyes speech, careless say/way. 莎尔转头看了发言之人一眼,漫不经心道。 Action, what do you plan to make?” “行动,你打算做什么?” That fuzzy dark sound tone brings several points of chilling. 那个模糊的黑暗声音语气带着几分冷硬。 Controls, would finding the means.” “控制起来,总会找到办法的。” In the eyes reveals for several points to ridicule. 莎尔眼中露出几分嘲弄。 Idiot, later said such words, rolled out to me, without the worm of brain, did not match with me sits together.” “蠢货,以后再说出这样的话,给我滚出去,没脑子的蠕虫,不配跟我坐在一起。” That opens the mouth dark form complexion one stiff, wants to say anything, but does not dare to open the mouth. 那个开口的黑暗身影脸色一僵,想说什么,但又不敢开口。 Sees this light say/way. 莎尔见此淡淡道。 You know how to open the epoch with the key the front door?” “你知道如何用钥匙打开新纪元的大门吗?” You know that what method the opposite party is also hiding?” “你知道对方还隐藏着什么手段吗?” „The body of that divine grace Lord, has the crimson moon/month staying behind mark. Depending on the sewer mouse that your lose the authority, there is a strength to deal the crimson moon/month?” “那个神恩领主的身上,有绯红之月留下的印记.就凭你们这些失去权柄的下水道老鼠,也有力量应对绯红之月?” The dark form of that opens the mouth was silent, finally sighed, helpless said. 那个开口的黑暗身影不由沉默了,最后叹了口气,无奈道。 That depends on you looks like, how should?” “那依您看来,该如何?” „.” “等。” The eyes flash through several points of subtlety. 莎尔眼睛闪过几分微妙。 Waits for that moment arrived.” “等那一刻到来.” At that moment?” “那一刻?” Right, the destiny to us will instruct, arrival you will understand.” “对,命运会给我们指示的,到来之际你就会明白了。” Moreover must begin, does not need you to act. I already sensation to Lancet Diels's aura.” “而且要动手,也不需要你们出面.我已经感知到了阿斯摩蒂尔斯的气息。” That devil, has submerged Soran City.” “那头魔鬼,也已经潜入了索兰城。” What?! Did Lancet Diels also come?!” “什么?!阿斯摩蒂尔斯也来了?!” Seven fuzzy shadows had a scare, immediately look at each other in blank dismay, the sensation to the panic-stricken mood that the opposite party transmitted. 七个模糊的黑影都被吓了一大跳,顿时面面相觑,都感知到了对方传来的惊恐情绪。 Who is Lancet Diels? 阿斯摩蒂尔斯是谁? Nine prisons' control, various God is recognized, 《Glorious Era》 most powerhouse. 九狱的主宰,诸神公认的,《光辉纪元》最强者。 Not one. 没有之一。 Even some people suspected, the opposite party has touched the altitude of creating the world god. 甚至有人怀疑,对方已经触碰到了创世神的高度。 This top exists, at this moment also appeared in Soran City, without doubt made them feel the tremendous pressure. 这种顶级存在,此刻也出现在了索兰城,无疑让他们感到了巨大的压力。 That devil may not have is so good to speak, if the opposite party is not pleasing to the eyes, gets rid of them completely also possibly has!! 那头魔鬼可没有莎尔这么好说话,对方要是一个不顺眼,把它们全部干掉也不是没有可能!! Sees this, the ridicule on face is even more strong. 莎尔见此,脸上的嘲弄越发浓重。 Has been afraid?” “已经害怕了?” If I told you, Lancet Diels, the bottomless trench most powerful Demon Prince coca also did submerge this city incessantly?” “如果我告诉你,不止阿斯摩蒂尔斯,无底深渊最强大的恶魔王子狄摩高根也潜入了这座城市呢?” Even was the sun god and bright goddess also arrives?” “甚至是太阳神和光明女神也到来了呢?” You now, courage whether dares to participate in?” “你们现在,是否还有敢参与的胆子?” Seven darkness hear this saying, immediately feels the heart raising intermittent chill in the air. 七个黑暗听到这话,顿时感觉心头升起阵阵寒意。 Prince Demon, sun god, bright goddess. Again in addition advocating peace of present dark goddesses nine prison. 恶魔王子,太阳神,光明女神.再加上九狱之主和眼前的黑暗女神。 Entire multi-dimensional plane strongest several, have almost arrived. 整个多元位面最强的几位,几乎都已经到来。 Even these investigate exist extremely ambush in secret, they actually want to raise one's head to begin 连这些究极存在都潜伏在暗中,他们竟然想要出头动手 Such a thinks, they feel immediately the hands and feet is icy cold. 只是这么一想,他们立刻感觉手脚冰凉。 The close call, almost played to pound. 好险啊,差点就玩砸了。 Sees several people of fears, the ridicule on face is even more rich. 看出几人的恐惧,莎尔脸上的嘲弄越发浓郁。 Having courage air/Qi, do not make this action to laugh.” “没有这个胆气,就别做出这种举动让人发笑。” Just wait, the destiny will make you know all.” “等着吧,命运会让你们知道一切。” Was saying closed the eye slowly, no longer nonsense. 说着缓缓闭上了眼睛,不再废话。 Several people look at each other one, fell into silent. 几人又对视一眼,不由陷入了沉默。 Their this time really felt terrified, before so many top big shot, they can be wanted oneself? 他们这次是真的感到了惶恐,在这么多顶级大佬面前,他们能得到自己想要的吗? Finally simultaneously sighed. 最后齐齐一叹。 What can the epoch be?! 新纪元啊到底会是什么?! () () () () …… ……
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