EDAH :: Volume #5 魔印

#409: Seven Deadly Sins gluttony

How?” Son of Heaven and middle-aged person had simultaneously discovered his unusuality, knits the brows to ask. “怎么了?”天之子和中年人同时发现了他的异常,皱眉问道。 The Men in Black had not replied that takes up signal apparatus rapidly, pasted near the ear...... This signal apparatus have been starting, moreover is having quite strong amplifying function, another of signal apparatus is linking that side five people, that slight sound of the wind/rumor, their almost sentiment inaudible sound of footsteps has been passing to here through the signal apparatus, but at this time, that sound stops unexpectedly, does not have stop of slight omen. 黑衣人没有回答,迅速拿起信号器,贴在了耳边……这个信号器一直是开着的,而且还带着比较强的扩音功能,信号器的另一头连着那边的五个人,就连那轻微的风声,还有他们几乎情不可闻的脚步声都一直在通过信号器传到着这里,而此时,那声音竟然停止,没有丝毫预兆的停止。 Even if he has pasted on the loudspeaker the ear, could not hear any sound. 即使他已经把扩音器贴到了耳朵上,也已经听不到任何的声音。 Signal interrupt...... 信号中断…… Five people...... Also interrupts! 还是五个人的……同时中断! Before then, without sound that any opposite broadcasts, does not have. If they entered the artificial manufacture signal blind spot, by their abilities, will immediately certainly detect that then carries on the feedback. Even if did not have the feedback, signal apparatus also meet the feedback warning...... 在这之前,没有任何对面传来的声音,一丝都没有。如果他们是进入了人为制造的信号盲区,以他们的能力,一定会马上发觉,然后进行反馈。而即使没有了反馈,信号器也会回传警报…… But this not any omen and caution disappearance of suddenly, has an explanation...... That side signal apparatus were directly destroyed! 而这种没有任何预兆和警示的忽然消失,只有一个解释……那边的信号器被直接破坏! But destruction time, has not made a sound unexpectedly, five simultaneously were destroyed. Before then, that five people is a sound have not transmitted...... It looks like, the flash was lacerated throat, without any resistance, exuded the cry before death without enough time, who even has not seen to attack their people are. 而破坏的时候,竟然没有发出一丝声响,还是五个同时被破坏。在这之前,那五个人更是一丝声音都没有传来……就像是,一瞬间被割破了喉咙,没有任何的抵抗,来不及发出死亡前的叫声,甚至没有看到攻击他们的人是谁。 Suddenly, the Men in Black felt the chill in the air of faint trace unexpectedly. 一时间,黑衣人竟感觉到了丝丝的寒意。 Bang! 砰! The Men in Black of instrument in hand by the smashing that pinches directly. On his face, interlocks black red. 手中的器械被黑衣人直接捏的粉碎。他的脸上,黑红交错。 The facial expression of Yun Sihai and middle-aged person also tightens. Middle-aged person lightly sighed, said: It seems like, is as before...... We once sent the past person, is this directly vanishes, looked like was suddenly same from into thin air, later has not come back again, has not thought......” 云四海和中年人的神情同时收紧。中年人轻叹一声,说道:“看来,还是和以前一样……我们曾经派过去的人,也都是这样直接消失,就像是忽然从人间蒸发了一样,之后也再也没有回来过,没想到……” Has not thought that Blood Dream Paradise ultimate Killer, cannot avoid such result. 没想到,就连血梦天堂的终极杀手,也免不了这样的结局。 That person...... Xie Tian, Ye Tianxie, he is any background. He, gives the silent solution these people with any method. 那个人……邪天,叶天邪,他到底是什么来头。他,又是用什么方法将那些人给无声无息的解决。 Thinks of here, that chill in the air direct vine penetrating marrow. 想到这里,那股寒意直接蔓彻骨髓。 The complexion of Men in Black becomes extremely ugly, one time dispatches five people to deal with a person, this is huge attaching great importance. Has not thought that has not thought certainly...... Shock, but just his brave words Blood Dream Paradise had not let slip on murder Quest, at this time, this result has hit his a slap in the face without doubt maliciously. 黑衣人的脸色变得极为难看,一次出动五个人去对付一个人,这已经是天大的重视。没想到,绝没有想到……震惊,而刚刚他还豪言血梦天堂从来没有在杀人任务上失手过,此时,这个结果无疑是狠狠的打了他一个耳光 Snort! Quest that my Blood Dream Paradise receives, from, when completes, otherwise, the remuneration for services rendered double presents.” The Men in Black wave the arms about, the straight step leaves. “哼!我血梦天堂接下的任务,自当完成,否则,酬金双倍奉还。”黑衣人一甩手,直步离开。 A peaceful hall deathly stillness piece, Yun Sihai panting obviously becomes loud. At this time, he finally starts the true regret to start Ye Tianxie...... Blood Dream Paradise that even/including Congwei lets slip one time dispatches five people, unexpectedly is such result. The fearful degree of this person, has surmounted their expectation radically. 安静的大厅死寂一片,云四海喘息明显变得粗重。此时,他终于开始真正的后悔起动叶天邪……连从未失手的血梦天堂一次出动五个人,都竟是这样的结果。这个人的可怕程度,根本已经超越了他们的预想。 Seventh Uncle, what to do?” Yun Sihai asked. “七叔,怎么办?”云四海问道。 „...... Blood Dream Paradise will not reveal is our pulling strings, Xie Tian wants to retaliate, has no reason. Young Master...... In Blood Dream Paradise is one crowd of murder Wicked Demon, does not reach the goal not to give up, Xie Tian one time makes them lose five people, this hates them also to the report greatly, we need to do, but watches critically well.” The middle-aged people said. “……血梦天堂不会泄露是我们的指使的,邪天就是想报复,也没有理由。只是少爷……血梦天堂里都是一群杀人恶魔,不达目的绝不罢休,邪天一次让他们损失五个人,这份大恨他们也非报不可,我们需要做的,只是冷眼旁观就好。”中年人说道。 Un.” Yun Sihai nods, then said with a frown: Do not make my Little Sister know.” “嗯。”云四海点头,然后皱眉说道:“不要让我小妹知道。” This matter knows, only then we, in the family/home do not have the third person to know.......” Middle-aged person however sighed lightly: At the Qimeng intelligent degree, this matter, is impossible to hide the truth from her to be long. I can think frequently that in this world, there is any matter to hide the truth from her eye truly.” “这件事知道的只有我们,家里没有第三个人知道的。只是……”中年人轻然一叹:“以祈梦的聪慧程度,这件事,是不可能瞒得住她太久的。我经常会想,这个世界上,有没有什么事能真正瞒过她的眼睛。” Yun Sihai: „......” 云四海:“……” In the morning wakes up, has not opened the eye, an intense sense of hunger is attacking all nerves of his whole body. 清晨醒来,尚未睁开眼睛,一种强烈的饥饿感就冲击着他全身上下的所有神经。 Ye Tianxie has traced own belly, almost heard inside the cry of protest. Outside, the food fragrance of faint trace mixed girls' chatting sound to overflow. He hugs to entangle his Xiao Xi hastily gently, then binds her body with the quilt, jumps down the bed, almost with flying the general speed flushed. 叶天邪摸了一下自己的肚子,几乎听到了里面抗议的叫声。外面,丝丝的饭香味混着女孩们的说笑声溢了进来。他连忙轻轻抱下缠着他身上的小希,然后用被子将她的身体裹好,跳下床,几乎是用飞一般的速度冲了出去。 Feifei, did the breakfast complete?” Goes out of the room, Ye Tianxie anxious asking. 菲菲,早饭做好了没?”走出房间,叶天邪急急的问道。 Completed...... Iya! Tianxie, rare so is starting today early.” Su Feifei just carried a tray cold dish to place on the table, said with a grin, she set out, looks to Ye Tianxie, such as the greedy person general look had a scare by his suddenly. “做好了……呀!天邪,难得今天起这么早。”苏菲菲刚好端着一盘子凉菜放在了桌子上,笑嘻嘻的说道,她起身,看向了叶天邪,忽而被他那如饿狼一般的眼神吓了一跳。 Big Brother Xie Tian, the gruel, one small will be good.” Chenxin said with very supple sound. 邪天大哥,还有粥,一小会就好。”辰心用很柔的声音说道。 un un, I am also helping! Now I will have made many meals...... Elder Brother, were you hungry?” Chenxue also obviously by his complexion and look frightening, surprised saying. 嗯嗯,我也在帮忙哦!现在我已经会做很多菜了……哥哥,你饿了吗?”辰雪也明显被他的脸色和眼神给吓到,惊讶的说道。 Un...... Very hungry, I cannot wait, I ate first.” Ye Tianxie makes an effort has swallowed big saliva, then before is almost threw the dining table, in three girls simultaneously in the delay vision, works in the table the shredded meat fancy steamed roll toward mouth Bariset, wolfed down, not several seconds, that had the fist big fancy steamed roll to vanish in his mouth fully, has not swallowed completely, he directly used the hand...... Right, has used the chopsticks without enough time, but was works on a steak to fill in the mouth with the hand directly, the tooth chewed at the astonishing frequency, throat clear was hovering fluctuating of swallowing. “嗯……很饿,我等不及,我先吃了。”叶天邪用力的咽下了一大口口水,然后几乎是扑到了饭桌前,在三个女孩同时呆滞的目光中,抓起桌子上得肉丝花卷就往嘴巴里塞,一阵狼吞虎咽,才不会几秒钟的时间,那足有拳头大的花卷就已经消失在了他的嘴里,还没完全咽下,他又直接用手……没错,已经来不及用筷子,而是直接用手抓起一把肉排塞到了嘴中,牙齿以惊人的频率嚼动着,喉咙清晰的游动着吞咽的起伏。 Three girls were simultaneously ignorant a long time/half of the day, responded Su Feifei that slightly runs up to the Ye Tianxie side hastily, grabs his hand to be angry saying: Tianxie, do not eat such anxiously, will choke.” 三个女孩同时懵了半天,反应过来的苏菲菲连忙小跑到叶天邪的身旁,抓着他的手嗔道:“天邪,不要吃这么急,会噎到的。” I...... All right...... Is...... Too...... Hungry......” Ye Tianxie crazy is eating thing, the unclear sound that while with pushes with great difficulty was replying Su Feifei. “我……没事……就是……太……饿……”叶天邪一边狂乱的吃着东西,一边用好不容易挤出来的含糊不清的声音回答着苏菲菲 Is again hungrily cannot such eat...... Slow, slow!” Su Feifei that by the Ye Tianxie table manners frightening hurries to take his hand, but her strength how possibly control Ye Tianxie, could not prevent him to make the mouth fill the thing speed crazily. She is hastily booing big cup water: Tianxie, drinks water first, will otherwise be choked.” “就是再饿也不能这么吃得……慢一点,慢一点啦!”被叶天邪的吃相给吓到的苏菲菲赶忙去拿他的手,但她的力气又怎么可能驾驭的了叶天邪,根本阻止不了他让嘴里疯狂塞东西的速度。她连忙倒好一大杯水:“天邪,先喝水,不然真的会被噎到。” „......” Ye Tianxie still did not have the time to reply him. “唔……”叶天邪依然没有了时间回答他。 Elder Brother, you? So is really hungry? Yesterday evening hadn't eaten to the full?” Little Chenxue ran over, anxiously worry looks at Ye Tianxie to eat the thing movement. 哥哥,你怎么了?真的有那么饿吗?是不是昨天晚上没有吃饱?”小辰雪跑了过来,紧张而担心的看着叶天邪东西的动作。 Un...... Hungry......” “嗯……饿……” A fancy steamed roll of plateau was fed up by Ye Tianxie, that four tray fine side dishes in an instant eaten does not remain the soup, but the entire process, has only used less than two minutes...... 一大盘子的花卷被叶天邪吃尽,那四盘子精致的小菜更是转眼间被吃的连汤都不剩,而整个过程,只用了不到两分钟的时间…… Tianxie...... Ate to the full?” Su Feifei weakly asked. Looks tray that empties, her stares blankly, was suspecting infinitely Ye Tianxie was taken possession by the starved ghost. 天邪……吃饱了吗?”苏菲菲弱弱的问道。看着那空掉的盘子,她一阵发怔,无限怀疑着叶天邪是不是被饿死鬼附身了。 If...... If hungry, the gruel that in kitchen also has complete, to has been able to drink probably coldly.” Chenxue also nervous saying. “如果……如果还是饿的话,厨房里还有已经做好的粥,大概已经冷到可以喝了。”辰雪也紧张兮兮的说道。 The Chenxue sound falls, Ye Tianxie directly has upturned from the sofa, directly soars the kitchen. 辰雪的声音一落,叶天邪就已经直接从沙发上翻了过过,直奔厨房。 Chenxin just carried full pot gruel, when turns around, Ye Tianxie that almost and comes directly runs upon directly, she has not opened the mouth with enough time, in hand then suddenly one light, that pot gruel arrived in the hand of Ye Tianxie, he lifts up high the top of the head the pot directly, head pitches up, mouth big, that pot gruel...... Direct goes toward the mouth but actually. 辰心刚刚端起满满的一锅粥,转身之时,差点和迎头而来的叶天邪直接撞上,她还没来得及开口,手上便忽然一轻,那锅粥已经到了叶天邪的手上,他直接将锅高举头顶,头部上仰,嘴巴大张,将那锅粥……直接呼啦啦的往嘴里倒去。 Chenxin was frightened stayed for several seconds, responded that calls out in alarm said: „...... Hot!” 辰心被吓得呆了好几秒,才反应过来惊呼道:“啊……烫!” Ye Tianxie did not respond that as if has disregarded that to burn the mouth completely the uncomfortableness. The pot is very exquisite, he pours is accurate incomparable, that gruel in vain by an even speed incline, does not have the least bit to splash obstinately or sprinkles the ground, has not stopped...... Reversed image directly pouring into stomach. 叶天邪毫无反应,仿佛根本已经无视了那烫口的不适感。锅很小巧,他倒的更是精准无比,那白白的粥以一个均匀的速度倾斜而下,愣是没有半点溅出来或者洒到地上,更没有停止过……倒像是直接给倒入了胃中。 After dozens seconds, in the dumbfoundedness of three girls, the gruel but was actually not remained by intravenous drip finally, Ye Tianxie puts down the pot, pondering licked the corner of the mouth, said to Chenxin: Also has thing that what eats?” 几十秒之后,在三个女孩的目瞪口呆中,粥终于被倒的点滴不剩,叶天邪将锅放下,意犹未尽的舔了舔嘴角,对辰心说道:“还有什么吃的东西吗?” „......” Chenxin does not know how at once should reply. She can only be worried, but weakly asked: Big Brother Tianxie, you eat like this, will eat the stomach ache.” “……”辰心一时之间不知该怎么回答。她只能担心而弱弱的问道:“天邪大哥,你这样吃,会吃坏肚子的。” But the eye of Ye Tianxie, fell on Chenxin behind refrigerator. His three and two steps broke down, opens the door of refrigerator, then works on the fresh beef that freezes together to fill toward the mouth. 叶天邪的眼睛,已经落在了辰心身后的冰箱上。他三步并两步的垮了过去,一把将冰箱的门打开,然后抓起一块冰冻的生牛肉就往嘴里塞去。 „! That is lives, cannot eat.” Chenxin hurry flushed, has blocked with the hand, but her strength is almost equal to not having to Ye Tianxie, although her hand according to that pack ice beef in Ye Tianxie hand, actually could not prevent to fill thing thing toward the mouth...... Until brought her hand to paste on his lip. “啊!那是生的,不可以吃的。”辰心慌忙的冲了过来,用手拦了过去,但她的力气对叶天邪来说几乎等于没有,她的手虽然按在了叶天邪手中的那块冰牛肉上,却根本阻止不住往嘴里塞东西东西……直到带着她的手贴到了他的嘴唇上。 On the face of Chenxin helped up one to smudge rouge general pink, she anxiously anxious saying: Big Brother Tianxie, this is lives, really unedible. If you are hungry, I and Elder Sister Feifei. Xue'er does immediately to you eat, is good.” 辰心的脸上扶起一层涂抹了胭脂一般的粉红,她急急的说道:“天邪大哥,这是生的,真的不能吃的。你要是还饿的话,我和菲菲姐姐。还有雪儿马上做给你吃,好不好。” Under Chenxin that pitiful look offensive, Ye Tianxie gives to depress that not normal desire forcefully, frozen beef in hand putting, being big and hungry walked. That sense of hunger is still suffering him, suddenly could not find thing him who can eat to start to feel that the whole body is an uncomfortable dilutedness. 辰心那可怜兮兮的眼神攻势下,叶天邪强行将那不正常的欲望给压下,将手里的冻牛肉给放了回去,“饥肠辘辘”的走了回去。那饥饿感依然在折磨着他,忽然找不到可以吃的东西的他开始感觉到全身都是一种难受之极的无力感。 Tianxie, did you fall ill? Where is uncomfortable, told me quickly.” Su Feifei him according to sofa, anxious saying. 天邪,你是不是生病了?哪里不舒服,快告诉我。”苏菲菲将他按在沙发上,焦急的说道。 No...... Is hungry. Feifei, gives me to make delicious good?” Ye Tianxie covers has been sticking out, but is still flooding the belly of sense of hunger, pitiful saying. “没有……就是饿。菲菲,去给我多做点好吃的好不好?”叶天邪捂着已经隆起,但依然充斥着饥饿感的肚子,可怜兮兮的说道。 Su Feifei tries on Ye Tianxie forehead with the hand, stamped the feet, ran in the kitchen. Chenxue also quickly followed: I also help.” 苏菲菲用手在叶天邪额头上试了试,一跺脚,跑进了厨房里。辰雪也很快跟了过去:“我也来帮忙。” Sees Chenxue to come, Chenxin looked at Ye Tianxie one in living room, said in a low voice: Xue'er, you look at Elder Brother, do not make him eat unedible thing.” 看到辰雪进来,辰心看了客厅里的叶天邪一眼,小声的说道:“雪儿,你去看着哥哥,一定不要让他吃不能吃的东西。” Un, I knew.” Chenxue hastily ran. “嗯,我知道了。”辰雪又连忙跑了回来。 But at this time, Ye Tianxie has carried the tray on table. Above is also moistening the cooking liquor, is releasing the oil fishy smell. 而此时,叶天邪端起了桌子上的盘子。上面还沾着汤汁,释放着油腥味。 This tray, should be also delicious...... In the heart of Ye Tianxie has had this idea suddenly, then bites to the tray. 这盘子,应该也蛮好吃的……叶天邪的心中忽然的冒出了这个想法,然后一口向盘子上咬去。 „! Not! Cannot eat the tray!” Chenxue called out in alarm to throw the body of Ye Tianxie, has covered his mouth with the small hand, has not made him really eating the tray finally. “啊!不可以!不可以吃盘子!”辰雪惊呼着扑到了叶天邪的身上,用小手捂住了他的嘴,总算没让他真的把盘子给吃了。
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