EDAH :: Volume #5 魔印

#408: The shade of dark night

Can turn with not own thing has three years of free right to control, but compares in this, that again having thing of three years of right to control turned into forever own thing to want many of easy. Three years, some are time thinking slowly. 用本不属于自己的东西能变成拥有三年的自由支配权,而相比于此,那再把拥有三年支配权的东西变成永远属于自己的东西就要简单的多了。三年,有的是时间慢慢的想。 Ye Tianxie went out of Heavenly Sun City City Lord Palace, while careful is pondering over. 叶天邪一边走出了天日城城主府,一边细细的琢磨着。 Has pinched already wears in the front Seven-colored Twilight with the hand, Ye Tianxie grinned to smile: Now Will of Heaven sentiment good...... leveling shenma is unimportant, today has the Little Xue'er exiting hobby. Un, goes home.” 用手捏了捏已经戴在胸前的“七色的黄昏”,叶天邪咧嘴笑了起来:“今天心情不错……练级神马的不重要了,今天就带小雪儿出去玩好了。嗯,回家。” Then, he returned to Heavenly Stellar City directly. As for southern Fire Element *...... It spoke the truth, he not full assurance, even, did not have including 1/10 assurances. 说完,他直接返回了天辰城。至于南方火元素的*……其实说起来,他并没有十足的把握,甚至,连1的把握都没有。 He believes that is own right hand transmits to his subtle induction. 他所相信的,是自己的右手所传递给他的微妙感应。 Jinghua, a peaceful garden. 京华,一个安静的庭院。 The young girl on wheelchair is closing eye, in the hand, is picking up a pink tender and delicate flower petal lightly, the movement is very light is very light. she raised her head, has revealed a face of perfect flawless, but that pair of eyes, still tight is closing...... It is not she does not want to open, but even if opens, at present, can only be similarly a piece forever does not have the darkness of boundary. 轮椅上的少女闭合着眼睛,手中,轻拈着一片粉色的娇嫩花瓣,动作很轻很轻。她抬起头,露出了一张完美无瑕的脸,但那双眼睛,依然紧紧的闭合着……不是她不想睁开,而是即使睁开,眼前,同样只会是一片永远没有边际的黑暗。 fated person, how has run into you, my incomplete body, but after is the practical joke of Heaven , the sorrowful life that leaves behind, simply does not have the qualifications...... Retains you.” 天命之人,遇到了你又如何,我残缺的身体,不过是上苍的恶作剧后所留下的悲哀生灵,根本没有资格……将你留住。” The slender and delicate finger loosens slowly, soft flower petal weak falls gently from her referring, slowly moves with the wind, falls on the withered land. 纤柔的手指缓缓松开,柔软的花瓣无力的从她的指间飘落,徐徐的随风而动,落在干枯的土地上。 Flower blossoms to fall Hua Qimeng, leaf dry Ye Fei finally is the dream......” “花开花落花祈梦,叶枯叶飞终是梦……” She is pronouncing unstressed, the corners of the mouth have one to be mournful, resemble disconsolate smiling. 她轻念着,嘴角带起一丝似凄然,似惆怅的笑。 Delicate semblance, astonishing wisdom...... Actually nobody can see through her vulnerable mind...... Only then he. 柔弱的外表,惊人的智慧……却没有人能看穿她那脆弱不堪的心灵……只有他。 Qimeng, you in?” 祈梦,你在吗?” Outside, has broadcast a rough male voice. The young girls rotate the wheelchair, tranquil accordingly: Father, I.” 外面,传来了一个粗犷的男子声音。少女转动轮椅,平静的应声:“爸爸,我在。” She rotates the wheelchair, bringing wheel to grind the place the bleak sound, moved to the origin of sound...... 她转动轮椅,带着车轮碾地的萧条声音,移动向了声音的来源…… From childhood, she frequently is thinking very much that thinks issue that a normal person will not think absolutely...... Are one, actually the person of this world? 从很小的时候,她就会经常在想,想一个正常人绝对不会想的问题……自己,究竟是不是这个世界的人? If are this world, why does not have a skilled in both field to see clearly this world the eye. 如果自己属于这个世界,为什么却没有一双能看清这个世界的眼睛。 But, are many to have been able to see clearly the mind of this world. 但,却多了一颗能看清这个世界的心灵。 Why can with thing that ability induces contradict in thing that this world learns...... The truth of then by humanity being believed that on her body, actually by breaks. 为什么自己在这个世界所学到的东西会和自己身上的能力所感应到的东西相悖……那被人类所坚信的真理,在她的身上,却被一次次的打破。 From childhood very much, she by an average man the incomprehensible angle, indifferent looks at every action and every movement of surrounding all people, including her parents...... Because, that time she, instinct felt one are the person of another world. At least, with them absolutely not in same plane. 从很小的时候开始,她就以一种常人所不能理解的角度,冷眼“看”着周围所有人的一举一动,包括她的父母……因为,那时的她,本能感觉自己是另一个世界的人。至少,和他们绝对不在同一个位面 No one knows that this is not one type arrogant...... But is feeling inferior. 谁也不知道,这不是一种高傲……而是一种自卑。 Very deeply very deep feeling inferior. Her heart actually continuously frail such as touches the broken light glass, she most feared that others mentioned, was she with the normal person different place...... thing that because, she loses, making her never possibly obtain the happiness. 一种很深很深的自卑。她的心其实一直都脆弱的如一层一触即碎的薄薄玻璃,她最怕别人提及的,就是她和正常人不一样的地方……因为,她失去的东西,让她永远不可能得到幸福。 But thing that she obtains...... That not by the ability that the average man understands, similarly keeps her from becoming a normal normal girl, forever misses with the happiness that a young girl can have. 而她得到的东西……那不被常人所理解的能力,同样让她无法成为一个正常的普通女孩,永远与一个少女所能拥有的幸福无缘。 Own future, where...... 自己的未来,在哪里…… Night, is very tranquil. 夜晚,无比宁静。 Ye Tianxie is hugging Xiao Xi, rests is very murky. Since previous time to rescue Chenxue lost too much blood, his sleep time lengthened compared with it past, moreover almost went right to sleep, sleep quality also extraordinary good. 叶天邪搂着小希,睡的很昏沉。自从上次为了救辰雪而损失了太多的血液之后,他的睡眠时间比之以往延长,而且几乎是倒头就睡,睡眠质量也出奇的好。 The indicator of clock, has pointed at 2 : 00 pm. 时钟的指针,指向了夜晚两点。 Heaven's Garden District peaceful piece, although the bright night light scatters here darkness completely, is actually not able to drive out late at night is in sole possession of lonely...... Shadow that until, several should not present silent is approaching here. 天园小区安静一片,虽然明亮的夜灯将这里的黑暗驱散殆尽,却无法驱走深夜独有的寥寂……直到,几个不该出现的黑影无声无息的靠近着这里。 The goal, is No. 5 villa that Ye Tianxie is. 目标,是叶天邪所在的5号别墅。 Altogether is five people, person are not many, but each body lithe is similar to a piece of feather is the same, walks is such as the ghosts and demons does not have the slight sound generally. Without a doubt, these five person one have not been the normal people, even if a fool sees them, meets first thinks travelling by night expert that only then in the movie can present. 一共是五个人,人不多,但每一个身体都轻盈的如同一片羽毛一样,行走起来更是如鬼魅一般没有丝毫的声音。毫无疑问,这五个人没有一个是正常人,就算是一个傻瓜看到他们,也会第一时间想到只有电影里才会出现的夜行高手 They not only silent of motion, but also the technique and vigilant degree were strong to the unthinkable degree, place that they passed through, completely was the dead angle of electronic eye...... But is unable to evade that was used the incomparably adept technique to camouflage the electronic eye by them quietly...... Perhaps is self-confident, five people have not put on the black, can facilitate under the dark night hides figure dark clothing, the plainclothes that but wears, on the face do not have any covering up. 他们不但行动的无声无息,而且手法、警觉程度更是强到了匪夷所思的程度,他们所经过的地方,全部是电子眼的死角……而无法避过的,都被他们用无比娴熟的手法将电子眼悄然遮蔽……也许是过于自信,五个人并没有穿黑色的,可以方便在黑夜下掩藏身形夜行衣,而是穿的便衣,就连脸上都没有任何的遮掩。 They are approaching, 200 meters, 150 meters...... 他们在靠近,200米,150米…… 100 meters time, Ye Tianxie room, peaceful shrinking in the Ye Tianxie bosom, every day almost all time in the Xiao Xi moving tip of the nose of sleep gently. 100米的时候,叶天邪的房间,安静的缩在叶天邪怀里,每天几乎所有的时间都在睡眠的小希轻轻的动了动鼻尖。 Then...... Does not have any sound, vanishes in the Ye Tianxie bosom, has not made a sound, is impossible to let the Ye Tianxie detection and alerting in deep sleep. 然后……就那么没有任何动静的,在叶天邪怀中消失,没有发出一丝的声响,也就不可能让沉睡中的叶天邪察觉和警醒。 Under the curtain of night, that five people simultaneously stopped the footsteps, on the tranquil face, has shown the panic-stricken look. 夜幕之下,那五个人同时停了脚步,宁静的脸上,露出了惊骇的神色。 Before their bodies, presented a form, delicate and exquisite, long hair floating young girl form. The back to the light, they can only see her figure, actually cannot see clearly her face. But she, appeared there a moment ago unexpectedly suddenly. The way that presents, making brave such as them feel the terrifying chill in the air in that flash from the innermost feelings fast spread to the top of the head, foot heart. 他们的身前,出现了一个身影,一个娇小玲珑,长发飘飘的少女身影。背对着灯光,他们只能看到她的身形,却看不清她的脸。而她,刚才竟然是忽然出现在了那里。那出现的方式,让胆大如他们都在那一瞬间感觉到恐怖的寒意从内心快速蔓延至头顶,还有脚心。 They saw a very adorable purple women's clothing, on the clothes have been covering entirely the fold, as if dressed in a hurry on, downward, was jade porcelain small foot of one pair the shining white such as under the moonlight, did not have the shoes...... But, when their vision frame, their panic-stricken seeing, most perfect artware of this pair compared with the world in also wants beautiful small foot, has not contacted the tread unexpectedly...... Hanging float! 他们看到了一身很可爱的紫色衣裙,衣服上布满着褶皱,似乎是匆匆穿戴而上,往下,是一双在月光下莹白如玉瓷般的小脚,没有鞋子……但,当他们的目光定格时,他们惊骇的看到,这双比世界上最完美的艺术品还要美丽的小脚,竟然没有接触着地面……悬空漂浮! Young girl who suddenly presents, calm long hair that but dances, body of void float...... They at the same time, have thought in terrifying movie, who sees nether world girl who who dies. 忽然出现的少女,无风而舞的长发,虚空漂浮的身体……他们在同一时间,想到了恐怖电影中,那谁见谁死的幽冥女童。 Forgetting that their respiratory arrests are they already by present startling how to breathe. Heart, in incomparable beats with amazement such as will soon explode fierce like that. 他们的呼吸停止是他们已经被眼前的一幕骇的忘记的怎么去呼吸。心脏,更是在无比的骇然中跳动如即将爆炸那般的剧烈。 Taking advantage of that misty luminous, they saw young girl that snow white face finally, but the eyes of young girl closed, has not released the tiny bit vision, she to them, has been lifting her right hand slowly...... Her hand is very exquisite, white and tender was similar to has wiped fragrant butterfat, but this small hand, actually became their Life/HP...... Last scenery. 借着那蒙蒙的光亮,他们终于看到了少女那雪白的脸,而少女的眼睛是闭合的,没有释放出一丝一毫的目光,缓缓的,她对着他们,抬起了她的右手……她的手很小巧,又白嫩的如同抹了一层香甜的奶脂而这只小手,却成为了他们生命的……最后一幕风景。 Quiet cold wind blows , the small hand of young girl has aimed at the direction, five people, disappear in the flash without a trace...... Including their bodies and clothing, all that on them carries. Such as turned into air generally thorough disappearance completely there. Has not stayed behind, even if tiny bit trace. 一阵幽寒的风吹至,少女的小手所指向了的方向,五个人,在一瞬间消失的无影无踪……包括他们的身体、衣物,还有他们身上所携带的一切。全部如化成了空气一般彻彻底底的消失在了那里。没有留下哪怕一丝一毫的痕迹。 Along with it, the body of young girl also vanished there, if then has not appeared. 随之,少女的身体也消失在了那里,便如从来没有出现过。 In the Ye Tianxie room, Xiao Xi maintained the beforehand sleeping posture is appearing in the bosom of Ye Tianxie, that purple clothes automatic departs from the body went, perhaps was outside wind is a little cold, she shrank the body, then used very small scope, drilled the drill to the Ye Tianxie bosom, in the mouth has sent out such as the sleep talking general slight twittering: Elder Brother......” 叶天邪的房间之中,小希保持着之前的睡觉姿势出现在了叶天邪的怀中,那身紫色衣服自动离体而去,或许是外面的风有点冷,她缩了一下身体,然后用很小的幅度,向叶天邪的怀里钻了钻,口中发出如梦呓一般的轻微呢喃:“哥哥……” Hears the summon in the sleep, Ye Tianxie downward of hand/subordinate consciousness, embraces tightly the Xiao Xi smooth body. Xiao Xi satisfied is approaching him, quick peacefully entered the dreamland, except for along with the wing of the nose that the breath moves slightly, did not have the sound again, rests deeply sinks very much very much. 在睡梦中听到呼唤,叶天邪手下意识的向下,搂紧小希光滑的身体。小希满足的靠近着他,很快就安静的进入了梦境,除了随着呼吸轻微而动的鼻翼,再也没有了动静,睡得很深很沉。 At the same time, another place. 同一时间,另一个地方。 Really absolutely safe?” Yun Sihai cold expression sits on the chair, to doing before him, the whole body is releasing the gloomy and cold aura, a black clothed, said including the Men in Black who the face deceives. “真的万无一失?”云四海冷着脸坐在椅子上,对做在他面前,全身释放着阴冷气息,一身黑衣,连脸都蒙起来的黑衣人说道。 Facing influence illustrious Yun Family Young Master, Men in Black actually not only has not displayed to dread, coldly snorted that instead disdains: You can not like us, but does not want not to believe us, murder Quest that any my Blood Dream Paradise receives, has not let slip...... Listens clearly, never has.” 面对势力赫赫的云家少主,黑衣人却非但没有表现出畏惧,反而不屑的冷哼一声:“你可以不喜欢我们,但千万不要不相信我们,凡是我血梦天堂接下的杀人任务,从来就没有失手过……听清楚,是从来没有。” Yun Sihai middle-aged person said: World first, is strongest Killer organizes the Blood Dream Paradise given name, we early have liked thunder reverberating in one's ears. Your ability and success of organization, we also naturally are admire and believe. But this person, somewhat is indeed special. These person of one of his side have not been the easy character...... Zuo Zhenhua's son, the child of Saint Domain's Master, but they also know him to exist......” 云四海身边的中年人说道:“世界第一,也是最强杀手组织血梦天堂的大名,我们早已经是如雷贯耳。贵组织的能力和战绩,我们也当然是佩服和坚信。但这次这个人,的确有些特殊。他身边的那些人没有一个是简单人物……左振华之子,圣域之主之子,而他们也都知晓着他的存在……” Snort!” Men in Black coldly snorted: My Blood Dream Paradise, whom has not feared...... You, only need to arrange the agreed reward. My Blood Dream Paradise, needs big gold coin now.” “哼!”黑衣人一声冷哼:“我血梦天堂,还从来没有怕过谁……你们,只需要备好所约定的酬劳就可以。我血梦天堂,现在需要大把的金钱。” In the eyes of Men in Black, flashes through together the strange ray. 黑衣人的眼中,闪过一道诡异的光芒。 If can succeed, that remuneration for services rendered naturally is one point of many both hands offers.” Yun Sihai said that on that handsome face, is hoodwinking a gloom of hatred at this time. His uncle urged him before all verified do not act rashly, but his Younger Sister even directly tells him never to move him. But...... Huge shame that lifetime biggest shame, is for a lifetime impossible to forget, that entire 6 billion gold coin losses, by his disposition, how also possibly really such to consider as finished! “若能成功,那酬金自然是一分不少的双手奉上。”云四海说道,那张英俊的脸上,此时蒙着一层怨毒的阴暗。他的叔伯劝他在一切查明之前不要轻举妄动,而他的妹妹甚至直接告诉他永远不要动他。但……那毕生最大的羞辱,一辈子都不可能忘记的天大耻辱,还有那整整6000000000的金钱亏损,以他的性格,又怎么可能真的就这么算了! Therefore, he through the concealed wiring, contacted most terrifying Killer to organize Blood Dream Paradise at the maximum speed. He wishes one could Ye Tianxie dead in his front immediately. 所以,他通过暗线,以最快的速度联络到了最恐怖杀手组织血梦天堂。他恨不得叶天邪马上就死在他的面前。 Now, how?” Yun Sihai gloomy expression asked. “现在,如何了?”云四海阴着脸问道。 Men in Black pie his eyes, put out a palm size from the pocket the localization instrument, on that black screen, five get together the together dot to move evenly. The Men in Black have sneered: One minute...... No, does not take one minute, that person, will turn into a corpse.” 黑衣人暼他一眼,从衣兜里拿出一个手掌大小的定位仪器,那黑色的屏幕上,五个聚合在一起的小点在均匀的移动着。黑衣人冷笑了起来:“一分钟……不,不需要一分钟的时间,那个人,就会变成一具尸体。” Smiling on his face just congealed, suddenly, the five lemon spots on screen simultaneously vanish do not see, his smiling face instantaneous stiff there. 他脸上的笑刚刚凝起,忽然间,屏幕上的五个白点同时消失不见,他的笑容瞬间僵在了那里。
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