EDAH :: Volume #5 魔印

#410: Fearful gluttony

Elder Brother, how have you, really fallen ill?” Has snatched the tray in Ye Tianxie with the biggest strength, worry Chenxue is unable control, the anxious tears to flow finally. Usually to she best Elder Brother...... Today actually like insanely fell, eats...... thing that crazy eating, with letting them is afraid the method of eats all can eat, now, unedible thing also wants to eat...... 哥哥,你到底怎么了,是不是真的生病了?”用自己最大的力气将叶天邪手里的盘子抢过,过于担心的辰雪终于无法控制,焦急的眼泪流了下来。平时对她最好的哥哥……今天却像疯掉了一样,吃……疯狂的吃,用让她们害怕的方法去吃所有可以吃的东西,现在,就连不能吃的东西也想去吃…… Chenxue from the tears of corner of the eye overflow made Ye Tianxie the control mind be restored more reason by the sense of hunger finally. He was startled has been startled, gluttony two characters have flashed through his mind. 辰雪从眼角溢出的眼泪终于让叶天邪被饥饿感所控制的心神恢复了更多的理智。他怔了一怔,“贪食”二字闪过了他的脑际。 Seven Deadly Sins first three: Arrogant, wrath and envy, Original Sin that these three need to trigger passively, each only has continued three days, moreover he can also to a great extent control, making oneself not injure to the peripheral person...... But, has continued for seven days, that makes him not have sloth of resistivity, has continued similarly for seven days, lets greedy reading that he is unable to depress, making him understand that Seven Deadly Sins latter four, that directly affects the soul of heart of hearts, does not need to trigger Original Sin that on own initiative will display passively how fearfully. 七宗罪前三个:傲慢、暴怒、妒忌,这三个需要被动触发的原罪,每个都只持续了三天的时间,而且他还可以在很大程度上控制,让自己不会伤到周边的人……但,持续了七天,那让他没有抵抗力的懒惰,还有同样持续了七天,让他无法压下的贪婪之念,让他明白,七宗罪的后四个,那直接影响内心深处的灵魂,不需要被动触发就会主动表现的原罪是多么的可怕。 But this time gluttony...... That almost the feed desire that his body and sane fires, making him know, if cannot eat many thing again, he will certainly be compelled insanely, looks at present the familiar furniture, ground, wall and electric appliance, he is occupying even the impulsion that they swallow completely. 而此时的贪食……那几乎将他身体和理智都灼烧的进食欲望,让他知道,如果不能再去吃更多的东西,他一定会被逼疯,看着眼前熟悉的家具、地面、墙壁、电器,他心里甚至盘踞着将它们全部吞下的冲动。 He believes firmly very much, oneself, at all impossible with sane and endure patiently to shoulder this pass/test. 他很确信,自己,根本不可能用理智和忍耐来扛过这一关。 Ye Tianxie wipes the Chenxue tears, the corners of the mouth have one to smile, said: Xue'er, do not cry, I do not have the matter, thought that some were too hungry, should be had not eaten yesterday, does not have the matter.” 叶天邪辰雪的眼泪抹去,嘴角带起一丝笑,说道:“雪儿,不要哭,我真的没有事的,就是觉得有些太饿了,应该是昨天没有吃好,真的没有事的。” Real...... Elder Brother, are you all right really? But, I am good to be worried that is good to be afraid...... Elder Sister is preparing food, quick good, Elder Brother again hungry, is impossible thing that eats cannot eat.” Chenxue said with eyes brimming with tears. “是真的吗……哥哥,你真的没事吗?可是,我心里还是好担心,好害怕……姐姐在做饭,很快就好的,哥哥就算再饿,也不可能吃不可以吃的东西的。”辰雪眼泪汪汪的说道 Un, I am all right.” One minute has not eaten thing, the desire in the heart eating food is burning down his internal organs on such as flame of one group of fierce combustion, lets his times flood the crazy impulsion of thing wants to eat all possibly sees...... Fearful, was too fearful. The fearful degree, compared with it initially during sloth, obviously had the strength, the desire that actually a finger does not hope does not flaunt lets much! “嗯,我真的没事。”才一分钟没有吃东西,心中进食的欲念就如一团剧烈燃烧的火焰在焚烧着他的内脏,让他一次次的泛起想要吃掉所有可能看到的东西的疯狂冲动……可怕,太可怕了。可怕的程度,比之当初在懒惰期间,明明有力气,却连一根手指都不愿动的欲念都不逞多让! Chenxue can feel his body trembles...... That as if in hardship is enduring patiently anything. 辰雪可以感觉到他身体的发颤……那似乎是在苦苦的忍耐着什么。 Xue'er...... You and Elder Sister said that I played advanced, possibly consecutively for seven days, not making them momentarily supplement the nourishing cream on my life maintenance equipment. Good, Xue'er, I went first, you help Elder Sisters prepare food, then wants Bao Bao to eat...... Right, told your Elder Sister Feifei, making her look that initially I to sixth of that note she kept......” 雪儿……你和姐姐说,我先进游戏了,可能连续七天都不会下来,让她们随时在我的生命维持设备上补充营养液。好了,雪儿,我先去了,你去帮姐姐们做饭,然后要饱饱的吃……对了,告诉你的菲菲姐姐,让她看当初我给她留的那张字条的第六条……” Ye Tianxie said that was unable to endure patiently, to own room, has lain on the bed, then immediately started Destiny World gaming device. 叶天邪说完,已经是无法忍耐,冲回了自己的房间,躺在了床上,然后立即启动了命运世界游戏设备 gluttony...... As the name suggests, what refers to is greedy food. This hear likely is not sin(ful), even if must limit into sin(ful), what fearful sin(ful) also at all will not be, but will the fact, really be so? 贪食……顾名思义,指的是贪婪食物。这听上去并不像是一种罪恶,即使一定要界定入罪恶,也根本不会是什么可怕的罪恶,但事实,真的是如此吗? In a short time filled that many food all of a sudden, Ye Tianxie has been able to hear the turning mountain but actually sea in stomach, the swelling feeling of that abdomen, was clear. But, the desire of that feed does not have therefore to have the slight reduction...... Then, what consequence that continues such to eat is? Words that does not eat, what can the consequence be? 短时间内一下子灌下去了那么多食物,叶天邪已经能听到胃里的翻山倒海,那腹部的肿胀感,更是清晰可辨。但,那进食的欲念却没有因此而有丝毫的减少……那么,继续这么吃下去的后果是什么?不吃的话,后果又会是什么? Seven Deadly Sins other six crimes, hold others' body negative mood in addition...... But only has gluttony sin, held the sin(ful) in addition on own body, only then this crime, will endanger directly to own Life/HP this angle looks, gluttony sin, was most fearful Original Sin! 七宗罪的其他六罪,是将负面情绪加持到别人的身上……而唯有贪食一罪,是把罪恶加持在了自己的身上,也只有这一罪,会直接危及到自身的生命这个角度看,贪食一罪,是最可怕的原罪 Because , to continue to eat...... The abdomen capacity of person is limited, even if the body of Ye Tianxie is at variance with the average man, under endless feed, must have is supported deadly at that moment. 因为,继续吃下去……人的腹部容量毕竟有限,叶天邪的身体即使异于常人,在无休止的进食下,也必会有被撑死那一刻。 If not eat...... For example, ties up him with any method, keeping him from eating food...... Under desire that then, that is unable to resist, he must eat, can definitely be one, for example, he will eat his tongue first, then eats all can with the place that the mouth moves...... 而如果不吃下去……比如,用什么方法将他捆住,让他无法进食……那么,那根本无法抗拒的欲念之下,他要吃的,就必然会是自己,比如,他会先吃掉自己的舌头,再吃所有可以用嘴碰触到的地方…… Therefore, in the sobriety, he has thought of Destiny World! 所以,在清醒之中,他想到了命运世界 In Destiny World, the sense of hunger will necessarily not reduce, but body virtual, food virtual, although flavor/smell will not compare the real world to be bad, even if eats again many, not true endangering Life/HP. 命运世界,饥饿感一定不会减少,但身体是虚拟的,食物是虚拟的,虽然味道不会比现实世界差,但即使吃得再多,也不会真正的危及生命 Appears in Heavenly Stellar City, Ye Tianxie first takes up communication tool, is suppressing communication tool an impulsion of swallowing, connected to Liu Qiyue, then the running together of two syllables in rapid speech said: Big Sis! Gives me to decide an upscaleest passenger compartment in the Seven Moons Restaurant Chain No. 1 shop...... On the Heaven Grade room! Then lets them on one all the dishes of completion...... Immediately!!” 出现在天辰城,叶天邪第一时间拿起通话器,强忍着将通话器一口吞下的冲动,连接至了柳柒月,然后急声说道:“大姐!给我在七月餐饮连锁的一号店定一个最高档的包间……就天字号房!然后让他们把所有做好的菜都上一遍……马上!!” Does not wait for Liu Qiyue to answer that Ye Tianxie hangs communication tool, directly soars the front to go. 不等柳柒月回话,叶天邪就挂掉通话器,直奔前方而去。 Seven Moons Chamber of Commerce dining chain-like at present shortly after only then two shops, are starts doing business, is still at the experimental fumble stage of initial period. No. 1 shop is located in Heavenly Stellar northern street, is close with Chamber of Commerce, Ye Tianxie rushes, then opens access arrived at the Son of Heaven room. He has the privilege in the Seven Moons Chamber of Commerce any/random place, but comes and goes out freely, any/random spends all exempts. 七月商会的餐饮连锁目前只有两家店,都是开业不久,尚处在初期的试验摸索阶段。一号店就位于天辰北街,和商会相近,叶天邪一路冲上,然后畅通无阻的来到了天子号房。他在七月商会任意地方都有特权,可自由出入,任意消费都是全免。 This section is very long to the Heavenly Stellar City center, Ye Tianxie dashes about wildly, at this time was away from him to call Liu Qiyue also to pass for less than three minutes, that feast also without enough time came up radically. The eaten food desire almost burns completely Ye Tianxie of whole body to wish one could here table chair also to have the above that magnificent crystal chandelier to give to swallow down. 这个地段离天辰城的中心很久,叶天邪一路狂奔,此时距离他呼叫柳柒月也才过去了三分钟不到,那大餐根本还来不及上来。被进食的欲念几乎焚尽全身的叶天邪恨不得将这里的桌子椅子还有上面那华丽的水晶吊灯都给吞下去。 gluttony...... Under gluttony Original Sin, your earnestly seeking to food will inflate to an extremely fearful degree. That time you can do is not only will overeat and overdrink that easy, you crazy thing that you see swallows all can eat. When food when can eat was eaten to eat all one's food, you will look like the drug dependence outbreak thoroughly like that demented......” 贪食……在贪食原罪之下,你对食物的渴求会膨胀到一个极其可怕的程度。那时的你会做的将不仅仅是暴饮暴食那么简单,你会疯狂的去吞食你所看到的所有能吃的东西。当可以吃的食物都被吃光时,你会像毒瘾发作那般彻底癫狂……” This was initially, Nameless told his original words! 这是当初,无名所告诉他的原话! But is good because, his Double Dragon Soul, will make him maintain certain reason each time. Otherwise, but the limit pure sin of gluttony, the meeting that initiates does not know the fearful many time of results. Otherwise a moment ago, Chenxin and Chenxue certainly were impossible to prevent he. 但好在,他的双龙魂,每次都会让他保持一定的理智。否则,极限而纯粹的贪食之罪,所引发的会是不知可怕多少倍的结果。否则刚才,辰心辰雪也一定不可能阻止的了他。 Guo Guo, comes out quickly.” 果果,快出来。” Ye Tianxie bears the uncomfortable feeling of whole body, is shouting to Moment of Destiny. 叶天邪忍住全身的难受感,对着命运之刻喊道。 Crossed for a long time, in Moment of Destiny spreads the sound that Guo Guo that has feared: Master...... wu wu, Master, do you want to eat Guo Guo? wu wu...... Guo Guo is obedient, is clever, Master do not eat me, do not eat Guo Guo!” 过了好久,命运之刻里才传出了果果那怕怕的声音:“主人……呜呜,主人,你是不是要吃掉果果呜呜……果果那么听话,那么乖,主人不要吃我,不要吃果果!” On Ye Tianxie forehead prints out a row of heavy line, he exclaimed: Guo Guo! Immediately hands over completely your lollipop, chocolate and biscuit!!” 叶天邪额头上印出一排黑线,他吼道:“果果!马上把你的棒棒糖、巧克力、饼干全部交出来!!” Eh? Aaaaaaah...... Not! That is Guo Guo thing, others cannot eat, Master not!” 咦?啊啊啊啊……不可以!那是果果东西,别人不可以吃,主人也不可以!” Immediately hands over! That is I buys for your! I know that you have brought on the body!” “马上交出来!那是我买给你的!我知道你一直都带在身上的!” Not! These are Guo Guo, is Guo Guo, no one can eat! Master cannot rob!” “就是不可以!那些都是果果的,都是果果的,谁都不可以吃!主人也不可以抢走!” Ye Tianxie just wants to bellow once more, gate was shoved open, an appearance is pretty, does not know that is NPC that hires, the Player tall and slender waitress carried a plateau mutton chop slowly to walk, that meat fragrance made Ye Tianxie turn round suddenly, a pair of eyes turned into greedy person scarlet instantaneously, making that waitress be frightened Boss to jump, has almost not turned around to run. 叶天邪刚想再次大吼,门被推开,一个长相俏丽,不知是雇来的NPC,还是玩家高挑女侍者端着慢慢的一大盘子羊排走了进来,那肉香味让叶天邪猛然回身,一双眼睛瞬间变成了饿狼一眼的猩红色,让那个女侍者被吓了老大一跳,差点没转身就跑。 Ye Tianxie sigh threw, has seized the tray in waiter hand, loses toward the table on, then has thrown into the mutton chop, crazy worry. 叶天邪“呼”的扑了上去,一把将侍者手里的盘子夺过,往桌子上一丢,然后一头扎进了羊排之中,疯狂的撕咬起来。 The waitress eyes stare in a big way, the mouth opens, direct silly there. 女侍者眼睛瞪大,嘴巴张开,直接傻在了那里。 Wa! is quite fragrant, quite fragrant...... I must eat, I must eat!” 哇!好香,好香……我要吃,我也要吃!” Feared by Guo Guo that Master eats under the enticement of good food whiz ran from Moment of Destiny, has thrown then also into the mutton chop, grasped one greatly to gnaw with the mutton chop of her body same size, not being able to withstand of table manners was less inferior than it Ye Tianxie. 怕被主人吃掉的果果在美食的诱惑下“嗖”的从命运之刻里跑了出来,然后也一头扎进了羊排之中,抱住一个和她身体一样大小的羊排就大啃了起来,吃相之不堪比之叶天邪都毫不逊色。 The gate was pushed once again, in a twinkling, fragrance of gang of heartrending god fan fills the air slowly, this is one has a day of appearance. The female of peerless grace and talent. When she enters, that waitress then recovers, one side falls back on hastily, a body straight Ju. 门又一次被推来,霎时间,一股让人心碎神迷的香气缓缓弥漫,这是一个有着天之容颜。风华绝代的女子。在她走进之时,那个女侍者这才回过神来,连忙退到一边,身体端端正正的一鞠。 Liu Qiyue pair of beautiful eyes decides looks at that to wolf down, has not looked back Ye Tianxie because of her arrival, first is surprised, then looking pensive. She turns around, said to that waitress: Convenes all Chef, can make the emaciated look that to do the shop in immediately completely ten, every time completes one, immediately delivers to here...... Goes quickly.” 柳柒月一双美目定定的看着那狼吞虎咽,没有因她的到来而向后看一眼的叶天邪,先是惊讶,然后若有所思。她转身,对那个女侍者说道:“把所有的厨师都召集起来,将店里可以做的菜色马上全部做十遍,每做好一个,就马上送到这里来……快去。” Ten...... Ten? I knew.” The waitress is subconscious startled shouts one first, then lowered the head, respectful saying. “十……十遍?我知道了。”那女侍者先是下意识的惊喊一声,然后低下头,恭敬的说道。 Liu Qiyue takes up communication tool, had confessed after the opposite person several, puts down communication tool, sat side Ye Tianxie. 柳柒月拿起通话器,对对面的人交代了几句后,放下通话器,坐到了叶天邪身边。 Eats slowly, should not be anxious, many.” She looks at his table manners, the corners of the mouth belt smiles, sound supple as light breeze. “慢慢吃,不要急,还有很多。”她看着他的吃相,嘴角带笑,声音柔似轻风。 „...... Big Sis.” He shouted her ambiguously, the desire of but eating food lets him is really the multi- start to talk time does not give up the waste , to continue to pay special attention to the mutton chop to gnaw to nip, wishes one could to swallow including the bone. “……大姐。”他含含糊糊的喊了她一声,但进食的欲念让他实在是连多开口的时间都不舍得浪费,继续抓好羊排啃咬着,恨不得连骨头都吞进去。 I have made dozens most High Level Chef do, doing that can keep, will certainly not make you hungry. Do not be anxious, slows down, the slow point eats, flavor/smell will be better.” Liu Qiyue smiles at the same time the language, gentle is similar to coaxing a gluttonous child, she takes up a piece of hand towel, deletes the meat filings that on his face was splashed gently. “我已经让几十个最高级厨师在做了,会不停的做,一定不会让你饿到的。不要急,放缓一些,慢一点吃,味道会更好的。”柳柒月一边微笑而语,轻柔的如同在哄一个贪吃的小孩子,她拿起一片方巾,轻轻的擦去他脸上被溅上的肉屑。 The Liu Qiyue sound seems passing magic power, lets his innermost feelings because of the anxious feeling that wants to eat food to occupy slowly subsides, although he greatly is still eating, but movement and frequency already along with her sound slowly slow...... Guo Guo, still greatly is gnawing actually there. That strangely big incomparable meat bone, had been gnawed half by her for her obstinately, does not know where was swallowed by her. 柳柒月声音仿佛透着魔力,让他的内心因过于想要进食而盘踞的焦躁感缓缓的平息下来,他虽然依然在大吃,但动作和频率已经随着她的声音慢慢的缓了下来……倒是果果,依然在那里大啃着。那对她来说奇大无比的肉骨头,愣是已经被她啃掉了一半,也不知道被她吞到了哪里。 gluttony quickly in the past, was Seven Deadly Sins last sin. The light chaste child selectivity jumps over me not to frighten you. Looked at the gluttony degree, you can think that last sin is any degree.】 贪食很快过去,然后就是七宗罪最后一罪。轻纯洁的孩子选择性跳过我可不是吓唬你。看了贪食的程度,你就能想到最后一罪是什么程度。】
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