EDAH :: Volume #11 命运之门

#1039: Formidable Demon God

HP reduced 0, Blood Sacrifice of Destiny forced to trigger, Heartless Fighting Will opened, the Sacred Flame of in addition amplification, the attack of Ye Tianxie rose suddenly again instantaneously the peak condition. Looked at this time to have 1157700 Attack Power fully, Ye Tianxie eyes narrowed, attached Soul Blaze of Destiny opening of Absolute Critical Hit condition, his present Base Attack ability, even if were in Illusory Beast Clan Four Great Illusory Gods attacks strongest Annihilation Asura unable to compare by far. The opposite Goddess Xi Yao movement stagnates, the imposing manner of obviously, Ye Tianxie this time erupting has also had not the small impact on her. 生命值降低到了0,“命运之血祭”强制触发,绝情战意随之开启,再加之神圣之炎的增幅,叶天邪的攻击瞬间暴涨到了巅峰状态。看了一眼自己此时足有1157700的攻击力,叶天邪眼睛一眯,附加绝对暴击状态的命运之炽魂开启,他现在的基础攻击能力,即使是幻兽族四大幻神中攻击最强的破灭修罗也远远不能相比。对面的希耀女神动作一滞,显然,叶天邪身上此时所爆发出来的气势也对她造成了不小的冲击。 Time one. one seconds second of winding through , the first attack of Ye Tianxie to Goddess Xi Yao wields, gets rid, is the destructive power strongest Dragon Soul Explosive Thrust! 时间一秒一秒的流过,叶天邪希耀女神的第一次攻击挥出,一出手,就是破坏力最强的“龙魂爆刺”! Ding ~~~~~~~~ 叮~~~~~~~~ Is containing the terrifying might has hit the body of Goddess Xi Yao, but the coagulated space prevents, stopped before her body is less than one foot position, Moment of Destiny peak is , the space was presenting extremely the distortion of exaggeration, such as a tranquil lake surface, suddenly was invested a giant stone. 蕴含着恐怖威力的一击没有击中希耀女神的身体,而是被凝固的空间所阻挡,停止在了她身前不到一尺的位置,命运之刻尖端所在,空间呈现着极其夸张的扭曲,就如一个原本平静的湖面,忽然被投入了一块巨石。 Huge instead shakes the strength to let Ye Tianxie chest cavity bloodshed surging, however wants to spit dizzily, Moment of Destiny also almost lets go to depart, he clenches teeth fiercely, not only has not let loose Moment of Destiny reduces fearfully instead shakes the impact of strength to own body, instead getting hold of stubbornly, all Strength of whole body condensed above their both hands, in the mouth, seeped out a low roar of low and deep and ruthless offense...... 巨大的反震力让叶天邪胸腔一阵血海翻腾,眩然欲吐,命运之刻也差点脱手飞出,他猛一咬牙,非但没有放开命运之刻来减少可怕的反震力对自己身体的冲击,反而死死的握紧,全身的所有力量都凝聚在了自己的双手之上,口中,渗出一声低沉而狠戾的低吼…… Eeeeeeeh...... Gives me to break!!” 呃呃呃呃……给我破!!” Initially, he by his willpower and incomparable eruption ability, Space Lock that working loose stiffly Hua Qimeng was unable to explain. At present, even if the shield of space Goddess Xi Yao condenses, his also stronger line breaking...... By own present attack capability, even if the space, must its tearing maliciously!! 当初,他就是以自己的意志力和无匹的爆发能力,硬生生的挣脱开了花祈梦原本无从破解的空间封锁。眼前,即使是希耀女神所凝聚的空间之盾,他也要强行给破开……以自己现在的攻击能力,就算是空间,也要把它狠狠的撕裂!! The consumption of Space Magic is huge, this point, Ye Tianxie in purity of Hua Qimeng there understanding. Goddess Xi Yao has is not the direct control space ability, but affects the space by Strength forcefully, Space Manipulation of this form, wants huge many compared with it direct Space Manipulation element consumption, moreover wants many of hard. Condenses such space shield, Goddess Xi Yao was inferior the surface seems that light at will. Impact Strength that on the space shield transmits makes her slim such as the brow of moon/month limp gently, along with it, space shield but suddenly the fissure made her tranquil such as the cheeks of water to appear finally has wiped surprisedly. 空间魔法的消耗是巨大的,这一点,叶天邪花祈梦那里了解的一清二楚。希耀女神拥有的不是直接操控空间的能力,而是以力量强行影响空间,这种形式的操纵空间,比之直接操纵空间元素消耗还要庞大的多,而且要困难的多。凝聚这样的空间盾,希耀女神并不如表面看上去那本的平淡随意。空间盾上传来的冲击力量让她纤细如月的眉头轻轻一蹩,随之,空间盾骤然而起的裂痕让她一直平静如水的脸颊终于出现了一抹惊讶。 The fissure in the event , the space shield on such as is collapsed by the dike that the flood clashes immediately generally loudly, Strength has not disappeared Dragon Soul Explosive Thrust forwards, thorn maliciously struck on being caught off guard Goddess Xi Yao...... 裂痕一旦出现,空间盾顿时就如被洪水冲开的堤坝一般轰然崩溃,力量未消的“龙魂爆刺”向前,狠狠的刺击在了措手不及的希耀女神身上…… Bang!! 轰!! -34000000! -34000000! -34000000! -34000000! Under most flourishing condition, this is Ye Tianxie besides Destiny's Seven Kills, destructive power strongest strikes, surmounts the Saint Destroyer Level attack intensity, strikes the destructive capability surely, Ye Tianxie has only experienced on the bodies of two people in this world, one, is Annihilation Asura in Four Great Illusory Gods, another, is one. 全盛状态之下,这是叶天邪命运七杀外,破坏力最强的一击,超越圣灭级的攻击强度,一击过千万的破坏能力,叶天邪在这个世界只在两个人的身上见识过,一个,是四大幻神中的破灭修罗,另一个,就是自己。 The fearful damage digit also appears on their bodies, to Goddess Xi Yao creates damage at the same time, Ye Tianxie also received same level damage. If before, he by own attack Insta-kill several times, but by his present Undead condition, big damage does not dread, his present HP constant in zero, is impossible to turn into the negative value. Reviews Goddess Xi Yao, in if still the mountain but actually Tsunami in the bang sound, her body was rumbled to draw back dozens meters distance, stops under the space operation. But at this time, her aura, before simply did not have, like that tranquil. 可怕的伤害数字在两人的身上同时显现,对希耀女神造成伤害的同时,叶天邪也受到了同等的伤害。如是之前,他会被自己的攻击秒杀数次,但以他现在的亡灵状态,再大的伤害也毫不畏惧,他现在的生命值恒定在零,怎么也不可能变成负值。反观希耀女神,在一声犹若山倒海啸般的巨响声中,她的身体被轰退了几十米的距离,才在空间操纵之下停止。而此时,她的气息,已根本没有之前那般平静。 Although, she from knows very much long time ago, Ye Tianxie under most flourishing condition, other abilities completely are unable compared with her, but the attack capability, has actually exceeded her. If in addition the assistance of his partner, she must be apprehensive again. But at this time underwent Ye Tianxie one time not to keep the attack of hand personally, her also clearer Ye Tianxie eruption ability was what kind terrifying. 虽然,她从很早就知道,全盛状态下的叶天邪,其他能力全然无法和她相比,但攻击能力,却已是远胜过她。如果再加之他的伙伴的辅助,就连她也要忌惮三分。而此时亲自经受了叶天邪一次毫无留手的攻击,她也更明白叶天邪的爆发能力是何等恐怖 A strength of person the strong and weak of Strength aura may by its release judges. But this method, is not applicable to Ye Tianxie completely. He under common condition is only the eminent in Player, but two of exposition big will not take advantage of Sacred Flame and Moment of Destiny along with his aura, once vigorously to erupt, in most powerhouse including this Lost Mainland humanity, does not dare to despise. 一个人的实力可由其身上所释放的力量气息的强弱来判断。但这个方法,完全不适用于叶天邪。寻常状态下的他只是玩家中的翘楚,而并不会随他的气息而暴露的两大依仗神圣之炎命运之刻,一旦倾力爆发,连她这个迷失大陆人类中的最强者,也不敢轻视。 Strikes the bang to draw back Goddess Xi Yao, immediately throws to strike on, a move that Ye Tianxie has not stopped Dragon Soul Shadow Rending Slash, the body such as the black illness shoots Goddess Xi Yao to go together like lightning, coming Strength makes Goddess Xi Yao have some sensations of asphyxia. She has not withdrawn, is grasping the right hand of Xi Yao Spear in a flash, the lance point refers , the space of body first three meters distance coagulates immediately, forms a firm incomparable space shield. The body and space shield of Ye Tianxie bump into maliciously, after a half second of deadlock , the space shield explodes in the spread crack, the attack of Ye Tianxie cannot break through the space shield, but falls after flying upside down on the ground, staggered was backing up the latter several steps, along with it, his whole body one stiff, the body, fell into Space Lock once more, near the ear also connected transmitting to let his speechless prompt sound...... 一击轰退希耀女神,叶天邪没有丝毫停顿的马上扑击而上,一招“龙魂断影斩”,身体如一道黑色闪电般疾射希耀女神而去,迎面而来的力量希耀女神都生出些许的窒息感。她没有退后,握着希耀之枪的右手一晃,枪尖所指,身前三米距离的空间顿时凝固,形成一个坚固无比的空间盾。叶天邪的身体和空间盾狠狠相撞,半秒的僵持后,空间盾在蔓延的裂纹中爆裂开来,叶天邪的攻击也没能冲破空间盾,而是在倒飞后落在地上,踉跄着倒退了后几步,随之,他全身一僵,身体,已再次陷入了空间封锁之中,耳边也接连传来让他无语的提示音…… Ding...... You fell into Space Rope of Order, the entire skill is unable to use.” “叮……你陷入了‘秩序之索空’,全技能无法使用。” Ding...... You fell into Zero Rope of Order, within 30 seconds, Physical Attack and Magic Attack locking is zero.” “叮……你陷入了‘秩序之索零’,30秒之内,物理攻击力魔法攻击力锁定为零。” Ye Tianxie: „......” 叶天邪:“……” Looked at own Attributes, Physical Attack and Magic Attack, unexpectedly turned really completely „0”! 看了一眼自己的属性,物理攻击魔法攻击,居然真的全部变成了“0”! Does not play does not play!! Big Brother you cheat!! Hateful hateful hateful!!” “不玩了不玩了!!大哥哥你作弊!!可恶可恶可恶!!” Still in shocking in Goddess Xi Yao the fearfulness of Rope of Order, near the ear has then resounded the Ya Ya sound, before his body, Goddess Xi Yao changed the Ya Ya shape in the white ray, a small face is ruddy, pours does not have anything to consume the excessive sign, on the contrary is flowery lips and tip of the nose high has curled upwards, resembled received anything suffering from injustice as. 还在震惊于希耀女神秩序之索的可怕,耳边便已响起了丫丫的声音,他的身前,希耀女神已在白色的光芒中变化回丫丫的形态,一张小脸红扑扑的,倒也没什么消耗过度的迹象,反倒是唇瓣和鼻尖都高高的翘了起来,似是受了什么委屈似的。 Time arrived, I won.” “时间到了,我胜了。” Looks time that was just to arrive, Ye Tianxie to the Ya Ya favorite same corners of the mouth, his, Yao Yao also such as accurate computation good time generally, when his Undead condition continues to 20 seconds, has displayed one for him Profound Spirit Resuscitation Technique, resurrects from the Undead condition him. 看了一眼刚到走到的时间,叶天邪对着丫丫得意的一样嘴角,他的身后,夭夭也如精准的计算好时间了一般,在他的亡灵状态持续到20秒时,为他施展了一个“玄灵复苏术”,将他从亡灵状态中复活。 Recovered the vitality, Ye Tianxie in secret had also breathed a sigh of relief. Although his present facial expression standard manifestation loosen, but he is very clear, what he wins is how lucky. Perishes in the hand of Goddess Xi Yao continually twice, finally, but must depend upon the shameless Undead condition to constrain the time. Before then, he extremely has underestimated the Goddess Xi Yao strength. He thinks that Goddess Xi Yao is Saint Destroyer Level, should be similar to the Four Great Illusory Gods strength. But obviously, her synthesizing capacity, wants far ultra Four Great Illusory Gods. 身体恢复了生机,叶天邪也是暗中舒了一口气。虽然他现在的神情格外放松,但他很清楚,自己胜的是多么的侥幸。在希耀女神的手里连亡两次,最后,还要依靠无耻的亡灵状态来拖住时间。在这之前,他太过低估了希耀女神的实力。他本以为希耀女神同是圣灭级,应该和四大幻神的实力差不多。但显然,她的综合能力之强,根本要远超四大幻神 But is good , after being thrilling, he won. 但好在,惊险之后,他还是胜了。 Snort!! Big Brother, you cheat!! y-yo-you uses Moment of Destiny Undead Strength unexpectedly...... Snort! If were not Ya Ya Rope of Order cannot affect Moment of Destiny, Big Brother had already defeated.” Small girl who this does not concede high is curling upwards flowery lips, saying that is not convinced very much. “哼!!大哥哥,你作弊!!你你你竟然用命运之刻亡灵力量……哼!如果不是丫丫秩序之索影响不了命运之刻,大哥哥早就已经败掉了。”这个不服输的小丫头高高的翘着唇瓣,很不服气的说道。 Ye Tianxie has not refuted, saying with a smile: No matter what, won has won...... Ya Ya, did I win could it be you not to be unhappy? You have thought I arrive at Tower of Destiny top of the tower, I won you should be happy to be right.” 叶天邪也没有反驳,笑吟吟的说道:“不管怎么样,赢了就是赢了……丫丫,我赢了难道你不开心吗?你一直那么想我到达命运之塔塔顶,我赢了你应该高兴才对。” Looks that on this face has written all over young girl stance Ya Ya, before he is really very difficult, that chilly as if not eat the world smoke and fire Goddess Xi Yao to relate. 看着这个脸上写满了少女姿态的丫丫,他实在是很难和之前那个清冷的仿佛不食人间烟火的希耀女神联系起来。 „...... But, others many fierce styles have not used.” Ya Ya said in a low voice. “呜……可是,人家还有好多厉害的招式没有用呢。”丫丫小声的说道 Ye Tianxie watched a Ya Ya small meeting, suddenly said: Ya Ya, actually, you should make me win intentionally.” 叶天邪看了丫丫一小会,忽然说道:“丫丫,其实,你应该是故意让我赢的吧。” Eh? Ya Ya blinked, lip opens slightly, having the whole face question to visit him. 咦?丫丫眨了眨眼睛,嘴唇微微张开,带着满脸疑问看着他。 By ability that you displayed a moment ago, so long as you want, strikes casually has Insta-kill my ability, in addition Xi Yao Spear Space Lock, your space I want to escape, is almost impossible. But your first 50% time have actually been using not to have many thunder and lightning attacks of threat to me. If you morning a point call Xi Yao Spear, my a hope of winning does not have.” Ye Tianxie said with a faint smile. “以你刚才展现的能力,只要你愿意,随便一击都有秒杀我的能力,再加上希耀之枪空间封锁,你的空间我想逃开,几乎不可能。但你前一半时间却一直都在用对我没多少威胁的雷电攻击。如果你早一点唤出希耀之枪,我一点赢的希望都没有。”叶天邪微笑着说道 Ya Ya the tip of the nose, low voice said: Not....... Ya Ya does not want to make Big Brother lose quickly, otherwise Big Brother, if the vitality, later did not give the Ya Ya candy to eat.” 丫丫挺了挺鼻尖,小声说道:“也不是啦。只是……只是丫丫不想让大哥哥那么快就输掉,不然大哥哥要是生气的话,以后就不给丫丫糖果吃了。” The corners of the mouth of Ye Tianxie have twitched...... Indeed, this tiny tot turned on the water unexpectedly. 叶天邪的嘴角抽动了一下……敢情,这个小不点居然是真的放水了。 50% time are turning on the water, in addition he wins is so thrilling, if she whole-heartedly...... 一半的时间在放水,他尚且胜的这么惊险,如果她全力以赴的话…… Perhaps odds of success does not have a. After all, present match, but Goddess Xi Yao. True God in humanity. 或许自己真的一点胜算都没有吧。毕竟,眼前的对手可是希耀女神。人类中的真神啊。 „Should your ability, compared with Illusory Beast Clan past Four Great Illusory Gods stronger?” Ye Tianxie looks at Ya Ya to say. This is not a question, but is he with the fact that own eye sees. The Ya Ya strength, must exceed any in Four Great Illusory Gods absolutely. “你的能力,应该比幻兽族当年的四大幻神要强吧?”叶天邪看着丫丫说道。这不是一个疑问,而是他用自己的眼睛所看到的事实。丫丫的实力,绝对要胜过四大幻神中的任何一个。 That is natural.” Ya Ya nod without hesitation, on small face reveals the point self-satisfaction. Before they , will also listen to Ya Ya and Elder Sister words. Right, that Saint Sword War God weapon, Ya Ya gives.” “那是当然。”丫丫毫不犹豫的点头,小脸上显露出点点的得意。“以前他们在的时候,还会听丫丫姐姐的话呢。对啦,那个圣剑战神的武器,还是丫丫给的哦。” That, by your ability, can't contend with past Demon God?” Ye Tianxie said that when asked this issue, his facial expression did not have the beforehand relaxation like that. “那,以你的能力,也不能和当年的魔神抗衡吗?”叶天邪说道,问道这个问题时,他的神情已经没有了之前的那般松弛。 Demon God?” Ya Ya is astonished however looks at Ye Tianxie, then depressed shaking the head: Demon God, is Elder Sister Xing Li...... Quite fearful, before her Strength had not been damaged, is several Ya Ya, is impossible to be defeated her. Elder Sister was massacred by her, although she by Four Great Illusory Gods union seal, but that was eliminated Five Saint Beasts in Demon God, under condition that Strength damaged greatly . Moreover, their four traded with Life/HP and four Saint Equipment, merely was to her seal, but cannot make her wither away...... Demon God, really quite fearful.” 魔神?”丫丫讶然的看着叶天邪,然后沮丧的摇头:“魔神,就是星璃姐姐……好可怕的,以前她力量没有受损的时候,就是好几个丫丫,也不可能打败她的。姐姐就是被她杀掉,她虽然被四大幻神联合封印,但那还是在魔神消灭了五圣兽,力量大损的状态下,而且,他们四个用生命和四把圣器换来的,也仅仅是对她的封印,而不能让她消亡……魔神,真的好可怕。” Lost Mainland strongest Five Great Saint Beasts, Four Great Illusory Gods, four have Saint Destroyer Equipment of prestige of Heaven Defying, a strength must surmount Goddess Xi Yao Life Goddess...... These peak Strength join up, trades at the price of destruction, is the Demon God ten thousand years blocks merely. 迷失大陆最强的五大守护圣兽,四大幻神,四把有着逆天之威的圣灭之器,还有一个实力要超越希耀女神生命女神……这些巅峰力量联合起来,以毁灭的代价所换来的,也仅仅是魔神的万年封锁。 Initial Demon God fearful, it goes without saying. 当初的魔神有多可怕,不言而喻。 In the brain, playbacked initially a Xing Li sword to break Azure Dragon one. Just was separated from Parting Heaven Array, she who the strength damaged greatly can cut to extinguish Azure Dragon, most flourishing condition she formidable, could not imagine. 脑中,回放起当初星璃一剑断青龙的一幕。刚脱离离天之阵,实力大损的她都能斩灭青龙,全盛状态的她有多强大,真的不可想象。 But is this kind of person, this kind of Demon Clan highest Demon God, lived with them unexpectedly was so long, unexpectedly once was side them, that pretty person, being liked by everybody Xing Li. 而就是这样一个人,这样一个魔族的最高魔神,竟和他们一起生活了那么久,竟曾是他们身边,那个娇俏可人,人见人爱的星璃
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