EDAH :: Volume #11 命运之门

#1040: Mysterious Xing Li

Ya Ya, asked that your issue, must reply me earnestly.” Gets back one's composure from the disconsolateness, Ye Tianxie looks at Ya Ya to say. 丫丫,问你一个问题,要认真的回答我。”从惆怅中回神,叶天邪看着丫丫说道。 Un! Is what issue?” Ya Ya is winking crystal eye, crooked has tilted the head said. “嗯!是什么问题呢?”丫丫眨着水晶般的眼睛,歪了歪头说道。 Present Demon God...... Also is Xing Li, after you change the true body, there are to defeat her ability?” When Ye Tianxie asked this question, innermost feelings complex difficult name. Because he knows that Xing Li choice departure without hesitation, means Demon Clan is extremely for her important, making her for leave him who it is willing to renounce. In the past, she can eagerly anticipate group demon to make Lost Mainland fall into piece of chaos, let the strongest Guardian God death of Lost Mainland completely, then this time...... “现在的魔神……也就是星璃,你变回真身之后,有没有打败她的能力?”叶天邪问出这个问题之时,内心复杂难名。因为他知道,星璃选择毫不犹豫的离开,意味着魔族对她来说太过重要,让她为之甘愿决绝的离开他。当年,她可以引领群魔让迷失大陆陷入一片大乱,让迷失大陆的最强守护神死亡殆尽,那么这次…… One day, perhaps several years, perhaps several months...... Even perhaps several days, he can with Xing Li by enemy facing of stance. After all, present he is unable to look on that Lost City was extinguished by Demon Clan. 总有一天,或许几年,或许几个月……甚至或许几天,他会和星璃以敌人的姿态的面对。毕竟,现在的他根本无法坐视迷失之城魔族所灭。 The Ye Tianxie issue made Ya Ya stare slightly, she stretched out the white and tender finger to select the corners of the mouth, very thought for a while diligently, nodded energetically: Naturally! Before Elder Sister Xing Li, although fierce, but she was just separated from very short time from Parting Heaven Array, then Strength and memory all lose, because although the Demon Clan aura makes her remember and Strength recovers, but Demon God that strong Strength, such short time, is impossible to restore to be too many. Xing Li must return the ten thousand years ago peak conditions, at least needs several thousand years of even over ten thousand years, Parting Heaven Array is not amusing thing, only if......” 叶天邪的问题让丫丫稍愣了一下,她伸出白嫩的手指点了点嘴角,很努力的想了一会,用力的点头:“当然可以的!星璃姐姐以前虽然厉害,但她刚从离天之阵脱离很短的时间,然后又力量和记忆全失,虽然因为魔族的气息让她记忆和力量复苏,但魔神那么强的力量,这么短的时间,根本不可能恢复太多的。星璃要回到万年前的巅峰状态,至少要几千年甚至上万年的时间,离天之阵才不是好玩的东西呢,唔,除非……” Ya Ya has thought of anything suddenly, facial expression one dull, the sound also stopped there, some staring blankly looks at the front. 丫丫忽然想到了什么,神情一呆,声音也停在了那里,有些发怔的看着前方。 Only if?” The Ye Tianxie brow limps gently. “除非?”叶天邪眉头轻轻一蹩。 ...... Big Brother, the matter, is Strength that the Xing Li appearance also has her to use, don't you think strange?” Ya Ya transfers the pupil, visits him to say. “唔……大哥哥,有一件事,就是星璃的样子还有她使用的力量,你不觉得奇怪吗?”丫丫转眸,看着他说道。 „...... Naturally strange.” Ye Tianxie nodded slightly: „The demon of Demon Clan is Dark Strength of use, although this Strength is fearful, but can actually corrode the body of cultivator, affects its intelligence, making their appearances twists, the personality similarly was also twisted, presents more dark sides. But Xing Li...... She is Demon God, is most powerhouse in Demon Clan, her appearance, actually and demon does not keep to the side. Also body, simply does not have existence of any Dark Strength.” “……当然奇怪。”叶天邪微微点头:“魔族之魔都是使用的黑暗力量,这种力量虽然可怕,但却可以腐蚀修行者的身体,影响其神智,让他们的外貌变得扭曲,性情也同样被扭曲,呈现更多的黑暗面。而星璃……她是魔神,也就是魔族中的最强者,她的样貌,却和‘魔’一点都不靠边。身上,也根本没有任何黑暗力量的存在。” In the brain screens the Xing Li exquisite petite form, the demon body cannot withstand uglily, the skin the bark from old trees is scary on such as had been fired under the influence of Dark Strength, some even seriously distort including the organ. Dark Strength is stronger, affects is away from exceed, thus, is the ugly fearful demon, often is formidable. But Xing Li, as Demon Clan most powerhouse, the common sense, she should be been most-affected by Dark Strength the person, but fact...... Although cannot see her appearance, but her skin, actually such as most perfect warm jade generally pleasantly warm smooth, white jade flawless, Ye Tianxie each time hugs her, the slender and delicate touch that the delicate waist transmits, making him always not hate to let loose. Does such body, where have the tiny bit relation with the demon? 脑中映出星璃玲珑娇小的身影,魔的身体丑陋不堪,皮肤在黑暗力量的影响下就如被灼烧过的老树皮般吓人,有的甚至连器官都严重变形。黑暗力量越强,影响就越距离,从而,越是丑陋可怕的魔,往往越是强大。但星璃,作为魔族的最强者,常理而言,她应该是受黑暗力量影响最严重的人,而事实……虽然看不到她的样貌,但她的皮肤,却如最完美的暖玉一般温软柔滑,白璧无瑕,叶天邪每次抱起她,细嫩的腰肢所传来的纤柔触感,让他总是不舍得放开。这样的躯体,和魔又哪有一丝一毫的联系? Her Strength is strange purple light, under one type chops to cut, including the body of Azure Dragon, cuts the purple light that breaks including Asura Demon God Sword. But this terrifying Strength, absolutely is not Dark Strength, does not belong to any known element Strength. 她的力量是奇异的紫光,一种劈斩之下,连青龙的身体,连修罗魔神剑都一斩而断的紫光。但这恐怖力量,绝对不是黑暗力量,也不属于任何一种已知的元素力量 The body of Xing Li, simply does not have the characteristics of any demon. 星璃的身上,根本没有任何魔之特征。 Therefore, when knowing Xing Li is Demon God, in the Ye Tianxie heart are most, is deep unbelievable. For serveral days, was thinking Xing Li at the same time, these doubts, has twined in the hearts. 所以,在得知星璃魔神时,叶天邪心中最多的,是深深的难以置信。这些天,想着星璃的同时,这些疑惑,也一直缠绕在心间。 What do you know?” The Ya Ya words casually will certainly not say easy, experiencing for ten thousand years ago Goddess Xi Yao of Demon Clan invasion, she should know anything. “你是不是知道什么?”丫丫的话当然不会是随便说说那么简单,作为经历过万年前魔族入侵的希耀女神,她应该会知道些什么。 Said...... Before for a long time is very very long, Elder Sister told me, Xing Li, at all was not the Demon God Mainland person. She suddenly appears in Demon God Mainland. Elder Sister does not know why she will appear in Demon God Mainland, where does not know her. Moreover listened to Elder Sister saying that Elder Sister Xing Li resembled not to know. Afterward, Elder Sister Xing Li made all demons submit to with own Strength in that piece of Mainland, afterward, she became all demons leaders, by the Demon God Mainland person said was Demon God. Again then, she had the Demon God Mainland demon to invade Lost Mainland. Before then, Demon God Mainland invades Lost Mainland frequently, but struck back, not too big threat, but there is Elder Sister Xing Li, that time, Elder Sister, Five Great Saint Beasts, Four Great Illusory Gods...... Because completely she died, really quite fearful.” “怎么说呢……在很久很久之前,姐姐就告诉我,星璃,根本不是魔神大陆的人。她只是忽然出现在魔神大陆而已。只是,姐姐并不知道她为什么会出现在魔神大陆,更不知道她从哪里来。而且听姐姐说,星璃姐姐好像自己都不知道呢。后来,星璃姐姐在那片大陆用自己的力量让所有的魔臣服,再后来,她就成为了所有魔的首领,被魔神大陆的人称为魔神。再然后,她就带着魔神大陆的魔入侵迷失大陆了。在这之前,魔神大陆经常入侵迷失大陆的,但是都被打回,并没有太大的威胁,但有了星璃姐姐,那一次,姐姐,还有五大守护圣兽,四大幻神……全部因为她死掉了,真的好可怕。” As if has thought the past frigid shape, glancing of Ya Ya shivered gently. 似乎是想到了当年的惨烈之状,丫丫的眼波轻轻的颤动了一下。 Let Strength that the group demon submits to...... One is Strength, another, should be Purple Flash Stone that she has. After all, that type should not exist in this world the stone of Heaven Defying, can make Strength that the group demon has be similar to does not have before her the thing. 让群魔臣服的力量……一个是本身的力量,另一个,应该是她拥有的紫耀石吧。毕竟,那种不该存在于这个世界的逆天之石,能让群魔所拥有的力量在她面前如同无物。 Although, under she leads the group demon invasion to be still defeated, but, she makes Lost Mainland Life Goddess perish with the strongest nine gods by a person of strength completely, this result, must make the world be all startled. Xing Li, becomes Demon God Mainland can never by the fading from the memory myth. Even if ten thousand years pass by, never some demons put behind past Demon God. Moreover they also know that Demon God has not died, but was sealed in Lost Mainland, someday, she will seal broken, at that time, did not have Life Goddess and Lost Mainland of protection holy ghost is unable to block the Demon Clan footsteps again, Demon Clan, finally can welcome new life. 虽然,她带领下的群魔入侵依然失败,但是,她却以一人之力让迷失大陆生命女神与最强九神全部灭亡,这个结果,必让天下皆惊。星璃,也会成为魔神大陆永不会被淡忘的神话。所以纵然万年过去,也从未有魔忘却当年的魔神。而且它们还都知道,魔神没有死,而是被封在迷失大陆,或许有一天,她会破封而出,那时,没有了生命女神和守护圣神的迷失大陆将再也无法挡住魔族的脚步,魔族,终于可以迎来新生 Therefore, Demon God not only had not forgotten, instead becomes in the numerous demon hearts is sincerest the earnest hope. 所以,魔神非但没有被遗忘,反而成为众魔心中最深切热切的希望。 Now, Demon God already. Lost Mainland then greets, can definitely be the bad people running wild. 如今,魔神已出。迷失大陆接下来所迎接的,必然会是群魔乱舞。 However, does not belong to Demon God Mainland Xing Li, actually does she come from where? Destiny World which corner, bred a such girl? 但是,不属于魔神大陆星璃,她究竟来自哪里?命运世界的哪个角落,孕育出了这样的一个女孩? To the present, does not know where Xing Li does come from?” In the heart myriad trains of thought flash through, Ye Tianxie unconsciousness issue. “到现在,还是不知道星璃来自哪里吗?”心中万千思绪闪过,叶天邪无意识的问题。 Un! Does not know that being handed down for generations god Elder Sister does not know. She said that Elder Sister Xing Li is this world most fearful variable. Her Strength is too fearful, if were restored completely Strength by her, Big Brother is absolute ~~ absolutely ~~ is impossible to be defeated her. She becomes the barrier that Big Brother forever is unable to surmount, if Big Brother bumps into her, will be very dangerous. Moreover, big of her Strength, has achieved to destroy Creation God Elder Sister to set up the regular degree. Therefore, after knowing Demon God has been separated from Parting Heaven Array, Creation God Elder Sister decided that massacres her, afterward...... Does not think that she died, has not thought that not only has not died, but also became Ya Ya Elder Sister Xing Li...... Ya Ya has been good to like her, then adorable...... And Ya Ya is equally lovable.” The Ya Ya pupil light one will be depressed, one will glitter like the star. “嗯!一点都不知道,传世神姐姐也不知道的。她说星璃姐姐是这个世界最可怕的变数。她的力量太可怕,如果被她恢复全部力量的话,大哥哥是绝对~~绝对~~不可能打败她的。她会成为大哥哥永远无法超越的障碍,如果大哥哥碰到她,会很危险的。而且,她的力量之大,已经达到破坏创世神姐姐所设立规则的程度。所以,在知道了魔神脱离离天之阵后,创世神姐姐就决定把她杀掉,后来……唔,本来以为她死掉了呢,没想到不但没有死,还成为了丫丫星璃姐姐……呜,丫丫还一直好喜欢她的,那么可爱……和丫丫一样可爱。”丫丫的眸光一会沮丧,一会又闪烁如星。 Ye Tianxie has cannot help but thought No. 60001 Novice Village, lives in seclusion there Azure Dark Ghost King. 叶天邪不由得想到了60001号新手村,隐居在那里的青冥鬼王 About the Xing Li origin, ten thousand years ago exists Demon God Mainland her, should know some. If can have the opportunity to return to No. 60001 Novice Village, perhaps, can obtain some news from her there. 关于星璃的来历,作为万年前就存在于魔神大陆的她来说,应该会知道一些的吧。如果能有机会返回到60001号新手村,或许,可以从她那里得到一些讯息。 Departure of Xing Li, making him very urgent wants to know about all her. Because only then transparent her origin, her situation and mood, can use the most gentle way, lets come back own side that she does not worry. 星璃的离去,让他很迫切的想知道关于她的一切。因为只有明了的她的来历,她的处境和心境,才可以用最柔和的方式,让她毫无牵挂的回来自己的身边。 Before Ya Ya, you said what meaning, only if is? could it be said that Xing Li does have restores completely the Strength method in a short time?” Before the manner of Ya Ya that short time was absent-minded, he had not forgotten. According to the description of Ya Ya, if Xing Li restored the complete strength, then Lost Mainland, simply does not have anything her to prevent. Five Saint Beasts completely extinguishes, four Illusory God all perish, has not contended with her Strength really sufficiently. 丫丫,你之前说的‘除非’是什么意思?难道说,星璃有短时间内恢复全部力量的方法?”之前丫丫那短时间的神态恍惚,他没有忘记。照丫丫的描述,如果星璃真的恢复了全部的实力,那么迷失大陆,根本没有什么可以将她阻挡。五圣兽尽灭,四幻神皆亡,真的已经没有足以抗衡她的力量 „, A method, cannot make Demon God restore to peak condition Strength all of a sudden, will be perhaps stronger.” Ya Ya has turned the small waist, puts out lollipop to put to arrive in port, along with it, is point mouth splashing sound. “唔,就是有一种方法,可以让魔神一下子就恢复到巅峰状态的力量,说不定还会更强。”丫丫扭了扭小腰,拿出一根棒棒糖放到口中,随之,就是点点点点的口水声 What method?” “什么方法?” Forgot.” Ya Ya very simple reply. “忘记了。”丫丫很干脆的回答。 Ye Tianxie: „......” 叶天邪:“……” Hee hee, Big Brother does not need to be worried. Before Elder Sister Xing Li, is so fierce, is impossible to restore all of a sudden. Ya Ya listened to a method to make Demon God long ago probably restore all of a sudden, but that is one good difficult well to be certainly difficult to be good the difficult method, to is difficultly impossible to realize that therefore Ya Ya will forget. Otherwise, Ya Ya will not be easy to forget. Therefore Big Brother does not need to be worried.” Ya Ya knows that Ye Tianxie is thinking anything, the frown curved becomes the careful crescent moon, saying that does not care about. Obviously is very confident to the words that oneself spoke. “嘻嘻,大哥哥不用担心的。星璃姐姐以前那么厉害,才不可能一下子恢复过来呢。丫丫好久之前好像有听过一个方法可以让魔神一下子恢复,但那一定是一个好难好难好难的方法,难到不可能实现的那种,所以丫丫才会忘记。不然的话,丫丫才不会那么容易忘掉呢。所以大哥哥不需要担心的哦。”丫丫知道叶天邪在想什么,双眉弯成细细的月牙,一点都不在乎的说道。显然对自己说的话很有信心。 Indeed, lets Five Saint Beasts, Strength of four Illusory God destructions, wants to restore all of a sudden, radically is fantasy story. A while ago, although Xing Li has cut off his Asura Demon God Sword, when fought with her, she was by the condition that he suppressed. That time Xing Li, although has cut off Asura Demon God Sword, is actually not his match. 的确,让五圣兽,四幻神毁灭的力量,想要一下子恢复,根本是天方夜谭。前段时间,星璃虽然斩断了他的修罗魔神剑,但和她交手时,她一直都处在被他压制的状态。那时的星璃,虽斩断了修罗魔神剑,却并不会是他的对手。 Good good, Big Brother do not think. Big Brother adopted the test of Ya Ya, now can arrive at 91 st.” “好啦好啦,大哥哥不要多想了。大哥哥已经通过了丫丫的考验,现在可以到第91层了哦。” A Ya Ya small hand point, the fingertip refers, released the light white light smooth wall to experience the slight aura fluctuation. Along with it, Space Gate appearing of two meters length and breadth slowly. 丫丫小手一点,指尖所指,一处释放着淡淡白光的平滑墙壁出现了轻微的气息波动。随之,一个两米长宽的空间门缓缓的映现而出。 Appears to next Space Gate, Ye Tianxie takes back the train of thought that moved toward Space Gate, spoke thoughtlessly to ask: Ya Ya, what 91 st is?” 通往下一层的空间门出现,叶天邪收回思绪,走向了空间门,随口问道:“丫丫,第91层是什么?” 91 st...... Probably anything does not have.” Ya Ya is nipping lollipop, is swallowing the saliva, while ambiguous saying. “第91层……好像什么都没有呢。”丫丫咬着棒棒糖,一边吞咽着口水,一边含含糊糊的说道。 What?” Ye Tianxie surprised looks to her. “什么都没有?”叶天邪惊讶的看向她。 Right. Not is only 91. From 91 st 99 th, completely is spatial. Therefore, Big Brother can arrive at 99 th all of a sudden.” Ya Ya ignites the small head to say. “对啊。不但是91层。从第91层都第99层,全部都是空的。所以,大哥哥可以一下子就到第99层的。”丫丫点着小脑袋说道。 91 st to 99...... Is all spatial? 第91层到99层……全是空的? After being astonished however, Ye Tianxie recovers immediately, said: could it be these, before are, blocks Ghost King that several?” 讶然之后,叶天邪马上回过神来,说道:“难道这几层,就是之前封锁鬼王的那几层?” Aya! Big Brother is quite intelligent, is this. At that time Nine Great Ghost Kings and Wicked Demon Bat jointly attacked, Ya Ya first thought sealed into Tower of Destiny them. Because must block them to compare to destroy their easy many many. Therefore, most intelligent Ya Ya ahead of time shifted following several 91 to 100 these wicked beasts, came out to prepare to block these hateful Ghost King and big bats spatially. Afterward, Azure Dark Ghost King died, nine Ghost King only remaining eight, ten that therefore, vacated have only used nine, 92 nd to 99 was eight Ghost King, 100 th was Wicked Demon Bat, 91 st has emptied there.” 啊呀大哥哥好聪明,就是这样的。那时候九大鬼王恶魔蝙蝠联合来袭,丫丫第一想到的就是把它们封入命运之塔。因为要封锁它们比毁灭他们简单好多好多的。所以呢,最聪明的丫丫就提前把91层到100层的那些恶兽转移到了下面几层,空出来准备封锁这些可恶的鬼王和大蝙蝠。后来呢,青冥鬼王死掉了,九鬼王只剩下八个,所以,空出的十层只用了九层,第92到99层是八个鬼王,第100层是恶魔蝙蝠,第91层一直空在那里。”
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