EDAH :: Volume #11 命运之门

#1038: Xi Yao Spear

The Pure Cow Milk effect time ended, Ye Tianxie Life/HP stopped the self-recovery. Present he is unable to use item, is unable to use the equipment skill...... In other words, he must by this final six million HP, anti- Goddess Xi Yao nearly one minute of attack! 纯牛奶效果时间结束,叶天邪生命停止了自动恢复。现在的他无法使用道具,无法使用装备技能……也就是说,他必须以这最后的六百万生命值,抗住希耀女神近一分钟的攻击! This radically is impossible Quest. 这根本是不可能的任务 Let Player lose uses the qualifications of item, such skill, only then Goddess Xi Yao will have. Player Strength social stratum originally is lower than NPC and beast, after one of their superiority is dead , can come back to life, another enormous superiority, can use all kinds of restoration item. Otherwise, does Player go to and a formidable beast by what consumes how many hours? 玩家失去使用道具的资格,这样的技能,也只有希耀女神才会拥有。玩家力量阶层本就远低于NPC和兽,他们的优势之一是死后可以复生,另一个巨大优势,就是可以使用各种各样的恢复道具。否则,玩家凭借什么去和一只强大的兽耗上几个小时? Goddess Xi Yao still floats in this space dead center is motionless, even has not turned round to look that to position that Ye Tianxie is, in hand on the stick of gold, sparkles Thunder Light that said Ye Tianxie be familiar with...... 希耀女神依然漂浮在这个空间的正中心一动不动,甚至没有回身去看向叶天邪所在的位置,手中黄金之杖上,闪耀起那道叶天邪已经熟悉的雷光…… Bang!! 轰!! Under the heavenly thunder bang, covers each corner of space, Ye Tianxie clenches teeth to withstand, HP dropped near half all of a sudden. His raised the head, is staring at Goddess Xi Yao the stick of gold...... After three seconds, is Thunder Light flashes through...... 天雷轰下,将空间的每一个角落都笼罩在内,叶天邪咬着牙承受,生命值一下子下降到了近一半。他抬头,盯着希耀女神的黄金之杖……三秒之后,又是雷光闪过而过…… Bang!! 轰!! -2600000! -2600000! The Ye Tianxie HP twinkling was extinguished to one-fifth, so long as withstands an attack again, he must die without doubt. Uses Dragon Soul Roar to stun her naturally is best, but the issue is, by his present HP, displays the Dragon Soul Roar ability not to have radically continually. 叶天邪生命值瞬息被灭至1,只要再承受一次攻击,他必死无疑。使用龙魂咆哮将她震晕过去当然是最好,但问题是,以他现在的生命值,根本连施展龙魂咆哮的能力都没有。 The hand of Goddess Xi Yao has lifted, Thunder Light of destruction appeared in the sky again, then fell loudly, turned into the thunder and lightning world entire Tower of Destiny 90. Ye Tianxie brow one tight, said in a low voice: Kaka! Water Mirror!” 希耀女神的手举了起来,毁灭之雷光再次出现在了上空,然后轰然落下,将整个命运之塔的90层变成了雷电的世界。叶天邪眉头一紧,低声道:“卡卡水镜!” Ping!! 乒! In the thunder and lightning dividing boom, broadcasts a glass shatter sound. Thunder Light has not hit Ye Tianxie, but falls above Water Mirror that around his body presented suddenly. The equipment skill was blocked, he is unable to use Azure Dragon Ring Water Mirror, this Water Mirror, is displays by Weeping Feather Ice Qilin, stiffly gives the rebound the thunder and lightning. 在雷电的劈轰声中,传来一声玻璃破碎般的声音。雷光没有击中叶天邪,而是落在了他身体周围忽然出现的水镜之上。装备技能被封锁,他无法使用青龙之戒水镜,这个水镜,是由泣羽冰麟所施展,硬生生的将雷电给反弹。 -2600000! -2600000! Water Mirror was shattered, Ye Tianxie unscathed, the body of Goddess Xi Yao has emitted the damage digit for the first time. This time Goddess Xi Yao immunity Thunder Attribute attack, but Water Mirror rebound is not the attack, but is damage. 水镜破碎,叶天邪毫发无损,希耀女神的身上首次冒出了伤害数字。此时的希耀女神免疫雷属性攻击,但水镜反弹的不是攻击,而是伤害 Water Mirror, making Ye Tianxie escape. His panting, looked at next time without enough time rapidly...... Entire 40 seconds. 40 seconds, enough Goddess Xi Yao releases over ten time wide scope thunder strokes. Keeps off completely, is impossible. 一个水镜,让叶天邪逃过一劫。他来不及喘息,迅速的看了一下时间……还有整整40秒。40秒的时间,足够希耀女神释放十次以上的大范围雷击。全部挡下,是根本不可能的。 Yao Yao , helping me!” 夭夭,帮助我!” Yao Yao appeared, stands before the Ye Tianxie body, Heavenly Barrier Wall and Heavenly Blessing Wall in addition held completely in the body. Now, it became the Ye Tianxie last charm amulet. When appears, Profound Spirit Healing Technique the ray sprinkles, restored Ye Tianxie 45% Life/HP, simultaneously Profound Spirit Healing Technique fast release, bit by bit pulls back his blood line. 夭夭出现,站立在了叶天邪身前,天障之壁天泽之壁全部加持在身。现在,它成为了叶天邪最后一道护身符。出现之时,“玄灵治愈术”的光芒洒下,恢复了叶天邪45%的生命,同时玄灵治愈术快速释放,一点一点的将他的血线拉回。 The Yao Yao recover/return ability is no doubt formidable, but Profound Spirit Restore Technique has 8 seconds of Cooldown, Life/HP that Profound Spirit Restore Technique restores, Goddess Xi Yao 3. seconds a thunder stroke sufficiently gives destroys completely once more. But has Heavenly Blessing Wall, completely is different. Heavenly Blessing Wall not only can make the Yao Yao resilience strengthen 50%, but can also let cover any/random damage that all goals within range receive to cut in half. Under is in inverse proportion, so long as Yao Yao Profound Spirit Restore Technique does not stop, Heavenly Blessing Wall does not vanish, in one minute, the attack of Goddess Xi Yao is unable to strike to kill Ye Tianxie. 夭夭回复能力固然强大,但玄灵恢复术有着8秒的冷却,一次玄灵恢复术恢复的生命,希耀女神3秒一次的雷击就足以给再次灭掉。但有天泽之壁在,就完全不同。天泽之壁不但能让夭夭的恢复能力增强50%,还可以让笼罩范围内的所有目标受到的任意伤害减半。此消彼长之下,只要夭夭玄灵恢复术不停顿,天泽之壁不消失,一分钟内,希耀女神的攻击将根本无法将叶天邪击杀。 Bang!! 轰!! -1300000! -1300000! Under the bang is struck by lightning, but this time, has only carried off Ye Tianxie one-fifth Life/HP. 轰雷劈下,而这次,只带走了叶天邪1的生命 Goddess Xi Yao had the movement finally, the static float has turned around slowly there motionless her, has faced Ye Tianxie, the purple light that the body surroundings wind around, suddenly vanishes all of a sudden. Clean of dissipation. The surroundings were in half Berserk Condition Thunder Element peacefully. Ye Tianxie knit the brows, does not understand why she will stop attacking suddenly. 希耀女神终于有了动作,一直静静的漂浮在那里不动的她缓缓的转过身来,面向了叶天邪,身体周围缭绕的紫光,忽然一下子消失。消散的一干二净。周围原本处于半狂暴状态雷元素也跟着安静了下来。叶天邪皱了皱眉,不明白为什么她会忽然停止攻击。 But time...... 30 seconds. 而时间……还有30秒。 When appears Holy Light winds around, is purple color break-up, now does not have any ray in the body, but takes to Ye Tianxie the pressure of god not to weaken slightly. In the line of sight, the Goddess Xi Yao right hand holds up, has grasped golden magic staff in hand in the ray of flashing past to vanish does not see, immediately, is a more dazzling white light sparkles together in her hands, after the ray, in her hand were many one clear to have sparkled all over the body, just likes long spear that the crystal builds becomes. 出现之时圣光缭绕,然后是紫光闪目,现在却没有任何光芒在身,但带给叶天邪的神之威压丝毫没有减弱。视线之中,希耀女神右手举起,一直握在手中的黄金法杖在一闪而过的光芒之中消失不见,马上,又是一道更刺眼的白光在她手中闪耀而起,光芒之后,她的手中已经多了一把通体晶莹闪耀,犹如水晶打造而成的长枪 This that moment that crystal spear/gun presented that the Ye Tianxie clear feeling restless moving restlessly of surrounding space, his pressure, increased nearly one time all of a sudden. 这把水晶枪出现的那一刹那,叶天邪清楚的感觉到了周围空间的不安躁动,他身上的压力,也一下子增加了近乎一倍。 This is...... 这是…… The vision falls above that side crystal spear/gun, a name appears in the brain of Ye Tianxie. 目光落在那边水晶枪之上,一个名字在叶天邪的脑中出现。 Ya Ya and he has mentioned...... Lost Mainland extant only Saint Equipment, Goddess Xi Yao exclusive weapon Xi Yao Spear! 丫丫和他提到过的……迷失大陆现存的唯一圣器,希耀女神的专属武器希耀之枪 Xi Yao Spear is the Ya Ya exclusive weapon, is very attractive. However, shattered long ago, remaining few Strength, every day only have only been able to use a small little while...... This is Elder Sister gives the Ya Ya weapon, but Ya Ya could not find the method that it repairs continuously...... Eh? Xi Yao Spear ability? Its ability are many. Right, is fiercest, can by very strong Strength, the influence space, be able forcefully space tearing or the seal, is very fierce!” 希耀之枪丫丫的专属武器,很漂亮哦。不过呢,在很久之前就坏掉了,只剩下了很少的力量,每天只能使用一小小会儿……呜,这是姐姐送给丫丫的武器,可是丫丫一直找不到把它修复的方法……咦?希耀之枪的能力?它的能力很多的。对啦,最最厉害的,就是可以以很强的力量,强行影响空间,可以把空间撕裂或者封闭,很厉害吧!” This was initially Ya Ya to the limited explanation of Xi Yao Spear. Xi Yao Spear continuously on Ya Ya, ability that but she of young girl shape simply has not summoned it. Therefore, this is Ye Tianxie first time sees Mainland only Saint Equipment in legend. 这是当初丫丫希耀之枪的有限的解释。希耀之枪一直都在丫丫身上,不过少女形态的她根本没有把它召唤出来的能力。所以,这是叶天邪第一次看到传说中的大陆唯一圣器 Four Great Illusory Gods Saint Destroyer Equipment formidable, he is very clear. This Xi Yao Spear, is the weapon of their same rank. Saint Destroyer Level Goddess Xi Yao and Saint Destroyer Level weapon, Ye Tianxie quite somewhat hates the tooth itchy...... As for!! We so were ripe, cannot put a water!? 四大幻神圣灭之器有多强大,他无比清楚。这个希耀之枪,是和它们同一个级别的武器。圣灭级希耀女神圣灭级的武器,叶天邪颇有些恨得牙痒痒……至于吗!!咱都这么熟了,就不能放点水!? Finished.” “结束了。” The light three characters resound in Goddess Xi Yao between lips. Her body dances in the air, such as a piece by leaf general light flying that the wind zone had to Ye Tianxie, crystal bright Xi Yao Spear was silent to lead dazzling afterimage, the thorn to the Ye Tianxie front. 轻飘飘的三个字在希耀女神唇间响起。她身体飞舞而起,如一片被风带起的叶子一般轻飘飘的飞向了叶天邪,晶光闪闪的希耀之枪无声无息间带动起让人眼花缭乱的残影,刺向了叶天邪的胸前。 Such attack, Ye Tianxie simply does not have the reason of not being able to hide, as soon as he raises the air/Qi, an under foot gently point...... But, his body with common such as generally has not actually flown to shoot to arrow of string, shook merely in a flash. 这样的攻击,叶天邪根本没有躲不过去的理由,他一提气,脚下轻轻一点……但,他的身体却没有和寻常般如离弦的箭矢一般飞射而出,仅仅是晃了一晃。 His body as if fell into the thick ice layer unexpectedly, is unable the move slightest, what is stranger, before then, his actually unusual feeling does not have. 他的身体竟仿佛陷入了厚厚的冰层之中,根本无法动弹分毫,更诡异的是,在这之前,他竟然一点异样感都没有。 Four characters appeared in Ye Tianxie mind Space Lock! 四个字出现在了叶天邪的脑际空间封锁 The similar situation, he does not have to experience. With Hua Qimeng when second time fights, Hua Qimeng is also in this manner, has blocked him twice. But, Hua Qimeng Space Lock stems from her own space control ability. Goddess Xi Yao, then with the aid of Xi Yao Spear, interferes the space by formidable Strength forcefully, similar effect, is actually not the similar nature. 同样的情形,他并非没有经历过。在和花祈梦的第二次交手之时,花祈梦也是以这样的方式,将他封锁过两次。但,花祈梦空间封锁源于她自身的空间操控能力。希耀女神,则是借助希耀之枪,以强大的力量强行干涉空间,相似的效果,却并不是同样的性质。 Space Lock fearful, Ye Tianxie has asked for advice personally. Let alone this unexpected below was blocked. In that moment that he faints from fear, Xi Yao Spear already heavily/one after another thorn in his front...... 空间封锁有多可怕,叶天邪亲自领教过。更何况这猝不及防下的被封锁。在他惊觉的那一刹那,希耀之枪已经重重的刺在了他的胸前…… Bang!!! 砰!!! -9999999! -9999999! The space of blockade explodes under tyrannical incomparable Strength, the space presented has flickered extremely the distortion of exaggeration, such distortion has continued for nearly a half second vanished, body of Ye Tianxie already under distant departure by rupturing of space, from the north of tower level, has flown the south of tower level, falling of heavily/one after another on the ground, Life/HP, had been emptied directly. 封锁的空间在强横无比的力量下爆裂开来,空间呈现了一瞬极其夸张的扭曲,这样的扭曲持续了近半秒的时间才消失,叶天邪的身体已被空间的爆裂之下远远的飞出,从塔层的北部,一直飞到了塔层的南部,重重的落在了地上,生命,已被直接清空。 The space, was peaceful immediately, one second...... Two seconds...... Three seconds...... 空间,顿时安静了下去,一秒……两秒……三秒…… Rise From the Ashes!” 浴火重生!” Vermilion Bird Plume sparkle scarlet glow, the red flame burns on the body of Ye Tianxie, in the flame, Ye Tianxie stands up slowly, Sacred Flame that extinguishes also once again burns. In the memory, this is his first time uses Vermilion Bird Plume the strength of Rise From the Ashes, because since, did not have anything to make him use this Resurrection Skill ability. Ye Tianxie does not think to be discouraged but actually, after all, this time match, is True God of this world, in addition she has the help of Saint spear/gun, among them the strength disparity is too big...... The most important factor, is airtight of this space, keeping his many ability from displaying. 朱雀之翎闪耀赤芒,红色的火焰在叶天邪的身上燃烧而起,火焰之中,叶天邪缓缓站起,熄灭的神圣之炎也再度燃烧起来。记忆之中,这还是他第一次动用朱雀之翎浴火重生之力,因为一直以来,还没有什么有让他动用到这个复活技的能力。叶天邪倒也不觉得气馁,毕竟,这次的对手,是这个世界的真神,再加上她有圣枪的帮助,他们之间的实力差距实在太大……最重要的因素,是这个空间的密闭,让他的很多能力都无从施展。 20 seconds......” face Goddess Xi Yao, Ye Tianxie said with a frown, suddenly, on his face has shown a light happy expression: You extremely despised me, if you were earlier to summon Xi Yao Spear, I must defeat without doubt, but now...... I won.” “还有20秒……”面对希耀女神,叶天邪皱眉说道,忽而,他的脸上露出了一丝清淡的笑意:“你还是太过轻视我了,如果你早一些召唤出希耀之枪,我必败无疑,但现在……我赢了。” Rise From the Ashes is unable to use in a short time the second time, finally remaining, have Yao Yao Resurrection Skill. Has Xi Yao Spear Goddess Xi Yao to have strikes Insta-kill his ability, 20 seconds, he should simply not shoulder possibility, the self-confidence that but his these words said that the happy expression of corners of the mouth, is relaxed indifferent. 浴火重生短时间内无法使用第二次,最后剩下的,只有夭夭复活技。拥有希耀之枪希耀女神有着一击秒杀他的能力,20秒,他应该根本没有扛过的可能,但他的这句话说的自信满满,嘴角的笑意,更是轻松淡然。 The reply of Goddess Xi Yao, is everywhere spear/gun shade. 希耀女神的回答,是漫天的枪影。 Ye Tianxie has not avoided, under Space Lock, the possibility of also simply not having avoided. But stands in same place, whatever Xi Yao Spear hits his body...... 叶天邪没有躲避,在空间封锁之下,也根本没有避开的可能。而是站立在原地,任由希耀之枪击中他的身体…… Bang!!!! 砰!!!! -9999999! -9999999! In the explosion of space, Ye Tianxie such as like that by far flew once more a moment ago, just returned to full HP to be flickered to empty. Resurrected is about several seconds of he, died once again, after being struck departed hundred meters remote, the body hits on the wall, pasted the wall to fall slowly. 在空间的爆炸中,叶天邪再次如刚才那般远远的飞了出去,刚刚回满的生命值被一瞬清空。才复活了不过几秒钟的他,已是再度死亡,被击飞出百米之遥后,身体撞在墙壁上,贴着墙缓缓落下。 Sacred Flame extinguishes, this time, Vermilion Bird Plume the fire of coming back to life is impossible to ignite once again. 神圣之炎熄灭,这次,朱雀之翎的复生之火也不可能再度燃起。 But, Ye Tianxie slowly has still stood from the ground. When sets out, the whole body azure light winds around, heavily/one after another the unscrupulous release of breath of death from him. Most striking, is in his hand on Moment of Destiny, that was describing the shape of skeleton green glow. 但,叶天邪依然从地上缓缓的站了起来。起身之时,全身青光缭绕,重重的死亡之息从他身上肆无忌惮的释放着。最为醒目的,是他手中命运之刻上,那点描绘着骷髅之状的绿芒。 Soul of Destiny! 命运之魂灵 Goddess Xi Yao „the rope of Destiny seals, may block below Saint Destroyer Level completely equipment Supplementary Skill, but, has not actually affected so far has Mysterious God Rank Moment of Destiny. Because Moment of Destiny although now is Mysterious God Level Strength, but is actually the Absolute Forbidden Level intelligence. In Ye Tianxie first resurrecting, stumbled upon after Moment of Destiny Supplementary Skill had not been affected, he knows one will not have defeated. 希耀女神的“命运之索封”,可封锁圣灭级以下全部装备的附加技能,但是,却没有影响到目前只有神玄级别命运之刻。因为命运之刻现在虽是神玄级力量,但却是禁断级的资质。在叶天邪第一次复活,偶然发现命运之刻附加技能没有受到影响后,他就知道自己已经不会败。 The Undead condition will continue the entire 20 seconds, 20 seconds pass by, this test had then ended. And the body that within these 20 seconds, he died does not fear any attack, in other words, present he, is equal to being at 20 seconds of invincible condition. 亡灵状态会持续整整20秒,20秒过去,这个考验便已经结束。且这20秒之内,他死亡的身体根本不惧任何攻击,换言之,现在的他,相当于处于20秒的无敌状态。 Now...... Was one's turn me to attack.” Moment of Destiny before the body, the Ye Tianxie corners of the mouth reveals smiling of danger horizontally. So long as peaceful waiting these 20 seconds pass by, he won. But appears from Goddess Xi Yao, regardless on imposing manner and Strength, he by the suppression of heavily/one after another, but also connected the death in her hands two, suppressed to this degree of him, never had. Even if she is the Ya Ya true body, he must ask for the turning point interest! “现在……轮到我攻击了。”将命运之刻横在身前,叶天邪嘴角露出危险的笑。只要安静的等待这20秒过去,他就已经胜利。但从希耀女神出现,无论气势、力量上,他都被重重的压制,还在她手中接连死亡两次,将他压制到这种程度的,从来没有。就算她是丫丫的真身,他也一定要讨回点利息!
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