EDAH :: Volume #11 命运之门

#1037: The war of resistance

Goddess Xi Yao: 1 oo level God of Order, Life/HP: 1888888888, govern the Lost Mainland order, maintains Lost Mainland peaceful highest human race God, has hopes Strength. Before hundred years, to deal with Element Tribulation, but Strength all loses, the body and mental return are primitive, at present can only attach to Hope Badge the strength of hope to exist short. 希耀女神:1oo级秩序之神,生命:1888888888,掌管迷失大陆秩序,维护迷失大陆安宁的最高人类之神,拥有“希望”的力量百年前为应对元素劫力量全失,身体、心智回归原始,目前只能依附希望徽章的希望之力短暂存在。 Innate Skill: Inextinguishable Hope: Causes the Physical Damage goal to receive same level damage to Goddess Xi Yao, and this damage forces to trigger, cannot resist. 天赋:不灭的希望:对希耀女神造成物理伤害的目标都将受到同等的伤害,且此伤害强制触发,不可抵御。 Eternal Light Flash: Water, fire, wind, thunder, earth and Light Resistance 85%. May own Attributes any/random change for the one in water, fire, wind, thunder, earth and Light, change later attacks the Attributes synchronization transformation, and attack complete immunity to this Attributes. 永恒的光耀:水、火、风、雷、土、光明抗性85%。可将自身属性任意变更为水、火、风、雷、土、光明中的一种,变更之后攻击属性同步转化,且对该属性的攻击完全免疫。 Skill:???? 技能:???? Ultimate Skill:???? 绝招:???? Saint Forbidden Skill:???? 圣禁技:???? Weakness:???? 弱点:???? Under the gaze of Ye Tianxie, the Goddess Xi Yao basic information and Innate Skill appeared in his mind, by his present Light Dragon Eye , can only investigate this degree. Although merely is her inherent Innate Skill, Ye Tianxie still by being startled fierce clenches teeth...... 叶天邪的注视下,希耀女神的基本信息和天赋技能出现在了他的脑海之中,以他现在的光龙之目,也只能探查到这种程度。虽然仅仅是她固有的天赋技能,叶天邪依然是被惊的猛一咬牙…… This is Innate Skill of god! 这就是神的天赋 Eternal Light Flash, can make her not fear the any/random attack outside darkness, Inextinguishable Hope, is Nightmare of Physical Attack match. Two Innate Skill, are Defense Innate Skill...... Also is Ye Tianxie has seen, most fearful Defense Innate Skill. Any passive and initiative Defense technique is more fearful than he has seen. 永恒的光耀”,能让她不惧怕黑暗之外的任意攻击,“不灭的希望”,更是物理攻击型对手的噩梦。两个天赋,都是防御天赋……也是叶天邪所见过的,最可怕的防御天赋。比他见过的任何被动、主动防御技都要可怕。 We hope that may not be obliterated, has such protection Innate Skill, possibility that Goddess Xi Yao has almost not withered away. Ye Tianxie oneself does not have purely the Magic Attack ability, but his Physical Attack, without doubt is in his all abilities strongest. His attack capability displays pinnacle, even surmounts the Saint Destroyer Rank intensity sufficiently, but, such intensity in front of Goddess Xi Yao, definitely is unable to display. 希望是不可被磨灭的,有这样的守护天赋在,希耀女神也几乎没有消亡的可能。叶天邪自身不具备纯粹魔法攻击能力,而他的物理攻击,无疑是他所有能力中的最强。他的攻击能力发挥到极致,甚至足以超越圣灭级别的强度,但是,这样的强度在希耀女神面前,完全无法施展。 Once hits, oneself will force to receive same level damage. By Goddess Xi Yao HP/Lifeforce, oneself attack her, excessively strong damage, dying can be one, safe point damage, is equal to Goddess Xi Yao in radically not having. 一旦击中,自身会强制受到同等伤害。以希耀女神生命力,自己攻击到她,过强的伤害,死的会是自己,安全一点的伤害,对希耀女神来说根本等同于无。 When God of Order that this whole body Holy Light winds around, regarding this Ye Tianxie, simply is a hedgehog of not being able to bump. 这个全身圣光缭绕的秩序之神,对此时的叶天邪来说,根本就是一个碰不得的刺猬。 Also means...... 也就意味着…… These two minutes, are the wars of through resistance. Sacred Flame also became the flame of pure protection. He under Sacred Flame attacks too strongly, if hits really on the body of Goddess Xi Yao, the only consequence gave itself Insta-kill. 这两分钟,就会是彻头彻尾的抵御之战。身上的神圣之炎也成为了纯粹的守护之炎。神圣之炎下的他攻击太强,若真的打在希耀女神的身上,唯一的后果就是把自己给秒杀了。 In his thought changes one after another, the Goddess Xi Yao hand stick of gold holds up, white halo forms around her body, then the instantaneous release goes. Ye Tianxie at present white light flashed, that ray of light link already imminently to his at present, then caressing gently on his body...... 在他意念接连变动间,希耀女神手中的黄金之杖举起,一道白色的光环在她的身体周围形成,然后瞬间释放而去。叶天邪眼前白光一闪,那道光环已经迫近到了他的眼前,然后轻轻的抚在了他的身上…… Sigh...... 呼…… -630000. -630000。 Not a powerful impact feeling transmitted before the body, making his body retreat several steps, Life/HP also drop about 1/10. That damage digit lets the Goddess Xi Yao brow slight glance, along with it, the white light that her body winds around vanishes suddenly, the ray of this space is also following gloomily, displaces, is the profound purple light of grow like a weed, and withincites „ the thunder and lightning neighing sound. 一股并不强烈的冲击感从身前传来,让他的身体后退了好几步,生命也下降了近1。那个伤害数字让希耀女神眉头轻微的一瞥,随之,她身上缭绕的白光忽然消失,这个空间的光线也跟随着暗淡,取而代之的,是迅速蔓延的深邃紫光,并伴随着“滋滋“的雷电嘶鸣声。 Attributes transformation thunder! 属性转化雷! Goddess Xi Yao is extremely familiar to ability that Ye Tianxie has. His oneself has up Dragon Soul, Light Resistance is greatly strengthened, Light attacks to his effect is very weak. Meanwhile, is equipping Azure Dragon Ring and Vermilion Bird Plume, has very strong water and fire Resistance, therefore, after the first probing attack, she directly transforms own Attributes as the thunder. 希耀女神叶天邪所拥有的能力太过熟悉。他自身拥有光龙之魂,光明抗性极强,光明攻击对他的效果很弱。同时,又装备着青龙之戒朱雀之翎,有着很强的水与火抗性,所以,在第一次试探性攻击之后,她直接将自身属性转化为雷。 The thunder, has the strongest aggressivity when seven big Basic Attributes, not only the flaw is displays must consume Magic/MP, but must consume Life/HP, is Defense nature worst Magic/MP Attributes. But in this match only comes under attack under situation that but is unable to hit back, Thunder Attribute without doubt is the best choice. White light originally turns into the purple light, bathes is the letting people in imaginary beautiful is hard to blink in Goddess Xi Yao in glow of thunder and lightning. The Ye Tianxie footsteps withdrew several points, brow also stubbornly tightens...... The thunder and lightning, the strongest damage ability, quickest Attack Speed, his pressure multiplies once more. After looking at Goddess Xi Yao Innate Attribute, he had come to understand...... This can be a difficult incomparable test absolutely. 雷,在七大基本属性中有着最强的攻击性,缺陷是施展时不但要消耗魔法,还要消耗生命,是防御性最差的魔法属性。但在这种对手只挨打而无法还手的情境之下,雷属性无疑是最好的选择。原本的白光变成紫光,沐浴在雷电之芒中的希耀女神更是幻美的让人难以瞬目。叶天邪脚步退后了几分,眉头也死死的紧起……雷电,最强的伤害能力,最快的攻击速度,他身上的压力再次倍增。在看了希耀女神天赋属性之后,他已经觉悟……这绝对会是一场艰难无比的考验。 The Goddess Xi Yao body is motionless, the hand stick of gold inclined gently a small curve, immediately, the Ye Tianxie sky glittered has flickered the purple light, half meter thick heavenly thunders divided together fully suddenly. 希耀女神身体不动,手中的黄金之杖轻轻的倾斜了一个微小的弧度,顿时,叶天邪的上空闪烁了一瞬紫光,一道足有半米粗的天雷骤然劈下。 Bang!! 轰!! The position that in the blasting, Ye Tianxie was , the floor had the crack of wide scope. Tower of Destiny ground and wall how with common, can permanent block the Saint Destroyer Level wicked beast, here each inch building has the greatly strengthened toughness and self- repair capability, is certainly difficult to destroy. At this time, in the ground spread the dozens fissures of several rice to show the thunder stroke to have how fearful destructive power clearly. 炸裂声中,叶天邪原本所在的位置,地板已出现了大范围的龟裂。命运之塔的地面和墙壁又岂同寻常,能将圣灭级的恶兽都永久封锁,这里的每一寸建筑都有着极强的韧性和自我修复能力,绝难破坏。此时,地面上蔓延了数米的几十道裂痕清晰地彰显着刚才的雷击有着多么可怕的破坏力。 Ye Tianxie appeared beyond dozens meters, stuck to the wall to stand, looks the position that Thunder Light dropped, is out of control forehead to sweat...... This turns into Goddess Xi Yao Ya Ya is really is unlovable, unexpectedly comes up so to be ruthless. 叶天邪出现在了几十米之外,紧贴墙壁而立,看着雷光所落下的位置,禁不住额头冒汗……这个变成希耀女神丫丫真是太不可爱了,居然一上来就这么狠。 He believes firmly that thunder and lightning, except for him, the average man basically was a moment ago impossible to have the possibility of evading. This Goddess Xi Yao is being serious, the least bit has not kept the hand. 他确信,刚才那道雷电,除了他,常人基本不可能有躲过的可能。这个希耀女神是在玩真的,半点都没有留手。 But this Thunder Light, is greets merely, after first Thunder Light, the entire Tower of Destiny 90 th space turned into the purple world suddenly, Ye Tianxie fierce raised the head, startled however discovered that the sky, lifted the times of hand in just Goddess Xi Yao, presented the innumerable purple vortex, along with it, in each purple vortex emitted and a moment ago the light of that thunder and lightning similarly sturdy thunder and lightning...... 而这道雷光,也仅仅是打招呼而已,紧接着第一道雷光之后,整个命运之塔第90层的空间忽然变成了紫色的世界,叶天邪猛的抬头,惊然发现,上空,就在刚刚希耀女神一抬手的功夫间,出现了数不清的紫色漩涡,随之,每一个紫色漩涡之中都放射出了和刚才那道雷电同样粗壮的雷电之光…… Ye Tianxie: „!!!!” 叶天邪:“!!!!” As the Lost Mainland highest god, following Ye Tianxie to be so long, naturally knows that he most excelled at anything, as well as what forms of defensive action were most effective to him. After in addition holds Sacred Flame, Ye Tianxie has extremely high Movement Speed as well as the response, sensation and dedicated ability, the normal attack is almost unable to move his lower hem corner. 作为迷失大陆的最高之神,跟了叶天邪这么久,当然知道他最擅长什么,以及什么样的攻击方式对他最有效。加持神圣之炎后,叶天邪有着极高的移动速度以及反应、感知、专注能力,正常的攻击几乎无法碰触到他的衣角。 However, Goddess Xi Yao is the what kind character! At her ability social stratum, waves to make the big piece region turn into the ruins after destruction. The Tower of Destiny 90 th space is not small, but her optional attack, can this space each corner complete coverage. So long as in this tower level, have not wanted to avoid her attack, can only passive withstanding and resistance. 但是,希耀女神是何等人物!以她的能力阶层,挥手间便可让大片区域变成毁灭后的废墟。命运之塔第90层空间不算小,但她随意一个攻击,就可以将这个空间每一个角落都完全的覆盖其中。只要还在这个塔层中,就别想避开她的攻击,只能被动的承受和抵御。 In other words, is makes the Ye Tianxie various maneuver capabilities and protection own Innate Skill abilities the useless ornaments. 换言之,便是让叶天邪的机动能力和各种保护自身的天赋能力都成为了无用的摆设。 Therefore, when everywhere thunder and lightning chops next, Ye Tianxie can only stand there motionlessly...... Because, he could not find the method that can avoid. 所以,漫天雷电劈下之时,叶天邪只能一动不动的站在那里……因为,他根本找不到可以避开的方法。 Bang!! 轰!! -2600000! -2600000! Ye Tianxie HP fell below half all of a sudden, after the glow of remaining thunder and lightning surrounded he has glittered a small meeting, by clean of Sacred Flame pursuit. The body fast transfer of Ye Tianxie, moved one to leave the Goddess Xi Yao slightly far distance, his panting was about two seconds of time, above top of the head, once more purple light rises...... 叶天邪生命值一下子降到了一半以下,残余的雷电之芒环绕他闪烁了一小会后,被神圣之炎驱逐的一干二净。叶天邪的身体快速转移,移动到了一个离希耀女神稍远的距离,他的喘息不过两秒的时候,头顶之上,再次紫光大盛…… Bang!! 轰!! -2600000! -2600000! Also covers entire space the thunder of destruction, Ye Tianxie was divided by the thunder and lightning, HP dropped almost the blank instantaneously. He lifts the hand rapidly, shouts lowly: Holy Light Blessing!” 又是笼罩整个空间的毁灭之雷,叶天邪被雷电劈中,生命值瞬间下降到了几乎空白。他迅速抬手,低喊道:“圣光之祝福!” Saint Dragon Fang white light flashed, all returns to Ye Tianxie HP fully. Ye Tianxie relaxes, puts out a jar in Inventory rapidly, has poured into inside liquid the mouth. 圣龙之牙白光一闪,将叶天邪生命值全部回满。叶天邪微松一口气,迅速在背包中拿出一个瓶子,将里面的液体灌入了口中。 Ding...... You have used special item Pure Cow Milk, hunger in minute Life/HP and Magic/MP restore 20% every second.” “叮……你使用了特殊道具纯牛奶’,饥饿度-20,,1分钟内生命魔法每秒恢复20%。” In this must support two minutes of resistance to fight, this initially Pure Cow Milk that bought from Mysterious Merchant there without doubt will play the formidable role. The time-gap of Goddess Xi Yao twice thunder stroke probably in three seconds, damage that creates less than 3 million, so long as does not present any accident, has this Pure Cow Milk in the body, he will be at the completely safe condition, will restore the Life/HP speed to over lose the speed that. 在这个必须支撑过两分钟的抵御战中,这个当初从神秘商人那里买来的纯牛奶无疑将发挥强大的作用。希耀女神两次雷击的时间间隔大概在三秒,造成的伤害不到3000000,只要不出现什么变故,有这个纯牛奶在身,他将处在完全安全的状态,恢复生命的速度要超过失去的速度。 He just used the item movement nature to be looked by Goddess Xi Yao in the eye, her body is motionless, the hand holds up once more, but this time, greets Ye Tianxie is not everywhere thunder and lightning vortex, but together colorless invisible rope, when he feels existence of this rope from flowing of surroundings aura, it has twined firmly on his body...... 他刚刚使用道具的动作自然被希耀女神看在眼中,她身体不动,手再次举起,而这次,迎接叶天邪的不是漫天的雷电漩涡,而是一道无色无形的绳索,当他从周围气息的流动感受到这个绳索的存在时,它已经牢牢的缠绕在了他的身上…… Ding...... You fell into Restricting Rope of Order, in three minutes are unable to use any/random non- equipment-type item.” “叮……你陷入了‘秩序之索禁’,三分钟内无法使用任意装备类道具。” Ding...... You fell into Sealing Rope of Order, in three minutes below all Saint Destroyer Level equips Supplementary Skill cannot be used.” “叮……你陷入了‘秩序之索封’,三分钟内所有圣灭级以下装备附加技能不可使用。” Ye Tianxie: „!!!!” 叶天邪:“!!!!” Some Sacred Flame in the body, Ye Tianxie do not fear any abnormal state and ability drop condition. But this Rope of Order does not attach some condition, but blocks the specific ability of goal by the strength of special order forcefully, is not in the range that Sacred Flame resists. The ability is lower than Goddess Xi Yao, the possibility of also simply not having worked loose. 神圣之炎在身,叶天邪不惧任何异常状态和能力下降状态。但这个“秩序之索”并不是附加某种状态,而是以特殊的秩序之力将目标的特定能力给强行封锁,并不是神圣之炎所抗拒的范围之内。能力低于希耀女神,也根本没有挣脱的可能。 Ye Tianxie body also several bottles of Pure Cow Milk and Spoiled Cow Milk, Chenxue to Dew of Life of many Morning Sun Dew he collects, there are these greatly strengthened restoration item , this is also calculating, so long as Goddess Xi Yao cannot Insta-kill he, oneself be able to win does not have the pressure. But obviously, Goddess Xi Yao links on him to have any item to be clear radically, gives him to block directly. Meanwhile, she also knows Seven-colored Twilight that on the Ye Tianxie nape of the neck hangs to block the element within certain amount of time, completely forbids his equipment technique. 叶天邪的身上还有好几瓶纯牛奶酸牛奶,还有辰雪给他收集的很多朝阳之露生命之露,有这些极强的恢复道具在,他本还盘算着只要希耀女神不能秒杀他,自己可以胜的毫无压力。但显然,希耀女神根本连他身上有什么道具都一清二楚,直接给他封锁。同时,她还知道叶天邪脖颈上挂的七色的黄昏可以一定时间内封锁元素,将他的装备技也全部禁止。 Now, firmly resist, became the Ye Tianxie only choice. 现在,硬抗,成为了叶天邪唯一的选择。 After Rope of Order, Ye Tianxie then again welcomed the thunder stroke of Goddess Xi Yao, sturdy lightning bombardments one after another on his body, each time, take away him to surpass he one-third Life/HP. 秩序之索后,叶天邪便再次迎来了希耀女神的雷击,粗壮的闪电一次接一次的轰击在他的身上,每一次,都带走他超过他1的生命 Under Pure Cow Milk effect, the HP Recovery speed has will exceeded the speed of drop, lets withstand the attack Ye Tianxie Life/HP to maintain at the full value shape body. The attack of wide scope naturally will create the dispersion of damage, this thunder stroke naturally is not the Goddess Xi Yao destructive power strongest attack. But she does not worry probably, is duplicating the same thunder stroke, bombardment on the body of Ye Tianxie. 纯牛奶效果下,生命恢复的速度堪堪超过了下降的速度,让承受攻击的叶天邪生命一直都维持在满值状体。大范围的攻击自然而然的会造成伤害的分散,这个雷击当然不会是希耀女神破坏力最强的攻击。但她好像并不着急,重复着相同的雷击,次次轰击在叶天邪的身上。 The time winds through in the repetition fast, quick, one minute passed by. Ye Tianxie HP is still full value. But on his face the relaxed look does not have, he is certainly clear, Goddess Xi Yao disappearances of his item effect. Pure Cow Milk effect must pass immediately, following one minute, is the true start. 时间在重复中快速流过,很快,一分钟已经过去。叶天邪生命值依然是满值。但他脸上一点轻松的神色都没有,他当然清楚,希耀女神是在等他道具效果的消失。纯牛奶效果马上就要过去,接下来的一分钟,才是真正的开始。
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