EDAH :: Volume #11 命运之门

#1036: To war, Goddess Xi Yao

You said that can through here, probably through your test?” Ye Tianxie straight stares at Ya Ya to say. “你是说,要通过这里,就要通过你的考验?”叶天邪直直的盯着丫丫说道。 Right right! Is this. Big Brother may be prepared, the test of Ya Ya may right and wrong ~ often ~ Often hard!!” Ya Ya again very earnest emphasis. “对啊对啊!就是这样。大哥哥可要准备好了哦,丫丫的考验可是非~常~非~常~困难的!!”丫丫再次很认真的强调道。 The Ye Tianxie corners of the mouth cast aside: Ya Ya, aren't you will say real? We so were ripe, passed by your domain also to through what test?” 叶天邪嘴角一撇:“丫丫,你不会是说真的吧?咱都这么熟了,路过你的地盘还要通过什么考验?” This is the rule! Rule that cannot change!” Ya Ya shook the head, earnestly said. Then added one: Hee, Ya Ya likes Big Brother so much, naturally is not willing to do to the Big Brother not good matter. But this rule is not only Elder Sister sets, is Creation God Elder Sister hopes Ya Ya does. Ya Ya must listen to the Creation God Elder Sister words, even if Big Brother, must through here, must through the test of Ya Ya.” “这是规则!不可以改变的规则!”丫丫摇了摇头,更加认真的说道。然后又加了一句:“嘻,丫丫这么喜欢大哥哥,当然不愿意做对大哥哥不好的事。可是这个规则既是姐姐定下,也是创世神姐姐希望丫丫做的呢。丫丫要听创世神姐姐的话,就算是大哥哥,要通过这里,也要通过丫丫的考验才可以。” Just wants to waste lips and tongue to coax past Ye Tianxie to listen to the last few words this tiny tot slightly, the words that immediately is going to say took back, after being slightly silent, said: „Is the test that you said what?” 刚想稍微浪费点唇舌将这个小不点忽悠过去的叶天邪听了最后一句话,顿时将要说出口的话收回,稍稍沉默后,说道:“那你说的考验是什么?” ...... Let Ya Ya think that in the past was so long, probably had unable to think little......! Right,” the Ya Ya eye obvious bright, crisp sound said: „The Ya Ya test altogether two types, Big Brother can choose. Which regardless of chooses yes, after passing, can arrive at 91 st directly.” “唔……让丫丫想想,过去了那么久,好像有一点点想不起来了……哦!对了,”丫丫的眼睛明显一亮,脆声说道:“丫丫的考验一共有两种,大哥哥可以自己选择的哦。无论选择哪一个都是可以的,通过之后,就可以直接到达第91层了。” Which two types?” Ye Tianxie said. “哪两种?”叶天邪说道。 „The first type, through Ya Ya ultimate intelligence big test! Ya Ya can have 100 problems, must respond completely is passes!” “第一种,就是通过丫丫的‘终极智力大考验’!丫丫会出100个问题,要全部答对才算通过!” On Ye Tianxie forehead secretes row of cold sweat instantaneously. 叶天邪额头上瞬间分泌出一排冷汗。 „...... The second type?” Recalled that at various croppers that in the intelligence big test of Ya Ya comes, Ye Tianxie innermost feelings intertwines...... 100 respond completely, this is the deity may not achieve especially. Greatly the Ya Ya so-called intelligence tests from the start is any intelligence, but is the ability of talking nonsense. “第……第二种呢?”回想起自己在丫丫的智力大考验上栽的各种跟头,叶天邪内心一阵纠结……100道全部答对,这特么就是神仙都不可呢做到吧。丫丫所谓的智力大考验考验的压根就是什么智力,而是扯淡的能力。 „The second type...... , the second type on good hard. Ya Ya hopes that Big Brother can choose the first type. Big Brother is so intelligent, 100 intelligence problems, should be able to pass very much easily. Ya Ya does not want to fight with Big Brother.” Ya Ya blinked, saying of hope. “第二种……唔,第二种就好困难的呢。丫丫还是希望大哥哥可以选择第一种的。大哥哥那么聪明,才100道智力题,应该很容易就可以通过的。丫丫可一点都不想和大哥哥打架。”丫丫眨了眨眼睛,期盼的说道。 „...... The second type is anything.” Ye Tianxie pulled the corners of the mouth to say. Compared with responding 100 makes the human brain convulsion issue also difficult...... This difficult to any degree! “……说第二种是什么。”叶天邪扯了扯嘴角说道。比答对100道让人脑抽风的问题还难……这得难到什么程度! Ya Ya flowery lips curls upwards, saying that some do not prefer: „The second type, must support two minutes of undefeated under the Ya Ya true body, is two minutes!” 丫丫唇瓣一翘,有些不情愿的说道:“第二种,是要在丫丫的真身之下支撑两分钟不败,是两分钟哦!” True body? 真身? Is Ya Ya initially had transformed Goddess Xi Yao shape? 丫丫当初所幻化过的希耀女神的形态? Which test does Big Brother prepare to choose? Chooses the intelligence big test to be good? Ya Ya very easy that the issue leaves!” The Ya Ya small hand is holding appreciatively own clothes, vision hazy saying. 大哥哥准备选择哪一个考验呢?就选智力大考验好不好?丫丫会把问题出的好简单的!”丫丫小手把玩着自己的衣服,目光朦朦的说道。 Naturally chooses the second type.” Ye Tianxie saying without hesitation. Then a hand move, Moment of Destiny has grasped in the hand: Was good, does not lose time, presently true body. Two minutes, cannot act shamelessly.” “当然是选择第二种。”叶天邪毫不犹豫的说道。然后手一招,命运之刻已握在手中:“好了,不耽误时间,现真身吧。两分钟,不许耍赖。” He has very strong self-confidence to the ability that own present has, believes one face the Saint Destroyer Level match, do not say that supports for two minutes, even if defeats, is not completely not possibly. 他对自己现在所拥有的能力有着很强的自信,相信自己面对圣灭级的对手,不要说支撑两分钟,纵然是战胜,也并不是完全没有可能。 Aya! Ya Ya is very fierce, Big Brother did not fear that will be defeated by Ya Ya?” Seemingly has the opinion to the choice of Ye Tianxie very much, by her present disposition, to fighting does not certainly have the interest, with words that Ye Tianxie fights, naturally does not prefer. 啊呀丫丫可是很厉害的,大哥哥就不怕会被丫丫打败吗?”貌似对叶天邪的这个选择很有意见,以她现在的心性,对打架当然是全无兴趣,和叶天邪打架的话,当然是更不情愿。 Ye Tianxie has not said but actually anything, has not refuted, above the facial expression does not have any relaxed contempt condition. He is very clear, Ya Ya followed him to be so long, his thoroughness of strength understanding. If no enough crushes his ability, definitely will not say this. The purity that in addition, Ya Ya to his various ability special skills, as well as has the skill and card in a hand that understands, but he understanding to Goddess Xi Yao, only stays in the legend actually, to the ability in Goddess Xi Yao fight, he knows nothing radically. After Ya Ya changes Goddess Xi Yao, the intelligence disposition also will also change, Saint Destroyer Level ability as well as to his excessive understanding...... This for him, is not any relaxed challenge. 叶天邪倒没有多说什么,更没有反驳,神情之上也没有任何的轻松轻视之态。他很明白,丫丫跟了他这么久,对他的实力了解的透透彻彻。如果不是有着足够压倒他的能力,肯定不会说出这样的话来。再加上,丫丫对他的各种能力特长,以及所拥有的技能、底牌都了解的一清二楚,而他对希耀女神的认识,其实还只停留在传说之中,对希耀女神战斗方面的能力,他根本一无所知。丫丫变回希耀女神后,智力也心性也会随之变化,圣灭级的能力以及对他的过分了解……这对他来说,绝不是什么轻松的挑战。 However, this will certainly not make him feel that dreads with the pressure, in heart, what are more is one type excited...... 不过,这当然不会让他感觉到畏惧和压力,心中,更多的是一种兴奋…… One type will soon face the anticipation and excitement of Saint Destroyer Level Strength! 一种即将面对圣灭级力量的期待和兴奋! Since initially Ya Ya incarnation Goddess Xi Yao blocked Light Galuo Beast to let him can escape after Saint Temple, then again has not seen her to turn into the Goddess Xi Yao appearance. This time, obviously, he will see the Goddess Xi Yao true body once again, but this time, can be his match! 自从当初丫丫化身希耀女神封锁住光明伽罗兽让他得以从天圣殿下逃脱后,便再也没有见她化成希耀女神的样子。这次,显然,他将又一次看到希耀女神的真身,而此次,会是他的对手! Ya Ya flat lip, seemingly received very big grievance to be ordinary: Good, but others do not want to fight with Big Brother, therefore, no matter Big Brother does have by Ya Ya is defeated, cannot blame Ya Ya.” 丫丫扁了扁嘴唇,貌似受了很大的委屈一般:“好嘛,可是人家真的不想和大哥哥打架的,所以,不管大哥哥有没有被丫丫打败,都不可以怪丫丫哦。” The clouds under body flutter, brought Ya Ya to flutter to be away from Ye Tianxie the distance ten meters away, along with it, Ya Ya said finally: „The beforehand words, must defeat Ya Ya to arrive at 91 st, but now, Ya Ya can only maintain the true body two minutes. However Big Brother is certainly careful.” 身下的云朵飘动,已带着丫丫飘到了距离叶天邪十米之外的距离,随之,丫丫啊最后说道:“以前的话,必须打败丫丫才可以到达第91层,但现在,丫丫只可以维持真身两分钟的时间。但是大哥哥一定要小心哦。” Oyi! Ya Ya Big Body Transformation!!” 哦咿丫丫大变身!!” Ye Tianxie: „......” 叶天邪:“……” As Ya Ya shouts, Hope Badge of Ye Tianxie front sparkled immediately the intense white ray. Ye Tianxie is very definite, when white light that Hope Badge releases at this time the it Ya Ya first imaginary body white glow stronger that releases fierce were more . The white ray shines from the badge, fast shining on the Ya Ya exquisite body. Under bathing of white light, the body of Ya Ya started to have the huge change. 随着丫丫的一声呼喊,叶天邪胸前的希望徽章顿时闪耀出了强烈的白色光芒。叶天邪很确定,希望徽章此时释放的白光比之丫丫第一次幻身时所释放的白芒要强烈了很多很多。白色的光芒从徽章之上照射而出,快速的照耀在了丫丫小巧的身体上。白光的沐浴之下,丫丫的身体开始发生了巨大的变化。 The body is growing, two delicate legs gradually become plentiful tall and slender, stretch and unfold both hands has opened the shining white such as the five fingers of jade, the shy body outlined the incomparably enchanting perfect curve during the growth. Head, two sheep's-horn braids disperse, turns into however to sprinkle lightly like the waterfall long hair in the ray, goes directly to the waist. 身体在长高,两条细嫩的腿逐渐变得丰腴细长,舒展开双手张开了莹白如玉的五指,青涩的身体在成长之中勾勒出了无比妖娆完美的曲线。头上,两条羊角辫散开,在光芒中化成如瀑般的长发轻然洒下,直达腰部。 The snow gauze clothes originally disappears, a mark the magnificent and expensive white of golden trace was forming in the ray, turns round above her body, simultaneously formed, her shoes of the pair of gold, above the snow white nape of the neck, hung to fall a golden cross. In the hand, is releasing warm aura the stick of gold. 原本的雪纱衣不见了,一身纹着金色纹路的华贵白色在光芒中形成,覆在了她的躯体之上,同时形成的,还有她脚下的一双黄金之鞋,雪白的脖颈之上,吊坠着一枚黄金十字。手中,是一把释放着温暖气息的黄金之杖。 That exquisite cloud was stepped on by her in the under foot, holding her body to float to stand in airborne. The Ye Tianxie vision from bottom to top, framed finally on her face...... Goddess Xi Yao has in humanity strongest Strength, in the meantime, has the most perfect body, as well as most perfect appearance. Her appearance, seriously already perfect is beyond description, even if compares it Liu Qiyue such femme fatale to exceed several points. Compares in her appearance, makes the person mind drag, is faintly recognizable immortal breath that her body releases. This is one type only may get an idea, the immortal imaginary feeling that cannot be explained that she stands still there, makes people feel as if the fluttering vertical clouds. 那朵小巧的云彩被她踩在了脚下,托着她的身体漂立在了空中。叶天邪的目光从下到上,最后定格在了她的脸上……希耀女神有着人类之中最强的力量,同时,也有着最完美的躯体,以及最完美的容颜。她的这张容颜,当真已经完美的难以形容,即使比之柳柒月这样的红颜祸水都要胜过几分。相比于她的外貌,更让人心神摇曳的,是她的身上所释放出的飘渺仙息。这是一种只可意会,不可言传的仙幻感,她静立在那里,却让人感觉仿佛飘立云端。 This is one type noble and sacredness that achieves another level. 这是一种达到另一个层面的高贵与神圣。 From her face, may vaguely see the Ya Ya shadow, Ya Ya that the facial expression that but her aura, the makings, reveal actually and Ye Tianxie knows very well is completely different. Without the least bit pretty shadow, only has to let noble and sacredness that the person is hard to look straight ahead. She similarly in gazing at Ye Tianxie, the pupil light incomparable tranquility, such as in gazing at one is not relating the stranger who and implicates with, completely does not have of Ya Ya when visiting him is in high spirits. 从她的脸上,可依稀的看到丫丫的影子,但她的气息,气质,还有显露的神情却和叶天邪所熟知的丫丫完全不同。没有了半点娇俏的影子,唯有让人难以直视的高贵与神圣。她同样在注视着叶天邪,眸光无比之平静,就如在注视着一个和自己毫无关系和牵连的陌生人,全然没有丫丫在看着他时的那种神采飞扬。 Starts.” “开始吧。” Gentle and tranquil three characters spread from her between lips, let Ye Tianxie innermost feelings ripples light, but immediately, his vision puts aside from the face of Goddess Xi Yao, innermost feelings , the twinkling returned to normal. Present she is not Ya Ya, but is Goddess Xi Yao, the same body, the same person, is actually the completely different dispositions. One young girl who is to play all the time gluttonously, is having the strongest wisdom, strongest Strength, the highest status, Goddess Xi Yao of ten thousand years of story. 轻柔而平静的三个字从她的唇间传出,让叶天邪内心涟漪轻荡,但马上,他的目光从希耀女神的脸上移开,内心,也瞬息恢复了平静。现在的她不是丫丫,而是希耀女神,同样的身体,同一个人,却是完全不同的心性。一个是贪吃贪玩的少女,一个,是拥有着最强智慧、最强力量、最高地位,万年阅历的希耀女神 Three characters in Goddess Xi Yao mouth fall, boundless such as sea pressure, raided suddenly to the body of Ye Tianxie...... Goddess Xi Yao, lifted own hand merely. 希耀女神口中的三个字落下,一股磅礴如海的威压,骤然袭向了叶天邪的身体……希耀女神,仅仅是把自己的手抬了起来。 The air will shortly coagulate, the Ye Tianxie subconscious wish migration body, discovery own body seemed actually being suppressed by thousand honored giant stones, under he struggles, unexpectedly only retreat half step. Meanwhile, he felt crabbedness that oneself have breathed, the surrounding space also suddenly such as turned into the incomparably tenacious material object to be ordinary, blocking, was diverting his body, making him such as be sealed into the ice layer, the migration of body each spot, must consume on surpasses ordinary dozens times of Strength. 空气顷刻凝固,叶天邪下意识的想要移动身体,却发现自己的身体仿佛在被千钧巨石所压制,他挣扎之下,竟然只后退了半步。同时,他感觉到了自己呼吸的艰涩,周围的空间也忽然如变成了无比坚韧的实物一般,封锁着,牵制着他的身体,让他如被封入了冰层之中,身体每一个部位的移动,都要耗费上超过平常数十倍的力量 The courage that Goddess Xi Yao ray rises, the dazzling white light entire 90 a shining white piece of shining, her sacred letting person in Holy Light encirclement will look up at continually does not have. Looks at Supreme God in this humanity, in the heart of Ye Tianxie, ascended more and more intensely with amazement. 希耀女神身上光芒大盛,耀眼的白光将整个90层照耀的莹白一片,圣光环绕中的她神圣的让人连仰视的勇气都没有。怔怔的看着这个人类中的至高神,叶天邪的心中,升腾起了越来越强烈的骇然。 This is...... Hope Strength!? 这就是……希望的力量!? In this Destiny World, he has faced first has Saint Destroyer Strength Yamata no Orochi of enemy Japan. 在这个命运世界,他所面对过的第一个拥有圣灭力量的敌人东瀛的八歧大蛇 The mountain giant body, covers the terrifying pressure of big piece region. In its everywhere one visit, by the earth-shattering described that is not overrated. Also is the body of its oneself, making Japanese Mainland first Main City fall into desperately. Finally, has to force Japanese deity Amaterasu personally to act. Although that Yamata no Orochi was used by him, but also is that time, making him understand what was the prestige of Saint Beast. 山岳般巨大的身体,笼罩大片区域的恐怖威压。在它所到之处,以天崩地裂来形容都毫不为过。也是它一己之躯,让东瀛大陆的第一主城陷入了绝望。最后,不得不逼迫东瀛天神天照亲自出面。虽然那次八歧大蛇是被他所利用,但也是那次,让他明白了何为圣兽之威。 Facing Yamata no Orochi, he in escaping tows while convenient. 面对八歧大蛇,他是在逃跑中顺便牵引。 But this time, he faces directly. 而这次,他是正面面对。 The disparity in strength, lets his body and soul greatly strengthened is oppressed. Goddess Xi Yao has not attacked, only depends on the imposing manner of his god, then almost in flash Ye Tianxie beating. 实力上的差距,让他的身体和心魂都受到了极强的压迫。希耀女神没有攻击,仅凭其神之气势,便已几乎在一瞬间将叶天邪给击垮。 Sacred Flame!!” 神圣之炎!!” The white flame ascends fiercely, burns in the swing, the emergence of flame of white not only has not made here ray brighter, instead gloomy several points. Under the impact of Sacred Flame, Goddess Xi Yao ray just liked is swallowed reduced generally. Ye Tianxie pressure also immediately demultiplies. His softly let out a breath, holding up Moment of Destiny slowly, vision and mind, in this moment thorough concentrates. 白色的火焰剧烈升腾,在摇摆中燃烧,白色之炎的出现非但没有让这里的光线变得更加明亮,反而将之暗淡了几分。神圣之炎的冲击之下,希耀女神身上的光芒犹如被吞噬了一般缩小了很多。叶天邪身上的压力也顿时倍减。他轻舒一口气,缓缓的举起命运之刻,目光和心神,在这一刻彻底的凝起。 After this is he enters Destiny World, has received strongest Strength oppression. 这是他进入命运世界后,所受到过的最强力量压迫。 This person...... Exactly said that is a god. Also is he until now, most formidable enemy who meets. 这个人……确切的说,是一个神。也是他至今为止,所遇到的最强大的敌人。 Supports for two minutes not dead in her hand, but does not defeat her. Facing the match of this level, this originally thinks the goal that is not difficult to achieve, first time has given his serious pressure. 在她手上支撑两分钟不死,而不是将她打败。面对这个层次的对手,这个原本以为并不难实现的目标,第一次给了他沉重的压力。
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