EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#369: Private ownership

Since then, Xuanhuang Town is only responsible for in domain, the common people resident safety, is not providing the commodity free, needs resources, is gained by oneself, can gain the astonishing family property, is down and out, all depending on the respective ability, in the town/subdues only establishes the gruel awning, gave just entered the person of Xuanhuang Town, provided the lowest safeguard.” “自此之后,玄黄镇只负责领域之内,百姓居民安全,不在免费提供物资,所需资源,由自己获取,能获取惊人家财,还是穷困潦倒,全凭各自能力,镇上只设置粥棚,给予刚刚进入玄黄镇之人,提供最低保障。” A piece of bulletin appears in common people in one's eyes directly. 一片告示直接出现在百姓眼中 This inside naturally has the scholar to open the mouth the content of bulletin to read fast. 这里面自然有读书人开口将告示的内容快速读出来。 Hand down. 口口相传。 In an instant, entire Xuanhuang Town has become is known to everybody, is known to everybody. 转眼间,整个玄黄镇就已经变得无人不知,无人不晓。 Some people laugh to say at the scene: Good, good, good. Really was good, finally on the day of waited, but I the inherited craftsmanship, I manufactured the gold and silver jewelry, various jade carvings, the stone carving, the bead treasured bead flower was skill brought to the point of perfection, originally added that this craftsmanship does not know can use on, now looks like, this was my basic(ally) of settling down and getting on with life. My cultivate capital grain, must obtain by this craftsmanship completely.” 有人当场大笑道:“好,好,好。实在是太好了,终于等到这一天,我可是祖传的手艺,我制作金银首饰,各种玉雕,石雕,珠宝珠花都是炉火纯青,本来还说这份手艺不知道能不能用的上,现在看来,这还是我的安身立命之根本啊。我的修炼资粮,全部要靠这手艺来得到。” A middle-aged man full is self-confident, a delight of face, very|10 points is excited. His craftsmanship is to manufacture various types of gold and silver accessories, although is exquisite, but, in the tumultuous times, this craftsmanship is useful, money-making wealth, does not get so far as the grain ration. Is 100 does not have seriously uses. 一名中年男子满是自信,一脸的眉飞色舞,十分兴奋。他的手艺是制作各种金银饰品,虽然精巧,不过,在乱世之中,这种手艺有什么用,赚不到钱财,也弄不到口粮。当真是无一用。 Now on the day of finally waits , the private ownership is open, everyone can make a living self-confidently, gains the capital grain, this craftsmanship had the opportunity, now in the town/subdues the powerful strength, can guarantee in the town/subdues the security, these three months, although there is a ominous beast monster impact, but, ominous beast kept off outside Iron-Blood Great Wall, struck to kill directly, ominous birds is unable to overstep, was easily struck to kill by arrow tower magic tower. 现在终于等到这一天,私有制开放,人人可以自信谋生,获取资粮,这份手艺就有用武之地了,现在镇上强大的实力,能够保证镇中安全,这三个月来,虽然有凶兽怪物冲击,不过,凶兽被挡在铁血长城外面,直接击杀,凶禽更是无法逾越,轻易被箭塔魔法塔击杀。 In town/subdues security. 镇中安全。 Now opens innovates, does not worry under the food and clothing, the female likes the gold and silver jewelry and other fine accessories is the instinct, now stabilizes, has this craftsmanship, can not worry that absolutely the food eats. This is the career foundation. 现在又开放革新,不愁吃穿下,女子喜爱金银首饰等精美饰品乃是天性,现在安定下来,有这份手艺,绝对会不愁饭吃。这是安身立命之本。 My opportunity came, wants initially, I before Great Catastrophe, to be the national famous underwear designer, has designed many best-selling underwears, even if enters Eternal Continent, without many women can resist attraction power of perfect underwear. Let alone, in my hand also has heaven and earth rare treasure that obtains, matches together with my technique, is heavenly clothing is simply seamless. Even more powerful. I have not lost that rare treasure fortunately. This Xuanhuang Town, now is also in Eternal Continent, a first-class safe institute. Here settles down, is the good deed. Killed matter, I do not like. There has to carry out the design to be interesting.” “我的机会来了,想当初,我在大灾变前,可是全国有名的内衣设计师,设计过多款畅销内衣,哪怕是进入永恒大陆,没有多少女人能够抗拒得了完美内衣的吸引力。何况,我手中还有那件得到的天地异宝,跟我的技艺搭配在一起,简直是天衣无缝。如虎添翼。还好我没有将那异宝弄丢。这玄黄镇,现在也是永恒大陆中,一等一的安全之所。在这里安家落户,也是好事。打打杀杀的事情,我可不喜欢。那里有搞设计有趣。” In young woman eyes appears a joyful color, the body as if has unusual intellectuality makings. Also brims with a self-confidence. In hearing the opening private ownership, how has started to calculate itself to be able the good life in the town/subdues. She can depend upon, was own craftsmanship with can. 一名年轻女子眼眸中浮现出一丝欣喜之色,身上似乎有着一种奇特的知性气质。也洋溢出一种自信。在听到开放私有制,已经开始计算自己要怎么样才能在镇上更好的生活下去。她所能依靠的,就是自己的手艺跟才能了。 As the woman, she is very clear, the woman is most does not have the resistivity regarding her clothes that. The pretty clothes, everybody will like. Beauty-loving heart, is the women has, cultivator is no exception. 身为女人,她很清楚,女人对于自身衣服那可是最没有抵抗力的。漂亮的衣服,谁都会喜欢。爱美之心,是女人都有的,修士也不例外。 Now in the town/subdues the clothes of women's, are too monotonous. The underwear is still using the bellyband, this is not good, is not very good, must correct. 现在镇上女子的衣服,都太单调了。内衣还在用肚兜,这可不好,很不好,必须要纠正过来。 I heard, in the Yi Tianxing town head mansion, rare treasure is called Weaving Cloud Machine, can weave an unusual mist brocade cloth, now has woven many, it is said that this mist brocade compared with mystical that the beforehand any cotton material must come. Not only gentle, but, puts “我听说,在易天行镇长府邸中,有一件异宝叫做织云机,可以织造出一种奇特的雾锦布匹,现在已经织造出很多,据说,这雾锦比以前的任何布料都要来的神奇。不仅轻柔,而且,穿在身上,十分舒适,有这样的布匹,制作出的衣服必然会更加精美。” The females full are the anticipations twittering said. 女子满是期待的呢喃道。 Weaving Cloud Machine matter not conceal(mask) . Moreover, some mist brocade have also woven, but has not put that's all immediately, now conducts the private ownership, will definitely circulate. 织云机的事情并没有过于遮掩,而且,一些雾锦也都已经织造出来,只是没有立即放出来而已,现在进行私有制,肯定会流通出来。 Such person, the quantity is extremely numerous. 这样的人,数量极多。 Many people felt oneself have the excellent ability, but did not have the means to display that's all before completely, now relaxed the limit, relies on one's own effort to revive, they can definitely obtain the good life. Gains more capital grains 很多人本来就觉得自己有着过人的本领,只是以前没有办法完全施展而已,现在放开了限制,自力更生,他们完全可以得到更好的生活。获取到更多的资粮 Not hesitant, has common people to start to go to Myriad Treasures Hall, by oneself heavenly registry card, receives one bag of rice, as well as 10 Eternal Coin. The place of present housing, will not change temporarily, so long as there are men and women to form the couple, establishes the new family, will provide the title deed, obtains own residence. Receives a commodity, has the record on heavenly registry card. 没有犹豫,已经有百姓开始前往万宝殿,凭借自身天籍卡,领取到一袋大米,以及永恒币。现在的居住之地,暂时不会改变,只要有男女结成夫妻,成立新的家庭,才会发放房契,得到属于自己的居所。领取一份物资,在天籍卡上都有记录。 These input to Starnet in directly. 这些都是直接录入到星网内的。 If can watch, can discover, now in Starnet, several 100,000 small stars is glittering the ray, inside contains massive news. Everyone obtains merit, and even is other news, will have the record in Starnet, becomes the historical record, can consult momentarily. As for the present, after receiving the commodity, on heavenly registry card will have the record, is impossible to pretend to be again, receives the second time. 如果可以观看到,就可以发现,现在在星网中,有几十万枚的小星辰在闪烁着光芒,里面都蕴含着大量的讯息。每个人得到功勋,乃至是其他讯息,都会在星网中有记录,成为历史记载,随时可以查阅。就现在而言,领取物资后,都会在天籍卡上有记录,是不可能再冒充,领取第二次的。 This method, does not have any careless mistake, does not have any flaw. 这种方法,没有任何纰漏,不存在任何破绽。 It can be said that advanced of very|10 points. 可以说是十分的先进。 Eternal Coin, this is Eternal Coin. I can feel to contain the pure energy in inside, so long as wants, can absorb to refine, turns into own cultivation base true qi, on this also has the abstruse strength, can increase cultivation speed, in the hand, feel that the god cleared vision clear(ly), was really extraordinary.” 永恒币,这就是永恒币。我能感受到在里面蕴含着精纯的能量,只要愿意,就可以吸收炼化,变成自己的修为真气,这上面还有玄妙的力量,可以增幅修炼速度,拿在手中,都感觉到神清目明,真是了不得。” Has common people to raise one bag of rice, in the hand takes 10 shining Eternal Coin. Stands outside, carefully watches. 百姓提着一袋大米,手中拿着枚金灿灿的永恒币。站在外面,仔细观看起来。 On Eternal Coin, Eternal and Xuanhuang (Dark-Yellow) ancient seals typeface makes people feel that vast, the opens the mouth one blows toward above, in the hole sends out the clear delightful resounding, very|10 points is wonderful, circle outside, square inside, perfect conforms to everyone to the aesthetic standard of currency. In the heart has the affection. 永恒币上,永恒玄黄古篆字体让人感觉到一种浩大,张口朝着上面一吹,孔洞中发出清脆悦耳的脆响,十分美妙,外圆内方,完美符合所有人对货币的审美观。心中生出喜爱。 Grasps in the hand. Almost is unable to put down. 握在手中。几乎是爱不释手。 Before may not have many people able to start Eternal Coin. 之前可没有多少人能够入手永恒币 Now grasps in the hand, can feel that its hitting the target component, heart hitting the target joyful very|10 points is intense. Eternal Coin can receive in exchange for a 100 jin (0.5 kg) rice, has this 10 Eternal Coin, how to be insufficient to starve to death . Moreover, but can also rely on this qualification, money Shengqian, will earn more capital grains, will become the first pen to start the fund. 现在握在手中,才能感觉到其中的份量,心中的喜悦十分强烈。要知道,一枚永恒币能换取一百斤的大米,有这永恒币在,怎么都不至于会饿死,而且,还可以凭借这一本钱,钱生钱,赚取到更多的资粮,成为第一笔启动资金。 Unexpectedly direct open source, making entire Xuanhuang Town transform toward the privatization, the big breadth of spirit, unexpectedly everyone provides 10 Eternal Coin, in the town/subdues, according to the understanding, has more than 400,000 common people, this disbursement, achieves more than 4 million Eternal Coin merely. Really is unquantifiable powerful inside information.” Some other village people saw, cannot bear holds breath secretly cold air. “竟然直接开放资源,让整个玄黄镇都朝着私有化进行转变,好大的气魄,竟然每个人都发放永恒币,在镇上,根据了解,已经有四十多万百姓,仅仅这笔支出,就达到四百多万永恒币。不得了,真是难以估量的强大底蕴。”有其他村寨的人看到,忍不住暗自倒吸一口凉气。 If we were in Xuanhuang Town common people were also good, can receive 10 Eternal Coin free, this good deed, how we could not bump into. However, now in the common people hand had the wealth, that can definitely purchase the thing. Quickly the information transmit, making in the village prepare the special product, transports/fortunes to Xuanhuang Town, this time has the special product, will not definitely worry unable to sell.” “要是我们也是玄黄镇百姓就好了,能够免费领取到永恒币,这种好事,我们怎么碰不到。不过,现在百姓手中有了钱财,那肯定会来购买东西。赶快将消息传递回去,让村中多准备好特产,运到玄黄镇中来,这次有特产,肯定不愁会卖不出去。” Some people are actually on the face the great happiness. 有人却是脸上大喜。 In common people has money, that can definitely spend to go out, even if part, several million Eternal Coin, even if gains part, that is also a wealth that is inconceivable. 百姓手里有了钱,那肯定会花出去啊,哪怕是一部分,几百万枚的永恒币,哪怕只是获取到一部分,那也是一笔难以想象的财富。 Ordinary common people provides Eternal Coin continually, this is must promote truly Eternal Coin, turns into most mainstream currency , is really serious. The Eternal Coin position, later is unable to shake thoroughly.” “连普通百姓都发放永恒币,这是要真正将永恒币推广出去,变成最主流的货币,不得了,真是不得了。永恒币的地位,以后将会彻底无法撼动。” Some people are actually the body inspire, see this inside diving meaning. 有人却是身躯一振,看出这里面的潜意思。 Eternal Coin turns into currency thoroughly, circulates completely in the town/subdues, the significance of that representative, is really astonishing, that means that in the town/subdues has enough inside information, has sufficient Eternal Coin, supports this revolution. Influence that this has, was really big 永恒币彻底变成货币,在镇上完全流通起来,那代表的意义,实在是惊人,那意味着,镇上已经有足够的底蕴,有充足的永恒币,来支持这种运转。这造成的影响,实在是太大了 The matter of privatization, in Huang Chengyan and the others under the management, there is not chaotically is conducting. 私有化的事情,在黄承彦等人的主持下,有条不乱的进行着。 Has the shock and awe of army, has the original kindness, and even is the will of the people originally the reason that wants to step onto the private ownership, this type, is excessively conducting in the steadiness rapidly. Especially many people, take Eternal Coin immediately, goes to purchase some materials, starts to manufacture various types of goods. Prepares to give full play. 有军队的震慑,有原先的恩德,乃至是人心本来就想要走上私有制的原因,这种过度,在平稳中迅速进行着。尤其是很多人,立即就拿着永恒币,前往购买一些材料,开始制作各种物品。准备大显身手。 At this moment, in core space. 此刻,在核心空间中。 The Yi Tianxing's figure appears in space directly. 易天行的身形直接出现在空间中。 Money Tree has grown to is so high. It is not really easy.” 摇钱树已经增长到这么高了。真是不容易。” Yi Tianxing looks to standing erect in in the sky Money Tree. Can see impressively, Money Tree has 4~5 meter high, the branching becomes sturdier, slender. Above is glittering golden, the white ray. in the sky, as can be seen, snow white Eternal Coin emerge out of thin air, gathers on Money Tree. Contributes labor and materials. 易天行看向屹立在虚空中摇钱树。赫然可以看到,摇钱树已经有四五米高,分枝变得更加粗壮,修长。上面闪烁着金色,白色的光芒。虚空中,可以看到,一枚枚雪白的永恒币凭空出现,汇聚在摇钱树上。给它添砖加瓦。 huā lā la!! 哗啦啦!! Moves slightly, on Money Tree, can see, transform has become golden Eternal Coin to fall from the tree. Collision together, exudes the clear sound, falls on the ground, piles up. This has saved pure origin qi. Can continue to circulate. 微微一动,在摇钱树上,就能看到,一枚枚已经蜕变金色永恒币从树上掉落下来。碰撞在一起,发出清脆响声,落在地上,堆积如山。这是已经重新积攒起精纯元气。可以继续流通。 Follows, white and black bead, grains, such as pearl treasured jade. 伴随而下的,还有白色黑色的珠子,一枚枚一粒粒,如明珠宝玉 Gathers the wishpower speed is quite quick, compared with before, wanted on quick 2x~3x to continue. This should be currency truly the benefit that starts to circulate to provide. Before more than 400,000 common people, can condense on thousand Wishpower Bead every day, on thousand Demon Consciousness Bead. Now on this quick 2x~3x, a day later, could condense 2000~3000 Wishpower Bead and Demon Consciousness Bead. This advantage, was really big.” “汇聚愿力的速度好快,比之前,要快上两三倍不止。这应该是货币真正开始流通所带来的好处。以前四十多万百姓,每天就能凝聚出上枚的愿力珠,上枚的魔念珠。现在这快上两三倍,一天下来,说不定可以凝聚两三千愿力珠魔念珠。这好处,实在是太大了。” Feels such as trickle the wishpower of brook gathering on Money Tree, the desire. Condenses Wishpower Bead, the Demon Consciousness Bead speed, was really quick, had the running water of source probably. 感觉到如涓涓溪流般汇聚在摇钱树上的愿力,欲望。凝聚出愿力珠,魔念珠的速度,实在是太快了,就好像是有了源头的活水。 Eternal Coin has Demon Consciousness Bead , can definitely achieve the most adequate reserve, since this, Wishpower Bead, gives me to refine completely, casting immortal city.” 永恒币魔念珠在,完全可以做到最充足的储备,既然这样,愿力珠,给我全部炼化,铸造仙城。” Looks at crowded Wishpower Bead, Yi Tianxing takes the bull by the horns, without hesitation makes the decision. 看着密集的愿力珠,易天行当机立断,毫不犹豫的做出决定。 Wishpower Bead fly, changes into the liquid in divine flame, vanishes not to see fast, integrates in the supreme embryo. 一枚枚愿力珠飞起,在神焰中化为液体,快速消失不见,融入到至尊胚胎中。 As can be seen, the position of embryo most edge, jade quality rays are pasting, in a region of flake, at the visible speed, condenses the essence from illusory, appears the clear jade color. It seems like, seems like by no flaw white jade casting. Has surrounding area five meters to turn into the essence probably. Is the solid embrionic body. 可以看到,胚胎最边缘的位置,一道道玉质般的光芒在流转,一小片的区域中,以肉眼可见的速度,从虚幻中凝聚成实质,浮现出晶莹的玉色。看上去,就好像是由无瑕白玉铸造而成。大概有方圆五米大小变成实质。是实实在在的胚体。
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