EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#370: destiny is full

Asked a monthly ticket.】 【求张月票。】 Moreover, these condense the mature qualitative part, sends the everlasting inextinguishable aura, in gathering heaven and earth origin qi of instinct, probably invisible attraction power, in natural hauling heaven and earth origin qi condenses in oneself, lets on that jade quality embrionic body, sends out the layer after layer strange unusual brightness, must be stronger than other places in heaven and earth origin qi of region. 而且,这些凝聚成实质的部分,传递出不朽不灭的气息,更是在本能的汇聚天地元气,好像有一种无形的吸引力在自然的牵引天地元气凝聚于自身之中,让那玉质般的胚体上,散发出一层层奇异的宝光,所在区域的天地元气都比其他地方要更强。 immortal city that is left by the Wishpower Bead casting, is in itself Heavenly Paradise existence. 愿力珠铸造出的仙城,本身就是一片洞天福地般的存在。 Whereabouts, are superior treasure land . 所在之处,就是无上宝地 This is Wishpower Bead casting supreme artifact place of the big mystical, Wishpower Bead and supreme artifact embryo fusion together, endless good fortune that naturally breeds. 这就是愿力珠铸造至尊神器的一大神异之处,愿力珠至尊神器胚胎融合在一起,自然孕育出的无边造化 Good, now currency has started to circulate . Moreover, obtains everyone's approval, gathers wishpower, the desire speed increases, the efficiency also increases, every day can be counted thousand many Wishpower Bead, later spreads, the expanded influence, can definitely make the Wishpower Bead output increase again. Every day can make some embryos condense the entity. Sooner or later one day, can the complete casting have complete immortal city.” “好,现在货币已经开始流通,而且,得到所有人的认可,汇聚愿力,欲望的速度大增,效率也大增,每天都能得到数枚之多的愿力珠,以后流传出去,扩大影响力,完全可以让愿力珠的产量再次大增。每天都能让一部分胚胎凝聚成实体。迟早有一天,可以完全铸造出完整的仙城。” In Yi Tianxing heart secretly joyful. 易天行心中暗自欣喜。 Strength of Money Tree, the growth, lets the casting immortal city speed and efficiency increases, is one type naturally, process of influencing subtly. This was also equal to, more good of Xuanhuang Town development, that casting immortal city speed is faster. This makes him see the casting to have supreme artifact Hope. 摇钱树的壮大,成长,都让铸造仙城的速度与效率大增,是一种自然而然,潜移默化的过程。这也等于,玄黄镇发展的越好,那铸造仙城的速度就越快。这让他看到铸造出至尊神器希望 Really, the system transformation of private ownership, regarding civilization is one type promotes the promotion, Destiny Heavenly Pond hitting the target destiny to rise suddenly unexpectedly all of a sudden so many. The change of system, so long as has the help, has the good change, oneself destiny, will appear rises suddenly. This growth, continued compared with on quick 10x. This Destiny Heavenly Pond hitting the target destiny, is full.” “果然,私有制的制度转换,对于文明是一种推动促进,气运天池中的气运竟然一下子暴涨这么多。制度的改变,只要是有助益,产生好的变化,自身气运,就会出现暴涨。这种增长速度,比原先快上十倍不止。这气运天池中的气运,已经满了。” Looks at that Destiny Heavenly Pond, can see impressively, inside is water of full destiny, sends out the graceful white light, seems like, very|10 points mystical, golden fish-dragon occupies in inside, turnover the water of destiny, before body compared with, becoming is longer. scale, is closer. Sends out a layer|one level rich golden light. When turnover destiny, the invisible inspiration has integrated its. 看那口气运天池,赫然可以看到,里面已经是满满的一池气运之水,散发出盈盈白光,看起来,十分神异,金色鱼龙盘踞在里面,吞吐着气运之水,身躯比起之前,变得更长。身上鳞片,更加细密。散发出一层浓郁的金光。吞吐气运时,无形的灵机已经融入其身。 Let its body constantly grow. 让其身躯在不断增长。 This is the good deed, Spirit of Destiny unceasingly growth grow stronger, represents it in the continuous growth, Xuanhuang Town inside information is increasing, destiny is thriving. 这是好事,气运之灵不断成长变强,代表着本身在不断壮大,玄黄镇底蕴在增加,气运在勃发。 Destiny Heavenly Pond is full, Spirit of Destiny powerful, has achieved the immortal town pinnacle, can break through promote momentarily, achieves the immortal city rank, the destiny position standard will therefore safeguard. Is another level.” 气运天池已满,气运之灵强大,已经达到仙镇的极致,随时都可以突破晋升,达到仙城的级别,气运位格都会因此而保障。达到另外一个层次。” But, must not break through difficultly, what is difficult, this type breaks through promote, will bring in cataclysm surely, this cataclysm, no one will be clear will be intense, previous promote, will bring in undying army to attack time, although will defeat, but, that will be only time that undying army will present, has certain limit, otherwise, perhaps, will pose the threat of immense to Xuanhuang Town, this time will want promote, really must have the army attack, might cause the destruction that compared with before that time, will be fearful. Must prepare completely safe.” “不过,要突破不难,难的是,这种突破晋升,必定会引来劫难,这种劫难,谁都不清楚会有多么强烈,上一次的晋升,就引来不死大军攻伐,虽然击败,不过,那只是不死大军出现的时间,有着一定的限制,要不然,说不定,会对玄黄镇产生巨大的威胁,这次要晋升,真要有大军侵袭,有可能造成的破坏,比之前那次,还要可怕。必须做好万全的准备。” Yi Tianxing secretly mutters said. 易天行暗自沉吟道。 Even if has achieved the immortal town position standard pinnacle, does not dare easily to decide promote. 哪怕已经达到仙镇的位格极致,也不敢轻易决定晋升 If previous such, this time so long as in the heart gives birth wants the promote thought that immediately induces confidential to sweep across to a immense danger in the darkness. Obviously, promote must experience heaven and earth to test time, even can say, this is cataclysm that must withstand surely. 如上次那样,这次只要心中生出要晋升的念头,立即就在冥冥中感应到一种巨大的危机要席卷而来。显然,晋升必须要经历一次天地考验,甚至可以说,这是必定要承受的劫难 Is avoidless. 是无法避免的。 destiny also needs to continue to accumulate, the destiny flood, is not defeated and dispersed to disappear not to have. Scatters sky over Destiny Heavenly Pond, flutters in core space, does not vanish, once breaks through a standard, will change into inside information to accumulate, becomes the solid advantage. First promotes thoroughly the private ownership . Moreover, my cultivation base was the time makes the breakthrough. Divine Sea Realm is not enough to withstand the continuous danger again.” 气运还需要继续积累,气运满溢而出,并非溃散消无。只是飘散在气运天池上空,飘荡在核心空间内,并非消失,一旦突破位格,就会化为底蕴积累,成为实实在在的好处。先将私有制彻底推行下去,而且,我的修为是时候做出突破了。神海境不足以再承受源源不断的危险。” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath, in the heart has made the decision. 易天行深吸一口气,心中已经做出决定。 Three months of warm and nourish, has powerful cultivation speed that the Xuanhuang Town destiny in addition holds one after another, there is an increase that Eternal Coin brings. cultivation speed can be said as one day, a thousand li, the cultivation resources do not lack. Also there is sufficient time, now in divine sea, has saved powerful inside information, true essence is increasing every time. Even if not cultivate, is growing. 接连三个月的温养,有玄黄镇气运加持的强大修炼速度,又有永恒币带来的增幅。修炼速度可以说是一日千里,修行资源不缺。又有充足的时间,现在在神海中,已经积攒起强大底蕴,真元每时每刻都在增加。哪怕是不修炼,都在增长。 true essence like the water, always a drop, inside information is abundant a point. 真元如水,每多一滴,底蕴就雄厚一分。 The original divine sea range, has accumulated one of the very|10 points, was covered by chaotic color true essence. 原先的神海范围,已经积累起十分之一,被混沌色真元所覆盖。 Supports a long intense battle fierce combat sufficiently. 足以支撑一次漫长激烈的厮杀激战。 It can be said that inside information already quite abundant, three months of time, accumulation true essence, is equivalent sufficiently with ordinary cultivator bitter cultivation counts the 10 year, even is longer time. 可以说,底蕴已经相当雄厚,三个月时间,积累的真元,足以相当与普通修士苦修年,甚至是更加漫长的时间 Has to break through to the qualifications and inside information of Fate Aperture Realm completely. 完全拥有突破到命窍境的资格与底蕴 Must break through, Divine Sea Realm and Fate Aperture Realm, seemingly do not have the essential difference on battle power, but completes the breakthrough truly, can actually grow longevity, completes life to move previous time leaps. transform, the Divine Sea Realm longevity limit can only obtain the 300 year. Fate Aperture Realm longevity can be the 600 year. cultivation, is the say/way of long life.” “必须要突破了,神海境命窍境,在战力上看起来没有本质的区别,但真正完成突破,却能增长寿元,完成生命上一次迁跃。蜕变,神海境寿元极限只能得到三百年。命窍境寿元就可以达到六百年。修行,是长生之道。” Looks in core space to straighten out, Destiny Heavenly Pond also rises with steady steps, fully showed that private ownership regarding civilization development big of help, is the extremely proper approach, so long as maintains not chaotically, successfully completes the transition, even might make Xuanhuang Town destiny rise suddenly again. 看着核心空间中已经步入正轨,气运天池也是稳步上升,充分证明私有制对于文明发展的助益之大,是极为正确的做法,只要维持不乱,顺利完成过渡,甚至有可能会让玄黄镇气运再次暴涨。 Has not hesitated, leaves core space. 没有迟疑,离开核心空间 Háo!! 嗥! Just when returned to the ground, resounding sharp severe Xiaosheng resounded in in the sky. 刚刚返回地面时,一阵高亢尖锐的厉啸声在虚空中响起。 Catches the eye to look, the distant place, the golden lightning comes together air-splitting, when close, can see clearly, that is not the lightning, but is Gold Péng. In three months of time, the Gold Péng's build grows again, is the 100 many meters terrifying degree. 抬眼看去,远处,一道金色闪电破空而来,靠近时,才可以看清,那不是闪电,而是金鹏。三个月的时间中,金鹏的体型再次增长,达到一百多米的恐怖程度。 Compared with before it, the god is more towering. 比之以前,更加神峻。 Vision hitting the target is sharp, even if cultivator saw, will have one type such as the point in the feeling of back. Quite fearsome. 目光中的犀利,就算是修士看到,都会生出一种如针芒在背的感觉。相当可怖。 Is Gold Péng, Your Lordship war pet mount.” “是金鹏,主公战宠坐骑。” Gold Péng came back, does not know where its these months.” 金鹏又回来了,都不知道它这几个月到哪里去了。” In the town/subdues common people sees, shows expression so that's how it is, a point does not care. Has been familiar with usual. 镇上百姓看到,露出原来如此的表情,一点都不在意。已经习惯如常。 Gold Péng falls fast, falls on arrow tower. 金鹏快速落下,落在一座箭塔上。 After Yi Tianxing knits the brows slightly, goes forward to tread the ground, the body soars, falls on Gold Péng again conducts the back. 易天行微微皱眉后,上前一踏地面,身躯腾空而起,再次落在金鹏背上。 Do not throw down me.” green light flashes through together, only saw, Sovereign Green two eyes shines, great shout, must conduct the back the run-up toward Gold Péng. “别丢下我。”一道绿光闪过,只看到,绿皇两眼放光,大声呼喊着,就要朝着金鹏背上跳上去。 Háo!! 嗥! But Gold Péng has not hesitated, opens the wing again, bringing Yi Tianxing to shoot up to the sky, goes toward the distant place air-splitting. The speed is extremely fast, like golden, cuts the expansive sky together like lightning. 金鹏没有迟疑,再次张开羽翼,带着易天行冲天而起,朝着远处破空而去。速度极快,如同一道金色闪电般,划破长空。 Everywhere one visit, many ominous birds subconscious makes to give way to traffic to Gold Péng. Gold Péng slightly do not let the idea that the Sovereign Green station oneself bear. Shuts out shot a look at its one. Flew away. 所到之处,不少凶禽下意识的对金鹏做出避让。金鹏丝毫没有要让绿皇站到自己背上的想法。嫌弃的瞥了它一眼。就这么飞走了。 Do not want to throw down this sovereign, dog that this sovereign can fly.” “别想丢下本皇,要知道,本皇可是会飞的狗。” But Sovereign Green did not fear, the body emerges one group of green strange wind, curls up its body to rush to the midair, in the midair, the two|tael only dog claw grasped unexpectedly, held the feather on Gold Péng tail, hung stubbornly in behind. 绿皇也不怕,身上涌现出一团绿色的怪风,卷起它的身躯就冲上半空,在半空中,竟然只狗爪一抓,抓住了金鹏尾巴上的羽翎,死死吊在后面。 Yi Tianxing has not spoken, but static is watching all around scenery, after Gold Péng comes back, the news transmits in the mind together, this is Gold Péng makes him follow a place. 易天行没有说话,只是静静的观看着四周的风景,在金鹏回来后,一道讯息就传递到脑海中,这是金鹏让他跟着去一处地方。 Regarding this, Yi Tianxing not hesitant, as for is anything, waited till the place, purity that naturally can know, has not asked. Is observing the surrounding scene. 对此,易天行也没有犹豫,至于是什么事情,等到了地方,自然可以知道的一清二楚,也没有开口询问。只是观察着周围的景象。 Is centered on my Xuanhuang Town, nearby village and being not infrequent, these village have the support of Xuanhuang Town, obtains the sufficient grain, basically has started to stand firm, lays the foundation, what the population are many are over ten thousand, population few has several hundreds of thousands. However, needs to face the threat of ominous beast monster as before, may present foreign race that is the biggest threat.” “以我玄黄镇为中心,附近的村寨并不在少数,这些村寨玄黄镇的支持,得到充足的粮食,基本上已经开始站稳脚跟,立下根基,人口多的是上万,人口少的有数百上千。不过,依旧需要面对凶兽怪物的威胁,有可能出现的异族更是最大的威胁。” These village, if were destroyed, instead is not beautiful, but, if attacks and occupies forcefully, that does not occupy the principle, attacks unreasonably, perhaps just started not to have anything, may arrive behind, may become the hidden danger, criticized weakness. In the reputation meets is not so attractive. The table manners are too ugly, gratuitous was short of a bearing.” “这些村寨,若是被摧毁,反而不美,不过,要是强行攻占,那也不占理,无理而攻,刚开始或许不会有什么,可到了后面,就有可能成为隐患,被人攻讦的弱点。名声上会不那么好看。吃相太难看,平白就少了一份气度。” Allow nature to take its course, fortifies at every step, does not need me to attack, only needing lets I and Xuanhuang Town continually deepens in these village hitting the target influences, so long as obtains a turning point, naturally can achieve defeating the enemy without fighting. This is the method.” “顺其自然,步步为营,不需要我去攻伐,只需要让我自身与玄黄镇在这些村寨中的影响力不断加深,只要得到一丝契机,自然可以做到不战而屈人之兵。这才是手段。” Attacks the expedition constantly, that is a boorish fellow, in war, but if wants to become the important matter, does that seems too petty. The bearing is insufficient, has the talents unable to detain. Let alone, foreign race can go on a punitive expedition against forcefully, this regarding humanity, is the principle of righteousness, representative righteousness, if slaughters to attack and occupy to same clan at will, that is unreasonable wicked. Only if found the excuse, found the reason. 一味攻伐征战,那是莽夫,战争中可以,但要想成大事,这么做,就显得太小家子气。气度不够,有人才都留不住。何况,异族可以强行征伐,这对于人族,是大义,代表正义,若是对同族随意厮杀攻占,那就是无理无道。除非是找到借口,找到理由。 Let alone, mankind hit the person on one's own side, this is not Yi Tianxing most wants to see. 何况,人类自己打自己人,这不是易天行最想要看到的。 Must kill, kills foreign race, kills ominous beast. 要杀,就杀异族,杀凶兽 During the ponders, Gold Péng has flown thousand mountain Wanshui. Spans the big piece region. 沉思间,金鹏已经飞过山万水。跨越大片区域。 In many regions, Yi Tianxing feels indistinctly, has fearful internal qi to be dormant, seems like some fearful ominous beast monster, but, has not actually stopped regarding Gold Péng. 在不少区域中,易天行都隐约感觉到,有着一道道可怕的气机在蛰伏,似乎是某种可怕的凶兽怪物,不过,对于金鹏却没有阻拦。 First, Gold Péng flies is too high ; second, the speed is too fast. Airborne goes through, originally has the natural advantage. 一是金鹏飞的太高,二是速度太快。空中穿行,本来就有着天然的优势。 Soon, present golden changes , presents immense Shan Feng (mountain peak) impressively, stands tall and erect. 不多时,眼前的金色一变,赫然间,出现一座巨大山峰,高耸而起。 This Shan Feng (mountain peak), it can be said that quite precipitous, towers, above wonder stone proliferates, the mist is connected, basic(ally) does not have the means to climb up. Has thousand zhang (3.33 m) high. The sheer precipice, grows some are setting up strange flower/spend strangely. 这座山峰,可以说是相当的险峻,耸立而起,上面奇石遍布,雾气相连,根本没有办法攀爬。足足有上丈高。悬崖峭壁,生长着一些怪树奇花。 After Gold Péng arrives, exudes exciting severe howl. Directly flushed the summit position. 金鹏抵达后,发出一声兴奋的厉啸声。直接冲了山顶位置。 Carefully looks, on the summit, can see impressively, really has a immense natural cave. The size of that cave, the entrance, have several 100 meter big merely. Even, that basic(ally) is a immense platform. Like cave platform. 仔细看去,在山顶上,赫然可以看到,竟然有一座巨大的天然山洞。那山洞之大小,仅仅入口,就有数米大。甚至算起来,那根本就是一处巨大的平台。如同山洞的平台。 This inside internal qi, is Quetzalcoatlus King.” “这里面的气机,是风神翼龙王。” Yi Tianxing after, feels immediately, transmits internal qi very|10 points that to be familiar from inside, impressively is the Quetzalcoatlus King aura. 易天行在靠近后,立即就感受到,从里面传递出的气机十分熟悉,赫然就是风神翼龙王的气息。 Gold Péng enters the cave fast. Yi Tianxing also jumps down, stands in the ground. 金鹏快速进入山洞。易天行也跳了下来,站在地面上。
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