EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#368: Extraordinary wealth

Sought the subscription, asked the monthly ticket.】 【求订阅,求月票。】 Three months, to construct Xuanhuang Town, prepares in the privatization process, Yi Tianxing waited for three months. 三个月,为了建设玄黄镇,准备私有化的过程中,易天行足足等待了三个月。 more than 400,000 common people, gathers together, every day reaches thousand in Wishpower Bead that on Money Tree condenses. Demon Consciousness Bead similarly so. Wishpower Bead has not used, merely with Demon Consciousness Bead, three months later, is 100,000 Demon Consciousness Bead, the casting becomes Eternal Coin, the quantity, achieves on whatever happens|10 million. If even Wishpower Bead brings casting Eternal Coin together, can definitely in shortest time, the casting have more than 20 million Eternal Coin. 四十多万百姓,汇聚在一起,每天在摇钱树上凝聚出的愿力珠多达上枚。魔念珠同样如此。愿力珠没有取用,仅仅用魔念珠,三个月下来,就是十万魔念珠,铸造成永恒币,数量之多,足足达到上千万枚。要是连愿力珠都一起拿来铸造永恒币,完全可以在最短的时间内,铸造出两千多万永恒币 In the ancient times, some dynasty, one year of payment of taxes received, might 10 million. 在古代,有些朝代,一年的赋税收上来,都有可能连一千万都不到。 On Xuanhuang Town, circulates in the more than 400,000 common people hand merely, even if joins other village. This more than 10 million Eternal Coin also enough support revolves. Eternal Coin not compared with common currency. 仅仅只是在玄黄镇上,在四十多万百姓手中进行流通,哪怕是加入其他村寨在内。这一千多万永恒币也足够支撑运转。要知道,永恒币可不比寻常货币 Eternal Coin, can purchase 100 jin (0.5 kg) mixed spirit rice, is the paddy rice that the present plants, is the white and shiny paddy rice, took off/escaped the grain of rice of shell. 100 jin (0.5 kg) mixed spirit rice, enough person eats the 10 day for half a month, even is longer, this becomes cultivator, the reason that the appetite increases, otherwise, can eat longer time, saves the point to eat, one month can pass by. 一枚永恒币,就能购买一百斤杂灵米,也就是现在栽种出的稻米,是白花花的稻米,脱了壳的米粒。一百斤的杂灵米,足够一个人吃上天半个月,甚至是更长,这还是成为修士,胃口大增的缘故,要不然,可以吃上更长时间,省着点吃,一个月都能过去。 Guarantees the warm and sufficient condition, can stabilize the aspect. 保证温饱,就能稳定局面。 Guaranteed that in the town/subdues will not have the turmoil. 保证镇上不会出现动乱。 If, has million Eternal Coin to support probably revolves, completes the transition, but has the risk, now prepares more than 10 million, so long as there is a need, even can also following recast to make more than 10 million, does not believe that so powerful inside information, but also completes one time cannot transform. 若真算起来,大概有百万永恒币就可以支撑运转,完成过渡,但其中有风险,现在准备一千多万枚,只要有需要,甚至还可以后续再铸造出一千多万枚,就不相信,如此强大底蕴,还完成不能一次转变。 Opens the private ownership, this is the transformation that historical civilization must make surely. Must complete the transition, nothing but is the wealth, our Xuanhuang Town compared with other town, the grain is insufficient, does not worry to eat and drink. Moreover, I have prepared 10 million Eternal Coin. Now the granary is abundant, is everything is ready only owes the east wind. This act, imperative.” The Yi Tianxing decisive opens the mouth said. “开启私有制,这是历史文明必定要做出的转变。要完成过渡,无非是钱财,我们玄黄镇不比其他城镇,粮食充足,不愁吃喝。而且,我已经准备好一千万永恒币。现在粮仓充沛,已经是万事俱备只欠东风。此举,势在必行。”易天行果断的开口说道。 Saying a word hitting the target is firm, revealed that were determined firmly, unshakeable. 言语中的坚定,表露出自身坚定的决心,不可动摇。 „The casting has had 10 million Eternal Coin unexpectedly, has the so big wealth to support, the transition of private ownership, can conduct absolutely steadily . Moreover, can stimulate all common people enthusiasms greatly. currency system , to promote truly. Becoming true mainstream currency.” “竟然已经铸造出一千万永恒币,有如此大一笔钱财支持,私有制的过渡,绝对可以平稳进行,而且,可以大大激发出所有百姓的热情。真正将货币体系,推广出去。成为真正的主流货币。” Xue Jin eye one bright, he is the businessman family background, the importance of very clear currency wealth, in the transformation of this private ownership, is naturally more profound, is very clear, only then the privatization that others look, can derive many creativities, the business can form, currency can circulate truly. This is just like to transform the running water from the stagnant water directly. 薛金眼睛一亮,他是商贾出身,自然很清楚货币钱财的重要性,在这种私有制的转变上,比其他人看的更加深刻,很清楚,只有私有化,才能衍生出更多的创造力,商业才能形成,货币才能真正的流通起来。这就好比从死水直接转变成活水。 Now in Xuanhuang Town the population increases, cannot continue this type of mess to get down again, the private ownership, can stimulate warmly, otherwise, but is fabricated that's all. Instead will develop to play the shackles to the town/subdues. 现在玄黄镇中人口数量大增,不能再继续这种大锅饭下去,私有制,才能激发出热情,否则,不过是虚妄而已。反而会对镇上发展起到桎梏。 Originally Your Lordship already plan in advance, endowed with extraordinary intelligence. Some so wealth, enough complete the transition completely. Obsolete from, when supports.” “原来主公早已经胸有成竹,智珠在握。有如此一笔钱财,完全足够完成过渡。老朽自当支持。” Huang Chengyan hears, in the heart is also the great happiness. 黄承彦听到,心中也是大喜。 Before did not approve, feared that in process that the transformation transited, will present the careless mistake. This regarding just stepped onto Xuanhuang Town of stock rail, common people that just stabilized, is a greatest injury. 之前不赞同,就是怕在转换过渡的过程中,会出现纰漏。这对于刚刚走上正轨的玄黄镇,刚刚安定下来的百姓而言,就是一种莫大的伤害。 The created will of the people fluctuates, is hard to estimate. 造成的人心波动,也就难以估算。 No one can think, Yi Tianxing can in so short time, the casting have so Eternal Coin of enormous number unexpectedly. Then, can be scary simply, Eternal Coin mystical, that is who knows, in peripheral village, regarding Eternal Coin the heart of yearning, does not know intensely. Eternal Coin spreads in village, will only collect, only few providing to some important high levels. 谁都想不到,易天行竟然可以在如此短的时间内,铸造出如此庞大数目的一笔永恒币。说出去,简直就能吓死人,永恒币神异,那可是谁都知道,周边村寨中,对于永恒币的向往之心,不知道有多强烈。只是永恒币流传到村寨中,都只会收藏起来,只会少量的发放给一些重要高层。 In this, is the quantity that Eternal Coin spreads are too actually few. 这里面,实则是永恒币流传出来的数量太少。 Moreover, is cultivation heavy treasure, consumables that daily needs to consume. 而且,又是修行重宝,日日需要消耗的消耗品。 Used Eternal Coin cultivate, oneself go to bitter cultivation again, that feeling, is completely the difference of heaven and earth. This is the cultivation resources. Not is only only ordinary currency. The quantity are many, will be consumed. 用了永恒币修炼,再自己去苦修,那种感觉,完全是天地之差。这就是修行资源。不仅仅只是普通的货币。数量再多,也会被消耗。 Especially, this casting Eternal Coin matter, is run by Yi Tianxing personally, no one can meddle, no one knows that can the casting have many quantities, but also guessed, wanted the casting, definitely was not that easy, resources of consumption, consumption heavenly material, earthly treasure, was extremely enormous. After all, can grow cultivation base. Moreover, but can also increase cultivation speed. Compared with crystal stone does not know that is better on many. 尤其是,这铸造永恒币的事情,一项都是由易天行亲自掌管,没有谁能够插手,没有谁知道可以铸造出多少数量,但也猜测的到,要铸造,肯定不是那么容易的,消耗的资源,耗费的天材地宝,也是极为庞大的。毕竟,可以增长修为。而且,还能增幅修炼速度。比晶石不知道要好上多少。 Such currency, if can easily the casting come out, that simply is the impossible matter. Surely needs some type of precious goods. 这样的货币,要是能轻易铸造出来,那简直就是不可能的事情。肯定需要某种珍贵物品。 Now actually puts out 10 million all of a sudden, this is the shocking number. 现在却一下子拿出一千万枚,这是何等惊人的数字。 Such currency, the law of casting, if dominates in anyone hand is unsafe, has the hidden danger, is controlled by Yi Tianxing personally, can have other what not good thought. 这样的货币,铸造之法,若是把持在任何人手中都不保险,都有隐患,只有由易天行亲自掌控,才能不让人起别的什么不好念头。 Such currency, not compared with the secular hitting the target money, only then grasps in the lord monarch hand, for the say/way of Mr . This is equal to controlling the life of entire influence, anybody cannot do without having scruples. This is also biggest capital inside information. 这样的货币,不比世俗中的钱币,只有掌握在主君手中,才是为君之道。这等于掌控着整个势力的命脉,任何人都不能没有顾忌。这也是最大的资本底蕴 Good, so an extraordinary wealth, does not pass through can support in the town/subdues to transform . Moreover, but can also support the currency circulation of nearby village completely. Let Eternal Coin, replaces all currency truly, becomes most mainstream currency, such, in name, on basic(ally), our Xuanhuang Town, dominates nearby village life sufficiently. Imperceptibly, can motionless bladesman, be able to draw in large quantities of village. Has been attached. Strength.” “好,如此一笔惊人财富,不经可以支持镇上变革,而且,还可以完全支撑附近村寨货币流通。让永恒币,真正取代一切货币,成为最主流货币,那样,在名义上,在根本上,我们玄黄镇,就足以把持附近村寨的命脉。无形中,可以不动刀兵,就能收拢一大批村寨。得到依附。壮大实力。” Jia Xu eye one bright, in the mind the train of thought is unceasing, the fast opens the mouth said. 贾诩眼睛一亮,脑海中思绪不断,快速开口说道。 He looks is farther, one step first, step by step first, this is a situation. 他看的更远,一步先,步步先,这就是先机。 In the tumultuous times, big fish eats little fish, this is also World's Truth. 乱世之中,大鱼吃小鱼,这也是天地至理 The weak ones attach to powerhouse, is the logical matter. In the middle of this, naturally needs the bridge, must let the reason that the person attaches. 弱者依附强者,也是顺理成章的事情。这当中,自然需要有桥梁,要有让人依附的理由。 currency is together the perfect bridge. 货币就是一道完美的桥梁。 Any runs the influence of currency release, regarding the surrounding influence, has the natural advantage. The powerful influence, this influence, can strike root in the hearts of the people imperceptibly. Has the awe, has the inborn closeness. 任何掌管货币发行的势力,对于周围势力而言,都有着天然的优势。强大的影响力,这种影响力,无形中就能深入人心。拥有敬畏,拥有天生的亲近感。 The benefit that this influence provides, may compared with 100,000 elite army. 这种影响力带来的好处,可比十万精锐大军 Good, has such a enormous wealth to be the inside information backing, the private ownership has been able to start to conduct. I also approve.” Master Lu also nods, has not said anything again. “好,有如此庞大的一笔财富作为底蕴后盾,私有制已经可以开始进行。我也赞同。”鲁师也点点头,没有再多说什么。 Cannot be anxious, should attempt it slowly, at least takes one month to transit. The words of distribution real estate, if conducts, then in the pressure regarding town/subdues will be enormous. Must limit, I suggested, should restrict, for example, if in the town/subdues has the men and women to form the couple, then gives the residence house free of charge, the ownership has, if the single men and women, obtain the residence, is not itself, still belongs to Xuanhuang Town. Only then after getting married and beginning a career, just now may belong to itself completely, but the male residence may for private, getting married female residence, takes back public. Then, can alleviate the house to be anxious, two, can encourage the men and women to marry, gets married and begins a career. Starts the new life, the multiplication heir, lets my humanity inheritance, continuous.” “不能急,应该徐徐图之,至少需要一个月来进行过渡。分发房产的话,若是进行,那对于镇上的压力会极大。必须加以限制,我建议,应该对此作出限制,比如,若是镇上有男女结成夫妻,则无偿给予居所房屋,归属自有,若单身男女,分得居所,也不属于自身,依旧属于玄黄镇所有。只有成家立业后,方才可完全归属自身,但男子居所可为私有,出嫁女子居所,重新收归公有。如此一来,可以缓解房屋紧张,二则,可以鼓励男女婚配,成家立业。开始新的生活,繁衍子嗣,让我人族传承,连绵不绝。” Huang Chengyan in one's eyes flashes through wipes the color of wise and farsighted, goes forward to say. 黄承彦眼中闪过一抹睿智之色,上前开口说道。 Good that „said that the Chengyan Brother great ability, this law, one can alleviate in the town/subdues the difficult problem of residence, two can in the town/subdues the will of the people be stable, now, places Eternal Continent, can say, almost everyone is the perishing country family. Breaks up a family, in the heart it has the worried, what a pity, even if there is a melancholy, is hard to meet, the will of the people in the course of time, will have the fluctuation unavoidably, if can let in the town/subdues common people, the male and female union, gets married and begins a career, naturally can suppress the will of the people of this fluctuation, and even has the vitality, glows life force. Three can the multiplication heir. For my humanity inheritance. Has the multiplication, has the vitality/angry. Has the family/home, has basic(ally).” “说的好,承彦兄大才,此法一出,一可以缓解镇上居所之难题,二可以镇中人心安定,如今,身处永恒大陆,可以说,几乎人人都是亡国破家。妻离子散,心中本身就有忧愁,可惜,哪怕有愁思,也难以相见,人心日久,难免会有浮动,若是能让镇上百姓,男女结合,成家立业,自然可以将这浮动的人心重新压制下去,乃至是生出朝气,焕发生机。三则可以繁衍子嗣。为我人族传承。有繁衍,才有生气。有家,才有根本。” Jia Xu hears, in one's eyes one bright, claps to praise to sigh. 贾诩听到,眼中一亮,拍手赞叹道。 Good, the matter that such being the case, that starts to transit must prepare appropriately, three days later, issues the bulletin, Myriad Treasures Hall, prepares to distribute the grain, formulates the title deed, all news, input heavenly registry card. Cannot present any careless mistake absolutely.” “好,既然如此,那开始过渡的事情就要准备妥当,三天后,发出告示,万宝殿,准备分发粮食,制定房契,所有讯息,录入天籍卡。绝对不能出现任何纰漏。” Yi Tianxing nods nods, opens the mouth to make the decision directly. 易天行颔首点点头,直接开口做出决定。 Yes, Your Lordship!!” “是,主公!!” Jia Xu and the others heard, is bow the body complies to say 贾诩等人听到,都是躬身答应道 time in a flash, three days of time passes quietly. 时间一晃,三天时间悄然流逝。 But in these three days of time, has a big sound. 而这三天时间中,也发生不小的动静。 For example, in the granary rice of bag is taking inventory the computation unceasingly. Eternal Coin of car(riage) car(riage), thinks of the wooden crate. Feeds in Myriad Treasures Hall directly, in inside, Eternal Coin piles up. 比如,粮仓中一袋袋的大米正在不断清点计算。还有一车车的永恒币,用木箱装着。直接送进万宝殿中,在里面,永恒币都是堆积如山。 Even when the transporting, has the wooden crate to drop down on the vehicle, reveals inside shining Eternal Coin. At that moment, making the hearts of many common people feel that must stop beating. Guessed secretly, actually Eternal Coin of this car(riage) car(riage) feeds in Myriad Treasures Hall is why. 甚至在搬运时,在车上有木箱倒下,露出里面金灿灿的永恒币。那一刻,让不少百姓的心脏都感觉要停止跳动。暗自猜测,这一车车的永恒币送进万宝殿中究竟是为什么。 dāng dāng dāng!! 当当当!! In the poster, hears a clear copper gong sound suddenly. 告示牌中,突然间传来一阵清脆的铜锣声。 A new bulletin has appeared above. 一张新的告示已经出现在上面。 Naturally gathers one crowd of common people to come. This looked, surprised sounds resound unceasingly. 自然汇聚着一群百姓过来。这一看,一道道惊疑声不断响起。 Can hear the holding breath cold air the sound. 能听到倒吸凉气的声音。 God, must have the important matter, this is Your Lordship must open the private ownership, finished the decision of mess.” “天啊,要发生大事了,这是主公要开放私有制,结束大锅饭的决策。” I.e., later everyone cannot free be eaten again, meal, to fill the belly, can only earn by own both hands.” “这就是说,以后大家都不能免费再得到吃食,饭菜,要想填饱肚子,就只能靠自己的双手去赚取。” „, This above said, common people in town/subdues, can rely on heavenly registry card, goes to Myriad Treasures Hall to receive free commodity a time, can obtain mixed spirit rice one bag, is the 100 jin (0.5 kg), Eternal Coin 10. Temporarily residence, if there are men and women to become the couple, but then receives a residence free, has the title deed. Since then, the food and clothing all by take care of oneself personally. In the town/subdues will not manage again.” “不得了,这上面说,在镇上的百姓,可以凭借天籍卡,前往万宝殿领取一次免费的物资,可以得到杂灵米一袋,也就是一百斤,永恒币枚。暂时居所一间,若有男女结为夫妻,则可免费领取一间居所,拥有房契。自此之后,吃穿皆由个人自理。镇上不会再管。” Relies on one's own effort to revive, works has the wages, even if in the town/subdues recruits the artisan, there is wages to provide. Some craftsmanship, may manufacture the goods, conducts the business, can open the restaurant, opens the shop to earn the wealth, can refine talisman, refines pill medicine, can hunt and kill ominous beast. Sells the ominous beast meat, the material gains the wealth, can trade together mutually, earns to need the resources.” “自力更生,做工就有工钱,哪怕是镇上招收工匠,也有工钱发放。有手艺者,可制作物品,进行买卖,可以开酒楼,开店铺赚取钱财,可以炼制符箓,炼制丹药,可以猎杀凶兽。出售凶兽肉,材料获取钱财,可以相互通商,赚取所需资源。”
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