EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#367: 3 months

Asked to guarantee a minimum monthly ticket 【求保底月票】 If not for there is Starnet this to exist specially, the class nine military system, Yi Tianxing will be will not implement absolutely, otherwise, that will court death in oneself. Therefore, to a certain extent, only if has with Starnet same existence, and even can fair count the merit method method fairly, otherwise, is impossible to duplicate the class nine military system, even if duplicates, brought may still be a greatest hidden danger. 若不是有星网这一特殊存在,九品军制,易天行是绝对不会实施下去,要不然,那就是在自己找死。所以,在某种程度上,除非是有跟星网一样的存在,乃至是可以公平公正统计功勋的手段方法,否则,是不可能复制九品军制,就算是复制,带来的也有可能是一种莫大的隐患。 Then without hesitation the law of class nine military system such military system blatant exposes. 这才会毫不犹豫的将九品军制这样的军制之法公然的展露出来。 Does not fear is plagiarized by others, and even aims. 一点都不惧怕会被别人所抄袭,乃至是针对。 Has the ability, performing to be direct to try. 有能耐,尽可以直接过来试试。 The emergence of class nine military system, in the stimulation of common people regarding Xuanhuang Town, is extremely immense. 九品军制的出现,对于玄黄镇百姓的刺激,是极为巨大的。 The population of enlistment rises suddenly again. 参军的人数再次暴涨。 The quantity increases. 数量大增。 Regarding other village people, has a shock and awe, particularly some external cultivator, instinct from this class nine military system, feels the powerful deterrent force from army, really must execute . Moreover, after achieving the achievement, this no longer will be the ordinary army, but will be legend hitting the target heavenly soldier heavenly general. Even cultivator must be suppressed strongly, sweeps away the four directions. 对于其他村寨的人,更加生出一种震慑,尤其是一些外来修士,本能的从这九品军制中,感受到来自军队的强大威慑力,真要施行下去,而且,取得成就后,这将不再是普通的军队,而是传说中的天兵天将。就算是修士都要被强势镇压,横扫四方。 Good class nine military system, this Yi Tianxing also is really the big breadth of spirit, it seems like, my barbarian race also needs to consider and relations between humanity. This Xuanhuang Town strength, absolutely above tribe.” “好一个九品军制,这易天行还真是好大的气魄,看来,我蛮族也需要好好考虑一下跟人族之间的关系了。这座玄黄镇的实力,绝对在部落之上。” A body tall and strong, puts on the big man of animal skin to carry the axe, when looks to the bulletin, in eyes also reveals a dignified color. barbarian race powerhouse Niu Ben. 一名身躯魁梧,穿着兽皮的高大男子扛着斧头,看向告示时,眼眸中也不由流露出一丝凝重之色。正是蛮族强者牛奔 Very clear, once the success executes, the created influence can big. This is the law of strengthening of the armed forces. 很清楚,一旦成功施行下去,造成的影响会有多大。这是强军之法。 It seems like, it is necessary with humanity, perhaps said that hits to relate with this Xuanhuang Town. Present world, was really dangerous, the tribe hitting the target person number were not many, buckle any, was the loss of immense.” “看来,有必要跟人族,或许说是跟这玄黄镇打好关系。现在的世界,实在是太危险了,部落中的人数量不多,折损任何一个,都是巨大的损失。” Body solid dwarf, the scarlet copper color flesh, sends out a powerful visual impact, is dwarf race Copper Hammer. 一名身躯结实的矮人,赤铜色的肌肤,散发出一种强烈的视觉冲击,正是矮人族铜锤 No matter Niu Ben or Copper Hammer, had almost the war when former Xuanhuang Town and foreign race has entered Xuanhuang Town, although did not have to intend to slaughter truly, may also witness the process of that war. Feels the brutality of war personally, and even is Xuanhuang Town powerful. 不管是牛奔还是铜锤,几乎都是在之前玄黄镇异族发生大战时就已经进入玄黄镇的,虽然没有真正出手厮杀,可也亲眼目睹过那次战争的过程。亲自感受到战争的残酷,乃至是玄黄镇强大 No matter defense war, is facing the war in underground that finally. 不管是守城战,还是最后在地下的那场正面对战。 Their two|tael witnesses. 他们个都是亲眼目睹。 Regarding this point, the Yi Tianxing as if covering meaning does not have, whatever they observe at will. This bearing, making in their hearts have a respect, at least they self-examine, if in own territory range, cannot achieve so magnanimously. 对于这一点,易天行似乎一点掩盖的意思都没有,任由他们随意观察。这种气度,让他们心中也都生出一丝敬意,至少他们自问要是在自己的领土范围内,做不到如此大度。 This even can be said as self-confidence from strength. 这甚至可以说是一种来自实力上的自信。 Now witnesses the class nine military system, as if has been able to see, a powerful humanity agglomeration, is raising slowly. Like Sun of initial rise. 如今目睹九品军制,似乎已经可以看到,一处强大人族聚集地,正在冉冉升起。如同初升的太阳 Make them also must start to make some decision. 让他们也不由的也必须开始做出某种决定了。 The second day, barbarian race Niu Ben leaves Xuanhuang Town. 第二天,蛮族牛奔离开玄黄镇 The third day, dwarf race Copper Hammer leaves Xuanhuang Town 第三天,矮人族铜锤离开玄黄镇 time is passing quietly. 时间在悄然流逝。 Unknowingly, is three months passes. 不知不觉中,就是三个月过去。 In these three months, can say, entire Xuanhuang Town has the tremendous changes. 这三个月中,可以说,整个玄黄镇都发生天翻地覆的变化。 As can be seen, in peripheral, everywhere is farmland that reclaims, above grows the golden rough rice, is glittering the representative Hope ray under the sunlight, very|10 points is gorgeous, the multi- colors, the surroundings have common people to look , all around looks at shining rice paddy, on the face brims with set off a piece by piece from the joyous feelings of innermost feelings. 可以看到,在周边,到处是开垦出的田地,上面长出金色的稻谷,在阳光下闪烁着代表希望的光芒,十分绚丽,多彩,周围有百姓在照料着,看着四周一片片金灿灿的稻田,脸上洋溢出发自内心的喜悦之情。 The grain of these having achieved great achievements, are Hope, is sudden rise of life. 这些硕果累累的粮食,就是希望,就是生命的暴涨。 In, but can also see, vegetable fields were reclaimed. 在附近,还能看到,一块块菜田被开垦出来。 Inside is planting various vegetables fruits and melons. 里面栽种着各种蔬菜瓜果。 Moreover, what very mystical is, these vegetables, the size of fruits and melons, far ratio wanting immense, you looked at a cabbage to be able as long as one person high, can see that laughs ordinary eggplant child long/grows to a 4~5 year child, that eggplant subtree grows into several meters high. 而且,很神奇的是,这些蔬菜,瓜果的大小,都远比原先本身的要巨大,你看过一株白菜能长到一人高吗,能看到普通的茄子长到一个四五岁孩童大笑,那茄子树长成几米高。 These, reveal, here environment, with compared with, had had the tremendous changes, existence of heaven and earth origin qi, enabling the ordinary vegetables to have the remarkable growth and transform. Although has not been the spirit qi vegetables, but itself under nourishing of heaven and earth origin qi, grows, the complete breakthrough original limit, the taste is more delicious deliciously. For ever and ever next, may complete transform, turns into the spirit qi vegetables. 这一幕幕,都表露出,这里的环境,与原先相比,已经发生天翻地覆的变化,天地元气的存在,让普通的蔬菜都能发生惊人的成长与蜕变。虽然还算不上是灵气蔬菜,但本身在天地元气的滋养下,成长起来,完全突破原先的极限,口感更加美味可口。天长地久下,有可能会完成蜕变,变成灵气蔬菜。 But this needs not short time obviously. 但这显然需要不短的时间 At least the present, in these vegetables also contains weak spirit qi, this spirit qi will only make the vegetables the flavor more delicious that's all. Other no. 至少现在而言,这些蔬菜中也蕴含着一丝微弱的灵气,这种灵气只会让蔬菜的味道变得更加可口而已。其他的就没有什么。 Three months of time. 三个月时间 As can be seen, somewhat ruined Xuanhuang Town, had also changed thoroughly greatly. 可以看到,原先还有些破败的玄黄镇,已经彻底大变样。 Buildings tower. 一座座房屋建筑耸立而起。 Scale very|10 points enormous of these constructions, except for the basic construction facility ten thousand, the private residence of resident are most. Gathers together, dense and numerous. 这些建筑的规模十分庞大,除了基本的建筑设施万,居民的民房是最多的。汇聚在一起,密密麻麻。 The east side was divided, specially constructs a Two Pavilions and Six Halls this kind of military administration to construct. The inhabited area changes into north. The west is the barrack position, the south is the rural fair. The crowded resident constructs almost majority to gather in north, naturally, other places have the mansion to construct. But the quantity is scarce, these give the mansion that in the town/subdues the high-ranking court official lives in specially. No matter the area, the scale of mansion, compared with ordinary common people must finer luxurious. 东面被划分出来,专门修建一门两阁六殿这一类军政建筑。居民区化为在北面。西面为军营位置,南面为集市。密集的居民建筑几乎大部分都汇聚在北面,当然,其他地方也有府邸建筑。但数量稀少,那些都是专门给予镇上重臣居住的府邸。不管是占地面积,府邸的规模,都比普通百姓要更加精致豪华。 Huang Chengyan they have moved. Lives in these mansions, similarly is a symbol of status. 黄承彦他们都已经搬进去了。居住在这些府邸中,同样是一种身份的象征。 What is liveliest is the position of rural fair. 最热闹的还是集市的位置。 In that region, is gathering other large quantities of village hitting the target guests, trades in inside, conversation. It may be said that is quite lively. Is filling with the strong commercial aura. common people on town/subdues will go to the rural fair to stroll every so often several. 那片区域中,汇聚着大批其他村寨中的来客,在里面交易,交谈。可谓是相当热闹。充满着浓厚的商业气息。镇上的百姓很多时候都会前往集市中逛上几圈。 Especially, influence of Xuanhuang Town after war spreads thoroughly. 尤其是,玄黄镇在大战后的影响力彻底扩散开。 The ordinary refugee number of every day unceasingly catching up with, can spy on a spot. Do not say, village in surroundings surrounding area 10,000 li, is almost centered on Xuanhuang Town thoroughly, the communication transaction, in the true letting town/subdues is lively, has scene of true humanity big city. Said is a town/subdues, actually, before it some ancient city of ancient times were livelier, immense. 每天不断赶来的普通难民数量,就能窥探出一斑。更加不要说,周围方圆万里内的村寨,几乎彻底以玄黄镇为中心,来往交易,真正的让镇上繁华起来,有真正人族大城的气象。说是镇,实则,比之以前古代的一些古城都要繁华,巨大 The townspeople mouth, breaks through to the more than 400,000 number officially. 镇上人口,更是正式突破到四十多万的数目。 All things, almost can be called take the stock rail. 所有事情,几乎称得上是走上正轨。 Entire Xuanhuang Town, progresses day by day. 整个玄黄镇,更是蒸蒸日上。 In barrack, has recruited full 100,000 military personnel. 军营中,已经招收满十万军人 The class nine military system has implemented thoroughly. Almost every officers and soldiers , starts cultivate that goes all out, catches all grow stronger opportunities. To emerge. Under Iron-Blood Fiend Qi that in barrack increases day by day, cultivation base is almost the daily sharp increase. Every day some people break through realm. 九品军制已经彻底实施下去。几乎每一名将士,在进去后,都开始拼命的修炼,争取一切变强的机会。想要从中脱颖而出。在军营中日益增加的铁血煞气下,修为几乎是每日剧增。每天都有人突破境界 Grows truly. 真正成长起来。 If Yang Ye, Wang Dahu and other group of military officers, have progressed by leaps and bounds, opens Twelve Standard Meridians, Eight Extraordinary Meridians, condenses divine spring directly. Breaks through to divine spring first step, itself cultivation base merit adds together, direct promote true class two heavenly soldier, but in fact, received as before is heavenly general false duty. 杨业,王大虎等一群将领,都已经突飞猛进,开辟十二正经,奇经八脉,直接凝聚神泉。突破到神泉一阶,本身修为功勋在一起,直接晋升真正的二品天兵,但实质上,领取的依旧是天将虚职 But common people that in the town/subdues, joins one after another, on the face could not have seen now original distressed with going down in the world, on faces is brimming with self-confidently, even is brings fiend qi, sends out different internal qi. Almost promote has become cultivator. Opens divine sea. essence, qi, and spirit, the nature is entirely different. 而镇上,陆续加入的百姓,现在脸上已经看不出原先的狼狈与落魄,一个个脸上洋溢着自信,甚至是身上带着煞气,散发出不一样的气机。几乎都已经晋升成为修士。开辟神海精气神,自然大不相同。 Most essential is, was affected by Xuanhuang Town including own character probably, becomes aggressive. 最关键是,连自身的性格都好像受到玄黄镇的影响,变得凶悍起来。 This is a unique influence, influences subtly change that brings about 这就是一种独特的影响,潜移默化带来的变化 In mansion. 府邸中。 In hall. 大厅内。 Yi Tianxing were gathering together with Huang Chengyan et al . 易天行正与黄承彦等人聚集在一起 Huang Chengyan, Master Lu, Xue Jin, Jia Xu, Wu Yong, Yang Ye and other group of important personages gather here. Among the looks is indistinct has a vibration. 黄承彦,鲁师,薛金,贾诩,吴用,杨业等一群重要人物都汇聚在这里。神色间都隐约间带着一丝震动。 Your Lordship, conducts the privatization now, was some are too risky.” Huang Chengyan hesitates slightly, says. 主公,现在进行私有化,是不是有些太冒险了。”黄承彦微微迟疑,开口说道。 Yes, once the privatization, that means, the situation of this type of mess completely ended, does not have the free meal to enjoy again. Wants anything, must put in the corresponding price and work. In this process, must first prepare large quantities of currency. Stable entire general situation. When the time comes, the rich and poor, the strong and weak, will start to produce.” “是啊,一旦私有化,那就意味着,这种大锅饭的情况彻底结束,再没有免费的饭菜可以享用。想要得到什么,就必须付出相应的代价与劳动。这过程中,首先就要准备好一大批的货币。稳定整个大局。到时候,贫富,强弱,都会开始产生。” Xue Jin also nods to say. 薛金也点头说道。 Otherwise, I thought that now starts the privatization, breaks the mess the aspect, is the best time, is time that continues is longer, must break this aspect, might have the influence that to be bigger. Only then has own private property, the talent will have the power, will have the goal of struggle. So long as grasps certainly, prepares sufficient, can definitely successfully complete the transition.” “不然,我觉得现在开始私有化,打破大锅饭的局面,是最好的时机,越是持续的时间长,要打破这种局面,有可能产生的影响就会越大。只有拥有自己的私产,人才会拥有动力,才会有奋斗的目标。只要把握一定的度,做好充足的准备,完全可以顺利完成过渡。” Wu Yong actually swung the feather fan, says. 吴用却摇了摇羽扇,开口说道。 That's true, in Xuanhuang Town the population has achieved the quite shocking digit now . Moreover, has the rural fair to open in first, the will of the people have started to fluctuate, the situation of taking a walk investigates when the neighbor after me, many common people have to gain the thought of private property. This desire, is good side, has the desire, will have the development. Can the fire of birth civilization. Thing that oneself try hard to earn, is own, rather than everyone to altogether have. Will produce the sufficient power.” “确实如此,如今玄黄镇中人口数量已经达到相当惊人的数字,而且,有集市开放在先,人心已经开始浮动,经过我在街坊中走动时探查的情况,很多百姓已经有获取自己私产的念头。这种欲望,也是好的一面,有欲望,才会有发展。才能诞生文明之火。自己努力赚取到的东西,是属于自己的,而不是属于大家共有的。才会产生足够的动力。” Jia Xu also nods to approve the person of same belief. If implements thoroughly public, the mess, in that entire influence, will turn into beach stagnant water, the stagnant water cannot raise true dragon, cannot detain the fish and shrimp, only then the running water can raise the big dragon. 贾诩也点点头赞同道。若彻底实施公有,大锅饭,那整个势力中,都将变成一滩死水,死水是养不出真龙,留不住鱼虾,只有活水才能养出大龙。 Conclusion mess, the opening privatization, I had decided that must do. Moreover, concrete, I have also prepared, privatization most basic(ally), is currency, but currency, I have prepared. The support completes this transition sufficiently. So long as got through the difficult time of most starting, other is successful. Under influences subtly, accepts the new system custom.” “结束大锅饭,开启私有化,我已经决定一定要做。而且,具体的准备,我也已经做好,私有化最根本的,就是货币,而货币,我已经准备好了。足以支撑完成这次过渡。只要渡过最开始的难关,其他的都是水到渠成。潜移默化下,接受新的制度规矩。” Yi Tianxing opens the mouth to reach the conclusion to say. 易天行开口做出定论道。 This discussion, how finished the mess, starts the privatization truly, the matter of relying on one's own effort to revive. 这次商议的,正是如何结束大锅饭,真正开启私有化,自力更生的事情。 This is the related entire livelihood of the people important matter. 这是有关整个民生的大事。 more than 400,000 population, if continues the mess to get down, that does not favor growing strong of Xuanhuang Town absolutely. Completes this excessively, has been placed in front matter. More conducts early is better. 四十多万的人口,若是继续大锅饭下去,那绝对不利于玄黄镇的发展壮大。完成这个过度,已经是摆在面前的事情。越早进行越好。 Xuanhuang Town, does not raise the idler, no one can gratuitous obtain all. 玄黄镇,不养闲人,没有谁能够平白得到一切。
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