EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#366: Mu Guiying

【In early April, asked to guarantee a minimum the monthly ticket. brothers give a strength.】 【四月初,求保底月票。兄弟们给点力。】 dōng dōng dōng!! 咚咚咚!! Yi Tianxing is listening to the room hitting the target conversation sound, puts out a hand to knock on a door. 易天行听着屋中的交谈声,伸手敲了敲门。 Some maidservants open the door, sees Yi Tianxing to arrive, makes way hastily. 有侍女打开房门,看到易天行到来,连忙让开。 Big Brother Yi, you came.” 易大哥,你来了。” Cai Yan sees the form, said with a smile: Guiying younger sister, this is present Lord of Xuanhuang Town, saves the person who you awakes, Yi Tianxing Big Brother Yi. You called him Big Brother Yi to be good. This is Mu Guiying. But a female hero not conceding to men wonderful female.” 蔡琰看到走进来的身影,笑着说道:“桂英妹妹,这一位就是现在玄黄镇之主,也是将你救醒的人,易天行易大哥。你叫他易大哥就好。这是穆桂英。可是一位巾帼不让须眉的奇女子。” Among yawns, makes the introduction to Yi Tianxing and Mu Guiying. 张口间,也给易天行穆桂英做出介绍。 Really is she, only then she, can work as on so female hero wonderful female.” “果然是她,也只有她,才能当的上如此巾帼奇女子。” Yi Tianxing hears, in the heart secretly mutters said. Confirmed the status of front female truly. Also is one breathes out. 易天行听到,心中暗自沉吟道。真正确认面前女子的身份。也是一阵嘘嘘。 Mu Guiying has seen Big Brother Yi. This time can revive, but also many thanks Big Brother Yi gives spirit medicine. Otherwise, only feared that Guiying this time lying dormant will get down forever, can not regain consciousness, like living corpse.” 穆桂英见过易大哥。这次能苏醒过来,还多谢易大哥给予灵药。要不然,只怕桂英这次会永远沉睡下去,不得苏醒,如同活死人。” Mu Guiying also heartfelt toward a Yi Tianxing ritual, opens the mouth to pay a visit to say slightly. 穆桂英也由衷的朝着易天行微微一礼,开口拜见道。 no need to be overly courteous, this is your proper good fortune. Is your father migrates entire Mu Family Fort common people to Xuanhuang Town, condition of receiving in exchange. Before, said that was also only a transaction. You must say thank, I could not really have handled.” 无需多礼,这不过是你应有的造化。是你父亲将整个穆家寨百姓迁移到玄黄镇中,换取的条件。在之前,说起来,也只是一笔交易。你要说谢,我还真当不起。” Yi Tianxing said with a smile. 易天行笑着说道。 Mu Family Fort hitting the target common people can come Xuanhuang Town, on the stable life, this had been benefitting humanity. Even if unable to treat and cure Guiying, I think, with my father's personality, hearing Xuanhuang Town can bless humanity common people, will definitely comply to agree that common people comes Xuanhuang Town. Can bless counts 100,000 humanity common people, even defeats foreign race army, in any event, Big Brother Yi can become is respected.” 穆家寨中的百姓能前来玄黄镇,过上安定的生活,这本来就是在造福人族。哪怕是无法救治桂英,我想,以我爹的性格,听到玄黄镇能庇佑人族百姓,肯定会答应同意百姓前来玄黄镇。能庇佑数十万人族百姓,甚至是击败异族大军,不论如何,易大哥都当得上被人敬重。” Mu Guiying complexion one positive, the opens the mouth said. 穆桂英脸色一正,张口说道。 In the spoken language, in the foreheads, naturally sends out a heroic spirit, does not have the delicacy of female. Valiant. 言语中,眉宇间,自然散发出一股英气,丝毫没有女子的柔弱。英姿勃发。 Yi Tianxing sized up the past toward Mu Guiying carefully. 易天行朝着穆桂英仔细打量过去。 This looked, in the heart also acclaimed secretly. 这一看,心中也不由暗自赞叹。 Before saw that she lay on the bed, moreover fell into the stupor, naturally did not have the means to observe completely. Now restores to regain consciousness, the facial expression also changes, that scene, is different. 之前看到她都是躺在床上,而且陷入昏迷中,自然没有办法完全观察到。现在恢复苏醒,气色也都发生变化,那气象,又是不同。 Even if he, in the heart also acclaimed one secretly, good wonderful female. 哪怕是他,心中也不由暗自赞叹一声,好一位奇女子。 In mind subconscious appears some historical records of related Mu Guiying. 脑海中下意识的浮现出有关穆桂英的一些历史记载。 According to the history records, in some essays, Mu Guiying is the female of Mu Family Fort Mu Yu, a skill in Wushu is outstanding and resourceful and courageous, the legend has the goddess to teach the technique of divine arrow flying blade. Because before , battles with Yang Zongbao, Mu Guiying captures alive sect Bao and move of getting married, will belong to Yang Family, for the Yang Men female general hitting the target outstanding character. Mu Guiying and Yang Family will go on an expedition Weiguo together, constructs the meritorious military service repeatedly. She Taijun( She Sai spends) the 100 year to be in command, leading the 12 widow Western Expedition, the Mu Guiying 53 year still to hang the vanguard seal, the thorough dangerous situation, will fight vigorously, will win total victories, in war, big heaven-breaking gate. In the Chinese history the Heroine typical image. 根据历史记载,一些杂文之中所述,穆桂英穆家寨穆羽之女,一身武艺超群、机智勇敢,传说有神女传授神箭飞刀之术。因阵前与杨宗保交战,穆桂英生擒宗保并招之成亲,归于杨家将之列,为杨门女将中的杰出人物。穆桂英杨家将一起征战卫国,屡建战功。佘太君(佘赛花)岁挂帅,率十二寡妇西征,穆桂英五十三岁犹挂先锋印,深入险境,力战番将,大获全胜,更是在大战中,大破天门阵。是中国历史中巾帼英雄的典型形象。 Has the series soldier for the graceful ability. 具有统兵为帅的才能。 Can be said as the female hero wonderful female who two|tael is on a par with greatly with Hua Mulan. 花木兰可以说是大不相伯仲的巾帼奇女子。 Naturally, present Mu Guiying, is only the young girl. The slender body, a pair of long leg outlined the perfect curve, because practiced martial arts year to year cultivate, can say, the whole body curve, was perfect to the pinnacle, the chest front stands tall and erect, coordinates the water distinct appearance, were many air/Qi of the heroic bearing. Even if the appearance does not compare Cai Yan, in addition the makings, have a charm. 当然,现在的穆桂英,只是妙龄少女。修长的身躯,一双长腿勾勒出完美的曲线,因为常年练武修炼,可以说,周身曲线,都是完美到极致,胸前高耸,配合菱角分明的容貌,多出一种英姿之气。哪怕是容貌不比蔡琰,加上气质,却别有一番魅力。 Believes intoxicated. 让人心醉心折。 At any time, regarding impact force of man, is immense. 在任何时候,对于男子的冲击力,都是巨大的。 In addition historical understood, in the heart also has a favorable impression to be intimate with Mu Guiying secretly. 加上在历史上的一些了解,心中也不由暗自对穆桂英生出一丝好感亲近。 Does not know that now how Lady Mu feels, whether within the body also has what ill place. The damage on soul after all is not the minor matter, if there is problem, that is not the minor matter.” Yi Tianxing light smile the inquiry was saying. “不知道穆姑娘现在感觉如何,体内是否还有什么不适之处。灵魂上的损伤毕竟不是小事,若是出现问题,那就不是小事。”易天行淡笑着询问道。 Many thanks Big Brother Yi worries about, after taking spirit medicine, I felt that energy unprecedented abundant in within the body, mental will has been as if grown, before compared with, but also on being better several times. Had not felt looks like feels better now.” “多谢易大哥挂怀,服用灵药后,我感觉到体内的精力前所未有的充沛,精神意志都似乎得到增长,比起以前,还要好上数倍。从来就没有感觉过像现在这么好过。” On the Mu Guiying face also shows a smiling face. 穆桂英脸上也不由露出一丝笑容。 She feels, oneself not only restored, but, but also before comparing, is better, the damage on soul, has repaired, even there is a possibility, even soul turned misfortune into a blessing in this time process, expands several times to continue. 她感觉到,自己不仅恢复了,而且,还比之前更好,灵魂上的损伤,早就修复,甚至有可能,连灵魂都在这次的过程中因祸得福,壮大了数倍不止。 This feeling, unprecedented good. 这种感觉,前所未有的好。 That is good, the weather is just right, to the high noon, had soon been inferior that we first eat meal, then walks to the town/subdues in together, plays. Also something on good familiar town/subdues. Believes, Xuanhuang Town will not disappoint you.” Yi Tianxing has a look outside weather, sends out the invitation with a smile. “那就好,天色正好,已经快要到正午,不如我们先吃饭,然后再一起到镇上走一走,游玩一下。也好熟悉镇上的一些事物。相信,玄黄镇不会让你失望。”易天行看看外面天色,笑着发出邀请。 So is tired of work Big Brother Yi.” “如此就烦劳易大哥。” The Mu Guiying character is frank, has the most female no decisiveness. Without hesitation complies. 穆桂英性格本身就是直爽,有着大多数女子没有的果断。毫不犹豫的就答应下来。 Looks at Yi Tianxing, in the heart also has various thoughts secretly, secretly mutters said: This piece of Eternal Continent, the autumn of tumultuous times, ominous beast monster powerful stronger now on too much compared with most humanity, in front of these monster, mankind, only then slaughtered share, even if my Mu Family Fort, from the beginning, the entire knockoff most family properties, also no means contend with these monster ominous beast, draws in common people , can only give the safeguard of most foundation, even is the belly cannot even fill, every day some people are missing, was seized by ominous beast. 看着易天行,心中也是暗自生出各种念头,暗自沉吟道:这片永恒大陆,如今正是乱世之秋,凶兽怪物强大比大部分人族都要强上太多,在那些怪物面前,人类只有被屠杀的份,哪怕是我穆家寨,在一开始,整个山寨中大部分家底都在,也没有办法跟那些怪物凶兽抗衡,收拢百姓,也只能给予最基础的保障,甚至是连肚子都填不饱,每天都有人失踪,被凶兽抓走。 Must in such environment, establish a base industry of piece of powerful, this ability, compared with these people with outstanding ability of peaceful times, clear(ly), does not know that stronger on many times, difficult, difficult such as to ascend to heaven. Such man, is the true Hero hero. 要在这样的环境中,建立起一片强大的基业,这能力,比太平时期的那些英才,明君,不知道要强上多少倍,难,难如登天。这样的男子,才是真正的英雄豪杰。 In heart regarding the Yi Tianxing's curious heart naturally multiplies 心中对于易天行的好奇之心自然而然的滋生出来 In Xuanhuang Town. 玄黄镇中。 A bulletin appears in the announcement memorial arch on town/subdues impressively. 一张告示赫然出现在镇上的公告牌坊上。 basically doesn't needs to propagandize, sees to present the new bulletin, immediately has common people to approach. Carefully watches. This watches, on faces reveals the color of shock. 根本不需要宣传,看到出现新的告示,立即就有百姓靠近过去。仔细观看。这一观看,一个个脸上不由露出震惊之色。 „, Is the military system innovates unexpectedly, must apply the new military system.” “不得了,竟然是军制革新,要施行新的军制。” class nine military system, class nine heavenly soldier, nine stars heavenly general. This simply is inconceivable, class nine heavenly soldier from low to high, strength, merit, so long as achieves, can obtain promote, no one can stop to suppress, so long as is competent, cultivation base is enough, merit is enough, can complete promote directly, no one suppressed. This is arriving the road of promote can look.” 九品军制,九品天兵,九星天将。这简直就是不可思议,九品天兵由低到高,实力,功勋只要达到,就可以得到晋升,没有人能够阻拦压制,只要有实力,修为足够,功勋足够,就可以直接完成晋升,谁都压制不了。这是能看的到的晋升之路。” military duty and military rank fuse together. Own quality step is completely military rank and military duty. This change, was really astonishing. Does that can have the big trouble. Really feasible.” 军职军衔融为一体。自身品阶就是完全实打实的军衔军职。这种改变,实在是太惊人了。这么做,会不会出现大乱子。真的可行吗。” This is the road of promote can see completely. So long as, oneself qualifications strength is diligently enough, can promote, even becomes general, becomes heavenly general. That has the person to throw. In the army, promote does not turn over to others to manage. The enlistment, can become true powerhouse.” “这是一条完全看得到的晋升之路。只要努力,自身资历实力足够,就能够一路晋升,甚至是成为将军,成为天将。那就是出人投地。在军中,晋升是不归其他人管的。参军,才能成为真正的强者。” Here said that heavenly soldier can comes promote through cultivation base and merit, but must from class nine heavenly soldier promote to one star heavenly general, not only needs cultivation base, merit, but must inspect art of war, the energy of leading. If oneself do not have the energy of leading, that can only promote one star war general, have the grade, has the position, actually cannot personally the series soldier. Has the energy of leading, after promote, is one star heavenly general. heavenly general can lead the combat. Has the power of series soldier. war general is battlefield fierce general, breaks through enemy lines. This approach, not only can not hinder in the army promote, and can select the talent. This class nine military system, was really good, was too suitable our civilian promote.” “这里说了,天兵可以通过修为功勋晋升,但要从九品天兵晋升一星天将,不仅需要修为,功勋,还要考核自身兵法,领军之能。若是自身没有领军之能,那就只能晋升一星战将,有品级,有地位,却不能亲自统兵。有领军之能的,晋升后为一星天将天将才能领军作战。有统兵之权。战将就是战场猛将,冲锋陷阵。这种做法,既可以不阻碍军中晋升,又可以选拔人才。这九品军制,实在是太好了,太适合我们平民晋升。” I must enlist in the military, before must enlist in the military in the consideration, I do not have the scholarship, the four books and five classics, will unable to handle the matter of cultural worker, now joins the army, same can become outstanding.” Has young man face firm saying. “我要去参军,之前还在考虑要不要参军,我没有才学,不会四书五经,做不了文化人的事情,现在加入军队,一样可以出人头地。”有年轻男子一脸坚定的说道。 After watching bulletin. 在观看告示后。 Originally also somewhat hesitant common people goes to barrack, plans to participate in the army, becomes military personnel. 本来还有些犹豫的百姓纷纷前往军营,准备参加军队,成为军人 Good together class nine military system. class nine heavenly soldier did not say, so long as cultivation base achieves, merit achieves, can promote, achieve class nine heavenly soldier, this strength, already quite astonishing, if continuously so, military rank and military duty fuse together, that more arrives at behind, the hidden danger is bigger. Some person cultivate natural talents, merit is also enough, but does not have the ability of series soldier, the independence commands troops rashly, might cause one to be incompetent, kills the three armies model. But division of war general and heavenly general, actually all of a sudden this hidden danger maximum ceasing.” “好一道九品军制。九品天兵不说,只要修为达到,功勋达到,就可以晋升,一路达到九品天兵,这实力,已经相当惊人,若是一直如此,军衔军职融为一体,那越到后面,隐患就越大。有些人修炼天资可以,功勋也足够,但却没有统兵的才能,贸然独立领兵,就有可能造成一将无能,害死三军的典范。但战将天将之分,却一下子将这一隐患最大限度的杜绝。” Has the series soldier to be able person, can become heavenly general, the series soldier battles, coordinates the powerful army, naturally can achieve to go smoothly everywhere, without the series soldier ability, becomes war general, war general follows side heavenly general, breaks through enemy lines. By individual strength, about battlefield. Similarly is a path. Gives dual attention to military rank and military duty. Understands simply, is arriving the road of promote looks. This is also the road of strengthening of the armed forces. Has this system, that entire Xuanhuang Town hitting the target army strength, in shortest time, will definitely rise suddenly rapidly.” “有统兵之能的人,可以成为天将,统兵作战,配合强大的军队,自然可以做到无往不利,没有统兵能力,成为战将,战将跟随在天将身边,冲锋陷阵。以个人之力,左右战场。同样是一条道路。兼顾军衔军职。简单明了,是看的到的晋升之路。这也是强军之路。有这种制度在,那整个玄黄镇中的军队实力,肯定会在最短时间内,飞速暴涨。” In other village, and many some is farsighted, mental high thoughts person. 其他村寨中,并不乏有一些眼力超群,心智高觉的人杰。 After watching bulletin, in the heart also shocks secretly. 在观看告示后,心中也不由暗自震撼。 Can estimate to obtain, for promote, for grow stronger, becomes powerhouse, has the position, cultivate grow stronger that army hitting the target military personnel, can go all out absolutely, slaughters, going that can also go all out preys with the enemy, earns merit, such army, on the battlefield, that is the army of oppressor one crowd is unable to prevent. For merit, the strength of erupting, will be absolutely frightening. 可以预想得到,为了晋升,为了变强,成为强者,拥有身份地位,军中的军人,绝对会拼了命的修炼变强,厮杀起来,也会拼了命的去跟敌人搏杀,赚取功勋,这样的军队,上了战场,那就是一群无法阻挡的虎狼之军。为了功勋,爆发出的力量,绝对会令人恐惧。 Many external village hold breath secretly cold air. 不少外来村寨都是暗自倒吸一口凉气。 Deeply was felt to shock by the Xuanhuang Town military system innovation. 深深被玄黄镇进行的军制革新感到震撼。 This class nine military system, in the tumultuous times, it may be said that is sharp tool. 九品军制,在乱世之中,可谓是一柄利器 However, even if knows the class nine military system, but must imitate, absolutely is not that easy. A strength is insufficient, second not necessarily suits their these village. You have enough army to promote this military system. 不过,哪怕是知道九品军制,可要模仿,绝对不是那么容易的。一个实力不够,第二个是未必就适合他们这些村寨。你有足够的军队来推广这种军制么。 Even if you can carry out, but you can guarantee this military system to be able smoothly the execution. 就算你能推行,可你能保证这种军制能够顺利的执行下去么。 Statistics of army merit, you whether to guarantee fairly fair, if these cannot achieve. The class nine military system will collapse thoroughly, presents many flaws, Xuanhuang Town can take effect, that is because has Starnet, has heavenly registry card. Is the guarantee is fair. 军功的统计,你又能否保证公正公平,这些要是做不到。九品军制就会彻底崩溃,出现诸多破绽,玄黄镇能够施行下去,那是因为有星网,有天籍卡在。才是保证公平公正。
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