EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#365: 9 military system

right away was in April, asked to guarantee a minimum the monthly ticket.】 马上就是四月了,求保底月票。】 Does not know that Your Lordship has what respected opinion!!” “不知主公有何高见!!” Huang Chengyan looks to sitting well above Yi Tianxing, asks. 黄承彦看向端坐在上面的易天行,开口询问道。 I look at Your Lordship am plan in advance, endowed with extraordinary intelligence, should have the methodicalness in the chest. Is willing to listen to the Your Lordship enlightening remark.” Jia Xu looked said with a smile to Yi Tianxing, that vision, as if can see clearly the will of the people. “我看主公已经是胸有成竹,智珠在握,应该早就有章法在胸。愿听主公高论。”贾诩笑着看向易天行说道,那目光,似乎能洞察人心。 In hall, everyone's discussion also follows calmly one. Looks at the vision completely to Yi Tianxing. 大厅内,所有人的议论声也不由的跟着一静。全部将目光看向易天行 Listened to everyone to say suggested that in heart some truly ideas, since everyone wanted to listen, I say, if there is anything is not right, everyone can say, profited by opinions from various sources, together plug up the leaks.” Yi Tianxing nods nods, does not have the low key to hide one's incompetence by remaining silent and so on. “听诸位所说建议,心中确实有些想法,既然大家想要听,那我就说一说,要是有什么不对,大家都可以提出来,集思广益,一起查漏补缺。”易天行颔首点点头,也没有低调藏拙什么的 The opens the mouth said: Since has stepped Path of Cultivation , everyone has been aloof mediocre, is cultivator, before, present we, can be said as in the deity the person, has divine ability, has battle power that surpasses the average man. Such being the case, I planned that the general system determination is the class nine military system.” 张口就说道:“既然已经踏上修行之路,人人都已经超脱凡俗,是修士,在以前而言,现在的我们,已经可以说是神仙中人,具有神通,有超出常人的战力。既然如此,我打算将军制确定为九品军制。” May I ask Your Lordship, what is the class nine military system?” “敢问主公,何为九品军制?” The Wu Yong bow the body inquiry said. 吴用躬身询问道。 quality step divides class nine. In the army the responsibility, military rank, contains in this class nine.” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath said. 品阶九品。军中之职责,军衔,都包含于这九品之内。”易天行深吸一口气道。 I'd like to hear the details.” Saying of Huang Chengyan also anticipation. 愿闻其详。”黄承彦也期待的说道。 I planned that in general quality step is divided into soldier and general. For heavenly soldier and heavenly general. class nine heavenly soldier, nine stars heavenly general.” The Yi Tianxing vision is certain, says decisively. “我打算将军品阶分为兵与将。为天兵天将九品天兵,九星天将。”易天行目光一定,断然开口说道。 What class nine heavenly soldier, what nine stars heavenly general.” “何谓九品天兵,何谓九星天将。” The Jia Xu vision concentrates, the opens the mouth inquired. 贾诩目光一凝,张口询问道。 class nine heavenly soldier, from low to high, is class one to class nine. class one heavenly soldier, is the ordinary sergeant, ordinary soldier. cultivation base achieves Divine Sea Realm gather qi first step, is in itself cultivator. class one heavenly soldier, military rank, military duty, is class one. If promote class two, cultivation base realm, must achieve Divine Sea Realm divine spring first step. Own merit reaches the standard, cultivation base merit, achieves, but promote, any type has not achieved, cannot promote.” 九品天兵,由低到高,为一品九品一品天兵,为普通军士,普通士兵修为达到神海境聚气一阶,本身为修士一品天兵,军衔,军职,都是一品。若要晋升二品,修为境界,必须达到神海境神泉一阶。自身功勋达到标准,修为功勋,都达到,才可晋升,任何一种未曾达到,都不能晋升。” class three heavenly soldier needs cultivation base to achieve Divine Sea Realm transforms into sea first step. Meanwhile, merit must reach the standard, class four heavenly soldier needs cultivation base to achieve Fate Aperture Realm. merit reaches the standard. Ex analogia, may achieve class nine heavenly soldier high.” 三品天兵需要修为达到神海境化海一阶。同时,功勋也必须达到标准,四品天兵需要修为达到命窍境功勋达到标准。以此类推,最高可达到九品天兵。” Yi Tianxing thinks to reveal fast the heart. 易天行快速将心中所思吐露出来。 If according to Your Lordship said, on that present Xuanhuang Town, everyone is heavenly soldier first step, but also no one can break through Fate Aperture Realm, situated in Divine Sea Realm. If runs heavenly soldier by heavenly soldier, is extremely the child's play.” “若是按照主公所说,那现在玄黄镇上,人人都是天兵一阶,还无人能够突破命窍境,都处于神海境之内。若以天兵掌管天兵,是不是太过儿戏。” Yang Yanping has doubts, says. 杨延平带着一丝疑惑,开口说道。 Truly, in present Xuanhuang Town, although is cultivator, but because cultivate time is not long, is almost in Divine Sea Realm, collecting Yi Tianxing reaches the Divine Sea Realm peak, only has the one pace from Fate Aperture Realm. But is in Divine Sea Realm. It can be imagined, Divine Sea Realm, must break through, is not that easy matter. Everyone is heavenly soldier, in some that rather honors is unattractive. 确实,现在的玄黄镇中,虽然都是修士,可因为修炼时间不长,几乎都处在神海境之内,敛易天行都是达到神海境巅峰,距离命窍境只有一步之遥。但还是处在神海境内。可想而知,神海境,要突破,也不是那么容易的事情。人人都是天兵,那就未免有些脸面上不好看。 Might as well, class one heavenly soldier is ordinary officers and soldiers, class two heavenly soldier quality step above class one heavenly soldier, there is the power of series soldier, may command nine class one heavenly soldier, in addition oneself, altogether 10 name. class three heavenly soldier may command nine class two heavenly soldier as well as subordinate. class four may command nine class three heavenly soldier. Ex analogia.” “无妨,一品天兵为普通将士,二品天兵品阶一品天兵之上,有统兵之权,可统领九名一品天兵,加上自己,一共名。三品天兵可统领九名二品天兵以及其中部属。四品可统领九名三品天兵。以此类推。” Now in the town/subdues no one can achieve the heavenly general rank military officer. First, cultivation base ; second, merit. But in the army may not the person of no series soldier. Can substitute the duty of heavenly general temporarily, itself discussed the real grade by cultivation base merit as before.” “现在镇上无人能够具有达到天将级别将领。一是修为,二是功勋。但军中不可无统兵之人。可以暂时替代天将之职,本身依旧以修为功勋真实品级。” Yi Tianxing said slowly. 易天行缓缓说道。 If, according to class nine heavenly soldier, the nine stars heavenly general military system calculates strictly, on that entire Xuanhuang Town, no one can become heavenly general, no one has the qualifications to run army. Obviously, this regarding the present, is impractical. The temporarily substituting for approach, must conduct. 若真算起来,严格按照九品天兵,九星天将的军制来计算的话,那整个玄黄镇上,没有人能够成为天将,没有人有资格掌管大军。显然,这对于现在而言,是不切实际的。暂代的做法,是必须要进行的。 But in the real army quality step, defers to the normal computation as before. Your strength is what degree, the nature, on promote to that quality step. Until truly has the heavenly general strength and merit, can exclude a temporarily substituting for two|tael character thoroughly. 真实的军中品阶,依旧是按照正常计算。你实力达到什么程度,自然,就晋升到那一个品阶。直到真正具有天将的实力与功勋,才能将暂代个字彻底剔除。 class nine heavenly soldier, nine stars heavenly general. Nine are the pinnacles. If takes this as the new military system, 九品天兵,九星天将。九为极致。若以这个为新的军制的话, Truly Ok. ” After Wu Yong ponder, nods, approves the person of same belief. in one's eyes has the different light. „The system of class nine, can definitely include heavenly soldier heavenly general. Everyone has the say/way of promote, each can see possibility that one go forward. Can give the power that everyone goes forward, the fervor of growth. If really according to the system of class nine, can the maximum stimulation each soldier regarding yearning of higher position. Moreover, understands simply, direct clear. Can see the height. quality step is placed in front of all officers and soldiers directly. Is straightforward.” 确实可以。”吴用沉思后,点点头,赞同道。眼中有异光。“九品之制,完全可以囊括天兵天将。人人都有晋升之道,每一个都能看到自身前进的可能。能给予所有人前进的动力,成长的激情。若真的按照九品之制的话,可以最大限度的激发出每一名士兵对于更高地位的向往。而且,简单明了,直接清晰。一眼就能看出高低。品阶直接摆在所有将士面前。再直白不过。” Jia Xu eye one bright, after the ponder, nods secretly. 贾诩眼睛一亮,沉思后,暗自点点头。 This system, military rank and military duty almost can perfect fusion together. You are class one heavenly soldier, that is cultivation base merit is at this level, can see the position and strength. 这种制度,军衔军职几乎可以完美的融合在一起。你是一品天兵,那就是修为功勋都处在这个层次,一眼就能看出身份地位与实力。 Can the obedience in the army. 更加可以在军中服众。 Your cultivation base is high, established merit are many enough, that becomes the military rank to be higher, no one can say any words of envy, can only go all out to pursue. Your cultivation base is high, without merit, makes the great merit, that cannot obtain promote. 修为高,立下的功勋够多,那成为军阶更高,也没有谁能说出任何妒忌的话语,只能拼命追赶。你修为再高,要是没有功勋,立下大功,那也是得不到晋升 cultivation base and strength, can obtain manifestation of most direct basic(ally) in the army. 修为与实力,可以在军中得到最直接根本的体现。 No one could say no. 谁都说不出半个不字。 Could not say the least bit idle talk. 说不出半点闲话。 To reside in high, that must have enough cultivation base and merit, this is in the army basic(ally) of obedience, your cultivation base is not high, cannot suppress officers and soldiers, your merit are not enough, does not have the means to let believe, prestige on promotion. Otherwise, cultivation base and merit achieve, where that arrives, in the army, was respected, can be convincing in first time. 要想居于高位,那就要有足够的修为功勋,这都是军中服众的根本,你修为不高,就压制不住手下的将士,你功勋不够多,就没有办法让手下信服,威信就提升不上去。反之,修为功勋都达到,那走到哪里,在军中,都是受到尊重,能在第一时间让人信服。 Regarding running the army and ensure in the army the harmony, has the immense advantage. 对于掌管军队,保证军中和谐,有着巨大的好处。 In the army, only takes powerhouse, only looks at merit. This is most basic(ally), most direct thing. 军中,只服强者,只看功勋。这就是最根本,最直接的东西。 But the Yi Tianxing's military system, these things, the clear swayed in the front, is placed in all army before a person. 易天行的军制,就是将这些东西,明明白白的摆在面前,摆在所有军人面前 This is a very bold approach, if in secular, does that might initiate various consequence hidden dangers. But here. A hidden danger does not have, in cultivator, obeys powerhouse. This point, can in the incisiveness that in the army displays. 这是一种很大胆的做法,要是在世俗中,这么做,有可能会引发出各种后果隐患。但在这里。却一点隐患都没有,修士之中,更加服从强者。这一点,可以在军中表现的淋漓尽致。 „The class nine military system, is truly feasible. Let each officers and soldiers have the opportunity of promote, everyone has the opportunity, everyone to turn into a dragon. The road of promote can see.” Master Lu also nods, expressed the support. 九品军制,确实可行。让每一名将士都有晋升之机,人人有机会,人人可成龙。是可以看得到的晋升之路。”鲁师也点点头,表示赞同。 Now, in advance, is really in the town/subdues officers and soldiers cultivation base has not somewhat been that level. That altitude. But more is in the future, more is will grow, this class nine military system, can complete displaying. Finally becomes the methodicalness. Implements in the army. All officers and soldiers spontaneous maintains. Any officers and soldiers will not undermine this system. 只是,现在而言,有些超前,实在是镇上将士修为还没有达到那种层次。那种高度。但越是往后,越是成长起来,这九品军制,就能够完全的施展。最终成为章法。贯彻到军中。所有将士都会自发的进行维护。任何将士都不会破坏这种制度。 Because they in this class nine military system, can see , the road of promote can touch. 因为他们在这九品军制中,能看到实实在在,可以触摸到的晋升之路。 It is not nihility is indistinct, does not need recognize as a superior officer. So long as cultivation base achieves, merit achieves, can voluntarily promote. No one is able to prevent. So long as there is an ability, even if loser can also the counterattack. 再不是虚无缥缈,再不是需要上官赏识。只要修为达到,功勋达到,就可以自行晋升。谁都无法阻挡。只要有才能,哪怕是屌丝也能逆袭。 Does not want to become general soldier, is not good soldier. 不想成为将军士兵,不是好士兵 Words that but, must implement, but also needs the careful ginseng/partake to grind 1~2.” Huang Chengyan says. “不过,要实施的话,还需要仔细参研一二。”黄承彦开口说道。 This so.” Yi Tianxing also nods to say. “正该如此。”易天行也点头说道。 He proposed that is only a general frame, concrete established law, but also needs to discuss carefully, finally can formulate thoroughly, and even is implements. 他提出的,只是一种大概的框架,具体的成法,还需要仔细的商议一下,最终才可以彻底制定出来,乃至是实施下去。 After the basic approval conducts the class nine military system. 在基本赞同进行九品军制后。 In the main hall, the group start the unceasing discussion immediately, deliberates its hitting the target deficiency, makes up. Plug up the leaks. 大殿中,一行人顿时开始不断的商议起来,推敲其中的不足之处,进行弥补。查漏补缺。 Unknowingly, time unexpectedly toward noon. 不知不觉中,时间竟然临近中午。 But class nine military system , the forming, is finally completed gradually, was recorded. 九品军制,也渐渐成形,最终完成,被记录下来。 Only needs to discuss again several times, after deliberates, can form truly, implements thoroughly. Even is the present has been able to implement, other, are the negligible sections, even if some careless mistakes, can make up. 只需要再商议几次,推敲过后,就可以真正成形,彻底实施下去。甚至是现在已经可以实施下去,其他的,都是微末小节,哪怕有些纰漏,也可以弥补过去。 Good, waits for after the parliament, immediately issues to announce, to entire Xuanhuang Town, announced the class nine military system. In barrack, starts to apply the class nine military system immediately.” Finally, the Yi Tianxing decisive decision makes the decision. “好,等议会过后,立即发布公告,向整个玄黄镇,公布九品军制。在军营之中,立即开始施行九品军制。”最终,易天行果断的拍板做出决定。 The class nine military system, must take effect . Moreover, the quicker the better. 九品军制,必须要施行,而且,是越快越好。 Not can only stimulate in the army the heart of grow stronger. Can stabilize the morale of troops. Stimulates in the town/subdues the heart of common people enlistment. 不仅能激发出军中变强之心。更能稳定军心。激发出镇上百姓参军之心。 Has not hesitated. 没有迟疑。 The parliament arrived here, has started to finish. After order, everyone naturally leaves, but on the face, in the mind transmits intermittent shock. They just participated in a related entire Xuanhuang Town future important matter. 议会到这里,已经开始结束。在一声令下后,所有人自然离开,但在脸上,心神中都传递出阵阵的震撼。他们刚刚就参与了一次有关整个玄黄镇未来的大事。 The innovation of this military system, can be involved, is inestimable good fortune. 这种军制的革新,能参与其中,都是一种不可估量的造化 After this must place, turns into the 100 year sufficiently, the thousand year subject. 这要放在以后,足以变成年,年的谈资。 master, Lady Mu has waked up.” 主人,穆姑娘已经醒来了。” In the hall, Yi Tianxing also goes out slowly, Cao Zhengchun says suddenly. 大厅中,易天行也缓缓走出,曹正淳突然开口说道。 „, When wakes up.” “哦,什么时候醒来的。” Yi Tianxing flashes through an interest, in the heart also emerges a bit of relaxedness. 易天行闪过一丝兴趣,心中也涌现出一丝轻松。 Although has the self-confidence regarding transforming spirit true liquid, but, before has not woken up, in the heart somewhat lacks self-confidence. Now hears to wake up, naturally showed, this transforming spirit true liquid mystical is truly incomparable. 虽然对于化灵真液有自信,不过,没有醒来前心中还是有些没有底。现在听到醒来,自然证明,这化灵真液确实神异无比。 Most essential is, he is interested in that Lady Mu very much. 最关键是,他对那穆姑娘很感兴趣。 Does not know that actually she is legend hitting the target that female hero female.” Yi Tianxing has an anticipation twittering said. “不知道她究竟是不是传说中的那位巾帼女子。”易天行带着一丝期待的呢喃道。 Walks, has a look.” “走,去看看。” The Yi Tianxing movement footsteps, walk toward the backyard guest room. 易天行移动脚步,朝着后院客房走去。 Originally is Guiying younger sister, later our sisters, here I alone, currently have younger sister symmetrially in, later also some people spoke to chat together.” “原来是桂英妹妹,以后我们姐妹相称就可以,之前这里就我一个人,现在有妹妹在,以后也有人一起说话聊天。” Zhaoji elder sister, here is Xuanhuang Town, before really gave to defeat foreign race army, must know that these foreign race are very powerful. Our mankind strength was really weak, basic(ally) is unable to fight with all might with these foreign race.” 昭姬姐姐,这里就是玄黄镇么,之前真的将异族大军都给打败了,要知道那些异族可是很强大的。我们人类的实力实在是太弱了,根本无法跟那些异族拼杀。” The clear voice resounds together. 一道清脆的话音响起。 foreign race, although powerful, but, our humanity is not a weak one, even if the body is inborn, can actually through cultivate fast grow stronger, so long as unites, even foreign race, cannot insult us in the same old way.” 异族虽然强大,不过,我们人族也不是弱者,哪怕身体天生羸弱,却能够通过修炼快速变强,只要团结起来,就算是异族,也照样不能欺辱我们。” In close to the room, a dialogue passes to the ear. 在靠近房间时,一段对话传到耳中。 Please remember this book first round domain name: www.4020.la. 4020 novel net cell phone version reading websites: m.4020. la 请记住本书首发域名:www.4020.la。4020小说网手机版阅读网址:m.4020.la
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