EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#364: Discussion

Done good, naturally can continue, becomes law of the firm strengthening of the armed forces, done is not good, might have various consequence hidden dangers , this will be the army, will not be other. Once the army has problems, the produced future trouble will be more fearful. Leaves a legacy of trouble infinitely, this was also Yi Tianxing before, not the reason of large-scale modification military system. 做的好,自然可以一直延续下去,成为一条坚定的强军之法,做的不好,就有可能会产生各种后果隐患,要知道,这是军队,不是别的。军队一旦出了问题,产生的后患就会更加可怕。遗祸无穷,这也是易天行在之前,并没有大规模的改动军制的原因。 First, not to need, after all the quantity of army are not many ; second, with the aid of beforehand mature system, can better control. 一是没有必要,毕竟军队的数量不算多,二是借助以前的成熟体系,可以更好的把控。 But now is not good, the quantity of army has been increasing rapidly, for serveral days, the young man of registration, the quantity has reached several thousands, the most conservative estimate, the Xuanhuang Town hitting the target army, may achieve 100,000. 但现在不行,军队的数量已经在飞速增加,这些天,报名参军的年轻男子,数量已经达到数万之多,最保守的估计,玄黄镇中的军队,有可能达到十万之多。 This, must conduct the military system innovation. 这一来,就必须要进行军制革新。 This is just founded the base industry the time, is easiest to conduct the change time. Also is the resistance minimum time. 这是刚刚开创基业的时候,是最容易进行改变的时候。也是阻力最小的时刻。 Does not innovate, if later wants to continue, before has been familiar with, officers and soldiers of military system, will have various types not to adapt. 再不进行革新,以后要想继续,已经习惯以前军制的将士,会产生各种不适应。 Your Lordship, household register statistical work completed similar on Xuanhuang Town, according to the statistics, the number of household register registration, nowadays the common people quantity on our town/subdues, has achieved the 334,721 name. And, the quantity of military roll achieves the 63,800 name. People is the 270,721 name, no matter the people military roll, the quantity is increasing unceasingly. Every day has a several hundreds of thousands external refugee to join our Xuanhuang Town. How long could not want, the common people quantity will break through 400,000, even was more.” 主公,玄黄镇上的户籍统计工作已经完成的差不多,根据统计,户籍登记的数目,现今我们镇上的百姓数量,已经达到三十三万四千七百二十一名。其中,军籍的数量达到六万三千八百名。民籍为二十七万零九百二十一名,不管是民籍还是军籍,数量都在不断增加。每天都有数百上千名外来难民加入我们玄黄镇。要不了多久,百姓的数量就会突破到四十万,甚至是更多。” When Jia Yucun first goes forward, stands in the middle, opens the mouth to report the report. 贾雨村当先上前,站立在中间,开口禀报道。 The data of population, has long existed in the mind, at any time can familiar told. This is not talent, but is the Houtian (day after tomorrow) effort. He longs for that can have the opportunity of performance. hall lord as Heavenly Registry Hall, he cannot disappoint oneself status and responsibility absolutely. 人口的数据,早就存在于脑海中,任何时候都能如数家珍的诉说出来。这不是天赋,而是后天的努力。他渴望能有表现的机会。身为天籍殿殿主,他就绝对不能辜负自己的身份与职责。 Em, very good, but also there is anything to say.” “恩,很好,还有什么要说的么。” Yi Tianxing nods secretly, this number, can say, in surrounding area 10,000 li, which influence was absolutely impossible to compare favorably. So long as gives time , to continue, 400,000, 500,000, even is 1 million is a cinch. Sooner or later will achieve. 易天行暗自点点头,这个数字,可以说,在方圆万里之内,绝对不可能有哪个势力可以媲美得了的。只要给予时间,持续下去,四十万,五十万,甚至是一百万都不在话下。迟早会达到。 Heavenly Registry Hall not important matter.” 天籍殿并无大事。” Jia Yucun respectful saying, draws back later into one side. 贾雨村恭敬的说道,随后就退入一旁。 In Myriad Treasures Hall, because with locates village to trade together respectively, transaction. Large quantities of grain of original accumulation, have consumed one now less than half, other grain, must support about the current consumption of 400,000 common people, the pressure is big, I proposed, now should continue to open up the open land, plants the grain, plants various vegetables fruits and melons. As far as possible in guarantee town/subdues food supply.” Xue Jin goes forward one step, opens the mouth to report the report. 万宝殿中因为与各处村寨通商,交易。原先积累的大批粮食,现在已经消耗一小半,其余的粮食,要支持将近四十万百姓的日常消耗,压力不小,我提议,现在应该继续开垦荒地,栽种粮食,种植各种蔬菜瓜果。尽量保证镇上粮食供应。”薛金上前一步,开口禀报道。 Grain in the tumultuous times, is the foundation of foundation. Now crossed foreign race war a time, after winning, the brought deterrent effect, should be able to shock foreign race temporarily, as for ominous beasts and birds, in strength by town/subdues, so long as ominous beast quality step is not too strong, can definitely resist, opens up the open land, plants the grain, truly is imperative. This matter, is arranged by Elderly Huang, starts as soon as possible, Eternal Continent heavenly qi who perhaps, can more plant the grain to be safer quickly.” “粮食在乱世中,为根基之本。现在渡过一次异族大战,获胜后,带来的震慑力,应该可以暂时震慑住异族,至于凶兽凶禽,凭借镇上的力量,只要来的凶兽品阶不是太强,完全可以抵挡,重新开垦荒地,栽种粮食,确实是势在必行。这件事,由黄老安排,尽快开始,永恒大陆天气谁都说不定,能越快栽种出粮食就越稳妥。” Yi Tianxing approves the person of same belief without hesitation. 易天行毫不犹豫的赞同道。 Grain quantity that several 100,000 population, consume every day, is a quite shocking number. On Eternal Continent, plants the grain, the output is high enough . Moreover, the mature cycle is very short, only feared that has consumed. 十万的人口,每天消耗的粮食数量,都是一个相当惊人的数字。要不是在永恒大陆上,栽种粮食,产量够高,而且,成熟的周期很短,只怕早就消耗一空了。 The grain is the stable foundation, cannot have any mistake absolutely. 粮食是稳定的根基,是绝对不能出现任何差错。 Waits for after parliaments, I arrange common people to continue to open up the open land, plants the grain. This planting, the old man suggested, wants the expansion, as far as possible plants various high yield the species, I remember, not only there is an ordinary grain, the potato, the sweet potato sweet potato, the corn and other high yield of the grains plants, plants, the output can be safeguarded. Moreover, the grain on town/subdues, sufficiently support to first batch of rice seed mature periods.” “等议会过后,我就安排百姓继续开垦荒地,栽种粮食。这次栽种,老夫建议,一定要扩大规模,尽可能的栽种各种高产量的物种,我记得,不仅有普通的粮食,还有土豆,红薯番薯,玉米等高产量的粮种,栽种下去,产量可以得到保障。而且,镇上的粮食,足以支撑到第一批稻种成熟之期。” Huang Chengyan nods nods, said decisively. 黄承彦颔首点点头,断然说道。 Before various Yi Tianxing acquired seeds, may not only be only the vegetables fruits and melons, like the corn, the sweet potato and other grains of high yield planted the seed, 之前易天行收集到的各种种子,可不仅仅只是蔬菜瓜果,像玉米,番薯等这些高产量的粮种种子, Stored up, before were not perhaps many, but planted one batch in Elixir Field fate aperture in advance. Under the quantity increases unceasingly, has been able to satisfy planting of mass. Before this is Great Catastrophe , after being ready, advantage. The material reserves, can definitely achieve second to none. 都储存了一些,之前或许不多,但又在丹田命窍中先行栽种了一批。数量不断增加下,已经可以满足大批量的栽种。这就是大灾变前做好准备后拥有的好处。物资储备上,完全可以做到首屈一指。 Food basically, the vegetables can plant, does not think that other village, wants to plant, could not find the seed. This is inside information. 基本上的食物,蔬菜都能自行栽种,不想别的村寨,想要栽种,都找不到种子。这就是底蕴 Your Lordship, I and Wang Brother studied diligently Foundation Pill Classic recently, in addition regarding the medical principles property understanding, had prepared to run to refine pill medicine, but, before then, but also needs to build pill furnace, collects sufficient medicinal material, can begin to refine.” 主公,我与王兄最近钻研基础丹经,加上原先自身对于医理药性的了解,已经准备开炉炼制丹药,不过,在这之前,还需要打造出丹炉,收集到充足的药材,才可以着手炼制。” Qiu Weiming also says. 邱未明也开口说道。 The refine pill nature, pill furnace is the most important tool. 炼丹自然,丹炉是首要的工具。 Master Lu, does not know that dao pill furnace Pavilion of Heavenly Crafts can build.” Yi Tianxing nods nods, looks to Master Lu, inquired. 鲁师,不知道丹天工阁能不能打造。”易天行颔首点点头,看向鲁师,询问道。 „Before underground found scarlet copper mine, can definitely build pill furnace with scarlet copper. In addition has Your Lordship rare treasure Heavenly Fire Smelting Furnace, can smelt scarlet copper mine rapidly, quenchings the material, must build, is not difficult.” “之前在地下找到赤铜矿,完全可以用赤铜打造丹炉。再加上有主公异宝天火熔炉在,可以迅速熔炼赤铜矿,淬炼材料,要打造出来,并不难。” Master Lu hesitates is saying. 鲁师沉吟着开口说道。 Good, the casting pill furnace matter is responsible for by Pavilion of Heavenly Crafts, Heavenly Fire Smelting Furnace can give the Pavilion of Heavenly Crafts use. The multi- casting have several pill furnace. In Merits and Virtue Hall will issue that collects medicinal material quest, receives quest, collects medicinal material, can obtain merit points.” “那好,铸造丹炉的事情就由天工阁负责,天火熔炉可以交给天工阁使用。多铸造出几尊丹炉功德殿中会发布一些收集药材任务,领取任务,收集药材,可以得到功勋点。” Yi Tianxing nods to say. 易天行点点头说道。 refine pill is the good deed, regarding entire Xuanhuang Town, is the important matter. So long as can refine, If nothing else, later in the town/subdues common people cultivate got up, the speed will be faster, various safeguards have therefore been promoted. 炼丹是好事,对于整个玄黄镇来说,也是大事。只要能炼制出来,别的不说,以后镇上百姓修炼起来,速度会更快,各种保障都会因此而得到提升。 Many thanks Your Lordship.” “多谢主公。” Qiu Weiming, Wang Fengshan two|tael hears, is the complexion great happiness, a bow the body ritual said. In heart regarding refining pill medicine, is the anticipation is incomparable. 邱未明,王凤山个听到,都是脸色大喜,躬身一礼道。心中对于炼制丹药,已经是期待无比。 Your Lordship, in the town/subdues common people rapidly increases now, the external village quantity multiplies, the will of the people are complex, the subordinate suggested to expand Six Doors, recruited bailiff.” Zhang Yue also goes forward to say. Although also has no big calamity now, but the common people quantity rapidly increases, various relations become correspondingly are also complex, in the town/subdues also no, but in market, many village arrives, exchanges, will become complex. The manpower are insufficient. 主公,如今镇上百姓急剧增加,外来村寨数量倍增,人心复杂,属下建议扩充六扇门,招收捕快。”张岳也上前说道。虽然现在还没有什么大乱子,但百姓数量急剧增加,各种关系也变得相应复杂起来,镇上还没有什么,但在坊市中,更多村寨抵达,交流起来,就会变得复杂。人手不够。 Allows to recruit bailiff, recruitment originally experienced bailiff as far as possible. This can a quicker familiar revolution.” “准许招收捕快,尽可能的招收原先有经验的捕快。这样可以更快熟悉运转。” Yi Tianxing nod approval. 易天行点头准许。 ............. ............. Afterward was something raised, making Yi Tianxing make the decision, was good because, many trivial matters have processed, Elderly Huang they have processed appropriately, attained here, was some need Yi Tianxing makes the decision personally the matter. 随后又是一些事物提了出来,让易天行做出决定,好在,很多琐事都已经处理好,黄老他们早就已经处理妥当,拿到这里来说的,都是一些需要易天行亲自做决定的事情。 Similar that unknowingly, all things have processed. 不知不觉中,所有事物已经处理的差不多。 Yi Tianxing looks all around under the hall, says: Good, these things have processed, now everyone discusses the matter of military system innovation. Does not know that everyone does have the good suggestion, the idea. At the present, can propose at will. If can accept, has merit.” 易天行环顾堂下,开口说道:“好,这些事物已经处理完毕,现在大家就议一议军制革新之事。不知道诸位有没有好的建议,想法。在如今,都可以随意提出。若能采纳,都有功勋。” The military system is the important matter, cannot be equal to the child's play. 军制是大事,不能等同儿戏。 Profiting by opinions from various sources is the correct principle. 集思广益才是正理。 Before therefore with Huang Chengyan, Master Lu, even is Yang Ye has discussed together, but is the simple discussions. It is not able to form to execute. Official execution. 之前所以与黄承彦,鲁师,甚至是杨业都一起商谈过,但都是简单的商议。无法形成正法。正式施行。 Before the military system had many types, had in own army toward various generations respectively the system. For example, in the Han Dynasty period, Israeli troops, section, tune, village, team, wha, Wu to come differentiates quality step, formulates military rank. Runs the army high and low. When afterward military system, Ming Dynasty, to direct to cause, the thousand household, the 100 household, the pennant, the sergeant wait/etc. formulated in the army quality step. However, these are the old systems, must innovate, naturally must weed through the old to bring forth the new. In addition sets up the fire pivot, these, can only play the reference, cannot be the outside and inside.” “以前军制有很多种,各朝各代都有属于自己的军中制度。比如,在汉朝时期,以军,部,曲,屯,队,什,伍来区分品阶,制定军衔。掌管军队上下。后来的军制,明朝时,以指挥使,户,户,小旗,军士等等来制定军中品阶。不过,这些都是旧制,要革新,自然要推陈出新。另立炉灶,这些,只能起到参考,不能作为表里。” Jia Xu at this time, says. 贾诩在这时,也开口说道。 He is military counselor, almost in has been wanted the military system innovation, has come and gone out in Hidden Classics Pavilion, to makes certain understanding toward various generation of military system quality step of respectively, is very naturally clear, if must place on Xuanhuang Town, these military systems, some are inappropriate. Does not cut the matters concerned. After all, this is immortal town, is army that cultivator composes. Must have own characteristics. 他是军师,几乎在得到要军制革新时,就已经出入藏经阁中,对各朝各代的军制品阶都做出一定的了解,自然很清楚,现在若是要放在玄黄镇上,这些军制,都有些不合适。不切事宜。毕竟,这是仙镇,是修士组成的军队。应当有属于自己的特色。 Good, I believe, the army is the cultivator composition, does not need to be complex, instead is simpler is better, in the army the matter, rather takes in straight.” Yang Ye also nods to approve the person of same belief. “不错,我认为,军队本身就是修士组成,不需要复杂,反而越简单越好,军中之事,宁在直中取。”杨业也点头赞同道。 In the military system, complex instead is not extremely good, is simple, more understands, can make all officers and soldiers see the road of promote. Can witness the way forward and Hope. 军制上,太过复杂反而不好,越是简单,越是明了,就越加能让所有将士看到晋升之路。能亲眼目睹到前进的道路与希望 Commander who before tested, Brigade commander, in corps head, was complex, with cultivator, was somewhat out of sorts. When abolishes.” Master Lu says. “之前试用的军长,旅长,团长之内的,也过于复杂,与修士而言,有些违和。当废除。”鲁师开口说道。 Before the military system, the line of duty, was divided into military rank and military duty. This some are rather impetuous, in army matter, when takes practically as basic(ally). I suggested, the new military system, must general hold with military duty fuses together, military rank is military duty, military duty is military rank.” “以前军制,军中职务,分为军衔军职。这未免有些过于浮躁,军中之事,当以务实为根本。我建议,新的军制,应当将军衔与军职融为一体,军衔就是军职,军职就是军衔。” Wu Yong vision one revolution, in the hand the feather fan swung swinging, opens the mouth to suggest. 吴用目光一转,手中羽扇摇了摇,开口建议道。 ........... ........... time, in the main hall, talked, unceasing put forward the respective proposal , the determination, must formulate the new military system, this point, affirmed finally. But how must do specifically. Does not have the means to complete the unification. 时间,在大殿中,你一言我一语,不断的提出各自的建议,也都确定,要制定新的军制,这一点,是最终肯定的。但具体要如何做。还是没有办法完成统一。 Yi Tianxing has not interrupted, but calmly is listening attentively, is listening to their suggestion, their thought. Gathers in own mind, unceasing conformity together, in addition already already some general frame. 易天行并没有插嘴,只是静静倾听着,听着他们的建议,他们的思想。汇聚在自己脑海中,不断的整合在一起,再加上自己早就已经有的大概框架。 Unknowingly, the frame of military system has appeared in the mind. 不知不觉中,军制的框架已经出现在脑海中。 Before respectively toward various generation of military systems was unrecommendable. Cannot move completely. With Han Dynasty, in the later period, this general, that general, actually basic(ally) on the resolution these general was what grade. 以前各朝各代的军制是不可取的。是不能完全搬过来。就拿汉代来说,在后期,这种将军,那种将军的,根本就分辨不出这些将军究竟是什么品级的。 Looks lets person scalp tingles. A dizziness. 看上去就让人头皮发麻。一阵头晕。 That is completely the mess. The military system was chaotic, the world does not think difficultly randomly. 那完全就是一团糟。军制都乱了,天下想不乱都难。 The stability of army, is all basic(ally). 军队的稳定,才是一切的根本 Army military system, simply is better, military rank and military duty are in one. In this case, that can this.” “军队军制,越简单越好,军衔军职合为一体。这样的话,那就可以这样做。” Yi Tianxing in one's eyes flashes through a different light, decides to discuss secretly. 易天行眼中闪过一丝异光,暗自定念道。 Please remember this book first round domain name: www.4020.la. 4020 novel net cell phone version reading websites: m.4020. la 请记住本书首发域名:www.4020.la。4020小说网手机版阅读网址:m.4020.la
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