EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#363: Treatment

I want!!” “我愿意!!” Cai Yan hears, on the face reveals wipes the heartfelt smiling face, complies to say in a soft voice. In the words, can listen to a firmness. 蔡琰听到,脸上露出一抹由衷的笑容,轻声答应道。话中,能听出一种坚定。 Good, we choose a day, displays a banquet in the town/subdues. After this, I am your husband, you are my wife!!” Yi Tianxing hears, in the heart also emerges warm feeling. “那好,我们选一个日子,在镇上摆上一场酒席。从此之后,我是你的丈夫,你是我的妻!!”易天行听到,心中也涌现出一股暖意。 Regarding Cai Yan, was together for serveral days, has been the sentiment elevates temperature unceasingly. Each other dear friend has loved one another. Being married is mutual consent. Cai Yan has the preparation, but opens the mouth personally that's all and other Yi Tianxing. 对于蔡琰,这些天相处下来,早就是感情不断升温。早已经是彼此相知相恋。谈婚论嫁都是你情我愿蔡琰对此早已经有了心理准备,只是在等易天行亲自开口而已 After all, she is a girl, needs an face. 毕竟,她是女孩子,怎么也需要一点脸面。 All you take responsibility well by Big Brother Yi. Zhaoji does not have the opinion.” “一切都由易大哥你做主就好。昭姬没有意见。” On the Cai Yan face appears charming. 蔡琰脸上浮现出一丝娇羞。 This type should be the matter that both parents discussed suspends front, heart hitting the target could be imagined shyly. 这种本来应该是双方父母商议的事情摆到面前,心中的羞涩可想而知。 Waits for I make Cao Zhengchun get down the preparation.” “等一下我就让曹正淳下去准备。” Thinks that the so attractive outstandingly beautiful talented woman, how long could not want to become oneself wife, in Yi Tianxing heart also gave birth to fiery, can hug so the beautiful woman to sleep together, that feeling, as long as was the man, is unable tranquility easily. 想到如此灵秀的绝色才女,要不了多久就要成为自己的妻子,易天行心中也不由的生出一阵火热,能抱着如此美人一起睡觉,那种感觉,但凡是男人,都无法轻易的平静。 Right, Lady Mu in home, you do not have the matter to go out yesterday temporarily, Physician Qiu they have come to see, takes Moon Well Water, the injury in within the body has basically recovered, but the injury on soul actually needs to wait for you to come back, has a look at the means.” “对了,穆姑娘不是在家中么,昨天你临时有事外出,邱大夫他们来看过,服用月亮井水,体内的伤势基本已经复原,但灵魂上的伤势却需要等你回来,看看有没有办法。” Cai Yan voice one revolution, said suddenly. 蔡琰话音一转,突然说道。 She has looked at that Lady Mu, truly is gallant, female hero not conceding to men. The body has unique makings, making one have a liking for one, will have the profound impression. 她去看过那位穆姑娘,确实是英气逼人,巾帼不让须眉。身上有一种独特气质,让人看上一眼,就会不由的生出深刻的印象。 Em, perhaps if before yesterday, I also had no good way, but, wants the damage on healing soul now, was not the difficult matter. Yesterday was the weather is late gradually, in addition injury short time on soul will not produce the too big accident, therefore has not worried, was inferior that now how we have a look.” Yi Tianxing hears, gives a calm smile. “恩,若是在昨天之前,或许我还没有什么好办法,不过,现在要治疗灵魂上的损伤,并不是什么难事。昨天是天色已经渐晚,再加上灵魂上的伤势短时间也不会产生太大的变故,所以就没有着急过去,不如我们现在就去看看如何。”易天行听到,淡然一笑。 Em!! Since there is means that that naturally more treats and cures early is better, if Lady Mu wakes up, Zhaoji can also on many good friend bosom friend.” Cai Yan nods to say with a smile. “恩!!既然有办法,那自然越早救治越好,要是穆姑娘醒来,昭姬也能多上一位好友闺蜜。”蔡琰笑着点点头说道。 In Xuanhuang Town, because although and relations between Yi Tianxing, in the town/subdues, where almost arrive, was respected, but does not have to have a heart-to-heart talk truly, object of chat. Does not have including a good friend. 玄黄镇中,虽然因为跟易天行之间的关系,在镇上,几乎走到哪里,都是受到尊重,不过却没有真正能相互交心,聊天的对象。连一位好友都没有。 She looked that this Lady Mu sense impression is good. 她看这穆姑娘就感觉印象不错。 If regains consciousness, not necessarily cannot become the good friend. 若是苏醒,未必不能成为好友。 Such in town/subdues, can some good friends chat, spoke the private words. 那样在镇上,也能有好友聊天,说说私密话。 Has not hesitated, the two|tael person moves toward a guest room hand in hand. 没有迟疑,人携手走向一间客房。 dōng dōng dōng!! 咚咚咚!! Knocks on a door, the door opens, can see impressively, Mu Yu in inside, obviously, is looking after the daughter. in one's eyes can see a faint trace wisps of blood veins. Yesterday evening, has not closed the eyes. 敲了敲门,房门打开,赫然可以看到,穆羽正在里面,显然,是在照看着女儿。眼中能看到一丝丝的血丝。昨天晚上,并没有怎么合眼。 Is hoping the daughter can wake up, said words with him. 期盼着女儿能够醒来,跟他开口说句话。 Has saying that arrives in Xuanhuang Town, letting him to revive to give birth to intense Hope to the daughter, Moon Well Water, lets similar that the fleshly body injury restores merely, this regarding in originally knockoff, coming out that the contrast that had not healed, big of disparity, can look. 不得不说,来到玄黄镇中,让他对女儿能苏醒过来生出强烈的希望,仅仅月亮井水,就让肉身伤势恢复的差不多,这对于在原先山寨中,一直都没有愈合的对比,差距之大,一眼就能看的出来。 Do not say, in knockoff, there is physician, actually without seeing this injury injures to soul, on Xuanhuang Town, can diagnose is soul is damaged, causes the stupor. In the heart also has the strong confidence to the thorough cure. 更加不要说,之前在山寨中,也有大夫,却没有看出这种伤势是伤到灵魂,在玄黄镇上,一眼就能诊断出是灵魂受到损伤,致使昏迷。心中也对彻底治愈生出强烈的信心。 Is Town Head Yi, you came back finally. Good.” The joy on Mu Yu face is coming out that anybody can look. “是易镇长,你终于回来了。太好了。”穆羽脸上的欣喜是任何人都能看的出来的。 Innermost feelings hitting the target is joyful, heartfelt realization on face. 内心中的喜悦,由衷的变现在脸上。 Old Uncle Mu, does not know that Lady Mu how, the situation is improved now.” Cai Yan also asks with a smile. 穆伯父,不知道穆姑娘现在如何,情况有没有好转。”蔡琰也笑着开口询问道。 Has taken Moon Well Water, the injury in within the body already similar that restores, before facial expression compared with, on good too much. The injury on soul never sees the restoration, in the stupor, does not see to wake up as before.” On Mu Yu face mixed blessing. “服用过月亮井水,体内的伤势已经恢复的差不多,气色比起以前,已经好上太多。只是,灵魂上的伤势始终不见恢复,依旧处在昏迷之中,不见醒来。”穆羽脸上有喜有忧。 Might as well make me go to have a look at Lady Mu. The injury on soul, “不如让我进去看看穆姑娘灵魂上的伤势, Must cure, although difficult, the goods that needs all are rare and valuable rare treasure, but, compares the life-saving, some treasures are also minor matter that's all. ” Yi Tianxing tranquil saying. 要治愈虽然困难,所需要的物品无不是奇珍异宝,不过,相比救人而言,一些珍宝也不过是小事而已。”易天行平静的说道。 Please!!” “请!!” Mu Yu hear, in the Yi Tianxing hand this has rare treasure that can the healing soul injury, in the heart the great happiness, these rare treasure are precious, later at the worst thinks the means repayment is, daughter who his most Hope sees regains consciousness, is well is most important. 穆羽听的出,易天行手中这是有能治疗灵魂伤势的异宝,心中不由大喜,这些异宝再珍贵,以后大不了想办法偿还就是,他最希望看到的还是女儿苏醒,平安无事才是最重要的。 Good wonderful female.” “好一位奇女子。” Enters the room, the graceful young female calmly is lying on the bed together. 进入房间,一道婀娜多姿的妙龄女子正静静躺在床上。 Yesterday when compares just saw, on her face obviously are many a ruddiness, life force. Obviously. This is the indication that the injury restores. 相比昨天刚刚见到时,她的脸上明显多出一丝红润,一丝生机。显然。这是伤势恢复的征兆。 Even if lying dormant, can feel a difficult word on his body the heroic spirit. 哪怕是沉睡,也能在其身上感受到一种难言的英气。 Stands before the bed, the intention moves, mental power directly on the female survey toward the bed in the past, entered within the body together. Feels instantaneously, transmits one weak that from his body, Power of the Soul, in within the body, as if in remaining years of life like wind. Haze seems to be covering her consciousness. 站立在床前,心念一动间,一道精神力直接朝着床上女子探测过去,进入体内。瞬间就感觉到,从其身上传递出的一种虚弱,灵魂之力,在体内,似乎如同风中残烛。有一股阴霾似乎笼罩着她的意识。 What kind of?” “怎么样?” Cai Yan sees Yi Tianxing to take back mental power, inquired hastily. 蔡琰看到易天行收回精神力,连忙询问道。 soul was truly damaged.” Yi Tianxing said. 灵魂确实受到损伤。”易天行说道。 Has the means cure. So long as can save my daughter, any price I am willing to pay, later my life, is Town Head Yi your.” Mu Yu saying without hesitation. “有没有办法治愈。只要能救我女儿,任何代价我都愿意付出,以后我这条命,就是易镇长你的。”穆羽毫不犹豫的说道。 Fellow Daoist Mu spoke discreetly, rescues the Lady Mu matter, this was I have complied, naturally can achieve, does not need so.” Yi Tianxing said with a smile, in the hand puts out gourd. 穆道友言重了,救穆姑娘的事情,这是我早就已经答应的,自然会做到,没有必要如此。”易天行笑着说道,手中拿出一口葫芦 Meanwhile, puts out a jade bowl, in the bowl, fills to the brim Moon Well Water, clear sends out graceful moonlight like amber well water, appears very|10 points mystical. Afterward, pours drop of transforming spirit true liquid from gourd. Just, this drop of transforming spirit true liquid in midair float, was divided half, only then half drop drops toward the bowl. 同时,拿出一只玉碗,在碗中,倒满月亮井水,晶莹如琥珀般的井水散发出盈盈月光,显得十分神异。随后,又从葫芦中倒出一滴化灵真液。只不过,这滴化灵真液在半空中悬浮,又被分割出一半,只有半滴朝着碗中滴落下去。 dī dā!! 滴答!! In clear sound, transforming spirit true liquid drops in the bowl, immediately, sees, in the bowl, sent out moonlight well water, one exaggerates light golden. Sends out the delicate fragrance, making one smell, had the misconception that mental inspired greatly, very|10 points mystical. 一声清脆响声中,化灵真液落进碗中,随即,就看到,在碗内,本来散发出月光井水,一下渲染成淡淡的金色。散发出清香,令人闻到,都有种精神大振的错觉,十分神异 Mu Yu sees in side, a in one's eyes anticipation, from the Yi Tianxing's movement, has guessed that golden liquid definitely is not the common treasure, drop of liquid was cut two|tael half. Drops in the bowl, sends out the delicate fragrance. In the heart regarding curing daughter's Hope is more intense. 穆羽在旁边看到,眼中一阵期待,从易天行的动作上,已经猜测出,那金色的液体肯定不是寻常的珍宝,一滴液体都被切割成半。落进碗中,都散发出清香。心中对于治愈女儿的希望更加强烈。 This bowl, is not only Moon Well Water, but also integrates half drop of transforming spirit true liquid, Moon Well Water has the cure injury, the warm and nourish soul effect, transforming spirit true liquid nourishes strong soul treasured medicine. both sides fuses together, has to cure soul, the nutritious soul effect, feeds your daughter clothing/taking to get down it, the damage on soul should be able quickly to restore.” “这一碗,不仅是月亮井水,还融入半滴化灵真液,月亮井水本身就有治愈伤势,温养魂魄的功效,化灵真液更是滋养壮大灵魂宝药两者融合在一起,具有治愈灵魂,滋补魂魄的奇效,将它喂你女儿服下去,灵魂上的损伤应该可以迅速恢复。” Yi Tianxing points at that bowl of strange liquids to say. 易天行指着那碗奇异的液体开口说道。 Many thanks fellow daoist!!” “多谢道友!!” Mu Yu hears, cannot stop to reappear wild with joy, cautious that bowl of spirit medicine ends in the hand, both hands is even shivering. This is an anticipation and brings excitedly. 穆羽听到,止不住浮现出一丝狂喜,小心翼翼的将那碗灵药端在手中,连双手都在颤抖。这是一种期待与激动带来的。 Before the half step arrives at the bed, gently on the female the bed held, bowl close to her mouth. 快步走到床前,轻轻的将床上女子扶了起来,将碗靠近她嘴边。 Mentioned also strangely, the delicate fragrance that in the as if (similar) bowl sent out has the mystical strength, even if were in the stupor, was the opening mouth of instinct, bowl hitting the target spirit liquid, one after another drank. 说来也奇怪,仿佛碗中散发出的清香有着神奇的力量,哪怕是昏迷中,也是本能的张开嘴巴,将碗中的灵液,一口接一口的喝下去。 Your Lordship!!” 主公!!” At this time, Jia Xu and Huang Chengyan walked together, looks that Mu Yu is giving the medicine to the daughter the situation, in one's eyes reveals the extraordinary splendor. 这时,贾诩黄承彦一起走了进来,看着穆羽正在给女儿喂药的情形,眼中露出异彩。 Fellow Daoist Mu is giving the medicine, first waited said again. If only the damage on soul, this bowl of spirit liquid take, should regain consciousness quickly.” Yi Tianxing said with a smile indifferently. 穆道友正在喂药,先等等再说。若只是灵魂上的损伤,这一碗化灵液服用下去,应该会很快苏醒。”易天行淡然一笑道。 transforming spirit true liquid mystical, he has personally experienced, is very naturally clear, even after dilution, what used is only half drop, its hitting the target effect as before is incomparable immense, very|10 points is astonishing. The repair damage, should not be a problem. 化灵真液神奇,他是亲身体会过,自然很清楚,哪怕是经过稀释,用的只是半滴,其中的功效依旧是无比巨大的,十分惊人。修复损伤,应该不成问题。 Under the instinct, one bowl of spirit liquid were almost drunk in an instant thoroughly, the intravenous drip does not remain. 在本能下,一碗化灵液几乎转眼间就被彻底喝下去,点滴不剩。 Again gentle puts down it. 再次轻柔的将其放下。 May I ask fellow daoist, does not know how long the daughter also needs to restore, sobers.” The Mu Yu prudent inquiry said. “敢问道友,不知道小女还需要多久才能恢复,清醒过来。”穆羽慎重的询问道。 Perhaps perhaps the next quarter, needs several double-hour, perhaps takes several days. This injury from soul I am not very clear, but this melts spirit liquid is absolutely effective, the injury on soul, must restore, is not difficult.” “或许下一刻,或许需要几个时辰,也许需要几天。这种来自灵魂上的伤势我不是很清楚,但这化灵液是绝对有效,灵魂上的伤势,要修复,并不难。” Yi Tianxing shakes the head saying: Ok, Fellow Daoist Mu felt relieved freely, I first leave, after Lady Mu is sober, I come to visit again.” 易天行摇头说道:“好了,穆道友尽管放心,我先离开,等到穆姑娘清醒后我再过来探望。” Mu Brother, I believe that Your Lordship said that Niece Mu was not the die young, can turn bad luck into good surely. Now under the clothing/taking spirit medicine, only needs calmly to wait for then.” Jia Xu also nods to approve the person of same belief. 穆兄,我相信主公所言,穆侄女并非夭折之相,必定可以逢凶化吉。现在服下灵药,只需要静静等待即可。”贾诩也点头赞同道。 Afterward Yi Tianxing also invited Mu Yu to go to dine together, but, by without appetite rejected by him. Obviously, is to see with one's own eyes the daughter to regain consciousness, can true reassurance. 随后易天行也邀请穆羽一同前去就餐,不过,被他以没有胃口拒绝。显然,是想要亲眼看到女儿苏醒,才能真正的放下心来。 Leaves the room, Lai He has prepared the breakfast. 离开房间,赖贺已经准备好早餐。 The Jia Xu two|tael people have not happen to eaten meal, after eats together, sets out to go to the meeting hall. 正好贾诩人都没有吃饭,一起吃过后,起身前往议事厅。 ........... ........... After entering the meeting hall . 进入议事厅后。 As can be seen, inside had stood one after another person. A Two Pavilions and Six Halls hitting the target person all arrives, Connect to Heaven Pavilion hitting the target Fu Hongxue, Ye Zhiqiu and Lu Zhishen also arrive, in inside, is very lively. 可以看到,里面已经陆续站满了人。一门两阁六殿中的人全部抵达,通天阁中的傅红雪,叶知秋鲁智深也都抵达,在里面,很是热闹。 Each other talked, the laughter was unceasing. 彼此交谈起来,笑声不断。 After Yi Tianxing comes, in entire hall, immediately one static. 易天行进来后,整个大厅中,顿时一静。 Steps onto the first position directly, sits in a chair upper extreme. 径直走上上首位置,在一张椅子上端坐下来。 See Your Lordship!!” “参见主公!!” In the hall, Jia Xu, Huang Chengyan wait/etc. were divided into the two|tael row, simultaneously toward a Yi Tianxing bow the body ritual. This is the courtesy. 大厅中,贾诩,黄承彦等分成列,同时朝着易天行躬身一礼。这是礼数。 Does not need to be overly courteous.” “不必多礼。” Yi Tianxing nods nods, says: This time asked everyone to come to discuss official business ; first, how to understand in Xuanhuang Town various items progressed. Second, how to discuss to innovate the military system. Establishes to suit our Xuanhuang Town military system system. A two|tael matter, first said first.” 易天行颔首点点头,开口说道:“这次叫大家前来议事,一是了解一下玄黄镇中各种事项进展如何。二是商议如何对军制进行革新。建立起适合我们玄黄镇的军制体系件事,先说第一件。” The military system innovated this is Yi Tianxing already a reform that wanted to carry out, but how must do, was actually interferes significantly. 军制革新这是易天行早就想要进行的一项改革,但要如何去做,却是干涉重大。 Please remember this book first round domain name: www.4020.la. 4020 novel net cell phone version reading websites: m.4020. la 请记住本书首发域名:www.4020.la。4020小说网手机版阅读网址:m.4020.la
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