EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#362: Primal Chaos Sea

In transforms into sea first step, condenses illusory sea pond, is Divine Sea Realm seventh layer, has been able concise true qi, but condenses completely merit method Sinochem sea pond all rune, derives the half-substance nature sea pond, is complete sea pond, regarding true qi concise powerful, this is Divine Sea Realm eighth layer. But ninth layer, is actually most essential. 化海一阶中,凝聚出虚幻海池,就是神海境第七重,已经可以凝练真气,而将自身功法中化海池所有符文全部凝聚出来,衍生出半实质性的化海池,已经算是完整的化海池,对于真气的凝练更加强大,这就是神海境第八重。但第九重,却是最关键的。 Because, to condense the true substantive condition sea pond, needs to condense source. 因为,要想将化海池凝聚成真正的实质状态,需要凝聚本源 What is source, that is merit method source, source of oneself physique. 什么是本源,那就是自身功法本源,自身体质的本源 Even is once completes, melts sea pond regarding fleshly body, regarding the entire physique, will have the change that influences subtly. 甚至是一旦完成,化海池对于肉身,对于整个体质,都会产生潜移默化的改变。 For example, some people of cultivate fire attribute merit method, oneself physique is also fire attribute, after achieving eighth layer, needs to condense source, this Power of Source, can go to unique spirit land cultivate. 比如,有人修炼火属性功法,自身体质也是火属性,在达到第八重后,就需要凝聚本源,这本源之力,可以前往独特的灵地修炼 For example, enters the place of hot ghost, draws to make a fire the air/Qi of ghost, integrates in sea pond, entire sea pond, will therefore have transform, obtains source, turns into fire attribute sea pond, true qi that derives from inside, will have fire attribute aura dao rhyme. 比如,进入火煞之地,汲取火煞之气,融入化海池中,整个化海池,就会因此而发生蜕变,得到本源,变成火属性的化海池,从里面衍生出的真气,都将带有火属性的气息道韵 It can be said that once completes sea pond transform, had almost decided own later cultivate merit method, own path. Lays the final foundation. Words that must change, is almost the suitable difficulty. 可以说,一旦完成化海池蜕变,几乎已经决定自身以后的修炼功法,自身的道路。奠定好最终的根基。要更改的话,几乎是相当的困难。 In this process, you can integrate Source of Water, quenchings sea pond by Origin Qi of Water, can inspire Power of Metal to quenching sea pond, this step, had almost decided own future path. 这过程中,你可以融入水之本源,以水之元气淬炼化海池,也可以引动金之力淬炼化海池,这一步,几乎已经决定自身将来的道路。 Must integrate source is not difficult in sea pond, some top heavenly material, earthly treasure can make sea pond derive source, this actually determined an own foundation dao base process. You give anything, naturally obtains is anything. 要在化海池中融入本源并不难,一些顶尖的天材地宝都可以让化海池衍生出本源,这其实就是确定自身根基道基的一个过程。你给予什么,自然得到的就是什么。 Not can only seek for the place of earthly apparition, similarly, can derive various attribute heaven and earth origin qi, quenchings sea pond, lets sea pond transform, condenses source. For example fire attribute crystal stone, ice attribute crystal stone, even is various heavenly material, earthly treasure, rare and valuable rare treasure wait/etc., can give Power of Source. Completes transform. 不仅可以寻找地煞之地,同样,可以自行汲取各种属性天地元气,淬炼化海池,让化海池蜕变,凝聚本源。比如火属性晶石,冰属性晶石,甚至是各种天材地宝,奇珍异宝等等,都可以赋予本源之力。完成蜕变 This difficulty is not big. 这难度不大。 But gives the source thing, its quality step, actually means own foundation powerful or not. Absorption ordinary heaven and earth origin qi hitting the target unique attribute strength, already sea pond source, its dao base , is very naturally ordinary, if gives source by upper class heavenly material, earthly treasure, oneself source will become powerful. In the future will provide a bigger benefit. 但赋予本源的东西,其品阶,却意味着自身根基的强大与否。只是吸收普通的天地元气中的独特属性力量,早就出的化海池本源,其道基,自然也就很普通,若是以上等天材地宝来赋予本源,自身本源就会变得更加强大。将来会带来更大的好处。 Moreover, pill medicine can complete this step, is called foundation establishment pill. foundation establishment pill can derive Power of Source that corresponding need. Can very steady completes this process. 而且,还有丹药可以完成这一步骤,叫做筑基丹筑基丹能够衍生出相应自身所需要的本源之力。可以很平稳的完成这一过程。 Because, this first step, is called transforms into sea. 因为,这一阶,叫做化海 Melts sea pond to complete transform, condenses the source process, means, divine sea really turns into divine sea. Becoming inexhaustible general. 海池完成蜕变,凝聚本源的过程,也意味着,神海真的变成神海。变得无穷无尽一般。 If quenchings by the strength of fire sea pond, derives will be piece of fire sea, did not say that will really turn into fire sea, but said, entire divine sea, will be filling flame dao rhyme internal qi. Exaggerates the sea of flame. But other places are illusory, truly is the part of real, as before is divine sea that opened, but, even if illusory, actually gives to continue the transform foundation. Let foundation that divine sea has unceasingly expands. 如以火之力淬炼出的化海池,衍生出的将是一片火海,不是说真的变成火海,而是说,整个神海,将充满着火焰道韵气机。渲染成火焰之海。但其他地方都是虚幻,真正属于真实的部分,依旧是自身原先所开辟出的神海,不过,哪怕是虚幻,却给予继续蜕变的根基。让神海有着不断扩张的根基。 This is dao base. 这就是道基 This is foundation establishment. 这就是筑基 Directly conducts foundation establishment by Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower hitting the target Qi of Primal Chaos unexpectedly, breeds source. My this builds on dao base, is Primal Chaos Sea.” “竟然是直接以鸿蒙天帝塔中的混沌之气进行筑基,孕育出本源。我这筑就的道基,是混沌海。” In the Yi Tianxing heart shocks secretly. 易天行心中暗自震惊。 Primal Chaos Sea, primal chaos source, primal chaos is mother of myriad things, this is almost equal to his physique, can cultivate any attribute merit method. No scruples. Resources that but Primal Chaos Sea needs, will follow to promote. Far exceeds other cultivator. 混沌海,混沌本源,混沌为万物之母,这几乎等于是他的体质,将可以修炼任何属性功法。没有任何顾忌。但混沌海所需要的资源,也会跟着提升。远超其他修士 This is a relative process. 这是一种相对的过程。 A little bit chaotic color liquid low in divine sea, diligent, continuously. 一滴滴混沌色的液体低落在神海中,孜孜不倦,源源不断。 In a minute, has reappeared the a layer|one level clear liquid in divine sea. 片刻间,已经在神海中浮现出一层晶莹的液体。 Divine Sea Realm nine layers, builds on dao base, true qi changes into true essence. Has the Fate Aperture Realm strength. true essence is the symbol of Divine Sea Realm great perfection, Fate Aperture Realm, the milk opens fate aperture, casts light upon divine sea void. 神海境九重,筑就道基,真气化为真元。已经具有命窍境的实力。真元就是神海境大圆满的象征,命窍境,奶是开辟命窍,照映神海虚空 Actually, regarding in Divine Sea Realm has opened fate aperture cultivator, once completes foundation establishment, after Divine Sea Realm ninth layer, breaks through Fate Aperture Realm, must break through realm, is only instant matter. What difference is only fate aperture Illuminate the Void process that's all. ” Fate Aperture Realm, is actually one very realm that is difficult to limit. 实则,对于在神海境已经开辟出命窍修士来说,一旦完成筑基,神海境第九重后,就已经算是突破命窍境,要突破境界,只是一念之间的事情。差的只是命窍照映虚空的过程而已。”命窍境,其实是一个很难界定的境界 fate aperture lives divine ability, actually, opens many fate aperture, are little significance. Even you want, can definitely cultivate together fate aperture, be cultivate sole secret realm, achieves the pinnacle, can have the destroy the heavens, extinguish the earth mighty force. 命窍神通,其实,开辟出多少命窍,并没有多大关系。甚至你愿意,完全可以修炼一道命窍,算是修炼单一秘境,达到极致,也能产生毁天灭地的伟力。 Said Fate Aperture Realm powerful truly, because of Fate Aperture Realm, the strength in within the body has become true essence by true qi transform. Stimulates to movement fate aperture by true essence, when its might, compared with the true qi stimulation of movement big many. Naturally, battle power powerful, determining factor too much, the soldier is not easy to limit, divine sea kills fate aperture, is not a difficult matter, fate aperture kills fate illustration, is not necessarily impossible. 真正说命窍境强大,是因为命窍境,体内的力量已经由真气蜕变真元。以真元催动命窍,其威力,会比真气催动时大的多。当然,战力强大,决定因素太多,兵不是那么容易界定的,神海命窍,并非难事,命窍命图,也未必不可能。 realm that can limit truly, that is long life, is the longevity life span. 真正能界定的境界,那是长生,是寿元寿命。 Primal Chaos Sea, this feeling also is really marvelous, probably oneself among the contact with entire heaven and earth, instantaneously become clearer, regarding heaven and earth origin qi attraction powerful. Any heaven and earth origin qi can absorb to refine. Really a wonderful process.” 混沌海,这种感觉还真是奇妙,好像自身与整个天地之间的联系,瞬间就变得更加清晰,对于天地元气的吸引更加强大。任何天地元气都能吸收炼化。真是一种美妙的过程。” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath, opens eyes slowly, in eyes appears a profoundness. From Divine Sea Realm seventh layer, direct promote to Divine Sea Realm ninth layer, this powerful transform, making the entire body and mind transmit the joyful feeling. 易天行深吸一口气,缓缓睁开眼眸,眼眸中浮现出一丝深邃。从神海境第七重,直接晋升神海境第九重,这种强大蜕变,让整个身心都传递出愉悦之感。 very|10 points is intense!! 十分强烈!! Looked to suppress as in divine sea hitting the target Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower, had a look at primal chaos transforms into dragon pond that thorough transform completed again, shook the head slightly, did not have caring again many, after all, derived the Primal Chaos Sea matter, regarding oneself, absolutely was not the misdemeanor. 看了看依旧镇压在神海中的鸿蒙天帝塔,再看看已经彻底蜕变完成的混沌化龙池,微微摇头,再没有多过在意,毕竟,衍生出混沌海的事情,对于自身而言,绝对不是坏事。 Now divine sea transforms into sea, then, has needed to do, accumulates true essence little, fills up divine sea, and even expands unceasingly. This accumulation, time is longer, the nature, accumulates on enormous, true essence is more vigorous. battle power that erupts is stronger. 现在神海已经化海,接下来,所需要做的,就是一点点积累真元,将神海填满,乃至是不断扩张下去。这种积累,时间越长,自然,积累就越加的庞大,真元就越浑厚。爆发出的战力就更强。 In Divine Sea Realm this realm, can say, has entered the stage of accumulation. 神海境这一境界中,可以说,已经步入积累的阶段。 Even can say, enters the great perfection condition completely, again cultivate, is the next realm matter. 甚至可以说,完全进入大圆满的状态,再修炼,就是下一个境界的事情。 true essence in within the body, no matter at any time, can accumulate. So long as cultivate, can grow stronger. 体内的真元,不管在任何时候,都可以积累。只要修炼,就会变强 Divine Sea Realm ninth layer, opens Sea of Consciousness fate aperture. Condenses mental power, without thinking is only drop of transforming spirit true liquid, initiates so big transform, mystical of good fortune, is really no one can guess recklessly.” 神海境第九重,开辟识海命窍。凝聚精神力,没想到只是一滴化灵真液,就引发出如此大的蜕变,造化神奇,果然不是谁都能肆意揣测的。” Although this process brings an accident/surprise, without feeling of that completely control, but the final outcome is actually to oneself advantageous. 虽然这种过程带着一丝意外,没有那种完全掌控的感觉,但最终结果却是对自身有利的。 Also opens together fate aperture, regarding own strength, is a big promotion. 又开启一道命窍,对于自身的实力而言,又是一次不小的提升。 Dark Armor fate aperture, Elixir Field fate aperture, innate Yin-Yang fate aperture, Food cauldron fate aperture, Sea of Consciousness fate aperture , has opened five fate aperture unknowingly.” Regarding opening the fate aperture person, promote Fate Aperture Realm, that is a pressure does not have. 玄甲命窍,丹田命窍,先天阴阳命窍,食鼎命窍,识海命窍,不知不觉中,已经开辟出五道命窍。”对于开辟出命窍的人来说,晋升命窍境,那是一点压力都没有。 dīng dōng!! 叮咚!! Outside the room, transmits clear zither music, reverberates in the backyard. 屋外,传来一阵清脆的琴音,在后院中回荡。 zither music is elusive, completely relaxed, making the person unconscious entire heart follow zither music becomes tranquil. 琴音空灵,令人心旷神怡,让人不自觉的整个心都跟着琴音变得宁静起来。 Outside, already ........ dawn!! 外面,已经........天亮了!! Shoves open the door, goes out of tranquility room, hears the thick nature that in the air is transmitting to come to be fragrant, the entire heart and lungs feel cool comfortable. Appearing very|10 points is carefree. 推开房门,走出静室,闻着空气中传递而来的浓浓自然芬香,整个心肺都感觉到清凉舒适。显得十分畅快。 This Eternal Continent, Myriad Worlds Fuse, although destroyed 21st Century modern times civilization, actually brought the natural aura. What is gained one way is lost another, is saṃsāra. Before comparing, I like present world, even if the tumultuous times, has the different charm.” “这永恒大陆,万界融合,虽然毁了二十一世纪现代文明,却重新带来了自然的气息。一得一失,何尝不是一种轮回。相比以前,我还是更喜欢现在的世界,哪怕是乱世,也有着不一样的魅力。” Yi Tianxing muttered, sighed one secretly. 易天行喃喃自语,暗自感叹一声。 Before daily was hearing the automobile exhaust, compared with the present, that is a garbage dump. 以前天天闻着汽车尾气,跟现在相比,那就是个垃圾场啊。 He instead felt oneself adapt to the life of this tumultuous times. 他反而觉得自己更加适应这种乱世的生活。 All start from the beginning, everyone has the opportunity. Everyone has the possibility of blooming. 一切从头开始,人人都有机会。谁都有脱颖而出的可能。 Original beggar also probably turns into sovereign emperor. 原先的乞丐也可能变成皇帝 Calmly arrives in the backyard. 静静走到后院中。 In the backyard, has been planting some flowers, has the intermittent delicate fragrance natural dissipation, scatters in the air. 后院内,已经栽种着一些花朵,有阵阵清香自然的散逸而出,在空气中飘散。 In the pavilion, a beautiful form is immersing in zither skill. 凉亭内,一道美丽的身影正沉浸在琴艺之中。 The 10 finger/refers moves the string, sends out wonderful zither music. If High Mountains, Streaming Water, without pouring into true qi, intent realm, can let person immersion merely, feels the different state of mind. 指拨动琴弦,发出一道道美妙的琴音。如高山流水,哪怕没有灌注真气,仅仅意境,就能让人沉浸其中,感受到不一样的心境。 Calmly arrives in the pavilion, stands behind that say/way beautiful form. Closes eyes to listen attentively. 静静来到凉亭中,站立在那道美丽身影背后。闭目倾听着。 Can in zither music, feel one type the remembrance of the family member, attachment to hometown. Has light thinking to worry. 能在琴音中,感受到一种对亲人的思念,对故乡的眷恋。有着一丝淡淡的思愁。 She, was thinking of that oneself family member, thought of own beforehand family/home. 她,在想念自己的亲人,想念自己以前的家。 Not is only she, Yi Tianxing also emerges light missing. 不仅是她,易天行也不由的涌现出一种淡淡的思念。 Does not know how the parents they pass now, is whether safe, whether is also living.” “不知道父母他们现在过得怎么样,是否还安全,是否还活着。” Ziyan, does not know how in immortal gate now to cross, which level cultivation base arrived, can be bullied by others.” In mind appears pictures, various forms emerge in the heart. “还有紫嫣,不知道现在在仙门中过得怎么样,修为又到了哪一个层次,会不会受到别人欺负。”脑海中不由的浮现出一道道画面,各种身影在心中涌现。 This zither music, can cancel the heart of person missing relatives and close friends. 琴音,能勾人思亲之心。 When does not know, zither music stops slowly. 不知道何时,琴音缓缓停下。 Yi Tianxing goes forward, puts out a hand the front tender body to hug in the bosom. 易天行上前,伸手将面前的娇躯抱在怀中。 On the tender body transmits a stiffness, but immediately becomes soft. 娇躯上传来一阵僵硬,但随即就变得柔软起来。 Big Brother Yi!!” 易大哥!!” Cai Yan shouts in a soft voice said. 蔡琰轻声呼喊道。 Zhaoji, I to your wedding, to your stable life, you am willing to become my wife now.” Yi Tianxing hugs the beautiful woman, in the mouth is putting out together the voice slowly. 昭姬,我现在给不了你婚礼,给不了你安定的生活,你愿意成为我的妻子么。”易天行抱着佳人,口中缓缓吐出一道话音。 Why does not know, at this moment, he wants to hold front tender body. 不知道为什么,这一刻,他就想要抱着面前的娇躯。 In the tumultuous times, can with family member together, after all be very few, few. 在乱世中,能与家人在一起的,毕竟是少之又少,屈指可数。 Can the mutual affiliation console, new family member, friend. Forms the new family. 能相互藉慰的,只有新的亲人,朋友。组成新的家庭。 The Cai Yan missing family member, he could not achieve to find her family member, cannot lead him to return to the hometown, but, he can give her a family/home, a new family/home. Is their families/home. 蔡琰思念家人,他做不到找到她的亲人,不能带他回到故乡,不过,他可以给她一个家,一个新的家。一个属于他们的家。 Please remember this book first round domain name: www.4020.la. 4020 novel net cell phone version reading websites: m.4020. la 请记住本书首发域名:www.4020.la。4020小说网手机版阅读网址:m.4020.la
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