EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#361: Divine Sea Realm 9 th heavy

Sea of Consciousness fate aperture, before Great Catastrophe, once awakens to open, was called mental ability. mental ability very|10 points strange powerful, such as mind power, illusion wait/etc., calculates that belongs to Sea of Consciousness fate aperture, in the mental attribute special ability range. 识海命窍,在大灾变前,一旦觉醒开辟,则被称之为精神异能精神异能十分诡异强大,如念力,幻象等等,都算属于识海命窍,精神属性异能的范围之内。 However, before, was almost impossible to be opened complete Sea of Consciousness fate aperture, corresponding fate aperture that but derived, for example Mind fate aperture, divine consciousness fate aperture, illusion fate aperture wait/etc.. Although belongs to Sea of Consciousness fate aperture, is actually incomplete Sea of Consciousness fate aperture, can only say that branching fate aperture that after is Sea of Consciousness fate aperture has mutation, derives. Even to a certain extent, has the very|10 points mystical divine ability mighty force. 不过,在以前,几乎不可能被打开完整的识海命窍,只是衍生出的相应命窍,比如心灵命窍,神念命窍,幻象命窍等等。虽然是属于识海命窍,却是不完整的识海命窍,只能说是识海命窍发生异变后衍生出的分枝命窍。甚至在一定程度上,具有十分神奇神通伟力。 This is the variation, is transform. 这是变异,是一种蜕变 Belongs to mental attribute fate aperture, it can be said that a variant. 都属于精神属性命窍,可以说是一种变种。 Specifically how, Yi Tianxing are unable to distinguish thoroughly. 具体如何,易天行自己也无法彻底分辨出来。 But is certain, mental power that they derive, has transformed the unique strength, for example is mind power, for example Power of Illusion, Power of Mind wait/etc., is the mental power variant. transform. No longer is pure mental power. 但可以肯定,他们衍生的精神力,已经转变成独特的力量,比如是念力,比如幻象之力,心灵之力等等,都属于精神力的变种。一种蜕变。不再是纯粹的精神力 Actually can expose the powerful strength. 却能展露出强大的力量。 Complete Sea of Consciousness fate aperture breeds is actually pure mental power. 完整的识海命窍孕育出的却是纯粹的精神力 This is needs cultivator to be the certain extent, after certain realm, may by oneself soul, will, mental break open the shackles directly, opened fate aperture, Sea of Consciousness fate aperture, is body hitting the target ancestral aperture, is actually one does not need heavenly material, earthly treasure, can by fate aperture that oneself mental will opens. Generally speaking, is not cultivation base realm is the certain extent, is mental soul powerful to an astonishing situation. 这是需要修士在达到一定程度,一定的境界后,才有可能凭借自身灵魂,意志,精神直接破开桎梏,打开的命窍,识海命窍,是身体中的祖窍,却是一道不需要天材地宝,可以凭借自身精神意志打开的命窍。一般而言,不是修为境界达到一定程度,就是自身精神灵魂强大到一种惊人的地步。 Can open Sea of Consciousness fate aperture ahead of time. 才能提前打开识海命窍 Opened the Sea of Consciousness fate aperture advantage too to be big, first nihility indistinct mental power, will condense in Sea of Consciousness fate aperture, can feel with the way of grew. If nothing else, once mental power condenses the pinnacle, can produce all kinds of divine ability. 打开识海命窍的好处就太大了,首先本来虚无缥缈的精神力,将会在识海命窍中凝聚,用一种自身能够感觉到的方式增长。别的不说,一旦精神力凝聚到极致,能产生各种各样的神通 Even, mental power can warm and nourish soul true spirit. 甚至,精神力是可以温养灵魂真灵的。 mental power powerful, will condense soul in the future, produced advantage immense. 精神力强大,将来凝聚出灵魂,产生的好处就更加巨大 At this moment, the Yi Tianxing's mind also immerses to the mind in thoroughly. 此刻,易天行的心神也彻底沉浸到脑海中。 Appears in a mysterious region. 出现在一处神秘的区域。 Only saw, a piece appears just like the primal chaos region in the mind, in this region, is everywhere dusky, making person basic(ally) unable to see actually broad, range big. 只看到,一片宛如混沌般的区域出现在心神之中,这片区域内,到处都是灰蒙蒙的,让人根本看不出其中究竟有多宽广,范围有多大。 In central location. Presents piece of golden sea. Naturally, said is the sea, actually is also basin that's all. The range is not big, golden qi body appear in this basin impressively, this is mental power, can with arriving mental power that the naked eye looks. Just, these are gaseous state mental power. Even so, can touch mental power obtained as before. 只是在中央位置。出现一片金色的海洋。当然,说是海洋,其实也就是一个水池而已。范围并不大,一道道金色气体赫然出现在这座水池中,这就是精神力,一道道可以用肉眼看的到的精神力。只不过,这些是气态的精神力。就算如此,依旧是可以触摸得到的精神力 This, is Sea of Consciousness fate aperture. 这一处,就是识海命窍 Only then Sea of Consciousness fate aperture opens, can the carrying/sustaining store up mental power, even is clear sees the consumption and growth of mental power. 只有识海命窍开辟,才能承载储存精神力,甚至是清晰的看到精神力的消耗与增长。 Worthily is ancestral aperture, worthily is Sea of Consciousness fate aperture, originally nihility indistinct mental power, I actually feel that now can control with wishes fulfilled. Controls the utilization of mental power. I felt that entire soul has been sublimated. This feeling, is really wonderful.” “不愧是祖窍,不愧是识海命窍,原来虚无缥缈的精神力,我现在却感觉可以随心所欲的控制。掌控精神力的运用。我感觉整个灵魂都得到升华。这种感觉,真是美妙。” The memory, the soul strength, in this moment, obtains the growth of immense. Mind unprecedented sobriety. 记忆力,灵魂力量,都在这一刻,得到巨大的增长。头脑前所未有的清醒。 Moreover, as can be seen, that cool air/Qi sneaks in the mind directly, enters to Sea of Consciousness fate aperture , when integrates, mental power continuous derivations baseless. Growth exceptional is astonishing. 而且,可以看到,那股清凉之气直接钻进脑海中,进入到识海命窍中,融入进去时,一道道精神力源源不断的凭空衍生而出。增长速度非常惊人。 During each breath, can see that new mental power derives. 每个呼吸间,都能看到有新的精神力衍生出来。 Feeling of the intense enrichment appears in the mind. 一种强烈的充实之感浮现在脑海中。 Good astonishing transforming spirit true liquid. This effect, might be considered as is unable to estimate, the value was too astonishing. Can give scarecrow true spirit will rare and valuable worthily.” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath, has an intense shock feeling secretly. “好惊人的化灵真液。这功效,堪称是无法估量,价值太惊人了。不愧是可以赋予稻草人真灵意志奇珍。”易天行深吸一口气,暗自生出一种强烈的震撼感。 Merely in a minute, saw, Sea of Consciousness that is opening, had been flooded by golden mental power unexpectedly. It is not able to withstand again. 仅仅片刻间,就看到,在开辟出的识海,竟然已经被一道道金色精神力所充斥。再也无法承受。 Present Sea of Consciousness, really must say, and big, has surrounding area three zhang (3.33 m), to continue carrying/sustaining many mental power, without doubt, 如今的识海,真要说起来,并不小,有方圆三丈大小,要想继续承载更多的精神力的话,无疑, The best way is to let golden Sea of Consciousness continues to expand, to all around dusky unknown region-growing in the past. However, Sea of Consciousness fate aperture just opened, entire fate aperture exhibits a non- steady state, the words that expands again, might have some not good influence on Sea of Consciousness. 最好的办法就是让金色识海继续扩大,向四周灰蒙蒙的未知区域扩张过去。不过,识海命窍刚刚开辟,整个命窍都呈现出一种不稳定的状态,再次扩张的话,有可能会对识海产生某种不好的影响。 Cannot expand rashly, Sea of Consciousness opens, must by stabilizing as the Lord. Cannot lose much over a small issue.” “不能贸然扩张,识海开辟,要以稳定为主。不能因小失大。” Sea of Consciousness opens, is not only transforming spirit true liquid derives mental power, is mental power of Yi Tianxing within the body, fast gathers in Sea of Consciousness, derives, can say, can in suddenly, making Sea of Consciousness be filled, with accumulates inside information to be related his. Original mental power on supreme first-class. Now opens, transforms true mental power directly. 识海开辟,不仅是化灵真液衍生出精神力,就是易天行本身体内的精神力,也快速在识海中汇聚,衍生出来,可以说,能在瞬息间,让识海被充满,与其本身的积累底蕴有关。原先的精神力就超人一等。现在开辟,直接转变成真正的精神力 mental power that in addition transforming spirit true liquid, that condenses, becomes quite astonishing. 再加上化灵真液,那凝聚出的精神力,就变得相当惊人。 „The mental power flood, cannot waste, visualize, right, Visualize Primal Chaos Dragon Symbol. Condenses rune. mental power is stronger, condensing the rune speed is quicker, the quantity of condensing are more. Nothing is better than the present.” 精神力满溢而出,不能浪费,观想,对,观想混沌龙符。凝聚符文精神力越强,凝聚符文速度就越快,凝聚出的数量就越多。没有什么比现在更好。” Yi Tianxing changes mind, has made the decision fast. 易天行转念间,已经快速做出决定。 first time starts visualize to get up. 第一时间就开始观想起来。 visualize, essential is mental will, visualize condenses dao rhyme, inspires Power of Heaven and Earth. Before visualize, oneself mental power is nihility is indistinct, could not feel that can actually feel now clearly, oneself regarding the comprehension of Visualization Illustration, reached another altitude instantaneously. 观想,最关键就是精神意志,观想凝聚道韵,引动天地之力。以前观想时,自身精神力虚无缥缈的,感觉不到的,现在却能清晰感觉到,自身对于观想图的领悟,瞬间就达到另外一个高度。 Profound of comprehension. 领悟的更加深刻。 Condenses the visualize rune speed to be quicker. 凝聚观想符文的速度更快。 Almost is starting visualize a moment, rune naturally condenses. The rapidness of speed, impressive. During almost every breath, is 2~3 said that rune was condensed. 几乎在开始观想一刹那,一枚枚符文就自然而然的凝聚出来。速度之快,让人惊叹。几乎每个呼吸间,都是两三符文被凝聚出来。 This time, visualize gets up, regarding the mental power pressure, does not have. 这一次,观想起来,对于精神力的压力,一点都没有。 mental power that originally floods, uses on thoroughly condensing rune. 本来满溢出的精神力,彻底用在凝聚符文上。 The words that at this moment so some people can watch, will find, in divine sea, Primal Chaos Dragon Symbol condenses baseless, such as the raindrop integrates toward primal chaos transforms into dragon pond. Entire dragon pond the by inconceivable speed is becoming more and more concise. 如此此刻有人能观看到的话,就会发现,在神海中,一枚枚混沌龙符凭空凝聚,如雨点般朝着混沌化龙池中融入进去。整口化龙池都在以不可思议的速度变得越来越凝练。 time in passes quietly. 时间在悄然间流逝。 Was quick, soon condensed completes. 129,600 Primal Chaos Dragon Symbol soon condensed completed, once completed, that can condense thoroughly successfully primal chaos transforms into dragon pond, completed transform time. promote to Divine Sea Realm eighth layer realm.” “快了,就快要凝聚完成了。十二万九千六百混沌龙符就快要凝聚完成了,一旦完成,那就可以彻底将混沌化龙池凝聚成功,完成一次蜕变晋升神海境第八重境界。” Since these days, had almost had time every day, visualize without hesitation will condense rune. 在这些天以来,几乎每天一有时间,就会毫不犹豫的观想凝聚符文 Under day after day saving, the rune quantity in within the body has started limitless to be close to one Yuan number. 在日复一日的积攒下,体内的符文数量已经开始无限接近一元之数。 Now in mental power has the flood under the condition, condenses the rune speed to rise suddenly again. Has been at will soon complete the transform edge. 现在更是在精神力出现满溢的状态下,凝聚符文的速度再次暴涨。已经处在即将完成蜕变的边缘。 So long as completes, can make primal chaos transforms into dragon pond achieve half-substance. Success promote Divine Sea Realm eighth layer realm. 只要完成,就能让混沌化龙池达到半实质化。成功晋升神海境第八重境界 This process, is the process of levigation. 这种过程,就是水磨的过程。 Consumes time, accumulates inside information, finally is well-prepared. 耗费时间,积累底蕴,最终厚积薄发。 Bang!! 轰!! Áng!! 昂! Unknowingly, another Primal Chaos Dragon Symbol condenses in visualize. 不知不觉中,又一枚混沌龙符观想中凝聚出来。 When this rune integrates primal chaos transforms into dragon pond, immediately, sees, in dragon pond, transmits heavenshaking dragon's cry sounds. That primal chaos transforms into dragon pond becomes at the visible speed concise. 当这枚符文融入到混沌化龙池当中时,顿时,就看到,在化龙池中,传递出一道道震天的龙吟声。那座混沌化龙池以肉眼可见的速度变得凝练起来。 In an instant, completes transform. 转眼之间,就完成蜕变 Entire dragon pond, turns into -and-a-half illusory, half real unusual condition, transmits a strange sense of reality, is not originally that illusory. Meanwhile, true qi that the turnover has, becomes more concise, in true qi, are more real dragon qi breath that one type did not have. 整口化龙池,都变成一种半虚幻,半真实的奇特状态,传递出一种奇异的质感,再不是原先那种虚幻。同时,吞吐出的真气,也变得更加凝练,真气中,更多出一种原先所没有的真龙气息。 This concise. Let true qi reduce again, may give Yi Tianxing's to feel, oneself actually becomes powerful. 这种凝练。让真气再次减少,可给予易天行的感觉,自身却变得更加强大 129,600 Primal Chaos Dragon Symbol, primal chaos transforms into dragon pond small success. Divine Sea Realm eighth layer.” 十二万九千六百混沌龙符,混沌化龙池小成神海境第八重。” This transform, is can feel clearly. 这种蜕变,是自身清楚可以感觉到的。 The entire body becomes regarding the induction of heaven and earth clearer, the turnover heaven and earth origin qi speed is faster. 整个身体对于天地的感应变得更加清晰,吞吐天地元气的速度更快。 primal chaos transforms into dragon pond is revolving. 混沌化龙池在运转。 Áng!! 昂! At this moment, only sees, occupies in primal chaos transforms into dragon pond hitting the target ancestral dragon, opens eyes suddenly, the vision looks to that Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower, sent out dragon's cry, the opens the mouth swallows to attract one. 就在这时,只看到,盘踞在混沌化龙池中的祖龙,突然间睁开眼眸,目光看向那座鸿蒙天帝塔,发出一声龙吟,张口就吞吸了一口。 Shuā!! 刷! This swallows, immediately saw, dusky Qi of Primal Chaos jumps to shoot from pagoda together unexpectedly, was attracted by ancestral dragon, in primal chaos transforms into dragon pond toward divine spring sweeps across fast. 这一吞,顿时就看到,一道灰蒙蒙的混沌之气竟然从宝塔中迸射而出,被祖龙吸了出来,朝着神泉内的混沌化龙池快速席卷而来。 hōng lóng lóng!! 轰隆隆!! Qi of Primal Chaos sneaks in primal chaos transforms into dragon pond directly, in entire dragon pond, transmits incomparably exciting dragon's cry sound, as if has multifarious true dragon to roar. Exudes the exciting roar. Entire dragon pond is vibrating. Original half empty half reality dragon pond, was covered by Qi of Primal Chaos loudly, the a layer|one level strange primal chaos divine light dissipation comes out. Dusky, making people feel mysticalness and profoundness that one type is inconceivable. 混沌之气直接钻进混沌化龙池中,整个化龙池中,传递出无比兴奋的龙吟声,似乎有万千真龙在咆哮。发出兴奋的吼声。整个化龙池都在震动。本来半虚半实的化龙池,轰然间被混沌之气所覆盖,一层奇异的混沌神光散逸出来。灰蒙蒙的,让人感觉到一种难以想象的神秘与深邃。 As if in inside, can see, all kinds of true dragon are shuttling back and forth, is roaming through. 似乎在里面,能看到,各种各样的真龙在穿梭,在遨游。 Merely suddenly, entire primal chaos transforms into dragon pond, has condensed the essence thoroughly. 仅仅瞬息间,整口混沌化龙池,已经彻底凝聚成实质。 Changes into the true entity. 化为真正的实体。 Entire dragon pond, as if (similar) in in a flash, had source, obtains transform, primal chaos aura that thorough from virtual to reality, above lends, is very rich. Really becomes heavy/thick unparalleled. 整个化龙池,仿佛刹那间,拥有了本源,得到蜕变,彻底由虚化实,上面散发出的混沌气息,无比浓郁。真的变得厚重无双 huge volume Qi of the True Dragon such as the young swallow turns over to nest -like, in crazy sneaking in primal chaos transforms into dragon pond. Suddenly entire divine sea becomes empty. Faint trace Qi of Primal Chaos, in this moment, covers divine sea like surging tides, does not appear in divine sea, but appears beside divine sea, divine sea surrounding in inside, entire divine sea, seems like in primal chaos. All around is primal chaos, nihility. 海量真龙之气如乳燕归巢般,疯狂的钻进混沌化龙池中。瞬息间整个神海就变得空荡荡。一丝丝混沌之气,在这一刻,如潮水般覆盖神海,不是出现在神海之中,而是出现在神海之外,将神海包围在里面,整个神海,就好像是处在混沌之中。四周是混沌,虚无 dī dā!! 滴答!! Melts in dragon pond, chaotic color rune is glittering unceasingly, like complete Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon., In drop of chaotic color liquid direct Conghua dragon pond appears suddenly, following spring, drops in divine sea. 龙池中,混沌色符文在不断闪烁,如同一条完整的混沌祖龙。陡然间,一滴混沌色的液体直接从化龙池中浮现,顺着泉眼,落进神海中。 That dropping liquid within the body, as if can feel rich Qi of the True Dragon, as if can see that true dragon occupies. Pressure that sends out, compared with it previous, does not know rich many. 那滴液体内,似乎能感受到浓郁的真龙之气,似乎能看到有一条真龙盘踞其中。散发出的威压,比之先前,不知道浓郁多少。 true qi liquefies, condenses the fluid, melts dragon pond to condense the essence. This is Divine Sea Realm ninth layer.” 真气液化,凝聚成液,化龙池凝聚成实质。这是神海境第九重。” At this moment, even Yi Tianxing also has one to shock. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 这一刻,连易天行也不由生出一丝震撼。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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