EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#360: Sea of Consciousness fate aperture

This is not the ordinary basin, but is spirit pond that contains good fortune.” “这不是普通的水池,而是一座蕴含造化灵池。” Yi Tianxing secretly mutters said. 易天行暗自沉吟道。 The intention moves, noses again with Wordless Heavenly Book. 心念一动间,再次用无字天书查探起来。 Suddenly, the news appears in the mind together. 瞬息间,一道讯息出现在脑海中。 Transforming Spirit Pond: heaven and earth rare treasure, can condense heaven and earth origin qi, and even is various obsession between heaven and earth, the desire, the soul fragment wait/etc., condensed transforming spirit true liquid, has to change magically true spirit, gives the dying thing true spirit will mystical effect, here is scarecrow true spirit is, condenses scarecrow faith will, may give ordinary scarecrow wisdom soul, inextinguishable protection obsession. transforming spirit true liquid, may strengthen Power of the Soul, quenchings true spirit. Expands origin divinity. For rare rare and valuable. 化灵池:天地异宝,能自行凝聚天地元气,乃至是天地间的各种执念,欲望,灵魂碎片等等,凝聚成化灵真液,具有点化真灵,赋予死物真灵意志神奇功效,此处为稻草人真灵所在,凝聚稻草人信念意志,可赋予普通稻草人智慧灵魂,不灭的守护执念化灵真液,可增强灵魂之力,淬炼真灵。壮大元神。为稀世奇珍 A news naturally appears in the mind. 一股讯息自然浮现在脑海中。 Make in the Yi Tianxing heart instantaneously fiery. 易天行心中瞬间变得火热。 This Transforming Spirit Pond is basic(ally) that scarecrow multiplies is obviously, without Transforming Spirit Pond, conceivable, by characteristics that scarecrow is unable to multiply self-confidently, must expand the ethnic group, simply is impossible, without Transforming Spirit Pond, that were equal to that this scarecrow has the possibility extermination of entire extended family anytime. Exterminates thoroughly. Transforming Spirit Pond regarding the importance of scarecrow, it can be imagined. 这口化灵池明显就是稻草人繁衍的根本所在,若没有化灵池,可以想象,以稻草人无法自信繁衍的特性,要壮大族群,简直是不可能的,若没有化灵池,那就等于这支稻草人随时都有可能族灭。彻底灭绝。化灵池对于稻草人的重要,可想而知。 This should follows rare treasure that this scarecrow is born together. 这应该是伴随这支稻草人一起诞生的异宝 True guarding the clan extreme treasure. 真正的镇族至宝 scarecrow regarding the strictness of here guarding, compared with it mountain valley rice paddy in even better. 稻草人对于这里的看守之严密,比之山谷稻田之中更胜一筹。 Soon, saw, scarecrow that these lose, in Transforming Spirit Pond unceasing turns into true scarecrow, walked self-confidently, makes the pledges of protections. Carries over a air/Qi with deep veneration. 不多时,就看到,那些丢进去的稻草人,在化灵池中不断的变成真正的稻草人,自信走了出来,发出一道道守护的誓言。带出一种肃然之气。 Yi Tianxing also saw, as scarecrow continuously appears, in this Transforming Spirit Pond hitting the target pool of water, starts to reduce at the visible speed, reduces. In a minute, has reduced most. 易天行也看到,随着稻草人不断出现,在这口化灵池中的池水,开始以肉眼可见的速度降低,减少。片刻间,就已经减少大半。 When all scarecrow completely in Transforming Spirit Pond breeds spirit wisdom, the Transforming Spirit Pond hitting the target pool of water, has turned into a layer|one level. 当所有扎出来的稻草人全部在化灵池中孕育出灵智后,化灵池中的池水,已经变成浅浅的一层 These new life scarecrow, in abundance toward Transforming Spirit Pond respectful worshipping on bended knees. Shows to give to Transforming Spirit Pond the respect of life, admires lovingly. 这些新生稻草人,纷纷朝着化灵池恭敬的跪拜。以示自身对化灵池赋予自己生命的尊重,儒慕。 After the worship, these scarecrow under the leadership of golden scarecrow, are going out of the cave in turn one after another. 在朝拜后,这些稻草人金色稻草人的带领下,依次鱼贯着走出山洞。 In the cave calms down. 山洞中静了下来。 Only then these guards fulfill duty the guard who as before completely defends in all around, even inspects in the cave back and forth. 只有那些守卫依旧尽职尽守的守卫在四周,甚至在山洞中来回巡视。 Does not dare to let off any change. For fear that has the accident/surprise. 不敢放过任何一丝异动。生怕出现意外。 Regarding the guarding of Transforming Spirit Pond, is heavy is it may be said that heavy. 对于化灵池的看守,可谓是重之又重。 Finally walked, should make a move to me.” “终于走了,该到我出手的时候了。” Yi Tianxing in one's eyes one bright, in the hand puts out several gourd fast, that gourd in hand, is the following stealth goes into hiding in in the sky, the outside world (external) basic(ally) cannot see any picture. 易天行眼中一亮,手中快速拿出几只葫芦,那葫芦在手中,也是跟着隐身隐匿在虚空中,外界根本就看不到任何画面。 Arrives at Transforming Spirit Pond cautiously, looks that in has become transforming spirit true liquid, admits in gourd Transforming Spirit Pond fast, the strength spits, transforming spirit true liquid such ingestions easily in gourd. 小心翼翼来到化灵池边,看着里面已经变得浅浅的化灵真液,快速将葫芦放进化灵池中,劲力一吐,一股股化灵真液就这么轻易的摄取到葫芦中。 After packing, puts out emptying gourd again, installed. 装满了之后,再次拿出一只空的葫芦,重新装了起来。 Each gourd can install a 4~5 jin (0.5 kg) component. 每一口葫芦能装下四五斤的份量。 Also are not many, hit three gourd transforming spirit true liquid directly, inside pool of water, dropped part again. 也不多,直接撞了三葫芦化灵真液,里面的池水,再次下降了一部分。 Then turns around to walk toward outside. 然后转身就朝着外面走去。 These scarecrow time have not discovered the Transforming Spirit Pond hitting the target change. Make his easily left the cave, in mountain valley, these new life scarecrow are inspecting in the rice paddy everywhere. An adhering faithfully appearance. 那些稻草人时间也没有发现化灵池中的变化。让他轻易的就离开了山洞,山谷中,那些新生稻草人正在稻田中四处巡视。一副恪尽职守的模样。 Walks, cannot remain, similar that gold wheat has collected, this quantity, not only can work as the seed, even if brought to eat is enough. In the rice paddy was short of the matter discovered probability of paddy rice is not big, the quantity that after all I select are not many, but Transforming Spirit Pond hitting the target transforming spirit true liquid I actually collected much, has big may be discovered detected.” “走,不能留了,黄金麦已经收集的差不多,这数量,不仅可以当种子,就算是拿来吃都足够了。稻田中少了稻米的事情被发现的几率不大,毕竟我摘取的数量不多,但化灵池中的化灵真液我却收集了不少,有不小的可能会被发现察觉。” The intention moves, has left mountain valley fast. 心念一动间,已经快速离开山谷 In this process, has not alarmed any scarecrow as before, even golden scarecrow has not alarmed. In the night, some as if ominous birds discovery rice paddies, start to fall toward mountain valley, must capture spirit rice. Let large quantities of scarecrow exude the angry shout. 在这过程中,依旧没有惊动任何稻草人,连金色稻草人也没有惊动。在黑夜中,似乎有凶禽发现稻田,开始朝着山谷中落下,要夺取灵米。让大批稻草人都发出愤怒的呼喊声。 In overthrowing steals grain thief in shout. 在打倒‘偷粮贼’的呼喊声中。 Yi Tianxing deeply looked at mountain valley, the intention moved, Space Gate has opened. 易天行深深看了一眼山谷,心念一动间,空间门已经打开。 The stride trod. divine light flashes through together, has vanished from mountain valley does not see. 大步踏了进去。一道神光闪过,已经从山谷外消失不见。 Opens Space Gate one after another, under shuttle space. 接连开启空间门,穿梭空间下。 Merely in a minute, has returned to Xuanhuang Town. 仅仅片刻间,已经返回玄黄镇 At this moment, in the town/subdues as before is in the evening. 此刻,镇上依旧是晚上。 Moreover, Venus Lamp has lightened, the bright light shines on the street, covers in entire Xuanhuang Town, shining like the daytime, does not have darkness terrifying, instead, is tired after during the daytime, by the night, is the rest, chatted, the time of teasing, appeared a liveliness everywhere, particularly in market, common people people from major village, watched in Xuanhuang Town, exchange. 而且,启明灯已经点亮,明亮的灯光照耀在街道上,覆盖在整个玄黄镇中,照耀的如同白昼,丝毫没有黑暗恐怖,反而,白天劳累过后,到了夜晚,正是休息,聊天,打趣的时刻,到处都显得一片热闹,尤其是在坊市内,来自各大村寨百姓民众,也都在玄黄镇中观看,交流。 The crowd is continuous, seems extremely lively. 人群川流不息,显得极为热闹。 Many village people, are look to Xuanhuang Town hitting the target all that envies. 很多村寨的人,都是羡慕的看向玄黄镇中的一切。 Venus Lamp ray, is not only not dazzling, but, is most gentle, incomparably shines all around clear, this scene, in night, tall and pleasing to the eye. Probably a darkness hitting the target legendary luminous pearl. 启明灯的光芒,不仅不刺眼,而且,是最柔和,将四周照耀的无比清晰,这种景象,在黑夜中,美轮美奂。好像是黑暗中的一颗夜明珠。 Shuā!! 刷! In the mansion backyard, Space Gate appears directly, after opening, Yi Tianxing's form also natural trod. 在府邸后院中,一尊空间门直接浮现,打开后,易天行的身影也自然的从中踏了出来。 master, you came back.” 主人,您回来了。” Cao Zhengchun first time appears, respectful saying. 曹正淳第一时间出现,恭敬的说道。 Elderly Huang do they have.” Yi Tianxing nods nods, asks. 黄老他们有没有过来。”易天行颔首点点头,开口询问道。 „Before Old Gentleman Huang them, has come, but, after knowing master you have not come back, makes the decision, the tonight's parliament will pass in the future, places will conduct tomorrow morning again.” 黄老先生他们之前已经过来,不过,在得知主人您还没有回来后,就做出决定,今晚的议会往后推移,放在明天早上再进行。” Cao Zhengchun sues to say fast: Moreover, Lady Mu has arranged the place of housing in the mansion, Physician Qiu and Physician Wang comes to look, has taken the pulse. And has used Moon Well Water, lets under its clothing/taking. According to two|tael position physician said, the Lady Mu within the body five main internal organs (entrails) is seriously battered, when is most essential, she will fall into the stupor, is not only within the body injury is excessive, is the result weakly, but before, soul has received the damage. Injures her ominous beast, has to hurt the soul ability.” 曹正淳快速诉说道:“而且,穆姑娘已经在府中安排好居住之地,邱大夫王大夫都过来看过,把过脉。并且已经取用月亮井水,让其服下。根据大夫所说,穆姑娘体内五脏六腑遭受重创,最关键时,她之所以会陷入昏迷,不仅是体内伤势过重,虚弱所致,而是在之前,灵魂受到过损伤。伤她的凶兽,拥有伤害灵魂的能力。” Any injury is so. 任何伤势都是如此。 So long as the injury on physical body has pill medicine, oneself body and spirit powerful, must restore, is not difficult. But what is difficult, resumes the damage on soul, soul is basic(ally), controls entire fleshly body, once is damaged, is indistinct regarding soul nihility, must restore, difficulty, in ancient times, if on soul presents the damage, that can only look for the daoist god woman. 肉体上的伤势只要有丹药,自身体魄强大,要恢复起来,并不难。而难的是,恢复灵魂上的损伤,魂魄根本,主宰整个肉身,一旦受损,对于灵魂虚无缥缈,要恢复起来,更加的困难,在古时候,要是灵魂上出现损伤,那就只能找道士神婆。 Must restore, does not have the good shortcut. 要恢复,没有太好的捷径。 But fleshly body powerful, is the way that warm and nourish soul one big can see. 肉身强大,是温养灵魂的一大可以看得见的方式。 The person of having a strong constitution, nature mental will compared with powerful that the average person comes. The starting matter comes, that is mental 100x, is handier. 体魄强健的人,自然精神意志都会远比普通人来的更加强大。做起事情来,那是精神百倍,更加得心应手。 Was injured to soul unexpectedly?” “竟然被伤到灵魂?” Yi Tianxing knits the brows slightly. This is not a simple matter. 易天行微微皱眉。这可不是一件简单的事情。 However does not feel the exception, in the wilderness, has too much unusual eccentric biological ominous beast now, has various abilities, myriad oddities, even if can injure to soul ominous beast, is not worth strangely. 不过也不觉得例外,在荒野中,现在存在着太多的稀奇古怪的生物凶兽,具有各种能力,千奇百怪,哪怕是能伤到灵魂凶兽,也不值得奇怪。 The injury on fleshly body, Moon Well Water can very good plays the role of healing. Takes well water, should rapidly restore. 肉身上的伤势,月亮井水就可以很好的起到治疗的作用。服用井水,应该会快速恢复。 This my arriving transforming spirit true liquid, according to the heavenly book record, has the function of strong soul, does not know on the injury regarding soul to have the concrete therapy effect.” “这次我的到的化灵真液,根据天书记载,就具有壮大灵魂的作用,不知道对于灵魂上的伤势有没有具体的疗伤功效。” Yi Tianxing secretly mutters said. 易天行暗自沉吟道。 The key is, how is not clear about this transforming spirit true liquid concrete effect. 关键是,不清楚这化灵真液的具体功效如何。 Other, no matter, I first tried to say again, since grows soul true spirit, took few, should not have what too big danger.” “别的不管,我先试试再说,既然是增长灵魂真灵的,少量服用,应该不会有什么太大的危险。” The tonight's parliament has postponed tomorrow morning, throughout entire evening does not have other things, can definitely make an attempt. 今天晚上的议会已经推迟到明天早上,整个晚上都没有其他事情,完全可以做出一次尝试。 After waving lets Cao Zhengchun leaves, turns around to enter in tranquility room. 挥手让曹正淳离开后,转身就走进静室中。 This transforming spirit true liquid can take, but, concrete is what effect, but also needs to taste personally can know from now on.” “这化灵真液可以服用,不过,具体是什么效果,还需要亲自品尝过后才能知道。” Sits well in tranquility room, in the hand puts out big gourd, opens gourd, first absorbs one drop from gourd, that is drop of golden liquid, glittering and translucent carving, just like the gemstone pearl. Indistinct within, can make people feel that one share Mind wants the tranquil misconception. 端坐在静室中,手中拿出一只大葫芦,打开葫芦,先是从葫芦中摄取一滴,那是一滴金色的液体,晶莹剔透,宛如宝石珍珠。隐隐约约间,能让人感觉到一股子心灵都要宁静的错觉。 Has not used too much, only puts out one drop. 没有取用太多,只拿出一滴。 Puts in the import. 放进口中。 transforming spirit true liquid is almost the entrance, follows the throat to drop in the abdomen instantaneously. A change of mystical appears in within the body. 化灵真液几乎是入口即化,瞬间就顺着喉咙落进腹中。紧接着,一种神奇的变化出现在体内。 That drops in transforming spirit true liquid, starts continuous sending out strange cool air/Qi, does not sneak in the flesh, but after sending out, integrates in invisible hitting the target soul directly. 那滴化灵真液中,开始源源不断的散发出一股奇异的清凉之气,不是钻进血肉中,而是在散发出来后,直接融入到无形中的灵魂之内。 In the brain presents together the ice piece probably all of a sudden, the ice is crisp, mental will, unprecedented centralism. 脑中好像一下子出现一块冰块,冰爽清凉,精神意志,前所未有的集中。 Can the clear feeling, own mental will, soul rapidly grow. 能清晰的感觉到,自身的精神意志,灵魂都在飞速增长。 That feeling, is most profound. 那种感觉,是玄之又玄的。 Even has a having to speak out impulsion. 甚至有种不吐不快的冲动。 Good powerful transforming spirit true liquid, I can feel unexpectedly, soul of oneself within the body wants from virtual to reality probably, condenses the entity, appears from within the body. Must open the sea of mental.” “好强大化灵真液,我竟然能感觉到,自身体内的灵魂都好像要由虚化实,凝聚成实体,从体内显现出来。要打开精神之海。” This strength, making in the innermost feelings emerge one type greatly delightedly, is greatly joyful. 这种壮大,让内心中涌现出一种大欢喜,大喜悦。 Energy unprecedented abundant. 一种精力前所未有的充沛。 Moreover, the mental power rampant growth, has to plant to break the body, but feeling. 而且,精神力疯狂增长,有种要破体而出的感觉。 hōng lóng lóng!! 轰隆隆!! In in a flash, Yi Tianxing felt that in own mind spreads together fierce thundering, has probably heavenly thunder together to blast out in the mind, with, entire mind will the crazy vibration, the entire mind is becoming a blank. 刹那间,易天行感觉到自己脑海中传出一道剧烈的轰鸣,好像有一道天雷在脑海中炸开,跟着,整个心神意志都在疯狂的震动,整个脑海都变得一片空白。 In this moment, like the words of some people, will discover, in the Yi Tianxing's forehead forehead position, appears impressively one group of golden light, is indistinct, sends out the invisible pressure. Takes away as many things as possible to all around. 在这一刻,如同有人的话,就会发现,在易天行的眉心额头位置,赫然浮现出一团金光,隐约间,散发出无形的威压。向四周席卷而去。 A feeling of this blank, continued the quarter of an hour, thoroughly gets back. 这种一片空白的感觉,足足持续了一刻钟,才彻底恢复过来。 This restoration , the opening mouth, reveals the look that one type does not dare to believe. 这一恢复,也不由的张大嘴巴,流露出一种不敢置信的神色。 Opens Sea of Consciousness fate aperture unexpectedly. How is this possible?” “竟然开辟出识海命窍。这怎么可能?” Yi Tianxing cannot bear exudes one to call out in alarm at the scene. 易天行忍不住当场发出一声惊呼。 In the forehead ancestral aperture position, has fate aperture together to open impressively. This is not other fate aperture, has Sea of Consciousness of name of ancestral aperture, is in the human body one of the most important fate aperture. Is mental will in it place basic(ally). 在眉心祖窍的位置,赫然有一道命窍开辟出来。这不是别的命窍,是有祖窍之称的识海,是人体内最重要的命窍之一。是自身精神意志所在之地的根本 ( to be continued )). 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