EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#359: Transforming Spirit Pond

End of the month, asked a monthly ticket.】 【月底了,求张月票。】 The dim light of night is strong gradually 夜色渐浓 In small mountain valley, can see impressively, inside, even if in the night, are almost the same as normal mankind as before, lifelike scarecrow is inspecting back and forth, during the daytime the turmoil has returned to normal probably thoroughly. Vanishes does not see. The golden rice paddy, in darkness, the beam energy spread sends out a faint trace shining ray unexpectedly. 一座小山谷中,赫然可以看到,里面,哪怕是黑夜中,依旧有一名名跟正常人类相差无几,栩栩如生的稻草人在来回巡视着,白天发生的动乱好像已经彻底平复下去。消失不见。金色的稻田,在黑暗中,竟然能散发出一丝丝金灿灿的光芒。 Let in mountain valley not have the ray, instead can in the weak ray, shine the surrounding thing is very clear. 山谷中并不是没有光线,反而能在微弱的光芒中,将周围的事物照耀的很清楚。 At least the simple object, can see as before clearly. 至少简单的物体,依旧可以看得清楚。 scarecrow not, because is at night, relaxes vigilantly, is inspecting as before intensely. Dense and numerous. Almost cannot fly including a fly. 一名名稻草人并没有因为是夜晚,就放松警惕,依旧在紧张的巡视着。密密麻麻。几乎连一只苍蝇都飞不进去。 Outside mountain valley, an eye was looking toward mountain valley in quietly. 山谷外,一双眼睛正在悄然朝着山谷内看了过去。 Carefully looks, impressively is Yi Tianxing. 仔细看去,赫然就是易天行 After gathering the vermilion face fruit tree, without hesitant, first time rushes to outside this small mountain valley, at night, rotates the thoughts again, has the idea in mountain valley. 在收取朱颜果树后,没有犹豫,第一时间就赶到这座小山谷外,等到夜晚时,也再次转动心思,将主意打在山谷中。 Also really defends sternly, these scarecrow, almost do not know wearily.” “还真是守备森严,这些稻草人,几乎都是不知道疲倦的。” Yi Tianxing secretly mutters, in has not acted in secret. 易天行暗自沉吟,在暗中并没有出手。 Regarding these scarecrow, in the heart also has a respect, because in their hearts has the belief, has thing that oneself must persevere. Thinks when the daytime saw that these scarecrow shout must overthrow to steal the grain thief form, is secretly imposing. 对于这些稻草人,心中也是有着一丝敬重,因为它们心中有信仰,有自己要坚守的东西。想到在白天时看到那些稻草人呼喊着要打倒偷粮贼时的身影,暗自凛然。 Has the belief, has thing that wants to protect. Such race obtains anybody to respect sufficiently. 有信仰,有想要守护的东西。这样的种族足以得到任何人敬重。 If not, Yi Tianxing easily will not so retreat in the daytime. 若不是如此,易天行在白天不会轻易退走。 Must cope with golden scarecrow, he has the means that no matter oneself fate aperture divine ability, is Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower, not necessarily cannot that golden scarecrow suppression. Even is makes a move to prey personally, competes fleshly body, is not necessarily able more inferior than golden scarecrow. 要对付金色稻草人,他不是没有办法,不管是自身命窍神通,还是鸿蒙天帝塔,都未必不能将那金色稻草人镇压。甚至是自己亲自出手搏杀,比拼肉身,也未必会比金色稻草人逊色。 However, was seeing that they protect these rice paddies at risk of life, does not hesitate form that sacrifices the life to go, he hesitated. 不过,在看到它们拼死守护这些稻田,不惜豁出性命去的身影,他迟疑了。 Then will retreat finally. 这才会最终退走。 But he does not have true departure, this gold wheat is extremely precious, its value, its significance, regarding the Xuanhuang Town future, has the extraordinary significance. Has the pivotal crucial role. 但他没有真正的离去,这黄金麦太过珍贵,其价值,其意义,对于玄黄镇的将来,都有着非同寻常的意义。有举足轻重的关键作用。 He comes, do not continue to slaughter with these scarecrow, but wants gold wheat. 他来,不是要跟这些稻草人继续厮杀,而是想要得到黄金麦 gold wheat is rare, but has the means to obtain. So long as obtains some seeds, that can definitely unceasingly training, breeding more, training has many gold wheat, as the seed, finally, becomes planting of scale to come out thoroughly. 黄金麦难得,但不是没有办法得到。只要得到一些种子,那就完全可以不断培养,孕育出更多,培养出更多的黄金麦,作为种子,最终,彻底成规模的栽种出来。 Took the seed to walk, so long as these scarecrow did not go out of mountain valley, did not launch the attack to mankind, kept them not to have nothing.” “拿了种子就走,这些稻草人只要不走出山谷,不对人类发起攻击,留着它们也没有什么不可以。” In the Yi Tianxing heart has together the thought secretly. 易天行心中暗自生出一道念头。 In the hand presents together talisman suddenly. 手中突然间出现一道符箓 This talisman lends an extremely abstruse aura, a nihility misconception. 这道符箓散发出一种极为玄妙的气息,给人一种虚无般的错觉。 talisman stealth tally!! 符箓隐身符!! This is not ordinary stealth tally, but is foreign treasure talisman that before obtained, heaven and earth breeding, the had stealth ability, compared with stealth tally that tally maker refined does not know that wanted powerful many times. Ordinary stealth tally will be discovered by golden scarecrow, but this together, is discovered absolutely. 这一道不是普通的隐身符,而是之前得到的异宝符箓,天地孕育而出,具有的隐身能力,比制符师炼制出的隐身符不知道要强大多少倍。普通的隐身符会被金色稻草人发现,但这一道,是绝对不会被发现。 This point, in the Yi Tianxing heart is very self-confident. 这一点,易天行心中无比自信。 The intention moves, stealth tally has changed into flow of light to enter within the body. 心念一动间,隐身符已经化为一道流光钻进体内。 Follows, saw, the entire body has had an inconceivable change. 跟着,就看到,整个身躯已经发生一丝不可思议的变化。 as if (similar) in in a flash, changes into nihility. Whole body, becomes light, is weightless. Vanishes from heaven and earth directly does not see, basic(ally) could not find any trace. Even internal qi hidden went. This very|10 points fearsomeness. 仿佛刹那间,化为虚无。全身上下,都变得轻飘飘,毫无重量。直接从天地间消失不见,根本找不到任何痕迹。连气机都被隐去。这就十分的可怖。 After the stealth, the intention moves, body forward fast shuttle in the past. 隐身后,心念一动,身躯就向前快速穿梭过去。 Enters in mountain valley, even if at present is scarecrow, these scarecrow turn a blind eye to him, what probably sees is only nihility. Nothing. 进入山谷中,哪怕是眼前就是稻草人,那些稻草人都对他视若无睹,好像看到的只是虚无。毫无任何东西。 Really useful, this stealth tally worthily is heaven and earth rare treasure. With here, is not owes. Although only then persistent time of double-hour. This time, makes me complete anything sufficiently.” “果然有用,这道隐身符不愧是天地异宝。用在这里,也不算亏。虽然只有一个时辰的持续时间。这个时间,足以让我完成任何事情。” In Yi Tianxing heart secretly one happy. 易天行心中暗自一喜。 The goal is very clear, approaches directly toward the rice paddy. 目标很明确,直接朝着稻田中靠近过去。 These gold wheat, send out strange delicate fragrance, actually, these spirit rice are mature, Yi Tianxing has not moved entire gold wheat directly, but from above cautious selects grains of gold wheat paddy rice wheat seeds. 这些黄金麦,散发出一股奇异的清香,其实,这些灵米已经成熟,易天行没有直接动整株的黄金麦,而是从上面小心翼翼的摘取一粒粒的黄金麦稻米麦种。 On gold wheat, if on few 1~2 grain of wheat seed that is the common matter, even is on few 10 several 20 grains are not related. 一株黄金麦上面,要是少上一两粒的麦种那不过是不起眼的事情,甚至是少上二十粒都没有关系。 In above, basic(ally) cannot look. 在上面,根本看不出来。 The gold wheat output is not low. 黄金麦的产量可不低。 No hesitates, grains of gold wheat such easily selects, in swift feed Elixir Field fate aperture, first time plants to spirit field. Other, no matter, first plants importantly. 没有任何迟疑,一粒粒的黄金麦就这么轻易的摘取下来,快速送进丹田命窍中,第一时间栽种到灵田之中。别的不管,先栽种下去最重要。 Moreover, in this process, other scarecrow suddenly had not detected. 而且,这过程中,其他稻草人竟然一点都没有察觉。 as if (similar) cannot feel same. 仿佛丝毫感觉不到一样。 In entire mountain valley, the planted gold wheat quantity went to the quite astonishing situation. 在整个山谷中,栽种的黄金麦数量已经达到相当惊人的地步。 The Yi Tianxing's movement is also extremely quick, in selects several 10 grains, in an instant, selected became thousand over ten thousand grains. 易天行的动作也是极快,一株上摘取几粒,转眼之间,就摘取了成上万粒。 Moreover, this quantity also in unceasing increase. 而且,这数量还在不断的增加。 Unknowingly, besides plants a next large quantities of seed in spirit field, but also saves big pile of gold wheat in Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower, stack is like the shining hill. 不知不觉中,除了在灵田中栽种下一大批的种子外,还在鸿蒙天帝塔中积攒起一大堆的黄金麦,堆积的跟金灿灿的小山一样。 In this process, Yi Tianxing even emerges a joy of harvest. 这过程中,易天行甚至涌现出一种收获的喜悦。 Harvest, great harvest, gold wheat, such upper class spirit rice was taken by me, even if consumed stealth tally, is worth. Was worth, is fully worth.” “丰收,大丰收啊,黄金麦,这样的上等灵米就这么被我弄到手了,哪怕是耗费了一张隐身符,也是值得的。太值得了,完全值得。” On the Yi Tianxing face also reveals a joy from the heart. 易天行脸上也不由露出一丝发自内心的喜悦。 spirit rice such rare and valuable, in the legend, is only then these cultivate immortal gate holy land can have the qualifications to plant, any type, is not easy to obtain. 灵米这样的奇珍,传说中,是只有那些修炼仙门圣地才能具有资格栽种,任何一种,都不是那么容易得到的。 But can actually so taking easily, this will certainly become one of the Xuanhuang Town inside information now. 可现在却能如此轻易的弄到手,这必将成为玄黄镇底蕴之一。 leader, has prepared.” 首领,已经准备好了。” At this moment, scarecrow arrives in front of golden scarecrow, opens the mouth to send out together the voice. 就在这时,一名稻草人走到金色稻草人面前,开口发出一道话音。 „After taking, comes with me, others receive the rice paddy. Guarded that steals the grain thief.” “带上后,跟我来,其他人收好稻田。谨防偷粮贼。” The golden scarecrow nod complies, to open the mouth to tell. 金色稻草人点头答应,开口吩咐道。 In this can see, he is full of wisdom, here scarecrow, even full of wisdom. 这里面能看出,他是有智慧的,这里的稻草人,甚至都是有智慧的。 Will ponder, can act, except that fleshly body is different, does not have much difference from mankind. They in the bone, in soul, as if already the mark that under the brand mark protects. Indelible. 会思考,能动作,除了肉身不同,跟人类没有太大区别。只是他们在骨子里,在灵魂中,似乎已经烙印下守护的印记。不可磨灭。 Well? Has the issue.” “咦?有问题。” The time is paying attention to Yi Tianxing of all around scarecrow trend, naturally discovers these movements, in the heart has together the thought. 时刻注意着四周稻草人动向的易天行,自然发现这些动作,心中不由生出一道念头。 Looked subconsciously. 下意识的看了过去。 Only sees, golden scarecrow before, then surface, is large quantities of scarecrow, in the hand, takes to use the straw to grip good scarecrow puppet, conducts the shoulder to follow on the heels, walks toward the mountain valley deep place. 只看到,金色稻草人在前,而后面,则是一大批的稻草人,在手中,都拿着一具具已经用稻草扎好的稻草人傀儡,扛着跟在后面,朝着山谷深处走去。 Interesting, with the past had a look, to could discover any extraordinary big secret.” “有意思,跟过去看看,说不定能发现什么了不得的大秘密。” Yi Tianxing in one's eyes ray one revolution, immediately without hesitation makes the decision. 易天行眼中光芒一转,随即就毫不犹豫的做出决定。 Turns around to pursue in the direction that these scarecrow go. 转身就朝着那些稻草人前往的方向追赶过去。 The body is the stealth, the moving speed is quicker . Moreover, without letting any scarecrow has the feeling, golden scarecrow could not detect, in this moment, Yi Tianxing was nihility. Any body, internal qi does not exist. 身体是隐身,动作速度更快,而且,没有让任何稻草人产生感觉,就连金色稻草人都察觉不了,在这一刻,易天行就是虚无的。什么身躯,气机都是不存在的。 golden scarecrow did not feel some people can conceal he. 金色稻草人也不觉得有人能隐瞒的不过他。 Soon, arrives at the mountain valley deep place. 不多时,就来到山谷深处。 Appears in the front, is a covert cave. 出现在面前的,是一处隐蔽的山洞。 Before the cave, has the scarecrow protection, these scarecrow bodies are bigger, compared with many that ordinary scarecrow internal qi stronger. Obviously, these are scarecrow hitting the target elite. 山洞前有稻草人守护,这些稻草人身躯更加高大,比普通稻草人气机要强的多。显然,这些是稻草人中的精锐。 Really has the secret.” “果然有秘密。” Yi Tianxing follows on the heels quietly, looks at the cave, in the heart also has one curious and anticipation. 易天行悄悄跟在后面,看着山洞,心中也不由的生出一丝好奇与期待。 Sneaks in the cave fast. 快速钻进山洞中。 This cave, inside space is very broad. 这山洞,里面的空间很宽阔。 scarecrow that inside guards are more. 里面守卫的稻草人更多。 In the innermost, is immense space. very|10 points is open. 在最里面,是一处巨大空间十分开阔。 But Yi Tianxing after , holds breath secretly cold air. 易天行在靠近后,也不由的暗自倒吸一口凉气。 This is anything.” “这是什么东西。” At present, appears to have surrounding area 3~4 zhang (3.33 m) ancient pond to appear in the front impressively. This basin looked is not simple, inside pool of water, is a golden liquid, in these golden liquids, sends out strange flowing light, appears mystical. 在眼前,赫然浮现出一口足足有方圆三四丈大小的古池出现在面前。这口水池一看就不简单,里面的池水,是一种金色的液体,这些金色液体中,散发出一股股奇异的流光,显得神异 In the center of basin, is scarecrow statue, is seemingly lifelike. 在水池的中央,是一尊稻草人雕像,看起来栩栩如生。 huā lā la!! 哗啦啦!! Following close on, a stranger matter is appearing at present. 紧跟着,一种更加诡异的事情出现在眼前。 Only sees, these scarecrow, will bring just gripped good scarecrow puppet with the straw, throws into that golden basin directly, scarecrow sink in the basin. Immersion in the golden liquid. As if has golden divine light to past. 只看到,那些稻草人,将带来的刚刚用稻草扎好的稻草人傀儡,直接扔进那金色水池中,一具具稻草人就这么沉进水池中。浸泡在金色液体中。似乎有金色神光在流转。 Shuā!! 刷! Follows, shortly, saw, scarecrow puppet that was thrown, started unexpectedly, from ice-cold puppet, ....... lived. 跟着,没多久,就看到,被扔进去的稻草人傀儡,竟然开始动了起来,从冰冷的傀儡,就这么.......活了。 Lived, really lived. 活了,是真的活了。 Moreover, but also step by step from basin. 而且,还一步步从水池中走了出来。 In the mouth the opens the mouth puts out the voice: Protection rice paddy, expels to steal the grain thief.” 口中张口吐出话音:“守护稻田,赶走偷粮贼。” In eyes glitters the firm ray, within the body has the faith. 眼眸中闪烁着坚定的光芒,体内有信念。 What throws is the ice-cold death thing, without life scarecrow, walks, has life, has soul scarecrow, really turns into the living creature from the dying thing, turns into new life. mountain valley hitting the target scarecrow came.” “扔进去的是冰冷的死物,没有生命稻草人,走出来的,却是具有生命,拥有灵魂稻草人,真的是从死物变成活物,变成新的生命山谷中的稻草人原来就是这么来的么。” Yi Tianxing in one's eyes has one to shock. 易天行眼中生出一丝震撼。 This is one type the dying thing will turn into the life process, endures the mystical method that good fortune is ordinary than simply. 这是一种将死物变成生命的过程,简直是堪比造化一般的神奇手段。 This creation method, brought shock, it can be imagined, is what kind of powerful astonishing. 这种造物手段,带来的震撼,可想而知,是何等的强悍惊人。 But this change, obviously is because front the basin creates. 而这种变化,显然是因为面前的这口水池造成的。 This basin contains Power of Good Fortune that is inconceivable. 这水池蕴含着难以想象的造化之力 If so, that scarecrow quantity can increase of limitless, the unceasing growth, grow, battle power that scarecrow ultimately forms, will go to how fearful situation. Grips scarecrow, throws into the basin, can go out of live scarecrow, this price, was really low. Should have the limit. Is impossible so heaven defying. If really so, entire world meets other scarecrow to seize.” “若是这样,那岂不是稻草人的数量可以无限的增加,不断的增长,增长下去,那稻草人最终形成的战力,将会达到多么可怕的地步。只是扎个稻草人,扔进水池中,就能走出活的稻草人,这代价,实在是太低了。应该会有限制。不可能如此逆天。若真如此,整个世界会别稻草人占领。” Yi Tianxing narrows eyes, looks to that ancient pond. 易天行眯起眼眸,看向那口古池 Please remember this book first round domain name: www.4020.la. 4020 novel net cell phone version reading websites: m.4020. la 请记住本书首发域名:www.4020.la。4020小说网手机版阅读网址:m.4020.la
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