EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#358: nether fire butterfly

That is covers common the dim light under the pine needle. 那是一道道掩盖在松针下不起眼的幽光。 Is these dim light, lets the Yi Tianxing originally fiery heart, all of a sudden becomes ice-cold, in eyes full is with amazement with the shock, carefully looks to the vermilion face fruit tree, goes into hiding in the pine needle, can see impressively, is stationarying an only butterfly big or small unexpectedly. That dim light, sends out from the butterfly wing. Refracts at present. 就是这些幽光,让易天行本来火热的心,一下子变得冰冷,眼眸中满是骇然与震惊,仔细看向朱颜果树上,隐匿在松针中,赫然可以看到,竟然驻立着一只只或大或小的蝴蝶。那幽光,就是从蝴蝶翅膀上散发出来的。折射到眼前。 That dim light ........ is very cold!! 那幽光........很冷!! Make people feel that has cold intent from the heart. 让人感觉出一种发自内心的冷意。 These stationary the butterfly on vermilion face fruit tree, absolutely is not the ordinary butterfly. 这些驻立在朱颜果树上的蝴蝶,绝对不是普通的蝴蝶。 nether fire butterfly, legend from place of breeding netherworld, but the butterfly of death, the body contains tarsal bone nether fire, once were alarmed, will immediately change into nether fire, lights the enemy, burns down the ashes. Like this ominous thing, how will appear here.” 冥火蝶,传说自幽冥之地孕育而出的死亡之蝶,身上蕴含跗骨冥火,一旦被惊动,立即就会化为冥火,点燃敌人,焚烧成灰烬。这样的凶物,怎么会出现在这里。” When seeing these strange butterflies, in the mind naturally appears a news, making him know the origins of these butterflies. 在看到那些诡异的蝴蝶时,脑海中自然浮现出一股讯息,让他知道这些蝴蝶的来历。 This basic(ally) is butterflies of one flock of death. Everywhere one visit, brought only has death, once lights nether fire, will change into eclipse bone nether fire thoroughly. undying continuous, usually most time in lying dormant. But if was awakened, to enemy undying continuous, will most abstain sees living lifeform, any living life, will become their targets. 根本就是一群死亡之蝶。所到之处,带来的只有死亡,一旦点燃身上的冥火,就会彻底化为蚀骨冥火不死不休,平时大多数时间都在沉睡。可要是被惊醒,就会对敌人不死不休,最忌讳看到活着的生物,任何活着的生命,都会成为它们的攻击目标。 In heart secretly imposing, if had not just discovered. 心中暗自凛然,要是刚刚没有发现的话。 Really must hit, that will perhaps suffer the heavy losses that is inconceivable, will fall from the sky under eclipse bone nether fire. 真要撞上去,那恐怕会遭遇到难以想象的重创,甚至会陨落在蚀骨冥火之下。 This world, is filling unknown and dangerous. 这个世界,充满着未知与危险。 No one dares to say oneself can certainly go on living, in the wilderness, wants death, that is simply easy. Perhaps suddenly, will fall from the sky. 谁都不敢说自己一定能够活下去,在荒野中,要死亡,那简直就是再容易不过。或许一个眨眼间,就会陨落。 Really without is so simple, such spirit tree, will be impossible not to have the ominous beast spirit beast protection, must obtain, will not be that relaxed. Before then, but must find the way to solve these nether fire butterfly.” “果然没有那么简单,这样的一株灵树,不可能会没有凶兽灵兽守护,要得到,不是那么轻松的。在这之前,还必须要想办法解决这些冥火蝶。” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath, secretly mutters said. 易天行深吸一口气,暗自沉吟道。 Gives up vermilion face fruit setting up him unable to achieve obviously, such being the case, that must think the means making these nether fire butterfly, even is solves. 放弃朱颜果树他显然做不到,既然如此,那就必须要想办法将这些冥火蝶给弄走,甚至是解决掉。 Háo!! 嗥! At this moment, in the sky transmits severe howl. 就在这时,天空中传来一声厉啸。 Only saw, a condor as if discovered the vermilion face fruit tree, sees long vermilion face fruit on tree, immediately excited dives from the space, grasped toward vermilion face fruit directly. 只看到,一头秃鹰似乎发现了朱颜果树,看到长在树上的朱颜果,立即兴奋的从天上俯冲下来,直接朝着一枚朱颜果抓了过去。 From leaving to appearing before the vermilion face fruit tree, but is blinks that's all. A breath. All movements have been completed. 从动身到出现在朱颜果树前,不过是眨眼之间而已。连一个呼吸都不到。所有动作已经完成。 However, when this condor will soon be falling to the tree on, actually original sends out severe howl, reveals the panic-stricken color, with amazement flutters to fly toward the sky, appearance that wants to run away impatiently. 不过,这秃鹰在即将落到树上时,却本来的发出一声厉啸,露出惊恐之色,骇然的朝着天空振翅飞去,一副迫不及待想要逃走的模样。 What a pity, is too late. 可惜,已经太晚了。 It was away from the distance of vermilion face fruit tree is too near. 它距离朱颜果树的距离太近了。 Nearly to turns around to turn back void continually without enough time, on the vermilion face fruit tree, quiet cold nether fire butterfly had only been awakened, simultaneously fluttered to fly, this flew, the form of discovery condor. 近到连转身折返虚空都来不及,在朱颜果树上,一只只幽冷的冥火蝶已经被惊醒,同时振翅飞了起来,这一飞起,就发现秃鹰的身影。 Immediately, on a wing of nether fire butterfly, no indication gives birth to one group of quiet blue flame, expanded instantaneously counted 10x, like immense fireball, hit the past toward the condor like lightning. 顿时,一只冥火蝶的翅膀上,毫无征兆的生出一团幽蓝色火焰,瞬间扩大了数十倍,如同一枚巨大火球,朝着秃鹰闪电般撞击过去。 Howls, like without weight is ordinary. 呼啸间,如同毫无重量一般。 The speed of erupting is actually extremely quick. 爆发出的速度却是极快。 With waving of wing, nether fire butterfly has thrown to the condor on directly. 随着翅膀的舞动,冥火蝶已经直接扑到秃鹰身上。 The condor sends out severe howl, goes all out to revolt, feathers detach to fly, change into the advantage arrow, shells in nether fire butterfly on fireball, what is strange, that nether fire seems like illusory to be the same, was hit, has not been defeated and dispersed, instead the a layer|one level nether fire direct spread covers on the feather, the feather loses the gloss at the visible speed, cuns (2.5 cm) annihilate, changes into the powder. 秃鹰发出厉啸,拼命反抗,一根根羽翎脱体而飞,化为利箭,轰击在冥火蝶所化的火球上,但诡异的是,那冥火好像是虚幻一样,被击中,并没有溃散,反而一层冥火直接蔓延覆盖在羽翎上,羽翎以肉眼可见的速度失去光泽,一寸寸的湮灭,化为粉末。 Follows, puts on the condor rapidly. 跟着,就迅速扑在秃鹰身上。 The condor exudes the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound. 秃鹰发出凄厉的惨叫声。 Struggles furiously, what a pity, basic(ally) has no function, the whole body is covered by nether fire, like fire bird, the condor has not let go the opportunity of seeking livehood, threw toward a creek, sneaks in the water, but that river water, regarding its nether fire, an function does not have, 奋力挣扎,可惜,根本就没有任何作用,全身被冥火覆盖,如同一只火鸟,秃鹰并没有放弃求生的机会,朝着一条小河中扑了进去,钻进水中,但那河水,却对于它身上的冥火,一点作用都没有, The pouring cannot extinguish nether fire, almost in an instant, a gigantic condor has been reduced to ashes, dying pitiful incomparable, seeming like very|10 points is strange. That picture, is quite fearful, condor basic(ally) does not have the means to suppress nether fire, one was lit, directly-burning flesh. The skeleton, all, changes into the fuel entirely. Cannot achieve including a resistance, same was lit with the torch, is reduced to ashes. 浇灭不了冥火,几乎转眼间,一只硕大的秃鹰已经化为灰烬,死的凄惨无比,看起来十分诡异。那画面,相当可怕,秃鹰根本就没有办法将冥火扑灭,一被点燃,就直接燃烧血肉。骨骼,所有的一切,通通化为燃料。连一丝反抗都做不到,就跟火炬一样被点燃,化为灰烬。 Good fearful nether fire, good terrifying nether fire butterfly. nether fire commits suicide by fire, the ordinary water is unable to irrigate to extinguish.” “好可怕的冥火,好恐怖冥火蝶冥火焚身,普通的水是无法浇灭的。” nether fire changes into nether fire butterfly, quiet falling however returns to the vermilion face fruit tree. 冥火重新化为冥火蝶,幽然的落回朱颜果树上。 Regarding just one, a feeling did not have, seeming like ordinary. 对于刚刚的一幕,一点感觉都没有,似乎是再平常不过。 It can be imagined, every day such as condor this, dies ominous beasts and birds the quantity under nether fire butterfly, absolutely is not a small number. 可想而知,每天如秃鹰这样,死在冥火蝶之下的凶兽凶禽的数量,绝对不是一个小数目。 nether fire butterfly nether fire, is Fire of Death, if really so, I not necessarily cannot restrain them.” Suddenly, Yi Tianxing in one's eyes one bright, in the mind flashes before together the thought fast. Immediately pushes after the heart fast spread out several times, felt after no too big flaw, immediately from hiding place. 冥火蝶身上的冥火,是死亡之火,若真如此,我未必就不能克制住它们。”突然间,易天行眼中一亮,脑海中快速闪现出一道念头。随即在心中快速推衍了几次后,觉得其中没有什么太大的破绽后,立即就从隐蔽处走了出来。 Approaches step by step toward the vermilion face fruit tree. 一步步朝着朱颜果树靠近过去。 Shuā!! 刷! Yi Tianxing's appears, immediately made nether fire butterfly that did not have to get down thoroughly quietly fly in abundance, a both vision stared on the body. 易天行的出现,立即就让还没有彻底沉寂下去的冥火蝶纷纷飞了起来,一双双目光盯在身上。 Nothing hesitant, nether fire butterfly vibrates the wing again, the body emerges one group of quiet blue nether fire, just like fireball, sweeps across to come toward Yi Tianxing fast, nether fire in the midair, drifts from place to place, making people be hard to catch its flight trajectory, is really same like the butterfly, is very unusual. Speed actually quickly to surprising situation. 没有任何犹豫,一只冥火蝶再次振动翅膀,身上涌现出一团幽蓝色冥火,如同火球一样,快速朝着易天行席卷而来,冥火在半空中,飘忽不定,让人难以捕捉其飞行轨迹,真的如同蝴蝶一样,很是奇特。速度却快到令人惊讶的地步。 Yin-Yang Mirror!!” 阴阳镜!!” Sees flies fast to own nether fire butterfly, on the Yi Tianxing face unhurriedly, in the mouth exudes one to drink lightly. 看到快速飞向自己的冥火蝶,易天行脸上不慌不忙,口中发出一声轻喝。 As the voice falls. 随着话音落下。 Only saw, at the same time mystical ancient mirror appears in the front. 只看到,一面神异古镜出现在面前。 This ancient mirror black, white, black and white fluctuates on ancient mirror alternately. Sends out abstruse dao rhyme. In in a flash. Yin-Yang Mirror has turned snow white, from the white mirror surface, pure white divine light jumps to shoot together. Like small Sun. 这面古镜一面黑,一面白,黑白在古镜上交替变幻。散发出一种玄妙道韵。在刹那间阴阳镜已经变成雪白,从白色的镜面中,一道纯白的神光迸射而出。如同一枚小太阳般。 nether fire that nether fire butterfly sends out, in front of this white divine light, has an inconceivable change immediately. 冥火蝶散发出的冥火,在这道白色神光面前,顿时就发生一种不可思议的变化。 Originally strange nether fire, in front of white divine light, seemed like the snowflake to bump into Sun to be the same, sends out the strange chī chī strange sound, faint trace flame, wore down instantaneously, annihilate did not see at the scene. Vanishing into thin air. 本来诡异的冥火,在白色神光面前,就好像是雪花碰到了太阳一样,发出奇异的嗤嗤怪响,一丝丝火焰,瞬间消磨,当场湮灭不见。化为乌有。 nether fire ran into the difficult adversary probably, is almost defeated and dispersed at the visible speed. 冥火好像遇到了克星,几乎以肉眼可见的速度溃散。 Merely several cannot breathe, under Yin-Yang Mirror, not only nether fire vanishes into thin air, nether fire butterfly also in in a moment, sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, probably was burnt down by inferno, is reduced to ashes instantaneously. The sediment of even dying does not have remaining. 仅仅几个呼吸不到,在阴阳镜下,不仅冥火化为乌有,就连冥火蝶也在一刹那间,发出一声凄厉的惨叫,好像被烈焰焚烧,瞬间化为灰烬。死的连渣滓都没有剩下。 Moreover is not only only one. 而且不仅仅只是一只。 Yin-Yang Mirror covers nether fire butterfly again under divine light, that only nether fire butterfly same step goes forward footsteps. At the visible speed, rapid annihilate, changes into the flying ash. 阴阳镜再次将一只冥火蝶覆盖在神光之下,那只冥火蝶同样步上前一只的后尘。以肉眼可见的速度,迅速湮灭,化为飞灰。 In divine light, transmitted one type to just extreme yang Power of Pure Yang. 神光中,传递出一种至刚至阳纯阳之力 Regarding nether fire butterfly nether fire, simply is the absolute difficult adversary. 对于冥火蝶身上的冥火而言,简直就是绝对的克星。 Has the strength of unequalled restraint. 具有无与伦比的克制之力。 This simply is the Yin and Yang collision. 这简直就是阴与阳的碰撞。 But obviously, nether fire butterfly nether fire, is unable to resist Yin-Yang Mirror Power of Extreme Yang as before. So long as a photo, is reduced to ashes immediately. 但显然,冥火蝶冥火,依旧无法抵挡住阴阳镜至阳之力。只要一照,立即就化为灰烬。 two|tael, three!! 一只,只,三只!! Yin-Yang Mirror bursts out divine light unceasingly, every lets nether fire butterfly annihilate one time at the scene. Changes into the fragment powder. 阴阳镜不断迸发出神光,每一次都让一只冥火蝶湮灭当场。化为齑粉。 Yin-Yang Mirror has the two|tael surface, black side, can let living life death, but white side, can let the thing of yin evil, instantaneous annihilate, changes into the flying ash. It can be said that in view of the different enemies, Yin-Yang Mirror can show the different mighty force. 阴阳镜面,黑的一面,是可以让活着的生命死亡,而白的一面,可以让阴邪之物,瞬间湮灭,化为飞灰。可以说,针对不同的敌人,阴阳镜能展现出不同的伟力。 It can be said that Yin-Yang Mirror is these nether fire butterfly difficult adversaries. 可以说,阴阳镜就是这些冥火蝶的克星。 Counts 10 nether fire butterfly to be only reduced to ashes after Yin-Yang Mirror one after another in turn. 接连数冥火蝶依次在阴阳镜面前化为灰烬后。 These advance uninterruptedly nether fire butterfly also as if (similar) that kills to feel that thoroughly an intense death aura, gives way to traffic loudly to the distant place. Looked that becomes extreme dreading to the Yi Tianxing's vision. 那些前赴后继扑杀过来的冥火蝶仿佛彻底感觉到一种强烈的死亡气息,轰然间向远处避让出去。看向易天行的目光变得极为的忌惮。 Good opportunity.” “好机会。” Was shocked by Yin-Yang Mirror while nether fire butterfly, leaves in a flash of vermilion face fruit tree, Yi Tianxing wants not to think, the charging into fruit tree unrestrained/no trace of politeness, has put out the shovel in first time, pours into true qi, unearths crazily on the cliff. At his speed, the fleshly body strength, this excavation, quickly to the dumbfounded position, during merely several breath, unearths the root hair. 趁着冥火蝶阴阳镜震慑,离开朱颜果树的刹那间,易天行想都不想,已经毫不客气的冲向果树,在第一时间拿出铁锹,灌注真气,在悬崖上疯狂挖掘起来。以他的速度,肉身力量,这一挖掘,快到让人目瞪口呆的境地,仅仅几个呼吸间,就将根须都挖掘出来。 Then before arriving at the tree trunk, puts out a hand to pull out, entire spirit tree was pulled out forcefully. Destroyed root hair very|10 points is scarce, after pulling out, the intention moves, this vermilion face fruit tree had fed in Elixir Field fate aperture. 然后来到树身前,伸手一拔,整颗灵树就被硬生生拔了出来。被破坏的根须十分稀少,拔出来后,心念一动间,这株朱颜果树已经被送进丹田命窍中。 Appears in that piece of spirit field. 出现在那片灵田之内。 Rapid completes to take root in the process that. 迅速的完成扎根的过程。 Under rich spirit qi warm and nourish, was pulled out also to appear somewhat dispirited vermilion face fruit tree from the ground, restored life force all of a sudden, before life force compared with that even sends out also wants intensely rich. 一股股浓郁的灵气温养下,从地上被拔出来还显得有些颓废的朱颜果树,一下子就恢复了生机,甚至散发出的生机比起之前还要强烈浓郁。 These processes, said to be long, in the short several breath, has carried out thoroughly actually. 这些过程,说起来长,实则不过是在短短几个呼吸间,就已经彻底完成。 Then, wants not to think, the figure fast runs away toward Shan Feng (mountain peak) under. 然后,想都不想,身形快速朝着山峰下面逃遁过去。 Several vertical leap, is counts in the 10 zhang (3.33 m) the 100 zhang (3.33 m) away. 几个纵跃间,就是数丈上丈远。 huā lā la!! 哗啦啦!! In the sky also appeared nether fire butterfly that dreads extremely to see after Yin-Yang Mirror the vermilion face fruit tree that oneself stay unexpectedly Yi Tianxing pulls out, immediately starts the violent anger, wants not to think, ignites nether fire in abundance, changes into fearful deep fireball, fast kills toward Yi Tianxing. 天空上本来还对阴阳镜显得极为忌惮的冥火蝶看到自己栖身的朱颜果树竟然被易天行拔走后,顿时就开始暴怒,想都不想,纷纷燃起冥火,化为一枚枚可怕的冥火球,飞快的朝着易天行扑杀过来。 That appearance, wishes one could to burn down the ashes Yi Tianxing thoroughly. 那模样,恨不得将易天行彻底焚烧成灰烬。 However, Yi Tianxing is not a vegetarian. 不过,易天行更不是吃素的。 Yin-Yang Mirror not parsimonious making a move one after another. 阴阳镜毫不吝啬的接连出手。 Almost every divine light, extinguishes directly kills nether fire butterfly. In an instant, rushes to Shan Feng (mountain peak), enters in the jungle, the entire figure is hidden rapidly does not see. 几乎每一道神光,都直接灭杀一尊冥火蝶。转眼之间,就冲下山峰,进入丛林中,整个身形迅速隐没不见。 These nether fire butterfly shuttle back and forth in the mountain forest unceasingly, wants to seek to steal away the vermilion face fruit tree the bandits and thieves, after seeking to be fruitless, is vent -type extinguishes surrounding ominous beast kills, fires the ashes with nether fire. 那些冥火蝶在山林中不断穿梭,想要寻找偷走朱颜果树的盗贼,在寻找无果后,更是发泄式的将周围的凶兽灭杀,用冥火烧成灰烬。 Finally unwilling departure. 最终才不甘的离去。 Please remember this book first round domain name: www.4020.la. 4020 novel net cell phone version reading websites: m.4020. la 请记住本书首发域名:www.4020.la。4020小说网手机版阅读网址:m.4020.la
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