EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#357: vermilion face fruit tree

Since obtaining «Four Images Heavenly Arrow Classic», Yi Tianxing incessantly not Hope can cultivate this peerless archery, what a pity, the threshold be too high, wants cultivate, most basic is to condense arrow intent, only then condenses arrow intent, can visualize Four Images godbeast, condense Four Images arrow intent, plays this archery peerless might, can say, this basically doesn't is the arrow technique, but is arrow dao. The say/way of pure arrow intent. 自从得到《四象天箭经》后,易天行无时无刻希望能够修炼这门绝世箭法,可惜,门槛太高,要修炼,最基本的就是要凝聚出箭意,只有凝聚出箭意,才能观想四象神兽,凝聚出四象箭意,发挥出这门箭法的绝世威力,可以可以说,这根本不是箭技,而是箭道。纯粹的箭意之道。 arrow intent that condenses, contains more fearful destructive power. Incomparably powerful astonishing. 凝聚出的箭意,蕴含着更加可怕的破坏力。无比强悍惊人。 However, now obviously is not the cultivate this peerless archery time. 不过,现在明显不是修炼这门绝世箭法的时刻。 I must try but actually, this golden scarecrow really even arrow intent can resist.” “我倒要试试,这金色稻草人是不是真的连箭意都能抵挡。” The Yi Tianxing's vision falls to that only golden scarecrow. In heart secretly imposing. 易天行的目光落向那只金色稻草人。心中暗自凛然。 Has not hesitated, Falling Star Bow has pulled open, white bone war arrow appears above, this war arrow is not armor-breaking arrow, but is gale arrow, the speed, in all war arrow, is quickest one. 没有迟疑,陨星弓已经拉开,一根白骨战箭出现在上面,这支战箭不是破甲箭,而是疾风箭,速度,在所有战箭中,是最快的一种。 He needs is the most perfect speed. 他所需要的就是最极致的速度。 Draws the nocking!! 拉弓搭箭!! The arrow points to that golden scarecrow sharp. 箭尖直指那尊金色稻草人 In war arrow, the arrow intent turnover, gives birth to invisible internal qi, covers golden scarecrow instantaneously. As if locks thoroughly. 战箭中,箭意吞吐,生出一种无形的气机,瞬间就将金色稻草人笼罩在内。似乎彻底锁定。 However, this is only misconception that's all. 不过,这只是一种错觉而已 Whiz!! 嗖!! war arrow air-splitting. 战箭破空。 Above is glittering cyan divine light, if there is a cool breeze winding, to the pinnacle, almost the time of a blink, war arrow has appeared in the front quickly, straight toward heart position bombardment in the past. 上面闪烁着青色神光,如有清风缠绕,快到极致,几乎连一眨眼的功夫都不到,战箭就已经出现在面前,笔直的朝着心脏位置轰击过去。 Bang!! 砰!! golden scarecrow saw, in one's eyes none flashes, after hand hitting the target bronze-colored bamboo stick, sends first, strikes again on war arrow, the rapidness of speed, is less inferior than war arrow, under the both sides collision, on bamboo stick, sends out an intense ray. 金色稻草人看到,眼中精光一闪,手中的青铜色竹杖后发先至,再一次敲打在战箭上,速度之快,一点不比战箭逊色,两者碰撞下,竹杖上,散发出一道强烈的光芒。 Strange dao rhyme passes on bamboo stick. 一股奇异的道韵竹杖上流转。 Covers on war arrow, as can be seen, entire war arrow at the visible speed, under bamboo stick, cuns (2.5 cm) annihilate, such as the summer snowflake is unexpectedly same, the direct ablation, vanishes into thin air, vanishes in a puff of smoke, even contains in war arrow hitting the target arrow intent, melts together, annihilate. 覆盖在战箭上,可以看到,整支战箭竟然以肉眼可见的速度,在竹杖下,一寸寸的湮灭,如夏天的雪花一样,直接消融,化为乌有,就这么灰飞烟灭,连蕴含在战箭中的箭意,都一起消融,湮灭 An implication fearful strength, even is arrow intent war arrow, vanishes under bamboo stick directly does not see. 一根蕴含可怕力量,甚至是箭意战箭,就这么直接在竹杖下消失不见。 That picture, what brought is shock that is inconceivable. 那种画面,带来的是一种难以想象的震撼。 This is divine ability, this golden scarecrow within the body has bred divine ability, this is what divine ability. Even arrow intent disintegrates the collapse under bamboo stick unexpectedly instantaneously, basic(ally) is unable to contend.” “这是神通,这金色稻草人的体内已经孕育出神通,这是什么神通。竟然连箭意都在竹杖下瞬间瓦解崩溃,根本无法抗衡。” In the Yi Tianxing heart vibrates secretly. 易天行心中暗自震动。 Pure strength, only if a Inhuman level, otherwise, is impossible to rout arrow intent directly, although the golden scarecrow strength is fearful, actually cannot be that level absolutely. Once martial dao true intent condenses, has nearly inextinguishable characteristics. 纯粹的力量,除非是达到一种非人的层次,否则,是不可能将箭意都直接击溃,金色稻草人的力量虽然可怕,却绝对达不到那种层次。武道真意一旦凝聚,就具有一种近乎不灭的特性。 Was actually given the smashing by bamboo stick. 却被一竹杖给粉碎。 In above, he saw dao rhyme that belongs to divine ability. 在上面,他看到了属于神通道韵 This is not the pure strength, is not fleshly body divine ability, is fate aperture divine ability that its within the body breeds. 这不是纯粹的力量,不是肉身神通,就是本身体内孕育出的命窍神通 Whiz!! 嗖!! Has not hesitated, Yi Tianxing pulls open Falling Star Bow again, is an arrow jumps to shoot. This time shoots, is armor-breaking arrow, not only sharp, but also tenacious powerful. Sharp incomparable. 没有迟疑,易天行再次拉开陨星弓,又是一箭迸射出去。这次射出去的,是破甲箭,不仅锋利,而且更加坚韧强大。锋锐无比。 Ding!! 叮!! The matter that then, had before again presents at present, golden scarecrow without hesitation is striking to war arrow bamboo stick. Above divine light passes, on armor-breaking arrow the golden ray dissipates, contains arrow intent to start to be defeated and dispersed, even is war arrow also follows cuns (2.5 cm) annihilate. 然则,之前所发生的事情再一次呈现在眼前,金色稻草人毫不犹豫的对着战箭竹杖敲打下去。上面神光流转,破甲箭金色光芒消散,蕴含箭意开始溃散,甚至是战箭本身也跟着寸寸湮灭 Really fierce, achieves white ding realm scarecrow, has mysterious divine ability, can disintegrate to crush all attacks.” The Yi Tianxing eye pupil concentrates, connects a two|tael probe, has made him very clear. This golden scarecrow truly has divine ability, moreover powerful divine ability, practices arrow intent to be able extremely the disintegration, this is not general powerful. “果然厉害,达到白鼎境界稻草人,更是具有神秘神通,能瓦解粉碎一切攻击。”易天行眼瞳一凝,接连次的试探,已经让他很清楚。这名金色稻草人确实拥有神通,而且还是极为强大神通,练箭意都能崩碎,这已经不是一般的强悍。 Walks, first leaves here.” “走,先离开这里。” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath, deeply looked at golden scarecrow, is putting out together the voice to Gold Péng. Immediately leaves mountain valley, goes toward the distant place. 易天行深吸一口气,深深看了一眼金色稻草人,对着金鹏吐出一道话音。随即就离开山谷,朝着远处而去。 Gold Péng has not resisted, knows that following scarecrow is not good to cope. 金鹏没有抗拒,知道下面的稻草人不好对付。 Flutters, already flying immortal distant place. 振翅间,已经飞仙远方。 golden scarecrow witnesses Gold Péng to depart, golden eyes received slowly, starts to direct other scarecrow , to continue to inspect in the rice paddy. Meanwhile, puts out one pile of straws. 金色稻草人目睹金鹏离去,金色眼眸缓缓收了回来,开始指挥其他稻草人,继续在稻田中进行巡视。同时,也拿出一堆稻草。 Many scarecrow sit together, takes the straw, weaves fast, weaves scarecrow, scarecrow that but grips, motionless, obviously is the dying thing, an intelligence and strength do not have. Is ornaments. But they have not actually stopped, as in unceasing is gripping scarecrow. 很多稻草人在一起,拿着稻草,就这么快速编织起来,编织出一个个稻草人,只是扎出来的稻草人,一动不动,明显就是死物,一点灵性与力量都没有。就是一具具摆设。但他们却始终没有停顿,依旧在不断的扎着稻草人 ............. ............. On Shan Feng (mountain peak). 一座山峰上。 Gold Péng brings Yi Tianxing to appear in the Shan Feng (mountain peak) peak. Stands motionless, in the Yi Tianxing hand also presents pagoda, waves, in pagoda the ray flashes, only saw, a colossus appears in the front directly. 金鹏带着易天行出现在山峰顶端。站立不动,易天行手中也出现一尊宝塔,挥手间,宝塔中光芒一闪,只看到,一具庞然大物直接出现在面前。 Carefully looks, that impressively is Quetzalcoatlus King. 仔细看去,那赫然就是风神翼龙王 In Quetzalcoatlus King wound, healed similar, regarding second step ominous beast, the injury on fleshly body, relies on enormous qi and blood and even is the life strength, can in shortest time restore again. If nothing else, basic battle power has at least restored. Slaughters, the compared with peak may on weak some, actually absolutely not on weak too much. 风神翼龙王身上的伤口,已经愈合的差不多,对于二阶凶兽来说,肉身上的伤势,凭借自身庞大气血乃至是生命力,可以再最短的时间内恢复。别的不说,至少基本的战力已经恢复。厮杀起来,比起巅峰时期或许会弱上一些,却绝对不会弱上太多 Quetzalcoatlus King appears, looks to Gold Péng, looks to Yi Tianxing. 风神翼龙王出现,看向金鹏,也看向易天行 When seeing Yi Tianxing, the eyes hitting the target vision, as before appears extremely ice-cold, a hatred is clearly discernible. 在看到易天行时,眼眸中的目光,依旧显得极为的冰冷,一丝仇恨都是清晰可见。 Quetzalcoatlus King, as second step ominous beast, your wisdom, makes you understand meaning that sufficiently I spoke. Although does not know before , when happened, but, you have rescued Gold Péng, Gold Péng is my war pet, therefore, I came, also saves you, this is a life arrives at a life. No one owes anyone, if you plan to continue with me for the enemy. That do not think that I will show mercy.” 风神翼龙王,身为二阶凶兽,你的智慧,足以让你明白我说话的意思。虽然不知道之前发生什么时候,不过,你救过金鹏,金鹏是我的战宠,所以,我来了,也同样将你救出来,这是一命抵一命。谁都不欠谁,你要是打算继续与我为敌的话。那也别想我会手下留情。” Yi Tianxing looks to Quetzalcoatlus King, says decisively. 易天行看向风神翼龙王,断然开口说道。 His personality is this, the graciousness is the graciousness, the enmity is the enmity, gratitude and grudges two|tael is clear, that choice is the enemy or the friend, is fights or, he has nothing to fear. The power of this choice, lies in Quetzalcoatlus King. 他的性情就是这样,恩就是恩,仇就是仇,恩怨清,那就选择是敌人还是朋友,是战还是和,他都没有任何惧怕。这选择的权力,在于风神翼龙王 If really must for the enemy, that slaughter, he will not keep the hand absolutely. 若真要为敌,那厮杀起来,他绝对不会留手。 Is an enemy, that dies!! 是敌人,那就去死!! Quetzalcoatlus King hears, in one's eyes ray flashes on and off erratically, often reveals the vicious color, reveals the hesitant color. Looked at Gold Péng again, looked at Yi Tianxing, suddenly face upwards to exude severe howl. 风神翼龙王听到,眼中的光芒一阵明灭不定,不时的露出凶狠之色,又露出犹豫之色。再看了看金鹏,看了看易天行,突然仰天发出一声厉啸声。 Wing, flutters, soars. Flies toward the distant place. 羽翼一张,振翅间,腾空而起。朝着远方飞去。 Just like, the made choice leaves directly. 俨然,做出的选择是直接离开。 Háo!! 嗥! However, Gold Péng saw, was immediately anxious, sends out severe howl, fluttering without hesitation flew, pursues toward Quetzalcoatlus King. An impatient appearance. 不过,金鹏一看到,顿时就急了,发出一声厉啸,毫不犹豫的振翅飞了出去,朝着风神翼龙王追赶过去。一副迫不及待的模样。 Quetzalcoatlus King female, Gold Péng round of spring?” 风神翼龙王是母的,金鹏发春了?” Yi Tianxing sees Gold Péng that impatient appearance, the head presents heavy lines. 易天行看到金鹏那副迫不及待的模样,头上不由出现一条条黑线。 This is what season, sends the spring season. 这是什么季节,发春的季节么。 Sovereign Green was in heat, threw flower girl, Gold Péng as if also sent spring, pursued Quetzalcoatlus King not to put, must, perhaps will so have very interesting matter. 绿皇发情了,扑了个花姑娘,金鹏似乎也发春了,追着风神翼龙王不放,要真是如此,说不定会发生很有意思的事情。 Gold Péng pursues Quetzalcoatlus King to fly the midair. 金鹏追着风神翼龙王飞上半空。 Quetzalcoatlus King saw, the head casts aside, arrogant goes to the forward flight, Gold Péng twines, was patted by its wing one side, but Gold Péng actually never says die, pestered unceasingly, threw. 风神翼龙王看到,脑袋一撇,高傲的向前飞去,金鹏缠绕上去,被它一翅膀拍到一边,但金鹏却是锲而不舍,不断纠缠,扑了上去。 In this entanglement, that is flies to be far gradually gradually. Actually Yi Tianxing this master does not attend. Vanishes in the distant place directly. 在这纠缠中,那是渐飞渐远。竟然连易天行这个主人都不顾了。直接消失在远方。 Sees the color to forget to advocate, raises not ripe bastard.” “见色忘主,养不熟的畜生。” Yi Tianxing saw, could not bear shake the head to ridicule one. 易天行看到,忍不住摇头笑骂了一句。 Saw that Gold Péng seemed like in short time will not come back, has not waited again, looked at all around terrain, got down toward the Shan Feng (mountain peak) following fast rock climbing. 看到金鹏在短时间内似乎是不会回来了,也没有再等候,看了看四周的地形,朝着山峰下面快速攀岩下去。 He not with hand rock climbing, but jumps directly downward. 他不是用手攀岩,而是直接往下跳。 Even if the distance counts 10 meter high, leaps, falls on the ground, without has any injury to the body slightly, even if Shan Feng (mountain peak) is high, in a minute, arrives at the Banshan waist. 哪怕是距离数米高,一跃下去,落在地上,丝毫没有对身体产生任何伤害,哪怕山峰再高,也在片刻间,就来到半山腰。 In must continues the rock climbing to get down downward, suddenly, wipes scarlet-red to appear in line of sight. 就在要继续往下攀岩下去时,突然间,一抹赤红色出现在视线中。 Wants not to think, spills over the red light the position to approach fast toward that place. 想都不想,快速朝着那处泛出红光的位置靠近过去。 This approaches, immediately, sees, near the cliff, a young tree appears at present. 这一靠近,顿时,就看到,在悬崖边上,一株小树出现在眼前。 That is a two|tael person high young tree, is long quite maturely and powerfully. 那是一株只有人高的小树,长得极为的苍劲有力。 Deep taking root in the sheer precipice, in the leaf, presents the pine needle same shape. Sends out cyan. On the tree, is hanging vermilion red fruits, the fruit is not very big, only then baby fist size. Sends out the vermilion red lustrous color, making one have the affection, yearned extremely. Transmits rich life force. 深深的扎根在悬崖峭壁中,在树叶,呈现出松针一样的形态。散发出青色。在树上,挂着一枚枚朱红色的果子,果子不是很大,只有婴孩拳头大小。散发出朱红色的绚丽色彩,让人心生喜爱,极为向往。传递出一股浓郁的生机 Is vermilion face fruit, dark step spirit medicine.” “是朱颜果,玄阶灵药。” Yi Tianxing saw, exudes one to call out in alarm secretly. 易天行看到,不由的暗自发出一声惊呼。 In the mind, Wordless Heavenly Book has reappeared a news. 脑海中,无字天书已经浮现出一段讯息。 vermilion face fruit: the vermilion face fruit tree is always the growth above the sheer precipice, derives the sun and moon essence, its 300 year blossoms, the 300 year result, the 300 year is mature, high can reach 1000 years. Has the beauty aid, maintaining the appearance is not old, restores the youth, cures the scabs effect, may refine maintaining face pill, unaging pill and other pill medicine. quality step dark step extreme quality. 朱颜果:朱颜果树向来都是生长在悬崖峭壁之上,汲取日月精华,其三百年开花,三百年结果,三百年成熟,最高一千。具有美容养颜,保持容颜不老,恢复青春,治愈伤疤的奇效,可炼制养颜丹,不老丹丹药品阶玄阶极品 Can refine maintaining face pill such cosmetology excellent works, lets its value sufficiently, exceeds own quality step completely, the value counts on 10x increasing of upward 100x. Any woman, must care about her appearance. 就可以炼制养颜丹这样的美容圣品,就足以让其价值,完全超越自身的品阶,价值数十倍百倍的往上递增。任何女人,都不可能不在乎自身的容颜。 If can the beauty aid, preserve the vigor of youth and so on, that makes innumerable female cultivator sufficiently crazy. Pays any price. 若能养颜美容,永葆青春什么的,那足以让无数女修为之疯狂。付出任何代价。 Good thing, if can obtain, If nothing else, later refined maintaining face pill such pill medicine, that made large quantities of female cultivator crazy sufficiently.” “好东西,若是能得到,别的不说,以后炼制出养颜丹这样的丹药,那足以令大批女修疯狂。” Looks at the vermilion face fruit tree, in the Yi Tianxing heart has the strong desire. 看着朱颜果树,易天行心中生出强烈的欲望。 Such treasure tree, if said does not want, that is absolutely false. 这样的宝树,若是说不想要,那绝对是假的。 My Elixir Field fate aperture has been unable to tolerate thirst and hunger, such spirit medicine, planting to Elixir Field fate aperture is the best home to return.” In the Yi Tianxing mind has together the thought secretly. “我的丹田命窍已经饥渴难耐了,这样的灵药,栽种到丹田命窍中才是最好的归宿。”易天行脑海中暗自生出一道念头。 Immediately starts to think the fruit tree approaches. 随即就开始想着果树靠近过去。 But while nearness, eye pupil actually cannot help but contracts fiercely, on the fruit tree, he saw different light. 但在靠近的同时,眼瞳却不由自主的剧烈收缩起来,在果树上,他看到了一道道异光。 Please remember this book first round domain name: www.4020.la. 4020 novel net cell phone version reading websites: m.4020. la 请记住本书首发域名:www.4020.la。4020小说网手机版阅读网址:m.4020.la
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