EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#356: arrow intent

Sought subscription to recommend, some came one 【求订阅推荐,有的来一张】 Must achieve this point, needs mental power, will strength powerful is incomparable, otherwise, so-called sentences in advance, but is the castle in the air, in the water the moon/month, in the mirror flowered that's all , Yi Tianxing inborn is mental power powerful, will is also exactly astonishing, to anyone, starts since childhood, continuously damn, will strength, if not powerful, is insane, mental will, after cultivate, under influencing subtly, will have transform, unceasing grow stronger. 要做到这一点,必须要精神力,意志强大无比,要不然,所谓预判,不过是空中楼阁,水中月,镜中花而已,恰恰,易天行天生就是精神力强大,意志同样惊人,任由谁,从小开始,就一直见鬼,意志力要是不强大,早就疯了,精神意志,在修炼后,更会在潜移默化下,发生蜕变,不断变强 mental will, in the final analysis, its root lies in soul, soul powerful, that all are logical. But soul is, fleshly body is the table, fleshly body powerful, qi and blood warm and nourish soul, naturally can make soul in a subtle way stronger. 精神意志,归根结底,其根源在于灵魂,灵魂强大,那一切都是顺理成章的。而灵魂为内,肉身为表,肉身强大,气血温养灵魂,自然可以让灵魂在潜移默化中变得更强。 Yi Tianxing fleshly body refining body cultivation base achieves white ding realm, within the body qi and blood every time in warm and nourish soul. 易天行肉身炼体修为达到白鼎境界,体内气血每时每刻都在温养灵魂 mental will, is increasing every time. 精神意志,每时每刻都在增加。 This feeling quite abstruse. 这种感觉相当玄妙 On foundation, Yi Tianxing has all preconditions that completes sentences in advance. 基础上,易天行有着完成预判的一切先决条件。 Looks that these scarecrow lean this way and that looks absolutely does not have the methodicalness step, can actually the danger gives way to traffic war arrow that the high rapid fire comes, although this probability is not high, could be avoided can avoid. 看着那些稻草人东倒西歪,看起来完全没有章法的步伐,却能险险的将高速射过来的战箭避让开,虽然这种几率不高,可能避开就是能避开。 Has this possibility, is one challenge to own archery. 有这种可能在,就是对自身箭术的一种挑战。 If cannot decode, strikes certain kill, but is joke that's all. 若不能破解,一击必杀,不过是玩笑而已 No deterrent force. 毫无威慑力。 The eyes unconscious start narrowed the eyes, in the hand war arrow has not actually stopped, jumps to shoot as before fast, war arrow cut the expansive sky. Having war arrow can the direct hit, some actually by strange dodging in the past. 眼眸不自觉的开始眯了起来,手中战箭却没有停顿,依旧快速迸射出去,一根根战箭划破长空。有战箭能直接命中,有些却被诡异的闪避过去。 Acts again, used no longer is inferno arrow, but is armor-breaking arrow. 再次出手,用的不再是烈焰箭,而是破甲箭 armor-breaking arrow is sharper, the speed is faster, although after will not hit, changes into flame, can actually easily pierce the powerful body. 破甲箭更加锋利,速度更快,虽然不会命中后化为火焰,却可以轻易的洞穿强大的身躯。 Naturally, this regarding almost could not find vital point scarecrow, threatening compared with inferno arrow is much smaller. But may actually be able to make scarecrow have many time, works as own archery target. Times confirm their archery. 当然,这对于几乎找不到要害稻草人来说,威胁比起烈焰箭要小得多。但可却可以让稻草人有更多的时间,来当自己的箭靶子。一次次验证自身的箭术 Goal left leg shivers slightly, according to the response, should move to the left.” “目标左腿微微颤动,根据反应,应该会向左边移动。” The vision locks scarecrow, its whole body, all changes, maps in one's eyes completely, observation in every way possible, does not let off any point to spy on it ultimately to move toward, motion position essential news. 目光锁定一名稻草人,将其全身上下,所有变化,全部映入眼中,观察入微,不放过任何一点可以窥探出其最终走向,移动方位的关键讯息。 In the mind makes the deduction, in the hand has projected war arrow. 脑海中做出推演,手中已经射出战箭 Almost the next instance, presents the position that deduces. 几乎下一个瞬间,就出现在推演出的位置。 But actually the discovery, calculated that is not correct, that scarecrow left leg truly moved, but is not the left is actually sideways, but borrows the strength to dodge to the right side, war arrow delimits flow of light in the body side, shoots the ground. 但却发现,推算并不正确,那稻草人左腿确实动了,可却不是左边侧身,而是向右侧借力闪避,战箭在身侧划出一道流光,射进地面。 Goal body leans forward, should tread forward.” “目标身体前倾,应该会向前踏出。” In the mind makes the deduction again, war arrow another ejection. 脑海中再次做出推演,战箭又一次的射出。 This time, direct hit scarecrow. 这一次,直接命中稻草人 as if (similar) is scarecrow appears in war arrow path air-splitting directly, hits to be the same forcefully, any dodges, changes into fabricatedly. Makes any movement of circumvention without enough time. 仿佛稻草人直接出现在战箭的破空轨迹上,硬生生撞上去一样,任何闪避,都化为虚妄。来不及做出任何规避的动作。 Drawing, archery. 一次次的开弓,射箭。 In the mind each is making massive deduction computations instantaneously. 脑海中每个瞬间都在做出大量的推演计算。 When, this type sentences in the 10 time from the beginning in advance, will fail nine times, scarecrow is not normal mankind and even is ominous beast same flesh life, their movements, often must, in they move thoroughly the previous instance, can catch thoroughly, and even makes the estimate, conducts sentences in advance. Like normal life, cannot from the trend of muscle, flowing of blood, and even be the response of meridian, the beat of heart wait/etc.. Makes sentences in advance. 在一开始时,这种预判次中,有九次会落空,稻草人不是正常的人类乃至是凶兽一样的血肉生命,他们的动作,往往要在它们彻底移动时的前一个瞬间,才能彻底捕捉,乃至是做出估算,进行预判。不像正常生命,可以从肌肉的走向,血液的流动,乃至是经脉的反应,心脏的跳动等等。做出预判。 Facing scarecrow, must make sentences in advance, may time that gives, only has the 0.1 percent second. Almost read, hand hitting the target war arrow must shoot. 面对稻草人,要做出预判,有可能给予的时间,只有千分之一秒。几乎念到,手中的战箭就要射出去。 But with the passage of time, the rate of accuracy in advance sentencing starts to increase unceasingly. 而随着时间的推移,预判的准确率开始不断增加。 The 10 arrow can each time the hit 2~3 arrow. 每次箭都能命中两三箭。 After hitting and even is the failure, Yi Tianxing unceasing recollection beforehand picture in mind, observes, a more profound understanding, why will hit, why will be defeated, assigns/life the hitting the target words, that is speculated that is belongs correctly, the correct part, naturally changes into the accumulation, the words of failure, 在命中乃至是失败后,易天行都在脑海中不断的回想之前的画面,重新观察,更加深刻的了解,为什么会命中,为什么会失败,命中的话,那就是自身推测是属于正确的,正确的部分,自然化为积累,失败的话, Observes back and forth, looks for the reason that oneself are defeated unceasingly. Found the reason, confirmed again repeatedly. 更是来回观察,不断的寻找自身失败的原因。找到原因,再反复验证。 Until the point of failure, will have a thorough understanding thoroughly, achieves mastery through a comprehensive study thoroughly, changes into oneself to use. 直到将失败的点,彻底吃透,彻底融会贯通,化为己用。 When acts again, the hit probability also follows to start to enhance. 再次出手时,命中率也跟着开始提高。 Regarding scarecrow any movement, the latter extended session presents anything to change, starts to be getting more and more clear, is getting more and more transparent. 对于稻草人任何一点动作,后续会出现什么变化,也开始越来越清晰,越来越明了。 Unknowingly. 不知不觉中。 The hit probability in advance sentencing starts rapidly to grow. 预判的命中率开始飞速增长。 Even achieves the 10 arrow to shoot, can the hit 7~8 arrow, even is the fearful levels of nine arrows. 甚至达到箭射出去,能命中七八箭,甚至是九箭的可怕层次。 Some scarecrow such living archery targets, sentence the arrow to be getting more and more skillful in advance, it can be said that rapidly is growing. This is well-prepared probably, had the deep foundation, now stimulates, transforms the astonishing strength directly. 稻草人这样活生生的箭靶子在,预判箭越来越纯熟,可以说是在飞速增长。这就好像是厚积薄发,原先就有深厚的根底在,现在激发出来,直接就转变成惊人的实力。 scarecrow under simply was the air/Qi corona. 稻草人在下面简直是气晕了。 Person that makes a sneak attack regarding the space called air/Qi. No matter shoots arrows, throws to catch the trammel net, did not have the means to do to Gold Péng. Was not avoided, pats directly. In the midair, circles throughout erratically. 对于天上放冷箭的人那叫一个气啊。只是,不管是射箭,还是扔出捕鸟网,都没有办法奈何得了金鹏。不是被避开,就是直接拍下去。在半空中,始终盘旋不定。 Cannot expel, kills undying, only makes a sneak attack in the midair. 赶不走,杀不死,只在半空中放冷箭。 scarecrow has not bumped into such hard to deal with opponent. 稻草人还没有碰到这么难缠的对手。 Even golden scarecrow looked that brings a helplessness to the vision of space. 金色稻草人看向天上的目光都带着一丝无奈。 He cannot fly. 他飞不上去。 archery, is the technique of taking a life, most basic(ally) key lies in the hit. The say/way of pre- sentencing, lies in the observation, the deduction, estimates the biggest possibility, this should be most preliminary, true non-solution archery, not only lies in sentencing in advance, similarly lies in locking, locks internal qi of opposite party directly. So long as locks internal qi, lets war arrow that shoots, can achieve the random deal with changes, immediately changes. Makes law of the most direct dealing in view of the movement of enemy. Even if escapes the ends of the earth, can follow. The hit target, such arrow, is most fearful.” 箭术,乃是杀生之术,最根本的关键在于命中。预判之道,在于观察,推演,估算出最大的可能,这应该只是最初步,真正的无解箭术,不仅在于预判,同样在于锁定,直接锁定对方的气机。只要锁定气机,让射出去的战箭,能够做到随机应变,应时而变。针对敌人的动作做出最直接的应对之法。哪怕是逃到天涯海角,都能追踪而至。命中目标,那样的箭,才是最可怕的。” In sentences the arrow to be getting more and more skilled in advance, in the mind suddenly presents the scarecrow forms, in the unceasing twinkle, the movement of opposite party, maps in the mind thoroughly, in suddenly, completes the deduction, makes final sentences in advance. 在预判箭越来越熟练,脑海中突然出现一尊尊稻草人的身影,在不断的闪烁,将对方的动作,彻底映入脑海中,在瞬息间,完成推演,做出最终的预判。 When achieves this point thoroughly. 在彻底做到这一点时。 Entire mind will as if (similar) in in a flash, has been sublimated thoroughly. 整个心神意志仿佛刹那间,彻底得到升华。 One emerge like surging tides from soul regarding the sensibility of arrow dao. Gathers together, condensation naturally as one. 自身对于箭道的感悟如潮水般从灵魂中涌现出来。汇聚在一起,自然而然的凝聚为一体。 Shuā!! 刷! In divine sea, can see impressively, snow white talisman appears, on talisman, appears an ice-cold war arrow design. In above, transmits a swift and fierce point. As if can puncture the expansive sky. 神海中,赫然可以看到,一枚雪白的符箓出现,在符箓上面,浮现出一根冰冷战箭的图案。在上面,传递出一股凌厉的锋芒。似乎能刺破长空。 In talisman, becomes space, inside, white war arrow stands erect, this war arrow is not long, only then three cuns (2.5 cm), actually irresistible, feeling of destroying the hardest defenses. Probably anything keeps off in the front, will be pierced by an arrow. In this war arrow, transmits unprecedented, collapse all powerful will. 符箓中,自成空间,里面,一根白色战箭屹立,这根战箭并不长,只有三寸长,却给人一种势不可挡,无坚不摧的感觉。好像任何事物挡在面前,都会被一箭洞穿。这柄战箭中,传递出一往无前,破灭一切的强大意志 arrow intent, this is arrow intent, condensed arrow intent at this time unexpectedly.” 箭意,这是箭意,竟然在这个时候凝聚出箭意。” Yi Tianxing felt that the change in within the body, stop, in the heart emerges an intense joy. 易天行感觉到体内的变化,也不由的停顿下来,心中涌现出一丝强烈的喜悦。 arrow intent in any martial dao true intent, must condense is most difficult one. Only then unceasing cultivate archery, when oneself are the certain extent regarding the sensibility of archery, even has the idea of abstruse, makes the enormous breakthrough, the strong confidence that in addition unceasing killing the enemy, training has, with the unequal faith, gathers all arrow dao to sense, finally may condense arrow dao true symbol. Breeds superior arrow intent. 箭意在任何武道真意中,要凝聚出来是最为困难的一种。只有不断修炼箭术,当自身对于箭术的感悟达到一定程度,甚至是生出玄妙的想法,取得极大的突破,加上不断的杀敌,培养出的强烈信心,以无敌的信念,汇聚所有箭道感悟,最终才有可能凝聚出箭道真符。孕育出无上箭意 arrow intent, destroys the hardest defenses!!” 箭意,无坚不摧!!” In in a flash, in Yi Tianxing eyes are many to wipe the swift and fierce color. Hand hitting the target Falling Star Bow pulls open again. white bone war arrow appears on war bow. At this moment, is not only the true qi irrigation in war arrow, in arrow dao true symbol, arrow intent pours into to war arrow in directly. 刹那间,易天行眼眸中多出一抹凌厉之色。手中的陨星弓再次拉开。一根白骨战箭出现在战弓上。这一刻,不仅是真气灌注在战箭中,在箭道真符中,一股箭意直接灌注到战箭中。 Whiz!! 嗖!! war arrow air-splitting. 战箭破空。 Only can see, the golden flowing light has delimited from void together. Shoots toward scarecrow, that scarecrow one hides toward side, what is strange, this hides, actually delivers to front of the entire body war arrow directly. 只能看到,一道金色的流光从虚空划过。朝着一名稻草人射过去,那名稻草人朝着旁边一躲,但诡异的是,这一躲,却将整个身躯直接送到战箭面前。 Probably oneself hit the arrow to come up directly. 好像自己直接撞到箭上去。 war arrow almost easy pierces from scarecrow. While piercing body, flashes through together swift and fierce golden light on war arrow. Follows, saw that scarecrow falls down directly, motionless, as if this arrow, creates the unquantifiable heavy losses. 战箭几乎轻而易举的就从稻草人身上洞穿过去。在洞穿身躯的同时,在战箭上闪过一道凌厉的金光。跟着,就看到,那稻草人直接倒在地上,一动不动,似乎这一箭,对其造成难以估量的重创。 Before compared with, was been pitiful by inferno burning down. 比起之前被烈焰焚烧还要凄惨。 Is arrow intent, these scarecrow can be the same like life, the action is free, even has the wisdom, then within the body has certainly like soul general independent will. Otherwise, is the impossible birth wisdom. These scarecrow spirits do not know that the concealment in what position, or can exist in any region at will, must injure, difficult such as to ascend to heaven, the ordinary injury, is unable to pose the fatal threat to them. But arrow intent, is actually martial dao true intent, superior will, can have the destruction to soul. arrow intent, martial dao true intent, is these scarecrow difficult adversaries.” “是箭意,这些稻草人之所以能够如同生命一样,行动自如,甚至是拥有智慧,那么体内一定具有如同灵魂一般的独立意志。否则,是不可能诞生智慧。这些稻草人的灵不知道隐匿在什么位置,或者是可以随意存在于任何区域,要伤到,难如登天,普通的伤势,是无法对他们产生致命的威胁。但箭意,却是武道真意,一种无上意志,是可以对灵魂产生破坏。箭意,武道真意,才是这些稻草人的克星。” In first time, in the Yi Tianxing heart emerges a thought. 第一时间,易天行心中就涌现出一股念头。 Has understood clearly scarecrow vital point. 已经洞悉到稻草人要害 Before did not have arrow intent war arrow, was limited regarding the injury of scarecrow, at best was only the ruin body, but collapse soul will in within the body. Contains the attack of arrow intent, can display the strongest strength. 之前没有箭意战箭,对于稻草人的伤害是有限的,充其量只是毁灭身躯,而破灭不了体内的灵魂意志。蕴含箭意的攻击,才能发挥出最强的力量。 arrow intent depends to raise, by killing. 箭意靠养,靠杀。 Killed are more, point that the nature, quenchings swift and fierce fearful, rapidness that arrow intent can grow. 杀的越多,自然,淬炼出的锋芒就越加的凌厉可怕,箭意就会增长的更快。 Especially, he discovered, pours into under arrow intent, war arrow that shoots, seems indistinct has a strange induction to the goal. 尤其是,他发现,灌注箭意下,射出去的战箭,似乎隐约间对目标生出一种奇异的感应。 Might opposite party internal qi thorough locking. 好像要将对方气机彻底锁定。 Locking on this internal qi, very|10 points abstruse, vague. But actually exists inevitably. 这种气机上的锁定,十分玄妙,若有若无。但却是必然存在的。 arrow intent is stronger, that has bigger probability locking target, 10,000 li pursues the marriage. Not having to move aside. If can continually promote arrow intent, that locks internal qi, no longer will be the difficult matter. At that time, is true sentenced the arrow in advance, the arrow of death. The arrow not empty sends.” 箭意越强,那就有更大几率锁定目标,万里追婚。无可躲闪。若能将箭意不断提升上去,那锁定气机,将不再是难事。那时候,才是真正的预判箭,死亡之箭。箭无虚发。” Yi Tianxing has a sensibility secretly. 易天行暗自生出一丝感悟。 Has not thought that can condense arrow intent in this moment, this is unexpected joy. 没想到能在这一刻凝聚出箭意,这是一次意外之喜 Moreover, what is most essential, condenses arrow intent, that means, has qualifications cultivate that peerless archery. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 而且,最关键的是,凝聚出箭意,那就意味着,已经有资格修炼那本绝世箭法。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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