EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#355: refining body scarecrow

Tomorrow is on Monday, asks to open, the more the better.】 【明天又是星期一,求张,多多益善。】 archery is anything. 箭术是什么。 archery is the technique of taking a life. 箭术就是杀生之术。 Has the arrow to be to take a life, its ultimate goal, is to strike to be killed violently, strikes to kill the enemy. Each arrow, to kill people, must achieve quick, ruthless, and accurate, simultaneously must tear all powerful strengths. The strength is basic(ally), archery is the performance. 出箭就是要杀生,其最终的目的,就是要一击毙命,击杀敌人。每一箭,要想杀人,就必须做到快狠准,同时更要具有撕裂一切的强大力量。力量是根本,箭术是表现。 Has the arrow, must have a ruthless will mentality certainly. 出箭,就要带着一种狠绝的意志心态。 Most basic archery, comes toward, piercing the poplar from a hundred steps. But when achieves is profound, archery skilled in heart, easily can make the two|tael arrow to fire, three arrows shot together can also the hit target, wonderful realm. 最基本的箭术,就是直来直往,百步穿杨。而达到高深时,箭术熟练于心,轻易就能做出箭齐发,三箭齐发还能命中目标,神乎其神的境界 At the present, this white bone war arrow, under the Falling Star Bow immense strength, several tens of thousands meters distance, if the flash sweeps across to come, appears at present. 而今,这一根白骨战箭,在陨星弓巨大力量下,数万米的距离,都如一瞬间就席卷而来,出现在眼前。 Steals the grain thief boldly, wants to get in the grain the idea, I will not make you achieve wishes.” “大胆偷粮贼,想要打粮食的主意,我是不会让你如愿的。” Before that flowing light, the golden scarecrow reaction speed is extremely quick, in the hand bamboo stick appears before that white bone war arrow at a rate of Inhuman, a stick is so directly simple strikes. 在那流光前,金色稻草人反应速度更是极快,手中竹杖非人出现在那支白骨战箭前,一杖就这么简单直接的敲打下去。 Bang!! 砰!! On bamboo stick, erupts a bronze ray, under strikes, all around air sends out the fierce explosive, the terrifying complementary waves makes space probably shake probably, the picture looks quite fearful. 竹杖上,爆发出一阵青铜光芒,一击之下,四周的空气都发出剧烈爆响,恐怖的余波让空间都好像要震荡起来,画面看起来相当可怕。 In the strength on white bone war arrow containing, may incessantly be the 10,000 jin (0.5 kg). 白骨战箭上蕴含的力量,可不止是一万斤。 Falling Star Bow, yellow step class one, must pull open, the strength of needs, at least is the 10,000 jin (0.5 kg) . Moreover, scope that the 10,000 jin (0.5 kg), can pull open, but is little, must pull open completely, how to want a 40,000~50,000 jin (0.5 kg) strength. This is also only yellow step class one, achieves class two, the strength of needs, will be higher. As for the present, in that war arrow that shoots. 陨星弓,黄阶一品,要拉开,所需要的力量,至少是一万斤,而且,一万斤,能拉开的幅度,不过是一点点,要完全拉开,怎么都要四五万斤的力量。这还只是黄阶一品,达到二品,所需要的力量,就会更高。就现在而言,射出去的那根战箭中。 The strength of implication, cannot have the 70,000~80,000 jin (0.5 kg), even is stronger. 蕴含的力量,就有不下七八万斤,甚至是更强。 In addition true qi strength, piercing strength air-splitting. Makes the strength in this war arrow containing achieve the pinnacle. Let alone is normal cultivator, even if black ding realm body refiner, will be pierced the body by an arrow. 加上真气的力量,破空的洞穿力。都让这支战箭中蕴含的力量达到极致。别说是正常修士,就算是一尊黑鼎境界炼体士,都会被一箭洞穿身躯。 basic(ally) cannot block the war arrow strength. 根本挡不住战箭的力量。 May get down in golden scarecrow this stick, sees, that white bone war arrow before its, cuns (2.5 cm) annihilate, was pounded the fragment powder directly, the strength of Berserk inferno even in war arrow contains, forcefully hit thorough collapse to extinguish. 可在金色稻草人这一杖下去,就看到,那根白骨战箭就这么在其身前,寸寸湮灭,直接被砸成齑粉,连战箭中蕴含的狂暴烈焰之力,都被强行打的彻底崩灭。 The least bit might has not exposed, crushed. 半点威力都没有展露出来,就这么粉碎了。 „The good powerful strength, can make into the fragment powder white bone war arrow directly, this strength, has surpassed above the 100,000 jin (0.5 kg). This scarecrow could it be that... with body refiner same existence, what cultivated is fleshly body, purest strength.” “好强大的力量,能将白骨战箭直接打成齑粉,这股力量之强,已经超出十万斤之上。这稻草人难道是跟炼体士一样的存在,修的是肉身,最纯粹的力量。” This is not divine ability, is not spell, but pure strength. Moreover, regarding the assurance of strength, has been in the situation that one type nearly has lifted a heavy weight as if light, hits light, probably is incapable delicately, may when collides truly, makes the strength put out instantaneously. This compared with verve strength, more fearful rare. 这不是神通,不是法术,而是纯粹的力量。而且,对于力量的把握,已经到了一种近乎举重若轻的地步,打下去轻飘飘,好像柔弱无力,可在真正碰撞时,却让力量瞬间吐出。这比刚猛之力,更加可怕难得。 The Yi Tianxing eye pupil also concentrates slightly, reveals wipes the dignified color. 易天行眼瞳也不由微微一凝,露出一抹凝重之色。 This scarecrow, obviously is extremely alternative life, the whole body is the straw composition, as for having the five main internal organs (entrails), basically doesn't knows, can open divine sea, is not clear, but this strength, obviously what walks is the refining body path. refining body can have terrifying to the pinnacle strength similarly. It is not inferior than any qi refiner. Even powerful. 稻草人,明显是一种极为另类的生命,全身都是稻草组成,至于有没有五脏六腑,根本不知道,能不能开辟神海,也不清楚,但这一身力量,明显走的是炼体的道路。炼体同样能具有恐怖到极致的力量。不比任何练气士要逊色。甚至更加强大 If all scarecrow are such body refiner, that these scarecrow the places of strength, were hard to estimate. 要是所有稻草人都是这样的炼体士的话,那这些稻草人的力量之处,就难以估量了。 These are not ordinary scarecrow. 这些不是普通的稻草人 If personally does not see, he does not believe, some scarecrow, can compare favorably with body refiner unexpectedly. This is a day of desolate talks in the night simply. 如果不是亲眼所见,他是不会相信,一些稻草人,竟然能跟炼体士相媲美。这简直就是天荒夜谈。 Steals the grain thief!!” “偷粮贼!!” golden scarecrow looked that to standing in Yi Tianxing that Gold Péng conducts the back, reveals golden eyes, exudes one to shout. 金色稻草人看向站立在金鹏背上的易天行,露出金色眼眸,发出一声呼喊。 Steals the grain thief!!” “偷粮贼!!” Get lost!!” “滚出去!!” Steals the grain thief.” “偷粮贼。” Get lost!!” “滚出去!!” scarecrow brandish bamboo stick, sends out to angrily roar, seems driving away. A powerful appearance. That look, very|10 points is frantic, one type is willing to protect the rice paddy pays the life imposing manner. 一名名稻草人挥舞竹杖,发出怒吼,似乎在驱赶。一副气势如虹的模样。那神色,十分狂热,一种甘愿为了保护稻田付出生命的气势。 That tries again!!” “那就再试试!!” Yi Tianxing in one's eyes flashes through an extraordinary splendor, 易天行眼中闪过一丝异彩, It is not scruple, once again pulls open Falling Star Bow, white bone war arrow appears on the bowstring, in a clear sound air-splitting, as can be seen, war arrow again like meteor air-splitting. However, this time, war arrow no longer shoots toward golden scarecrow. 再不迟疑,又一次将陨星弓拉开,一根白骨战箭出现在弓弦上,一声清脆的破空声中,可以看到,战箭再次如流星般破空而出。不过,这一次,战箭不再是朝着金色稻草人射过去。 But shoots toward ordinary scarecrow. Moreover, is quite far from the golden scarecrow position, even if golden scarecrow has a mind to prevent, is not definitely able to intercept war arrow in shortest time. 而是朝着一尊普通的稻草人射过去。而且,距离金色稻草人的位置相当远,哪怕是金色稻草人有心阻止,也肯定无法在最短的时间内将战箭拦截住。 Whiz!! 嗖!! The rapidness of war arrow speed, making one respond without enough time, has appeared before a scarecrow body, falling unrestrained/no trace of politeness above the chest, on scarecrow, spills over a layer|one level divine light, these straws, turn into most tenacious vegetation vine armor probably, must block war arrow. 战箭速度之快,让人反应都来不及,已经出现在一名稻草人身前,并且,毫不客气的落在胸口之上,在稻草人身上,泛出一层神光,那些稻草,好像变成最坚韧草木藤甲,要将战箭挡住。 What a pity, facing the powerful strength on war arrow containing, these defense are the futile efforts. 可惜,面对战箭上蕴含的强大力量,这些防御都是徒劳。 war arrow pierces the body forcefully, tears together fierce large cave/hole in the chest directly. Meanwhile, in the wound, the Berserk inferno strength erupts immediately, lights the body, emerges the flame, the strength of inferno, toward scarecrow whole body high and low grow like a weed, recklessly destruction. 战箭硬生生将身躯洞穿,在胸口直接撕裂出一道狰狞的大洞。同时,在伤口中,狂暴烈焰力量立即爆发出来,将身躯点燃,涌现出火光,烈焰之力,朝着稻草人周身上下迅速蔓延,肆意破坏。 huā lā!! 哗啦!! Has scarecrow to take the bucket, sprinkled toward fire scarecrow fast. Must extinguish scarecrow flame pouring. The speed of splashing water is extremely fast . Moreover, scarecrow straw does not seem simple, extremely tenacious, even if flame, burns, was suppressed temporarily, the buckets of clear water sprinkle, the body emits cyan smoke immediately. 稻草人提着水桶,朝着着火的稻草人快速泼了过去。要将稻草人身上的火焰浇灭。泼水的速度极快,而且,稻草人身上的稻草似乎不简单,极为坚韧,哪怕是火焰,燃烧起来,都被暂时压制住,有一桶桶的清水泼上去,身上立即冒出青烟 flame will be irrigated to extinguish shortly. 火焰在顷刻间就被浇灭。 „The fire to subdue|grams wood, scarecrow whole body comprised of the wood/blockhead and straw, flame is their difficult adversaries, has the strength of restraint inborn, the strength of inferno but on inferno arrow erupts, actually does not have the means to fire the ashes scarecrow directly, even the strength of flame can make to resist probably. This scarecrow, really in cultivate fleshly body, quenchings on the restraint to even attribute to have the resistance.” “火克木,稻草人全身上下由木头和稻草组成,火焰就是它们的克星,天生具有克制之力,但烈焰箭上爆发出的烈焰之力,竟然没有办法将稻草人直接烧成灰烬,甚至好像连火焰之力都能做出抵挡。这稻草人,真的是在修炼肉身,淬炼到连属性上的克制都能具有抗性。” Yi Tianxing looks that was irrigated to extinguish flame scarecrow, from top to bottom, had been scorched, many places are reduced to ashes, the chest splits large cave/hole, many places, reveal the wood/blockhead skeleton, burnt inadequate humanoid, can say, without other scarecrow splashes water, so long as during the short several breath, might fire the ashes it thoroughly. 易天行看着被浇灭火焰稻草人,浑身上下,已经被烧焦,很多地方化为灰烬,胸口更是裂开大洞,很多地方,露出木头骨架,已经烧的不成人形,可以说,要是没有其他稻草人泼水上去,只要短短几个呼吸间,有可能就会将其彻底烧成灰烬。 Inadequate humanoid that but this, burns even, on scarecrow, sent the life aura as before, has not died as before. 可就算这样,烧的不成人形了,在稻草人身上,依旧传递出生命的气息,依旧没有死。 The life strength may be called tenacious. 生命力堪称顽强。 Does not have heart vital point, even if fires this, cannot make him be killed violently. This scarecrow vital point, does not know that is where?” This arrow hit heart position, as before undying. Obviously, that is not fatal vital point. “没有心脏要害,哪怕是烧成这样,都不能让其毙命。这稻草人要害,不知道是在哪里?”这一箭命中心脏位置,依旧不死。显然,那不是致命要害 Even so, that scarecrow still falls down at this moment, is unable to fight again. 就算如此,那名稻草人此刻也倒在地上,无法再战。 This mountain valley hitting the target spirit rice, I exert its utmost. So long as scarecrow cannot the flying, I be able one by one to kill it.” “这山谷中的灵米,我势在必得。只要稻草人不能飞天,我就可以一一将其射杀。” The intention moves, in the hand Falling Star Bow pulls open again, another white bone war arrow appears on the bowstring. 心念一动,手中陨星弓再次拉开,又一根白骨战箭出现在弓弦上。 sōu sōu sōu!! 嗖嗖嗖!! war arrow air-splitting, with, is war arrow cuts the expansive sky. 一根战箭破空,跟着,又是一根战箭划破长空。 The say/way of bow and arrow regarding fleshly body powerful, naturally has the powerful advantage. At the Yi Tianxing's strength, even if draws continuously, will not produce any weariness, qi and blood naturally makes up for the fleshly body consumption. 弓箭之道对于肉身强大者,自然具有强大的优势。以易天行的力量,哪怕是连续开弓,也不会产生任何的疲劳,气血自然而然的弥补肉身消耗。 Each arrow shoots, is deep the say/way of quick, ruthless, and accurate. 每一箭射出去,都深得快狠准之道。 Stole the grain very to come, must rob our grain.” “偷粮贼来了,要抢夺我们的粮食。” Projects on to steal the grain thief.” “打到偷粮贼。” scarecrow send out to angrily roar, has in the scarecrow hand to take the bow and arrow, toward day air-launched in the past, at their strengths, the arrow speed of shooting is not slow, but basically doesn't was actually placed the eyeground by Gold Péng, flutters, the break that the arrow that will shoot pats forcefully, flies upside down. 一名名稻草人发出怒吼,有稻草人手中拿着弓箭,朝着天空射过去,以他们的力量,射出去的箭速度不慢,但却根本不金鹏放在眼底,振翅间,就将射过来的箭强行拍的断裂,倒飞出去。 Is understrength, basic(ally) cannot injure Gold Péng. 力量不足,根本伤不到金鹏 Each arrow that instead Yi Tianxing projects, accurate hit scarecrow, connects hit vital point. 反而易天行射出的每一箭,都精准的命中一名名稻草人,并且,接连命中要害 Has directly pierces the chest, has to pierce the throat. 有直接洞穿胸膛,有洞穿喉咙。 Shoots to explode the head. 射爆脑袋的。 Used is inferno arrow, once the arrow, were lit directly, flame covers the whole body. 用的都是烈焰箭,一旦中箭,直接就被点燃,火焰笼罩全身。 scarecrow is not a living target, each goes into action, that movement, is not slow, even some scarecrow actions are very strange, has divine ability, seeming like, the step is unstab, accent, without rule, but can actually in the iotas, avoid war arrow. 稻草人并不是活靶子,每一尊行动起来,那动作,丝毫不慢,甚至有些稻草人行动很诡异,具有神通,看起来,步伐是东倒西歪,毫不着调,没有规律,可偏偏却能在分毫之间,避开战箭 This pure archery attacks to kill, making in the Yi Tianxing heart have a sensibility secretly. 这种纯粹的箭术攻杀,让易天行心中也不由暗自生出一丝感悟。 Witnesses war arrow that scarecrow can project unexpectedly to avoid, in the mind as if (similar) receives some stimulation, usually to the accumulation of arrow dao, the unconscious spout, changes into miraculous glows in the mind, changes into the sensibility. 亲眼目睹稻草人竟然能将自己射出的战箭避开,脑海中仿佛受到某种刺激,平时对箭道的积累,不自觉的喷涌出来,在脑海中化为一道道灵光,化为感悟。 Various thoughts collide in the mind. 各种念头在脑海中碰撞。 archery, what art is strikes certain kill, the arrow leaves is killed violently. If the arrow cannot hit a target the body of enemy, that is far from overcomes the enemy. The speed of arrow is fast, may give way to traffic, the arrow that shoots, does not have the significance.” 箭术,讲究的是一击必杀,箭出毙命。若箭连敌人的身躯都射不中,那就谈不上克敌制胜。箭的速度再快,都有可能被人避让过去,那射出去的箭,就毫无意义。” In some people of hands takes flying blade, even if not make a move, puts on directly outwardly, can make the opposite party give birth dreaded, does not dare to have the slight change. This is a powerful deterrent effect, flying blade that has not acted, is most fearful. Similarly, the arrow that has not shot, to a certain extent, the deterrent force is strongest.” “有人手中拿着飞刀,哪怕是不出手,直接摆在明面上,也能让对方生出忌惮,不敢有丝毫的异动。这就是一种强大的震慑力,没有出手的飞刀,才是最可怕的。同样,没有射出去的箭,在某种程度上而言,威慑力才是最强的。” arrow dao , to achieve the pinnacle, goes to the superb situation , is to make the enemy not have essential to move aside, this type does not have to move aside, internal qi locking is only the low grade method, powerhouse and even has extreme treasure in the body, can break open this internal qi locking, even makes misleading, wisest, should sentence in advance, can determine that the opposite party can react in advance, expects the enemy situation, this can achieve to go smoothly everywhere. The arrow not empty sends!!” 箭道要想做到极致,达到出神入化的地步,最关键一点,就是要让敌人无可躲闪,这种无可躲闪,气机锁定只是下乘手段,强者乃至是有至宝在身,就可以破开这种气机锁定,甚至是做出误导,最高明的,应该是预判,能预先判定对方会做出的反应,料敌先机,这样才能做到无往不利。箭无虚发!!” Expects the enemy situation, makes sentences in advance, not only this is the issue of eyesight, is talent, as well as a powerful deduction strength. 料敌先机,做出预判,这不仅是眼力的问题,更是一种天赋,以及一种强大的推演力。 Like the say/way of playing chess, walks one step, can see the following 10 step, even is several 10 steps, without pushing of powerful spreads out the strength, must achieve this point, is almost the impossible matter. 如同弈棋之道,走一步,可以看出后面步,甚至是几步,没有强大的推衍力,要做到这一点,几乎是不可能的事情。 Must achieve the material enemy situation, achieves truly sentences in advance, must observe the movement of opposite party, the wish, when must tread the step, change that the body can have. Must in the flash, understand clearly in chest/heart, completes to push to spread out in the mind.” “要做到料敌先机,做到真正的预判,必须观察到对方的动作,意愿,甚至是要踏出步伐时,身躯会产生的变化。都要在一瞬间,了然于胸,在脑海中完成推衍。” Yi Tianxing secretly mutters said. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 易天行暗自沉吟道。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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