EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#354: Rescues pterodactyl

End of the month, asked to open.】 【月底了,求张。】 Háo!! 嗥! Gold Péng nods to express own meaning. 金鹏点点头表示出自身的意思。 Originally, initially Gold Péng one slaughtered with Quetzalcoatlus King intensely, because of Gold Péng promote to second step realm, is second step hitting the target King, bloodline is also noble, but Quetzalcoatlus King also obtains the mutation, within the body contains Bloodline of the Dragon, similarly is honored, completes transform compared with Gold Péng early, both sides slaughters together, hit gloom. cyan storm and under golden storm unceasingly collision. 原来,当初金鹏风神翼龙王一番激烈厮杀,因为金鹏晋升二阶境界,同样是二阶中的王者,血脉高贵,但风神翼龙王也是得到异变,体内蕴含龙之血脉,同样尊贵,更是比金鹏更早完成蜕变,两者厮杀在一起,打的天昏地暗。青色风暴与金色风暴不断碰撞下。 Produced destructive power, seems like the two|tael strip tornado wind to pester together. 产生的破坏力,就好像是龙卷风纠缠在一起 Not is only the space, even the ground was mixed. 不仅是天上,连地上都被搅动。 Was twisted the fragment by the storm. 被风暴绞成碎片。 Innumerable ominous birds ominous beast hear a rumor to escape, yields and withdraws. 无数凶禽凶兽闻风而逃,退避三舍。 One slaughters, it may be said that is evenly matched, half jin (0.5 kg) eight two|tael, no one has the means romp home. 一番厮杀,可谓是势均力敌,半斤八,谁都没有办法轻易取胜。 Finally hits while walks, arrives in this piece of mountain valley. 最终边打边走,来到这片山谷中。 This dozen, made the disaster. 这一打,就打出祸事了。 two|tael said tornado to wreak havoc, sweeps across mountain valley, in many rough rice mountain valley twisted broken, pulled apart. 龙卷肆虐,席卷山谷,将山谷中不少稻谷绞碎,扯断。 This, thoroughly mountain valley hitting the target that crowd of scarecrow provoking anger, how did not know, ejects a big net, haulings with Gold Péng Quetzalcoatlus King directly in inside, a group of scarecrow is drawing the big net below, makes an effort to pull downward. Draws them to the ground. 这一来,彻底将山谷中的那群稻草人给惹怒了,不知道怎么的,抛出一张大网,直接就将风神翼龙王金鹏一起网在里面,一大群的稻草人在下面拉着大网,用力往下扯。将它们拉向地面。 That picture, Gold Péng thinks, feels fearful. 那画面,金鹏想一想,都觉得可怕。 That big net does not know what's the matter. Quite strange tenacious, even if wind-blade cuts above, does not have the means to break off, instead spills over golden light, even if second step King rips unbreakable. The following scarecrow quantity is astonishing , like the tug-of-war, grabs the corner/horn of big net, makes an effort to draw downward, the quantity are more, the strength of erupting is bigger. 那张大网也不知道是怎么回事。相当的诡异坚韧,哪怕是风刃斩在上面,都没有办法弄断,反而泛出金光,就算是二阶王者都撕不破。下面的稻草人数量惊人,一个个跟拔河一样,抓着大网的一角,用力往下拉,数量越多,爆发出的力量就越大。 At that time, the feather that Gold Péng frightened must set upright. The sharp feather chops to cut on the big net, basic(ally) does not cut off unexpectedly. 当时,金鹏吓的羽翎都要倒竖起来。锋利的羽翎劈斩在大网上,竟然根本斩不断。 But before Quetzalcoatlus King and Gold Péng slaughters, the strength in within the body has consumed most. Was pulled down again, the strength does not have, once falls the ground, looks at these scarecrow, conceivable, where the fate good to not to go absolutely. 风神翼龙王金鹏之前厮杀,体内的力量本身就已经消耗大半。再被拉下来,力气都没有,一旦落到地面,看着那些稻草人,可以想象,下场绝对不会好到哪里去。 But by drawing, Quetzalcoatlus King actually will soon be erupted a strength suddenly, fierce to/clashes upward, bringing the golden big net to rush to the midair. forcefully collapse open/start a slit. 但就在即将被拉下去的时候,风神翼龙王却突然爆发出一股力量,猛的往上一冲,带着金色大网冲上半空。硬生生崩开一道缝隙。 While this eruption, under the gaze of Quetzalcoatlus King, Gold Péng also instinct following the slit, drilled from the big net. 趁着这一次爆发,在风神翼龙王的注视下,金鹏也本能的顺着缝隙,从大网中钻了出来。 But Quetzalcoatlus King after erupting, immediately was drawn again toward the ground by scarecrow. Moreover, after being short of Gold Péng, draws falls down. Pounds on the ground, even if erupts massive wind-blade, twists broken scarecrow many. 风神翼龙王在爆发后,立即就被稻草人重新往地上拉下去。而且,少了金鹏后,一拉就掉下去。砸在地上,哪怕是爆发出大量风刃,将稻草人生生绞碎不少。 But was knocked by a that golden scarecrow stick later on the head, pounded the corona thoroughly. 可随后就被那金色稻草人一棍子敲在脑袋上,彻底砸晕了。 Now falls to the present fate. 如今就落到眼前的下场。 Looks at the situation, obviously, if continues, this Quetzalcoatlus King life, must lose here, wants to escape, is almost the impossible matter. 看情形,显然,要是持续下去,这风神翼龙王的命,就要丢在这里,想要逃脱,几乎是不可能的事情。 After Gold Péng difficulty-relief, immediately returns to Xuanhuang Town, comes the Yi Tianxing belt/bring, is to have a look whether that Quetzalcoatlus King rescuing. 金鹏脱困后,立即返回玄黄镇,将易天行带过来,就是想要看看能否将那风神翼龙王给救出来。 Actually although was not clear to have anything, coming out that but, can look, Gold Péng was wants to rescue front this only Quetzalcoatlus King. 虽然还不清楚究竟发生了什么,不过,能看的出来,金鹏是想要救面前的这只风神翼龙王 „To rescue it, that is not an easy matter.” “想要救它,那可不是一件容易的事情。” Yi Tianxing knits the brows slightly, secretly mutters, in this mountain valley, the scarecrow quantity is astonishing, there is golden scarecrow to stand on Quetzalcoatlus King directly, although does not have the golden big net, but on the wing was nailed tight by the bamboo stick on the ground. Must rescue, is difficult such as to ascend to heaven simply. 易天行微微皱眉,暗自沉吟,这山谷之中,稻草人数量惊人,又有金色稻草人直接站在风神翼龙王身上,虽然没有金色大网,但翅膀上被竹棍钉死在地上。要救出来,简直就是难如登天。 Even Quetzalcoatlus King was suppressed, that golden scarecrow terrifying can be imagined. 风神翼龙王都被镇压,那金色稻草人恐怖可想而知。 Absolutely is quite fearful. 绝对是相当可怕。 Gold Péng hears, the in one's eyes ray also becomes the gloomy several points. 金鹏听到,眼中的光芒也不由变得暗淡几分。 Shuā!! 刷! At this moment, only saw, below golden scarecrow as if there is induction to the Gold Péng's arrival, catches the eye to look to void, under that straw hat reveals pair of golden eyes, one group of golden light appear. 就在这时,只看到,下面金色稻草人似乎对金鹏的到来生出感应,抬眼看向虚空,那草帽下露出一双金色眼眸,一团金光出现。 Gold Péng saw, wants not to think, immediately crazy toward distant place collapse open/start. 金鹏看到,想都不想,立即就疯狂的朝着远处崩开。 golden light dispersing, impressively is a golden big net, if had not just avoided, only fears this, must be lived to the cover by the big net, lags behind the midair, falls down directly. Gold Péng has alerted, in situation that this, does not pay attention, at the scene move. 金光散开,赫然就是一张金色大网,要是刚刚没有避开,只怕这一下,又要被大网给罩住,拉下半空,直接掉下去。要不是金鹏早已经有所戒备,这一下,不注意的情况下,就会当场中招。 Good keen insight, scarecrow can also become unexpectedly such fearful.” “好敏锐的洞察力,稻草人竟然也能变得这么可怕。” Yi Tianxing secretly taking a deep breath. 易天行暗自深吸一口气 The letting person who this world has changed does not look clearly, what unusual eccentric monster can brave. This scarecrow does not know that is what origin, but the biggest possibility, fuses the monster species that in game world evolves. 世界已经变的让人看不明白,什么样的稀奇古怪怪物都能冒出来。这稻草人也不知道是什么来历,但最大的可能,就是融合游戏世界中演变出的怪物物种。 He remembers, in the game, scarecrow is also in the game most common one monster. 他记得,在游戏中,稻草人也是游戏中最为常见的一种怪物 But illusory changes into the real process, definitely has the strange change. This is not simple illusory monster, but appears on Eternal Continent, the true species, has life, even can say, full of wisdom, absolutely is not puppet. 虚幻化为真实的过程中,肯定产生奇异的变化。这已经不是简单的虚幻怪物,而是出现在永恒大陆上,真正的物种,是有生命的,甚至可以说,是有智慧的,绝对不是傀儡 But how this scarecrow is born, this point, is beyond comprehension. 但这稻草人是如何诞生的,这一点,却让人费解。 scarecrow is impossible mutually the sexual intercourse multiplication. But can present so many quantities, definitely has the law of multiplication growth. 稻草人不可能相互交合繁衍。但能出现如此多的数量,就肯定有繁衍增长之法。 If can obtain scarecrow the law of multiplication, perhaps these scarecrow can change into oneself to use. Becoming helps. If nothing else, drives away the harmful insect, the birds has the unusual function.” “若能得到稻草人的繁衍之法,说不定这些稻草人都能化为己用。成为臂助。别的不说,驱赶害虫,禽鸟就有着非同寻常的作用。” Yi Tianxing flashes through together the thought in the mind secretly. 易天行暗自在脑海中闪过一道念头。 These spirit rice, cannot let off absolutely. earth step extreme quality spirit rice, can accomplish powerful sect gate. Like this good thing, if lets off, that this/should day hits to be struck by lightning.” “还有这些灵米,绝对不能放过。地阶极品灵米,可以造就出一处强大宗门。这样的好东西,要是放过,那就该天打雷劈。” Regarding the hope of following gold wheat, on face and does not have any concealing. 对于下面黄金麦的渴望,脸上并没有任何的掩饰。 Such treasure, he naturally wants. Once obtains, can plant legend hitting the target spirit rice. Moreover, if can obtain scarecrow, planting spirit rice can achieve absolutely safe. When spirit rice growth, spirit qi that inside contains, will attract massive birds, the harmful insect appears and disappears, without protector, when is mature, only feared that half grain of spirit rice will not have. 这样的瑰宝,他自然想要得到。一旦得到,就可以栽种出传说中的灵米。不仅如此,若能得到稻草人,栽种灵米可以做到万无一失。要知道,灵米生长时,里面蕴含的灵气,会吸引大量禽鸟,害虫出没,没有守护者,等到成熟时,只怕连半粒灵米都不会有。 By the birds, the harmful insect will be damaged completely. 全部会被禽鸟,害虫祸害掉。 spirit field that Elixir Field fate aperture of my within the body breeds, can definitely be used to plant these spirit rice. spirit rice plants, needs to plant in spirit field.” Thinks that now also very spacious Elixir Field fate aperture, in the heart regarding the hope of gold wheat is more intense. “我体内的丹田命窍孕育出的灵田,完全可以用来栽种这些灵米灵米栽种,是需要种植在灵田之中。”想到现在还很空旷的丹田命窍,心中对于黄金麦的渴望更加强烈。 Must rescue that Quetzalcoatlus King, not necessarily without other means. Looked that this pterodactyl is only intelligent enough.” “要救那风神翼龙王,未必没有其他办法。就看这只翼龙够不够聪明。” Under looks pterodactyl king that struggles, Yi Tianxing knits the brows slightly, the intention moves. silver-white ancient gate appears in the ground together instantaneously, stands erect in the pterodactyl king front. Is near from it, so long as several steps can clash forward, touches. 看着下面挣扎的翼龙王,易天行微微皱眉,心念一动。一道银白色古门瞬间出现在地面上,就屹立在翼龙王的面前。距离之近,只要向前几步就能冲进去,触摸到。 The appearance of Space Gate, brings to the attention of Quetzalcoatlus King instantaneously, before, has discovered the Gold Péng's form. Now sees Space Gate, originally the desperate look, emerges Hope all of a sudden. 空间门的出现,瞬间就引起风神翼龙王的注意,在之前,就已经发现金鹏的身影。现在看到空间门,本来绝望的眼神,一下子涌现出一丝希望 Háo!! 嗥! Emerges a immense strength in Quetzalcoatlus King within the body as if (similar) suddenly, under struggles furiously, originally the bamboo stick of anchorage two|tael only meat wing pulled out from the ground forcefully. Dripping with blood, but it has not actually cared, the two|tael only eye brings crazily crawls toward Space Gate. 风神翼龙王体内仿佛突然间涌现出一股巨大的力量,奋力挣扎下,本来定住只肉翼的竹棍硬生生从地上拔了起来。鲜血淋漓,但它却一点都没有在意,只眼睛带着疯狂的朝着空间门爬过去。 This eruption, very|10 points is sudden, stood also to be flung in its golden scarecrow. 这一爆发,十分突然,就连站立在它身上的金色稻草人也被甩了出去。 Seeing with own eyes, a pterodactyl king head has been putting in Space Gate. 眼见着,翼龙王一颗脑袋已经伸进空间门中。 !! 啪!! At this moment, in the golden scarecrow hand, that bronze bamboo stick has struck again layer on layer/heavily on the head of pterodactyl king. 就在这时,金色稻草人手中,那根青铜竹杖已经再次重重敲打在翼龙王的脑袋上。 This strikes, the hit pterodactyl king head gets muddled, sees stars. Only feels to have a dizzy spell. Must faint directly, but, it is second step King, bloodline powerful in within the body, itself will is also quite astonishing. Feels a life and death crisis, exudes in sad and shrill severe Xiaosheng unexpectedly, the meat wing inspires, cyan squall emerges, curled its body forcefully, crashed in Space Gate. 这一击,打的翼龙王脑袋发蒙,眼冒金星。只觉得头晕目眩。就要直接昏倒在地,不过,到底它是二阶王者,体内的血脉强大,本身意志也极为惊人。感受到一种生死危机,竟然发出一声凄厉的厉啸声中,肉翼一振,一股青色狂风涌现,硬生生将其身躯卷了起来,冲进空间门中。 The ray flashes, has vanished does not see. 光芒一闪,已经消失不见。 All these, said to be long, actually since Space Gate appears, sticks out suddenly to Quetzalcoatlus King, all processes, a breath, has terminated thoroughly, the rapidness of speed, making one not dare to imagine. 这一切,说起来长,实则从空间门出现,到风神翼龙王暴起,所有的过程,连一个呼吸都不到,就已经彻底完结,速度之快,让人不敢想象。 Stole the grain very to run, stole the grain very to run.” “偷粮贼跑了,偷粮贼跑了。” Ran stole the grain thief, ran stole the grain thief!!” “跑了偷粮贼,跑了偷粮贼!!” All around scarecrow sees Quetzalcoatlus King to run away without the trace, immediately exudes the angry shout. Brandishes begins the hitting the target weapon, gives out sharp angry roaring. It seems like, very|10 points anger. 四周稻草人看到风神翼龙王逃走无踪,顿时发出愤怒的呼喊声。一个个挥舞着手中的武器,发出尖锐的怒吼。一个个看起来,十分的愤怒。 golden scarecrow catches the eye to look to void, in eyes as if has a strong warning. 金色稻草人抬眼看向虚空,眼眸中似乎有着一丝强烈的警告。 Obviously, guessed that just matter came out by Gold Péng as well as Lane Yi Tianxing. However, has not actually acted again, is only the strictness of all around rice paddy guard, do not want to fly including a fly. 显然,猜测出刚刚的事情是由金鹏以及易天行出来的。不过,却没有再次出手,只是将四周的稻田看守的更加严密,连一只苍蝇都别想飞进来。 could it be that... must transfer army to kill mountain valley directly, then, even if can triumph, perhaps will cause the immense losses.” 难道要调动大军直接杀进山谷,如此一来,就算能得胜,恐怕都会造成巨大损失。” This thought emergence, by Yi Tianxing without hesitation suppresses from the mind. 这个念头一出现,就被易天行毫不犹豫的从脑海中压制下去。 Unless it is absolutely essential, this matter he is will not do absolutely. 不到万不得已,这种事情他是绝对不会做的。 Xuanhuang Town is being the stage of development, must because of attacking scarecrow loses massive elite soldier words, is worth on basically doesn't. 玄黄镇正处在发展的阶段,要因为攻打稻草人而损失大量精锐士兵的话,那就根本不值得。 But, must cope with these scarecrow, occupies a commanding position, not necessarily does not have the means.” “不过,要对付这些稻草人,居高临下,未必没有办法。” Yi Tianxing in one's eyes none flashes, in the hand presents jet black war bow impressively, Falling Star Bow. war bow in hand, natural sending out an invisible imposing manner. Sincere brings swiftly and fiercely. 易天行眼中精光一闪,手中赫然出现一张漆黑的战弓,陨星弓战弓在手,自然的散发出一股无形的气势。厚重中带着凌厉。 white bone war arrow appears in the hand. war arrow builds on the bowstring, in the arm, the strength spits, naturally, whole piece war bow had been easily pulled open. While pull, true qi have taken advantage of opportunity to pour into white bone war arrow, integrates in Falling Star Bow. 一根白骨战箭出现在手中。战箭搭在弓弦上,手臂中,劲力一吐,自然而然,整张战弓已经被轻易拉开。在拉开的同时,一股股真气已经顺势灌注到白骨战箭,融入到陨星弓中。 Whiz!! 嗖!! Draws the archery, forms a coherent whole. 拉弓射箭,一气呵成。 Almost in from out of the blue sound, white bone war arrow already air-splitting. Of while jumping shooting, entire root war arrow spills over the scarlet-red flame light, this is inferno arrow. white bone war arrow hitting the target inferno arrow, compared with tally arrow hitting the target inferno arrow, the might is stronger, the withstood strength is bigger. The speed is from out of the blue faster. 几乎在一声破空声中,白骨战箭已经破空而出。在迸射出去的同时,整根战箭都泛出赤红色的焰光,这是烈焰箭白骨战箭中的烈焰箭,比符箭中的烈焰箭,威力更强,承受的力量更大。破空速度更快。 Suddenly, white bone war arrow has appeared in front of golden scarecrow. 瞬息间,白骨战箭已经出现在金色稻草人面前。 This arrow, through!! 这一箭,穿心!! Only can see, the scarlet-red flowing light has delimited in in the sky together. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 只能看到,一道赤红色的流光在虚空中划过。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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