EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#353: Gold Péng returns

Sought the subscription .】 【求订阅,。】 Your Lordship felt relieved, the old man will be appropriate these arrangements.” 主公放心,老夫会将这些安排妥当。” Huang Chengyan hears, nods nods. 黄承彦听到,颔首点点头。 Lifts Lady Mu to my mansion. Arranges the room, I waited a while to investigate again in the past, therapy. Right, first let Physician Qiu and Physician Wang examined the injury in the past. Let Lady Mu take Moon Well Water.” “将穆姑娘抬到我府邸中。安排好房间,我等一会再过去探查,疗伤。对了,先让邱大夫王大夫过去查看伤势。让穆姑娘服用月亮井水。” Yi Tianxing opens the mouth to say to Cao Zhengchun instruction again. 易天行再次开口对身边的曹正淳吩咐道。 This Lady Mu has fallen into the stupor, concrete injury how, but also needs to investigate carefully. If can by the normal method treatment, that naturally be best, under can save precious rare treasure therapy pill medicine. If the normal method cannot cure, that can also use the therapy wondrous medicines cure. 穆姑娘已经陷入昏迷,具体伤势如何,还需要仔细探查。若能以正常手段医治,那自然是最好,可以节省下珍贵的异宝疗伤丹药。若是正常手段治不好,那也可以用疗伤圣药治愈。 Many thanks Fellow Daoist Yi.” “多谢易道友。” Mu Yu hears, in the heart the great happiness, expressed gratitude hastily. 穆羽听到,心中大喜,连忙道谢道。 „Before this is me, on the complied condition, does not need to express gratitude.” Yi Tianxing said with a smile indifferently. “这是我之前就已经答应的条件,无需道谢。”易天行淡然一笑道。 Good, Mu Brother, the niece heaven protects the good, was not the person of die young, believed Your Lordship to act, must cure within the body injury, should be easy. How long could not want, can see that Niece Mu came soberly.” “不错,穆兄,侄女吉人天相,不是夭折之人,相信主公出手,要治愈体内伤势,应该是手到擒来。要不了多久,就可以看到穆侄女清醒过来。” Jia Xu also said with a smile. 贾诩也笑着说道。 This is he convinces taking advantage of Mu Yu, if really has the accident/surprise, he does not have the face to see Mu Yu. 这是他说服穆羽的依仗,要是真的出现意外,他也没脸见穆羽 Háo!! 嗥! At this moment, in the sky hears resounding severe howl. 就在这时,天空中传来一阵高亢的厉啸声。 In severe Xiaosheng , in the distant place sky, impressively, the golden form is close as can be seen together fast, this form opens the wing, has 100 meter big. veil the heavens and dispel the sun. Sends out the thick pressure, the imposing manner is vigorous. 在厉啸声中,可以看到,远处天空中,赫然,一道金色的身影快速接近,这道身影张开羽翼,足足有上米之大。遮天辟日。散发出浓浓的威压,气势蓬勃。 Sharp eyes, looks to Xuanhuang Town. 锐利的眼眸,看向玄黄镇 In the town/subdues, many common people felt that oneself probably suddenly staring to be the same by Death God, has a difficult word all over the body the chill in the air. 在镇上,很多百姓都感觉到自己好像突然间被死神给盯上一样,通体都生出一种难言的寒意。 Gold Péng, came back finally.” 金鹏,终于回来了。” Yi Tianxing saw, on the face reveals wipes the smiling face. 易天行看到,脸上露出一抹笑容。 In the heart also relaxes secretly, initially Gold Péng slaughtered together with Quetzalcoatlus King, more slaughters, is farther from Xuanhuang Town. Until vanishes thoroughly does not see, extinguishes in the war kills large quantities of ominous birds, captures a number of destiny, itself among the contract induction with Gold Péng, remains clearly. Then does not have extremely to be worried, but, has not come back for a half month, if in the heart said that did not worry that is false. 心中也是暗自松了一口气,当初金鹏风神翼龙王厮杀在一起,越是厮杀,距离玄黄镇就越远。直到彻底消失不见,要不是在大战中灭杀大批凶禽,夺得一批气运,本身与金鹏之间的契约感应,依旧清晰存在。这才没有太过担心,只是,一连半个多月都没有回来,心中若说不担忧那是假的。 Now sees with one's own eyes Gold Péng to return, nods secretly. 现在亲眼看到金鹏回归,也不由暗自点点头。 Breaks through second step, Gold Péng has started to have a superior prestige of his ancestor to regard. 突破到二阶,金鹏已经开始拥有一丝其先祖的无上威视。 Imposing, the very|10 points god is towering. 气势非凡,十分神峻。 The bloodline pressure, making ominous birds of nearby region lose one's voice thoroughly. 血脉威压,让附近区域的凶禽都为之彻底失声。 Is Gold Péng, mount war pet of Sir town head, before slaughtered with that Quetzalcoatlus King, disappears, now came back, is definitely being slaughtered wins.” “是金鹏,镇长大人的坐骑战宠,之前跟那头风神翼龙王厮杀,不见踪影,现在回来了,肯定是在厮杀中赢了。” Good, had Gold Péng to guard our Xuanhuang Town territorial airspace, general ominous birds does not dare easily to approach our Xuanhuang Town absolutely. In this case, sufficiently becomes safer, does not need to be worried that can have ominous birds to kill suddenly from the space.” “太好了,有金鹏镇守我们玄黄镇的领空,一般的凶禽绝对不敢轻易靠近我们玄黄镇。这样的话,足以变得更加安全,不用担心会有凶禽突然从天上扑杀下来。” In the town/subdues common people saw, on faces reveals the joyful color. 镇上百姓看到,一个个脸上都露出欣喜之色。 Gold Péng's exists, making the sky hitting the target danger greatly reduce. Dares to approach, was almost ripped the fragment by Gold Péng directly. Now becomes second step ominous beast, the deterrent force will be stronger. Dares to approach, absolutely is few. 金鹏的存在,让天空中的危险大大降低。敢于靠近的,几乎都被金鹏直接撕成碎片。现在成为二阶凶兽,威慑力就会更强。敢靠近的,绝对是屈指可数。 Sees Gold Péng to return, in hearts the security sense increases. 看到金鹏回归,一个个心中安全感大增。 But Mu Family Fort common people that just came, in seeing so immense Gold Péng, unexpectedly after is belongs to Xuanhuang Town war pet, in the heart regarding the future immediately has the infinite confidence. Regarding the the outside world (external) sense of fear, vanishes immediately most. 而刚刚进来的穆家寨百姓,在看到如此巨大金鹏,竟然是属于玄黄镇战宠后,心中对于未来顿时生出无穷的信心。对于外界的恐惧感,顿时就消失大半。 The will of the people are stable!! 人心安定!! Háo!! 嗥! Gold Péng drops from the clouds, actually treads to stand directly on arrow tower, has not fallen on the ground, even this, the fresh breeze that then carries over to the immense wing, making many common people unable to stop will back up in the future one after another, under the fresh breeze, the body will not even be able to come to a stop. 金鹏从天而降,却是直接踏立在一座箭塔上,并没有落在地面,就算这样,那对巨大羽翼带出的劲风,让很多百姓止不住往后接连倒退,在劲风下,连身体都站不稳。 Fans the wing merely, can sweep directly, in volume midair. 仅仅扇动翅膀,就能将人直接吹走,卷上半空。 This prestige regards, is quite scary, the sharp claws of immense, a claw gets down, grown Great Han (big person) will be grasped the muddy flesh at the scene. That pair of eyes, such as the advantage arrow, making the person whole body have the feeling of stabbing pain. 这威视,极为骇人,巨大的利爪,一爪下去,一个成年大汉都会被当场抓成肉泥。那双眼眸,如利箭般,让人浑身生出刺痛之感。 Looks to other person of ice-cold sharp vision, when seeing Yi Tianxing, actually flashes through wipes the gentle color. 看向其他人冰冷锐利的目光,在看到易天行时,却闪过一抹柔和之色。 Bang!! 砰!! On the Yi Tianxing face flashes through suddenly wipes the unusual look, immediately treads in the ground directly, the entire body shoots up to the sky immediately, accurate falling conducts the back in Gold Péng. This regarding the assurance of strength, went to the make the blood boil situation. 易天行脸上突然闪过一抹异色,随即直接在地面一踏,整个身躯顿时冲天而起,精准的落在金鹏背上。这对于力量的把握,已经达到令人发指的地步。 Elderly Huang, the matter on town/subdues is looked after by you temporarily, I must go out. Other things, when I came back to say again.” Yi Tianxing looks to Huang Chengyan, said fast. 黄老,镇上的事情暂时由你照看,我要外出一趟。其他事情,等我回来再说。”易天行看向黄承彦,快速说道。 Your Lordship completely may feel relieved.” Huang Chengyan nods nods, opens the mouth to comply to say. 主公尽可放心。”黄承彦颔首点点头,开口答应道。 Knows, the matter of going out should be related with Gold Péng. It is not the important matter, will not decide to go out at this time. 知道,外出的事情应该与金鹏有关。不是要紧之事,是不会在这个时候决定外出的。 Walks!!” “走!!” After instruction, was saying to Gold Péng directly. 吩咐过后,对着金鹏直接说道。 Háo!! 嗥! In resounding severe Xiaosheng, Gold Péng spreads the wings together again, brandishes, shoots up to the sky. Flies toward the distant place. 一道高亢的厉啸声中,金鹏再次展翅,挥舞间,冲天而起。朝着远处飞去。 Treads to stand in Gold Péng conducts the back, roams through in the sky, overlooks the great earth four directions, a feeling of being hard spoken language wells up Mind, only felt that has to plant entire heaven and earth to support into to cherish the hitting the target feeling. Entire soul has been as if sublimated. 踏立在金鹏背上,遨游在天空中,俯视大地四方,一种难以言语的感受涌上心灵,只感觉到有种将整个天地都拥入怀中的感觉。整个灵魂都似乎得到升华。 Roams through above the sky, really can make the person heart broader, mind will, has been quenchinged. The sky, belongs to powerhouse domain.” taking a deep breath, Yi Tianxing is feeling the change of mental, said after a sigh secretly. “遨游在天空之上,果然能让人心胸变得更加宽广,心神意志,都得到淬炼。天空,是属于强者领域。”深吸一口气,易天行感受着自身精神的变化,暗自感叹道。 Gold Péng, where can you lead me to go to?” 金鹏,你要带我去哪里?” When the Gold Péng return, the news transmits in the mind from Gold Péng within the body together, the meaning in that thought transmitting must make him follow to go to a place . Moreover, very|10 points is important. 金鹏回归时,一道讯息就从金鹏体内传递到脑海中,那道意念中传递出的意思是要让他跟着前往一处地方,而且,十分重要。 This news, makes Yi Tianxing decision without hesitation follow Gold Péng to go out. 正是这道讯息,才让易天行毫不犹豫的决定跟着金鹏外出。 Gold Péng said that definitely has the important matter, the major discovery is right. 金鹏这么说,那就肯定是有着重要的事情,重大的发现才对。 Háo!! 嗥! Gold Péng had not replied, but sends out severe howl. Brings Yi Tianxing to go fast forward air-splitting. 金鹏并没有回答,只是发出一声厉啸。带着易天行快速向前破空而去。 Soon, sees, following scenery change. Appears in a strange region impressively. 不多时,就看到,下面的景物变化。赫然出现在一处奇异的区域。 Really has the rice paddy, that is anything, Quetzalcoatlus King is sewn on the ground unexpectedly.” “竟然有稻田,那是什么东西,风神翼龙王竟然被钉在地上。” scarecrow, unexpectedly so many scarecrow.” 稻草人,竟然有这么多的稻草人。” Decides the eye to look toward below, although below the distance is very far, may regarding his eyesight, not be an issue, easily can the clarity that the following scenery looks. The clarity that but looks, cannot bear holds breath at the scene cold air, in one's eyes reveals the panic-stricken color. 定眼朝着下面看去,下面虽然距离很远,可对于他的目力来说,并不是问题,轻易就能将下面的景物看的清清楚楚。但正是看的清楚,才忍不住当场倒吸一口凉气,眼中露出惊骇之色。 The eye pupil contracted fiercely. 眼瞳都不由剧烈收缩了一下。 Only sees, in the following, impressively is a stretch of golden rice paddy. In the rice paddy, stands erect impressively is seeming like not has scarecrow of eye very much. scarecrow quantity very|10 points enormous, carefully looks, perhaps that quantity, has more than several tens of thousands. 只看到,在下面,赫然是一片金色的稻田。在稻田中,赫然屹立着一名名看起来并不是很起眼的稻草人稻草人的数量十分庞大,仔细看去,那数量,恐怕有不下数万具之多。 What is most fearful, in these rice paddies, ice-cold corpses. 最可怕的是,这些稻田之中,一具具冰冷的尸体。 These corpses turn into one pile of white bone, all around golden rice paddy, is long the brightness of very|10 points. Shining, life force is vigorous, spirit qi is hidden. Enable person one eyes to feel this absolutely is not the ordinary paddy rice. 这些尸体都变成一堆白骨,四周的金色稻田,长得十分的鲜艳。金灿灿的,生机勃勃,灵气暗藏。让人一眼就能感受到这绝对不是普通的稻米。 These, are not the ordinary paddy rice, but is spirit rice, spirit grain. Shining, this is gold wheat.” “这些,不是普通的稻米,而是灵米,灵谷。金灿灿,这是黄金麦。” Yi Tianxing looks in following entire mountain valley, everywhere is the yellow-gold rice wheat, in one's eyes flashes through an exciting color. within the body Wordless Heavenly Book first time appears the news of these paddy rice. 易天行看着下面整个山谷内,到处都是的黄金色的稻麦,眼中闪过一丝激动之色。体内无字天书第一时间浮现出那些稻米的讯息。 gold wheat: Receives Qi of Metal breeding fresh one spirit rice, golden-yellow, sends out golden light all over the body, under the sunlight, very|10 points is dazzling, one year one ripe, once is mature, in the grain of wheat contains rich Qi of Metal, suits metal attribute cultivator to take, can promote cultivation base, can expand fleshly body . Moreover, can quenching the physical body, has the quenching body function of immense regarding body refiner, grows the fleshly body strength, quality step earth step extreme quality. 黄金麦:秉承金之气孕育而生的一种灵米,通体金黄色,散发出金光,在阳光下,十分耀眼,一年一熟,一旦成熟,麦粒中蕴含浓郁的金之气,适合金属性修士服用,能增进修为,能壮大肉身,而且,可以淬炼肉体,对于炼体士有着巨大的淬体作用,增长肉身力量,品阶地阶极品 spirit grain also divides quality step, spirit grain quality step from high to low, the discrimination is: Divine, Immortal, Heaven, Earth, Profound, and Yellow. Six big quality step, each first step branches out: lower quality, middle quality, higher quality, extreme quality. Four big quality step, altogether are 6 steps, 24 qualities. 要知道,灵谷也分品阶,将灵谷品阶由高到低,区分为:神、仙、天、地、玄、黄。六大品阶,每一阶又分出:下品,中品,上品,极品。四大品阶,一共为六阶二十四品 This gold wheat can achieve earth step extreme quality, its precious degree, has it can be said that been the quite inconceivable level. 黄金麦能达到地阶极品,其珍贵程度,可以说是已经达到相当不可思议的层次。 Such treasure, eats, has the unquantifiable help regarding cultivate, implication spirit qi, can make cultivation base rise sharply absolutely, particularly, this spirit rice eats, will not have the impurity, absolutely is the thing of top big making up. 这样的珍宝,吃下去,对于修炼有着难以估量的助益,其中蕴含的灵气,绝对可以让修为大涨,尤其是,这灵米吃下去,是不会有杂质的,绝对是顶尖的大补之物。 Once obtains, then regarding entire Xuanhuang Town, has the unquantifiable advantage absolutely. 一旦得到,那对于整个玄黄镇来说,绝对是有着难以估量的好处。 Definitely can build holy land. 完全可以打造成一处圣地 After the grain that usually eats turns into this gold wheat, the speed that cultivate gets up, will definitely be an inconceivable level. 平时吃的粮食变成这种黄金麦后,那修炼起来的速度,必然会达到一种不可思议的层次。 In heart fiery. 心中不由的一阵火热。 But has not actually gotten down immediately. 但却没有立即下去。 The vision falls in a stretch of open area, as can be seen, in that open area, immense Quetzalcoatlus King by a golden big net, the net was lived forcefully, on wing, but also is inserting bamboo sticks, sews the wing on the ground, the blood flows from the wound unceasingly downward, looked shocking. Most essential is, this Quetzalcoatlus King, has not died, face upwards to exude the grief and indignation sad and shrill severe howl. 目光落在一片空地上,可以看到,在那空地上,巨大风神翼龙王就被一张金色的大网,硬生生网住,在翅膀上,还插着一根根竹棍,将翅膀钉在地上,鲜血不断从伤口往下流,看的触目惊心。最关键是,这风神翼龙王,还没有死,仰天发出悲愤凄厉的厉啸声。 To struggle, basic(ally) does not have the means to achieve. 想要挣扎,却根本没有办法做到。 On it, that only golden immense scarecrow, stands is conducting the back, just about to struggles, is grasping that bronze-colored bamboo stick, pounds toward its head on, one dozen, pterodactyl king on corona. Has a dizzy spell. 在它身上,那只金色巨大稻草人,就站在背上,刚要挣扎,就握着那根青铜色的竹棍,朝着它的脑袋上砸过去,一打下去,翼龙王就晕了。头晕目眩的。 Obviously, that stick is not absolutely good to withstand. 显然,那棍子是绝对不好承受的。 All around also has scarecrow to take the straw, on sewing back and forth toward oneself. As if in preying, is traumatized by quite immense. But has not actually died. 四周还有稻草人在拿着稻草,往自己身上来回的缝补。似乎在搏杀中,遭受到相当巨大的重创。可却没有死。 Surrounding scarecrow, intense inspection back and forth. Looks at all around rice paddy, for fear that has what enemy to come the attack. 周围稻草人,都在紧张的来回巡视。看着四周的稻田,生怕有什么敌人过来袭击。 Even Quetzalcoatlus King plants unexpectedly here, these scarecrow are not simple.” “竟然连风神翼龙王都栽在这里,这些稻草人不简单。” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath, looks at the following scene secretly, in the heart secretly imposing. These scarecrow, can harvest the rice paddy here, moreover even Quetzalcoatlus King suppressed, it can be imagined, battle power, second step ominous beast King cannot even block. 易天行暗自深吸一口气,看着下面的景象,心中暗自凛然。这些稻草人,能在这里收获稻田,而且连风神翼龙王都镇压了,可想而知,战力之强,连二阶凶兽王者都挡不住。 This is what kind of savage. 这是何等的凶残 You lead me to come to here, is it possible that is to rescue this only Quetzalcoatlus King?” “你带我到这里来,莫非是想要救这只风神翼龙王?” Yi Tianxing knits the brows slightly, looks to Gold Péng, inquired in the mind directly. 易天行微微皱眉,看向金鹏,直接在脑海中询问道。 ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. 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