EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#352: Threw

flower girl?” 花姑娘?” Yi Tianxing hears, on face also reveals a surprise, looks in the direction that Sovereign Green throws. 易天行听到,脸上也不由的露出一丝诧异,朝着绿皇扑出去的方向看去。 Saw impressively, middle age that wears the black clothing, in the bosom hugs a five-colored golden pheasant, in the hand is pulling a piebald dog, a face panic-stricken looks at Sovereign Green to throw the form that in the mouth exudes the panic-stricken calling out in alarm sound: Do not come, I am not flower girl.” 赫然看到,一名身穿黑色衣衫的中年,怀中抱着一只五彩的锦鸡,手中牵着一条花斑狗,正一脸惊恐的看着绿皇扑过来的身影,口中发出惊恐的惊叫声:“不要过来,我不是花姑娘啊。” Sovereign Green's body very|10 points is big, after transform, is similar to the shepherd, this throws, that imposing manner, is quite astonishing, seem very scary, the fine hair must set upright. 绿皇的身躯十分高大,在一次次蜕变后,已经跟狼狗差不多,这一扑过去,那气势,相当惊人,看起来就很吓人,汗毛都要倒竖起来。 With ominous beast that publicized the big mouth is the same. 就跟一头张大了血盆大口的凶兽一样。 Thinks that is not afraid difficultly. 想不害怕都难。 Especially this dog will also start talking, is yelling what flower girl. 尤其是这条狗还会开口说话,大叫着什么花姑娘 Heavens , he but pure grown man. When turned into flower girl. 老天爷,他可是纯正的大男人。什么时候变成花姑娘了。 If this by a dog throwing, the middle-aged person felt after oneself, has not had a face to see right in front of one person. Loudly calls out, turning around without hesitation worms one's way into toward the crowd. That speed, is not slow, had not been affected because of the stop of crowd, skidding is like a loach, slippery. 这要是被一条狗给扑了,中年人感觉自己以后都没有脸面见人了。大叫一声,毫不犹豫的转身就往人群中钻了进去。那速度,一点都不慢,一点都没有因为人群的阻拦而受到影响,滑溜的就跟一条泥鳅一样,滑不溜秋的。 flower girl, do not walk, fights a decisive battle dawn!!” 花姑娘,不要走,决战到天亮!!” Sovereign Green saw, immediately bellows. Goes crazy to pursue same. 绿皇看到,立即大吼一声。发了疯一样追了过去。 Do not come, I am not flower girl. Do not pursue me. My male.” “不要过来,我不是花姑娘。别追我啊。我的男的。” The middle-aged man face was black, felt that the small heart the crazy beat, must as if jump directly from within the body. deceased soul braves greatly, the step of under foot was quicker. 中年男子脸都黑了,感觉小心脏都在疯狂的跳动,似乎要从体内直接跳出来。亡魂大冒,脚下的步伐更快了。 This, making in the town/subdues common people see, is dumbfounded, felt that stares dull. 这一幕,让镇上百姓看到,都是目瞪口呆,感觉到一阵呆愣。 Sovereign Green they knew, this is Yi Tianxing's war pet . Moreover, is words discusses, an opens the mouth, is endless . Moreover, grating of sound very|10 points, is unendurable, in the town/subdues, that is a god of plague, where arrives , is to make the person yield and withdraw. Lest evades it less. The role that everyone fears, pursues a middle-aged man to call flower girl now unexpectedly. 绿皇他们都认识,这是易天行的战宠,而且,是个话唠,一开口,就是没完没了,而且,声音十分的刺耳,让人难以忍受,在镇上,那就是个瘟神,走到哪里,都是让人退避三舍。唯恐避之不及。人人都怕的角色,现在竟然追着一个中年男子叫着花姑娘 This picture, how see, is not how unharmonious. 这画面,怎么看,怎么不和谐啊。 How Sovereign Green, went crazy, how to pursue a man to call flower girl.” 绿皇怎么了,发疯了吗,怎么追着一个男人叫花姑娘。” Should be in heat, Sovereign Green entered Breeding season, the eye was green, made way quickly, whatever happens cannot was given to stare by him, otherwise, was thrown, that really did not have the face to see the person. Later ended thoroughly.” “应该是发情了,绿皇进入发情期了,眼睛都绿了,快让开,千万别被他给盯上,要不然,被扑了,那就真的没脸见人了。以后就彻底完了。” „It is not good, could it be that... is town head that foot, trampling has problems the Sovereign Green's head, who could not have distinguished is, presented illusion.” “不好了,难道镇长那一脚,将绿皇的脑袋给踹出了问题,已经分辨不出是谁了,出现幻象了。” All around common people sees, opening mouth at the same time, sees Sovereign Green, is subconscious gives way to traffic to two|tael rapidly, is a little for fear that scruple, thrown turned into itself. 四周百姓看到,张大嘴巴的同时,看到绿皇,都是下意识的向边迅速避让,生怕有一点迟疑,被扑的就变成自己了。 The Sovereign Green sole creates an incident, two eyes shines, green-hair on four dog-leg set upright, as if (similar) is fighting, initiates the charge, does not reach the goal, vows not to rest. The front middle-aged man is also the sole rubs the oil, in the heart shouts secretly unlucky. How to turn into this. 绿皇脚底生风,两眼放光,四只狗腿上的绿毛都根根倒竖起来,仿佛在战斗,发起冲锋,不达目的,誓不罢休。前面中年男子也是脚底抹油,心中暗叫倒霉。怎么会变成这样。 He is innocent. 他是无辜的。 He just entered Xuanhuang Town, even the household register manages without enough time, was chased down by Sovereign Green. This simply is unexpected misfortune. 他才刚刚进入玄黄镇啊,连户籍都来不及办,就被绿皇追杀。这简直就是祸从天上来啊。 His speed is fast, the Sovereign Green's speed is faster. 他速度快,绿皇的速度更快。 In an instant appears after behind, fierce throws forward, exudes one to roar: flower girl, making this sovereign favor you well.” 转眼间就出现在身后,猛的向前一扑,发出一声咆哮:“花姑娘,让本皇好好宠幸你。” Felt that behind sweeps across the aura that comes, the middle-aged man sends out a startled day to call out pitifully, punctures the expansive sky: Does not want, I male, is not flower girl.” That sound, seems like the woman soon to be devastated to be the same, pitifully to letting the person pities. 感觉到背后席卷而来的气息,中年男子发出一声惊天惨叫,刺破长空:“不要啊,我是男的,不是花姑娘啊。”那声音,就好像是弱女子即将被蹂躏一样,凄惨到让人怜悯。 In many common people hearts has the sympathy. 很多百姓心中都不由生出同情。 ah!!” 啊!!” The middle-aged man sends out the pitiful yell, felt that fresh breeze sweeps across to come, but, after exuding pitiful yell sound, the discovery, a oneself as if matter does not have, but the side actually transmits a pitiful yell. 中年男子发出惨叫,感觉一阵劲风席卷而来,不过,在发出惨叫声后,却发现,自己似乎一点事情都没有,但身边却传来一声惨叫。 That cry is somewhat different. 那叫声有些不同。 Opens the eye to look to side, a picture prints in one's eyes, but his face, thorough was all of a sudden black. 睁开眼睛向旁边看去,一副画面印入眼中,而他的脸,也一下子彻底黑了。 Only saw, he is pulling conducting the back of piebald dog, that eccentric green-hair wicked dog is digging up above, full is excited, lower part also in unceasing shrugging. During fluctuating, piebald dog emanation under body lets the cry that the person pities. 只看到,他牵着的花斑狗的背上,那古怪绿毛恶犬正扒在上面,满是兴奋,下半身还在不断的耸动。起伏间,身下的花斑狗发出让人怜悯的叫声。 Piebald dog, unexpectedly by Sovereign Green throwing. 花斑狗,竟然被绿皇给扑了。 flower girl is this piebald mole cricket, Little Flower, was thrown unexpectedly.” 花姑娘是这条花斑土狗,小花,竟然被扑了。” The middle-aged man looks around picture, makes an effort to rub the eyes, immediately reveals a fear, said: Ended, if old ancestor knows that his Little Flower by wicked dog throwing, me really died.” 中年男子看着旁边的画面,使劲揉了揉眼睛,随即就露出一丝恐惧,道:“完了,要是老祖知道他的小花被一条恶犬给扑了,那我就真的死定了。” Thinks of this point, his whole body had a shiver. 想到这一点,他就浑身打了一个冷颤。 After knows whose grave initially that grave is, he understands what oneself steals is anything, this is old ancestor sect beloved pet, died continually, must bury with Seven-star Coffin, enabling these chicken dogs became an immortal. This takes seriously the degree can be imagined. If by King of Huainan is known his family/home Little Flower by wicked dog throwing, him suspected, oneself may throw into the wilderness, making ominous beast oneself throwing. 在当初知道那座墓是谁的墓后,他就明白自己偷到的是什么东西,这是老祖宗心爱的宠物啊,连死了,都要用七星棺来埋葬,让这些鸡狗都能成仙。这重视程度可想而知。要是被淮南王知道他家小花被一条恶犬给扑了,他怀疑,自己有可能会被扔进荒野,让凶兽把自己给扑了。 Was too fearful, cannot make old ancestor know absolutely, otherwise, I died.” “太可怕了,绝对不能让老祖知道,要不然,我死定了。” Liu Qu swung the head, immediately makes the decision in the heart. 刘去摇了摇脑袋,立即就在心中做出决定。 Even if dies cannot make King of Huainan know this matter. 哪怕是死都不能让淮南王知道这件事情。 Actually under big crowd of people are in heat.” “竟然大庭广众之下发情。” Yi Tianxing sees this, on the face was almost immediately black, felt that the top of the head has the innumerable crows to fly fast. Under the Sovereign Green broad daylight, makes this matter unexpectedly, as master, feels ashamed simply. 易天行看到这一幕,脸上几乎立即就黑了,感觉到头顶有无数只乌鸦快速飞过。绿皇光天化日之下,竟然做出这种事情,身为主人,简直是脸上无光。 Goes back to me!!” “给我回去!!” The intention moves, a black-white iron chain appears instantaneously, appears in the Sovereign Green top of the head, circles on the neck, ties up Sovereign Green, with, the entire body pulls to the midair in backward directly, threw toward the mansion. 心念一动间,一条黑白色的铁链瞬间浮现,出现在绿皇头顶,在脖子上一绕,就将绿皇拴住,跟着向后一拉,整个身躯直接扯到半空中,朝着府邸中扔了进去。 No, my flower girl!!” “不,我的花姑娘!!” Sovereign Green exudes the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound. Four claw in the midair brandish unceasingly. 绿皇发出凄厉的惨叫声。在半空中四只爪子不断挥舞。 That cry, hears is sad, the listener cries. 那叫声,闻者伤心,听者落泪。 The piebald dog is clamping the tail, a grievance of face. It did not have yes what's the matter, was thrown, two|tael only eye that is tears wāng wāng. 花斑狗夹着尾巴,一脸的委屈。它还没明白怎么回事,就被扑了,只眼睛那是眼泪汪汪 ah!! 啊! Liu Qu sees the Sovereign Green seized form, opened the mouth, full is the surprise. However, in the next quarter, drop of unidentified liquid dropped from the clouds, falls in his mouth, licked licking subconsciously, but saw midair hitting the target Sovereign Green, as well as that in wind disorderly. 刘去看着绿皇被抓走的身影,张大了嘴巴,满是诧异。不过,在下一刻,一滴不明液体从天而降,落到了他的口中,下意识的舔了舔,但看到半空中的绿皇,以及那条在风中凌乱。 His face, one was green, was black. 他的脸,一下就绿了,黑了。 Vomits!! 呕!! The five main internal organs (entrails) tumbles , the thing in belly, vomited completely. That stance, is even the intestines must spit simply together. The looked letting person is alarmed. 五脏六腑翻滚,一口气,肚子里的东西,全部呕了出来。那姿态,简直是连肠子都要一起吐出来。看的让人触目惊心。 This my face was loses completely.” “这次我的脸是丢尽了。” Yi Tianxing saw, corners of the mouth pulls out gathers, in the heart had decided that after next goes back, must teach Sovereign Green that thing well. 易天行看到,嘴角一阵抽蓄,心中已经决定,等下回去后,一定要好好教训绿皇那混账东西。 Must throw flower girl, does not know that looks for the secluded place, under big crowd of people makes such matter unexpectedly, is really a stupid dog.” In the heart sends out cold snort/hum secretly. Looked that to mansion that Sovereign Green throws, in the vision brings a badness “要扑花姑娘,也不知道找僻静之地,竟然大庭广众之下做出这样的事情,真是一条蠢狗。”心中暗自发出一声冷哼。看向绿皇扔进去的府邸中,目光中带着一丝不善 In these interludes , common people that walks from Space Gate are as can be seen getting more and more , in the spacious square, has become the person's shadow gradually numerous , the person one ten thousand, are like a mountain, like the sea. 这些插曲中,可以看到,从空间门中走出来的百姓越来越多,渐渐的,空旷的广场中,已经变得人影重重,正所谓,人一过万,就是如山如海 Unknowingly, 50,000~60,000 common people arrives in the square in turn. 不知不觉中,足足五六万百姓依次抵达广场中。 Saw, military personnel that wear war armor fast shuttles back and forth from Space Gate. In this process, a stretcher lifted, on the stretcher, is lying down impressively a female. 紧接着,就看到,一名名身穿战甲军人快速从空间门中穿梭而来。在这过程中,一张担架抬了出来,在担架上,赫然躺着一名女子。 The female takes a quick look around, makes people feel a female rare heroic spirit, even if the stupor, can feel this unique makings clearly. Especially coordinates it to be possible be called the outstandingly beautiful appearance, compared with this appearance and Cai Yan, plan inferior, may under contrast of makings, expose the glowing countenance, is less inferior than any female. 那女子一眼看去,就让人感觉到一种女子少有的英气,哪怕是昏迷过去,也可以让人清晰感受到这股独特的气质。尤其是配合其堪称绝色的容颜,这容颜与蔡琰相比,逊色一筹,可在气质的衬托下,展露出容光,并不比任何女子逊色。 So a female, actually pale lying down on the stretcher, remains unconscious at this moment. Let the person have to pity. 只是,如此一名女子,此刻却脸色苍白的躺在担架上,昏迷不醒。让人不禁心生怜悯。 After that only saw, Jia Xu of black long gown natural treads from Space Gate. 在其后,只看到,一身黑色长袍的贾诩自然的从空间门中踏出。 In him behind, again without other common people. 在他身后,再没有其他百姓 Your Lordship, Jia Xu fulfills their mission, in Mu Family Fort common people 63,275 person. Completely here.” Before Jia Xu arrives at the Yi Tianxing body, says with a smile, among the looks brings to wipe self-confidently. 主公,贾诩不辱使命,穆家寨百姓六万三千二百七十五人。全部在这里。”贾诩来到易天行身前,笑着开口说道,神色间带着一抹自信。 This is the ritual of embarking on an official career he gives, successfully convinced this enormous a number of common people to come, this merit, made him stand firm in Xuanhuang Town sufficiently, the position was stable. 这是他给予的进身之礼,成功说服这次庞大一批百姓前来,这份功绩,足以让他在玄黄镇中站稳脚跟,地位稳固。 Mr. Wenhe is laborious, can convince Fort Lord Mu, making in my Xuanhuang Town the population increase again, this merit, no one is able to obliterate. The mister just arrived, makes the great merit for my Xuanhuang Town, Yi Tianxing apologizes to the mister. Starting today, the mister is in my Xuanhuang Town chief military counselor.” 文和先生辛苦,能说服穆寨主,让我玄黄镇中人口再次大增,这笔功绩,谁都无法磨灭。先生刚刚到来,就为我玄黄镇立下如此大功,易天行谢过先生。从今天开始,先生就是我玄黄镇中首席军师。” Yi Tianxing said to a Jia Xu ritual with a smile. 易天行笑着对贾诩一礼说道。 Can at the beginning of the tumultuous times, obtain such enormous a number of population, no matter regarding any influence, is unquantifiable inside information. Especially is capable of blessing common people, resists the influence of ominous beast foreign race attack, at this time, the population was most important, most essential. 能在乱世之初,得到如此庞大的一批人口,不管对于任何势力而言,都是难以估量的底蕴。尤其是有能力庇佑百姓,抵挡凶兽异族侵袭的势力,这个时候,人口才是最重要,最关键的。 Any, is precious. 任何一名,都是宝贵的。 This ritual, Yi Tianxing is willing. 这一礼,易天行心甘情愿。 Before is cash without hesitation , the name of chief military counselor promises. 更是毫不犹豫的兑现之前许诺的首席军师之名。 Congratulates Wenhe Brother, later we may probably work together as colleagues together, jointly constructs Xuanhuang Town. I was not skilled in the strategy before, now has Wenhe Brother to arrive, Your Lordship even more powerful, makes up a big gap.” “恭喜文和兄,以后我们可要一起共事,共同建设玄黄镇。我之前不精于谋略,现在有文和兄到来,主公可谓是如虎添翼,补上一大缺口。” Huang Chengyan walked, looks at Jia Xu, on the face full is the smile said submissively. 黄承彦走了过来,看着贾诩,脸上满是微笑的拱手说道。 Who Jia Xu is, he naturally must know. 贾诩是谁,他自然不会不知道。 Really must say, Jia Xu leaves returns alive before him. 真要说起来,贾诩出生还在他之前。 However, the present is Eternal Continent, all are new life, who is long who young, has not needed to be extremely earnest. 不过,现在是永恒大陆,一切都是新生,谁长谁幼,已经没有必要太过较真。 Chengyan Brother is polite, in Xuanhuang Town has you to wield, myriad images renewal. Later must support mutually. Makes Xuanhuang Town expand together, becomes in my humanity big holy land.” Jia Xu said with a smile, the look is temperate. Let the person such as the bath spring breeze. 承彦兄客气,玄黄镇中有你执掌,万象更新。以后还要相互扶持。共同让玄黄镇壮大,成为我人族中一大圣地。”贾诩笑着说道,神色温和。让人如浴春风。 very|10 points is easy to have the favorable impression. 十分容易生出好感。 Happen to Elderly Huang came, at present these common people, but also needs Elderly Huang to begin to arrange, first fills the belly, then registers the household register, receives heavenly registry card. All defer to the beforehand custom to do.” “正好黄老来了,眼前这些百姓,还需要黄老着手安排,先填饱肚子,再登记户籍,领取天籍卡。一切按照以前的规矩来做。” Yi Tianxing nods said: In the evening informs people of the Two Pavilions and Six Halls all chancellors to come the meeting hall. First introduced that military counselor gives everyone to know, secondly before also us, matter of the military reform discussed discussed 1~2 again.” ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 易天行颔首说道:“晚上通知一门两阁六殿所有主事之人前来议事厅。一来介绍军师给予大家认识,二来也将我们之前商议的军事改革之事再次商讨一二。”(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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