EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#351: flower girl

Without tasting the hungry person, has not known when that hunger sweeps across comes, is what suffering, in the hunger, the piece of bread, in the innermost feelings will have the big gratitude. 没有品尝过饥饿的人,是不知道,那种饥饿席卷而来时,是什么样的煎熬,在饥饿中,有一块面包,内心中会生出多大的感激。 Food, is sufficiently stable the public feeling, buys the hearts of the people initially. 一顿饭,足以将人心稳定,初步收拢人心。 This price, simply is as weak as the pinnacle. The Xuanhuang Town hitting the target grain, in short time, almost could not have finished eating. Eaten many did not fear again. Must plant, the cycle of growth, was really quick. 这种代价,简直是微弱到极致。玄黄镇中的粮食,在短时间内,几乎已经是吃不完了。吃的再多都不怕。要栽种起来,成长的周期,实在是太快了。 This is Myriad Worlds Fuse, the heaven and earth chaos time, Eternal Continent has other cause of death, but must starve to death, is a huge joke. 要不是这是万界融合,天地大乱的时代,永恒大陆有别的死法,但要饿死,就是一种天大的笑话。 Sufficient heaven and earth origin qi, lets any plant growth, the speed is extremely fast, the cycle shortens, the output becomes high. In this case, if starves to death, is not the joke is anything. Now, slaughters everywhere, in situation that is unable to stabilize. 充足的天地元气,让任何植物生长起来,速度极快,周期变短,产量变高。这种情况下,要是饿死,不是笑话是什么。只是现在,到处是杀戮,无法稳定的情况下。 Could not plant the grain, the vegetables. Will have the situation of starving to death person. 栽种不了粮食,蔬菜。才会出现饿死人的情况。 This does not have the powerful strength to protect itself and even is the result that the environment creates safely, without strength, even if planted the grain, will be destroyed by ominous beast monster, basic(ally) cannot wait to harvest time. One will fall from the sky death. 这就是没有强大实力保护自身乃至是周围环境安全造成的结果,没有实力,哪怕是栽种了粮食,也会被凶兽怪物破坏,根本等不到收割的时候。自身都会陨落死亡 Only has Xuanhuang Town, has this strength, protects common people in the tumultuous times, protects the grain is not destroyed. 只有玄黄镇,才有这种实力,在乱世中守护百姓,守护粮食不被破坏。 Can obtain large quantities of grain, does not need to be worried about the hungry issue. 才能得到大批粮食,不用担心饥饿的问题。 Now many village, the almost complete thoughts are resisting on ominous beast, plants the grain the matter, is an extremely luxurious action, can do, purchases the grain from Xuanhuang Town. 现在很多村寨,几乎全部心思都在抵挡凶兽上,栽种粮食的事情,是一种极为奢侈的举动,所能做的,就是从玄黄镇中购买粮食。 Perhaps later will plant the grain, but now, Xuanhuang Town as before is all around the village center, the issue of grain, has made them have to approach Xuanhuang Town. 或许以后会栽种粮食,但现在而言,玄黄镇依旧是四周村寨的中心,粮食的问题,就已经让他们不得不靠近玄黄镇 Shuā!! 刷! Appears when Feng Yumo, in the town/subdues has started to light a fire to cook. 冯雨默出现,镇上已经开始生火造饭时。 Immediately can see, on Space Gate ray twinkle. Forms fast shuttle back and forth from the gate. 立即可以看到,空间门上光芒闪烁。一道道身影快速从门中穿梭出来。 Only saw, when first appears, is a middle-aged man, this middle age puts on leather armor, leather armor does with the ominous beast leather, is very crude, can look, his body has a aggressive aura, that is fiend qi that from slaughtering to quenching, in the hand is grasping war blade, that blade, said is a blade, might as well said that with war blade that immense ox horns polishes, above the belt/bring of nature ominous qi. 只看到,当先出现的,就是一名中年男子,这名中年身上穿着一身皮甲,皮甲是用凶兽皮制作而成,很简陋,能看的到,他身上有一种凶悍气息,那是一种从厮杀中淬炼出的煞气,手中握着一口战刀,那刀,说是刀,还不如说是用一根巨大牛角打磨出来的战刀,上面自然的带着一种凶气 Very rough, can actually see the above dark red bloodstain. 很粗糙,却能看到上面暗红色的血迹。 This is with the blade edge that the blood quenchings. 这是用鲜血淬炼出的刀锋。 In its within the body, can feel, has true qi in the aura of circulation. Obviously, is cultivator, opens divine sea, but cultivation base is not very high. 在其体内,能感受到,有真气在流转的气息。显然,是一名修士,开辟出神海,只是修为不是很高。 Here is Xuanhuang Town, transmission gate, can span 1,000 li together unexpectedly instantaneously, is really inconceivable.” In this is panic-strickenly looks to all around, saw that the surrounding scene obviously not in knockoff that oneself are familiar with, exclaims secretly. “这里就是玄黄镇,一道传送门,竟然能瞬间跨越千里,真是不可思议。”这名中年满是惊骇的看向四周,看到周围的景象明显不是在自己熟悉的山寨中,暗自惊叹道。 Your Lordship, this is Fort Lord Mu. Mu Yu.” Feng Yumo opens the mouth a introduced. 主公,这一位就是穆寨主穆羽。”冯雨默开口介绍道。 You are Lord of Xuanhuang Town. Sir Yi.” “你就是玄黄镇之主易大人。” Mu Yu looks to Yi Tianxing, in the heart also acclaims one secretly, how he cannot see the Yi Tianxing strength, can actually feel that bearing. And exceptional person. 穆羽看向易天行,心中也是暗自赞叹一声,他看不出易天行实力如何,却能感受到那股气度。并非常人。 Fort Lord Mu can come, my Xuanhuang Town seriously is even more powerful, on Xuanhuang Town, without so many courtesy, is humanity, the common enemy is foreign race, is these ominous beast monster.” 穆寨主能来,我玄黄镇当真是如虎添翼,在玄黄镇上,没有那么多礼数,都是人族,共同的敌人是异族,是那些凶兽怪物。” Yi Tianxing said with a smile: No matter before how, so long as arrives at my Xuanhuang Town, after that was safe, does not need to be worried that can have ominous beast monster to attack, is incapable of resisting. Here, each other is a family member. Should work as one. Together better going on living.” 易天行笑着说道:“不管以前如何,只要来到我玄黄镇,那以后就安全了,再也不用担心会有凶兽怪物侵袭过来,无力抗争。在这里,彼此都是亲人。应该同心协力。一起更好的活下去。” Sees Mu Yu, Yi Tianxing guesses, this is not an uncompanionable person. Is together to talk, should very not be difficult. 看到穆羽,易天行就猜测出,这并不是一位难以相处的人。相处交谈起来,应该不会很难。 No matter how, my Hope Town Head Yi can kindly treat these common people.” Mu Yu nods to say. “不管如何,我希望易镇长能够善待那些百姓。”穆羽点点头说道。 Please relax, on Xuanhuang Town, everyone will treat impartially, although is not absolute fair, will actually also achieve relative fair.” Yi Tianxing said decisively: These, after Fort Lord Mu, naturally can see.” “请放心,在玄黄镇上,所有人都会一视同仁,虽然不是绝对的公平,却也会做到相对的公平。”易天行断然说道:“这些,穆寨主以后自然能看到。” That will not have Mu Family Fort from now on, I rather become ordinary common people.” Mu Yu nods to say. In this moment, he can only choose to believe Yi Tianxing. Moreover, he has also sized up surrounding common people. “那从今往后再也没有穆家寨,我宁愿成为一名普通的百姓。”穆羽点点头说道。在这一刻,他只能选择相信易天行。而且,他也打量过周围的百姓 On faces brims with a Hope vision. 一个个脸上都洋溢出一种希望的目光。 That essence, qi, and spirit , this that in Mu Family Fort cannot see is also he can in the reason that first time makes the decision. 那种精气神,是在穆家寨中所看不到的,这也是他能在第一时间做出决定的原因。 Had not said again, from Space Gate , forms drilled as can be seen continuously. Appears in the square. 没有再多说,从空间门中,可以看到,一道道身影接连不断的钻了出来。出现在广场上。 These people, are common people that in Mu Family Fort draws. 这些人,是穆家寨中收拢的百姓 As can be seen, many people are the clothing are tattered, a pale expression. The body cannot withstand emaciated, obviously was suffered this appearance by hungry. Mu Family Fort more many of common people collection, that must support these people, the difficulty is bigger, some food that the hunting obtains, basic(ally) does not have the means to meet everyone's need, many people are dig the grassroots to earn a living. 可以看到,很多人都是衣衫破烂,一副脸色苍白的表情。身上瘦弱不堪,显然是被饥饿所折磨成这个样子。穆家寨百姓收集的越多,那要养活这些人,难度就更大,狩猎得到的部分食物,根本就没有办法满足所有人的需求,很多人都是挖草根过活。 Passes the day, it can be said that quite pitiful pain. 过得日子,可以说是相当的凄惨痛苦。 Now transmission comes, in one's eyes reveal to future Hope and hope. 现在传送过来,一个个眼中都流露出对未来的希望与渴望。 Has spread in Mu Family Fort, this time goes, is humanity treasure land , not only strength powerful, but, inside also had the grain of being able to finish eating. basically doesn't with being worried about the issue of food. Now comes, right away smells the fragrance from meat gruel. 穆家寨中已经传开了,这次前往的,是一处人族宝地,不仅实力强大,而且,里面还有吃不完的粮食。根本不用担心食物的问题。现在一过来,马上就闻到来自肉粥的香味。 gulp!! 咕噜!! common people within the body, spread the intermittent bellow, the saliva swallow unceasingly. 一名名百姓的体内,传出阵阵轰鸣声,口水不断吞咽。 But has not had the confusion, these people come out, immediately has soldier to bring, arrives in the open area, the preparation waits. 但都没有出现混乱,这些人一出来,立即就有士兵带着,来到空地上,准备等待。 During each breath, can see, has the continuous stream of people to emerge from Space Gate. Quantity extremely enormous, continuous. In an instant, in the open area, has gathered under is not counting thousand common people. 每个呼吸间,都能看到,有源源不断的人流从空间门中涌现出来。数量极为庞大,连绵不绝。转眼间,在空地上,就已经汇聚着不下数百姓 The eyes of these people stare in these frames in cauldron, sees inside meat gruel, the eye is shining, is shining the green ray. 这些人的眼睛都盯在那些架起来的大锅上,看到里面的肉粥,眼睛都在放光,放着绿色的光芒。 The intense hope, the intense sense of hunger, is attacking their mind will crazily. 强烈的渴望,强烈的饥饿感,在疯狂的冲击着他们的心神意志 I do not have completely to arrive at the responsibility, although gathers them, but actually cannot make them enjoy a good and prosperous life, fills the belly continually cannot achieve, every day feels alarmed and anxious, every day some people starve to death, some people were seized by ominous beast, turn into food. These I know, but my strength, actually basic(ally) cannot achieve, could not solve these problems. Is my Mu Yu does not do right by them.” “我没有尽到责任,虽然将他们聚集起来,可却没有能够让他们安居乐业,连填饱肚子都做不到,每天担惊受怕,每天都有人饿死,有人被凶兽抓走,变成食物。这些我都知道,可我的实力,却根本做不到,解决不了这些问题。是我穆羽对不住他们。” Mu Yu saw that all common people look meat gruel the vision expression to the pot, on the face reveals a gloom, rebukes oneself to say. 穆羽看到所有百姓看向锅中肉粥的目光表情,脸上露出一丝暗淡,自责道。 Fellow Daoist Mu does not need to rebuke oneself, can bless common people, to many, in the tumultuous times, this is a gracious favor, no one will blame you. Without fellow daoist, had the possibility they dead in the ominous beast lackey. basic(ally) exactly less than now.” 穆道友无需自责,能庇佑百姓,对于很多人而言,在乱世中,这已经是一种恩泽,没有人会责怪你。没有道友,有可能他们早就已经死在凶兽爪牙之中。根本活不到现在。” Yi Tianxing tranquil saying. 易天行平静的说道。 Everyone must be responsible for own survival, law of the jungle, this is heaven and earth to high law. Does not go on living, even if starves to death, others, that is no wonder useless. If this point could not even clearly recognize that lives is also being walking corpse walks the meat, in Xuanhuang Town, will not raise the idler. 每个人都要为自己的生存而负责,弱肉强食,这是天地至高法则。活不下去,哪怕是饿死,也怪不得别人,那是自己没用。要是连这一点都认不清,那活着也不过是行尸走肉,在玄黄镇中,更加不会养闲人。 Everyone must be responsible for own fate and destiny 每个人都要为自己的命运而负责 In the town/subdues drills so many common people suddenly, makes in the town/subdues common people hold breath secretly cold air, gives birth shocks. Similarly also has the intense feeling. 镇上突然钻出如此多的百姓,也让镇上百姓暗自倒吸一口凉气,生出震撼。同样也有强烈的感慨。 This Space Gate affirmation is connecting somewhere the agglomeration, unexpectedly disposable transmission comes so many people, our Xuanhuang Town must expand. After these people join, does not know that our Xuanhuang Town can break through the population to the 300,000 digit directly.” “这空间门肯定连通着某处聚集地,竟然一次性传送过来这么多人,我们玄黄镇又要壮大了。这些人加入后,不知道我们玄黄镇能不能将人口数量直接突破到三十万的数字。” Does not know where these people come from, but, since came, after that is our family members. Wants mutual help to be good. Come, in addition the fire, selects the meter/rice in every way, the meat gruel is thick.” “不知道这些人来自哪里,不过,既然来了,那以后就是我们大家的亲人。要相互扶助才行。来,加把火,多方点米,肉粥再稠一点。” The vision that in the town/subdues common people reveals is a well-meaning expression. 镇上百姓露出的目光都是一种善意的表情。 They also walk from this circumstances, naturally is the sympathize. 他们也都是从这种境遇中走过来的,自然是感同身受。 Many people, do not know where this opposite is , why this sovereign a blink, awakes, how entire Xuanhuang Town changed greatly, could it be that... this sovereign this thinks, rested for a year.” “好多人,不知道这对面是哪里,不过,为什么本皇一眨眼,睡醒来时,怎么整个玄黄镇都大变样了,难道本皇这一觉,睡了一年吗。” At this moment, Sovereign Green does not know where from braves. 就在这时,绿皇不知道从什么地方冒出来。 Is stepping the tortoise step, arrives at side Yi Tianxing, is staring, looks at mankind that braves continuously, in the mouth is also having the yawn. Appearance that just awoke. 迈着王八步,走到易天行身边,瞪着眼睛,看着源源不断冒出来的人类,口中还打着哈欠。一副刚刚睡醒的模样。 Really is lacking virtue, this sovereign in sleeping, who also does not know is, thunders in my ear directly, even the ground is vibrating, good this sovereign is intelligent, stopped up the ear promptly, realizes the dawn, is really comfortable, what a pity my sleep hitting the target bitch, all disappears.” “真是缺德啊,本皇在睡觉的时候,也不知道是谁,直接在我耳边打雷,连地面都在震动,还好本皇聪明,及时堵住了耳朵,一觉到天亮,真是舒服,可惜我睡梦中的犬娘啊,全都不见了。” Sovereign Green is having the yawn, but also pulls out the sphere that the two|tael block rags make from the ear. 绿皇打着哈欠,还从耳朵里面掏出块破布做成的圆球。 Is talking over, while looks to the sky, the body brings disconsolately. 一边念叨着,一边看向天空,身上带着惆怅。 Really lonely such as dog. 真是寂寞如狗啊。 bitch, bitch where, I want attractive bitch. 犬娘,犬娘在哪里,我要漂亮的犬娘 In the Sovereign Green heart sends out to shout secretly. 绿皇心中暗自发出嘶吼。 I must sing loudly one!!” Sovereign Green face upwards to exude one to bellow suddenly. “我要高歌一曲!!”绿皇突然仰天发出一声大吼。 „Before (it's) no wonder (that) , when war lotus your shadow had not seen, originally you run to sleep unexpectedly, but also rests is a half month. Also dares to keep thinking about your bitch, your later grain ration cuts in half.” 难怪之前大战时莲你的影子都没有看到,原来你竟然跑去睡觉,还一睡就是半个多月。还敢惦记你的犬娘,你以后的口粮减半。” Yi Tianxing hears, corners of the mouth pulls out gathers. Wants not to think, the direct foot tramples Sovereign Green one side. 易天行听到,嘴角一阵抽蓄。想都不想,直接一脚将绿皇踹到一边。 Others sang to ask for money, Sovereign Green sang, that was awfully. Is demon sound fills the ear completely, absolutely is most terrifying big killing tool. savage was incomparable, sleeps did not say that was Sovereign Green does not know how to fall into lying dormant, as if in transform, Yi Tianxing had not awakened it at that time forcefully, now also dares to sing at his surface premise unexpectedly. 别人唱歌要钱,绿皇唱歌,那是要命的。完全就是魔音灌耳,绝对是最恐怖的大杀器凶残无比,睡大觉不说,那是绿皇不知道怎么陷入沉睡,似乎在蜕变,当时易天行也没有将其强行叫醒,现在竟然还敢在他面前提唱歌。 Bang!! 砰!! Sovereign Green was trampled to count the 10 zhang (3.33 m) away. The body tumbles on the ground. With one group of green mildew ball, making people feel thick wicked intent. 绿皇被一脚踹出数丈远。身体在地上翻滚。就跟一团绿色的霉球,让人感觉到一阵浓浓的恶意 But at this moment, the Sovereign Green two|tael only eye actually stared thoroughly in a big way, sent out green light, stared stubbornly in the crowd. 但就在这时,绿皇只眼睛却彻底瞪大了,发出绿光,死死盯在人群之中。 The saliva flowed unknowingly. 口水不知不觉就流了出来。 The entire body one jumped, whole body green-hair rouses, the body is shivering. 整个身躯一下蹦了起来,浑身绿毛抖擞,身体都在颤抖。 Face upwards to exude one to bellow: bitch, flower girl!!” 仰天发出一声大吼:“犬娘,花姑娘!!” Bellows, the eye sends green, crazy threw toward the crowd. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 一声大吼,眼睛都发绿,疯狂的朝着人群中扑了过去。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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