EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#350: Myriad Images Yin Symbol Classic

Sought the subscription.】 【求订阅。】 The Xuanhuang Town reputation with after foreign race fights, by large quantities of village hitting the target comes the person to transmit, resounds through the four directions, at night, lighthouse is hanging high, is the shining four directions, causes to remain in the wilderness hitting the target refugee to catch up in large numbers as before fast toward Xuanhuang Town. 玄黄镇的名声随着与异族一战之后,被大批村寨中的来人传递出去,响彻四方,夜晚之中,灯塔高高悬挂,更是照耀四方,引得大批依旧残留在荒野中的难民快速朝着玄黄镇赶来。 Some passed by these village, had heard the Xuanhuang Town matter, without the choice kept village, but went to Xuanhuang Town directly. 有些是路过那些村寨,听说过玄黄镇的事情,没有选择留在村寨,而是直接前往玄黄镇 Especially, the appearance of Iron-Blood Great Wall, lets inside and outside Great Wall, transmits strength of the invisible shock and awe, lets many ominous beast monster, subconscious avoids this region, has one to dread. This makes many humanity common people regarding the trust of Iron-Blood Great Wall more intense. 尤其是,铁血长城的出现,让长城内外,都传递出一股无形的震慑之力,让很多凶兽怪物,都下意识的避开这片区域,生出一丝忌惮。这就让很多人族百姓对于铁血长城的信任更加强烈。 Often when seeing Great Wall, will emerge a respect from the heart. 每每在看到长城时,都会涌现出一种发自内心的尊敬。 This is the senior martyrs with Iron-Blood Great Wall that the skeleton flesh casting has, even if died in battle, after dying, casts Great Wall with the remnant body as before, is protecting behind common people. This feeling, lets many people, at night silently looks at Great Wall. In the heart regarding the strength, regarding letting humanity becomes the powerful thought that firm. 这是前辈先烈用尸骨血肉铸造出的铁血长城,哪怕是生前战死,死后也依旧用残躯铸就长城,守护着身后的百姓。这种感觉,让很多人,在夜晚都是默默的看着长城。心中对于实力,对于让人族变得更加强大的念头,越加的坚定。 Walks, we go in a bit faster, I heard that in Xuanhuang Town, there is a grain of being able to finish eating. Also the capable person becomes cultivator. Has to turn into the powerhouse opportunity.” “走,我们快点进去,听说,在玄黄镇中,有吃不完的粮食。还能人人成为修士。拥有变成强者的机会。” Crossed Jade Gate Pass a bit faster, after Iron-Blood Great Wall, is our humanity multiplication holy land. Can enjoy a good and prosperous life truly, does not need to fear again in the sleep, was struck to kill by ominous beast monster, degenerates into blood feed.” “快点渡过玉门关,在铁血长城后,将是我们人族的繁衍圣地。真正可以安居乐业,不用再惧怕会在睡梦中,被凶兽怪物击杀,沦为血食。” A famous refugee has an awe, anticipated, to future yearning, the sentiment of Hope, across Jade Gate Pass, has seen distant place grand Xuanhuang Town fast. 一名名难民带着一种敬畏,期待,已经对未来的向往,希望之情,快速穿过玉门关,看到远处雄伟的玄黄镇 Fills with Hope walked. 满怀希望的走了过去。 Saw that four sides all directions has the refugee to come Xuanhuang Town unceasingly, stands soldier military personnel on Iron-Blood Great Wall, on faces reveals the proud color. Inspects to go all out, in unceasing cultivate, strives for every minute time, strengthens cultivation base battle power. 看到四面八方不断有难民前来玄黄镇,站立在铁血长城上的士兵军人,一个个脸上都露出自豪之色。巡视起来更加卖力,更是在不断的修炼,争取每一分时间,增强自身修为战力 Xuanhuang Town, Iron-Blood Great Wall, Jade Gate Pass. This Great Wall, was more magnificent than Great Wall of past First Sovereign of Qin construction, but also was astonishing, really worthily was Xuanhuang Town, in surrounding area 10,000 li, first layer town/subdues. Here, I can definitely well settles, later does not need to handle the things of these up to cunning or petty ruses again. I also want to turn a new leaf, I also want to live well, actually I have not really thought the one who digs is the ancestor of Old Liu.” 玄黄镇,铁血长城,玉门关。这长城,比当年秦始皇修建的长城还要壮观,还要惊人,果然不愧是玄黄镇,方圆万里之内,第一重镇。在这里,我完全可以好好的安顿下来,以后不用再去做那些鸡鸣狗盗的事情。我也想改邪归正啊,我也想好好过日子,其实我真的没有想到挖的是老刘家的祖宗啊。” Wears the black clothing together, on the face brings to wipe the bitter and astringent middle-aged man, in the hand is pulling a iron chain, another head of iron chain, what tying up is a piebald mole cricket. 一道身穿黑色衣衫,脸上带着一抹苦涩的中年男子,手中牵着一条铁链,铁链的另外一头,拴着的是一条花斑土狗。 Is hugging a five-colored golden pheasant in the bosom. 在怀中抱着一只五彩锦鸡。 How see, how to have an extremely strange feeling. 怎么看,怎么都有一种极为怪异的感觉。 Looks to let the person secretly surprise. 看着让人暗自诧异。 At this moment, he is standing before Jade Gate Pass, looks at grand Iron-Blood Great Wall, in one's eyes reveals a hope. On city wall, Yang Yanding is leading troops all around the inspection, saw that this drags the piebald dog, in the bosom to hug the man of five-colored golden pheasant. 此刻,他正站在玉门关前,看着雄伟的铁血长城,眼中露出一丝期盼。城墙上,杨延定正带兵巡视四周,也看到这名拖着花斑狗,怀中抱着五彩锦鸡的男子。 Shakes the head, sighed: „It is not easy, the old common people character also is really simple, even if the escape, in the wilderness, the poultry that will not have raised discards, this does not give up. Like this old common people, being worth sacrificing the life to protect.” 摇摇头,感叹道:“不容易啊,老百姓的性格还真是朴实啊,哪怕是逃命,在荒野中,都没有将饲养的禽畜丢弃,这是舍不得啊。这样的老百姓,值得我们豁出性命去守护。” officers and soldiers hears, nods secretly. 身边的将士听到,也都是暗自点点头。 The middle-aged man is hugging the chicken, is pulling the dog, enters Jade Gate Pass step by step, sees Xuanhuang Town, in the heart gives birth secretly excitedly, muttered: My this brings from immortal's grave, is the legend hitting the target five-colored golden pheasant, egg that gives birth, definitely is world rare and valuable. Tasty peerless. If hatches the chicken, grows into the big chicken, with sells, can definitely earn not the poor wealth. After me happy life, but looked your.” 中年男子抱着鸡,牵着狗,一步步走进玉门关,看到玄黄镇,心中暗自生出激动,喃喃自语道:“我这从仙墓中带出来的,可是传说中的五彩锦鸡,生出的蛋,肯定是天下奇珍。鲜美绝伦。要是孵出小鸡,长成大鸡,拿出去卖,肯定能赚取不菲的财富。我以后的幸福生活,可就看你们的了。” Looks to cherish the hitting the target five-colored golden pheasant, in that vision, what transmits is a Hope ray. Contains the endless expectation. 看着怀中的五彩锦鸡,那目光中,传递出的是一种希望的光芒。蕴含着无尽的期望。 After Xuanhuang Town beats the foreign race allied armies, in surrounding area 10,000 li, has become practical humanity holy land. 玄黄镇击败异族联军后,在方圆万里之中,已经成为一种切切实实的人族圣地 Becoming goal that innumerable mankind yearn for 成为无数人类向往的目标 At this moment, has been closing up cultivate hitting the target Yi Tianxing actually to open eyes suddenly. In the hand the ray flashes, Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower has appeared in the hand. 就在这时,一直在闭关修炼中的易天行却突然睁开眼眸。手中光芒一闪,鸿蒙天帝塔已经出现在手中。 This pagoda, almost every time in turnover heaven and earth origin qi, but, has achieved 14 levels pagoda space, must grow, heaven and earth origin qi that needs, various resources are really extremely enormous, enormous arrives make the blood boil, every day inside pagoda space also grows one inch several feet that's all, must depend upon itself to grow, only feared that must accumulate thousand over ten thousand years to produce the remarkable results. 这尊宝塔,几乎每时每刻都在吞吐天地元气,不过,已经达到十四层宝塔空间,要增长起来,所需要的天地元气,各种资源实在是太过庞大,庞大到令人发指,每天里面宝塔空间也只是增长一寸几丈而已,要依靠自身成长,只怕要积累成上万年才能产生显著的效果。 These a half month, not only in cultivate «Vigorous Ox Demon Body», is also condensing Primal Chaos Dragon Symbol unceasingly. The rune quantity of condensing, has achieved the quite shocking digit. That primal chaos transforms into dragon pond in within the body is getting more and more concise, already soon frequency near breakthrough edge. 这半个多月,不仅在修炼大力牛魔体》,也在不断凝聚混沌龙符。凝聚出的符文数量,已经达到相当惊人的数字。体内的那口混沌化龙池越来越凝练,已经快要频临突破的边缘。 The true qi quantity that within the body saves is also quite astonishing. 体内积攒的真气数量同样相当惊人。 Finally waited till.” “终于等到了。” On the Yi Tianxing face shows a smile, wants not to think, leaves the mansion fast, goes to a Xuanhuang Town most central big spacious square. 易天行脸上露出一丝微笑,想都不想,快速离开府邸,来到玄黄镇最中央的一大片空旷广场。 Waves, a Gate of Space direct appearance of silver-white. 挥手间,一尊银白色空间之门直接出现。 huā lā la!! 哗啦啦!! Following close on, is large quantities of crystal stone such as sweeps across to come, to appear around Space Gate, sends out rich heaven and earth origin qi, that rich aura. 紧跟着,就是一大批的晶石如席卷而来,出现在空间门四周,散发出一股浓郁的天地元气,那浓郁的气息。 Opens!!” “开!!” The intention moves, on Space Gate the divine light twinkle, an invisible channel seemed to be passed through by the endless mighty force directly. 心念一动间,空间门神光闪烁,一条无形的通道似乎被无尽的伟力直接贯穿。 Connects somewhere the remote region. 连通到某处遥远的区域。 When opening Space Gate, even is Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower hitting the target heaven and earth Power of Source pours into. Then can open the channel thoroughly. 在打开空间门时,甚至是鸿蒙天帝塔中的天地本源之力都被灌注其中。这才能彻底打开通道。 But all around crystal stone, part, changes into the fragment powder at the visible speed all of a sudden, enormous heaven and earth origin qi integrates in Space Gate. 而四周的晶石,其中一部分,更是以肉眼可见的速度一下子化为齑粉,庞大天地元气融入到空间门中。 Space Gate, this is Your Lordship hitting the target superior rare treasure, opened at this time unexpectedly, could it be that... must go to somewhere the mysterious region.” 空间门,这是主公中的无上异宝,竟然在这个时候打开,难道是要前往某处神秘区域。” I feel, behind the gate, is connecting somewhere mystically the uncertain tunnel probably, to remote region. It is said that a half month ago, General Feng brings officers and soldiers to depart together, could it be that... this is must receive and instruct them to come back.” “我感觉到,在门后面,好像连接着某处神秘不可预测的隧道,通往遥远的区域。据说,在半个多月前,冯将军带着一起将士离去,难道这是要接引他们回来。” All around common people saw, on the face reveals the surprised color, looks that Space Gate that the eye actually does wink is. 四周百姓看到,脸上不由流露出惊讶之色,眼睛却是一眨不眨的看着空间门所在。 Space Gate, this was Wenhe Brother must come back. Does not know that he convinced Mu Family Fort. Once really brings Mu Family Fort common people to enter Xuanhuang Town, at this merit, later position in town/subdues thorough stable.” 空间门,这是文和兄要回来了么。不知道他有没有说服穆家寨。一旦真的带着穆家寨百姓进入玄黄镇,以这份功绩,以后在镇上的地位就会彻底稳固。” Wu Yong from a house, after he obtained that merit points, immediately enters in Hidden Classics Pavilion, found excellent cultivate foundation establishment merit method in inside, was extremely abstruse merit method, was in Hundred Schools of Thought | Families, Diplomacy School of Thought merit method, named «Myriad Images Yin Symbol Classic». 吴用从一间房屋中走了出来,他得到那笔功勋点后,立即就进入藏经阁中,在里面找到一门上乘的修炼筑基功法,也是一门极为玄妙功法,是百家中,纵横家功法,名为《万象阴符经》。 This merit method very|10 points is astonishing. 这门功法十分惊人。 One obtained from immortal's grave might be considered as excellent top merit method. The quality step precious place, not in «Record of Bluish Blood and Loyal Heart», according to inside records, this «Myriad Images Yin Symbol Classic» is top merit method that is created by Guiguzi. After cultivate, not only can cultivation base increase, but, but can also mental multiplication, the mind time keep sober, can emerge more wonderful ideas. 是从仙墓中得到的一部堪称是上乘的顶尖功法。其品阶珍贵之处,不会在《碧血丹心录》之下,根据里面记载,这门《万象阴符经》乃是由鬼谷子所创的顶尖功法修炼后,不仅可以修为大增,而且,还能精神倍增,头脑时刻保持清醒,能涌现出更多奇思妙想。 Most essential is, this «Myriad Images Yin Symbol Classic» is very|10 points unusual merit method, opens divine sea to have nothing. But what condenses is Myriad Images Yin Symbol true qi, that Myriad Images Yin Symbol can evolve various strange phenomenon. To heaven and earth myriad things myriad images, a strange induction ability, can map in divine sea directly, all around scene thing, can directly by the sensation. 最关键是,这《万象阴符经》是一门十分奇特的功法,开辟神海没什么。但凝聚出的是万象阴符真气,那万象阴符能够演变出各种奇异的异象。对天地万物万象,有一种奇异的感应能力,能直接映入神海之中,四周的景象事物,都能直接被感知。 cultivation base is higher, the range of induction is bigger, even achieves profound realm, the intention moves, surrounding area 1,000 li, the landform environment in 10,000 li, is appears clearly in the mind, the inverted image in divine sea comes out, forms the projection. Arrived the certain extent, can condense myriad images talisman, calling wind summons rain, affects the celestial phenomenon to change, these, let the cultivate this merit method person, in the battlefield, can have the control battlefield ability. 修为越高,感应的范围就越大,甚至达到高深境界,心念一动,方圆千里,万里之内的地貌环境,都是清晰浮现在脑海中,在神海中倒影出来,形成投影。到一定程度,可以凝聚出万象符箓,呼风唤雨,影响天象变化,这一些,让修炼这门功法的人,在战场上,能够有着掌控战场的能力。 About the trend of war. 左右战争的走向。 Regarding displaying of strategy wisdom, has the enormous help. 对于谋略智慧的施展,都有着极大的助益。 It can be said that this is not inferior in «Record of Bluish Blood and Loyal Heart» excellent merit method. 可以说,这是不逊色于《碧血丹心录》的上乘功法 Wu Yong wants the road of strategist, supplies ideas, natural selection this merit method, but his hand hitting the target merit points, can obtain this merit method inheritance exactly. After obtaining inheritance, without hesitation cultivates this «Myriad Images Yin Symbol Classic» on the revolutions. 吴用想要走谋士之路,出谋划策,自然选择这门功法,而他手中的功勋点,也恰恰可以得到这门功法传承。在得到传承后,毫不犹豫的就转修这门《万象阴符经》。 Recently carried out thoroughly the foundation in within the body the transformation. 最近才将体内的根基彻底完成转变。 cultivate «Cloud Illusion turns into Sea Merit», is the direct abandonment, feeds in Hidden Classics Pavilion, received in exchange for 10,000 merit points. This merit method said that is not bad, not only can cultivate to Divine Sea Realm, Fate Aperture Realm, Fate Illustration Realm the method of cultivate. 原先所修炼的一门《云幻化海功》,更是直接遗弃,送进藏经阁中,换取了一万点的功勋点。这门功法说起来也不差,不仅可以修炼神海境,其中还有命窍境,命图境修炼之法。 Sets out to move toward the square, looks to Space Gate. 起身走向广场,看向空间门 Shuā!! 刷! In Space Gate the ray flashes, wears war armor together, grasps the war blade form to shuttle back and forth directly from the gate. 空间门中光芒一闪,一道身穿战甲,握着战刀的身影直接从门中穿梭出来。 That person carefully looks, impressively is Feng Yumo. 那人仔细看去,赫然就是冯雨默 See Your Lordship!!” “参见主公!!” Feng Yumo sees to stand after front Yi Tianxing, a bow the body ritual said. 冯雨默看到站立在前面的易天行后,躬身一礼道。 Gets up, situation how.” Yi Tianxing nods nods, inquired. “起来,情况如何。”易天行颔首点点头,询问道。 Mr. Jia has convinced Mu Family Fort, in Mu Family Fort everyone has prepared appropriately, before humble general advances a step, your letter report news. This time from Mu Family Fort the person cannot have the 50,000~60,000 population. Mu Family Fort common people too much, is in itself unable to provide , the food and clothing are short, every day some people starve to death while still alive. The Mr. Jia belt/bring words saying that asked Your Lordship to prepare the food in the town/subdues.” 贾先生已经说服穆家寨,穆家寨中所有人已经准备妥当,末将先行一步前来禀报消息。这次从穆家寨中过来的人有不下五六万人口。穆家寨百姓太多,本身无法供养,吃穿短缺,每天都有人活活饿死。贾先生带话说请主公在镇上准备好饭食。” Feng Yumo replied fast. 冯雨默快速回答道。 Lai He!!” 赖贺!!” Yi Tianxing hears, the in one's eyes ray flashes, decisive shouting said: Immediately leads in Gourmet Hall chef, prepares the meat gruel. Wants the component of enough 60,000 person.” 易天行听到,眼中光芒一闪,果断的呼喊道:“立即带领美食殿厨师,准备好肉粥。要足够六万人的份量。” „The Gourmet Hall person, prepares the meals immediately, stews meat the gruel.” 美食殿的人,立即准备膳食,熬肉粥。” The start that Lai He has a familiar task and handles it with ease mobilizes. 赖贺驾轻就熟的开始动员起来。 Gourmet Hall overwhelms with numerical strength now, in new more than 100,000 common people, was many cook exquisite masterchef, perhaps the cook had the high under division, but cooked gruel this matter, any chef can be competent. 美食殿现在可是人多势众,之前新加入的十多万百姓中,可是有不少厨艺精湛的大厨,或许厨艺有高下之分,但熬粥这种事情,任何厨师都可以胜任。 Under massive Gourmet Hall masterchef make a move, lights a fire to cook. Shortly, presents the smoke from kitchen chimneys in the town/subdues. 在大量美食殿大厨出手下,生火造饭。顷刻间,就在镇上出现炊烟。 Can buy the hearts of the people with food, that is not the matter.” “能用食物收拢人心,那就不是事情。” Regarding fully suffering hungry person, one sates the appetite, can make in the person heart have the gratitude, has the sense of belonging. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 对于饱受饥饿的人来说,一顿饱饭,就能让人心中生出感激,生出归属感。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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