EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#349: Jade Gate Pass

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «Eternal Nation» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《永恒国度》最新章节... Has Gourmet Cell, has Food cauldron fate aperture, must grow the fleshly body strength, eats gourmet, is much quicker than constantly bitter cultivation, so long as gourmet are many enough, many strengths, Yi Tianxing can also eat. This is the road of his refining body, other merit method, are auxiliary, is completely hitting the target of nourishment that's all refining body. 美食细胞,有食鼎命窍在,要增长肉身力量,吃美食,远比一味苦修要快得多,只要美食足够多,再多的力量,易天行也能吃出来。这才是他的炼体之路,其他功法,都是辅助,全部都是炼体中的养料而已 After obtaining inheritance, without hesitating, walked directly, is nodding to Book Mountain old person, left Hidden Classics Pavilion. 得到传承后,没有迟疑,直接走了出来,对着书山老人点点头,就离开了藏经阁 Returns to the mansion, in backyard. 返回府邸,在后院之中。 visualize Ox Demon Wars with the Heavens Illustration!!” 观想牛魔战天图!!” After coming back, not hesitant, the intention moves, in mind, start visualize that Ox Demon Wars with the Heavens Illustration naturally. Condenses Visualization Illustration, the milk needs by own mental will, comes rubbing its hitting the target dao rhyme will. 回来后,没有犹豫,心念一动间,脑海中,自然而然的开始观想那副牛魔战天图。凝聚观想图,奶是需要以自身精神意志,来拓印其中的道韵意志 If oneself mind will is unable visualize to come out, withstands its hitting the target dao rhyme, does not have the means to conduct visualize. 若是自身心神意志无法观想出来,承受其中的道韵,是没有办法进行观想 Also is far from the cultivate this merit method matter. 也就谈不上修炼这门功法的事情。 The intention moves, in mind naturally condenses Ox Demon Wars with the Heavens Illustration. immense vigorous Ox Demon appears in the mind. And in first time, appears in divine sea. 心念一动,脑海中自然而然的凝聚出一副牛魔战天图。一尊巨大的大力牛魔出现在脑海中。并且在第一时间,出现在神海中。 Bang!! 轰!! The instance that Visualization Illustration condenses, immediately, mysterious dao rhyme sends out from Visualization Illustration, as if there is influence that is inconceivable to the outside world (external), heaven and earth origin qi integration within the body naturally, sneak in divine sea fast, gathered the past toward that illusory Visualization Illustration. 观想图凝聚的瞬间,顿时,一股神秘的道韵观想图中散发出来,似乎对外界有着难以想象的影响,一股股天地元气自然而然的融入体内,快速钻进神海中,朝着那副虚幻观想图中汇聚过去。 Meanwhile, from the Ox Demon four cow hooves, transmits a strange suction vigorously, immediately, Yi Tianxing feels, under foot, boundless Power of the Great Earth, like surging tides, following both feet, crazy sweeps across toward within the body. Enters within the body, Power of the Great Earth starts in the flesh skeleton, crazy shuttle, with, a flesh skeleton, under Power of the Great Earth, at visible speed, forcefully is stiff. 同时,从大力牛魔四只牛蹄中,传递出一股奇异的吸力,当即,易天行就感觉到,在脚下,一股股磅礴的大地之力,如潮水般,顺着双脚,疯狂的朝着体内席卷而来。一进入体内,大地之力就开始在血肉骨骼中,疯狂穿梭,跟着,一身血肉骨骼,在大地之力下,以肉眼可见的速度,硬生生的僵硬起来。 In the flesh, appears ochre, the flesh, the skeleton, skin membrane, in this moment, has a dreadful prospect that makes person deceased soul brave greatly. 在血肉中,浮现出玄黄色,血肉,骨骼,皮膜,在这一刻,发生一种让人亡魂大冒的可怕景象。 Unexpectedly in petrify, this is must turn into the stone my entire body.” “竟然在石化,这是要将我整个身躯变成石头么。” In heart secretly panic-stricken, but this basic(ally) does not have the means to prevent, Power of the Great Earth, is tows within the body, enters in the flesh, rapid fleshly body petrify, in an instant, entire fleshly body turns into together the ice-cold stone thoroughly. 心中暗自惊骇,但这根本没有办法阻止,大地之力,是自己牵引到体内的,进入血肉中,迅速的将肉身石化,转眼间,整个肉身就彻底变成一块冰冷的石头。 The probably lifelike statue is the same, stands erect in the ground, even breathes does not have. 好像栩栩如生的石像一样,屹立在地面,连呼吸都没有。 very|10 points is strange. 十分诡异。 This petrify very|10 points is thorough, not only even the flesh skin membrane skeleton, the blood solidifies together. The five main internal organs (entrails) also turns into the stone. 石化十分彻底,不仅连血肉皮膜骨骼,就连血液都一起凝固。五脏六腑也变成石头。 Shuā!! 刷! But while body by thorough petrify, only saw, vigorous Ox Demon that visualize comes out after deriving massive heaven and earth origin qi, just like real, lends the boundless ancient aura unexpectedly, face upwards to exude one to roar, four hooves start to trample fiercely, from four cow hooves, terrifying Ox Demon sweeps across like the storm vigorously, changes into ochre divine light, transmits. Appears in within the body. 但就在身躯被彻底石化的同时,只看到,那观想出来的大力牛魔在汲取大量的天地元气后,竟然如同真实一样,散发出苍茫古老的气息,仰天发出一声咆哮,四蹄猛地开始践踏下去,从四只牛蹄中,一股恐怖牛魔大力如风暴般席卷而出,化为玄黄色神光,传递出去。出现在体内。 kā chā!! 咔嚓!! divine light that then erupts vigorously by Ox Demon on, within the body by the petrify flesh, the body, was completely crushed with an arbitrary stance instantaneously, this smashing, shakes the fragment powder the entire body probably thoroughly. 那由大力牛魔身上爆发出的神光,瞬间就将体内被石化的血肉,身躯,以一种蛮横的姿态彻底粉碎,这种粉碎,好像是将整个身躯都彻底震成齑粉。 Even if the body turns into the stone, can feel an intense pain. 哪怕是身躯变成石头,都能感受到一种强烈的痛楚。 But this divine light in the part of disintegration body petrify, is not only repairing, in smashing a moment, the part of petrify changes into the flesh, but that its hitting the target Power of the Great Earth integration naturally enters in the flesh, lets fleshly body strength growth naturally, becomes powerful, the strength starts rapidly to grow. 但这道神光不仅是在崩碎身躯石化的部分,更是在修复,在粉碎的一刹那,石化的部分化为血肉,而那其中的大地之力自然而然的融入进血肉中,让肉身力量自然而然的增长,变得更加强大,力量开始迅速增长。 This is very|10 points abstruse method. 这是一种十分玄妙法门 Quenchings fleshly body by Power of the Great Earth, by vigorously Ox Demon disintegration fleshly body, between the smashing and reorganization, Power of the Great Earth, changes into oneself to use, to integrate in fleshly body thoroughly, becomes flesh hitting the target part. This process. Actually is the pain of meeting a cruel death, if cannot withstand, will collapses, cannot maintain existence of Visualization Illustration, will fall from the sky directly. 大地之力淬炼肉身,以大力牛魔崩碎肉身,在粉碎与重组之间,将大地之力,彻底化为己用,融入进肉身之内,成为血肉中的一部分。这过程。却是粉身碎骨的痛苦,要是承受不住,意志崩溃,维持不住观想图的存在,就会直接陨落。 In cultivate, similarly is step by step the bad risk. 修炼之中,同样是步步凶险。 But, the method of this cultivate, is the fleshly body smashing reorganization, integrates Power of the Great Earth, the speed that the strength grows is extremely quick, the fleshly body defense strength can powerful. So long as can withstand this fleshly body smashing the Inhuman pain, can rapidly increase the strength, just crushed fleshly body, derives Power of the Great Earth, made my strength increase the 1000 jin (0.5 kg) unexpectedly all of a sudden.” “不过,这种修炼之法,是肉身粉碎重组,融入大地之力,力量增长的速度极快,肉身防御力会更加强大。只要能承受住这种肉身粉碎的非人痛苦,就可以快速增加力量,刚刚粉碎肉身,汲取大地之力,竟然让我的力量一下子增加了一千斤。” The Yi Tianxing eye is greatly bright. 易天行眼睛大亮。 fleshly body was crushed to reorganize, that painful terrifying, is quite truly fearful, the speed of but growing is quite astonishing, his fleshly body strength, when achieving white ding realm, is a 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) strength, this in body refiner, can achieve, it may be said that is few, extremely rare. Others, only feared that is tens of thousands jin (0.5 kg) has reached the limit, promote white ding realm. 肉身被粉碎重组,那种痛苦确实恐怖,极为可怕,但增长的速度却相当惊人,他的肉身力量,在达到白鼎境界时,是十万斤的力量,这在炼体士中,能达到的,可谓是屈指可数,凤毛麟角。其他人,只怕是几万斤就已经达到极限,晋升白鼎境界 Is fleshly body inside information is too strong, absorption Power of the Great Earth are also more , the brought strength growth is naturally stronger, are more. 就是肉身底蕴太强,吸收的大地之力也就越多,自然而然,带来的力量增长就更强,更多。 This transform speed, does not think difficultly quickly. 这种蜕变速度,想不快都难。 Its hitting the target pain for example Gourmet Cell absorbs carefree that the strength of gourmet comes. 只是其中的痛苦比如美食细胞吸收美食之力来的畅快。 If wants grow stronger, that to have perseverance and will that bears the pain, refining body quenchings will, today's tribulation, comes the fear of day enemy.” Yi Tianxing has not stopped there. But starts revolution merit method again, starts cultivate. “要想变强,那就要有承受痛苦的毅力意志,炼体就是淬炼意志,今天的磨难,就是来日敌人的恐惧。”易天行并没有就此停止。而是再次开始运转功法,开始修炼 Must change into the fleshly body divine ability nourishment Vigorous Ox Demon Body, that most basic(ally), is to have the comprehension of powerful to this merit method dao rhyme, the comprehension essence, making fleshly body smelt this dao rhyme strength thoroughly, can achieve this point. Otherwise, these are only fabricated. 要将大力牛魔体化为肉身神通养料,那最根本的,就是要对这门功法道韵产生强大的领悟,领悟其中精髓,让肉身彻底熔炼这种道韵力量,才能做到这一点。要不然,那些只是虚妄。 Was far from said that smelts fleshly body divine ability. 更加谈不上说是熔炼肉身神通 .............. .............. time passes quietly. 时间悄然流逝。 Ended to start from that foreign race war, first even/including passes for half a month quietly. 从那次异族大战结束开始,一连半个月悄然流逝。 In Xuanhuang Town is actually lively incomparable. 玄黄镇中却是热闹无比。 more than 100,000 common people that these were rescued, after eating the meat gruel, strength origin qi in within the body, starts to restore, in the conversation, had the most direct understanding and cognition to Xuanhuang Town. 那些被救回来的十多万百姓,在吃过肉粥后,体内的力量元气,都开始恢复,也在交谈中,对玄黄镇有了一种最直接的了解与认知。 When knowing the town/subdues all common people are cultivator, in hearts gives birth to intense shock. 在得知镇上所有百姓都是修士时,一个个心中更是生出强烈的震撼。 But in obtaining any common people, so long as after officially becomes in Xuanhuang Town the common people people, registers the household register, receives heavenly registry card, after can goes to Hidden Classics Pavilion to receive merit method and battle skill free, all common people thorough are excited. 而在得到任何百姓,只要正式成为玄黄镇百姓子民后,登记户籍,领取天籍卡,就可以前往藏经阁中免费领取一部功法战技后,所有百姓都彻底兴奋起来。 Joins matter that Xuanhuang Town almost wants not to think. 加入玄黄镇几乎是想都不想的事情。 For serveral days, in Heavenly Registry Hall, Jia Yucun brought person busy of is being the buttocks has not even left the chair, but on the face actually throughout was with a laugh. He knows the population the importance, in the tumultuous times, there is a talent to have all, there is a population, can have a bigger development, other one side can put completely. 这些天,在天籍殿中,贾雨村带着人忙的那是连屁股都没有离开过椅子,但脸上却始终都是笑呵呵的。他可是知道人口的重要,在乱世中,有人才有一切,有人口,才能有更大的发展,其他的全部都可以放到一边。 So many common people join, Xuanhuang Town this development of time is must welcome immense. 这么多百姓加入,玄黄镇这是要迎来一次巨大的发展。 Many common people after receiving heavenly registry card, choice without hesitation goes to Hidden Classics Pavilion, chooses merit method battle skill. 很多百姓在领取天籍卡后,就毫不犹豫的选择前往藏经阁中,挑选功法战技 After really obtains inheritance, cultivate gets up, neglecting to eat and sleep. 在真的得到传承后,修炼起来,更加的废寝忘食。 Personally experiences is imprisoned, almost suffers them who death suffers day and night, understands that the strength the value, the importance of strength, no one is willing to waste such opportunity, striving that does everything possible as soon as possible becomes cultivator. 亲身经历过被囚禁,几乎日夜遭受死亡折磨的他们,才明白到实力的可贵,力量的重要性,没有谁愿意浪费这样的机会,纷纷想方设法的争取尽快的成为修士 Has suffered the misfortune, nothing can make them feel safely compared with the strength. 遭受过厄运,没有什么比力量更能让他们感觉到安全。 Is younger choice without hesitation to join the army, becomes military personnel. 还有更多年轻毫不犹豫的选择加入军队,成为军人 This, on Xuanhuang Town truly is lively innumerable. 这一来,玄黄镇上确实是热闹无数。 The broken ruins, had been cleaned up fast. 原先残破的废墟,已经被快速清理出来。 Meanwhile, new constructions were established one after another, without the city wall shackles, letting Xuanhuang Town can unrestrained/no trace of politeness spreads to all around, buildings with mushroom growth birth. 同时,一座座新的建筑接连被建立起来,没有城墙的桎梏,让玄黄镇可以毫不客气的向四周扩散,一座座建筑跟雨后春笋般诞生。 Merely 10 several days of time, not only restores such as beginning, but, becomes grander, enormous. 仅仅几天时间,不仅恢复如初,而且,变得更加雄伟,更加的庞大 Between original common people and new common people, harmonious being together together. 原先的百姓与新来的百姓之间,也融洽的相处在一起 Most essential is, the influence that this fights, with the passage of time, starts the radical eruption. 最关键是,这一战的影响,随着时间的推移,开始彻底的爆发出来。 Outside Xuanhuang Town, some people catch up every day from four sides all directions, enters Xuanhuang Town, there are many refugees, comes directly, joins Xuanhuang Town, becomes in the town/subdues common people, there are many village, is dispatches elite, brings various types of special products, comes Xuanhuang Town, must come the transaction goods. The receiving in exchange resources, hit to relate with Xuanhuang Town. 玄黄镇外,每天都有人从四面八方赶过来,进入玄黄镇,有很多难民,直接闻风而来,加入玄黄镇,成为镇上百姓,有很多村寨,更是派遣精锐,带着各种特产,前来玄黄镇,要过来交易物品。换取资源,与玄黄镇打好关系。 Every day arrives in the Xuanhuang Town person to be continuous, the joined common people quantity, has almost the thousand name every day. Many times, there is 3000~4000, few times also has 2000. 每天抵达玄黄镇的人川流不息,加入的百姓数量,几乎每一天都有上名之多。多的时候,有三四千,少的时候也有一两千 This is the immense function of prestige, brought powerful influence. 这就是声望的巨大作用,带来的强大影响力。 Just like, entire Xuanhuang Town, as if changes the central area in accomplish power and unity 10,000 li all of a sudden. 俨然,整个玄黄镇,似乎一下子变成方圆万里之内的中心区域。 In the rural fair, it may be said that is lively incomparable. 在集市中,可谓是热闹无比。 ............ ............ On this day, outside Iron-Blood Great Wall, before Jade Gate Pass . 这一天,铁血长城外,玉门关前。 A group of refugees are standing under Great Wall, looks at bloody grand Great Wall, in one's eyes reveals the color of shock. 一批难民正站立在长城下,看着血色的雄伟长城,眼中露出震撼之色。 This Jade Gate Pass, is the original gorge channel, after Iron-Blood Great Wall crosses, a direct production checkpoint. This checkpoint is named as Jade Gate Pass. Now must go to Xuanhuang Town, from the Iron-Blood Great Wall direction, must pass through Jade Gate Pass. 玉门关,就是原先的峡谷通道,在铁血长城横穿过去后,直接形成一道关卡。这道关卡就被取名为玉门关。现在要前往玄黄镇,从铁血长城的方向,就必须要经过玉门关 Jade Gate Pass does not have the gate. 玉门关没有门。 But has a mystical strength, has invisible barrier rampart, mankind can pass unimpeded, but ominous beast monster, actually without the means goes through, enters, will be collapsed to fly directly by that barrier barrier. Forbids entrance or exit. This came from the Iron-Blood Great Wall abstruse strength. 但却具有一种神奇的力量,有着一道无形的屏障壁垒,人类可以通行无阻,但凶兽怪物,却没有办法穿行,一进入,就会被那道屏障结界直接崩飞出去。禁止进出。这是来自铁血长城玄妙力量。 On Iron-Blood Great Wall, can see, is standing erect officers and soldiers, ice-cold guarding above, divine machine crossbow, arcuballista, can see clearly. archer, longspearman also inspects on city wall unceasingly. 铁血长城上,更是可以看到,屹立着一名名将士,冰冷的镇守在上面,神机弩,床弩,都能清晰看到。弓箭手,长枪兵也都在城墙上不断巡视。 Once there is an enemy to approach, first time will launch the attack. 一旦有敌人靠近,第一时间就会发起攻击。 Like the present, has ominous birds to approach, will have war arrow directly air-splitting, the action of driving away will kill. Iron-Blood Great Wall in the region, is the Xuanhuang Town territory range. 就如现在,有凶禽靠近,直接就有战箭破空,将之驱赶射杀。铁血长城所在区域,就是玄黄镇的疆土范围。 This Iron-Blood Great Wall, making the Xuanhuang Town security considerably increase. 这一座铁血长城,让玄黄镇的安全大大增加。 This is legend hitting the target Iron-Blood Great Wall, is really grand, mystical to is not the thing of the world of mortals. Let the person praise to the heavens. This is the powerful influence that our humanity establishes.” In the refugees some people were exclaiming in surprise said. “这就是传说中的铁血长城么,果然雄伟,神奇到不是凡间之物。让人叹为观止。这就是我们人族建立起的强大势力。”难民中有人惊叹着说道。 Good, so long as here, we were safe, heard that Xuanhuang Town can strike to kill to be defeated these savage foreign race. powerful, after going in extremely, does not need to fear ominous beast monster, does not need to fear that will rest not to wake thoroughly.” “太好了,只要进了这里,我们就安全了,听说玄黄镇连那些凶残异族都能击杀打败。极为强大,进去后,再也不用怕凶兽怪物,不用怕睡下去就会彻底醒不过来。”
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