EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#346: Another pit goods

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «Eternal Nation» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《永恒国度》最新章节... Asked a monthly ticket.】 【求张月票。】 This change, Yi Tianxing, is basic(ally) cannot detect. This change, was too small. 这变化,要不是易天行,是根本察觉不到的。这变化,太小了。 In that supreme artifact embryo edge, like the hair silk equally tiny part, condenses the entity from illusory, above sends out like the white jade halo, transmits inextinguishable will. 在那至尊神器胚胎的边缘处,有一根如同头发丝一样细小的部分,从虚幻中凝聚成实体,上面散发出如白玉般的光晕,传递出不灭意志 This, making the Yi Tianxing's face black. 这一幕,让易天行的脸都黑了。 good pit, Wishpower Bead, gives me the casting to have a hair silk equally tiny part unexpectedly, this is Wishpower Bead, makes a mistake, the supreme artifact embryo is so big, this is wants many Wishpower Bead to come out the supreme immortal city casting thoroughly.” “好坑,一枚愿力珠,竟然就给我铸造出一根头发丝一样细小的部分,这是愿力珠啊,有没有搞错啊,至尊神器胚胎这么大,这是要多少枚愿力珠才能彻底将至尊仙城铸造出来。” Yi Tianxing felt that the innermost feelings have the misconception that plants to collapse. 易天行感觉内心有种要崩溃的错觉。 white Wishpower Bead, integrates, turns into a hair silk, making the naked eye unable to see the part to condense the entity, if wants entire Xuanhuang Town, the Xuanhuang City casting comes out, that is going many Wishpower Bead. This simply is a mammoth project that is almost impossible to complete, sufficiently desperate project. Consumption Wishpower Bead, is not the unimaginable enormous digit. 一枚白色愿力珠啊,融入进去,就这么变成一丝头发丝,让那么肉眼都看不到部分凝聚成实体,要是想要将一整座玄黄镇,玄黄城铸造出来,那将要多少枚的愿力珠。这简直就是一种几乎不可能完成的浩大工程,足以令人绝望的工程。耗费的愿力珠,将是无法想象的庞大数字。 This is a desperate big hole. 这是一个让人绝望的大坑啊。 Casting has supreme artifact, is really not a simple matter. However, the big pit, should repay a kindness must fill. Embryo here, so long as continuous investment Wishpower Bead, meets the casting to be successful sooner or later. Perhaps just, in short time did not have the means to achieve.” “铸造出至尊神器,果然不是一件简单的事情。不过,再大的坑,该填还是要填啊。胚胎在这里,只要源源不断的投入愿力珠,迟早还是会铸造成功的。只不过,短时间内恐怕是没有办法做到了。” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath, although this casting supreme artifact process, a little too pit, but, at least needs compared with seeking for these top talent treasures, immortal valuable divine material must come is more realistic. 易天行深吸一口气,虽然这铸造至尊神器的过程,有点太坑了,不过,至少要比寻找那些顶尖的天才地宝,仙珍神料要来的更加现实一些。 Wishpower Bead can after all with, with arriving thing that the hand that the eye looks grasps. Has Xuanhuang Town, now about more than 200,000 population. One affect to start to spread counts 1,000 li to the surrounding area, on the 10,000 li range, time will pass unceasingly, obtains the Wishpower Bead speed is also quicker. 愿力珠毕竟是可以用眼睛看的到,用手抓的到的东西。坐拥玄黄镇,现在将近二十多万人口。自身影响更开始蔓延到方圆数千里,上万里的范围,时间不断推移,获得愿力珠的速度也会更快。 Every time integrates Wishpower Bead, this immortal city also with improving one. The progress can look, can feel, will not at least make people really desperate. Even if consumption time is longer, at least can see Hope. 每融入一枚愿力珠,这座仙城也就跟着完善一丝。进度是可以看的到,摸得着的,至少不会让人真的绝望。哪怕是耗费的时间长些,至少能看到希望 This Money Tree keeps in core space. Once condenses Wishpower Bead, can refine directly, integrates in the artifact embryo, the less seen the better!!” “这株摇钱树还是留在核心空间中。一旦凝聚出愿力珠,就可以直接炼化,融入到神器胚胎中,眼不见为净!!” Muttered, waved, only saw, has achieved person of high Money Tree to appear before the body impressively. 喃喃自语间,一挥手,只看到,已经达到一人高的摇钱树赫然出现在身前。 On Money Tree, 摇钱树上, Can see, the shining ray is glittering, many Eternal Coin have derived abundant heaven and earth origin qi, starts to restore to the condition of most starting, many, are white, in white, is blending faint trace golden light. 能看到,金灿灿的光芒在闪烁,已经有不少永恒币汲取到充沛的天地元气,开始恢复到最开始的状态,还有不少,是白色的,白色中,参杂着一丝丝金光 dīng dīng dīng!! 叮叮叮!! Has snow white Eternal Coin to reappear from nihility baseless, such as the young swallow turns over to nest -like, comes toward the Money Tree gathering, in an instant is called a part of Money Tree. This has cultivator to absorb Eternal Coin to conduct cultivate. 有雪白的永恒币虚无中凭空浮现,如乳燕归巢般,朝着摇钱树汇聚而来,转眼间就称为摇钱树的一部分。这是有修士在吸收永恒币进行修炼 Meanwhile, brings, wishpower. 同时,带来的,还有一股股愿力 Good is not good, gathers in Money Tree. As can be seen, the different light on Money Tree is glittering unceasingly. 好的不好的,都在摇钱树中汇聚。可以看到,摇钱树上的异光在不断闪烁。 huā lā la!! 哗啦啦!! Money Tree shivers slightly, immediately, sees, snow white Wishpower Bead and black Demon Consciousness Bead. Simultaneously falls. The quantity is not infrequent unexpectedly, seems like, only feared that counts 100. In addition Demon Consciousness Bead, has thousand. 摇钱树微微颤动,顿时,就看到,一枚枚雪白的愿力珠黑色魔念珠。同时掉落下来。数量竟然不在少数,看起来,只怕有不下数枚之多。再加上魔念珠,有着上枚之多。 A Wishpower Bead appearance, was wrapped immediately by one group of divine flame. Quenchings the white liquid directly, vanishes in nihility does not see. 愿力珠一出现,立即就被一团神焰包裹起来。直接淬炼成白色的液体,在虚无中消失不见。 Follows, in the embryo edge, at the visible speed, a scrap region, condenses real from illusory. Really is only a scrap, a iceberg corner/horn. But after condensing the essence, actually transmits inextinguishable will. Indestructible. Above even naturally inscribes abstruse dao rhyme. very|10 points is mystical. 跟着,在胚胎边缘,以肉眼可见的速度,一小块区域,就这么从虚幻中凝聚成真实。真的只是一小块,冰山一角啊。但凝聚成实质后,却传递出一股不灭意志。坚不可摧。上面甚至自然铭刻着玄妙道韵十分神秘。 Even the divine weapon magic treasure bombardment above, will not cause the true damage. 就算是神兵法宝轰击在上面,都不会对其造成真正的伤害。 Wishpower Bead, is such mystical abstruse. Integrates supreme artifact, has had mysterious transform. 愿力珠,就是如此的神奇玄妙。融入至尊神器,已经发生一种神秘的蜕变 Demon Consciousness Bead casting Eternal Coin, Eternal Coin are more, gathering wishpower enormous. Here has 600 many. Can casting 100 Eternal Coin, these be able to increase 60,000 many Eternal Coin again.” 魔念珠铸造永恒币,永恒币越多,汇聚的愿力就更加庞大。这里有六百多枚。一枚可以铸造一百永恒币,这些可以再次增加六万多枚永恒币。” Waves, Demon Consciousness Bead received. 一挥手,魔念珠收了起来。 These quantities, although is not many, but also is an extremely shocking number. 600 many Demon Consciousness Bead of this harvesting, will expand after next time, can harvest 900 many, 1000 many. And even more. 这些数量,虽然不是很多,但也是一笔极为惊人的数字。这次收割的六百多枚魔念珠,下次壮大后,就可以收割九百多枚,一千多枚。甚至更多。 Yi Tianxing has observed, on Money Tree gathers all living things wishpower speed to be getting quicker and quicker. 易天行已经观察出,摇钱树上汇聚众生愿力的速度已经越来越快。 If according to a reverent follower, one year can condense white Wishpower Bead, if in Xuanhuang Town, 200,000 common people gathers together various wishpower, the distracting thoughts, condense together, is almost equivalent to one day to condense 500~600 Wishpower Bead. 若按照一名虔诚信徒,一年可以凝聚出一枚白色愿力珠,那若是玄黄镇中,二十万百姓汇聚在一起的各种愿力,杂念,凝聚在一起,几乎相当于一天就可以凝聚出五六百愿力珠 Naturally, Money Tree only then in Xuanhuang Town, with the aid of destiny, Eternal Coin, the currency circulation, can converge destiny, only then knows Eternal Coin, is using Eternal Coin, is thinking Eternal Coin, and even has the direct indirect relation with Eternal Coin, will gather these invisible thoughts. And has the loss, including well, has badly, to half a point. In addition, more than 100,000 common people just joined, regarding the Eternal Coin not accurate concept. Therefore, the thought that these people send out, wishpower , will not be derived by Money Tree. 当然,摇钱树只有在玄黄镇中,借助气运,永恒币,货币流通,才能汇聚气运,只有知道永恒币,在使用永恒币,想着永恒币,乃至是与永恒币有着直接间接的联系,才会汇聚那些无形的念头。其中有损耗,其中有好的,有坏的,对半分。再加上,还有十多万百姓是刚刚加入,对于永恒币没有确切的概念。所以,这些人散发出的念头,愿力,,是不会被摇钱树汲取到的。 However, with the time passage, Eternal Coin appears in own cognition thoroughly, will gather the thought unceasingly. Condenses on Money Tree. 不过,随着时间推移,永恒币彻底出现在自身的认知中,也会不断汇聚念头。凝聚于摇钱树上。 At that time, condensed the Wishpower Bead speed to become quickly. Every day can have the harvest, every day can obtain large quantities of Demon Consciousness Bead, the casting has many Eternal Coin. Especially when the Eternal Coin thorough circulation, turns into true currency, at that time, the thought of gathering, the strength will be similar to Mountain Flood Tsunami to sweep across. 那时候,凝聚愿力珠的速度才能变得更快。每天都能有收获,每天都能得到大批的魔念珠,铸造出更多的永恒币。尤其是在永恒币彻底流通,变成真正的货币时,那时候,汇聚的念头,之力才会如同山洪海啸般席卷而来。 Must carry out as soon as possible currency system. Although does that now, but also somewhat reluctantly, but, these days later, saves next batch of Demon Consciousness Bead and Wishpower Bead, after entering the stock rail, every day can harvest a number of Wishpower Bead, although are not every time many, but both sides adds, there are more than over ten thousand. The casting becomes Eternal Coin, can be a million number. In addition originally already Eternal Coin of casting. In Xuanhuang Town, should be able to support revolves.” “必须要尽快将货币体系推行出去。虽然现在这么做,还会有些勉强,不过,这些天下来,也积攒下一批魔念珠愿力珠,进入正轨后,每天都能收割一批愿力珠,虽然每次都不多,可两者加起来,也有不下上万枚之多。铸造成永恒币,可以达到上百万枚的数目。再加上原先已经铸造的永恒币。在玄黄镇中,应该可以支撑运转。” Yi Tianxing has felt, carries out the currency matter to speed up. And is imperative. 易天行已经感觉到,推行货币的事情必须加快。而且是势在必行。 However, as the matter stands, the privatization must put on the agenda. 不过,这样一来,私有化就要提上日程。 This is a snap ring point of process, a slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation. 这是一环扣一环的过程,牵一发而动全身。 Has not stopped over again, looks at spring water that in Destiny Heavenly Pond derived fast again, looks that golden fish-dragon plays the carefree stance in heavenly pond roaming through, the corners of the mouth reveals wipes the happy expression. 没有再逗留下去,再次看了一眼气运天池中快速衍生出的泉水,看着金色鱼龙天池中嬉戏遨游的畅快姿态,嘴角边露出一抹笑意。 ........... ........... After leaving core space, Yi Tianxing returns to the mansion, entered in tranquility room directly. 离开核心空间后,易天行回到府邸内,直接进了静室中。 Not hesitant, grasps time again, starts cultivate to get up. 没有犹豫,再次抓紧时间,开始修炼起来。 Primal Chaos Dragon Symbol continuous condensation, cultivation base breaks through, fleshly body transform at the same time, was also followed to obtain transform by own mental will, was condensed the rune speed to increase by oneself, the quantity also follows to increase. 一枚枚混沌龙符接连不断的凝聚,修为突破,肉身蜕变的同时,让自身的精神意志也跟着得到蜕变,让自身凝聚符文的速度增加,数量也跟着增加。 In within the body mind will starts feels weary, again has not demanded, then starts to put out Qian-Kun Minter, Demon Consciousness Bead deliver, the quick casting has Eternal Coin. 当体内心神意志开始感到疲劳时,也没有再强求,转而开始拿出乾坤铸币炉,一枚枚的魔念珠送进去,快速铸造出一枚枚的永恒币 Shining, dazzling. 金灿灿,绚丽夺目。 Wishpower Bead, Demon Consciousness Bead, minter, currency is basic(ally) of influence, in Xuanhuang Town similarly is the foundation life, giving others is inappropriate, such being the case, that integrates Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower together. The matter of minting coin, makes no mistake.” 愿力珠,魔念珠,铸币炉,货币为一个势力的根本,在玄黄镇中同样是根基命脉,交给其他人并不妥当,既然如此,那就一起融入鸿蒙天帝塔铸币之事,不容有失。” When casting Eternal Coin, in the Yi Tianxing mind flashes before together the thought. 在铸造永恒币时,易天行脑海中闪现出一道念头。 Casting currency, this in any time, is grasping an influence life common matter, since ancient times many because of the matter that money currency had the turmoil, this life, naturally grasped in own hand is most important. 铸造货币,这在任何时代,都是掌握着一个势力命脉一般的事情,古来有多少因为钱币货币而产生动乱的事情,这种命脉,自然是掌握在自己手中最重要。 Let alone, has Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower, Qian-Kun Minter, integrates, not only does not affect casting Eternal Coin, even can become more relaxed, so long as a thought can achieve, good to guarantee that Eternal Coin casting secret, and even is Wishpower Bead, Demon Consciousness Bead this most critical secret. Cannot easily show. 何况,有鸿蒙天帝塔在,一座乾坤铸币炉,融入其中,不但不影响铸造永恒币,甚至可以变得更轻松,只要一个念头就可以做到,好可以保证永恒币铸造的秘密,乃至是愿力珠,魔念珠这种最紧要的秘密。不能轻易示人。 Immediately , there is nothing hesitant, integrates in Qian-Kun Minter Primordial Chaos Heavenly Emperor Tower directly. 当即,就没有任何犹豫,直接就将乾坤铸币炉融入到鸿蒙天帝塔中。 Finally, 13 levels pagoda transform becomes 14 levels pagoda, increases a layer|one level again. 最终,十三层宝塔蜕变十四层宝塔,再次增加一层 After Qian-Kun Minter integrates in pagoda . 乾坤铸币炉融入到宝塔中后。 Various materials, Wishpower Bead, Demon Consciousness Bead feeds in pagoda directly, admits in Qian-Kun Minter, so long as the thought moves, naturally starts casting Eternal Coin. This process, successful, the passing clouds and flowing water are free. 各种材料,愿力珠,魔念珠直接送进宝塔中,放进乾坤铸币炉内,只要念头一动,自然而然的就开始铸造永恒币。这过程,水到渠成,行云流水般自如。 The wealth is the power. 财就是权。 The property rights are the true life life. 财权就是真正的生命命脉。 master, Mr. Fu had waked up, he wants to see one side you.” 主人,傅先生已经醒来了,他想见你一面。” At this moment, the outside the door Cao Zhengchun sound passed on. 就在这时,门外曹正淳的声音传了进来。 Asked Fellow Daoist Fu to rest to the front courtyard pavilion , making one prepare some food and wine.” Yi Tianxing hears, opens the mouth to tell directly. “请傅道友到前院凉亭中歇息,让人准备一些酒菜。”易天行听到,直接开口吩咐道。 Yes!!” “是!!” Cao Zhengchun complies with one, gets down the arranged preparation. 曹正淳答应一声,下去安排准备。 Soon, in front courtyard pavilion. 不多时,前院凉亭中。 One table of steaming hot food and wine have prepared appropriately. 一桌热气腾腾的酒菜已经准备妥当。 Yi Tianxing also sits well in the pavilion, outside, Fu Hongxue is laming, walked. 易天行也端坐在凉亭内,外面,傅红雪跛着脚,一颠一颠的走了过来。 Fellow Daoist Fu, please sit down.” 傅道友,请坐。” Yi Tianxing saw, light smile was saying. 易天行看到,淡笑着说道。 On the Fu Hongxue's face, has restored as usual, original black qi has dissipated, vanishes into thin air, entire essence, qi, and spirit, at the peak, obviously, has thoroughly restored. 傅红雪的脸上,已经恢复如常,原先的黑气已经消散一空,化为乌有,整个精气神,都已经处在巅峰,显然,已经彻底恢复过来。 Fu Hongxue has not declined, directly enters the pavilion, sat opposite of Yi Tianxing. 傅红雪并没有推辞,直接进入凉亭,在易天行对面坐了下来。 Front gourmet stems from the hand of Lai He. 面前的美食都是出自赖贺之手。 Three wonderful steamed fish, assorted five snake thick soup. Red-roast rare bird wing. valuable blood porridge, places in the front, the delicate fragrance that sends out, greets the nostrils to enter, making people almost be hard to repress the heart hitting the target hope. 三妙清蒸鱼,什锦五蛇羹。红烧珍禽翅。珍血粥,摆放在面前,散发出的清香,扑鼻而入,让人几乎难以按捺住心中的渴望。 These are top gourmet, used material, is most upper class food. Is from ominous beast flesh. Inborn contains powerful essence qi, eats, makes up greatly. 这些都是顶尖的美食,用的材料,都是最上等的食材。取自凶兽身上的血肉。天生蕴含强大精气,吃下去,就是大补。 Even if general cultivator does not have Gourmet Cell of Yi Tianxing within the body, can obtain a big advantage. 哪怕是一般修士没有易天行体内的美食细胞,也能得到不小的好处。
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