EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#347: white ding 1 cry

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «Eternal Nation» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《永恒国度》最新章节... It is not top masterchef, is impossible to have this technique, quenchings completely food hitting the target essence. 不是顶尖的大厨,是不可能有这种技艺,将食材中的精华全部淬炼出来。 Tastes to look, this is Gourmet Hall hall lord Lai He personally cooking gourmet. What used is the topest food, you were just poisoned injured, within the body will have the loss unavoidably, eats up these, can nutritious fleshly body. Supplements source.” “尝尝看,这是美食殿殿主赖贺亲手烹饪的美食。用的是最顶尖的食材,你刚刚中毒受伤,体内难免会有损耗,吃下这些,可以滋补肉身。补充本源。” Yi Tianxing light smile is taking up the chopsticks, clamped a fish, puts in the import. That fresh and tender, entrance the wonderful feeling, making the body and mind probably be enchanted by, the fish, is piranha. The delicious meat, might be considered as pinnacle enjoyment, even if has eaten many times, tastes each time, deeply is infatuated as before. 易天行淡笑着拿起筷子,夹了一块鱼肉,放进口中。那种鲜嫩,入口即化的美妙感觉,让身心都要迷醉,鱼,是食人鱼。肉质鲜美,堪称是极致的享受,哪怕已经吃过不少次,每次品尝,依旧深深陶醉。 Eating, is a life big happy event!! 吃,是人生一大快事!! Fu Hongxue has not rejected, takes up the chopsticks, extended, picks preys together, puts in the import, eats, the entire body, the whole body pore as if opens in this moment directly, enlargement. 傅红雪没有拒绝,也拿起筷子,伸了出去,夹起一块鱼肉,放进口中,吃下去,整个身体,周身毛孔似乎都在这一刻直接张开,放大。 Good inconceivable gourmet.” “好不可思议的美食。” Fu Hongxue in one's eyes one bright, in the mouth exudes one to acclaim. 傅红雪眼中一亮,口中发出一声赞叹。 Had not said that in the hand the chopsticks are actually finding out that non-stop, fish, fall in the import. 没有多说,手中筷子却是不停的探出,一块块鱼肉,落进口中。 Yi Tianxing has not spoken, similarly in launches the attack with front gourmet, in within the body, warm current unceasing integrations to the flesh, sneaks in each cell, Food cauldron fate aperture has started to revolve self-confidently, heaven and earth origin qi integration within the body naturally, integrates in the flesh. 易天行也没有说话,同样在跟面前的美食发起进攻,在体内,一股股暖流不断的融入到血肉中,钻进每一个细胞之内,食鼎命窍已经开始自信运转,天地元气自然而然的融入体内,融入进血肉中。 Unconscious, the fleshly body strength starts to increase again. 不自觉中,肉身力量再次开始增加。 Gourmet Hall hall lord, is really the good craftsmanship. This cook, is my first time bumps into. Eats, can give people unexpectedly joyfulness on a mental.” Fu Hongxue puts down the hand hitting the target chopsticks slowly, one bowl of snake thick soup have drunk to get into the stomach, change into steam, passes in within the body, warm and nourish qi and blood fleshly body. This feeling, very|10 points is marvelous. 美食殿殿主,果然是好手艺。这份厨艺,是我第一次碰到。吃下去,竟然可以给人一种精神上的愉悦。”傅红雪缓缓放下手中的筷子,一碗蛇羹已经喝下肚,化为一股热气,在体内流转,温养气血肉身。这种感觉,十分奇妙。 Any technique, reaches certain altitude, will have the inconceivable change, this heaven and earth, is different. Is filling too much unknown.” “任何技艺,达到一定高度,都会产生不可思议的变化,这个天地,已经不同。充满着太多的未知。” Yi Tianxing also said with a smile. 易天行也笑着说道。 Before, who can see gourmet that makes, can shine, Myriad Worlds Fuse, to this piece of heaven and earth Heaven and Earth Law, brings about various unusual changes. 在以前,谁能看到做出的美食,能发光的,万界融合,给这片天地天地法则,带来各种不同寻常的变化。 Does not know Connect to Heaven Pavilion also or important person.” “不知道通天阁还要不要人。” At this moment, Fu Hongxue opens the mouth to put out a few words. 就在这时,傅红雪开口吐出一句话。 Wants, “要, The Connect to Heaven Pavilion front door regarding any conforms to humanity cultivator of request to open wide throughout. ” Yi Tianxing said with a smile. 通天阁的大门对于任何符合要求的人族修士始终敞开。”易天行笑着说道。 I will not be stopping over somewhere am too long, perhaps in the future will leave.” Fu Hongxue continues to say. “我不会在某处逗留太久,或许将来会离开。”傅红雪继续说道。 Path of Cultivation lies in informed and experienced, world is so big, no matter I, am Connect to Heaven Pavilion, will not restrict anybody's personal freedom, in Connect to Heaven Pavilion, the freedom to come and go, no one is able to force. In Xuanhuang Town has the danger, can return helps one another then. This is relations of consecrate, you stop over for day in Connect to Heaven Pavilion, that receives a day of salary. Stops over for a year, obtains one year of resources. If leaves, only if quest, otherwise, leaves, this salary is unable to receive temporarily. When comes back , to continue to receive the salary again.” 修行之路本身就在于历练,世界这么大,不管是我,还是通天阁,都不会限制任何人的人身自由,通天阁中,来去自由,谁都无法强迫。只要在玄黄镇有危险时,能够返回相助即可。这本身就是一种供奉的关系,你在通天阁内逗留一天,那就领取一天的俸禄。逗留一年,就得到一年的资源。若是离开,除非是出任务,否则,自行离开,这份俸禄就暂时无法领取。等到回来,再继续领取俸禄。” Yi Tianxing tranquil saying. 易天行平静的说道。 Connect to Heaven Pavilion is loose existence. Does not restrict, is only a mutual transaction place. On you a day of class, naturally obtains day of wages, you in the post, the nature, this wages did not have. 通天阁本身就是一处松散的存在。不是拘束,只是一种相互交易的地方。你上一天的班,自然得到一天的工钱,你不在岗位,自然,这份工钱也就没有了。 This is very fair, cultivates regarding many powder, this has immense attraction power. 这很公平,对于很多散修来说,这有着巨大吸引力 Connect to Heaven Pavilion is never fetters, only then the emotion is fetters. 通天阁永远不是羁绊,只有情感才是羁绊。 Good, I am willing to join Connect to Heaven Pavilion.” “好,我愿意加入通天阁。” After Fu Hongxue looked at Yi Tianxing one, direct decisive saying. 傅红雪看了易天行一眼后,直接果断的说道。 After saying, has not stopped over again, stands up, walks toward outside. 说完后,就没有再逗留,站起身来,朝着外面走去。 In an instant vanishes does not see, leaves the mansion, walked toward the position that Connect to Heaven Pavilion was at directly. 转眼间就消失不见,离开府邸,直接朝着通天阁所在的位置走了进去。 This is to repay the life-saving efforts with this method.” Yi Tianxing looks at the back that Fu Hongxue leaves, shakes the head slightly twittering said. “这是想用这种方法来偿还救命之恩么。”易天行看着傅红雪离开的背影,微微摇头呢喃道。 Although Fu Hongxue has not opened the mouth to say many thanks spoken language, but the actions, have expressed thoroughly its heart hitting the target meaning, if not for because of this, with the Fu Hongxue's character, is not necessarily able the stay of long time in Xuanhuang Town, may continue, like a prodigal son, the walk world, whets own at the same time, is watching this world, this piece of heaven and earth. 虽然傅红雪并没有开口说出多谢的言语,但所作所为,已经将其心中的意思彻底表达出来,若不是因为这个,以傅红雪的性格,未必会在玄黄镇中长时间的逗留下去,或许会继续前行,如同一个浪子,行走天下,磨砺自身的同时,也在观看这个世界,这片天地 However, Yi Tianxing has not prevented. 不过,易天行并没有阻止。 Connect to Heaven Pavilion is not a shackles, is only many humanity cultivator family/home, is willing to stay behind naturally can stay behind, is not willing to stay behind, will block not to have any good result forcefully. Must to stay behind, used should not be the custom, resources, more should be the emotion is right. 通天阁并不是牢笼,只是诸多人族修士的一个家,愿意留下的自然会留下,不愿意留下的,强行拦下也不会有什么好结果。要让人留下,用的不应该是规矩,资源,更多的应该是情感才对。 Takes please as the fetters, may not cut off. 以请为羁绊,才是不可斩断的。 fleshly body wants thorough transform finally, breaks through Realm of Black Ding. Achieves second realm, Realm of White Ding.” 肉身终于要彻底蜕变,突破黑鼎之境。达到第二境界,白鼎之境。” Yi Tianxing feels the change in within the body, in Food cauldron, pure gourmet strengths integrate in the fleshly body flesh, huge volume heaven and earth origin qi floods into within the body, the fleshly body strength starts to rise suddenly again. 易天行感受体内的变化,食鼎中,一股股精纯的美食力量融入到肉身血肉之中,海量天地元气涌入体内,肉身力量再次开始暴涨。 Tastes new gourmet, the obtained advantage is very|10 points is astonishing. 品尝新的美食,得到的好处是十分惊人的。 Especially first time tastes, the obtained advantage is biggest. 尤其是第一次品尝,得到的好处最大。 Had been a 90,000 many jin (0.5 kg) strength, close to a 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) number, several new gourmet swallows down extremely now, triggers the Gourmet Cell strength thoroughly, the fleshly body strength, increases successively. 原先就已经达到九万多斤的力量,极为接近十万斤的数字,现在几种新的美食吞下去,彻底引发美食细胞的力量,肉身力量,节节攀升。 97,000 jin (0.5 kg)!! 九万七千斤!! 98,000 jin (0.5 kg)!! 九万八千斤!! 99,000 jin (0.5 kg)!! 九万九千斤!! .......... .......... Suddenly, the fleshly body strength breaks through the 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) directly. 瞬息间,肉身力量直接冲破十万斤。 Ding!! 叮!! A clearer sound transmits to come from the flesh together, in boundless qi and blood, can see impressively, snow white white ding derives. When this white ding, like black ding was just born initially, appears very|10 points illusory. But in appearing qi and blood that a moment, within the body tumbles, had the home to return to immediately probably, submerges to white ding in abundance. 一道更加清脆的响声从血肉之中传递而来,磅礴的气血内,赫然可以看到,一口雪白的白鼎衍生而出。这口白鼎,如同当初黑鼎刚刚诞生时一样,显得十分虚幻。但在出现的一刹那,体内翻滚的气血,顿时好像有了归宿,纷纷没入到白鼎之中。 ding's cry resounds together, changes into together radiant white divine light, sneaks in every inchs in the flesh skeleton. 一道鼎鸣响起,化为一道璀璨的白色神光,钻进每一寸血肉骨骼中。 In in a flash, the flesh skeleton was shaken the fragment probably, while shatter, rapidly completes the reorganization, the flesh, in the skeleton, starts to spill over a glistening unusual brightness, the flesh, contains pure powerful the strength of life force every inchs, strengths surge in within the body. This strength, powerful to astonishing. 刹那间,血肉骨骼都好像被震成碎片,又在破碎的同时,迅速完成重组,血肉,骨骼中,都开始泛出一种莹莹宝光,每一寸血肉,都蕴含着精纯强大生机之力,一股股力量在体内涌动。这股力量,强大到惊人。 In in a flash, body as if (similar) shakes off together the shackles, the entire body and mind feels the unequalled relaxedness. 刹那间,身体仿佛挣脱一道枷锁,整个身心都感受到无与伦比的轻松。 Under qi and blood control, even feels, the entire body is probably graceful, direct flying. 气血控制下,甚至感觉到,整个身躯好像要飘飘欲仙,直接飞天。 within the body all Houtian (day after tomorrow) impurities, condense in white ding instantaneous, shakes the fragment powder thoroughly. Each flesh, does not have the impurity, emits clear such as the jade gloss. The body is separated from the shackles probably. as lithe as a swallow. 体内所有后天杂质,在白鼎凝聚瞬间,彻底震成齑粉。每一块血肉,都是毫无杂质,散发出晶莹如玉的光泽。身体好像脱离桎梏。身轻如燕 One regarding the induction of the outside world (external) heaven and earth origin qi, in this moment, have the change of immense. 自身对于外界天地元气的感应,更是在这一刻,产生巨大的变化。 Compared with before it, powerful 10x continues, heaven and earth origin qi, are almost cannot help but worms one's way into toward within the body, the head is becomes the pure brightness to be incomparable, some as if beforehand difficult problems, in this moment, being easily solved, in the mind the miraculous glow is unceasing, the intelligent ray is glittering. 比之以前,强大十倍不止,一股股天地元气,几乎是不由自主的朝着体内钻进去,脑袋更是变得清明无比,似乎以前的一些难题,都在这一刻,迎刃而解,脑海中灵光不断,智慧的光芒在闪烁。 white ding one cry!! 白鼎一鸣!! The fleshly body strength is the 100,000 jin (0.5 kg), a fist pounds, fine iron will be cranked up the powder. Frustrates conveniently, the iron stone must turn into the fragment powder. 肉身力量达到十万斤,一拳头砸下去,精铁都会被拍成粉末。随手一挫,铁石都要变成齑粉。 „When Dao of Body Refining really abstruse, black ding, is only Body of Houtian, achieves white ding, is innate, sheds. Time is removes every body thoroughly, the life level completes true transform. Not only oneself aptitude has been changed, is more intense regarding the induction of heaven and earth, absorbs the heaven and earth origin qi speed to be quicker. Moreover, even mental will obtains transform.” 炼体之道果然玄妙,黑鼎之时,只是后天之躯,达到白鼎,就是先天,就是蜕凡。已经算是彻底褪去凡体,生命层次完成一次真正的蜕变。不仅自身资质得到改变,对于天地的感应更加强烈,吸收天地元气的速度更快。而且,连精神意志都得到蜕变。” Feels the change in within the body, in the heart is having the feeling secretly. 感受着体内的变化,心中不由暗自生出感慨。 Realm of White Ding truly compared with black ding must powerful, not look increases a 10,000 jin (0.5 kg) strength, is the 100,000 jin (0.5 kg), but transform of life level, fleshly body transform, makes battle power have immense to change, not only the strength writes with a free pen, regarding the control of strength in every way possible. 白鼎之境确实比黑鼎要更加强大,别看只是增加一万斤的力量,达到十万斤,可生命层次的蜕变,肉身蜕变,都让战力发生巨大变化,不但力量挥洒自如,对于力量的掌控更加入微。 Most essential is, transform in within the body. 最关键是,体内的蜕变 Could be gold/metal Jiyu the bone. fleshly body has reached another level. 已经可以算是金肌玉骨。肉身已经达到另外一个层次。 Present, can definitely hit beforehand 10. 现在的自己,一个完全可以打之前的个。 Realm of White Ding body refiner, can with any Fate Aperture Realm cultivator preying. Grasps fleshly body divine ability, preys, absolute Berserk is incomparable. 白鼎之境炼体士,可以与任何命窍境修士搏杀。掌握肉身神通,搏杀起来,绝对狂暴无比。 The hand rips the tiger leopard, but is easy. 手撕虎豹,不过轻而易举。 Most essential is, fleshly body transform, making longevity is longer. 最关键是,肉身蜕变,让寿元变得更长。 fleshly body advances transform, can return a favor cultivation base. Has fleshly body warm and nourish, my mental will has been grown. Can quicker condensation rune, condense more rune quantities. Moreover, the consumption is smaller, restoring to be quicker.” 肉身先行蜕变,更能反哺修为。有肉身温养,我的精神意志都得到增长。能更快的凝聚符文,凝聚更多的符文数量。而且,消耗更小,恢复更快。” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath, the intention moves, within the body qi and blood restrains, enters in white ding, goes into hiding in the flesh, the semblance seems like, has no difference from the average person, cannot see fleshly body to have multi- powerful from semblance basic(ally). This gives up affectation. 易天行深吸一口气,心念一动间,体内气血重新收敛起来,进入白鼎之中,隐匿在血肉中,外表看起来,就跟普通人没什么区别,从外表根本看不出肉身有多强大。这就是返璞归真。 So long as does not display the strength, breaks his refining body cultivation base very much ugly. 只要不施展力量,很难看破他的炼体修为 It seems like must look for refining body merit method to conduct cultivate again. «Vajra Dragon-Elephant Merit» has entered in black ding, breeds Suppressing Hell Seal, achieves white ding, but must look for another refining body merit method, when the time comes can breeding second said that fleshly body divine ability plays the immense role.” “看来必须再次找一门炼体功法进行修炼。《金刚龙象功》已经化入黑鼎之中,孕育出镇狱印,达到白鼎,还要找另外一门炼体功法,到时候可以对孕育出第二肉身神通起到巨大作用。” refining body one step ascends to heaven, Vajra Dragon-Elephant Merit has quenchinged fleshly body, breeds fleshly body divine ability, although can also continue cultivate, but will breed fleshly body divine ability not to have the too big help regarding the future, only to continue to breed and Vajra Dragon-Elephant Merit dao rhyme close fleshly body divine ability. 炼体一步一登天,金刚龙象功已经淬炼肉身,孕育出肉身神通,虽然还可以继续修炼,但对于今后孕育出肉身神通就不会有太大的助益,除非是想继续孕育出与金刚龙象功道韵相近的肉身神通 Wants cultivate different merit method, quenchings fleshly body . Moreover, refining body merit method, very|10 points is scarce. Somewhat ordinary refining body merit method, can only cultivate black ding realm, achieve white ding, must seek for a higher level refining body merit method, generally merit method, regarding the white ding level, does not have the means to play quenchings the function of fleshly body. 修炼不同的功法,来淬炼肉身,而且,炼体功法,十分稀少。有些普通的炼体功法,只能修炼黑鼎境界,达到白鼎,就要寻找更高层次的炼体功法,一般功法,对于白鼎层次,是没有办法起到淬炼肉身的作用。 Some are come down in a continuous line, can cultivate come up unceasingly, such as Vajra Dragon-Elephant Merit, itself can cultivate to white ding, even is a higher level, can quenching fleshly body as before. 有些是一脉相传,可以不断修炼上去,如金刚龙象功,本身可以修炼白鼎,甚至是更高层次,依旧能淬炼肉身 Others need to seek for top refining body merit method, quenchings fleshly body, strengthens the fleshly body strength, but, my not need, has Gourmet Cell, Food cauldron fate aperture, so long as there is gourmet to be able unceasingly transform, I do not need powerful refining body merit method, instead should choose unique refining body merit method. Derives essence, breeds special fleshly body divine ability.” “别人需要寻找顶尖炼体功法,淬炼肉身,增强肉身力量,不过,我却不需要,有美食细胞在,食鼎命窍在,只要有美食就能不断蜕变,我不需要强大炼体功法,反而应该选择具有特色的炼体功法。汲取其中精华,孕育出特殊的肉身神通。” In the Yi Tianxing mind flashes through together miraculous. 易天行脑海中闪过一道灵光。
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