EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#345: destiny rises sharply

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «Eternal Nation» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《永恒国度》最新章节... The day pities obviously, they, since arriving at this Eternal Continent, never has one to eat to the full. Thing that every day eats, did not say that was what thing, the basic(ally) being able to fill belly did not say, even was the half a point cannot even achieve full, can only maintain does not starve to death, but that sense of hunger, was every time, incessantly is not suffering the entire body and mind. 天可见怜,他们这些人,自从来到这永恒大陆后,就从来没有一顿是吃饱过的。每天吃的东西,不说是什么玩意了,根本填不饱肚子不说,甚至是连半分饱都做不到,只能维持不被饿死,但那种饥饿感,是每时每刻,无时无刻不在折磨着整个身心。 Dies and cannot die, hungry and hungry undying. That feeling, compared with the fearfulness that any torture must come. 死又死不了,饿又饿不死。那种感觉,比任何酷刑都要来的可怕。 Now smells the meat gruel the delicate fragrance, that feeling, is unable to describe in the spoken language simply. 现在闻到肉粥的清香,那种感觉,简直就是无法用言语来形容。 Swallows the saliva the sound to resound unceasingly. 吞咽口水的声音不断响起。 Facing hunger, no matter everybody, the beforehand status is noble, must reveal original feature completely. Reveals the instinct of person. 面对饥饿,不管是男女老少,以前的身份是不是高贵,全部都要露出本来面目。露出人的天性。 brothers sisters, does not use anxiously, here gruel prepares for you, how long could not want to boil to make, drank, can rapidly restore the strength, relax, in our Xuanhuang Town, was very safe. Will not have what danger again. Later everyone is brothers that together meets frequently, the friend.” Has Xuanhuang Town common people to see the appearances of these people, shows the well-meaning smiling face, says. “各位兄弟姐妹,不用急,这里的粥就是为你们准备的,要不了多久就能熬制好,喝下去,就能快速恢复力气,放心,在我们玄黄镇,很安全。不会再有什么危险了。以后大家都是在一起经常碰面的兄弟,朋友。”有玄黄镇百姓看到那些人的模样,露出善意的笑容,开口说道。 Yes, the beforehand matter is unimportant, now arrives at our Xuanhuang Town, obtained new life thoroughly, does not need to be worried to fear, will not need to fear will have an empty stomach, other will not have, on our Xuanhuang Town, grain thing, that will be eats casually, basically doesn't insufficiently will eat with the worry.” “是啊,以前的事情不重要,现在来到我们玄黄镇,那就是彻底获得新生,再也不用担心惧怕,也不用怕会饿肚子,别的没有,我们玄黄镇上,粮食这东西,那可是随便吃,根本不用担心会不够吃。” Yes, first gets better, restores, later everyone is brothers sisters on Xuanhuang Town. Later knows, can become Xuanhuang Town common people, in this tumultuous times, is a how happy matter.” “是啊,先养好身体,恢复过来,以后大家都是玄黄镇上的兄弟姐妹。以后就知道,能成为玄黄镇百姓,在这乱世之中,是多么幸福的一件事情。” „After eating to the full restores, can register the household register, then can go Hidden Classics Pavilion, receives merit method battle skill, becomes cultivator, later can have the strength of self-preservation, our humanity, will not compare the ominous beast foreign race difference.” “吃饱恢复后,可以去登录户籍,然后就可以前去藏经阁,领取功法战技,成为修士,以后都能具有自保之力,我们人族,不会比凶兽异族差。” Sounds pass to these common people ears. 一道道声音传到那些百姓耳中。 In heart gives birth to grateful and warmth as ever, this concern from mankind, is they have not felt, lets the ice-cold heart gradually warms. In the heart has an inexplicable sense of belonging secretly. 不由的心中生出一种犹然的感激与温暖,这种来自人类的关怀,是他们从来没有感受到的,让冰冷的心渐渐的温暖起来。心中暗自生出一种莫名的归属感。 Had military personnel dead in battle!!” “有军人战死!!” At this moment, only sees, dying in battle officers and soldiers corpses, were lifted. Looks at ice-cold corpses, sees on the corpse the terrifying scar, in the town/subdues common people, becomes one immediately with deep veneration, in the vision of gaze, has the respect. 就在这时,只看到,一名名战死的将士尸体,被抬了出来。看着一具具冰冷的尸体,看到尸体上恐怖的伤痕,镇上百姓,顿时变得一阵肃然,注视的目光中,带着敬意。 This is for the martyr who their humanity died in battle, is Hero. 这是为他们人族而战死的烈士,是英雄 Looks, even if died in battle, 看着一具具哪怕是战死, On the face brings killing intent officers and soldiers, the heart hitting the target feelings, are more intense. 脸上都带着杀意将士,心中的感触,更加强烈。 !! 一具!! two|tael!! 具!! ........ ........ Counts a 100 corpse to appear, lets the atmosphere on town/subdues unconscious becomes must be somewhat dignified, is somewhat depressing. 具尸体出现,让镇上的气氛不自觉的变得有些凝重,有些压抑。 War! War! War!!!” Suddenly, has the common people opens the mouth to send out shouts together. “战!战!战!!!”突然间,有百姓张口发出一道呼喊。 heavenly thunder is the drum, great earth is the grave, 10,000 li blood cloud illuminates the way.” 天雷为鼓,大地为墓,万里血云照征途。” Wilderness is ominous, foreign race is crazy, humanity since old times not shame.” “荒野凶,异族狂,人族自古不可辱。” Head may break, the blood may flow, the iron bone fights nine provinces loyally!!” “头可断,血可流,铁骨忠魂战九州!!” Hand grasps steel knife 99, the unbreakable foreign race oath continuous.” “手握钢刀九十九,不破异族誓不休。” The boundless battle song sends out from a common people mouth. In the voice, transmits the endless faith, respect to dying in battle. 苍茫的战歌从一名百姓口中发出。话音中,传递出无尽的信念,对战死者的敬意。 ! 一名! two|tael name!! 名!! Three!!! 三名!!! common people almost at the same time as if by prior agreement starts to issue the battle song. 一名名百姓几乎不约而同的同时开始发出战歌。 Kills! Kill! Kills!!” “杀!杀!杀!!” ominous beast is crazy, foreign race is strong, the son grasps the sword and spear, the blade is beheads the blade, the spear/gun to unite the god spear/gun. No matter the god and demon, the slaughter the side is I.” 凶兽狂,异族强,男儿握刀枪,刀是斩首刀,枪为戮神枪。不管神与魔,屠过方是我。” „The millennia everlasting industry, white bone dyes firmaments. For my humanity, therefore, hoping slaughter million spirit.” 千秋不朽业,白骨苍穹。为我人族故,愿屠百万灵。” Living to work as the manner to be outstanding, dying is also ghost hero, by my not extinguishing soul, fights the world peaceful.” “生当为人杰,死亦为鬼雄,以我不灭魂,战出天下宁。” Today the abandon(ed) thousand year amiable name, smiles to drink the myriad races blood, foot treads the white bone tomb, weak now not with my line, kills the enemy the million heart not to punish. Called the myriad races cutting tooth to hate, did not teach to have nothing scolds my enemy.” “今日抛弃年仁义名,笑饮万族血,脚踏白骨陵,软弱今不与我行,杀敌百万心不惩。宁叫万族切齿恨,不教无有骂我敌。” Battle song sounds resound in Xuanhuang Town, this battle song, somewhat rises and falls, was inferior that in battlefield resounding, has to plant the faith of inheriting dying in battle will. They take the battle song ....... to see off as officers and soldiers that these died in battle heroically again!! 一道道战歌声在玄黄镇中响起,这战歌,有些低昂,不如战场上高亢,却有种继承战死者意志的信念。他们再以战歌为这些英勇战死的将士们.......送行!! In the air is filling the air with deep veneration. 空气中迷漫着肃然。 On all officers and soldiers faces a piece with deep veneration. 所有将士脸上一片肃然。 My dagger-axe my lance, flesh and blood of the people. My pay my robe, the people bestow on people yao.” “吾戈吾矛,民脂民膏。吾饷吾袍,民赋民徭。” My My shield, the people make the people to make. My elder brother my bro, people people butcher.” “吾甲吾盾,民制民造。吾兄吾,民子民胞。” Forms an army by this, resists violence for the people. The civil rights people advantage, guarantees for me.” “以此成军,为民抗暴。民权民利,为吾所保。” People enemy enemy of the people, drinks my longblade. Defends one's country protects the people, the mission remembers. The conscience is difficult to bully, army soul long shining.” “民敌民贼,饮我长刀。守土护民,使命记牢。天良难欺,军魂长耀。” If I died in battle, is willing to bury in Iron-Blood Great Wall, the Yong Town four directions.” “若我战死,愿葬于铁血长城,永镇四方。” Battle song sounds send out from the officers and soldiers mouth, are treading the battle song, warrior corpses delivered toward Iron-Blood Great Wall. They are delivering the ally the last regulation, completes the last wish, buries the body in Iron-Blood Great Wall. 一道道战歌声从将士口中发出,踏着战歌,一具具战士尸体朝着铁血长城送了过去。他们在送战友最后一程,完成遗愿,将身躯葬于铁血长城 scorpionkin race corpses were transported, looks at these foreign race corpses, on Xuanhuang Town common people reveals the ice-cold color, these foreign race corpses, should suppress thoroughly in Iron-Blood Great Wall, changes into the hero's spirit sacrificial offering. 一具具蝎人族尸体被搬运出来,看着这些异族尸体,玄黄镇百姓都流露出冰冷之色,这些异族尸体,应该彻底镇压在铁血长城之中,化为英灵祭品。 Counts the body of 100 famous martyr, making the Iron-Blood Great Wall length increase again, extends unceasingly, similarly, 20,000 has the scorpionkin race corpse, is to make the Iron-Blood Great Wall length rise suddenly. Has reached a 9000 many meters length, close to a 10,000 meter length. Above increases a lot of jet black city wall bricks again. 名烈士的尸体,让铁血长城的长度再次增加,不断延伸,同样,两万多具蝎人族的尸体,更是让铁血长城的长度暴涨。已经达到九千多米的长度,接近一万米的长度。上面再次增添大量漆黑的城砖。 The region that covers is broader. 笼罩的区域更加宽广。 Yi Tianxing also goes out underground, arrives at the ground. 易天行也走出地下,来到地面。 Looks that all officers and soldiers corpses have buried in Iron-Blood Great Wall, in the heart are also many a heaviness, that is a heavy responsibility. 看着所有将士的尸体已经埋葬在铁血长城中,心中也不由多出一种沉重,那是一种沉甸甸的责任。 However, has not made the stay again, walks toward the mansion in directly. 不过,没有再做逗留,直接朝着府邸中走去。 After going , the intention moves, the entire body has vanished does not see. Directly enters to Destiny Heavenly Pond. 进去后,心念一动间,整个身躯已经消失不见。直接进入到气运天池中。 Only sees, Destiny Heavenly Pond at this moment, it can be said that has the change of immense. 只看到,此刻的气运天池,可以说是出现巨大的变化。 Original Destiny Heavenly Pond, be only surrounding area nine zhang (3.33 m), deeply is nine meters. Entire destiny space, only then surrounding area 15~16 zhang (3.33 m) size, but now, appears in piece of immense space, this piece of space, seems not original destiny space, but transmits abstruse aura dao rhyme. Destiny Heavenly Pond, is only this space hitting the target small part. 原先的气运天池,只有方圆九丈大小,深有九米。整个气运空间,也只有方圆十五六丈的大小,可现在,却是出现在一片巨大空间中,这片空间,似乎并不是原先的气运空间,而是传递出一种玄妙的气息道韵气运天池,只是这座空间中的一小部分。 Here is supreme artifact core space. Is used for the casting artifact source place. Never expected that Destiny Heavenly Pond has fused together with this piece of space. Really abstruse.” Yi Tianxing looks at front immense space, muttered secretly. “这里就是至尊神器核心空间。用来铸造神器本源的地方。没想到气运天池跟这片空间已经融为一体。真是玄妙。”易天行看着面前的巨大空间,也不由暗自喃喃自语道。 Here is supreme artifact core space. 这里就是至尊神器核心空间 Here, is going the casting to have true artifact source. Also stimulates to movement supreme artifact true strength Origin. 在这里,将要铸造出真正的神器本源。也就是催动至尊神器的真正力量源泉 Can here casting day Thunder Pond, can the casting cold ice pond wait/etc., become supreme artifact energy core Origin directly, basic(ally) of all strengths. Naturally, present supreme artifact is only the embryo, basic(ally) does not have the casting to have energy core. Here is empty. 可以在这里铸造天雷池,也可以铸造寒冰池等等,直接成为至尊神器的能量核心源泉,一切力量的根本。当然,现在的至尊神器都只是胚胎,根本就没有铸造出能量核心。这里是空荡荡的。 But now presents Destiny Heavenly Pond. 但现在出现一口气运天池 In heavenly pond, as can be seen, illusory spring unceasing turnover destiny. In heavenly pond, the snow white pool of water has covered almost 3/5 regions, this is the water of destiny, is condensed the pool of water that the together gathering becomes by endless destiny, each drop is destiny. Gathers together, this is entire Xuanhuang Town destiny. 天池中,可以看到,一口虚幻泉眼正在不断的吞吐着气运。在天池内,雪白的池水已经覆盖住几乎五分之三的区域,这是气运之水,由无边气运凝聚在一起汇聚而成的池水,每一滴都是气运所化。汇聚在一起,这就是整个玄黄镇气运 After a war, direct devour foreign race destiny, lets this Destiny Heavenly Pond hitting the target pool of water, almost rises suddenly at the scene. 在一次大战之后,直接吞噬异族气运,让这气运天池中的池水,几乎是当场暴涨。 In heavenly pond, fish-dragon unceasing roaming through, like golden shadow, is bathing together in the pool of water, appearing very|10 points is satisfied. 天池中,一条鱼龙正在不断的遨游,如同一道金色影子,沐浴在池水中,显得十分惬意。 But at this moment. 而就在这时。 As can be seen, spring water that spring in one's eyes spout, actually does not have occurrence of indication to rise suddenly, a little bit the water of destiny swiftly condenses, gathers in Destiny Heavenly Pond. The heavenly pond hitting the target water level, grows at the visible speed upward. 可以看到,那枚泉眼中喷涌出的泉水,竟然毫无征兆的发生暴涨,一滴滴的气运之水迅速凝聚出来,汇聚在气运天池内。天池中的水位,以肉眼可见的速度往上增长。 people's hearts is destiny. It seems like that more than 100,000 common people has started to integrate in Xuanhuang Town, oneself will regard is Xuanhuang Town. The speed that this destiny grows, how long could not want, this Destiny Heavenly Pond, will perhaps fill.” 民心就是气运。看来,那十多万百姓已经开始将自己融入到玄黄镇中,将自己当成是玄黄镇的一员。这种气运增长的速度,要不了多久,这气运天池,恐怕就会满了。” In the Yi Tianxing heart also gives birth to a joy. 易天行心中也不由生出一丝喜悦。 destiny is people's hearts, people's hearts like the water, these came the 100 letter/believes to have the heart of preliminary ownership to Xuanhuang Town newly, this destiny, was impossible to present so sudden rise of degree. 气运就是民心,民心如水,要不是那些新来信对玄黄镇有了初步的归属之心,这气运,是不可能出现如此程度的暴涨。 destiny, saving needs an extremely long process. 气运,积蓄起来是需要一个极为漫长的过程。 Does not want has, the heavenly pond hitting the target water must gather thoroughly fully, time that needs to consume is extremely long, generally speaking, from town to true ancient city, at least also takes one year, two|tael year, even is longer time, 10 year, even is longer. After all, the population on town/subdues is limited. Now actually increases more than 100,000 common people one time. 不是想要有就有的,天池中的水要彻底蓄满,需要耗费的时间更是极为漫长,一般而言,从城镇到真正的古城,至少也需要一年,年,甚至是更加漫长的时间,年,甚至更久。毕竟,镇上的人口是有限的。现在却是一次性增加十多万百姓 In addition plundered from foreign race. 加上原先从异族中掠夺过来的。 Let heavenly pond almost probably be overbrimmed. 天池几乎要被注满。 Let this time, how long reduced did not know. 让这个时间,缩短了不知道多久。 One step first, step by step first.” “一步先,步步先。” Yi Tianxing secretly mutters said. This is the opportunity. 易天行暗自沉吟道。这就是机遇。 But, wants promote immortal city, I have not been able is so careless, true Xuanhuang Town, the Xuanhuang City casting will not come out, even promote, the foundation is still not very sturdy, stable. Casting supreme artifact matter, has brooked no delay.” “不过,要晋升仙城,我还不能如此草率,不将真正的玄黄镇,玄黄城铸造出来,就算晋升,根基也不够牢靠,稳固。铸造至尊神器的事情,已经刻不容缓了。” In the heart appears secretly together the thought. 心中暗自浮现出一道念头。 Xuanhuang Town was destroyed most, he does not want matter like this to present the second time absolutely. 玄黄镇被摧毁大半,他绝对不想这样的事情出现第二次。 supreme immortal city, wants the casting. 至尊仙城,是一定要铸造的。 First gave a try with Wishpower Bead said again.” “先用愿力珠试试看再说。” Although decided that must come casting supreme immortal city with Wishpower Bead, but can succeed, feasible, this is an unknown. Naturally must try to be good personally. 虽然决定要用愿力珠来铸造至尊仙城,但能不能成功,可不可行,这还是一个未知数。自然要亲自尝试一下才行。 Snow white Wishpower Bead naturally appears in the hand. 一枚雪白的愿力珠自然出现在手中。 This Wishpower Bead hitting the target wishpower pure not impurity, not hesitant, the intention moves, Wishpower Bead had floated in this core space naturally, at this time, in the sky , appeared naturally one group of illusory divine flame, wraps Wishpower Bead in inside. Suddenly, sees, Wishpower Bead in divine flame, changes into one group of white liquid, vanishes in this piece of core space directly. 这一枚愿力珠中的愿力精纯的没有一丝杂质,没有犹豫,心念一动间,愿力珠已经在这核心空间中自然而然的浮了起来,这时,虚空中,自然而然的,浮现出一团虚幻神焰,将愿力珠包裹在里面。瞬息间,就看到,愿力珠神焰中,化为一团白色的液体,直接消失在这片核心空间中。 With a matter that lets the Yi Tianxing also secretly forced smile appears in the mind. 跟着,一种让易天行也不由暗自苦笑的事情出现在心神中。 Only sees, in the embryo of supreme artifact, a position of most edge, can see impressively, that embryo, under Wishpower Bead, had a change. 只看到,至尊神器的胚胎中,一处最边缘的位置,赫然可以看到,那胚胎,在愿力珠下,发生了一丝变化。
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