EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#344: Builds the cauldron

powerful war weapon, regarding war about similarly is powerful. Our here officers and soldiers cultivation base realm actually differ not many with scorpionkin race warrior, is almost on a par, the reasonable tactic, powerful war weapon, the shield, longspear, divine machine crossbow, well-trained army, these add together, is the real reason that this war can easily win. Without these, facing scorpionkin army, the created casualties, will increase progressively absolutely doubled and re-doubled.” 强大的战争兵器,对于战争的左右同样是强大的。我们这边将士修为境界其实与蝎人族战士相差不多,几乎是不相伯仲,合理的战术,强大的战争兵器,盾牌,长枪,神机弩,训练有素的大军,这些加在一起,才是这次大战能够轻易获胜的真正原因。没有这些,面对蝎人大军,造成的伤亡,绝对会成倍的递增。” The Wu Yong eye pupil concentrates, said slowly. 吴用眼瞳一凝,缓缓说道。 Strikes to kill 20,000 many scorpionkin, oneself actually damage several 100 people , the 1000 number, this contrast, the casualties can be said as slightly arrive pitifully, places at any time, it can be said that a magnificent victory. 击杀两万多名蝎人,自身却只是损伤几人,还不到一千的数目,这种对比,伤亡可以说是小到可怜,放在任何时候,都可以说是一场辉煌的胜利。 Such result, a large part came from the strength of warfare equipment. 这样的结果,其中很大一部分就是来自于战争装备的力量。 Must not have divine machine crossbow, without powerful white bone war bow, tally arrow, rune bomb wait/etc. goods, must win, paid price, the casualties, will greatly promote, to achieve a situation that makes people be unbearable. 要没有神机弩,没有强大白骨战弓,符箭,符文炸弹等等物品,要获得胜利,付出的代价,伤亡,都会大大提升,达到一种让人难以承受的地步。 But these weaponry, similarly are manifestation of strength, the symbol of powerful. 而这些武器装备,同样是一种实力的体现,强大的象征。 Also insufficient powerful, otherwise, will not present several 100 warrior casualty digits.” “还不够强大,要不然,也不会出现几战士的死伤数字。” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath, shakes the head to say slightly. 易天行深吸一口气,微微摇头道。 If Ok, various weapons that his Hope manufactures can become powerful, in that case, can make the army stronger, slaughters, the casualties are smaller, even is appears lossless, can end a campaign. 如果可以,他希望制造出的各种武器能够变得更加强大,那样的话,就能够让军队变得更强,厮杀起来,伤亡更小,甚至是出现无损,就可以终结一场战役。 The matter that on this world has not soared, Your Lordship can in short time, achieve this step, has exceeded most people, at least in the , can stand erect in most peak. Moreover, now Eternal Continent is just born, at the initial time section, any advantage, can transform the myriad worlds not easy solid foundation.” “这个世界上没有一飞冲天的事情,主公能够在短短时间内,做到这一步,已经超越大部分人,至少在附近,可以屹立在最巅峰。而且,现在正是永恒大陆刚刚诞生,处在最初的时间段,任何一点优势,都可以在转变成万世不易的坚实根基。” Wu Yong actually full is assured saying. 吴用却满是笃定的说道。 Regarding this world, although is not very clear, may actually unable to change a fact, that is, all influences, had been broken, does not have any rule, without Royal Dynasty, does not have household. All disrupt come again, no matter you are senior official royal family, is the official's second generation, rich second-gen and so on, without the ability, was inferior including the reptile, having the ability can emerge. 对于这个世界,虽然不是很清楚,可却改变不了一个事实,那就是,所有的势力,已经被打破,没有任何规则,没有王朝,也没有家族。一切打乱重来,不管你是高官王族,还是官二代,富二代什么的,没有能力,连条爬虫都不如,有能力才能脱颖而出。 This is regards as important the ability the time. 这是看重能力的时代。 Such time, one step first is step by step first. Any advantage, so long as gripped with a sense of urgency, can turn into own capital. 这样的时代,一步先就是步步先。任何一点优势,只要抓紧抓牢了,就能变成自身的资本。 This time, cannot be potential achievement by the parents, cannot be free and unrestrained by the parents, oneself do not have the ability, that gives nihility indistinct fate and destiny own life, the next quarter may fall from the sky in the wilderness. 这个时代,不是靠父母就能有所作为的,也不是靠父母就能逍遥自在,自身没有能力,那就是将自身的命交给虚无缥缈的命运,下一刻就有可能陨落在荒野中。 One are basic(ally). 自身才是根本 It seems like Yi Tianxing this, builds a piece of solid foundation personally. 就好像易天行这样,亲手打造出一片坚实的根基。 Does not know the benefactor honored name.” “不知道恩公尊姓大名。” At this moment, as can be seen, in these emaciated common people, elderly walked, turns serious, but also put in order the clothing, a put on meek robe. Books aura, even after undergoing whets, can make person one eyes see as before, the manner, ritual is appropriate. Sees, Yi Tianxing position here, on first open front inquired. 就在这时,可以看到,那些面黄肌瘦的百姓中,一名老者走了出来,神色一正,还整了整衣衫,穿的一身儒袍。身上的书卷气息,哪怕是在经受磨砺后,依旧能够让人一眼看出,行为举止,礼度得体。一眼就看出,易天行在这里的身份地位,当先上前开口询问道。 This is our Lord of Xuanhuang Town, Yi Tianxing!!” “这是我们玄黄镇之主,易天行!!” Wu Yong replaces Yi Tianxing to reply with a smile. 吴用笑着代替易天行回答道。 Originally is Sir Yi, obsolete surnamed Zhou, Zhou Wenju. Many thanks life-saving efforts. Sir Yi leads troops to come, only fears this time, 100,000 common people here, will die a violent death. Was regarded the sacrificial offering, offers sacrifices to give Demon God.” “原来是易大人,老朽姓周,周文矩。多谢救命之恩。要不是易大人带兵前来,只怕这次,在这里的十万百姓,都会死于非命。被当成祭品,献祭给魔神。” elderly hears, reveals the heartfelt gratitude on the face, deeply bowed to do obeisance toward Yi Tianxing. 老者听到,也在脸上露出由衷的感激,朝着易天行深深鞠躬拜了下去。 Mr. Zhou spoke discreetly.” Yi Tianxing went forward its to hold hastily, light smile said: Is humanity, now, our humanity is difficult, should support mutually, has been having the mankind imprisoned news, how my Yi Tianxing possibly turns a blind eye, looks helplessly everyone common people suffers hardships here, degenerates into blood feed.” 周先生言重了。”易天行连忙上前将其扶了起来,淡笑道:“都是人族,如今,我们人族艰难,更应该相互扶持,在得到有人类被囚禁的消息,我易天行怎么可能视若无睹,眼睁睁看着诸位百姓在这里受苦,沦为血食。” This life-saving efforts, may be higher than the day.” Zhou Wenju in one's eyes reveals to dare to move. “这份救命之恩,可比天高。”周文矩眼中露出敢动。 Yes, Yi Tianxing leads troops to kill, only feared that their present basic(ally) are impossible to stand here, has fallen from the sky at the scene, this benevolence, is the solid life-saving efforts, does not have the least bit discount. 是啊,要不是易天行带兵杀过来,只怕他们现在根本就不可能站立在这里,早已经陨落当场,这种恩情,是实实在在的救命之恩,是没有半点折扣的。 In the heart feels richly. 心中感觉越加浓郁。 everyone brothers sisters, I am Lord of Xuanhuang Town, today starting from, everyone is saved, waits, can follow army to return to the town/subdues together, in my Xuanhuang Town, although does not dare saying that certainly can give everyone the stable life, secure environment. But I can give you as the mankind freedom and dignity. Even can with the strength that ominous beast foreign race contends with.” 诸位兄弟姐妹,我是玄黄镇之主,今天开始,大家都得救了,等一下,就可以跟着大军一起返回镇上,在我玄黄镇,虽然不敢说,一定可以给予大家安定的生活,安全的环境。但我可以给你们作为人类的自由与尊严。甚至是能够与凶兽异族抗衡的力量。” Yi Tianxing looks to emaciated common people, in one's eyes flashes through wipes firmly, said slowly: Our humanity, although inborn emaciated, on innate is inferior to other ominous beast, foreign race powerful, but we have the wisdom, so long as is determined, has perseverance, similarly can grow stronger, by that time, foreign race, probably unceasingly even similarly by our execute under the sword. Today foreign race takes us as blood feed, tomorrow we can in the same old way execute under the blade.” 易天行看向一名名面黄肌瘦的百姓,眼中闪过一抹坚定,缓缓说道:“我们人族,虽然天生羸弱,先天上不如其他凶兽,异族强大,但我们具有智慧,只要有决心,有毅力,同样可以不断变强,到那个时候,就算是异族,同样要被我们斩杀于刀剑之下。今天异族以我们为血食,明日我们照样可以斩杀于刀下。” 30 year east of the river 30 year west of the river, I believe that although everyone was imprisoned, the body and mind was suffered. But I believe, the heart of everyone, will therefore not perish, will not be smoothed by grinding, but produces the water.” 三十年河东三十年河西,我相信,诸位虽然被囚禁,身心遭受折磨。但我相信,诸位的心,并不会因此而沉沦,不会被磨平,而是磨出菱角。” Every single word or phrase, transmits in underground space, reverberation. 一字一句,在地下空间中传递,回荡。 These words, fall in the ear, as can be seen, the eyes of these common people, start to restore the color, is bright, in eyes starts to reappear the color of resolution, intense hatreds. 这些话,落在耳中,可以看到,那些百姓的眼睛,开始恢复色彩,明亮起来,眼眸中开始浮现出坚定之色,也有一种强烈的仇恨。 This is the hatred to ominous beast foreign race. Hates own strength to be weak, is unable to put to death these foreign race personally. 这是对凶兽异族的痛恨。痛恨自己的力量不够强,无法亲手诛杀这些异族 The lost courage and uprightness starts to return gradually. In the heart emerges one type regarding the intense hope of strength. 失去的血性开始渐渐回归。心中涌现出一种对于实力的强烈渴望。 We are the person, even we are inborn, still absolutely not whatever will butcher, now in front of my humanity army, has not been easily slaughtered, I will also want grow stronger, will become can personally execute foreign race.” “我们是人,就算我们天生羸弱,也绝对不会任由宰割,现在在我人族大军面前,还不是被轻易屠戮,我也要变强,变得能够亲手斩杀异族。” I must join the army, becomes military personnel, only then becomes military personnel, can quicker grow stronger. Even if were the dying in battle battlefield compared with is also trampled the dignity by foreign race at will, slaughtered to be much better recklessly.” “我要加入军队,成为军人,只有成为军人,才能更快的变强。哪怕是战死沙场也比被异族随意践踏尊严,肆意屠戮要好的多。” I, even if must die, still Hope dies above the battlefield, dies in the paths of these bastard fights on.” “我就算要死,也希望死在战场之上,死在跟那些畜生战斗的道路上。” Shout resound in the crowd, exert oneself an intense fighting spirit. 一道道呼喊声在人群中响起,奋发出一股强烈的斗志。 Cleaning up battlefield, then leaves underground, returns to the ground. All scorpionkin race corpses, completely do not let off, carries off together, dares to come unexpectedly, that lets their skeleton flesh, becomes Iron-Blood Great Wall part, is to slaughter humanity makes reparations.” “清理战场,然后离开地下,返回地面。所有蝎人族尸体,全部都不要放过,一起带走,竟然敢来,那就让他们的尸骸血肉,成为铁血长城的一部分,为杀戮人族而赎罪。” The Yi Tianxing fast opens the mouth said. 易天行快速开口说道。 The unnecessary movement, after order, all soldier has not started the battlefield cleanup fast, in battlefield, all corpse complete carrying off unrestrained/no trace of politeness, various types of swords, is one does not remain. Entire underground Lane space enters the village to be the same with ghost son, sweeps away thoroughly. Any thing not remaining. 没有多余的动作,在一声令下后,所有士兵快速开始打扫战场,战场中,所有尸体毫不客气的全部带走,各种刀剑,也都是一件不留。将整个地下空间的跟鬼子进村一样,彻底一扫而空。什么东西都不剩下。 Afterward not hesitant, following the channel, returns toward the old route fast. 随后再没有犹豫,顺着通道,快速朝着原路返回。 This accompanying, more than 100,000 common people. 这次随行的,还有十多万百姓 Although these people emaciated, hungry almost does not have the strength, but in this moment, why actually does not know, within the body has a strength baseless, supports them to follow army, stand forth. 这些人虽然面黄肌瘦,饿的几乎没有力气,但在这一刻,却不知道为什么,体内凭空生出一股力量,支撑着他们跟着大军,向前走去。 Front is Hope!! 前面是希望!! Even if crawls, must follow to crawl. 哪怕是爬,也要跟着爬出去。 This is the strength that an invisible faith brings 这是一股无形的信念带来的力量 In Xuanhuang Town. 玄黄镇中。 Before underground walk, the work that although in the town/subdues sweeps clear has been continuing, a lot of ruins were eliminated, but in actions, vision unconscious toward that tunnel glance in the past, in eyes had the anticipation to worry. 地下通道前,虽然镇上清扫的工作已经在继续着,大量废墟被清除出去,但在行动间,一道道目光都在不自觉的朝着那道地洞扫视过去,眼眸中有期待有担忧。 As if Hope can give the latest message in inside. 似乎希望能在里面传递出最新的消息。 At this moment, the person's shadow walked from cave entrance together, is military personnel, the body also brings somber air. 就在这时,一道人影从洞口走了出来,是一名军人,身上还带着肃杀之气 Is our Xuanhuang Town military personnel, officers and soldiers, they came back.” “是我们玄黄镇军人,将士,他们回来了。” Looked quickly, really came back, many soldier, are all coming out fast, this war, does not know that we won, is actually and what enemy to have the war.” “快看,真的回来了,好多士兵,全部都在快速出来,这一战,不知道我们赢了没有,究竟是和什么敌人发生战争。” Many people, who these are, these people seem like, probably is ordinary common people, emaciated, this definitely suffers the enormous tribulation, these before us is the same in the wilderness hitting the target appearance, definitely found from outside.” “好多人,这些是什么人,这些人看起来,好像就是普通的百姓,一个个面黄肌瘦,这肯定是遭受到极大磨难,这些就跟我们以前还在荒野中的模样一样,肯定是从外面找到的。” Many, this quantity, too much, seemed like has several thousands simply, even also continues, but also in continuous coming out, this found a mankind agglomeration, common people that rescued from the foreign race hand.” “好多,这数量,太多了,看起来简直就是有数万之多,甚至还不止,还在源源不断的出来,这是找到一处人类聚集地,还是从异族手中解救出来的百姓。” Quickly, the Gourmet Hall person, ignites immediately, builds the cauldron, puts out the rice, cooks the rice congee, inside puts the ginseng, a pot can only show one piece, these new people, was too weak, cannot make up greatly, can only warm Bu. Everyone moves, cannot to look down on our Gourmet Hall person. After these, is our Xuanhuang Town brothers sisters. As gift on first meeting, must entertain their well.” “快,美食殿的人,立即点火,架起大锅,拿出白米,熬白粥,里面放上人参,一锅只能放一片,这些新来的人,身体太虚弱了,不能大补,只能温补。大家都动起来,不能让人小瞧我们美食殿的人。这些以后都是我们玄黄镇兄弟姐妹。作为见面礼,也要好好招待他们一顿。” Lai He says directly. 赖贺直接开口说道。 Greeted the Gourmet Hall person to start to light a fire to cook immediately. 招呼着美食殿的人立即开始生火造饭。 These person from underground comes out, is pale, bloody does not even have, body thin can see the bone, can imagine, before was absolutely impossible to fill the belly. This, must not eat the hard food, sipping gruel that is the most effective restoration way, fills the belly, can recover the energy, restores life force. 那些从地下出来的人,一个个脸色苍白,连血色都没有,身体已经瘦的可以看到骨头了,可以想象得到,之前是绝对不可能填饱肚子的。这一顿,吃不得硬食,喝粥那是最有效的恢复办法,填饱肚子,才能恢复体力,恢复生机 Naturally, must boil the system, is not the ordinary rice congee, inside must put various warm Bu medicinal material, slivers the muddy flesh the ominous beast meat, places in the rice congee, this can a better absorption, restore the strength, this point, is the Gourmet Hall specialty. 当然,要熬制的,不是普通的白粥,里面也要放上各种温补的药材,还有将凶兽的肉切成肉泥,放在白粥中,这样才能更好的吸收,恢复力气,这一点,是美食殿的专长。 In an instant, cauldrons put up. 转眼间,一口口大锅就架了起来。 Rice of bag was transported, admits in the pot. In an instant, can smell, delicate fragrances start to scatter in the air. 一袋袋的大米被搬运出来,放进锅中。转眼间,就能闻到,一股股清香开始在空气中飘散。 gulp!! 咕噜!! Much common people that from underground treads, smells the fragrance, looks at all around cauldron, cannot bear swallows the saliva secretly. The strong hungry feeling well ups, appears in the body. 不少从地下踏出来的百姓,闻到香味,看着四周的大锅,一个个都忍不住偷偷吞咽唾沫。强烈的饥饿感觉涌上心头,出现在身体中。 Food is what matters to the people, this is who is unable to resist. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 民以食为天,这是谁都无法抗拒的。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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