EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#343: Flesh killing field

The shield has such powerful defense strength, because in the rune animal skin of shield surface, contains defense talisman, the strength of but withstanding has the limit as before, under the continuous bombardment, starts as before shatter. 盾牌之所以有那样的强大防御力,就是因为在盾牌表面的符文兽皮,蕴含着防御符箓,但承受的力量依旧是有极限的,在接连不断的轰击下,依旧开始破碎。 These said to be long, is actually in an instant matter. 这些说起来长,实则不过是在转眼之间的事情。 blade-shield soldier dispersing, longspearman goes forward. Kills!!” 刀盾兵散开,长枪兵上前。杀!!” Yang Yanding exudes one to shout. 杨延定发出一声呼喊。 Keeps off disperses in front blade-shield soldier immediately, reveals behind to grasp white bone war spear longspearman, wears war armor, the look ice-cold, does not have any hesitates, longspear, is glittering the ice-cold cold light, this is white bone war spear, sends a frightening death aura all over the body. But its sharp, actually not doubts. 挡在前面的刀盾兵立即散开,露出后面握着白骨战枪长枪兵,一个个身穿战甲,神色冰冷,没有任何迟疑,一柄柄长枪,闪烁着冰冷的寒光,这是白骨战枪,通体都传递出一种让人恐惧的死亡气息。但其锋利,却是毫无置疑的。 Lifts the spear/gun! stab!!” “抬枪!刺!!” Yang Yanding issues the order. 杨延定发出命令。 In the order, forefront soldier without hesitation, in the hand white bone war spear lifted directly, toward the front straight thorn. The immense strength, is pouring into true qi war spear, punctures, even the air sends out an explosive. 命令中,最前面的士兵毫不犹豫,手中白骨战枪直接抬了起来,朝着前方笔直的刺出去。巨大的力量,灌注着真气战枪中,刺出去,连空气都发出一声爆响。 Counts thousand longspear to puncture. 长枪刺出去。 That feeling, is quite fearful. 那种感觉,相当可怕。 Almost at present everywhere is longspear. Evaded operates a , the two|tael , is actually not able the make way three handles, four handles. At present is longspear, basic(ally) has no dodging space everywhere. Facing so fearful longspear battle formation, coming scorpionkin is hit suddenly, was pierced the body by longspear, punctures the hedgehog at the scene. Such spear formation, basic(ally) does not have the law of decoding. 几乎眼前到处都是长枪。避的开一柄,柄,却无法闪开三柄,四柄。眼前到处都是长枪,根本没有任何闪避的空间。骤然间面对如此可怕的长枪战阵,迎面而来的蝎人纷纷中枪,被长枪刺穿身躯,当场刺成刺猬。这样的枪阵,根本没有破解之法。 In the battlefield, cannot avoid, does not evade, is death. 在战场上,躲不开,避不过,就是死亡 !! 噗!! However, the destructive power that scorpionkin warrior erupts is also fearful, immense war blade chops to cut, disregards unexpectedly, breaks out longspear directly, cuts on soldier, that war blade, deducts together at the scene two|tael together with war armor half, the blood spurts crazily, is killed violently at the scene, bloody incomparable. 不过,蝎人战士爆发出的破坏力同样可怕,巨大战刀劈斩而下,竟然不管不顾,直接劈开长枪,斩在士兵身上,那战刀,连同战甲一起当场劈成半,鲜血狂喷,当场毙命,血腥无比。 The war blade destructive power, Berserk is incomparable. 战刀的破坏力,狂暴无比。 Simply is savage to a make the blood boil situation. 简直是凶残到一种令人发指的地步。 Lifts the spear/gun, stab!!” “抬枪,刺!!” Even if the side ally falls from the sky, cruel death, all longspearman have no stop as before, a first row of retreat, second row of longspearman goes forward directly, lifts the spear/gun, raises the arm to wield, longspear thorn to front. 哪怕是身边战友陨落,残忍死亡,所有长枪兵依旧没有任何停顿,第一排后退,第二排的长枪兵直接上前,抬枪,振臂挥出,长枪刺向前方。 pū pū pū!! 噗噗噗!! Handle longspear jabs into scorpionkin within the body, obliterates all life force in within the body thoroughly. But also some people by war blade that scorpionkin brandishes, deducts forcefully two|tael half. blood light flashes in the battlefield unceasingly. 一柄柄长枪刺进蝎人体内,彻底磨灭体内的一切生机。但也有人被蝎人挥舞的战刀,硬生生劈成半。血光在战场上不断闪现。 longspear battle formation is extremely fearful, lifting bayonets leave. What brought is piece of ice-cold blood light. 长枪战阵太过可怕,一次次的抬枪刺出。带来的是一片冰冷的血光 The battlefield seems like a fearful flesh mixer. Each instance, can see that some people fall from the sky unceasingly, have foreign race to fall from the sky. In the battlefield, some are only times brandishes weapon, jabs into the flesh hitting the target fearful sound. 战场就好像是一台可怕的血肉搅拌机。每个瞬间,都能看到不断有人陨落,有异族陨落。战场上,有的只是一次次挥舞兵器,刺进血肉中的可怕响声。 Ice-cold but heartless. 冰冷而无情 No matter Xuanhuang Town army or scorpionkin army, probably two|tael ice-cold war machine, in mutual steamroll. 不管是玄黄镇大军还是蝎人大军,都好像是件冰冷的战争机器,在相互碾压。 The battlefield is devour life monstrous beast 战场就是吞噬生命怪兽 This fearful battlefield, intense frigid battle, making on all cultivator faces reveal color of the intense shock. They are cultivator, even before was the Jianghu person, was only good at independent combat, basic(ally) had not seen the true army such slaughtered. Let alone, is battle between cultivator armies, produced destruction, brought shock, is inestimable. 这种可怕的战场,激烈惨烈的厮杀,让所有修士脸上都露出一种强烈的震撼之色。他们是修士,甚至以前是江湖人士,只擅长单打独斗,根本没有看到过真正的军队是这么样厮杀的。何况,还是修士军队之间的厮杀,产生的破坏,带来的震撼,都是不可估量的。 This is the true battlefield. The good fearful war, good terrifying army, that spear formation, wields together, jumps spear/gun glow that projects, can pierce several feet away, wields longspear simultaneously, such spear formation, basic(ally) does not have the means to decode. Only if can suppress thoroughly, does not fear attacking of longspear to kill, death region that otherwise, that is unable to overstep.” “这就是真正的战场么。好可怕的大战,好恐怖大军,那枪阵,一道挥出,迸射出的枪芒,都能洞穿数丈远,同时挥出长枪,这样的枪阵,根本就没有办法破解。除非能彻底镇压,不惧长枪的攻杀,要不然,那就是无法逾越的死亡地带。” This is the war between cultivator. These scorpionkin war blade were too fearful, a blade gets down, officers and soldiers was deducted forcefully two|tael half, the destructive power, may be called terrifying. If in the battlefield, facing such scorpionkin army, facing, definitely has alone not fresh.” “这就是修士之间的战争。那些蝎人战刀太可怕了,一刀下去,一名将士就这么被强行劈成半,破坏力,堪称恐怖。要是在战场上,面对这样的蝎人大军,单独面对,绝对是有死无生。” But, our Xuanhuang Town army must even better, divine machine crossbow, the bow and arrow keep killing, scorpionkin army has lost seriously, they cannot break longspear, each in death. The death quantity, wants many many compared with our humanity army. This war, does not have the suspense. They are impossible to win.” “不过,到底还是我们玄黄镇大军要更胜一筹,神机弩,弓箭不停射杀,蝎人大军已经损失惨重,他们破不开长枪阵,每一刻都在死亡死亡数量,比我们人族大军要多的多。这次战争,已经没有悬念了。他们不可能获胜。” cultivator exude the discussion one after another. 一名名修士接连发出议论声。 Among the looks shocks at the same time, makes the speculation to the result of war. 神色间震撼的同时,也对战争的结局做出推测。 The aspect in battlefield, the advantage has shifted to humanity army on thoroughly. 战场上的局面,优势已经彻底转移到人族大军上。 Not only front is slaughtering with scorpionkin, following divine machine crossbow, archer has not stopped, projected crossbow bolt, tally arrow, making large quantities of scorpionkin fall from the sky, every time in death. 不仅前面在跟蝎人厮杀,后面的神机弩,弓箭手可是一刻都没有停顿,射出的弩箭,符箭,让大批蝎人陨落,每时每刻都在死亡 30,000 scorpionkin army, in an instant on death not under 20,000. 三万蝎人大军,转眼间就死亡不下两万 Throws!!” “扔!!” hōng lóng lóng!! 轰隆隆!! blade-shield soldier has not stopped, in the hand puts out rune bomb, unrestrained/no trace of politeness threw toward scorpionkin army, blasts out, the terrifying strength of erupting instantaneously, making the bodies of many scorpionkin same be ripped the fragment with the rags. 刀盾兵也没有停顿,手中拿出一枚枚的符文炸弹,毫不客气的朝着蝎人大军中扔了进去,瞬间炸开,爆发出的恐怖力量,让不少蝎人的身体跟破布一样被撕成碎片。 Damn mankind.” “该死的人类。” Mo Xie (demon scorpion) stands near altar, in one's eyes reveals a yin gloom ray, he has not thought, same number of army, after the battle, the final result can be the lopsided results unexpectedly. 魔蝎站立在祭坛附近,眼中露出一种阴冷的光芒,他没有想到,同样数量的大军,在交战之后,最终的结果竟然会是一面倒的结局。 That fearful divine machine crossbow, the powerful bow and arrow, and even is indestructible shield wall, terrifying spear formation, in might that in the battlefield erupts, is noticeable, even if he does not want to acknowledge, can look, although own scorpionkin army is fierce, may compare with front humanity army, seems like the irregular troops to slaughter with the regular army. 那可怕的神机弩,强大的弓箭,乃至是坚不可摧的盾墙,恐怖枪阵,在战场上爆发出的威力,都令人瞩目,哪怕是他不想承认,都能看的出,自己的蝎人大军虽然厉害,可跟面前的这支人族大军相比,就好像是杂牌军跟正规军在厮杀。 A battle, is the lopsided aspect. 一交战,就是一面倒的局面。 The heart hitting the target anger with shaming gets angry intensely. 中的怒火与羞怒更加强烈。 Retreats, leaves here.” “撤退,离开这里。” The Mo Xie (demon scorpion) corners of the mouth twitched several, finally issues an order. 魔蝎嘴角抽动了几下,最终发出一道命令。 Orders, immediately, scorpionkin army fast approaches toward altar, in this process, is facing crowded arrow rain as before, has scorpionkin warrior to pour in arrow rain unceasingly, was shot the hedgehog. 命令一下,立即,蝎人大军快速朝着祭坛靠近,在这过程中,依旧面临着密集的箭雨,不断有蝎人战士倒在箭雨中,被射成刺猬。 The looked letting person is alarmed. 看的让人触目惊心。 When to approaches Demon God Altar thoroughly, 30,000 scorpionkin army, only has the 5000~6000 number. 到彻底靠近魔神祭坛时,三万蝎人大军,只剩下五六千的数目。 And, starts to retreat fast toward a tunnel. 并且,开始快速朝着一处地洞撤退进去。 Stops chasing down!!” “停止追杀!!” Yi Tianxing full is looks at that Demon God Altar that dreads, opens the mouth to issue the order. 易天行满是忌惮的看着那座魔神祭坛,开口下达命令。 That Demon God Altar, in his heart, always has one to dread. That summon has truly had Demon God altar, is beyond control he not to dread, if really presents what accident, instead is not he wants to see. 那座魔神祭坛,在他心中,始终都带着一丝忌惮。那是确确实实召唤出过魔神祭坛,由不得他不忌惮,要是真的出现什么变故,反而不是他想要看到的。 Yi Tianxing, today a war, how even if you won. My scorpionkin race, will not perish. In the future, we will also fight again. By that time, is not today's aspect. At that time, the defeat, certainly is your humanity.” 易天行,今日一战,就算你赢了又如何。我蝎人族,是不会灭亡的。将来,我们还会再战。到那时,就不是今天的局面。那时候,败的,一定是你们人族。” Mo Xie (demon scorpion) ice-cold looks to Yi Tianxing, this war, he lost, lost no suspense, but, he will not conclude. He will certainly stage a comeback. scorpionkin army died in battle died in battle, so long as there is Demon God Altar, basically doesn't needs through the normal multiplication, to breed massive scorpionkin warrior. Some altar, anything have, anything possibly exists. 魔蝎冰冷的看向易天行,这一战,他输了,输的毫无悬念,不过,他可不会就此干休。他一定会卷土重来的。蝎人大军战死就战死,只要有魔神祭坛在,根本不需要通过正常的繁衍,就能孕育出大量的蝎人战士。有祭坛在,什么都有,什么可能都存在。 He believes, certainly will fight again, at that time, absolutely is not today such aspect. 他相信,一定会再次交手,那时候,绝对不会是今天这样的局面。 Next time will meet, your Demon God Altar, when may not stop my footsteps, at that time, was you falls from the sky.” Yi Tianxing has not dreaded, sneers was saying. “下次见面,你的这座魔神祭坛,也不在可能会阻拦住我的脚步,那时候,就是你陨落之时。”易天行并没有畏惧,冷笑着说道。 Has scruples altar, he will not easily let off Mo Xie (demon scorpion). 要不是顾忌祭坛,他是不会轻易放过魔蝎 This batch of mankind give to you, but, to seize mankind, but is simple, except for your Xuanhuang Town, mankind of other places, in my in one's eyes, is vulnerable blood feed.” Mo Xie (demon scorpion) ice-cold glance these imprisoned common people, sneers was saying. “这批人类就送给你,不过,要想抓捕人类,不过是再简单不过,除了你玄黄镇,其他地方的人类,在我眼中,都是脆弱不堪的血食。”魔蝎冰冷的扫视一眼那些被囚禁的百姓,冷笑着说道。 mankind, in the wilderness everywhere is, quantity many makes his basically doesn't need deliberately to seek, can hold one in large numbers. 人类,在荒野中到处都是,数量多的让他根本不需要刻意去寻找,就能抓住一大批。 Lost was not a pity, this time upfront slaughtered, was makes him witness the Xuanhuang Town war-making potential, facing, can make the law of corresponding dealing again, next time, absolutely not so distressed suffering defeat and fleeing. 损失了也不可惜,这次的正面厮杀,更是让他亲眼目睹过玄黄镇的战争潜力,再次面对,就能做出相应的应对之法,下一次,绝对不会如此狼狈的败走。 Kills my humanity, deep hatred like a blood sea, absolutely irreconcilable.” “杀我人族,血海深仇,不共戴天。” Yi Tianxing brows rise, in one's eyes flashes through wipes rich killing intentions, in the heart the one types keeps here plan him thoroughly, but, after this thought appears, immediately feels an intense dangerous aura from Demon God Altar. 易天行眉头一挑,眼中闪过一抹浓郁的杀机,心中更有一种将他彻底留在这里的打算,不过,这种念头出现后,立即就从魔神祭坛上感受到一种强烈的危险气息。 Obviously, this Demon God Altar does not look absolutely helplessly scorpionkin race falls from the sky to suffer a defeat and flee thoroughly. 显然,这魔神祭坛绝对不会眼睁睁看着蝎人族彻底陨落败亡。 Endures!! 忍!! After only then has the ability suppresses this Demon God Altar thoroughly, this scorpionkin race, thoroughly extinguishes kills, utterly destroys. 只有等到有能力彻底镇压这座魔神祭坛后,才将这蝎人族,彻底灭杀,斩尽杀绝。 Remaining scorpionkin army starts to evacuate, the speed is extremely fast, in an instant, brings altar to vanish does not see. When leaves, the channel direct disintegration that they evacuate, the avalanche, vanishes into thin air, wants to trace cannot achieve temporarily. 残余的蝎人大军开始撤离,速度极快,转眼间,就带着祭坛消失不见。离开时,他们撤离的通道直接崩碎,崩塌,化为乌有,想要追踪暂时也做不到。 Good, we won, we were saved, we really won, we lived.” “太好了,我们赢了,我们得救了,我们真的赢了,我们活下来了。” Was our mankind won, really won, I am not having a dream.” “是我们人类获胜了,真的赢了,我不是在做梦吧。” This is the mankind army. Bow and arrow that shoots, is so unexpectedly fearful, longspear can puncture the spear/gun glow, the shield can change into shield wall, was different, this world was really different, even foreign race appeared, these legend hitting the target strengths also exist.” “这还是人类的军队吗。射出去的弓箭,竟然如此可怕,长枪能刺出枪芒,盾牌能化为盾墙,不一样了,这世界真的不一样了,连异族都出现了,这些神话传说中的力量也存在。” wū wū wū!! 呜呜呜!! In underground space, suddenly, in common people of these captivity, spreads an intermittent sad and shrill weeping bitterly sound, that is the joyful weeping sound, sees crying loudly of Hope. On faces starts to reveal the Hope appearance. Feels itself to go on living thoroughly, that joy, is from the heart. 在地下空间中,突然间,那些囚禁的百姓中,传出一阵阵凄厉的痛哭声,那是喜悦的哭声,看到希望的嚎哭。一个个脸上开始露出希望的神采。彻底感受到自己可以活下去,那种喜悦,是发自内心的。 very|10 points is intense. Won, this is the war. Among the short moments, are several tens of thousands foreign race fall from the sky, the death number is the quantity. Really brutal bloody. ” Some cultivator also exude one secretly twittering. 十分强烈。赢了,这就是战争么。短短片刻之间,就是数万名异族陨落,死亡的数目达到数量。果真残酷血腥。”有修士也不由暗自发出一声呢喃。 This war, simply is the meat grinder same battlefield. 这种战争,简直就是绞肉机一样的战场。 Brutal bloody to the extreme. 残酷血腥到极点。 Only the strength can survive. Other all, are completely fabricated. 只有实力才能存活下来。其他的一切,全部都是虚妄。 The law of the jungle, in the battlefield, the incisiveness that manifests. 弱肉强食,在战场中,体现的淋漓尽致。 Restrains the ally skeleton, making them bury in Iron-Blood Great Wall.” “收敛战友尸骸,让他们埋葬于铁血长城。” Yi Tianxing looks in the battlefield the innumerable ice-cold corpses, in the time has many humanity corpses. The war, the impossible undying person, is not impossible not to have the casualties, can only reduce as far as possible. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 易天行看着战场上无数冰冷的尸体,期中就有不少的人族尸体。战争,不可能不死人,不可能没有伤亡,只能尽可能的减少。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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