EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#342: Confrontation

line up in formation!!” 列阵!!” Yang Ye exudes one to shout. 杨业发出一声断喝。 hōng hōng hōng!! 轰轰轰!! Entire army starts to fluctuate rapidly. 整支大军开始迅速变幻。 blade-shield soldier before, line up in formation before. longspearman, Divine Machine Battalion is next, archer stands erect finally. 刀盾兵在前,列阵在前。长枪兵在后,神机营次之,弓箭手屹立在最后。 The neat formation, withering army formation, suddenly on neat of arrangement, is simplest, the most direct war square formation, 30,000 soldier sends out somber air, within the body cultivate Iron-Blood Fiend Qi, as if in this moment, including together thoroughly, unified whole, internal qi that sends out is connected, just like a colossus, such as the mountain pressure sweeps across. 整齐的队列,肃杀的军阵,瞬息间就排列的整整齐齐,就是最简单,最直接的战争方阵,三万士兵散发出肃杀之气,体内修炼铁血煞气,似乎在这一刻,彻底连在一起,浑然一体,散发出的气机相连,宛如一尊庞然大物,如山岳般的威压席卷而来。 Open and aboveboard, army line up in formation!! 堂堂正正,军队列阵!! line up in formation!!” 列阵!!” Mo Xie (demon scorpion) saw, the eye pupil concentrates, feels an intense threat from this army formation. However, has not dreaded. Similarly orders. 魔蝎看到,眼瞳一凝,也从这座军阵中感受到一种强烈的威胁。不过,并没有畏惧。同样一声令下。 Shuā!! 刷! scorpionkin race warrior go forward, similarly line up in formation in underground space. In most scorpionkin hands takes is that type like Mo blade same immense war blade, the jet black blade edge is glittering the ice-cold cold light, the formation that although the platoon becomes not very neat, was inferior that in Xuanhuang Town the army is well-trained, but after line up in formation, the immense blade edge, makes the life have the intense threat feeling as before. 一名名蝎人族战士纷纷上前,同样在地下空间列阵。大部分的蝎人手中拿着的都是那种如同陌刀一样的巨大战刀,漆黑的刀锋闪烁着冰冷的寒光,虽然排成的队列不是很整齐,不如玄黄镇中军队训练有素,但列阵后,巨大的刀锋,依旧让人生出强烈的威胁感。 The cruel bloodthirsty in bone, making these scorpionkin not dread slaughters. The shining knife, making entire army send out swift and fierce killing qi. 骨子里的残忍嗜杀,让这些蝎人一点都不畏惧厮杀。明晃晃的刀身,让整支大军都散发出凌厉的杀气 time, in underground space, changes into a stretch of battlefield thoroughly. 时间,地下空间中,彻底化为一片战场。 Side is humanity, side is scorpionkin race. 一面是人族,一面是蝎人族 Frontage relative, the two|tael stock invisible imposing manner initiates the collision sky over the battlefield directly, encounters unceasingly. 正面相对,股无形的气势直接就在战场上空发起碰撞,不断交锋。 somber air, fills the air in the air. 一股肃杀之气,在空气中迷漫。 In front of the true army, that pressure, personally does not experience, is unable to realize that has fearfully how. 在真正的军队面前,那种压力,不是亲身感受,是无法体会到有多么的可怕。 Hit, was really scorpionkin race army. This is the two|tael army faces, the stance of soon battling against.” “打起来了,真的是蝎人族大军。这是军对垒,即将开战的姿态。” Good, had not seen that what before the true army slaughters is, this is the time of competition true strength. However, from the formation, is our Xuanhuang Town side is obviously neater, internal qi extremely powerful that transmits. This does not add first-class at two things. Like a whole. Once moves, will certainly with irresistible force, the earth-shattering.” “好啊,之前还没有看到真正的军队厮杀是什么样的,这是比拼真正实力的时刻。不过,从队形上来看,明显是我们玄黄镇一方更加整齐,传递出的气机都极为强大。这可不是一加一等于二的事情。如同一个整体。一旦动起来,必将势如破竹,天崩地裂。” „When good fearful scorpionkin race army, alone facing had not felt, now line up in formation forms an army, that immense war blade, simply is battlefield ominous tool, a blade chops, even warhorse, will be deducted two|tael by a blade half.” “好可怕的蝎人族大军,单独面对时还不觉得,现在列阵成军,那巨大战刀,简直就是战场凶器,一刀劈下去,就算是一匹战马,都会被一刀劈成半。” At this time, many cultivator have also started to rush, but actually only dares to stand in the battlefield edge, basically doesn't dares to approach. 这时,不少修士也都已经开始赶到,但却只敢站立在战场边缘,根本不敢靠近。 The aura that sends out from two|tael army was really fearful. It seems like two|tael only already terrifying ominous beast that regains consciousness, is preparing life and death to prey to be the same. 大军上散发出的气息实在是太可怕了。就好像只已经苏醒的恐怖凶兽,正准备生死搏杀一样。 Regarding battle of army, Yi Tianxing has not meddled, stands in one side, has not interfered, whatever Yang Ye controls army freely. He is general, controls the army, this is the proper responsibility and power. 对于大军的厮杀,易天行没有插手,站立在一边,没有干涉,任由杨业自由掌控大军。他是将军,掌控军队,这是应有的职责与权力。 Kills!!” “杀!!” Mo Xie (demon scorpion) saw line up in formation to finish, had nothing again hesitant, waved, issued an order, began war thoroughly. 魔蝎看到列阵完毕,再没有任何犹豫,挥手间,发出一声命令,彻底拉开大战的序幕。 hōng hōng hōng!! 轰轰轰!! scorpionkin army hears the order, immediately starts the rapid traverse, their half -and-a-half people of scorpions, move, the speed is extremely fast. immense war blade grasps in the hand, frigid fiend qi sweeps across. Like dark clouds steamroll under. 蝎人大军听到命令,顿时开始快速移动,他们半人半蝎,移动起来,速度极快。巨大战刀纷纷握在手中,惨烈的煞气席卷而来。如同黑云般碾压而下。 The imposing manner is suffocating. 气势令人窒息。 blade-shield soldier, vertical shield!!” Yang Yanding is in blade-shield soldier, exudes one to shout. 刀盾兵,竖盾!!”杨延定就位列在刀盾兵中,发出一声断喝。 Bang!! 轰!! On the first half step, below squats, knees down. immense shield directly before the body ground directly landing vertical shield. Each shield including together with nearby shield, changes into at the same time indestructible shield wall. Keeps off in the forefront directly. 上前半步,下蹲,单膝跪地。巨大盾牌直接朝着身前地面直接落地竖盾。每一块盾牌都跟旁边的盾牌连在一起,化为一面坚不可摧的盾墙。直接挡在最前面。 Follows, longspearman goes forward, appears behind shield wall. The shield is specially-made, even if synthesizes shield wall, on shield wall , the tiny holes, this hole, can only allow that longspear passes through, may actually want accurate incomparable, once accurate insufficient, cannot puncture following the hole, has the lethality to the front enemy, this point, on Xuanhuang Town trains, is a project that in the army in the coordination must train. 跟着,长枪兵上前,出现在盾墙后面。盾牌是特制的,哪怕是合成盾墙,在盾墙上,也有一枚枚细小的孔洞,这孔洞,只能容许长枪从中穿过,可却要精准无比,一旦精准不够,就不能顺着孔洞刺出去,对前面敌人产生杀伤力,这一点,在玄黄镇上训练时,是军中配合中必须要训练的一门项目。 Divine Machine Battalion obeys orders, dead ahead, fire at will!!” 神机营听令,正前方,自由射击!!” The Yang Yanping eye pupil concentrates, looks at scorpionkin army that is close to fast, on the face as before calm, opens the mouth to order decisively. 杨延平眼瞳一凝,看着快速接近的蝎人大军,脸上依旧沉稳,断然开口下令道。 sōu sōu sōu!! 嗖嗖嗖!! divine machine crossbow also raise up, aims at the front battlefield, under the order, start without hesitation touches off the trigger, direct radiation. Ice-cold crossbow bolt such as the squall rainstorm jumps to shoot, appears sky over the battlefield, jumps to shoot toward scorpionkin army that the rush comes. That picture, lets person scalp tingles sufficiently. In the heart was covered by frightened. That picture, too Berserk. 一张张神机弩同时竖起,指向前方战场,在命令下,毫不犹豫的开始扣动扳机,直接发射。一根根冰冷的弩箭狂风暴雨般迸射而出,出现在战场上空,朝着冲杀而来的蝎人大军迸射过去。那画面,足以让人头皮发麻。心中被恐惧所笼罩。那画面,太狂暴了。 Each contains the powerful rune strength, inside is pouring into true qi, jumps to shoot, on crossbow bolt, is glittering the rich ray, brings golden, crossbow bolt, almost most crossbow bolt are armor-breaking arrow. Contains the metal attribute strength, coordinates the divine machine crossbow explosive force, making the crossbow bolt destructive power rise dramatically thoroughly the pinnacle. 每一根都蕴含着强大符文力量,里面更是灌注着真气,迸射而出,在弩箭上,闪烁着浓郁的光芒,带着金色,弩箭,几乎大部分弩箭都是破甲箭。蕴含着金属性的力量,配合神机弩的爆发力,让弩箭的破坏力彻底飙升到极致。 dīng dīng dīng!! 叮叮叮!! On scorpionkin puts on jet black war armor, this war armor is evolved by the scorpion shell. Inborn war armor, has the powerful defense strength, the compared with normal war armor defense strength is strong, pours into true qi, can see the black metallic luster above. In the hand war blade chops to cut unceasingly, jet black blade light glitter before the body, with crossbow bolt collision together, sends out intense thundering. 蝎人身上都穿着漆黑的战甲,这战甲是由蝎壳演变而成。天生的战甲,具有强大防御力,比起正常的战甲防御力还要强,灌注真气,都能在上面看到黑色的金属光泽。手中战刀不断劈斩,一道道漆黑的刀光在身前闪烁,跟弩箭碰撞在一起,发出激烈的轰鸣。 The strength in crossbow bolt containing, is quite astonishing. Even has scorpionkin hitting the target war blade collapsed flying upside down, but also has by war blade cuts off directly, exudes the clear sound, what a pity, blade method is exquisite, facing crowded such as rain crossbow bolt, is still impossible to intercept thoroughly, has crossbow bolt to fall on the body, falls on the armor, encounters with the armor, on war armor the divine light twinkle, letting crossbow bolt must break open war armor defense, is quite difficult. 弩箭中蕴含的力量,极为惊人。甚至有蝎人中的战刀都被崩的倒飞,但也有被战刀直接斩断,发出清脆的响声,可惜,刀法再精湛,面对密集如雨的弩箭,依旧不可能彻底拦截,有弩箭落在身上,落在盔甲上,与盔甲交锋,战甲神光闪烁,让弩箭要破开战甲防御,极为困难。 But armor-breaking arrow is not the wave results in empty fame, the crossbow bolt strength on armor-breaking, under deadlock, breaks open divine light as before forcefully, pierces war armor, jabs into within the body, but when piercing war armor, the strength on crossbow bolt had been consumed most, jabs into within the body, and is unable to pierce the body thoroughly. But also deeply shoots within the body, breaks open the flesh, blood light are gorgeous like the canna flower. 破甲箭可不是浪得虚名,弩箭上的破甲之力,在僵持下,依旧硬生生破开神光,洞穿战甲,刺进体内,只是在洞穿战甲时,弩箭上的力量已经被消耗大半,以至于刺进体内,并无法彻底洞穿身躯。但也深深射进体内,破开血肉,一道道血光如昙花般绚丽。 It is not perhaps fatal, but three, four, the 10 root falls on the body, even is direct hit vital point, pierces the throat, brought only has death, in crossbow bolt, contains the strength of sharp armor-breaking, once enters within the body, will destroy fleshly body recklessly. 一根或许不致命,可三根,四根,根落在身上,甚至是直接命中要害,洞穿喉咙,带来的只有死亡,弩箭中,更是蕴含着锋利的破甲之力,一旦进入体内,也会肆意破坏肉身 Almost at the scene, sees, in the forefront, big piece of scorpionkin in arrow rain, drops down directly one after another, is killed violently at the scene. 几乎当场,就看到,在最前面,一大片的蝎人直接在箭雨中,接连倒下,当场毙命。 That picture, under the wheat like sickle is the same. Harvesting is actually life. 那画面,如同镰刀下的麦子一样。收割的却是一道道生命 But scorpionkin has not dreaded. 蝎人并没有畏惧不前。 Instead unrestrained/no trace of politeness raised the scorpionkin corpse that the ground drops down, regarding is the flesh shield, cross piece unrestrained/no trace of politeness before oneself, advances fast forward, crossbow bolt shoots on the corpse, was blocked by the corpse directly, basically doesn't can pose the threat to corpse following scorpionkin. 反而毫不客气的将地上倒下的蝎人尸体提了起来,当成是血肉盾牌,毫不客气的横档在自己面前,快速向前突进,弩箭射在尸体上,直接被尸体挡住,根本不能对尸体后面的蝎人造成威胁。 Moreover, the scorpionkin army speed was too fast, the both sides army distance, is not longer, basic(ally) makes other to deal without enough time, exchanges other rune crossbow bolt. 而且,蝎人大军的速度太快了,双方大军的距离,更是不算长,根本来不及做出其他应对,换上其他符文弩箭 However, regarding this, Yang Ye does not have the accident/surprise, is facing foreign race to deal with the archer means that the nature has been ready. On second time will not work as again, has prepared the law of decoding. 不过,对此,杨业却丝毫没有意外,在面对过一次异族应对弓箭手的办法,自然早就做好准备。不会再上第二次当,早就准备好破解之法。 archer preparation, inferno arrow, dead ahead, fire at will.” 弓箭手准备,烈焰箭,正前方,自由射击。” Wang Dahu also issues the order in first time. 王大虎也在第一时间发出命令。 shuā shuā shuā!! 刷刷刷!! Immediately, archer hitting the target white bone war bow had been pulled open, the pulled open instance, as can be seen, that tally arrow, is completely inferno arrow. On the bowstring, is glittering the scarlet-red ray. 顿时,弓箭手中的白骨战弓已经被拉开,拉开的瞬间,可以看到,那一根根符箭,全部都是烈焰箭。在弓弦上,闪烁着赤红色的光芒。 The scarlet-red flowing light appear sky over the battlefield, shoot in these corpses. 一道道赤红色的流光出现在战场上空,射进那些尸体之中。 inferno arrow explodes, changes into one group of flame, lights the corpse rapidly, changes into bunch of fireball, lets hold corpse scorpionkin to give up the hand hitting the target meat shield. The body exposes in crowded arrow rain. 烈焰箭爆开,化为一团火焰,迅速将尸体点燃,化为一团团的火球,让抓住尸体的蝎人不得不放弃手中的肉盾。身躯重新暴露在密集的箭雨之中。 Also is large quantities of scorpionkin is killed violently in arrow rain. 又是一大批蝎人箭雨中毙命。 10,000 divine machine crossbow launches the attack simultaneously, the projected crossbow bolt quantity is extremely astonishing. 一万神机弩同时发起攻击,射出的弩箭数量太过惊人。 Crowded like rain. 密集如雨。 Becoming thousand over ten thousand scorpionkin to pour in arrow rain forcefully. The crossbow bolt destructive power, is such overbearing is astonishing. 上万的蝎人硬生生倒在箭雨中。弩箭的破坏力,就是如此的霸道惊人。 Kills!!” “杀!!” However, pays under the deeply grieved casualties price, scorpionkin army has appeared before army formation forcefully. In ice-cold killing sounds, immense jet black war blade also lifts, makes an effort to divide to cut toward front shield wall. Can see the rich point on the blade edge, inside is pouring into powerful true qi, is attack that uses launches full power. Each blade coordinates immense war blade, the destructive power that erupts, as if (similar) can break out the hill. 不过,付出惨痛的伤亡代价下,蝎人大军已经强行出现在军阵前。一道道冰冷的杀音中,巨大的漆黑战刀同时抬起,朝着面前的盾墙用力劈斩下去。在刀锋上能看到浓郁的锋芒,里面都灌注着强大真气,是倾尽全力发起的攻击。每一刀配合巨大战刀,爆发出的破坏力,仿佛连小山都能劈开。 Ding!! 叮!! Bang!! 砰!! war blade chops to cut when the shield, as can be seen, the shield spills over golden light again, changes into at the same time golden shield wall, transmits the powerful defense strength. Exudes sound of gold/metal Tiejiao the calling. Under the blade, boils up sparks/Mars. shield wall, Immovable as a Mountain. 战刀劈斩在盾牌上时,可以看到,盾牌再次泛出金光,化为一面金色盾墙,传递出强大防御力。发出金铁交鸣之声。刀下,迸出火星。盾墙,不动如山 pū pū pū!! 噗噗噗!! Following close on, is seeing, in shield wall, fierce white bone war spear drilled like toxic snake. very|10 points that these longspear present is sudden, basic(ally) cannot imagine, behind shield wall, will puncture fatal longspear directly. Solid bang on forefront scorpionkin. Clear sharp blade pierce the flesh the sound to spread one after another. Blood splashes flash before. 紧跟着,就看到,在盾墙中,一根根狰狞的白骨战枪毒蛇般钻了出来。这些长枪出现的十分突然,根本就想象不到,在盾墙后面,会直接刺出致命的长枪。结结实实的轰在最前面的蝎人身上。一道道清脆的利刃洞穿血肉的响声接连传出。一道道血花闪现。 Large quantities of scorpionkin fall on the battlefield again. 大批蝎人再次倒在战场上。 But following scorpionkin without hesitation, goes forward fast, brandishes war blade, chops to cut again on shield wall, chops the ray that cuts to start gloomily at the visible speed shield wall. Moreover, after being prepared, wields battle lance that from shield wall, the created injury, the direct sharp decline, majority gave way to traffic, be only part is unable to avoid, was pierced by longspear. 但后面的蝎人毫不犹豫,快速上前,挥舞战刀,再次劈斩在盾墙上,将盾墙劈斩的光芒以肉眼可见的速度开始暗淡。而且,有了准备后,从盾墙中挥出的战矛,造成的伤害,直接锐减,大部分都被避让开,只有一部分无法避开,被长枪洞穿。 dīng dīng dīng!! 叮叮叮!! immense war blade times chop to cut on shield wall. 巨大战刀一次次劈斩在盾墙上。 golden shield wall starts to dissipate at the visible speed. 金色盾墙以肉眼可见的速度开始消散。 In this process, divine machine crossbow jumps unceasingly projects crossbow bolt, kills scorpionkin. Above battlefield, ice-cold slaughtering. In front of shield wall, like together natural moat, large quantities of corpse incarnadine grounds. Large quantities of scorpionkin fall from the sky. 在这过程中,神机弩不断迸射出一根根弩箭,将一名名蝎人射杀。战场之上,只有冰冷的杀戮。在盾墙面前,如同一道天堑,大批尸体染红地面。大批蝎人陨落。 Bang!! 砰!! Finally, when brandishes war blade again, golden shield wall, thorough disintegration. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) 终于,再一次挥舞战刀时,金色盾墙,彻底崩碎。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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