EN :: Volume #5 崛起

#341: The fog has killing intentions

right away on Monday, asked to open. Has ticket brothers to give a strength.】 马上就星期一了,求张。有票的兄弟给点力。】 This confusion fog, even if the cultivator eyesight does not have the means easily to pierce, in short time, plays the enormous conceal(mask) role sufficiently. very|10 points is marvelous, although the true lethality, may not in the war, actually be able to play the role that is unable to estimate now. 这种迷雾,就算是修士的眼力都没有办法轻易洞穿,在短时间内,足以起到极大的遮掩作用。十分奇妙,虽然现在并没有真正的杀伤力,可在战争中,却能起到无法估量的作用。 Therefore, after knowing fate aperture that oneself awaken, Wu Yong has not felt dejectedly, instead thought that this is function infinite fate aperture. Good of display, can play many powerful fate aperture not to have the matter that the means achieve. 所以,在知道自己觉醒的命窍后,吴用一点都没有感觉到沮丧,反而觉得这是一种作用无穷的命窍。发挥的好,能起到很多强大命窍都没有办法做到的事情。 To him, coordinates own strategy, instead can play the unexpected effect. 对于他来说,配合自身的谋略,反而能起到出其不意的奇效。 Unexpectedly such fate aperture divine ability.” Yi Tianxing eye one bright, in heart immediately great happiness. “竟然还有这样的命窍神通。”易天行眼睛一亮,心中顿时大喜。 Biggest reason that does not dare easily to attack, has scruples these ordinary common people, in the war, was really frail, frailly, once were involved to slaughter, will become the fragment by grinding easily, vanished into thin air. Casualty completely. This is not he wants. 不敢轻易进攻的最大原因,就是顾忌那些普通百姓,在战争中,实在是太脆弱了,脆弱到一旦卷进厮杀中,会被轻易的碾成碎片,化为乌有。死伤殆尽。这不是他想要得到的。 But, here also has not the short distance from the region of that captivity, even if has confusion fog conceal(mask) line of sight, perhaps will also be seized the opportunity by foreign race, responded, will cause certain damage, but also needs to pass through the region that foreign race army guarded. Has a big risk.” “不过,这里距离那片囚禁的区域还有着不短的距离,哪怕是有迷雾遮掩视线,恐怕也会被异族抓住机会,反应过来,会造成一定的损伤,还需要穿越异族大军镇守的区域。有着不小的风险。” After Wu Yong knits the brows slightly, said. 吴用微微皱眉后说道。 This point is he does not have the means solution. 这一点是他没有办法解决的。 This is underground space, scheme method that can use, it can be said that is few. Many scheme, change because of the place, is made the corresponding dealing method by the environment. 这是地下空间,可以施展的计谋手段,可以说是屈指可数。很多计谋,都是因地而变,由环境而做出相应的应对手段。 Don't worry, so long as you cover entire underground space the bad fog, I have confidence officers and soldiers soldier direct transmission to these imprisoned common people. This distance, but is simple.” “不用担心,只要你将大雾笼罩整个地下空间,我就有把握将士兵直接传送到那些被囚禁的百姓之中。这点距离,不过是再简单不过。” Yi Tianxing self-confident saying. 易天行自信的说道。 Good, does not know when Your Lordship prepares to start.” “好,不知道主公准备什么时候开始。” Wu Yong had not suspected, since Yi Tianxing said that definitely has the means to achieve. 吴用没有怀疑,既然易天行这么说,那肯定是有办法能够做到的。 Solution this point, that all combat plans improve thoroughly, at least does not have the obvious flaw. Good of utilization, can definitely the disadvantageous aspect turn around at one fell swoop thoroughly. 解决这一点,那所有的作战计划就彻底完善,至少没有明显的破绽。运用的好,完全可以一举将不利的局面彻底扭转过来。 Now begins. The quicker the better, these foreign race have prepared to regard the sacrificial offering to offer sacrifices these common people, without too much time waits.” Yi Tianxing taking a deep breath, saying without hesitation: General Yang, waits, is acted by Mr. Wu, makes the bad fog, covers following underground space, then, I will open Space Gate, direct transmission to was imprisoned nearby common people. All armies, follow to enter in turn. This is a bloody battle.” “现在就动手。越快越好,这些异族已经准备将那些百姓当成祭品进行献祭,没有太多时间去等待。”易天行深吸一口气,毫不犹豫的说道:“杨将军,等一下,由吴先生出手,制造出大雾,笼罩下面的地下空间,然后,我会打开空间门,直接传送到被囚禁百姓附近。所有军队,依次跟着进入。这将是一次血战。” humble general understands.” The Yang Ye sinking sound complies to say. 末将明白。”杨业沉声答应道。 Starts!!” “开始!!” Yi Tianxing waves, ordered directly. 易天行一挥手,直接下令道。 Wu Yong has not hesitated, in the hand does not know, put out a feather fan, this feather fan does not know with anything manufacture, but, looked, is not rare treasure, but manufactures with some ominous birds feathers, in hand, some mystical, all over the body are blue, does not know with the feather manufacture of what birds. 吴用没有迟疑,手中不知道什么时候,拿出了一把羽扇,这羽扇不知道用什么东西制作的,不过,看的出,并不是异宝,只是用一些凶禽的羽毛制作出来的,拿在手中,也有些神异,通体是蓝色的,不知道是用什么禽鸟的羽毛制作的。 Shuā!! 刷! Takes the leaf of feather fan in toward underground space. 拿着羽扇朝着地下空间中一扇。 Immediately, saw, bad fog braved from nihility like surging tides baseless. A appearance, fast to the four sides all directions grow like a weed, the speed of spread is really quick, quickly to letting person response without enough time, probably the tide is the same, suddenly, has proliferated, covers the most region. Many scorpionkin race warrior basic(ally) responded without enough time, was covered by confusion fog. 随即,就看到,一股大雾如潮水般凭空从虚无中冒了出来。一出现,就飞快的向四面八方迅速蔓延,蔓延的速度实在是太快,快到让人连反应都来不及,好像是潮水一样,瞬息间,已经扩散开,覆盖住大半的区域。很多蝎人族战士根本来不及反应,就被迷雾所笼罩。 This is underground, how to possibly have confusion fog, is not good, has the enemy to raid. Alert.” “这是地下,怎么可能会有迷雾,不好,有敌袭。戒备。” Mo Xie (demon scorpion) also sees confusion fog that braves suddenly in first time, under this confusion fog covers, line of sight was even affected by immense unexpectedly, basic(ally) does not see clearly nearby scene, in the heart startled at the same time, immediately knows, this definitely has the enemy to initiate the sneak attack, the method, In heart emerges a startled anger. 魔蝎也在第一时间看到突然冒出来的迷雾,这迷雾笼罩下,竟然连视线都受到巨大的影响,根本看不清楚附近的景象,心中一惊的同时,立即就知道,这肯定是有敌人发起偷袭,弄出来的手段。心中不由的涌现出一股惊怒。 Has not thought at this time, some unexpectedly people sneak attack. 没想到在这个时候,竟然有人偷袭。 Shuā!! 刷! Covers the underground space instance in confusion fog, silver-white Space Gate appears before the body instantaneously, the intention moves, has trod. The ray flashes, when Yi Tianxing appears again, has arrived imprisons the humanity common people region. 迷雾笼罩地下空间的瞬间,一尊银白色空间门瞬间出现在身前,心念一动间,已经踏了进去。光芒一闪,易天行再次出现时,已经来到囚禁人族百姓的区域。 In the hand the ray flashes, bronze battle lance has grasped in the hand. 手中光芒一闪,一口青铜战矛已经握在手中。 !! 噗!! battle lance wields, in the , scorpionkin race warrior the response without enough time, saw, the ray flashes, battle lance has pierced the throat directly. The Berserk strength crashes in within the body, the crazy destruction, obliterates within the body life force thoroughly. 战矛挥出,在附近,一名蝎人族战士连反应都来不及,就看到,光芒一闪,战矛已经直接洞穿喉咙。狂暴的力量冲进体内,疯狂破坏,彻底磨灭体内生机 Is killed violently instantaneously. 瞬间毙命。 battle lance draws out, a blood spews out instantaneously. Alarmed, even the pitiful yell sound sends out without enough time, falls from the sky, falls down. 战矛拔出,一股鲜血瞬间喷涌而出。触目惊心,连惨叫声都来不及发出,就这么陨落,倒在地上。 ! ! !! 噗!噗!噗!! Yi Tianxing has not stopped slightly, the under foot step non-stop, in the hand battle lance times wield, battle lance seems like heavenly punishment from heaven to be the same, arrives quickly astonishingly, making scorpionkin under battle lance the opportunity of response not have, the body had been pierced the body by ice-cold battle lance, hit vital point. Each step, wields a lance, makes scorpionkin fall down accordingly, changes into the corpse. 易天行丝毫没有停顿,脚下步伐不停,手中战矛一次次挥出,战矛就好像是来自上天的天罚一样,快到惊人,让战矛下的蝎人连反应的机会都没有,身体就已经被冰冷的战矛洞穿身躯,命中要害。每一步,挥出一矛,都让一名蝎人应声倒在地上,化为尸体。 Every one strikes is such overbearing is astonishing. 每一击都是如此的霸道惊人。 Slaughters, only in this wields the lances. 杀戮,只在这挥矛之间。 By the Yi Tianxing's strength, facing these ordinary scorpionkin, like the bullying, including does not have to the opportunity that they reflect simply, was struck to kill. 易天行的实力,面对这些普通的蝎人,简直就是如同虎入羊群,连给他们反映的机会都没有,就被击杀。 scorpionkin are killed violently instantaneously. 一名名蝎人瞬间毙命。 pū pū pū!! 噗噗噗!! At this moment, as can be seen, Yang Ye and large quantities of officers and soldiers span Space Gate in abundance, appears in the , after appearing, unrestrained/no trace of politeness, longspear wields. 这一刻,可以看到,杨业与大批将士纷纷跨越空间门,出现在附近,出现后,毫不客气,一柄柄长枪挥出。 sōu sōu sōu!! 嗖嗖嗖!! war arrow, crossbow bolt, jumps to shoot in abundance, shoots in confusion fog. In confusion fog, spreads crossbow bolt broken to enter the flesh hitting the target clear sound. 战箭,弩箭,纷纷迸射而出,射进迷雾之中。在迷雾中,传出弩箭破入血肉中的清脆响声。 What's the matter, how to have the bad fog , this is anything. Some people are launching the attack to these foreign race, is humanity, is mankind. We could be saved.” “怎么回事,怎么会有大雾,还有,这是什么。有人在对那些异族发起攻击,是人族,是人类。我们有救了。” Good, we waited till finally. Is our mankind army. humanity hitting the target powerhouse, we could be saved finally.” “太好了,我们终于等到了。是我们人类大军人族中的强者,我们终于有救了。” In all around imprisoned humanity common people, by sudden bad fog making a dumbfoundedness, but right away discovered, in confusion fog, comes out unexpectedly an intense battle sound, the smell of blood is filling the air. Somewhat keen person right away guessed some, who could not see in confusion fog, but actually heard the pitiful yell of scorpionkin. This can also know, come, even if not humanity, is still the scorpionkin race enemy. 在四周被囚禁的人族百姓,也被突如其来的大雾给弄得一阵目瞪口呆,但马上就发现,迷雾中,竟然出来一阵激烈的厮杀声,血腥味在迷漫。有些敏锐的人马上就猜测出一些,谁在迷雾中看不到,但却听到蝎人的惨叫。这也可以知道,来的就算不是人族,也是蝎人族的敌人。 No matter how, the situation is impossible to be worse. Said that is humanity powerhouse rescues, this is in the heart happiest Hope. 不管如何,情况都不可能更坏。说是人族强者来营救,这是心中最美好的希望 Damn mankind, damn Xuanhuang Town, Yi Tianxing, you dare to lead troops to come unexpectedly to sneak attack, goes too far simply, really thinks that my Mo Xie (demon scorpion) is good to bully. My Mo Xie (demon scorpion) stands with your potential not two|tael.” “该死的人类,该死的玄黄镇,易天行,你竟然敢带兵前来偷袭,简直就是欺人太甚,真以为我魔蝎是好欺负的么。我魔蝎与你势不立。” The response of Mo Xie (demon scorpion) is also astonishing, has almost guessed in first time, this definitely came from Xuanhuang Town, from the Yi Tianxing's sneak attack. Nearby this, only then Xuanhuang Town has this strength to launch the attack. 魔蝎的反应同样惊人,几乎在第一时间就已经猜测出,这肯定是来自玄黄镇,来自易天行的偷袭。这附近,只有玄黄镇才有这种实力发起攻击。 The heart hitting the target anger wells up the mind instantaneously, but the calm emanation order said as before: All clansmen, all approach to Demon God Altar, trivial confusion fog, but also cannot cover the altar ray.” 中的怒火瞬间就涌上脑海,但依旧沉着的发出命令道:“所有族人,全部向魔神祭坛靠近,区区迷雾,还遮挡不住祭坛的光芒。” On Demon God Altar has a mysterious strength, keeping confusion fog basic(ally) from approaching altar, was scattered by a strength forcefully, in the surrounding area 10 zhang (3.33 m), does not have confusion fog to cover to approach. 魔神祭坛上有种神秘力量,让迷雾根本无法靠近祭坛,就被一股力量强行驱散,方圆丈内,都是没有迷雾能够覆盖靠近。 scorpionkin complies with the order, approaches toward altar fast. 蝎人遵从命令,快速朝着祭坛靠近。 In this process, unceasing dealing jumps the unexpected blow that shoots, they regarding sensation very|10 points powerful of danger, most war arrow were divided the unhesitating to break by war blade. But has many scorpionkin to be killed by divine machine crossbow as before instantaneously. 这过程中,更是不断的应对迸射过来的冷箭,他们对于危险的感知十分强大,大部分战箭都被战刀劈斩截断。但依旧有不少的蝎人瞬间被神机弩射杀。 pēng pēng pēng!! 砰砰砰!! In fierce bellows, the strength of ice and fire bursts out, scorpionkin by being split up that rune bomb explodes directly, is seriously injured. In confusion fog, brings the endless fear. 一道道剧烈轰鸣声中,冰火之力迸发,一名名蝎人符文炸弹直接炸的四分五裂,身受重伤。在迷雾中,更是带来无尽的恐惧。 rune bomb, is really Xuanhuang Town, Yi Tianxing, you are quite mean.” The Mo Xie (demon scorpion) tooth must bite, exudes one to angrily roar. 符文炸弹,果然是玄黄镇,易天行,你好卑鄙。”魔蝎牙齿都要咬碎,发出一声怒吼。 In confusion fog, no one replied. 迷雾中,没有人回答。 Given reply, is more violent arrow rain. 给予的回答,就是更加猛烈的箭雨 Ice-cold crossbow bolt carries over together flow of light, shuttles back and forth in confusion fog. 冰冷的弩箭带出一道道流光,在迷雾中穿梭。 Fast will imprison scorpionkin of humanity common people region to meet continuous fire to kill. The smell of blood is getting more and more rich in underground space. Floods in the nose. 快速的将囚禁人族百姓区域的蝎人连射杀。血腥味在地下空间中越来越浓郁。充斥在鼻中。 Merely in a minute, have several thousand scorpionkin to fall from the sky in invisible slaughtering. 仅仅片刻间,就有数蝎人陨落在无形的杀戮中。 Unknowingly , fills the air as can be seen in underground space hitting the target confusion fog, starts to dissipate. 不知不觉中,可以看到,迷漫在地下空间中的迷雾,开始消散。 Rapidness that the rapidness that this confusion fog comes, goes. By Wu Yong cultivation base, basic(ally) could not support is too long. Now has reached the limit. 迷雾来的快,也去的快。以吴用修为,根本支撑不了太久。如今已经达到极限。 In an instant, all confusion fog have dissipated. Entire underground space, reappears in line of sight. 转眼之间,所有迷雾已经消散。整个地下空间,也重新出现在视线中。 Imprisoned common people, opened the eye, wants to know, who the come outcome is, is mankind or other foreign race, in that vision, brings Hope. But when seeing Yi Tianxing wait/etc. wore neat war armor, weapon army, on the faces of countless person reveals the joyful color. 被囚禁的百姓,更是睁大了眼睛,想要知道,前来的究竟是什么人,是人类还是其他异族,那目光中,带着希望。而在看到易天行等身穿整齐战甲,兵器大军时,无数人的脸上露出欣喜之色。 Numb desperate Mind, start regains consciousness gradually. 麻木绝望的心灵,也不由的开始渐渐苏醒。 All around looks joyfully pours in ground scorpionkin, the innermost feelings is hard in the spoken language to describe. 看着四周倒在地上的蝎人,内心的喜悦更加难以用言语来形容。 Is mankind, is our humanity army.” “是人类,是我们人族的军队。” Good, some people saved us finally. Too was really good.” “太好了,终于有人来救我们了。真是太好了。” We did not need to be eaten finally, we could be saved.” “我们终于不用被吃掉了,我们有救了。” These common people cannot bear wild with joy, exudes cheers, how not to have thought, in the despair, will suddenly present Hope. This Hope comes was too sudden, the major rises of life, are really exciting, making them want to urinate. 那些百姓更是忍不住狂喜,发出一阵欢呼声,怎么都没有想到,会在绝望中,突然出现希望。这希望来的太突然了,人生的大起大落,实在是太刺激,让他们都想要尿尿。 Really is you, Yi Tianxing, you dare to pursue unexpectedly, initiates the sneak attack, really thinks that my scorpionkin race is the fruit cake, is good to bully.” The Mo Xie (demon scorpion) ice-cold gaze on Yi Tianxing, the pale complexion appears to wipe to get angry red. “果然是你,易天行,你竟然敢追赶过来,发起偷袭,真以为我蝎人族是软柿子,好欺负么。”魔蝎冰冷的注视在易天行身上,苍白的脸色浮现出一抹怒红。 called a king if successful, called a bandit if defeated, heavenly dao saṃsāra. You can sneak attack to attack my Xuanhuang Town, why not I sneak attack your scorpionkin race, the idle talk little said, fights excessively life and death. I do not believe, Demon God can save you.” 成王败寇,天道轮回。你能偷袭攻伐我玄黄镇,那我偷袭你蝎人族又有何不可,废话少说,来战过分生死。我就不相信,还有魔神能救你。” Yi Tianxing sneers is looking to Mo Xie (demon scorpion). 易天行冷笑着看向魔蝎 While chaotic, strikes to add up totals thousand scorpionkin warrior. Now opposite party scorpionkin warrior quantity, be only about 30,000, military of both sides, is it can be said that more or less flat. At same stage. 趁乱中,足足击杀数蝎人战士。现在对方蝎人战士的数量,也只有三万左右,双方的兵力,可以说是基本持平。处在相同的阶段。 Good, that fights personally, having a look at your humanity army to be fierce, is my scorpionkin race army is stronger.” Mo Xie (demon scorpion) vision ice-cold saying. ( to be continued )). If you like this work, welcome you to come the beginning() to throw , your support, is I biggest power. Mobile phone user welcome to reading.) “好,那就亲自战一场,看看你人族大军厉害,还是我蝎人族大军更强。”魔蝎目光冰冷的说道。(未完待续))。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点()投、,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。手机用户请到阅读。)
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